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Lavender Alleviates Symptoms of Migraine Headaches

by: Susan Kay-Lavery

(NaturalNews) Gentle and soothing, the common herb lavender has strong analgesic effects useful for treatment of migraines and migraine-related depression. Migraine headaches are a neurological condition accompanied by debilitating and excruciating pain. Migraine sufferers often experience "missing time" for hours or days, are unable to function at full capacity and experience blinding pain from which there is little relief. Migraine headache symptoms such as fogginess, cognitive loss, confusion and visual symptoms often linger long after the headache has resolved. Strong, pain killers may be prescribed as migraine cures, including narcotics, which leave the person groggy and befuddled.

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Although the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine asserts there has been no scientific evidence attesting to the efficacy of lavender for symptoms of migraine headaches, anecdotal evidence from alternative healthcare practitioners and patients points to its efficacy as a pain reliever, something herbalists have know for centuries. Lavender relieves the pain of migraine headaches and prevents the onset of a new headache.

Inflammation and Anti-spasmodic Effects of Lavender for Symptoms of Migraine Headaches

The scent of lavender is soothing and reduces migraine-related inflammation in the blood vessels according to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). Lavender flowers contain compounds that have medicinal properties, and their aroma gently sedates migraine headache symptoms. Additionally, they act as an anti-spasmodic on inflamed blood vessels and small muscles of the scalp, neck and around eyes helping them to relax according to Phyllis A. Balch in her book, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing."

Migraine Headache Relief for Depression, Anxiety and Stress

Conditions such as anxiety and stress are two of the many migraine causes reported by patients. Lavender's effects for relieving symptoms of depression and soothing anxiety are well known to herbalists, and its aroma is stimulating to the senses increasing cognitive powers, explains Balch. The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) discusses lavender's ability to help reduce stress, lower anxiety levels and improve the mood of headache patients on exposure to its scent. The soothing medicinal features of this aromatic blue herb are of great benefit in relieving migraine headache symptoms in sufferers for whom depression or anxiety is a concomitant during a headache.

Lavender Relieves Migraine Headache Symptoms of Insomnia and Exhaustion

Lavender helps induce relaxation and sleep in people who suffer from insomnia as well as for those suffering from migraine headache pain, explains UMMC. There is now scientific evidence that suggests that aromatherapy using lavender helps soothe the activity of the nervous system by promoting relaxation and helping people feel more positive. Aromatherapists use lavender as a tonic with inhalation therapy to stimulate the senses and reduce exhaustion, which may be what causes migraines in some patients. Exhaustion and weakness may accompany the migraine headache and lavender's effects work to rejuvenate patients who have to deal with chronic pain and little sleep for days at a time.

Nausea Relief in Migraine Cures from Lavender

Nausea is present in the majority of people who complain of migraine headaches due to inflammation of the Vegas nerve. Lavender flowers are approved for use as a medicinal tea in Germany to relieve migraine headache symptoms and nausea, reports UMMC. The tea can also be used for restlessness, insomnia and nervous stomach irritations accompanying migraine headaches. Steep a teaspoon of dried lavender flowers in a tea ball inserted into a cup of hot water and make a delicious tea. Add a touch of raw honey to sweeten.

Nothing can stop a person in their tracks faster than a migraine headache, and knowing how to treat migraines and depression before the symptoms become overbearing is very self-empowering. Grow a lavender plant in the kitchen window and dry the flowers for fresh, natural and effective migraine cures.

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