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Naturally Treat Digestive Problems with Tissue Cell Salts

by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Mineral salts found in the earth's rocks and soil are necessary in order for the human body to function as it should. Minerals that are vital for good overall health are generally leached from the soil due to modern agricultural practices in which chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers are commonly used. For those with digestive problems, tissue cell salts can provide a simple, non-toxic way to relieve symptoms. Visit a naturopathic practitioner or a qualified homeopath if symptoms are severe or do not ameliorate with time.


Digestive Problems due to Acidity

Nat. Phos. (tissue salt no. 10) is the mineral salt which is an acid neutralizer.

Digestive problems such as sour reflux, ulcers, heartburn, nausea and discomfort indicate a Nat. Phos. deficiency. In cases where the body is overly acidic, acid gets deposited in the joints, which can result in painful inflammation. Take 2 tablets as symptoms occur and more every hour or so or until discomfort eases.

Excess stomach acid can be avoided by eating foods that are more alkaline, such as almonds and leafy vegetables. Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol. Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs as they may predispose a person to excess stomach acid.

Foods rich in Nat. Phos. include asparagus, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, carrots, peaches, apricots and apples.

Stomach Cramps and Heartburn

Mag. Phos. (tissue salt no. 8) is the cell salt which relieves heartburn, colic and flatulence. Lack of magnesium can cause stomach cramps and even severe diarrhea. According to Dr.John Miller, "Magnesium acts as a stimulant in the creation and development of enzymes that are essential to process our food".

Magnesium in the soil is vital for a healthy crop of vegetables, especially root vegetables. A deficiency will cause carrots and sweet potatoes to be misshapen, blemished and small. When growing an organic garden, make sure that the soil is rich in magnesium in order to encourage the growth of a healthy crop of vegetables.

Foods rich in Mag. Phos. include walnuts, figs, lentils, bananas, oranges and green leafy vegetables.

Nervous Indigestion

Kali. Phos. (tissue salt no. 6) helps individuals to cope with life's pressures. It has a calming effect, especially where there is nervous tension or "butterflies in the stomach" before an event or exam. This tissue salt can therefore assist with digestive problems related to stress.

Kali. Phos. is a cleanser of putrefactive conditions such as gas, diarrhea and infections of the gastric tract. Take 2 tablets four to six times throughout the day.

Foods rich in Kali. Phos include onions, garlic, cauliflower, broccoli, olives, oats, lemons, guavas, apples and dates.

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