Ask Utopia Silver

Silver Generator Inquiry

Hi Utopia Silver,
Are there any special precautions when creating the silver, ie does the solution need to be stirred at intervals?  How long will those three batteries last?  How do I know when to change the silver probes? I am also curious about your colloidal gold, I have been reading about the health benefits and I am intrigued. Do you sell a colloidal gold generator by chance?

Warm regards,
Gregory in Florida


Hi Gregory,
It need not be stirred. The batteries should make several gallons of silver depending on the strength of your production. The positive electrode will erode and get thinner and thinner as you make silver. After a point, it will need to be changed. The thinner the electrode the less efficient the producttion.

We have just released for sale a 120 VAC x 48 VDC unit that never needs batteries.

This 120VAC silver generator also makes a very good colloidal copper, but gold is very difficult to make and to tell you the truth we have not had time to test it with gold. We use a ‘commercial’ unit to make our gold that is cost prohibitive for home use, but I am working on a variation of the 120VAC unit that I hope will make a reasonable quality of gold. Keep checking back. I may have an answer in 1-3 weeks.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315

Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness. All opinions and information presented by me are done as an exercise of our God-given unalienable right of free speech.

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