by: Ethan A. Huff
(NaturalNews) Efforts to get more communities in the UK fluoridated appear to be failing, as a recent decision by officials in Southampton, a city roughly 80 miles southwest of London, refused a proposed water fluoridation plan. In a 2 – 1 decision, city officials ultimately sided with opponents of the plan who insisted that the city keep its water toxin free.
But massive outcry from groups like Hampshire Against Fluoridation (HAF), which sent open letters to all 48 elected officials demanding that they oppose the plan, as well as a petition signed by 6,000 local citizens, ultimately overruled the decision.
The UK government has tried repeatedly to fluoridate more water systems in the UK — only about ten percent of public water supplies in the UK are fluoridated, and some of these contain just naturally-occurring fluoride — but their efforts have failed. UK citizens simply do not want a toxic poison added to their drinking water, no matter what the "experts" claim concerning its alleged health benefits.
Back in the US, several cities in Tennessee have recently decided to remove fluoride from their water supplies. The middle Tennessee town of Hohenwald, for example, recently axed its water fluoridation program (…), and Spring Hill, a suburb of Nashville, voted just days before that to stop fluoridating its water supply .
In each one of these cases, including in Southampton, pressure from the public, as well as from various advocacy groups that represent it, were directly responsible for stopping the fluoride agenda. Now is the time for willing individuals from fluoridated cities and towns across the country and world to step up and initiate similar fluoride opposition efforts in their areas, and effectively help propel the momentum towards a fluoride-free world.