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Treat Depression Naturally and Avoid Harmful Drugs

by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Depression is a prolonged feeling of unhappiness and gloom. The condition can range from a short spell of "the blues" to chronic long term sadness, which may have its start or be exacerbated by events in a person`s life, such as a death in the family, divorce, retirement or childbirth. Someone with chronic depression may contemplate suicide. In many cases, over-the-counter or prescription medicines only seem to worsen the condition. There are herbal, homeopathic and aromatherapy methods and supplements which may help sufferers.

Herbal Remedies for Depression

Herbs that can be taken for depression include balm, borage, limeflower, oats, rosemary and vervain. These can be taken as herbal teas, taken in tablet form or added to bath water. Oats in the diet contain a rich source of antidepressant B vitamins.

Tissue Salts for Depression

Biochemic tissue cell salts are made from the minerals that are found in the rocks and soil of the earth. These minerals should be present in our food and bodies for balanced health. Due to modern agricultural practices, many vital minerals are leached from the soil and this can cause a mineral deficiency in the human body.

Taking tissue salts is a gentle, non-toxic way of finding relief for depression. Follow the dosage recommendations that come with each bottle of tissue salts.

Kali. Phos., tissue salt no. 6, is one of the most important tissue salts for the over-emotional and will help to elevate the mood during the times a sufferer feels depressed, desperate or anxious.

Nat. Mur., tissue salt no. 9, helps the clinically depressed and should be taken regularly to lessen feelings of despair, listlessness, lack of joy and gloom.

Nat. Sulph., tissue salt no. 11, alleviates feelings of despondency, insomnia and irritability. It is a particularly good salt for those who suffer with manic depression.

Taking a combination of Kali. Phos., Nat. Mur. and Nat. Sulph. is an excellent mood-lifter and natural tranquillizer.

Homeopathy for Depression

For those who are severely depressed, a qualified homeopath will be able to make a full evaluation and prescribe the correct treatment and dosage to ameliorate their condition.

Specific remedies include:

Aurum for feelings of worthlessness, suicidal feelings and self-loathing,
Pulsatilla for over-sensitivity, tendency to cry easily, fear and depression,
Ignatia for depression due to an external cause, such as bereavement or emotional trauma.

Aromatherapy for Depression

There are several essential oils with antidepressant properties, which can be used in the bath, in a vaporizer or during a massage to help the depressed individual to cope. These include neroli, jasmine, geranium, melissa and rose. Ylang ylang, lavender and chamomile can work as a sedative and antidepressant.

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