Ask Utopia Silver

Silver Generator Inquiry

Hi Utopia Silver,
Are there any special precautions when creating the silver, ie does the solution need to be stirred at intervals?  How long will those three batteries last?  How do I know when to change the silver probes? I am also curious about your colloidal gold, I have been reading about the health benefits and I am intrigued. Do you sell a colloidal gold generator by chance?

Warm regards,
Gregory in Florida


Hi Gregory,
It need not be stirred. The batteries should make several gallons of silver depending on the strength of your production. The positive electrode will erode and get thinner and thinner as you make silver. After a point, it will need to be changed. The thinner the electrode the less efficient the producttion.

We have just released for sale a 120 VAC x 48 VDC unit that never needs batteries.

This 120VAC silver generator also makes a very good colloidal copper, but gold is very difficult to make and to tell you the truth we have not had time to test it with gold. We use a ‘commercial’ unit to make our gold that is cost prohibitive for home use, but I am working on a variation of the 120VAC unit that I hope will make a reasonable quality of gold. Keep checking back. I may have an answer in 1-3 weeks.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315

Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness. All opinions and information presented by me are done as an exercise of our God-given unalienable right of free speech.

Natural Remedies


by Dr S. Tamer

(NaturalNews) Asthma is a serious, sometimes life-threatening respiratory disease that affects the quality of life for millions of Americans. Asthma causes swelling and irritation in your airways, making it hard for you to breathe. Asthma costs in Eastern Missouri total more than $75 million in lost school time, lost work time, and medicine and emergency room visits.

Asthma can be controlled by taking medicine and avoiding the triggers that can cause an attack. Asthma attacks can be triggered by things like mold growing on your shower curtain or tiny dust mites that live in blankets, pillow, or your child's stuffed animals. There are many studies that have looked at a variety of ways to reduce the development of asthma, some successful and some not. Although there is no cure for asthma yet, asthma can be controlled through medical treatment and management of environmental triggers.


Symptoms vary widely from person to person and from situation to situation. Many people can have symptoms for years without being diagnosed, while others are mistakenly diagnosed with asthma. There are certain symptoms of asthma, including: tightness in the chest, wheezing sound, shortness of breath, persistent cough, and increased pulse or heart rate.


Even though asthma is a lifelong disease, treatment can control it and allow you to live an active life. Most asthma treatments include the use of short and long-term medications as well as some environmental monitoring and modifications. As with all types of medical treatments, not all patients will respond in the same way to each type of environment or possible problem. There are several alternative medicines for asthma and for some asthmatics the treatments are much more effective than the use of steroids. A variety of complementary and alternative medical therapies are now being used in the treatment and prevention of asthma. Alternative asthma therapies include diet, yoga, and breathing

Breathing exercises:

Asthma patients tend to have abnormal breathing patterns. Several breathing exercises are presented, all focusing on breathing patterns and on imagining that healing is occurring with breathing. Do any of the breathing exercises only as long as you're comfortable. Breathing deeply helps eliminate poisons from the cells, and also enhances immunity, since the lymphatic system is actually part of the immune system. These are best learned via practical demonstration from an instructor; attempting to perform more advanced yoga breathing exercise methods without adequate instruction can result in injury.


Acupuncture is a safe, painless alternative for treating: Arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain and carpal tunnel, allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems, anxiety, insomnia and stress. A 2001 placebo-controlled study of acupuncture for 192 people with bronchial asthma found that acupuncture improves bronchial permeability. Another study suggests improvement in the quality of life for patients with clinically stable, chronic obstructive asthma when conventional care is combined with acupuncture. By improving your health, acupuncture can help reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. Another acupuncture treatment, cupping also aids in the relief of asthma symptoms. Always check with your doctor before starting any asthma treatment or managment program.

Living By Grace

Balanced Fitness Begins With God

The Best Years In Life

Spinning the Truth About Another Vitamin Study

By Tony Isaacs

The National Cancer Institute has announced a halt to its $114 million study of whether vitamin E and selenium can prevent prostate cancer, saying that they cannot and that they might even cause slightly elevated risks for more prostate cancer and diabetes.  However, upon further examination it becomes apparent that the study was flawed to begin with due to the forms of vitamin E and selenium chosen for the study.

Instead of the natural forms of the two supplements, the study opted to use a synthetic petroleum based form of vitamin E and a form of selenium derived from industrial ore processing byproducts.  The flawed study also illustrates how easy it is to manipulate studies on natural alternatives to the highly profitable drugs and treatments of mainstream medicine.

The safety panel for the 35,000-man study called SELECT (SELenium and vitamin ECancer prevention Trial) called for a halt when an early look at the data showed no benefit for the treatment "at least not in the formulations and dosages used in the study."  And therein lies the rub.  While the dosages may have been sufficient (400 milligrams of vitamin E and 200 micrograms of selenium), the formulations were not.
Study participants were told to stop taking the two pills they'd been taking every day since the trial opened in 2001. The men received either vitamin E (400 milligrams) and selenium (200 micrograms), vitamin E and placebo, selenium and placebo, or placebos alone.

The study was initially undertaken because two previous even larger studies showed that taking vitamin E resulted in a 32% lower rate of prostate cancer and taking selenium resulted in a 60% lower incidence of prostate cancer.

How is it then possible that a new study would find no reductions, and even slight increases in prostate cancer as well as diabetes from taking a common vitamin and mineral? The answer is that it is not possible unless the study was flawed, perhaps deliberately so – which has been known to happen over and over when it comes to natural competition to patented drugs and treatments.

Perhaps not accidentally, the flawed design of the study and the ordering of the halt not only enabled the NCI to state that there was no benefit from taking the two supplements, but even go so far as to include a warning of sorts:

There were slightly more prostate cancers in men taking vitamin E alone, and slightly more diabetes in men taking only selenium. But neither finding was statistically significant, meaning they were likely due to chance.

"The data to date suggest, but does not prove, that vitamin E may slightly increase the chance of getting prostate cancer, and that selenium may increase the chance of getting diabetes mellitus," warns a letter sent to study participants by the Southwest Oncology Group, which ran the NCI-funded study.

Absolutely ridiculous to even think that natural vitamins and minerals found in a healthy diet would not be beneficial, much less be detrimental!

In addition to the caveat about the formulations and dosages and the results of the previous studies, the key paragraphs in the story, as reported in WebMD,  appear to be these:

"The SELECT findings dash hopes raised by these earlier studies, says Edward M. Messing, MD, professor and chairman of urology and deputy director of the Cancer Center at the University of Rochester, N.Y. Messing serves as a SELECT study investigator.

"I am afraid it will be the end of the story for large trials of vitamin E and selenium to prevent prostate cancer," Messing tells WebMD. "For vitamin E, that is unfortunate. Probably if given in a more effective form, it would be a protective or even therapeutic agent."

Those revealing paragraphs indicate that the end of the study will be the end of large trials for vitamin E and selenium – which was very likely a desired result, since it will now be highly unlikely that vitamin E or selenium will be studied in the forms that actually offer therapeutic and preventive benefit.

When one examines the study itself, it becomes apparent what Dr. Messing was referring to.
Instead of using the natural form of Vitamin E considered most beneficial for health, d-alpha-tocopherol acetate, they used dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate. The "d" designation in front of the "alpha" indicates that the products are derived from natural sources such as vegetable oils or wheat germ. A prefix of "dl", such as in dl-alpha- tocopherol, shows that the vitamin has been synthesized from a petroleum base.

Research has shown that the synthetic form of alpha-tocopherol acetate is considerably less effective than its natural equivalent in raising the blood plasma level of Vitamin E and in preventing peroxide hemolysis even when ingested at equivalent IU levels.

Vitamin E, in the natural form of alpha-tocopherol, is most valued for it's anti-oxidant properties. Several other functions of alpha-tocopherol have been identified that are not likely related to its antioxidant capacity. For instance, alpha-tocopherol is known to inhibit the activity of protein kinase C, an important cell-signaling molecule. Alpha-tocopherol appears to also affect the expression and activities of molecules and enzymes in immune and inflammatory cells. Additionally, alpha-tocopherol has been shown to inhibit platelet aggregation and to enhance vasodilation.

Likewise, the form of selenium used for the test, selenomethionine, though the most popular form of selenium found in supplements, is most commonly produced from selenide in sulfide ores such as those of copper, silver, or lead. It is obtained as a byproduct of the processing of these ores, from the anode mud of copper refineries and the mud from the lead chambers of sulfuric acid plants. These muds can be processed by a number of means to obtain free selenium.

The best form of selenium for overall health is the organic form found in the diet. Brazil nuts contain the highest amounts of selenium than any other known food type. It is also possible to obtain selenium through other nuts, grains and seafood. Livestock who are allowed to graze on grains grown in soil containing selenium, will typically contain selenium within their meat.

When it comes to fighting cancer, recent anticancer research has focused on the compound Methyselenocysteine. Methyselenocysteine is found naturally in some vegetables including garlic, brassicas, leeks, and onions, especially when these are grown in high selenium soil. Methylselenocysteine is easily converted to methylselenol which has been demonstrated to be an effective anticancer form of selenium. Rather than killing cancer cells by necrosis, methylselenol kills cancer cells through apoptosis. Apoptosis is a orderly process of cellular self-destruction that does not provoke inflammatory responses. Methylselenol is also known to inhibit angiogenesis in beginning cancer tumors. Angiogenesis, the creation of new blood vessels, is necessary for cancer cells to grow into a tumor.  

The many benefits of selenium, in addition to it's cancer fighting abilities, include its ability to boost the body’s immune system and protect it against disease such as heart disease. Selenium is required to activate various key enzymes, including the antioxidant glutathione peroxidase, the metabolic enzyme thioredoxin reductase, and the thyroid-hormone-activating enzyme iodothyronine deiodinase.  Additionally, selenium assists the body with maintaining proper control of the thyroid gland.

Individuals who have a deficiency in selenium are often reported as becoming much more susceptible to infections, bacteria and other illnesses.
It is not surprising to see yet another flawed mainstream study regarding vitamins and minerals.  In any such study, the keys to examine any such study are usually:

1. Who funded the study

2. How were the study participants screened

3. What forms of supplements were used (normally the least effective and synthetic forms are used in such studies)

4. What were the dosage amounts (normally much less than a therapeutic dose is administered and

5. Whether the items studied would represent a threat to the profits of mainstream drugs and treatments.

In the case of the SELECT study on Vitamin E and selenium, the fact that the study was funded by the National Cancer Institute is itself reason for suspicion, since the cancer and drug industry ties to the NCI are well documented.  Screening and dosage amounts aside, the forms of vitamin E and selenium chosen doomed the study from the start.

In the final analysis, it appears that the halted SELECT study, rather than being a valid study on the prostate fighting properties of vitamin E and selenium is merely the latest in a line of flawed studies that make it appear that vitamins and minerals which might pose a risk to the profits of the big pharma companies patented drugs and mainstream treatments are unproven or unsafe.  And once again we see the old truism that if something works which is also safe, cheap and non-patentable, it will not likely ever be approved or accepted by mainstream medicine.

Note: Although many would not recommend either Vitamin E or selenium in mega therapeutic doses or as primary cancer fighters, adequate amounts of both are essential in maintaining good health in modest amounts and are likely helpful in fighting cancer for that reason alone, not to mention the benefits found in previous studies.  Selenium is particularly helpful for maintaining good liver health – a critical consideration when fighting cancer.

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Experience the Benefits of Utopia Silver Skin Care Bars

(Product Review By Natural News)
by Aria Milan

(NaturalNews) The allure of gold and silver has held humanity's captivation throughout history. The true reason behind this appeal, beyond the symbol of wealth, is not known but there have been many postulations. When one is familiar with the properties of silver, then it's easy to assume that the long held value of this precious metal is beholden to its medical uses and applications. Silver is a potent bacteria fighter and its use in dressing wounds dates back to Ancient Rome, reportedly by Pliny the Elder. Today it is used in hospitals as an anti-septic. If silver is prized for keeping illness away, gold's true value may lie in its ability to augment health. With these two concepts in mind, Utopia Silver Supplement Company presents Colloidal Gold and Colloidal Silver Bar Soaps that provide benefits beyond those of other body cleansers.

Utopia Silver Supplement Company is based out of Utopia, Texas and specializes in colloidal silver and colloidal gold health products. This is a small company that sells very effective products and has been targeted by the FDA for standing by the health claims of customers who've used their supplements and found them to be helpful in treating specific ailments. Mike Adams has recently covered this sweep operation by the FDA to "punish" various supplement companies that make truthful claims on the effectiveness of their products. You can read about Utopia Silver Supplement Company's long battle with the FDA in an article written by Tony Isaacs titled A Small Supplement Company's Fight for Health Freedom ( .

Colloidal Silver Skin and Scalp Bars

A soap that contains bacteria fighting properties is a great concept in theory, but not in application when one uses a conventional soap. Many antibacterial soaps on the market contain harmful chemicals, such as triclosan, that not only kill bacteria but can kill the user over time. This may sound like an alarmist statement but to a person with an overburdened immune system, it is not. There is a naturally effective alternative to chemical antibacterial soaps that is safe for everyday use — Colloidal Silver Bar Soaps.

Silver has been prized throughout history not only for its use in currency but also medically as a powerful anti-septic. People in the early 1900's used to drop silver coins in milk bottles to keep the milk fresh. Silver was used to stave off infection during World War I before the widespread use of antibiotics. Many test results show that silver is deadly to over 650 single-celled organisms without having a toxic effect on humans.

Utopia Silver has taken its colloidal silver and formulated it into a soap bar. The colloidal silver used in this product is made with .9999 silver in pure deionized water from the Edwards Aquifer of Texas and contains no gelatins, no animal proteins, no salts and no nitrates. The nanometer sized particles provide a silver surface area that allows for maximum antibacterial action. This bar soap makes a great antibacterial hand cleanser without the carcinogens found in many commercial hand soaps. According to company owner Ben Taylor, this soap can also be used to brush your teeth and gums — it eliminates plaque and gum disease and does not contain fluoride.

Colloidal Gold Skin and Scalp Bars

Gold is the ultimate precious metal and has been coveted for its use in jewelry. But its true value may lie in its health benefits. Dating back to the Egyptian use of this metal for its anti-aging properties, it was also cherished for its mental focus enhancing abilities and as a mood up-lifter. According to Utopia Silver, a recent study demonstrated that ingesting colloidal gold liquid increased a subject's IQ by four points. The colloidal gold contained in these soap bars are made with 24 karat gold and is the same colloidal gold that's being used in the formulation of some of Europe's most elite anti-aging cosmetics and facial creams.

Both the colloidal silver and colloidal gold soaps also contain:

* Plant minerals derived from prehistoric humic shale – Provides 75 essential trace minerals to be absorbed through the skin.

* Aloe Vera – Aids the skin's natural ability to heal tissue and rejuvenate skin cells.

* Essential Oils of Vanilla, Lavender, and Juniper – These oils help to relieve nervous tension and uplift mood.

* Other Ingredients: Sodium Cocoate, Sodium Palmate, Castor Seed Oil, Safflower Seed Oil, Glycerin Sorbitol, Sorbitan Oleate, and Glycerin Soja

To achieve optimum therapeutic benefit of the soap bars, the company recommends massaging it gently in to the skin, hair, or scalp and leaving it on for 5 minutes before rinsing. This allows for the maximum absorption of the minerals and aloe vera. Some may argue against the safety of absorbing silver or gold. Both gold and silver are non-toxic and gold has been approved as a food additive by the EU.

I recommend the colloidal gold soap for the potential beauty benefits that it offers. The colloidal silver soaps make a safe alternative to antibacterial hand soaps. These don't lather as well as other body soaps, such as Dr. Bronner's bar soaps, but they still work well as a full body cleanser.

Utopia Silver Supplement Company has put together a products package for Natural News readers that is a good value for its colloidal products. According to company owner Ben Taylor:

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Prescription Drugs Kill More Than Illegal Drugs

by  David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) A report by the Florida Medical Examiners Commission has concluded that prescription drugs have outstripped illegal drugs as a cause of death.

An analysis of 168,900 autopsies conducted in Florida in 2007 found that three times as many people were killed by legal drugs as by cocaine, heroin and all methamphetamines put together. According to state law enforcement officials, this is a sign of a burgeoning prescription drug abuse problem.

"The abuse has reached epidemic proportions," said Lisa McElhaney, a sergeant in the pharmaceutical drug diversion unit of the Broward County Sheriff's Office. "It's just explosive."

In 2007, cocaine was responsible for 843 deaths, heroin for 121, methamphetamines for 25 and marijuana for zero, for a total of 989 deaths. In contrast, 2,328 people were killed by opioid painkillers, including Vicodin and Oxycontin, and 743 were killed by drugs containing benzodiazepine, including the depressants Valium and Xanax.

Alcohol directly caused 466 deaths, but was found in the bodies of 4,179 cadavers in all.

While the number of dead bodies containing heroin jumped 14 percent from the prior year, to a total of 110, the number of deaths influenced by the painkiller oxycodone increased by 36 percent, to a total of 1,253.

Across the country, prescription drugs have become an increasingly popular alternative to the more difficult to acquire illegal drugs. Even as illegal drug use among teenagers have fallen, prescription drug abuse has increased. For example, while 4 percent of U.S. 12th graders were using Oxycontin in 2002, by 2005 that number had increased to 5.5 percent.

It's not hard for teens to come by prescription drugs, according to Sgt. Tracy Busby, supervisor of the Calaveras County, Calif., Sheriff's Office narcotics unit.

"You go to every medicine cabinet in the county, and I bet you're going to find some sort of prescription medicine in 95 percent of them," he said.

Adults can acquire prescriptions by faking injuries, or by visiting multiple doctors and pharmacies for the same health complaint. Some people get more drugs than they expect to need, then sell the extras.

"You have health care providers involved, you have doctor shoppers, and then there are crimes like robbing drug shipments," said Jeff Beasley of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. "There is a multitude of ways to get these drugs, and that's what makes things complicated."

And while some people may believe that the medicines' legality makes them less dangerous than illegal drugs, Tuolumne County, Calif., Sheriff's Office Deputy Dan Crow warns that this is not the case. Because everybody reacts differently to foreign chemicals, there is no way of predicting the exact response anyone will have to a given dosage. That is why prescription drugs are supposed to be taken under a doctor's supervision.

"All this stuff is poison," Crow said. "Your body will fight all of this stuff."
Tuolumne County Health Officer Todd Stolp agreed. A prescription drug taken recreationally is "much like a firearm in the hands of someone who's not trained to use them," he said.

While anyone taking a prescription medicine runs a risk of negative effects, the drugs are even more dangerous when abused. For example, many painkillers are designed to have a delayed effect that fades out over time. This can lead recreational users to take more drugs before the old ones are out of their system, placing them at risk of an overdose. Likewise, the common practice of grinding pills up causes a large dose of drugs to hit the body all at once, with potentially dangerous consequences.

"A medication that was meant to be distributed over 24 hours has immediate effect," Stolp said.

Even more dangerous is the trend of mixing drugs with alcohol, which, like most popularly abused drugs, is a depressant.

"In the case of alcohol and drugs, one plus one equals more than two," said Tuolumne County Sheriff's Office spokesperson Lt. Dan Bressler.

Florida pays careful attention to drug-related deaths, and as such has significantly better data on the problem than any other state. But a recent study conducted by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) suggests that the problem is indeed national. According to the DEA, the number of people abusing prescription drugs in the United States has jumped 80 percent in six years to seven million, or more than those abusing cocaine, Ecstasy, heroin, hallucinogens an inhalants put together.

Not surprisingly, there has been a corresponding increase in deaths. According to the Drug Abuse Warning Network, the number of emergency room visits related to painkillers has increased by 153 percent since 1995. And a 2007 report by the Justice Department National Intelligence Drug Center found that deaths related to the opioid methadone jumped from 786 in 1999 to 3,849 in 2004 – an increase of 390 percent.

Many experts attribute the trend to the increasing popularity among doctors of prescribing painkillers, combined with a leap in direct-to-consumer marketing by drug companies. For example, promotional spending on Oxycontin increased threefold between 1996 and 2001, to $30 million per year.

Sonora, Calif., pharmacist Eddie Howard reports that he's seen painkiller prescriptions jump dramatically in the last five years.

"I don't know that there is that much pain out there to demand such an increase," he said.
The trend concerns Howard, and he tries to keep an eye out for patients who are coming in too frequently. But he admits that there is little he can do about the problem.

"When you have a lot of people waiting for prescriptions, it's hard to find time to play detective," he said.

Still, the situation makes Howard uncomfortable.

"It almost makes me a legalized drug dealer, and that's not a good position to be in," he said.

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Chromium Benefits Diabetics

by David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Nicacin-bound chromium (Cr-N) provides significantly more heart health benefits than chromium picolinate (Cr-P), the form more commonly found in supplements, according to a study presented at the 68th Annual Scientific Session of the American Diabetes Association.

Researchers fed three groups of obese, diabetic rats the same diet, supplemented with Cr-N, Cr-P, or nothing at all for eight weeks. They rated the animals' cardiovascular health by measuring cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as the levels of certain markers of inflammation, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) and C-reactive protein (CRP).

Inflammation is a normal immune reaction, but chronic inflammation has been linked to a variety of severe health problems, including cardiovascular disease. Because people with diabetes are already predisposed to cardiovascular disease, inflammation is a symptom of particular concern in diabetic patients.

The researchers found that both Cr-P and Cr-N significantly reduced the cholesterol and triglyceride levels of the rats when compared with the control group. Cr-N, however, caused greater overall reductions than Cr-P. In addition, rats supplemented with Cr-N had lower levels of both TNF-alpha and MCP-1, while control rats and rats given Cr-P did not exhibit any change in these inflammation biomarkers.

The chromium dose in the supplements was 400 micrograms per kilogram of body weight.

"Results of this study further confirm a comprehensive body of evidence that demonstrates the cardiovascular benefits of ChromeMate," said Paul Dijkstra, CEO of InterHealth. "ChromeMate is also highly effective in helping maintain healthy blood sugar levels and body weight, which is important for people with diabetes. Given the close link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease, ChromeMate represents a triple benefit in promoting good health."

The study was funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases, a division of the National Institutes of Health.

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Texas A&M Provides Silver Filters

By Clair Lavender

When most people think of life without running water, they imagine distinct, far-away lands where people have to walk 15 miles in the blazing heat to get their home's water supply. However, this lifestyle is closer than most may think.

On the Texas border, along the Rio Grande River, there is a group of small communities known as The Colonias. It is in this area that more than half a million people live without running water in their homes.

Marissa Muñoz, an education graduate student, has visited The Colonias several times.

"They may or may not have paved roads, running water, sewage, electricity, a community center, et cetera," Muñoz said.

It is a common misconception that the people in The Colonias are illegal immigrants, Muñoz said. She emphasized that studies have shown that 90 percent of the people living there are U.S. citizens.

When B. Stephen Carpenter, an associate professor in the Teaching, Learning and Culture program, heard about The Colonias, he teamed up with Oscar Muñoz, the deputy director of The Colonias Program in the center for housing and urban development at A&M.

The two stumbled upon the pre-existing concept of a water filter made from 50 percent clay and 50 percent sawdust and struck proverbial gold. They contacted "Potters for Peace," a group that travels around the world working with local communities and distributing the water filter.

Carpenter and Muñoz recruited Richard Wukich, an art professor in Slippery Rock, Pa., Manny Hernandez, an art professor at Northern Illinois University, to help as consultants and technical advisors, and Bryan Boulanger, an assistant professor in the Zachary Department of Civil Engineering and part of the Environmental Water Resources Division at A&M. In addition to the professional consults on board, four graduate students have joined the program, including Muñoz.

Since the TAMU Water Project began, the team has gained support from many organizations and grant programs. The Academy for the Visual and Performing Arts at A&M, as well as the Mexican American and U.S. Latino Research Center, have provided generous grants that have aided in the production of the filters.

Carpenter travels four to six times a year on request, speaking about the filters and a plan for bettering the communities in The Colonias and other parts of the world.

Carpenter said the effects of the filters in the Dominican Republic have been immense.

"They hired people and let them make money by creating these filters," he said. "It's a micro-enterprise – an economic benefit."

The Water Project team has created 50 cone-shaped filters, mostly for demonstration. Carpenter said that besides the clay and sawdust, "the filters contain colloidal silver , which renders inert bacteria and other microbes."

The silver makes the filters more expensive, but is a key ingredient for producing potable water. The filters are being tested to see how effective they will be in filtering out poisons like arsenic and sulfur.

Carpenter hopes to build a ceramic studio on the Riverside campus to get the A&M community more involved and to strengthen the outpour of filters. The team hopes to build a facility in Laredo but for now, the team meets for "Filter Fridays" in Carpenter's garage, from which they take the filters to "Joy Pottery" in Bryan to fire the water filters.

The filter costs about $25 to create and comes with a five-gallon bucket big enough to hold the filter, a spicket to get the clean water out and a lid.

"We are hoping that some non-government organizations will purchase the filters and then we can distribute them for free," Carpenter said.

In his curriculum development and arts education research classes, Carpenter shares his story and concerns about water issues with his students. A couple of years ago, Carpenter brought in guest speakers Hernandez and Wukich to give a presentation to the class.

Students used information gleaned from the speakers in presentations they gave to their classmates over water, poverty and the artists' response based on the water filter project. The students also created curriculums.

Carpenter edited some of the projects and posted them on the TAMU Water Project blog for other teachers to download and use.

Schools from Virginia, Louisiana and Pennsylvania have shown the desire to use the curriculum in their classrooms.

"It teaches my students how to take real world experiences and look at them as educational experiences," Carpenter said.

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Iodine Deficiency, Worldwide Health Problem

by Pravakar Sahoo

Iodine deficiency is a major public health problem worldwide. The available information indicates that there are nearly two billion people with iodine deficiency worldwide. Though there has been substantial progress in the last decade, there remain challenges in achieving a sustainable elimination of IDD.

In India , IDD has been identified as a public health problem. Recognising the importance of elimination of IDD as a health and developmental goal, the Government of India launched the National Goiter Control Programme

in 1962; which was renamed as National Iodine deficiency Disorders Control Programme (NIDDCP) in 1992.

A total of 263 districts out of 324 were found to be endemic for IDD (i.e. prevalence of IDD is greater than 10 percent). It is estimated that more than 71 million individuals are suffering from goiter and other IDDs, while 200 million people are at risk for IDD.

For the elimination of IDD in India , the main strategy adopted under NIDDCP is iodisation of salt. In November 2005, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare issued a notification banning the sale of non-iodised salt for direct human consumption throughout the country under the Prevention of Food Adulteration (PFA) Act to be effective from May 17, 2006

Iodine deficiency is the single most common cause of preventable mental retardation and brain damage in the world.

It also decreases child survival, causes goiters, and impairs growth and development. Iodine deficiency in pregnant women causes miscarriages, stillbirths, and other complications. Children with IDD can grow up stunted, apathetic, mentally retarded, and incapable of normal movements, speech, or hearing. Globally, 2.2 billion people (38 percent of the world's population) live in areas with iodine deficiency and risk its complications.

Iodine deficiency was once considered a minor problem, causing goiter, an unsightly but seemingly benign cosmetic blemish. However, it is now known that the effects on the developing brain are much more deadly, and constitute a threat to the social and economic development of many countries.

The effects of IDDs: On individuals – goiter, hypothyroidism, and loss of energy; in pregnant mothers – miscarriages, stillbirths and mentally retarded children; and in children – impaired mental and physical development, mental retardation, physical deformities and cretinism.

Effective and affordable technology exists to prevent iodine deficiency and the problems it causes. The most important are iodised salt and effective monitoring of iodine nutrition.

The solution is relatively simple. A teaspoon of iodine is all a person requires in a lifetime, but because iodine cannot be stored for long periods by the body, tiny amounts are needed regularly.

In order to deal with the situation, the National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme (NIDDCP) was started in Odisha in December 1989. It is a 100 percent Central Plan Scheme.

Among other things, the aim of the programme is to prevent IDDs by monitoring progress towards achieving long-range goals to create awareness among the people through IEC activities regarding use and benefits of iodised Salt.

Further, the programme in Odisha aims to conduct IDD/Goiter survey in remaining un-surveyed 20 districts in a phased manner taking help of the three medical colleges of the State.

Efforts are already on to achieve the goals. But robust and continuous government commitment and industry motivation were still essential.

Partnerships between governments and donors, between governments and salt producers, and among all those supporting elimination efforts need to be strengthened at all levels.

The salt industry must recognise iodisation as a fundamental responsibility. The government must work with salt producers to improve their capacity and producers must maintain and improve this capacity.

A continuous and effective monitoring system is also essential. Three types of monitoring are needed – covering the salt iodisation process from the factory to the household, the impact on a population's iodine levels, and the overall sustainability of the programme.

The tracking progress using all the three indicators (total goiter rate, urinary iodine excretion and salt iodine content) should be undertaken to sustain the efforts toward the elimination of IDD as a public health problem.

There is need to focus on behavior change communication to increase the consumption of inadequately iodised salt and sustain it thereafter.

Periodic monitoring with the focus on the iodine content of salt measured on a sample basis regularly is important to ensure that the consumption of adequately iodised salt exists at the household level.

Urgent monitoring of the availability and access of iodised salt to the public, and strengthening the information, education and communication programme for awareness building should be accorded top priority.

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Probiotics Linked to 70% Reduction In Kidney Stones

by David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) People who naturally carry a probiotic bacteria called Oxalobacter formigenes are 70 percent less likely to develop kidney stones than people whose dietary tracts lack the bacteria, according to a study conducted by researchers from Boston University and published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Researchers compared 247 people who suffered from recurring calcium oxalate kidney stones with 259 people with no history of kidney stones. They found that while 38 percent of the people in the healthy group had O. formigenes in their intestines, only 17 percent of people in the kidney stone group did.

"Our findings are of potential clinical importance," researcher David Kaufman said. "The possibility of using the bacterium as a probiotic is currently in the early stages of investigation."

Approximately 80 percent of all kidney stones are made of the compound calcium oxalate, which builds up in the kidneys in small, hard lumps. Kidney stones can also move into other parts of the urinary tract, causing intense pain, infection and even kidney failure. Kidney stones have a tendency to recur, meaning that a single person can suffer from them many times.

"For some people kidney stones can be an ongoing lifelong problem," Kaufman said. "And in some cases a stone can destroy kidney function before it is even identified."

O. formigenes is believed to prevent kidney stone formation by breaking down calcium oxalate in the intestinal tract before it can move into the kidneys.

The exact reasons for kidney stone formation are not known, but scientists believe that the problem is related to dehydration and a high rate of calcium excretion. Most patients are treated through the use of shock waves to break up the stones, a treatment that is only sometimes effective.

According to Derek Machin, clinical director of urology at University Hospital, Aintree, any more effective treatment would be a major advance.

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