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Prevent Thin Hair and Balding and Grow Hair with Natural Foods

by: Melanie Grimes

(NaturalNews) People lose about one hundred hairs each day. Because hair is made of many nutrients, those nutrients need to be replenished in the body in order for hair to grow. Hair contains protein, fat, water, and carbohydrates. Foods to prevent hair loss can be found in oats, molasses, liver, and whole grains. Because water is comprised of water, it is important to stay hydrated to stimulate proper hair growth. Hair growth is conditioned on genetics. Hair loss increases with age, but proper nutrition can help prevent hair loss, thinning hair and balding.

Silica makes hair shiny and prevents hair from thinning. It is found naturally in oats, nettles and alfalfa. An easy way to add silica to the diet is by drinking nettle tea.

Because it is a component of hair, protein deficiency can cause hair loss. This is especially true for vegetarians or those on a reduced protein diet. Add protein by adding meat or fermented soy products to the diet.

Molasses Grows Hair
The Chinese have used molasses to grow hair. It can be used as a hair rinse or taken internally. To apply, add one spoon of molasses to a cup of warm water and massage into the hair. Make sure to completely cover the roots, as that is where the hair follicles stimulate hair growth. After a half an hour, rinse off and then shampoo as usual.

Inositol is one of the B vitamins and is found in organ foods such as liver and kidneys. Inositol is considered one of the main nutrients to spur hair growth and prevent balding.

Para-Aminobenzoic Acid
Para-Aminobenzoic Acid, known by its abbreviation, PABA, is another B vitamin. Deficiency of PABA has been shown to cause hair to turn grey. Hair color can be returned by adding PABA to the diet. PABA and folic acid combine to help hair grow. PABA is found naturally in whole grains and yeast as well as in organ meats such as liver and kidney.

Herbs to Help Grow Hair
Rosemary, thyme and lavender help grow hair and prevent hair thinning and balding. The essential oils can be massaged into the hair after shampooing. Herb tea made from these herbs can also help grow hair, but more indirectly.

Vitamin E Prevents Hair Loss
Because vitamin E encourages circulation in the body and helps grow new blood vessels, vitamin E also grows hair. Research has shown that applying vitamin E to the hair follicles prevents hair loss and balding. To apply, open a capsule of vitamin E and massage into the scalp.

Utopia Naturals Soap

Featured Articles

Charlotte Gerson Speaks Out About The Cancer Industry

by: Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) Dr. Max Gerson is known around the world as the father of natural cancer cures. Through his innovative and far-ahead-of-his-time natural healing therapies, many tens of thousands of people have cured their own cancers going all the way back to the 1930's. Today, the daughter of Dr. Gerson, Charlotte Gerson, carries the torch for the Gerson Therapy and the Gerson Institute (

We were recently able to interview Charlotte Gerson, and this 47-minute conversation became one of the most fascinating dialogs I've ever heard about the history of mainstream oppression against cancer cures and leading anti-cancer doctors. This goes all the way back to the Nazis, IG Farben and the history of pharmaceutical companies like Bayer, which were implicated in the chemical torture of concentration camp prisoners.

What is Gerson Therapy?

Gerson Therapy is a powerful self-healing therapy based on organic juicing, detoxification and cleansing to activate the body's own innate ability to prevent and reverse cancer. Cancer has a cure! It's working today all around the world.

The Gerson Institute remains one of the most bold and effective organizations offering true health and healing services that focus on teaching patients how to heal their own degenerative diseases. As described on the Gerson website:

"Founded by Charlotte Gerson (Dr. Gerson's daughter) in 1977, we are the true source of information on the original, unmodified, proven Gerson Therapy. We refer people to licensed Gerson clinics and treatment centers, practitioners and caregivers. We also train health professionals, patients and others who want to learn this natural therapy."

The Beautiful Truth

The history of Gerson Therapy and the cancer industry has been captured in a fascinating documentary called The Beautiful Truth.

Check out that movie here (you'll be glad you did):

The recent documentary Food Matters also features Gerson Therapy.

Watch Charlotte Gerson LIVE

Charlotte Gerson joins our Healing Miracles LIVE event kicking off this Friday evening, March 19th, 2010. The event continues all day Saturday, March 20th. Tickets to attend the event in person have long since been sold out, but you can watch the event live from your computer via our real-time streaming technology for less than what it would cost to be there in person.

Plus, you'll get access to the full video archives of the entire event at no extra charge. Grab a seat for this rare event and you'll see Dr. Julian Whitaker, the Health Ranger, Charlotte Gerson and many other fascinating natural health pioneers giving LIVE presentations.

Rose Laurel OPC

Featured Articles

Testicular Cancer Treatments Worse than the Disease

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Large numbers of men who undergo treatment for testicular cancer suffer serious and long-term side effects or illness, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Oslo and published in the journal BJUI.

In the past, the rate of long-term side effects has not been well known because doctors are only required to report side effects that require medical intervention or threaten the patient's life.

"Current patients with testicular cancer should be informed about the risk of short-term and particularly long-term side-effects of their highly effective treatment" lead author Sophie D. Fossa said. "It is important to focus on reducing risks through healthy lifestyle choices and consider important issues like preserving future fertility."

Reviewing 40 studies published between 1990 and 2008, the researchers found that a full 30 percent of patients undergoing cisplatin-based chemotherapy may suffer from damage to their sensory nerves, while 20 percent of testicular cancer survivors suffer from hearing loss or ringing in their ears. The rate of chronic fatigue in survivors is 17 percent, which is twice as high as in the general population. As many as 25 percent of survivors suffer long-term damage to their circulatory systems. Testicular cancer survivors also have 1.8 times the general risk of developing another form of cancer.

"Gastrointestinal side-effects are common during both chemotherapy and radiotherapy and chemotherapy carries added risks like infections and blood clots," Fossa said. "Long-term problems include secondary cancers, heart problems, and conditions related to lower hormone levels."

Testicular cancer treatments increase a man's risk of pulmonary complications, death from heart complications, fertility reduction and dry ejaculation.

The best way to reduce the risk of dangerous side effects, Fossa said, is to maintain an active lifestyle and healthy weight, avoid tobacco, and for doctors to "provide adequate follow-up for patients who could develop life-threatening toxicity."

Although side effects of cancer treatment can pose serious risks throughout a person's lifetime, most patients receive only five to 10 years of follow-up care, at most.

Rose Laurel OPC

Featured Articles

FDA Threatens Walnut Processor For Making Legitimate Health Claims

by: Ethan Huff

(NaturalNews) With hundreds of thousands of people dying every year from the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs, one would imagine that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would be out in full force pulling these drugs from the market, right? Actually, the agency has recently been spending its time targeting a walnut manufacturer for making legitimate, scientifically-proven health claims about walnuts on its packaging.

Such behavior is nothing new for the rogue agency that spends all of its time ridding the market of natural products, legitimate health claims on food, and other important products and information that actually help people become healthy rather than remain disease-stricken pharmaceutical drug addicts. In the case of walnuts, though, the vast amount of studies concerning the numerous benefits of the nut makes the FDA's mission to stop all purveyance of this information utterly incomprehensible.

Walnuts are a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid, a plant form of the omega-3 fatty acid that has been scientifically proven to help protect the heart and lower cholesterol. Countless studies have shown that walnuts not only help to reduce bad cholesterol but also actually work to raise good cholesterol, all while reducing inflammation and decreasing blood pressure.

Walnuts are also rich in fiber and antioxidants. AARP Magazine ranked walnuts in its top ten list of the most powerful disease-fighting foods. Some Asian cultures actually refer to walnuts as "brain food", and it is commonly understood that eating a handful of walnuts improves brain function.

A Yale University study also found that walnuts can significantly improve cardiovascular health, particularly in people with type-2 diabetes. They are a dense source of vitamins and minerals and are high in protein, making them a great, healthy snack.

The FDA does not care about the truth, though. The agency deems any health claim made in reference to food a violation of the rules it has decreed. The FDA only allows health claims to be made for drugs that have gone through its multi-million dollar approval process. The agency has stated that simply making a health claim for a food or nutrient deems that food or nutrient an unapproved drug that must either be removed from the market or relabeled.

The FDA is an out-of-control, tyrannical agency that does the very opposite of what it was designed to do. It is lunacy for anyone to suggest that the agency needs even more power to do its job. The FDA has demonstrated itself to be a corrupt and utterly shameful mob of power-hungry, drug-pushing criminals. The American people need to disband this cabal of crooks and rebuild a real regulatory agency that protects the people from dangerous pharmaceutical drugs and that protects free speech and the free flow of health information.

Omega 3

Customer Testimonials


I ordered a three bottle set of the silver this fall. I didn't take it daily it was hard to start a new routine. But right before Christmas I gave a bottle to my landlord. All of his life he has had cracked and bleeding feet…

When he was a kid he had to wear bread bags inside of his socks so his socks and shoes wouldn't get bloody. Well, he's had a deep crack on the side of one foot forever and he was putting bag balm on it. After a couple weeks he developed a 3" circular rash over that ankle and his crack was still there. His skin was flaking off where the rash was. I put the silver on some gauze bandages and taped them to the rash and told him to redo it 3 times a day. Then I soaked some gauze with the silver and put it on and squeezed it in the crack in his foot and told him to do that 3 times a day. Well, he went up north and I didn't see him for a day and a half and I don't know how often he put the silver on it but the first thing I did when I saw him was ask to see his foot. In a day and a half the rash was more than 50% cleared up and the crack in his foot was closed and very much healed. You would never know it was 1/4" deep. The other day he said everything was healed.

Since that episode I am taking my tablespoon a day with a glass of water. I have asthma and had a hysterectomy because of severe endometriosis. While on Christmas break the pain I had from the endometriosis felt like it was returning. They couldn't remove 100% of it during surgery. So I hope to have another testimony soon on these 2 issues.

Ask Utopia Silver

Colloidal Silver Expiry Date

Utopia Silver,
Thank you for the colloidal silver. It arrived last week but I didn’t email to confirm until now because I wanted to research a few things after I received the product. Whilst I’ve now searched your website I could not find answers to the following questions. I would be grateful if you/someone could provide answers.

1. Expiry date? I need to know how long colloidal silver will remain effective. No date is given on the label. I see you sell a 5 gallon container. That’s a lot of silver! Obviously it will last a long time. But, how long? Note: I have been told that colloidal silver made via electrolysis only has a 2 week longevity.

2. After your email concerns, I’m now curious about the effect of freezing. How would this alter the longevity, effectiveness and appearance of the colloidal silver?

3. Why does silver not kill human cells? I did ask this question before re: “Silver inhibits the growth of one-celled organisms, (such as bacteria and viruses) by deactivating the organism's oxygen metabolism enzymes. In turn, this destroys its' cell membranes, stopping the replication of its' DNA.” Whilst I’m sure silver is safe and beneficial, this statement/mechanism still begs the question: What stops the silver from deactivating these enzymes and destroying cell membranes in the human body?

Many thanks,

Hi Paul,
There is no definite expiration date on silver relative to ‘spoiling’ since it is an anti-bacterial/anti-viral mineral supplement as long as the silver is suspended in the water. It can last indefinitely as long as it isn’t exposed to extreme cold. We have family and friends who have stored silver in 5 gallon jugs that are 6-7 yrs. old. This is not just true of our own colloidal silver; we have samples of a competitor’s product which is similar to ours that are even older (7+ years or so ago). But remember, these product samples have not been refrigerated and have been kept in a warm environment.

The answer as to why silver doesn’t kill our body cells would probably make an interesting research paper of which I am not scholar enough to write and it may be one of those things that has never been researched. I believe the simplistic answer is that God created naturally occurring elements, minerals, and chemical compounds that if consumed and assimilated into our bodies provide the capability of having a much healthier life and much longer lifespan. The body’s requirement for and use of most trace minerals has not been adequately studied by modern science and medicine. Most of the money and effort is put into trying to play God by creating synthetic and unnatural compounds and products which can then be patented and sold for large profits, so as far as I am aware, a complete answer to your question may not be available.

Our body’s cells are not independently self contained ‘animals’ as are one celled organisms such as bacteria and viruses. The source of life sufficiency such as oxygen assimilation, blood flow, digestion and nutrient assimilation is not internally contained in each of mankind’s cells. Research by Acupoll Precision Research for Beiersdorf, Inc. (a major medical supply company) states that, “Silver inhibits the growth of bacteria by deactivating the bacteria's oxygen metabolism enzymes. In turn, this destroys the bacteria's cell membranes, stopping the replication of the bacteria's DNA.” Curad Bandages

I will also pass this question on to an Naturopathic Doctor (ND) /MD friend and see what his answer would be and publish it at a later date.

Ben in Utopia.

The Best Years In Life

Boost Low White Blood Cell Count and Immune Function Naturally

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Low white blood cell counts are indicative of a suppressed immune system and can have many causes. Emotional state and stress, an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, and nutritional intake can all cause lower immune system response and low white blood cell counts. Low immunity can also be caused by a number of health conditions, by surgical or medical treatments and by the natural aging process. Whatever the cause, low immunity and low white blood cell counts prevent the body from being able to have an optimum response to infections and illness. Here are some things which can help prevent low immunity and keep white blood cell counts high:

– Avoid sugar and keep sweet stuff to a minimum. Sugar prevents white blood cells from being their strongest
– Eliminate unhealthy fats. Polyunsaturated fats in vegetable oils such as corn, safflower, and sunflower oil are deterrents to a healthy immune system.
– If you are overweight, lose a few pounds. Being overweight is very detrimental to your immune system and studies have shown that overweight people are less able to fight off infection.
– Drink plenty of water to boost the immune system as well as flush out toxins
– Exercise is a proven immune system booster. Exercise is best in moderation, however, since too much exercise may wear the body down and create immune system problems.
– Avoid stress and try to relax. Stress is rightly called the silent killer and too much stress invariably leads to a lowered immune system.

Many food items help boost immune function and white blood cell counts. For example:

Carrots and other red, yellow, orange, and dark-green leafy vegetables contain beta carotene which helps protect the immune system, especially the thymus gland. Beta carotene and other carotenes also strengthen white blood cell production, and foods rich in beta-carotene help the body better fight off infection.

Yogurt can be very beneficial for the immune system. It helps the body produce antibodies and strengthens white blood cells.

A cup of kale will give you your daily requirement of vitamin A. This is an antioxidant that helps your body fight cancer cells and is essential in the formation of white blood cells. Vitamin A also increases the ability of antibodies to respond to invaders.

People who eat more garlic have more natural killer white blood cells.

Other helpful foods include chicken, kale, almonds, guava, crab, dark grapes and navy beans.

Supplements can play a big role in boosting immune function and white blood cell counts. Some examples:

– Oleander extract in herbal supplement form. One herbal oleander based supplement was 100% effective in a clinical trial of raising white blood cell counts in HIV/AIDS patients with extremely compromised immune systems.

– Astragalus root helps stimulate white blood cells and protects against invading organisms. It also enhances production of the important natural compound interferon to fight against viruses.

– Zinc is necessary for white blood cell function and it acts as a catalyst in the immune system's killer response to foreign bodies.

– Vitamin C is an immune enhancer that helps white blood cells perform at their peak and quickens the immune system response.

– The trace mineral selenium is vital to the development and movement of white blood cells.

– Both Siberian ginseng (eleuthero) and Asian ginseng provide support for the immune system.

– Echinacea helps stimulate the immune system in a variety of ways, including increased white blood cell production.

– Green Tea also stimulates production of white blood cells.

Some other potent immune boosters are pau d arco, suma, medicinal mushrooms, beta glucans and aloe vera.

Rose Laurel OPC

Advanced Colloidal Silver

Featured Articles

Eating Chocolate Regularly May Prevent Strokes

by: S. L. Baker

(NaturalNews) Stroke takes an enormous toll on health. In fact, it's the third leading cause of death in the US, according to the American Stroke Association. So imagine how much money Big Pharma could rake in if drug manufacturers came up with a medication that not only reduced the risk of having a stroke but slashed the risk of dying from a stroke in half. It turns out there's a substance already on the market that does just that. Only, it isn't an expensive prescription drug but a delicious, natural food — chocolate.

A report just released by Canadian scientists from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, and the University of Toronto provides evidence that consuming chocolate regularly significantly reduces the odds of having a stroke. What's more, if a person who eats chocolate does suffer a stroke, their risk of dying afterwards is almost half that of non-chocolate eaters.

The research team reached these conclusions after analyzing three studies for any links between chocolate intake and strokes. Although one study didn't reveal any risk or benefit, two others did. A large study of 44,489 people showed that those who ate at least one serving of chocolate each week were 22 percent less likely to have a stroke than the research participants who didn't indulge in chocolate.
Another study of 1,169 people found that when someone did experience a stroke, if they ate 50 grams of chocolate each week they were about 50 percent less likely to die afterwards than those who had strokes but didn't eat chocolate. The researchers stated that chocolate's abundant antioxidant content could be the key to its apparent stroke-protective effect.

"More research is needed to determine whether chocolate truly lowers stroke risk, or whether healthier people are simply more likely to eat chocolate than others," study author Sarah Sahib, BScCA, of McMaster University, said in a statement to the media.

Historically, traditional healers have long contended that chocolate is good for body and spirit. For example, the ancient Aztecs and Mayans are believed to be the first people who drank a chocolate drink to help matters of the heart. And in recent years, scientists have found that some phytochemicals in chocolate can alter a person's sense of well being, producing a lift similar to the feeling of being in love. As NaturalNews has previously reported (…), Harvard Medical School scientists have discovered that cocoa, which is the main component of chocolate, may literally be good for the heart — their research shows it could reduce the risk of heart disease and also cancer.

Enzyme Plus
Zinc Balance

Featured Articles

What Is Killing American Babies?

by: Dr. Renee Tocco

Thanks to very ambitious pharmaceutical companies, with the help of pediatricians, the American government and schools across the country, the USA has produced the most highly vaccinated infants in the world. We give American babies up to three times the vaccines as other first-world countries. While we have earned a “blue ribbon” for our vaccine rates, we are close to earning the “booby prize” in another category that should devastate every parent in the country. Since implementation of the CDC mass vaccine program we have gone from about 2-3 to about 41-42 on the international infant mortality list. Yes, this means that a high rate of American infants never live to see toddler hood.

Only one major country has a higher infant death rate than the USA. What a disgrace. This alone should be enough to replace blind trust with severe doubt as we consider the health recommendations of our government and medical establishments. According to “experts” like Paul Offit, vaccines reduce the rate of all the “prevalent” infectious diseases… diseases that, according to them are often deadly. The question that remains unanswered is, “What is killing American infants to the degree that the USA is now in one of the worst positions on the infant mortality list?” Why hasn’t the CDC vaccine program given the USA the lowest infant mortality rate?

Of even greater prevalence than infant mortality, American has another major crisis brewing. When will society experience the well-deserved panic over our soaring autism rates? A study released in December 2009 by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that autism prevalence has increased from the 1994 rate of 1 in 150 to 1 in 110 for children born in 1998. This is a staggering 57% increase in just four years. More children are diagnosed with autism than cancer, diabetes and AIDS combined. It is indeed the greatest pediatric healthcare concern of the times.

Dr. Boyd Haley, emeritus professor at University of Kentucky, was one of the first to propose that the organic-mercury compound, thimerosal, in vaccines was the most likely toxic agent involved in Gulf War Syndrome and autism. His comments bring truth to the topic. “The government and medical community are comfortable to calmly say, "The cause of autism is unknown", and the only thing they really know is that thimerosal in vaccines CERTAINLY isn't the cause. To ease parent's concerns and ensure them that thimerosal does not cause autism, the media constantly reports that the autism rate continues to increase even though thimerosal has been ‘removed’ from infant vaccines.

Yet everyone fails to mention to American parents that the latest reported CDC autism rate data was on children vaccinated in 1996, three years before the recommendation to remove thimerosal was even mentioned. This represents exceptionally poor journalism, or journalism being based on an agenda that precludes honest reporting.”

Yes, more questions than answers exist. But it is due time that we demand an answer from health care officials to the important question… What is killing American babies?

Dr. Ken’s Vaccination Protocol

Featured Articles

New Study Links Vitamin B6 To Improved Heart Health

by: Crusador Staff

A study conducted by Tufts University and published in the February 2010 edition of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Feb;91(2):337-42) investigated whether low vitamin B6 levels increased risk for cardiovascular disease. The scientists measured the following markers of inflammation and oxidative stress: C-reactive protein (CRP), and an oxidative DNA damage marker, urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), in Puerto Rican adults who were living in Massachusetts (n = 1,205, aged 45 to 75 years).  Plasma pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP), the active form of vitamin B6, was also measured.

The researchers determined that low vitamin B6 concentrations were associated with inflammation, higher oxidative stress and metabolic conditions. They also found vitamin B6 may influence cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in older Puerto Rican adults through mechanisms other than homocysteine.
Thirty years ago Kilmer McCully, M.D. discovered that cholesterol and clogged arteries were not the causes, but rather the symptoms of heart disease. McCully's pioneering 1969 theory that linked homocysteine—an amino acid that accumulates in the blood—and heart disease was not embraced by the medical community. In fact, he was banished from Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital and denied a new position for more than two years because of his research.
In one of McCully's archived articles titled “Homocystein” he noted the following:
“Because the B vitamins folic acid, pyridoxine ( vitamin B6 ) and cobalamin ( vitamin B12 ) are all involved in normal metabolism to prevent excessive production of homocysteine, the homocysteine theory of arteriosclerosis implicated deficiencies of these vitamins in human arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes and amputations from vascular disease.

Because the sensitive vitamins folic acid and pyridoxine are destroyed by traditional methods of food processing, such as milling of grains, canning, extraction of sugars and oils from whole foods, and addition of chemical additives to bleach or preserve foods, this theory helped to explain the large increase in vascular disease in the early and mid 20th century.

Similarly, the decline in mortality from cardiovascular disease beginning in the 1950s can be attributed to the addition of the synthetic B vitamins to the food supply by fortification of processed foods. Important support for the homocysteine theory was provided by the Framingham Heart Study, which showed that deficiencies of these B vitamins are widespread in older participants, leading to elevation of homocysteine levels and increased risk of plaques.
Many hundreds of studies by investigators worldwide have now proven that elevated homocysteine levels increase the risk for heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and reduce longevity in diverse populations. In 1998 the US Food and Drug Administration mandated the addition of folic acid to refined flour, rice and other grain foods, the first such action since niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and iron were mandated for addition to refined grain foods in 1941.”
In a Crusador interview conducted several years ago with Christopher Barr he stated the following about B6 and heart health:
“As for the pyridoxal group collectively referred to as B6 it is ‘more than a feeling’ to quote the old Boston song as to its ‘most important status’ among ‘all the B vitamins’.  In fact, this is the single most important of all those nutrients classified as ‘vitamins’.  It is the only one of the so called ‘vitamins’ for which I make significant recommendations and I refer to ‘pyridoxals’ rather than ‘Vitamin B6’ in the interest of greater accuracy.
Pyridoxals are necessary for more than 100 enzyme systems involved in protein metabolism alone as well as hormone activities, nervous and immune system functions, red blood cell metabolism and production of hemoglobin.  There are none of the so called vitamins more involved in so many vital functions of the body.  Couple its need in so many functions with the callous removal of it from the food supply by modern day food processing and it is easy to see why it is the single most important of all of those nutrients identified as vitamins – easy to see for those bothering to look which is sadly too, too very few.
In recent years the build-up of an amino acid metabolite called homocysteine has been recognized as an important risk factor for heart disease – finally.  I first learned of this almost 30 years ago in the book, ‘Vitamin B6: The Doctor’s Report’ by Dr. John M. Ellis, M.D. published in 1973 by the mainstream giant Harper & Row publishing house.
Dr. Ellis wrote at length about the work from the 1960s of Dr. Kilmer McCully, M.D. at Harvard University regarding the substance of homocysteine.  Dr. McCully noted that homocysteine contributed to heart disease and that it was created because of a deficiency of pyridoxal.
McCully continued his researches and promotion of this very basic truth through the 1970s until his job at Harvard was threatened if he didn’t stop pressing the matter. It was about another 10 years before the matter of homocysteine as a risk factor for heart disease began to receive notice again and only in recent years before receiving significant notice. Folate and B-12 are involved in helping with the homocysteine problem though theirs are significantly lesser roles.
Dr. McCully at Harvard had discovered the biochemistry of how pyridoxal deficiency contributes to heart disease in the late 1960s as he followed up on the work of others from 1951 who had determined that pyridoxal deficiency can indeed result in heart disease.
Dr. Ellis came upon the work of McCully as he expanded his own researches on pyridoxal that he had begun in 1961.  His work was far more exhaustive with regard to pyridoxal and Ellis subsequently wrote the book on the subject – quite literally.”
What you should garner from this research is that high cholesterol is not the main culprit in heart disease even though cholesterol lowering drugs are some of the biggest selling pharmaceutical drugs on the market. The heart disease epidemic is just another extended problem our society suffers from consuming too many processed and refined foods that have been stripped of their vital vitamins and minerals for the sake of shelf life and the almighty dollar instead of concern for our health. Most diseases can be boiled down to two simple things – deficiencies and toxicities. The human body is assaulted with an overload of toxins from our food, air, and water, and severely deficient in necessary nutrition that the body’s cells are craving. No drug on planet earth addresses either of these two factors and in most cases add to the problem.
If you or your loved ones don’t want to become a victim of heart disease or die prematurely from a heart attack or stroke it would make excellent sense to start taking B6 in a whole food form as produced by Innate Response and sold through Crusador Enterprises.  Dr. John Ellis claims to have never lost a patient to heart disease who followed through with his recommendation of taking 200 mgs. per day.

Vitamin B Complex

Heart Syrup