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Suit Filed Against Obama’s Compulsory Health Care Bill Attorney Jonathan Emord

Attorney Jonathan Emord

On May 12, 2010, the U.S. Citizens Association and five individual plaintiff members of that association (Nathan R. Glick, Christopher Barr, Shane K. Ellison, James Grapek, and Eileen Dannemann) filed an historic suit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, challenging the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. No. 111-148, H.R. 3590), as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (Pub. L. No. 111-152, H.R. 4872) (what the public knows as Obamacare). The suit is unlike every other filed to date against Obamacare. It is filed on behalf of individuals who do not have health insurance and do not want it. The U.S. Citizens Association plaintiffs present a direct challenge to the most significant aspect of Obamacare, the mandate that every American obtain health insurance.

By 2014, every American who volitionally elects not to buy health insurance will be forced to buy “qualified” private plans under Obamacare or suffer a tax penalty. Millions of Americans do not have health insurance of their own free will, not because they cannot afford it but because they choose not to expend their money on it. Their reasons are many. Some prefer alternative medicine that is not covered by health insurance. Others wish to place the thousands of dollars that would otherwise have to be spent on health insurance in savings or investments. Still others wish to devote that money for the acquisition of goods or services other than health insurance. In the end, this suit is about those Americans’ freedom of choice.

Can the government constitutionally compel an American citizen to spend his or her after tax dollars to purchase a single product, health insurance, against that citizen’s will? The plaintiffs in this suit contend that their liberty right under the Fifth Amendment, their right to privacy protected by the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Amendments, and their freedom of association protected by the First Amendment forbid that compulsion.

I must disclose a personal bias. I am lead counsel for these plaintiffs. The suit is critical not just for them but for all Americans who value freedom. If it succeeds, key elements in the defense of a Constitution of liberty will be upheld. If it fails, there will be no precedential barrier in place to prevent the federal government from placing additional mandates on private expenditure of after tax dollars.

If the government may constitutionally compel you to buy health insurance with your after tax dollars on the simple public interest argument that all Americans must needs be insured because all must be able to pay for health care, what can stop the government from imposing other mandates on your after tax dollars based on comparable public interest arguments? For example, many members of Congress think fossil fuels evil and wish the pollution they create would disappear. What is to stop Congress from requiring every American who owns a car that runs on fossil fuels to purchase a replacement electric car by a date certain? Why not pass legislation requiring every American located in a region where sunshine is prevalent to purchase solar panels for electric heating in place of power plant generated electricity? Why not pass legislation requiring every American to purchase a set amount of foods per capita deemed by the Food and Drug Administration to be health enhancing? Surely there is a public interest in reducing air pollution, reducing reliance on electricity provided by public utilities, and improving the quality of foods consumed in the American diet.

The mandate imposed by Obamacare is designed to force the nation to favor one industry sector, the insurance industry. It operates on the supposition that insurance is an essential public good. Political decision makers might likewise deem low interest loans an essential public good and mandate that we place a certain amount of our income in government qualified “savings” accounts to help keep interest rates down. They might deem low cost day care an essential public good and mandate that all pay for private day care services, whether they have children or not, to ensure that daycare is affordable for parents in need. If the Constitution permits the federal government to impose mandates on use of after tax dollars to support one industry that political decisionmakers think wise, here health insurance, there is no end to the mandates that can be placed on the expenditure of private resources.

There is at least one undeniable problem with mandates of this sort: they sacrifice individual freedom of choice. They violate the Constitution’s taxing provisions by usurping control of money that is not taxed. The right to direct how your after tax dollars are spent is indispensable to human liberty in a free enterprise economy. Suddenly not only does government assert jurisdiction over the dollars you pay in taxes, but it also presumes to control your after tax dollars, placing public mandates on your private resources to achieve an ever illusive (and ever changing) public good (or, at least, what those in political power deem good). This system operates on the offensive assumption that political decision makers know better than you do what is in your own best interest. On that supposition, those political decision makers will dictate how you spend the very resources on which you depend to be free and independent.

The First Amendment protects your freedom to associate. Under Obamacare, that freedom to associate is taken from you. You must associate with a “qualified” health insurance plan even if you would prefer not to, with precious few exceptions.

The Fifth Amendment protects your right to liberty. The Supreme Court has recognized the liberty right to include the freedom to refuse unwanted medical treatment. Inherent in such refusal is the refusal to pay for unwanted treatment. The Obamacare mandate violates that freedom. It is fundamental because the freedom to refuse medical treatment would be rendered nugatory if that freedom to refuse did not include a freedom to refuse paying for unwanted care.

Various amendments to the Constitution have been deemed bases for assertion of a right to privacy. Central to that right is the protection of health information from unwanted eyes. The Obamacare mandate violates the right of privacy because it forces individuals not insured to obtain health insurance and, by so doing, divulge to insurers their health status (including all physical and mental health information). It thereby forces individuals to reveal to private companies (and to the government) confidences against their will.

In addition to these rights violations, Obamacare operates on the supposition that there is no limit to the extension of the commerce clause when it comes to health care. If correct in that supposition, the Constitution not only condones after tax mandates on expenditure of private resources but also permits those mandates to be imposed on individuals who have no substantial effect on or relationship with health insurance and health insurance markets. The individuals subject to Obamacare mandates in this suit are being regulated because of their choice not to be insured, not because they have involved themselves with health insurance or health insurance markets. Thus, as applied to them, Obamacare obliterates every limit on the extension of the commerce clause.

Our freedom of choice is often expressed in economic terms. Our freedom to travel depends on the liberty to expend money necessary to pay for a preferred mode of transportation. Our freedom to invest in new business enterprises depends on the liberty to risk our own capital in a venture that may or may not succeed. Our freedom to purchase goods or services depends on the liberty to choose among those available the one or ones we think right for us.

Freedom of choice includes the freedom not to choose. The right of dissent, a time honored right meant to be protected against coercive government, cannot coexist with law that compels all to use their own resources to uphold and promote state preferred industries. Much is at stake in this litigation. For the sake of liberty, we should all pray that the plaintiffs are successful.

Featured Articles

Heart Disease Fact: It’s A Nutritional Deficiency

by Christopher Barr

A recent news headline boldly declared that the case of former President Bill Clinton having a surgical reopening of clogged arteries not many years after quadruple bypass is proof that there is no cure for heart disease.

Dr. Christophers Hawthorn Berry Heart Syrup
Cardio EZ

This gave me a chuckle.
One not having the best results means therefore no one can have results? That doesn’t sound very scientific at all.
The article opened noting his “blocked arteries fixed”.
This gave me another chuckle.
Bypass surgery doesn’t “fix” blocked arteries – it bypasses them with surgical alterations. That’s why the procedure is called a ‘bypass’.
Bypass surgery doesn’t fix the problem. It doesn’t even address what causes the problem.
Open heart bypass surgery
Then the article noted that Clinton had “done everything right since his bypass – eating well, exercising, keeping his blood pressure and cholesterol in check,” according to his personal cardiologist.
This brought a whole series of chuckles.
The former President doing “everything right” brought one chuckle.
A doctor talking about “eating well” when medical doctors have right next to no nutrition training in medical school IF they have any nutrition instruction at all brought several chuckles.
Clinton and exercising reminded me of his well-publicized jogs with stopovers at McDonald’s for yet more chuckles.
As to “keeping his blood pressure and cholesterol in check” that means drugs when a cardiologist says that – and those problems are not caused by drug deficiencies.
“This was not a result of his lifestyle or his diet,” proclaimed the cardiologist at a news conference.
Reading this almost brought me falling from my chair with laughter as I already knew that this was a contradiction of facts in so many ways – and some of the contradictions were disclosed almost immediately thereafter in the article.
There were yet more chuckles in the propaganda piece from Associated Propaganda but an important key to understanding is found in the words of the cardiologist, “We don’t have a cure for heart disease,” noted in the last line of the article.
Herein is the heart of the matter on the matter of the heart whether as to health or disease.
Practically the only accurate statement by the cardiologist or from the article was, “We don’t have a cure for heart disease.” That is the truth medically speaking.
Speaking non-medically is entirely another matter. However, use of the word ‘cure’ outside of modern medicine is a no-no for which one can find oneself in serious trouble. Even within mainstream medicine use of the word ‘cure’ can get you into trouble.
The truth of the matter is that doctors tell patients to do things for which the doctors don’t actually know what they are talking about. They depend on drug companies and their salesmen for information on what to do.
On the other hand there are things doctors do know that they don’t tell their patients.
A laughing matter that is no laughing matter
Literally minutes before the previous noted news story came to me I received an e-mail from an individual who had suffered from high blood pressure and heart disease that included a damaged mitral heart valve. The initial heart damage had occurred more than a decade ago.
Some years later this individual developed high blood pressure with a systolic (upper) number nearing 200. The cardiologist prescribed blood pressure medication to which the patient reportedly “reacted rather badly”. Such was the same with other blood pressure medications.
Then the doctor recommended supplementation.
In other words, the doctor knew of non-medical solutions but did not offer these until medical options failed. At least this doctor eventually told the patient of non-medical options available. Doctors willing to do so are in a decided minority.
Yet, shouldn’t medicine be a last resort when safer non-medical options exist?
This individual reported the non-medical options resulted in reduced blood pressure down to the upper 140s which is significant improvement though still high.
A heart attack was also suffered two years ago according to the individual.
The e-mail noted trying to take magnesium supplements but that diarrhea was always the result – until discovering 100 per cent whole food magnesium one year ago along with other 100 per cent whole food nutrient options.
The e-mail reported that this was the 5th magnesium tried and the only one tolerated.
Less than three-months after discovering the whole food nutrient difference this individual went to the cardiologist for a check-up and subsequently wrote the following:
My trip last May to my Cardiologist was amazing.  He simply sat there grinning like a Cheshire cat shaking his head saying he can't believe it.  The echocardiogram showed my heart valve healing.  He told me to keep doing what I'm doing.  Yes, I'd told him about my supplements.  The other thing I'd added after my heart attack is Dr. Christopher's Hawthorne Berry Heart Syrup.  I take a TB a day.
I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had people tell me of their mitral valve damage or prolapse and damaged heart tissue improving, healing or being healed as reported to them by their doctors through the years after taking Dr. Christopher’s Hawthorne Berry Heart Syrup. The amount reportedly taken in this report is twice the normally recommended amount though still much less than can safely be ingested for faster results.
Funny thing is that it isn’t even Dr. Christopher’s formula. It was given to him by his professor more than 60 years ago who stated that it had been passed down to him by another herbalist 40 years earlier than that who reported using it successfully for 40 years!
I also can’t tell you how many times people have reported to me of their doctors telling them to keep doing what they’re doing with whole food nutrition therapies. However, rarely do they ever seek details or recommend for other of their patients therapies that result in results that amaze them – but just let a pharmaceutical salesman tell them of a product and they are recommending it to patients right and left without ever having observed results for themselves.
To repeat:
The truth of the matter is that doctors tell patients to do things for which the doctors don’t actually know what they are talking about. They depend on drug companies and their salesmen for information on what to do.
On the other hand there are things doctors do know that they don’t tell their patients.
Oh, and the individual in their e-mail noted that after almost one year of whole food nutrition and the hawthorne berry heart syrup that their systolic blood pressure now varies from 116-129 – and without any medical blood pressure or heart preparations.
More magnesium magnificence
The reason for magnesium causing diarrhea is due to its accumulation which occurs when it is not utilized.
Non-food sourced magnesiums (almost all of those in the marketplace) are not utilized well by the body so they tend to accumulate – especially with high dose use.
Whole-food source magnesiums 1) are utilized by the body very well so they don’t accumulate and 2) commonly achieve results with much smaller dosages. This combination of benefits means that a tendency to diarrhea is greatly reduced. As a matter of fact, I’ve never received a report of diarrhea from whole food magnesium use through three decades of observation about its use.
The simple fact of the matter is that whole food nutrients are always better utilized by the body than non-whole food (synthesized/USP/man-made) varieties. Our bodies are intended to be nourished from food and not from varying combinations of ground up rocks, petroleum by-products and coal-tar derivatives that constitute more than 95 per cent of all supplements.
There is a difference and your body knows the difference between whole food nutrients and all the rest that pass for nutrients.
Magnesium supplementation to those with heart problems was also documented more than half a century ago to reduce future heart episodes yet did not become a common medical practice – again, use of nutrition is a non-medical approach so tends to be ignored.
Some years later aspirin was declared beneficial to those with heart problems and that soon became a common medical practice continuing for decades to the present day.
However, the studies utilized to promote this now common practice were not done with aspirin. These studies were conducted utilizing buffered aspirin. The buffering agent was the mineral magnesium – often with a higher dose of magnesium than of aspirin.
Numerous studies conducted with aspirin only have found no heart benefit.
Yet medical practice is not dissuaded by either the older, plentiful documentation of facts about magnesium benefits for the heart, or the well-documented fact that aspirin alone does not benefit the heart.
The medical mind is not swayed by facts but is made up by medical practice. Emphasize “made up” while ever practicing without ever actually getting things right!
The non-medical approach of magnesium is rarely recommended in the halls of medicine while the medical approach of aspirin is commonly recommended in those same, shameful halls of medicine.
Stating the statin drug CONundrum
More money is spent on statin drugs in America than any other category or type of drugs. It is ostensibly for helping against heart disease.
The most common, serious side effect of statin drug use is muscle pain and damage.
Are medical doctors stupid?
Obviously medical doctors are not stupid by virtue of the fact of all the schooling they had to complete in order to obtain their position.
Medical doctors are ignorant. The root of the word ignorant is ‘ignore’ and that is most certainly what they have to do to make statin drugs the #1 selling drugs in America.
Medical ignorance is magnified when it is noted that liver damage is another major side effect of statin drug use.
Statin drugs work by interfering with liver function. It should not be surprising then that statin drugs cause liver damage. It isn’t even a side effect when it is the intended effect of statin drugs to interfere with normal liver functions.
The manner by which statin drugs interfere with liver function in order to reduce cholesterol levels also interferes with the production of CoenzymeQ10 (CoQ10) by the liver from the mineral selenium.
CoQ10 is a primary protector of the heart.
This was not a discovery made after statin drug use became commonplace. This was known prior to statin drugs ever having been approved for initial use by the FDA more than 20 years ago!
So … a primary protector of the heart is prevented by statin drugs that are ostensibly for the heart though they commonly cause muscle damage – and the heart is muscle!
Common usage – or really any usage – of statin drugs with its multitudinous common side effects is the height of absurdity, or perhaps insanity.
Yet it shouldn’t even come down to side effect issues ruling out statin use.
There is no benefit derived from statin drugs that cannot be achieved by nutritional use of whole food chromium (with an assist from whole food selenium).
PLUS there are no side effects from the nutritional use of whole food forms of chromium and selenium as opposed to so many side effects from statin drug use.
Furthermore, there are many other health benefits to the heart from chromium and selenium nutrition as well as to a variety of other body parts and functions.
Since chromium and selenium were established to be essential nutrients for life more than half a century ago in the course of liver studies under the auspices of the United States government at the National Institutes of Health this really shouldn’t even be surprising.
Yet the medical approach of statin drug use is commonplace while the nutritional approach of whole food nutrition with the essential mineral nutrients chromium and selenium are little known and less used.
Use of whole food chromium and selenium nutrition makes both good scientific and common sense.
More medical ignorance of nutrition
It was also noted more than half a century ago that the mineral silicon was abundant in healthy hearts and heart vessels while significantly deficient in diseased hearts and heart vessels.
Yet this is also a very sad case of ignorance within the nutrition community as well since the importance of the mineral nutrient silicon (or silica) has been significantly overlooked or not known in spite of a wealth of data on the subject. Dr. Edith Carlisle, Ph.D. of the UCLA School of Public Health carried the ball on this one in America for many decades starting half a century ago.
In an amazing coincidence the man who headed up the research establishing the essentiality of both selenium and chromium, Dr. Klaus Schwarz, M.D., Ph.D., also was a pioneer of the importance of silicon (silica) in human nutrition.
Silicon is responsible for both strength and elasticity of cardiovascular tissue. Also, as a semiconductor, silicon is involved in nervous system message transmission as well, and it would only make sense that it is important for electrical functions with regard to the heart.
Medical malarkey
Almost half a century ago, Dr. Kilmer McCully, Harvard graduate, researcher and professor disclosed that homocysteine, an amino acid metabolite, was elevated in those with heart disease. He noted that this resulted from a deficiency of vitamin B-6.
Dr. McCully was vigorously opposed in his pursuit and promotion of this at Harvard. Once again, he was promoting a nutritional issue in a medical arena.
It was decades before this finally received wide attention.
Sadly, this simple, glaring and obvious nutritional fact is routinely dismissed in medical circles.
Studies are cited using folic acid to reverse homocysteine that do not show reduction in heart problems. The medical folly of this is that reversal of homocysteine with folic acid results only in reversal back to the amino acid methionine. If the vitamin B-6 issue is not primarily addressed then there is just a merry-go-round back and forth between homocysteine and methionine by emphasizing folic acid.
Yet, the recently deceased Dr. John Ellis, M.D., who literally wrote the book on vitamin B-6, (Vitamin B-6, The Doctor’s Report), latched on to this information more than 40 years ago and incorporated it predominantly into his medical practice and later medical research proving in clinical use that patients with heart problems on high dose B-6 had far fewer heart episodes and lived significantly longer than those with heart problems not utilizing high dose vitamin B-6.
Still more medical AND nutritional ignorance
Vitamin D has become very popular recently for many reasons including heart health. Yet one of the first things I learned in nutrition study when I first began was that vitamin D fortification results in hardening of the arteries and heart disease.
Once again it is a matter of whole food nutrition versus non-whole food (synthesized/USP/man-made) counterfeit nutrition.
Recently biochemist Shane Ellison, ‘the People’s Chemist’, addressed this on The Robert Scott Bell Show, noting that synthetic vitamin D is documented to cause heart disease. Ellison noted to get sunshine and use fish oil to get real vitamin D.
Well, there is also whole food vitamin D available in supplement form though it is the exception and not the rule.
Also, pasteurization of milk wipes out the naturally occurring whole food vitamin D from the milk. The government then requires the addition of synthetic vitamin D to milk.
It is not the fat in milk that is bad. In fact, non-fat milk is less healthy than full fat milk! (That is a long story for another time.) It is the pasteurization and homogenization of milk that makes it unhealthy – especially after replacing 4 times as much counterfeit vitamin D as the original and genuine vitamin D that was there.
Milk is also high in vitamin B6 until pasteurization eliminates all of it.
More medical malarkey
The latest overreaching blame coming down the pike is that obesity is the cause of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or whatever else ails you!
Another recent medical news story on this issue gave me over to hearty howls of laughter.
‘Scientists try to break fat-and-disease link’ blazed the Associated Propaganda headline.
The story noted, “… there are examples of obese people who somehow stay metabolically fit — no high blood pressure or high blood sugar or high cholesterol.”
“If fat cells functioned perfectly, you could be as obese as you want and not have heart disease,” said Dr. Carey Lumeng, M.D., and University of Michigan researcher and professor.
“It’s something we don’t understand, why some people are more susceptible and others are not so susceptible,” Lumeng continued.
Yet again the medical mind doesn’t get this because it isn’t a medical matter but rather a nutritional matter. However, a world renowned medical study on nutritional matters would reveal this to them if they could get beyond their medical bias.
The Framingham Heart studies are an on-going study of more than half a century. It is this study that has brought the universal understanding regarding a lifetime on the traditional Mediterranean diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and olive oil being able to prevent heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
These traditional peoples on such a traditional diet are also often obese! They can make Americans look skinny in comparison!
It is a matter of nutrient density and not a matter of obesity!!!
If you are obese because you like to eat but the foods you like to eat are good, wholesome, healthy foods then that obesity will not likely result in disease because it provides plenty of nutrients to support your plenteousness.
If on the other hand you are obese because you like to eat refined foods (white bread/rice/salt/sugar, cupcakes, cookies, white pastas, etc.) then that obesity will likely result in disease because of the severe dearth of nutrients to support your serious girth.
About a hundred years ago major changes in the average American dietary occurred with perhaps none so grand as the increased consumption of refined, bleached, white flour. Then only a relative pittance that now constitutes 20 per cent of the average American dietary according to recent federal figures – making it the single greatest component of the Standard American Dietary (SAD) intake.
The three nutrients most extremely removed from whole wheat to make white flour also happen to be the three most important of all though they are the least known of all.
In excess of 90 per cent of the silicon, selenium and chromium are removed, with more than 75 per cent of the magnesium removed, and half or more of the vitamin B6.
Factor in pasteurized milk destroying all of vitamins B6 and D with subsequent addition of synthetic vitamin D and it is no wonder at all that cardiovascular heart disease has been the number one killer of Americans for more than half a century.
Stopping the bad habits now will stop the problems from becoming even greater but it won’t stop the problems.
Problems didn’t pop up overnight. They were a long time coming. They will be a long time going if you only start good eating habits.
Speed along the departure of problems by restoring the largely, long absent nutrients with 100 per cent whole food nutrient supplementation.
Don’t just take food supplements that are supplemental additions to your food. Make sure your food supplements are supplemental additions that are in fact FOOD.
There is a difference and your body knows the difference between 100 per cent whole food nutrients formed through the living growth processes as only The Almighty can form them as opposed to those synthesized by man with his wisdom that Scripture declares is foolishness to The Almighty.
Featured Articles

Health Maverick Turns Medical Science Upside Down

Crusador Interviews Gary Tunsky

Cutting Edge Nutritional Scientist Gary Tunsky Shatters The Lies Of Medicine In This Hard-Hitting Interview With CRUSADOR Editor Greg Ciola

Gary Tunsky is a world renowned speaker/lecturer and teacher to doctors and health professionals on the latest healing technologies. In this groundbreaking interview Tunsky will shatter the mysteries surrounding all disease. His perceptive understanding of health and healing therapies will help you sift through the maze of disinformation amidst a sea of chaos and confusion so you will understand the root cause of all disease – Cellular Malfunction.
Mainstream Medicine’s fundamental misconception that thousands of different diseases exist, all with varied causes demanding different treatments, has led scientists down the flawed path of categorizing symptoms as disease when symptoms are the intelligent warning signals of disease. In this provocative interview, Tunsky will share with readers the inner workings of the body’s cells and outline his 9 Pillars of Cellular Health that are needed to restore whole body health and overcome virtually every disease “label” known to man.
Greg: Gary, it’s a pleasure to have the opportunity to interview you on this extremely important subject. Can you give our readers a short presentation on what goes on at the cellular level and how all disease originates there before we get into your 9 Pillars of Cellular Health?
Gary: Sure. To fully understand what leads to the degenerative and metabolic disease process so prevalent today you need to understand the inner workings of the cell. All life begins at the cell, is maintained by the cell, and ceases by the cell. Your cells are pretty much the bricks and mortar — I call them the nuts and bolts — from which all living tissues and organs are made. Each cell performs different responsibilities, depending on what type of cell it is.
In a complex world of over 100 trillion cells, the body is made of at least 200 different cell types. There are brain cells, skin cells, kidney cells, muscle cells, bone cells, nerve cells, and so forth. All of the body’s cells perform unique functions and synergistically orchestrate the body’s function capacity as a whole. You cannot separate these cells any more than you can separate organs or systems without suffering consequences. The problem with medical science is they’ve compartmentalized the body into a bunch of truck parts which has led to the training of specialty fields teaching that the cells, organs, and systems all work separately. You cannot segregate or isolate any of the cells, organs, systems, or even nutrients for that matter. They all work in synergy like a synchronized orchestra.
Greg: What constitutes a healthy cell?
Gary: There are eleven different categories that are necessary for new cell growth and proper functioning of the body’s systems as a whole. They are:
1.      24 amino acids.
2.      Carbohydrates or glycogen.
3.      Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s).
4.      16 vitamins.
5.      72 plus minerals.
6.      Enzymes (catalysts which make everything else work).
7.      Phytonutrients (pro-oxidants instead of antioxidants coming from green plants which have the chlorophyll).
8.      Sunshine or photon light (electromagnetic pulse waves which come from the sun).  
9.      Glyconutrients (essential glycosugars and glycolipids needed for cellular communication).
10. Oxygen.
11. Water (restructured alkaline water as opposed to dead acidic water).
Greg: Can you explain how these eleven different categories are synonymous with the 26 letters of the alphabet and how it ties into good health?
Gary: Just as a dictionary is built on 26 letters, which are rearranged in sentences, the human cells need over 100-plus nutrients in eleven different categories to run cellular processes. Let’s say you have 30 nutrients out of 45 needed at a beta cell site to produce insulin. The cell will sit there and wait for the next meal to complete the extra 15 nutrients needed to synthesize the insulin.  If there’s a deficiency, it will wait to complete the nutrient recipe or synthesize inferior insulin.  Another cell might be a brain cell needing 40 nutrients to produce serotonin. If it’s not at the cell site or if the cell membrane is solidified, caked up with toxins, or hardened with hydrogenated fats, obviously that would be a factor in the cell not being able to receive the intelligent nutrients or electrical impulse needed to produce serotonin.
If it’s a liver cell that produces bile, it’s the same thing. If the liver cell doesn’t have the recipe of the nutrients out of the 100-plus, the cell will sit there and wait for the next meal. Hopefully you’ll be smart enough to complete the cellular recipe for the building material in order to make the bile.
So every hormone, neurotransmitter, peptide, and substance such as ATP for energy, is actually built on a recipe or a synergy of different nutrients from those eleven categories I just listed.
Greg: Tell us how the body’s cells perform different functions within the body?
Gary: Well, every cell, whether it’s a nerve cell or a muscle cell or a brain cell, is analogous to us as a whole in a microcosm. For instance, we have to breathe oxygen — cells have to breathe oxygen. We communicate — cells communicate in four different languages. They communicate in electromagnetic language, neurotransmitter language, hormonal language, and electrochemical language, which would be a combination of brain and the muscle.
We have internal organs — our cells have internal organs called organelles or genetic material. We have skin — our cells have skin called semi-permeable membrane to protect the inside of the cell from damage due to free radicals.
We conceive children — cells actually conceive by splitting and dividing into new cell generations called daughter cells. We produce waste — cells produce and release waste which has to be eliminated from the body via the skin, colon and urine. We need photon light from the sun — every cell of the body needs photon light from the sun for cellular communication which creates the electromagnetic energy to light up the cell like a light bulb. We harness the micro-electric current energy coming from the sun through photosynthesis — cells harness micro-electric voltage inside the cell, in the mitochondria which produces the ATP; the energy factories for every cell. Cells are also manufacturing plants that synthesize hormones, neurotransmitters, proteins, peptides and intelligent life force to run all the body’s functions.
So if you look at the correlation between a human and a cell, we have 100 trillion tiny cellular engines that are analogous of a human that performs different functions. Cells are multifaceted. Some act as miniature electrical generators, like lithium batteries. New Age calls it aura but every human being produces energy that can be measured by Kirlian photography. All of your cells store, repair, communicate, and transport. Every second of every day your cells are involved with waste disposal, food production, temperature control, and pH balancing to maintain health and vitality all dependant on the 9 Pillars of Cellular Health.
Greg: Gary, you’ve been able to break almost every disease known to man down into a short yet thorough presentation. Can you explain that to our readers?
          Gary: Okay. By knowing that the creation of the human body is built on plant-derived substances, not synthetic pharmaceutical compounds, the body is created to recognize self from non-self. Anything synthetic is rejected as a foreign substance. The disease process is triggered by the accumulated toxins that we eat, breathe, drink, think, and bathe in on a regular basis. If we take in more contaminants, carcinogens and acids than what the body’s filtration, elimination and immune system can handle on a daily basis, it supersedes a threshold that eventually overwhelms the body and pollutes the blood. Our blood is a river of life. When it becomes overwhelmed with toxins it becomes a river of disease and death instead.
Here’s an analogy of the toxic assault most of us are faced with on a daily basis. Most Americans wake up Monday morning to a jolt of caffeine from a cup of coffee and a sugar-laden donut or pastry. Then their hit with more toxins from breakfast, lunch, and dinner that will introduce more sugar, white flower, preservatives, additives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, cancer-causing dyes, artificial flavors, rancid fats, hydrogenated fats, and a litany of other toxic additives that eventually get into the blood through digestion.
Then you step outside and breathe contaminated air, especially if you’re in a major city like New York, Los Angeles or Houston. It’s possible you could be breathing 100,000 different environmental and industrial contaminants with every breath. You have fluorocarbons, petrofluorocarbons, PCB’s, dioxin, industrial contaminants, fossil fuels, paint fumes, Chemtrails, pesticides, herbicides, and other genocides.
Combine this with the chemical by-products from industry depending on your profession. For example; if you’re a painter or if you’re a mechanic that’s dealing with turpentine solvents that leach through the skin and into the bloodstream.
Then you have beverage contaminants with your Cokes, Dr. Peppers, carbonated sodas, BHA, BHT, sodium benzoate, Yellow No. 5 dyes, caramel coloring, MSG, aspartame, Splenda, phosphoric acid, and thousands of other chemicals that also get into the blood through digestion.
Then you have your skin, which is literally a sponge with what you’re bathing and showering in and most people, out of ignorance, don’t have a shower filter to filter this garbage out of their municipal water. When you bathe you’re taking in chlorine dioxide, fluoride, bromide, arsenic and all the other chemical by-products they use to treat the water. An average person with a 10-15-minute shower is going to drink six glasses of tap water by the absorption of the skin pores.
A trip to the bathroom will assault your body with thousands of other chemical toxins that are in your cosmetics and toiletries like toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, deodorant, shampoo, hair spray, shaving cream, lipstick, perfume, and cologne. In many cases manufacturers are not even required by law to list what chemicals are in these products.
So the big picture is by the time you breathe, eat, drink and bathe, not counting your social habits, second-hand smoke, emotional toxins, or the contaminants in your homes, businesses, or airplanes by breathing in recycled air from the air ducts that haven’t been cleaned in five years, you are past a threshold that your body can handle to stay well. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you breathe, eat, drink and bathe in more contaminants than your body can eliminate on a daily basis, eventually your payday will come as a degenerative or metabolic disease.  
If you’re taking in an accumulated combined total of 150,000 contaminants on Monday and the liver, kidneys, colon, lymphatic system, the skin through sweat, and respiratory CO2 output are only capable of dumping 100,000 contaminants, you’re in trouble. By Tuesday you haven’t changed your lifestyle; you have the same job, the same stress, the same eating habits, same social habits, and same job. Day after day you maintain that toxic load at 150,000 or more, and the body is only dumping 100,000 or less.
As time goes on, the immune system weakens, the liver, kidneys and the lymphatic system get congested, and they slow down as far as their filtering capability. Usually a lethargic condition or sluggishness sets in at this time telling you that contamination is occurring at the blood level. Most people, being tired like that, are even more sedentary and ingest toxic stimulants to get them through the day. Then at their jobs, they’re sitting around watching computers. At home they’re watching television and they’re not moving the blood and they’re not moving the lymph fluids. So as time goes on, now the elimination systems, the filtration systems, and the immune system are only capable of removing 90,000 contaminants, then 80,000, then 70,000. As time goes on, the toxic load is maintained but the elimination capability is weakened.
What happens with these extra carcinogens, acids, and toxins is they end up collecting in the blood.  Once the blood becomes contaminated, the body goes under what’s called adaption response where it will shove these toxins and poisons into a weak link in the chain of organs; what I call the path of least resistance. This is your genetic predisposition given to you by your parents. Wherever your weakness is, or the path of least resistance, is where the blood is going to choose to store or deposit the toxins in order to keep the blood clean and you alive.
 If the dump zone is the joints and the blood is shoving these acids and contaminants into the synovial fluid producing cells for storage, what happens next is billions of cells that produce synovial fluid or bursa fluid become congested, contaminated, and suffocated. Eventually it causes a cascading effect of cellular respiration problems and the water, oxygen, and intelligent nutrients can’t get in through the phospholipid membrane.
When billions of cells in the joints can’t produce the joint protecting fluid, you get a dryness and then an immune response of T-cells, macrophages, and NK cells to clean up the toxic mess like a Pac Man. When the white blood cells fight anything, they release histamines, cytokines, or prostaglandins which are inflammatory chemicals. This inflammatory response is going to be called arthritis or bursitis by medical science. I want the readers to know that arthritis is not even a disease. “Arth” means joint; “itis” means inflammation. So inflammation of the joint is a description of the cellular malfunction of the synovial fluid or the bursa fluid producing cells.
If the dump zone is the pancreas because that’s your weak link in the chain of organs where the beta cells are that produce insulin and they get congested, suffocated, and contaminated, eventually the cell receptors get clogged and they cannot produce the insulin or receive glucose. When sugar is ingested, sugar regulation is affected and you’re going to go into a hypoglycemic condition eventually leading to the label “diabetes mellitus.” Again, this is cellular malfunction just like bursa joint cell contamination would be cellular malfunction. Two different locations, one disease: Cellular Malfunction.
If the dump zone is the heart where the cardiac cells are located that regulate electrical conduction for heart contraction, eventually you’re going to have arrhythmias or palpitations telling you what’s happening at the cellular level; that the toxic residues are impacted in the arteries, coronaries, or the cardiac tissue. Eventually the symptoms are going to scream louder in an angina pain to tell you that cellular malfunction is more severe. When the cells malfunction in the heart, you’re going to have a label called cardiovascular disease, eventually a myocardial infarction, or a heart attack, if it’s not dealt with by non-toxic, non-invasive treatments.
If the deposition is the frontal lobe of the brain, usually it’s heavy metals: aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury from your teeth, vaccines, etc. Heavy metals will leak in through the blood brain barrier via the dopaminergic system then the lipid fatty tissue of the brain will attract these heavy metals. If it’s the frontal lobe of the brain where cells regulate cognitive thinking, you’re going to get short-term memory problems and then eventually long-term memory loss called Alzheimer’s disease. Again, these are labels of the same disease: Cellular Malfunction.
If the substantia nigra dopamine producing cells or the corpus striatum in the brain just below the pituitary is the collection or deposition zone for heavy metals and neurotoxins, you’re going to have problems with dopamine production; and you’re going to display symptoms of festination, or shuffling gait, called Parkinson’s disease. There’s no such thing as Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson is the name of a doctor. Parkinson’s disease is the descriptive label of cellular malfunction of dopamine producing cells in the brain.
I can show this physiological pathway with every “dis-ease” label known to man. The readers need to know that there is only one disease, cellular malfunction with two causes to the 10,001 “labels” on the one disease. The question to your readers is what would be the treatment protocols if you knew that the physiological pathway to the one disease is toxicities and insufficiencies.
Greg: The medical answer to the cellular malfunction is to prescribe symptom suppressive pharmaceutical drugs, administer chemotherapy, or radiate the body and poison the cells into an even further damaged state instead of bridging the gap and getting into what you talk about, the 9 Pillars of Cellular Health, that will actually restore health to the body by going to the cell level and feeding the cells the things that they need to survive and thrive.
Gary: Correct. The readers need to know that there is only one disease and only two factors that cause the one disease of cellular malfunction: Toxicities and Insufficiencies. The categories of toxicities, Greg, would cover your environmental contaminants, food contaminants, beverage contaminants, your industrial household cleaners, and everything else I just described above.
Then you have your insufficiencies which are caused by the toxicities: insufficient respiration, hydration, circulation, nutritional assimilation, etc. When you have a caked-up coating around the cell membranes, obviously that would cause hydration problems — the water can’t get in. It would cause oxygenation problems, or what’s called hypoxia, which is the medical term for low oxygen and that’s a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and even cancer.
It would also lead to nutritional insufficiencies. If you have a cell membrane that is caked up, coated and solidified, obviously amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes — those eleven categories I talked about, even the photon light and electricity, are going to have trouble penetrating the cell membrane to get inside the cell. You need intracellular nutritional elements instead of extra-cellular.
Most people don’t understand that it’s not the quantity that you take in with nutrition, it’s the quality. What is the bioavailability? What is actually absorbing intracellular versus floating on the outside called extra-cellular nutrition? And most people don’t take in the proper nutrients necessary to get inside the cells where the genetic material lays, especially the inner hub called the nucleus, which is where the subatomic particles are. That’s the power that runs the cellular engines.
So based on the location of the cellular malfunction, there is a correlating symptom or group of symptoms that is intelligently built in by God as a warning signal that medical science calls disease. Every cellular malfunction in the human body, similar to a car, has the dummy lights that correlate to where the malfunction is occurring. Medical science, out of ignorance, is wiping out the cellular cry (symptoms), driving the disease deeper instead of getting to the cellular malfunction because of ignorance in their training in med school.
Greg: What you say sounds so simple, Gary. Why doesn’t the medical establishment address these issues and correct the problems at the cellular level instead of just shutting down symptoms at the system level?
Gary: You can sum it all up in one simple word – MONEY! The medical training curriculum in the top university medical schools of Harvard, Baylor and Stanford make sure that the medical doctors are not taught the most important subject matters of symptoms verses disease. Remember, these are 20-year-old kids that want to be an MD. They’re sitting in front of a professor in a position of trust with a white coat who’s probably on the payroll of a drug company. So, due to the infiltration of millions of dollars in the form of grant money or research money, they make sure that they do not teach the two subject matters that are the answers for cellular disease treatments: homotoxicology and nutritional biochemistry.
Medical doctors are ignorant about the toxic assaults against the DNA, cell membrane, genetic material, and the deficiencies of nutritional elements that are the building blocks of the cells. The reason why these two subject matters are totally eliminated in medical school is because if they were ever taught that toxins cause cellular damage they would have to point their finger at their own profession and question their own toxic medicine, surgical knives of butchery, unnecessary organ removal, nuclear radio isotopes, chemotherapy, and radiation, and say, “Well, Professor, you’re telling us that toxins, X-Rays, and the category of synthetic compounds are the main cause of disease and cellular malfunction. Then why are we writing symptom suppressive prescriptions with multiple side effects? Why are we using mustard gas derived chemotherapy cocktails, radiation which causes cancer, and these radio isotopes and media contrast dyes that cause DNA damage?”
All of these treatments rob nutritional elements, make cellular respiration worse, cause dehydration, wipe out the immune system, and make cellular pH more acidic, allowing future opportunistic infections and disease to flourish.
Greg: The reality is if they were taught the truth, their whole empire would crumble because it’s built on a foundation of junk science that cannot withstand the light of truth.
Gary: Absolutely. It’s built on sand. When you start with a lie based on pseudo science you’ve got to maintain that lie to protect the economic system. The whole medical profession is built on symptom suppression. Symptoms are not the disease they are just the warning signals of the cellular cry due to cellular malfunction caused by toxicities and insufficiencies.
What’s interesting is these two factors cause a cascade of other problems that will eventually drive you into the hospital. Cellular detoxification should be one of the main treatment options of medical doctors to remove the cellular toxemia from the kidneys, liver, and blood so the cells can breathe properly again. That is not even addressed in the medical profession. There is not one mainstream medical doctor that will implement a cellular detoxification program.
Greg: Let’s get into the 9 Pillars of Cellular Health that you recommend to stay healthy and recover from illness. Your first and most important pillar is Cellular Detoxification.
Gary: The reader needs to know that in the category of cellular detoxification, there are at least nine factors that need to be done to clean up the cellular toxemia. The first is bowel elimination. The bowels are a major elimination system that protects the liver and cells from toxic contamination. Most people are constipated because they’re eating fiberless, colon clogging food that is causing congestion to the 30-foot alimentary canal which eventually leads to putrefied proteins, rancid fats and fermented carbs. When they mix together, you get cancer-causing agents of nitrates, sulfates, purines, and peroxide free radicals and hydroxyl free radicals which will enter into the blood through the portal vein. You have to implement measures of colon cleansing to detoxify the body. Temple Cleanse is a powerful magnesium based ozone product that I use which has superoxide ozonates to help break up the fecal matter into water and gases like Liquid Drano.             
Greg: What do you recommend after cleansing the colon?
Gary: Cleanse the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system because they are the body’s filtration organs. If the liver is backed up, the toxins switch to the kidneys. When the kidneys back up, toxins are shoved through the skin, which is the second kidney. Rashes are really caused by a backup of the colon, liver and kidneys. Seven layers of the dermis and the epidermis get clogged by the toxic sludge trying to come out through the skin pores through sweat. Most people have trouble with perspiration, especially women.
Greg: What are some things that people can do to cleanse their liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system?
Gary: I use a homeopathic drainage remedy from Germany called the Detox Kit which has three vials; one for the liver, kidneys, and the lymphatic system. Then I use an extra drainage remedy for the blood because the life of the flesh is in the blood.
We also have herbs. There is milk thistle for the liver and uva ursa for the kidneys. Even pure cranberry juice that doesn’t have sugar is great for the kidneys. I’m a real advocate of fresh vegetable juices that have live enzyme and high chlorophyll content along with thousands of phytonutrients that cannot be matched in a chemistry lab. As simple as fresh juice is from a juicer, it washes through the kidneys and liver because the digestive enzymes are intact and there’s no digestion needed because the juicer just did the digestive tract’s job.  It’s a tremendous pH changer, too.
Greg: What are some of the other protocols of detoxification beyond cleaning the colon, liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system that you recommend?
Gary: The next detox pathway I open up would be respiration, which is as simple as breathing properly. Deep breathing and regular exercise will increase O2 respiration and CO2 output, alkalizing pH.
Next would be increasing circulation. Most people are sedentary so they don’t have any lymph and blood circulation. You have a stagnation which is caused by lack of life-giving circulation.  A stagnant swamp draws mosquitoes and flies and allows fungus and algae to grow on the top. Many people have systemic candida problems because of stagnation. Then the sugar, white flower and Frankenfoods that they’ve been eating for years eventually collect in that stagnation and ferment, causing scavengers of bacteria, viruses, parasites, fluke worms, round worms and other virulent pathogens that eventually feed and breed in that area.
Next would be addressing vibratory problems. Cell vibration would obviously be affected by not having enough electromagnetic pulse waves to the cells because of toxicities and other factors I’ve talked about. Lack of circulation, filtration and exercise causes cell vibration to drop to where cells become wobbly instead of having a high vibratory rate — what’s called resonance. Instead of having a left spin of health, which vacuums nutrition into the cells like a tornado vortex, the cells becomes wobbly and repel nutrients and fluids with a right spin and low vibratory rate similar to two magnets in opposition to each other. When this happens they start spinning right, keeping them on the outside of the cell. The cells either spin left for health or right in a “dis-ease” process.
My last protocol of detoxification is heavy metal chelation. Most people today are loaded with heavy metals from mercury amalgam fillings in their teeth, fish, vaccines, aluminum from aluminum cans, cookware, cosmetic items and other industrial sources. All of these heavy metals imbed deep into the brain and nervous system and have a dramatic impact on the body’s health. It’s important to find out what heavy metals may be in your system so they can be chelated out of the body.  
Greg: Let’s pick up on your 2nd Pillar of Cellular Health, Gary.
Gary: Okay. It’s correcting Cellular Oxygenation and respiration. Most people, because they’re sedentary, don’t breathe in enough oxygen, they’re shallow breathers. Another problem that we have is our environment is contaminated so we have trouble getting the saturation of oxygen we need because it’s chelated with fluorocarbons, fossil fuels, and industrial contaminants.
There are a lot of oxygen therapies available to help correct oxygen deficiencies. There are oxygen drops that can be added to your water. There is ozone therapy. In our clinic we use an ozone cabinet. Ozone is an exotic form of oxygen that’s broken down into 01’s which are nascent molecules brought in through the skin. You can also do ozone therapies to the blood outside of the United States called autohemotherapy. There are hyperbaric chambers that pressurize the oxygen in the blood and increase saturation. There are also water machines that can ozonate the water and actually manufacture oxygen through ozone generation.
Greg: What about chlorophyll? Doesn’t that help oxygenate the body as well?
Gary: Yes.Chlorophyll comes from plankton, green leafy vegetables, wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, chlorella, and other potent green foods. Concentrated wheat and barley grass has a high chlorophyll content which helps increase oxygen. If you look at our environment they’re cutting down the rain forests and polluting the oceans, which have the oxygen giving plankton and algae.
The attack on our oxygen is a ploy being used to cause sickness. The global elitists know that if they can drop the oxygen, keep you away from oxygen therapy, keep your colon polluted, keep your cells contaminated and insufficient of nutrition, water, photon light, and oxygen; they can maintain their sick care industry. Disease, Inc. is built on keeping medical doctors in the dark on cellular malfunction and away from removing toxic residues from the body that purposely creates the factors that cause the insufficiencies and toxicities at the cell level. Then by focusing on symptom suppression, they keep the medical money-go-round or the medical merry-go-round rolling. If you never get to the root cause of cellular malfunction, you can maintain this colossal scam by perpetrating mystery illnesses to the public that have unknown causes.
Greg: What is your 3rd Pillar of Cellular Health?
Gary: The third pillar is Cellular Hydration. I’m talking about living water versus dead water. When the body becomes too toxic the cell membranes become solidified with toxic residues and water has a hard time getting inside the cell. The only water that would break up the toxic residue around the cell membrane would be micro-clustered or structured water that has an ionic exchange. Once water enters the cell, it actually forces toxins in the genetic material outside of the cell. It spits out the toxic residues that have accumulated inside the cell back into the lymph and then eventually back into the blood circulation where they can be eliminated by the skin, colon, urinary tract, or through respiration.
Most people don’t drink enough water and they don’t drink the proper type of water. People truly believe that H2O is H2O, whether it comes from reverse osmosis, distillation, or some type of water in the stores? Through my research with fluid dynamics and hydro technology, water is as complex as quantum physics. In order to properly hydrate the body you have to have alkalized micro-clustered structured water that is similar to a hexagonal snowflake if you look at it frozen under a microscope. That’s what’s called intracellular water that gets inside the cell versus floating on the outside of the cell membrane.
There’s an incredible invention called The Alkalizer, which is a Living Water machine that works phenomenally well. Tap water comes in, it’s filtered through a carbon filter, and then it’s actually run through the machine and restructured by platinum and titanium plates by electrolysis. The water is restructured into that snowflake structure that I talked about – what’s called a micro-cluster which has a particle size that is so tiny that it passes right through the cell membrane into the cell.
What’s interesting about this water, too, is that it will bond to any nutrition in the blood, especially oxygen, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, pro-oxidants, etc. pulling them right into the cell with it. So you’re getting what’s called intracellular technology versus an extra cellular technology. Most waters are flat and dead because they have no mineral content. Reverse osmosis and distillation have no life force. It may be pure filtered H2O, but unfortunately it’s flat dead water that floats on the outside of the cell as opposed to going inside of the cell.
Greg: A lot of patients you work with think they’re getting hydrated drinking bottled water (Aquafina, Dasani, etc.) but they’re still dehydrated aren’t they?
Gary: Absolutely. I’m still finding that they’re dehydrated because the body is getting water, but the cells are screaming, “I know you drank water, I didn’t.” And the cells will continually scream for hydration if you’re not drinking intracellular water. The dehydration is at the cellular level, not at the blood and system level.
Greg: When you talk about drug companies and modern medicine, none of them recommend hydrating the cells properly as a protocol to getting well. In fact, pharmaceuticals dehydrate most cells in the body, don’t they?
Gary: Yes they do. Dehydration is a main culprit in migraine headaches. Every single pillar of cellular health that I recommend is actually blocked or antagonized by pharmaceuticals, surgical procedures, chemotherapy, and radiation which are the only four tools of treatment in the toolbox of the medical establishment.
Greg: Let’s pick up on your 4th Pillar of Cellular Health.
Gary: Cellular Nutrition. I also call it intracellular nutrition or nutritional assimilation. What we’ve been taught is basic nutrition but I want to bring it a step ahead to show that the cells need to have intracellular nutrition versus extra-cellular nutrition just like I described with the water. That means either the nutrition is floating on the outside or it’s vacuumed in where the genetic material, the DNA, and the co-factors of the cellular engine that run the cells are.  It’s called bioavailability. What is your assimilation inside the cell? It has nothing to do with dosage.
This is not addressed in nutrition. They’re just telling you to pop your pills and get your isolated vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. What they don’t tell you is the type of minerals, vitamins, and nutrition that you need to take into the body that are bioavailable.
Greg: Why don’t you explain what some of those are so our readers know what intracellular nutrition you recommend. We don’t want them buying a generic multi-vitamin thinking that they’re getting intracellular nutrition from it.
Gary: There are only a few companies out there that have figured out that liquid nutrition in a soluble ionic form instead of a colloidal or rock shale form actually has a higher absorption rate versus capsules, tablets, and pills that need to be digested and then broken down by the liver and kidneys. One of my favorite lines is that “It’s a sin to put synthetics into a human living biological machine.” Anything that’s not plant derived that is put into a chemistry lab in a synthetic concoction and synthesized is looked at as a foreign substance consisting of petroleum-based carbon-chain constructs. When it comes to products like Centrum or a One-A-Day from Walgreen’s or Wal-Mart, you get what you pay for. And you’re going to get synthetic constructs that are not going to be utilized versus a product such as Vibe from Eniva which has a solubility that creates a magnetic effect so the nutrition gets inside the cell.
If people bridge in the eleven categories of nutrition that I discussed earlier that are needed to build healthy cells, it will play a major role in cellular health. Your readers need to know the synergy involved with these eleven categories. It’s called synchronicity. You can’t separate the eleven categories of nutrition or the 9 Pillars of Cellular Health that I am laying out. They all work synergistically. By doing cellular detox alone, it would obviously help, but if you’re not doing cellular oxygenation, cellular hydration, cellular nutrition, cellular immunity and so forth, you’re going to have gaps in cell function. The body’s cellular matrix engine parts cannot run on oxygen only, or vitamins only, or minerals only; they need all nine pillars for peak performance. To tell someone to take their vitamin C, vitamin B6, or calcium is useless information. What about the other nutrients that work with these isolated nutrients?
You have to see the rain forest instead of just looking at a tree to see the big picture that the cell runs on integrative complex factors and not just myopically running on one thing at a time. If an automobile engine runs on many parts, the cellular engine runs on many parts. And you have to understand those 9 parts, which is what I’m trying to explain. When you combine oxygen, photon light, micro-clustered water, minerals, living foods from plants, etc. the blood becomes extremely rich as far as health is concerned and a flowing river of life to the hundred trillion cells, as long as there’s circulation flowing from head to toe.
Greg: What’s the 5th Pillar of Cellular Health?
Gary: Correcting Cellular pH.
Greg: You and I wrote a book and produced a CD set called “The Battle For Health is Over pH.” pH is a huge part of the health program, but when you bridge everything else in that you’re talking about here, the body’s pH corrects itself, doesn’t it?
Gary: Correct, as long as you’re incorporating the 9 Pillars of Cellular Health. Acidic pH actually draws in virulent pathogens and scavengers to clean up the mess. Acidosis also shuts down cell process. Instead of running on 8 cylinders, the cells will only run on four cylinders, causing a host of problems.
Greg: So it’s very important for people to stop doing all the things that are poisoning them with acid, isn’t it?
Gary: Absolutely. The sugar-laden, saturated fat American diet or what they call the standard American diet is loaded with toxins and acids coming from food sources and beverages. You have carbonated beverages, sugar, coffee, alcohol, and even acid emotions of anger to stress, which is a major factor in the United States. Most people are eating a diet that is 80 percent acid and 20 percent alkaline, if they’re lucky. For some it’s 90 percent acid and 10 percent alkaline. It should be 80 percent alkaline and 20 percent acid in order for cellular process to function correctly, in order to maintain that 7.3 pH.
Greg: What is your 6th Pillar of Cellular Health?
Gary: Cellular Immunity or cellular immune system modulation versus manipulation. Everything in medical science is a manipulator to cellular immunity, such as bone marrow transplants, gamma globulin injections, interferon, and interleukin injections. What they don’t understand in immunology is the immune system runs on 22 instruments simultaneously and it plays like a symphony orchestra. When you manipulate one out of the 22 and elevate it artificially, then you throw off the other 21 instruments causing a homeostatic imbalance to the body.
With cellular immunity you need to modulate it like tuning in a piano or a radio that’s between channels. To do this you need glycosugars, which is the science of glycobiology, transfer factors, mushroom extracts, aloe vera, colostrum, Beta-1,3-glucans, thymus extracts, glandulars, and many other natural compounds. These healing elements are all powerful immune system modulators as opposed to artificial manipulators. All of these modulators actually tune in the 22 instruments that play the immune system symphony.
You have T cells, B cells, memory cells, natural killer cells, tumor necrosis factor, interferon, interleukin, etc. You have a wide variety of different types of white blood cells that are orchestrated as an immune system symphony and communicate to each other like a wireless fiber optic phone system.
Greg: What would be your 7th Pillar of Cellular Health?
Gary: Cellular Communication. Again, like I said earlier, we communicate and our cells communicate. We use different languages of Spanish, German, Polish, Norwegian, etc., cells have different languages depending on the cell type. The problem is if the DNA antenna and transmitter cannot receive the electromagnetic, hormonal, electrochemical, or the neurotransmitter pulse waves, they cannot receive the correct pulse to trigger a cellular communication to the distant or neighboring cells. A good analogy would be to picture a hundred trillion cells firing like a wireless phone system. There are over 6 billion people on the planet. Envision all of them picking up a wireless cell phone and making a phone call. That’s 6 billion conversations going on simultaneously. Then picture everyone hitting three-way with three-way conversations going on throughout the world. Then picture everyone hitting conference call where each phone has the capability of 1,000 conversations.
Now picture everyone dunking their phone in mud. What would happen? Transmission and reception would be affected. When the body’s cells become suffocated or contaminated by the cellular toxemia or sludge, they block the cell membrane and the electromagnetic, neurotransmitter, and hormonal pulse waves cannot get in and hit the DNA coil to transmit and receive cellular messages. It shuts down cellular communication making you tired and docile.
A lack of glycosugars on the cells’ receptors also plays a factor in the cellular communication breakdown. If glycosugars are not lining the cell membrane and causing a Braille-type notching, the cells can’t fire the messages.  When our mouths are covered, we can’t talk and communicate. When cell membranes are coated with toxins and deficient in glycosugars, they can’t talk and communicate properly either.
When a hundred trillion cellular engines are being shut down from proper communication, it affects moods and feelings. It also affects energy and thought process. If you look at every Pillar of Cellular Health I’ve talked about, electromagnetics and photons are involved. Every nutrient in a living form is conductive, whether it’s oxygen, minerals, essential fatty acids, or water, which carries current just like if you were in a bathtub with a live radio thrown into it. Water is a carrier of current, as long as you have the right type of water in the body. So every pillar contributes to cellular electricity.
Greg: When you talk about glycosugars, can you expound on that a little bit more because this is a relatively new science that has a lot of clinical research behind it?
 Gary: Just like there are essential fatty acids, essential amino acids, and essential vitamins and minerals that the body needs, there are essential sugars that the body needs too. Due to our poor dietary habits and the degeneration of the environment around the world, our bodies are lacking some of these essential sugars. Even if you’re following these pillars that I’ve outlined here, if you’re missing four, five, or six of these important sugars on the cells, you’re still going to be lacking perfect health because your cells aren’t going to be able to communicate without those essential sugars on them.
Unfortunately, because no one eats perfect, we have to implement these glycosugars in a supplement form.  There are only two products that I know of currently that offer a complete blend of these essential sugars. One is Manapol from Carrington Labs and the other is Ambrotose from Mannatech.   
Greg: The only problem with Mannatech is that they are promoting these sugars as the cure all. Unless you incorporate your 9 Pillars of Cellular Health, you’re missing a whole spectrum of other treatment protocols that are necessary.  Your famous line that always sticks in my head is “There is no magic bullet, whether it’s with nutritional supplements or pharmaceutical drugs.”
Gary: Absolutely not. Just as no organ works alone, no cell works alone, no system works alone, and no nutritional element works alone. That needs to be known. There is a lot of deception out there. You can’t bake a cake with flour only. You need a lot of ingredients. The cells need a lot of ingredients. This is why incorporating these 9 Pillars of Cellular Health are so important. The reason why the Lord has chosen nine is that nine is the only number in the universe that completes itself.  We are complete in cellular health with 9 Pillars of Cellular Health.
Greg: Can you explain to our readers how nine completes itself?
Gary: In Pythagoras math, nine is the only number in the universe that remains nine when multiplied and broken down into one digit by adding the digits together. For example, 1 times 9 equals 9; 2 times 9 equals 18, 1 plus 8 is 9; or 9 times 3 equals 27, 2 plus 7 is 9; 9 times 4 equals 36, 3 plus 6 is 9; 9 times 8 equals 72, 7 plus 2 is 9. If you go to 9 billion times 9 it equals 81 billion, 8 plus 1 plus 0000000000 is 9. So it completes itself to eternity, forever. That’s why God chose that number as a completion number. We are complete in 9.
When you incorporate these 9 Pillars of Cellular Health, it kicks in God’s self-healing autonomic system, so the healing doctor that’s inside you is triggered. It’s a catalyst that ends up triggering the self-healing system to repair any cellular damage there is. And then the symptom of the cellular damage or the cellular malfunctioning goes away.
Greg: What is your 8th Pillar of Cellular Health?
Gary: Hormone Modulation. Again, you need hormone modulators instead of hormone manipulators. Males and females are both suffering from serious hormonal imbalances and problems because of all the toxicities in the environment, foods, beverages, and the drugs they’re taking like the pill and these hormone replacement therapies. If you look at medical science and allopathic Westernized medicine, their limitation of treatment is hormone manipulation with Premarin, Prevarin or synthetic testosterone for men. They are throwing off the homeostasis of the other hormones that work in synergy with that individual hormone. You cannot manipulate one hormone without throwing nine more off because they work in synergy. If you manipulate estrogen you’re going to throw off luteinizing hormone or follicle stimulating hormone or growth hormone and DHEA. No one knows what hormones are going to be thrown out of balance.
You need plant derived substances that are non-toxic coming from nature that modulate these hormones like tuning in a piano or a radio. A plant-derived compound could be damiana. There’s black cohosh, blue cohosh, dong quai, dioscorea extract coming from the Mexican yam, plant sterols, natural progesterone cream, and many other compounds. Most problems in women aren’t estrogen problems; they’re progesterone problems. The very thing that they increase in medicine (estrogen) is causing cancer.
Greg: We published a big story on that in Crusader along those very same lines. Dr. Sherrill Sellman said that women are being given way too much estrogen and they lack progesterone which is what would really help correct a lot of their hormonal problems.
Gary: Correct. In society today women have been buying the lie that they can go get Premarin which means pregnant mare’s urine. This is what they’re sticking into the body of a woman. Out of ignorance, most women don’t know that so they’re putting these synthetic concoctions into the blood and causing more toxins and hormonal imbalances, risking breast and ovarian cancer.
Greg: Would incorporating a detoxification program be one of the biggest things to correcting a lot of the hormone problems to begin with?
Gary: Absolutely. In fact, I don’t touch any of my patients in my clinic without doing the cellular detoxification first. I put them on a whole body detox. I call it Dr. Detox, which is formulated to clean up the liver, kidneys, blood, lymphatics, colon, and the cells first. Eventually the cells are allowed to breathe again and receive the intelligent nutrients. Then I do what’s called a building phase where I build the hormones, build the immunity, build the nutritional deficiencies and then increase the blood flow to the injured or diseased areas. Eventually the cellular engines become bathed again by the oxygen, photon light, water, vitamins, minerals, EFA’s, — whatever is missing. Then the cellular engines synthesize what they’re supposed to. They actually regenerate instead of degenerative. So you’re either getting a cellular degeneration by lacking the 9 Pillars of Cellular Health or you’re getting a regeneration by implementing them.
Greg: Pick up on the 9th Pillar of Cellular Health.
Gary: The last pillar is Stabilizing Cellular Emotion and Spirit. There is an emotional component to the cell which is thinking and speaking. Prayer is a link to the nucleic hub of the cell, the Holy Spirit. If you’re speaking negative factors into your life, you’re going to draw negative circumstances and the cells are affected by negative gene expression. If someone is screaming at you or says “I hate you” – it will change the chemistry of the cells. This is Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work. He’s actually proven that even the water surrounding the cell is going to be shattered in a chaotic structure like broken glass by speaking negative things of hate and anger. Or if you’re speaking love and positive joyful things, the water will make a perfect hexagonal snowflake structure. Everyone needs to know that what you’re thinking or speaking is where you go. You will draw the circumstances into your life, negative or positive, and the cells will function in a degenerative way or a regenerative way, depending on what’s said or thought.
Greg: Music also plays a big role in this emotional/spiritual role. Feeding your mind and your spirit with the wrong music all day long can definitely have a negative effect on your health, correct?
Gary: Absolutely. Getting back to that water being effected by sound, acid rock, rap, and a lot of this chaotic music nowadays has satanic lyrics. They’re hidden lyrics that you’re just not aware of and it affects the water around and inside the cell in a negative way, which causes cellular degeneration. Eventually it’s going to give you suicidal tendencies. That’s why you’re hearing about murders now with a lot of these rock groups and children that listen to this type of music.
Releasing toxic emotions would be a factor in this category too. It’s kind of what I call an emotional constipation. When you hang on to toxic emotions such as anger, bitterness, resentment, hatred, unforgiveness, etc. and don’t release it, your cells are affected in a degenerative or a negative way. It can even cause acidic pH.
Greg: So what happens when a person incorporates all of these 9 Pillars of Cellular Health?
Gary: All of the body’s 100 trillion cells regenerate and perform at optimum capacity. The body’s built in self-healing system kicks in and the body heals itself. Every cell in the body either replaces itself in a regenerative way — gets stronger — or it degenerates and walks down the basement.
I even take it a step further. These 9 Pillars of Cellular Health impact the subatomic particles inside the nucleus of the cell where the DNA is that makes up the atom. Subatomic particles form the atomics of the cell. Atoms form molecules and molecular structures such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen which make up the genetic material of the cell. Cells then make up tissues, tissues make up organs, organs make up the systems, and systems make up the body.
The power that runs the cell is the subatomic, which is the unseen spiritual component of the cell. The Holy Spirit has a link to every single one of your hundred trillion cells. I call it the nucleic hub where the subatomic particles reside. That’s the spiritual side of man, the link to God, which runs the intelligence of the hundred trillion cells every nanosecond of the day.
Greg: Thanks for sharing all of your health wisdom with us, Gary. I hope our readers are blessed.
Gary: Thank you, Greg. I’m grateful that you are so active in helping me to get this information out to the world.
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Baking Soda – Every Cancer Patient’s Best Friend

by: Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

As if it were not humiliating enough for orthodox oncologists to learn that the lowly chemical sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is important in the treatment of cancer now they have to swallow the research pointing to the fact that bicarbonate can also be used to diagnose cancer in its earliest stages. Oncologists do understand and know that bicarbonate is necessary to protect their patients from the toxicity and harm done by highly toxic chemicals used in chemotherapy. They also know it is of extraordinary help to patients receiving radiation treatments protecting as it does the kidneys and other tissues of the body from radioactive damages.

Oncologists should also know that bicarbonate-induced extracellular alkalinization leads to significant improvements in the therapeutic effectiveness of certain chemo agents. A number of studies have shown that the extracellular pH in cancers is typically lower than that in normal tissue and that an acidic pH promotes invasive tumor growth in primary and metastatic cancers. The external pH of solid tumors is acidic as a consequence of increased metabolism of glucose and poor perfusion. Acid pH has been shown to stimulate tumor cell invasion and metastasis in vitro and in cells before tail vein injection in vivo.

Researchers have investigated the very reasonable assumption that increased systemic concentrations of pH buffers would lead to reduced intratumoral and peritumoral acidosis and, as a result, inhibit malignant growth. It has been shown that increased serum concentrations of the sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) can be achieved via oral intake. These researchers found that consequent reduction of tumor acid concentrations significantly reduces tumor growth and invasion without altering the pH of blood or normal tissues.

Oral NaHCO3 selectively increased the pH of tumors and reduced the formation of spontaneous metastases in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer. NaHCO3 therapy also reduced the rate of lymph node involvement and significantly reduced the formation of hepatic metastases. Acid pH was shown to increase the release of active cathepsin B, an important matrix remodeling protease.

We know that bicarbonate turns to CO2 easily when dissolved in water as it enters the stomach but few know that cancerous tissue turns bicarbonate into carbon dioxide. A few years ago a United Kingdom Cancer Research team found MRI scans were able to track changes in bicarbonate and therefore identify cancers even in the very early stages.

All cancer has a lower pH, meaning it is more acidic than surrounding tissue. Working with mice, the researchers boosted the MRI sensitivity more than 20,000 times. Using MRI, they looked to see how much of the tagged bicarbonate was converted into carbon dioxide within the tumor. In more acidic tumors, more bicarbonate is converted into carbon dioxide.

Lead researcher Professor Kevin Brindle, from Cancer Research UK’s Cambridge Research Institute at the University of Cambridge, said: “This technique could be used as a highly-sensitive early warning system for the signs of cancer. By exploiting the body’s natural pH balancing system, we have found a potentially safe way of measuring pH to see what’s going on inside patients. MRI can pick up on the abnormal pH levels found in cancer and it is possible that this could be used to pinpoint where the disease is present and when it is responding to treatment.”

Special Note: In Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment it is stressed that sodium bicarbonate is not a standalone single shot cancer treatment. It should always be used in conjunction with a full protocol that includes most importantly magnesium chloride, iodine and selenium plus a naturopathic approach to diet, intestinal cleaning, sun exposure and many other helpful things.

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Massive Underwater Oil Cloud May Destroy Life in Gulf of Mexico

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) Over a week ago, I published an article here on NaturalNews questioning the media spin on the massive oil spill in the Gulf. That story, entitled Is Gulf oil rig disaster far worse than we're being told?

"It's hard to say exactly what's going on in the Gulf right now, especially because there are so many conflicting reports and unanswered questions. But one thing's for sure: if the situation is actually much worse than we're being led to believe, there could be worldwide catastrophic consequences. If it's true that millions upon millions of gallons of crude oil are flooding the Gulf with no end in sight, the massive oil slicks being created could make their way into the Gulf Stream currents, which would carry them not only up the East Coast but around the world where they could absolutely destroy the global fishing industries."

Now, barely one week later, it turns out that the oil slick is FAR worse than what we were being told.

USA Today now reports:

Researchers warned Sunday that miles-long underwater plumes of oil from the spill could poison and suffocate sea life across the food chain, with damage that could endure for a decade or more. (…)

That same article also explained:

"Researchers have found more underwater plumes of oil than they can count from the blown-out well, said Samantha Joye, a professor of marine sciences at the University of Georgia. She said careful measurements taken of one plume showed it stretching for 10 miles, with a 3-mile width."

The Christian Science Monitor also reports now that as much as 3.4 million gallons of oil may be leaking into the Gulf every day!

"The oil that can be seen from the surface is apparently just a fraction of the oil that has spilled into the Gulf of Mexico since April 20, according to an assessment the National Institute for Undersea Science and Technology. Significant amounts of oil are spreading at various levels throughout the water column… Scientists looking at video of the leak, suggest that as many as 3.4 million gallons of oil could be leaking into the Gulf every day – 16 times more than the current 210,000-gallon-a-day estimate, according to the Times." (…)

The New York Times also chimed in on the topic over the weekend with some absolutely shocking (and disturbing) revelations:

"Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, including one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick in spots. The discovery is fresh evidence that the leak from the broken undersea well could be substantially worse than estimates that the government and BP have given.

Scientists studying video of the gushing oil well have tentatively calculated that it could be flowing at a rate of 25,000 to 80,000 barrels of oil a day. The latter figure would be 3.4 million gallons a day. But the government, working from satellite images of the ocean surface, has calculated a flow rate of only 5,000 barrels a day." (…)

In other words, while the government has been telling us the leak is only 5,000 barrels a day, the true volume could be more like 80,000 barrels a day.

Wiping out the Gulf

It hardly needs to be stated that 80,000 barrels of oil a day leaking into the Gulf of Mexico could destroy virtually all marine life in the region.

Oxygen levels have already fallen by 30 percent in waters near the oil. When water loses its oxygen content, it quickly becomes a so-called "dead zone" because marine species simply can't live there anymore. (Fish and other aquatic creatures need oxygen to live, obviously.)

With this volcano of oil still erupting through the ocean floor, we could be witnessing the mass-murder of virtually all marine life in the Gulf of Mexico.

And yet we're faced with a virtual blackout of truly accurate news on the event. Both the oil industry and the Obama administration are desperately trying to limit the videos, photos and stories about the spill, spinning everything to make it seem like it's not really much of a problem at all.

It's much like the media coverage of the War in Iraq, where all video footage had to be vetted by the Pentagon before being released to the public. Remember the uproar over the leaked photos of coffins draped in American flags? That's what the Obama administration no doubt hopes to avoid by suppressing photos of dead dolphins and sea birds in the Gulf of Mexico.

The truth, as usual, is being suppressed. It's just too ugly for the public to see.

Of course, the truth has always been suppressed in the oil industry. Even the inspections on this particular oil rig were, well, rigged. It turns out the rig wasn't even inspected on schedule (…).

It also turns out that the Obama administration actually gave the Deepwater Horizon an award for its history of safety! That was before the whole thing literally blew up in their faces.

Corruption in Washington leads to catastrophe

The oil industry, you see, is just like every other industry that's regulated by the federal government: It has a cozy relationship with regulators.

It's the same story with Big Pharma and the FDA, or the meat industry and the USDA. Wall Street and the SEC. Every industry that's regulated eventually turns the tables on its regulators and ends up rewriting the rules for its own benefit.

The oil industry has been able to get away with so many exemptions and loopholes that the regulatory environment is now lenient at best. The Deepwater Horizon, for example, was given all sorts of exemptions to engage in risky drilling operations without following proper safety procedures. And who granted it these exemptions? The U.S. federal government, of course!

So now the U.S. government is just as guilty as the oil industry in this mass-murder of life in the Gulf of Mexico. It is the government that allowed the series of events that led to catastrophe in the first place. And now, this catastrophe could lead to a near-total wipeout of marine life throughout the Gulf (and possibly beyond).

In a worst-case scenario, this could destroy some percentage of life in oceans all around the world. It could be the one final wound to Mother Earth who bleeds her black blood into the oceans for ten thousand years, destroying life as we know it on this planet.

All for profit, of course. Let nothing stand in the way of another billion dollars in oil company profits! (Regulators? Bah!)

Collusion between government and industry always leads to disaster

I hope BP can find a way to suction some of that oil out of the ocean. If they can manage such a solution, they should then turn around and dump the entire slick across the landscape of Washington D.C. to coat all the bureaucrats in the black slimy shame they no doubt deserve. This isn't about some random accident, you see: It's about a failure of federal regulators to enforce safe drilling practices.

The fishing industries in and around the Gulf of Mexico could be devastated for decades. The diversity of life in the marine ecosystems there may soon find itself on the verge of collapse. And still there is no real solution for stopping the volcano of oil that continues to gush out of this gaping wound in the Earth herself.

I can only wonder what kind of hare-brained ideas these oil men are coming up with now to stop the flow. A nuke bomb expert has reportedly been sent to the area by the Obama administration as part of some sort of "dream team" of super smart people to find a solution.

But it begs the question: If we were so smart, why are we still running the world on fossil fuels in the first place? There's enough sunlight energy striking the deserts of Arizona to power the entire nation indefinitely! Free energy technology continues to be suppressed in large part by oil company interests (and the arrogant scientific community), and renewable energy technology has received virtually no government support whatsoever.

If we were really smart, we wouldn't be drilling holes in the ocean floor and hoping we can cope with whatever comes gushing out. We'd be installing Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) installations across the deserts of America or building more wind power generators. We've be investing in electric cars and alternative fuels rather than burning up our future with fossil fuels.

The smartest thing we could do right now — after capping the volcano of oil, of course — would be to make a commitment to end our world's dependence on fossils fuels forever. But that goes against the financial interests of the oil companies who all want to keep us trapped in their system of fossil fuel dependence no matter what the cost to the environment.

And so we plug along, handcuffed to an outdated fuel source and still running our ridiculously historical internal combustion engines which should have been phased out decades ago and replaced with electric motors.

Humans are slow learners, it turns out. Our modern civilization isn't really that "modern," and it only seems to learn from catastrophe rather than intelligent planning.

The question remains: How much more damage can our planet handle from Man's arrogant pollution? At what point does all the chemical contamination, fertilizer runoff, carbon emissions and runaway oil pollution of the ocean add up to a global extinction event?

We're playing a global game of Russian Roulette right now with the future of human civilization… and the oil companies just can't stop pulling the trigger. There's little question where we're all going to end up if we don't change our ways and find a cleaner way to power our infantile civilization.

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Now Independent Thinkers Are Considered Diseased By Psychiatry

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Psychiatrists have been working on the fourth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and, in it, they hope to add a whole slew of new psychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, many of these disorders are merely differences in personality and behavior among people.

The new edition may include "disorders" like "oppositional defiant disorder", which includes people who have a pattern of "negativistic, defiant, disobedient and hostile behavior toward authority figures." Some of the "symptoms" of this disorder including losing one's temper, annoying people and being "touchy".

Other "disorders" being considered include personality flaws like antisocial behavior, arrogance, cynicism or narcissism. There are even categories for people who binge eat and children who have temper tantrums.

Children are already over-diagnosed for allegedly being bipolar or having attention-deficit disorder (ADD), which results in their being prescribed dangerous antipsychotic drugs. To categorize even more childhood behaviors as psychiatric disorders will only further increase the number of children who will be needlessly prescribed antipsychotic drugs.

Each new revision of DSM has included controversial new additions, and this newest version is no exception. In fact, the manual has increased considerably in size over the years. What is most disturbing about the current proposed revisions is the blatantly brave, new way in which so-called medical professionals are viewing individual characteristics.

Children who exhibit unique eccentricities in accordance with their unique personalities, in general, would be categorized as having a mental illness. If this criteria had been used in past centuries to diagnose illness, there may have never been people like Mozart or Einstein who ventured outside the norm and came up with new or unique ideas.

A Washington Post article captured the essence of this concept perfectly in the following quote:

"If seven-year-old Mozart tried composing his concertos today, he might be diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and medicated into barren normality."

The perception that character differences are somehow a psychic illnesses not only absolves individuals of personal responsibility, but it takes away their unique personhood. It reduces people into subjects that cannot think for themselves, but rather have to be controlled through drugs.

Which brings us to perhaps the biggest thrust behind the DSM revisions: the drug companies. Pharmaceutical companies stand to gain a lot for having virtually every person categorized as mentally ill and in need of drugs.

A more accurate approach to the situation is to assess the psychiatrists and drug lords who are contriving such nonsense as being the true possessors of mental illness. Perhaps these people are the ones that need to be institutionalized.

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Be Your Own Doctor, Part I (Opinion)

by: Hesh Goldstein

(NaturalNews) Regarding health, you are your own worst enemy. There are no miracle cures. There are no pills that will make you well overnight. Good health takes discipline. To be your own doctor you do not have to go to medical school. You just have to know your body and tune into it.

There is a way to live so as not to develop a diseased body by creating toxic conditions. There is also a way to detoxify your body of all toxic matter allowing Mother Nature's healing power to restore vibrant health.

It is well known that Mother Nature is uncompromising and a strict disciplinarian. This is especially true for those persons who will not make the effort to reform, revitalize, and renew their bodies through proper disciplinary actions of good health, which would guarantee perfect health.

Today, the procedures of biological hygiene (the science of natural healing) have been developed to the high level of being able to eliminate most disease from the human body. Mankind yearns for a cure. Little do they realize that each is his or her own answer and that there are no other cures. Human beings develop their own diseases. Therefore, they should be their own doctors.

The medical profession, from the beginning of time, has not brought about a single cure nor added, in any way, to the saving of the suffering of mankind in the elimination of the causes of innumerable agonizing diseases.

We slowly poison our bodies by putrefaction (excessive food poisoning) and then finally murder ourselves by involuntary suicide. Killing ourselves with toxemia is just as thorough as by a knife or a gun. It is a much more lingering, slow-suffering way to die and much more painful.

This involuntary suicide of human beings is being aided and abetted by a money-hungry, incompetent medical profession: A medical profession of which over 80% of its physicians are either guilty of overcharge, care little for their patients, are unknowledgeable about true healing, incompetent or fraudulent, perform unnecessary operations, cannot be reached for emergencies, treat people like cattle in production-line medical factories, are a party to needless infection, crippling and untold suffering, over-prescribe drugs and generally help cause diseases which they have taken an oath to cure.

How can we, the American public, be blamed for our confusion concerning health matters? Our self-imposed Gods, the American Medical Profession, have brainwashed us for ages into believing that "drugs and the knife" are next to godliness. They confuse, they bewilder, and they add insult to injury by performing the role of public executioner, all within the law.

How can doctors cure the human body when they know so little about it? Our physicians' trade is in relief, not in the elimination of disease. Treating symptoms endlessly with needles, x-rays, surgery, drugs and chemicals has never brought about a cure, let alone addressed a cause. The American people are getting more and more disenchanted with this kind of treatment and are beginning to demand that the cause of disease finally be addressed and eliminated.

Many medical doctors would be confounded by good health if they, by chance, ever met anyone who had it. Claiming a healing if a symptom "runs its course" is illusionary. In truth, the body healed itself by reducing its putrefaction and toxemia level to an endurable condition. Then, tolerable health returned temporarily until another crisis appears due to the fact that the toxemia had not been eliminated. It's an endless dilemma.

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Pasteurized Milk: Beware of the Deadly Issues, Part I

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) The effort to sanitize food to death, literally, is most obvious in the war on organic, raw unpasteurized milk. This war is peaking again. Instead of outright unnecessarily brutal raids on small dairy farmers, the FDA has recruited state health officials to ramp up legal requirements that don't make anything healthier; they just make it impossible for small dairy farmers to survive. Pasteurized milk is traced to many poor health conditions. Got milk?

Milk History Summarized

A couple of hundred or more years ago, society was more agrarian. All the milk was as-is. Without processing and from open pasture grass fed cows. All dairy products were made from raw milk. It wasn't a problem for consumers. People were healthy.

Then as populations became less agrarian, small dairy farms were contained in crowded towns. Unhealthy and unsanitary crowded conditions with grain feeding, not your basic bovine food, were instituted. Those conditions attracted pathogens, and from that contaminated milk diseases began to emerge.

The real reasons for milk contamination were ignored. Unhealthy conditions in small urban dairy farms were not improved, and along came Pasteur whose germ theory became the foundation for killing those germs by killing the milk with heat!

It's been said that on his deathbed Louis Pasteur recanted his position of the germ theory as the cause of all disease. He conceded that his contemporaries, Claude Bernard and Antoine Bechamp, were correct with their position of the terrain is everything and the germ is nothing!

Still, the medical profession adopted Pasteur's germ theory. It's more profitable to treat diseases than improve the conditions that cause and sustain illness.

Getting By With Bad Milk

Pasteurization of milk allows dairy farmers to create unhealthy muddy feces filled environments for their cows, forcing them into crowded feed conditions with grains, which are not basic bovine foods, and injecting the cows with hormones and antibiotics while not allowing them to graze in open pastures.

Those conditions produce more cheap milk and higher profits for dairy factory farms. With only the bottom line in mind, it makes sense to produce bad milk and then kill the germs by killing the milk with nutrient destroying heat. In addition to lacking nutrients, pasteurized milk causes health problems.

Those nasty germs of Pasteur do get involved with the milk under poor condition because the cows' inner terrains and their surrounding outer terrains are severely compromised, attracting pathogens. An obvious demonstration of the terrain theory is how stagnant water attracts mosquitoes, but mosquitoes don't create stagnant water.

What Pasteurization Kills

The enzyme phosphatase is completely destroyed. The final test for pasteurization after heating to 165 degrees Fahrenheit is the negative Alpha Phosphatase test. And this is the enzyme that is critical to the absorption of minerals and calcium! The dairy industry's vaunted vitamin D is useless with this arrangement.

So instead of building bone density, lots of calcium winds up getting into blood vessels calcifying the inner walls to promote cardiovascular problems, or entering joints to create arthritis.

The heat also destroys digestive enzymes, inhibiting proper digestion of milk fats and creating mucous and phlegm in the body to attract disease. The probiotic digestive bacteria, or friendly flora, are also destroyed. The GI tract is well over half of the immune system. Live intestinal flora is needed to bolster that important section of the immune system.

Meanwhile, not quite dead pathogens could remain in the milk.

Part II will explore the benefits of raw milk and how to get it.

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Pasteurized Milk, Part II: Find Health in Raw Milk (Opinion)

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) Part I of "Deadly Milk Issues" focused on the deadliness of pasteurized milk. Part II looks at the liveliness of raw organic milk, which is natural and very healthy if handled correctly. Despite this, the FDA and USDA protect the pasteurizing dairy cartel by harassing small raw milk dairies. It's the government's equal opportunity for bad health program.

Raw Milk Benefits

Raw milk provides an abundance of probiotic strains that are essential for good digestion, and the friendly flora supports more than half of your immune system. Phosphatase is necessary for calcium absorption into bone mass. Otherwise the calcium stays in your blood and creates cardiovascular problems while your bones get weaker even as you consume more calcium.

Lactase helps absorb nutrients. It is what the lactose intolerant lack. This is why lactose intolerant people often have no problem with raw milk. Lipase breaks down fats and improves your body's utilization of them. Amylase breaks down carbohydrates for proper digestion.

Lactoferrin protects against disease by defending against bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Catalase prolongs cell life with its antioxidant capacity. Raw milk contains many of the B vitamins, including B12, and vitamin D to assist calcium absorption. Pasteurization destroys most of those nutrients while rendering many proteins somewhat toxic.

A Caveat

There is one thing to be aware of, which affects a few people adversely. Most of the milking cows in the USA are A1 hybrids, typically Holsteins, from earlier A2 cows such as Jerseys, Asian and African cows.

There are three elements to milk: Fats, whey, and milk solids. A mutated amino acid in the milk solids of A1 cows can cause minor problems for people with poor digestion, or serious problems with those who are neurologically impaired. If either situation is an issue, goat or sheep organic raw milk is without that mutated amino acid.

Choosing Raw Milk

Raw milk is so good for most that the hassles for getting it are worth the effort. Even some who are lactose intolerant benefit. First you need to get familiar with the local restrictions and the ways diaries in your area get around them.

Buy from dairy farmers who milk their cows for raw milk consumption only. Some dairies will sell their milk to consumers before pasteurization, but the contamination mentioned in Part I of this article is there abundantly because the farmer is counting on pasteurization to take it out. Bad stuff!

Determine that your raw milk farmer's cows graze freely on grass or alfalfa that hasn't been chemically treated and that the cows are not given antibiotics or steroids. The farmer should refrigerate the milk immediately after milking. Make sure the dairy tests the milk for contamination.

The raw milk you buy may turn a bit sour or curd some before you finish a bottle. You may not like the taste, but it's still not spoiled. Pasteurized milk spoils.

The first link below in the sources section will give you access to a state by state list of different raw milk sources and each state's legal arrangement for raw milk. Dedicated dairy farmers in heavily restricted states create cow or dairy sharing associations, where you "own" a share of the cow or farm. So you're not buying the milk if you own a share.

Give raw milk a trial. Your participation as a raw milk consumer and raw milk health advocate is important if there will ever be a chance to push back some of the pasteurized milk enforcement that harms more than helps. Got real milk?

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Pasteurized Milk, Part III: The War on Raw Milk Rages

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) Part I covered the deadliness of pasteurization and Part II covered the liveliness of raw milk. Part III will cover a bit about the war on raw milk consumption. Until recently, the FDA and the USDA sent their goons in to directly confiscate raw milk and arrest small dairy farmers. Irate public responses forced them to back up, but only to change their tactics.

Now they use local proxies to do their dirty work obliquely. They pressure state departments of agriculture and influence state politicians to create legislation making consumer purchases of raw milk more difficult, to indirectly force small dairies out of business.

The Motive

Government regulation concerns on any level are rarely for public safety. If that were so, it would be easy for them to require testing of raw milk, along with random checks from the state department of agriculture. If pathogens are not in milk, why pasteurize? The concern is primarily from Big Dairy's trade associations.

Big Dairy is trying to stem the rising tide of public interest in raw milk. And they have the lobbies to influence government, or they have Big Dairy execs spinning through corporate/government revolving doors and into the FDA or USDA.

Big Dairy practices factory farming, which makes it impossible for them to produce uncontaminated healthy milk. Their lucrative method of creating unhealthy cows and unhealthy milking environments for large scale milk production, which has to be decontaminated through pasteurization, is being threatened by the increased interest in raw milk.

The century old war on raw milk is currently all about politics and money, not public health and safety.

The Means and Method

It has been proven from documents leaked or procured through the Freedom of Information Act that the various state agency legislative actions to restrict raw milk consumption are coordinated by the FDA or USDA. These state activities are not random or spontaneous.

The current focus of attack throughout the United States is on buying groups or clubs. A buying club is suitable for states where retail outlets are not permitted to sell raw milk. The laws then require the raw milk to be purchased directly from the farmer, who usually is not permitted to advertise. Pristine small dairy farms that produce raw milk are too few and far for most urban raw milk users to visit consistently.

So buyer groups or clubs are created, acting as brokers for direct delivery service from the dairy to the homes of raw milk users. The groups usually advertise. The farmers win because their customer base is increased, and the customers win with easier consistent access to the milk. But more and more states are now trying to restrict or eliminate buyer clubs.

States that won't even allow buyers clubs or buying directly from farmers often use a cow share technique of getting around big brother. Raw milk users in those states simply buy a share in a cow, technically enabling them to simply drink milk from their own cow. There are plans for restricting or eliminating cow share interests as well.

The War Escalates

There are several Boston raw milk buying club members who are concerned about proposed Massachusetts legislation to eliminate raw milk buying clubs. At the time of this writing, the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) was planning a raw milk drink-in on May 10th in Boston, which includes dumping a lot of pasteurized milk on the steps of the State House!

That's a bold demonstration! The revolt against raw milk restrictions as part of the health freedom movement is getting stronger.