Customer Testimonials

Liver Transplant

Dear Utopia,
I live in Germany. I ordered from Utopia while in North America and had the shipment sent to my mothers house where I received it with no problems.  I brought the shipment back to Germany and started using it regularly 2 tbs,  3 times a day.  It is a wonderful supplement and Utopia is the top of the line suppliers.

I just had a liver transplant so this product is life saving for me.  With no immune system due to me taking immune suppressors so as not to reject my new liver, I could get sick easily.  With C.S. I have not been sick once! Your product showed me the power of C.S. protecting me from common colds/flu's working as another immune system for me.

John in Germany

Customer Testimonials

Herpes & Staph Infection

Hi Utopia Silver,
This is my second testimonial. Several months ago I told you about curing the bacterium Clostridium'dificile', which had caused a severe lengthy illness that could not be cured with any of several antibiotics, including Vancomyacin. Then someone recommended trying colloidal silver, and it took care of the condition in only 6 days. At the same time it brought my liver enzymes down to normal – the elevated liver enzymes had undoubtedly been caused by the bacterium. (Since then I used it to nip a urinary tract infection in the bud ).

Recently I had a discussion with a doctor who lives in my block during which he asked why he had not seen me for quite a long time after he moved in. I shared my story of the delibitating illness I'd had, and how I surprisingly had cured it. His first reaction was 'It could have killed you!" And that Vancomyacin was the preferred medication.

The doctor and his wife stopped by as I was working in the yard yesterday, and happened to mention that his sister-in-law had been out in the sun too much, and she was miserable because it was causing an awful herpes sore on her face. He went on further to say this happens periodically because of a staph germ in her system. I asked if he wanted to 'play' with my colloidal silver, I had just made a fresh batch. So, he took it home with him. This was yesterday afternoon.

Today, mid-morning, he and his wife drove by and stopped to talk. They were both beaming and could hardly wait to tell me that the treatment (applied every three hours in the manner of a bandaid) was working. And the sister-in-law – a medical student – was totally amazed but she had to believe it since it was happening to her.

I can't wait for the next installment to see what he tries the CS on next. Since I got a doctor to 'believe', perhaps I can get my own kids (grown) to believe and use it.

Glenda in Wisconsin

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Haitian Farmers Reject Monsanto Earthquake Relief Donation and Burn GMO Seeds

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) In what many believe to be an attempt to backdoor its products into a new market, Monsanto has donated hundreds of tons of patented hybrid seeds, fertilizers and pesticides to earthquake stricken Haiti. Initially, Monsanto planned to donate GMO "Roundup ready" seeds, but that offer was rejected by Haiti's Ministry of Agriculture. Though Monsanto termed their donation an effort to help provide earthquake relief, Monsanto's "generosity" is being met with skepticism and outright rejection.

Last month, 10,000 farmers marched in protest against Monsanto and a group of small farmers burned a symbolic quantity of hybrid corn seed in the central square of the agricultural town of Hinche. A 200,000-member national coalition is encouraging Haiti farmers to burn all Monsanto seeds already distributed, and has called on the government to reject additional shipments.

Peasant leader Chavannes Jean-Baptiste told IPS News: Farmers want to preserve their traditional "organic agriculture that respects the environment and fights against its degradation. We defend native seeds and the rights of peasants on their land." Jean-Batiste also said "Fighting hybrid and GMO seeds is critical to save our diversity and our agriculture" and maintained that a "county has a right to define it own agricultural policies, to grow first for the family and then for local market, to grow healthy food in a way which respects the environment and Mother Earth."

Another peasant farmer stated, "Seeds and water are the common patrimony of humanity."

Global Research called Monsanto's initial donation of 475 tons of hybrid seeds and chemicals a "new earthquake" and "deadly gift".

The corn seeds Monsanto donated to Haiti have been treated with the fungicide Maxim XO, while the calypso tomato seeds were treated with Thiram. Thiram is a highly toxic chemical which the EPA examined and deemed to be so dangerous that agricultural workers are now mandated to wear protective clothing when handling them.

Multinational seed giant Monsanto is known around the world for its aggressive GMO and hybrid policies. It is also known for intimidating and suing farmers and small agricultural companies it claims have violated its contracts and patents, including farmers whose fields have been contaminated by pollen from adjacent genetically engineered crops or who have had voluntary seed sprout from a previous year's crop. By 2007 Monsanto had already collected over $21.5 million in judgments in the U.S. alone.

Monsanto is also infamously known for the deaths and health problems resulting from its highly toxic herbicide product Agent Orange, which caused cancer in large numbers of U.S. Veterans. The Vietnamese government claims that 400,000 of their citizens died or were disabled and 500,000 children were born with birth defects as a result of Agent Orange.

While Monsanto is calling the seeds a donation, it isn't hard to see how the company will benefit by getting farmers hooked on a need that only it can supply, as it has done elsewhere around the world – most notably in the U.S. and Canada. Once Monsantos seeds are introduced, they often also profit from sales of their fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides, whose demand usually increases in proportion to the use of its seeds.

Seed company giants Monsanto, Syngenta, Dupont and Bayer control more than half of the world's seed patents. Monsanto has almost 650 seed patents, most of which are for cotton, corn, and soy. The company also owns almost 30 percent of the share of all the world's biotechnology research and development.

The world's largest confederation of farmers, Via Campesina, has called Monsanto one of the "principal enemies of peasant sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty for all peoples."

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Assembly-Line Medicine

by Chuck Baldwin

It is no hyperbole to say that the consequences of the recently passed "Obamacare" bills by the Congress will be horrific. In fact, I'm not even sure that the English language contains a word sufficiently suitable to describe exactly how dreadful the consequences of this new national health care monstrosity will actually be.

With all its faults, America's health care system is the finest in the world. Why else would rich people in Canada, Australia, Great Britain, and elsewhere come to the US when the medical chips are really down? Socialized medicine doesn't work for them and it won't work for the United States.

The negative effects of Obamacare are already starting to take effect. Across the country, tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of physicians are making preparations to retire. I would be willing to predict that the vast majority of physicians who are financially able to retire will do so before 2014 (the year Obamacare officially takes full effect). And who can blame them? Not me.

Think of it: under Obamacare, physicians will be told to increase their patient load by at least one-third, or maybe even half. Imagine a physician with a government-mandated patient load of maybe 5,000 or 6,000 people (or even more than that). Imagine some federal bureaucrat demanding that the physician spend not more than, say, 4 minutes with each patient. Imagine that physician being told what he or she will not be allowed to prescribe or what they will not be allowed to treat. Imagine the health care Nazis micromanaging not only patient care and treatment, but also wages and pricing. If you think insurance companies have too much control over medical care now, just wait until government-mandated (and controlled) medical care is implemented. In other words, you ain't seen nothin' yet! How could any self-respecting, conscientious physician practice medicine in an environment such as that? They couldn't–and they won't. And this will create a shortage of physicians like you won't believe, which only serves to push the patient load per doctor and quality of care per patient to unsustainable levels. In other words, prepare for assembly-line, one-size-fits-all medical care!

And don't expect any relief from the courts over inferior medical treatment, either. With the federal government in charge of medical care, the patient's right to recover damages from malpractice will be substantially limited. After all, when is the last time anyone you know was able to successfully sue the federal government for anything? The feds are immune, Brother. And that means any federally-mandated and controlled health care will be largely immune from any claim of malpractice–or at least that damages will be strictly limited.

Plus, placing your medical care in the lap of the federal government allows the feds to "share" even more of your personal information with hundreds of its alphabet police agencies. Will your medical information be shared with the BATFE, for example? If so, could some of that information be used to deny your right to lawfully purchase a firearm? You can count on it! Good grief! Guess which agency has been chosen to implement and enforce Obama's national health care program? The IRS! If that doesn't send goose bumps up your spine, you don't have one!

I cannot say it forcefully enough: the newly created Obamacare bills are among the most evil and most reprehensible laws ever passed in Congress, the result of which will destroy quality health care (except for the rich and powerful); create perhaps the largest federal bureaucracy (complete with ubiquitous government enforcers) ever seen; increase the size and scope of the IRS to harass, seize, and imprison; and drive up health care costs, federal spending, federal deficits, and, yes, taxes.

To make matters worse, the Obamacare bills are already being used to force US taxpayers to fund abortions. According to, "The Obama administration has officially approved the first instance of taxpayer funded abortions under the new national government-run health care program. This is the kind of abortion funding the pro-life movement warned about when Congress considered the bill."

See the report here.

So, what can we do?

First of all, we should be demanding that our State governors and legislators REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE in any national health care system. I am saying it: individual states should tell the federal government in no uncertain terms that their states will not participate in Obamacare. Period. Furthermore, the states should stubbornly withhold any and all state monies that would be used to underwrite national health care. Suing the federal government is not enough. STATES MUST REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE! Are you listening, Bill McCollum?

Furthermore, I encourage readers to immediately contact your US congressman (woman) and demand that he or she support a discharge petition introduced by Congressman Steve King of Iowa, which paves the way for Congress to repeal H.R. 3590, the first national health care bill (there were actually two separate national health care bills, which became law seven days apart). At last count, the petition already has some 133 signatures. 218 are needed.

Obviously, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is doing everything she can to block the discharge petition, but if 218 votes are gathered, she would not be able to stop it. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the bill can still be overturned and repealed.

I strongly urge everyone to learn the details of how many in Congress are currently working to overturn this healthcare monstrosity by reading this report in World Net Daily.

First, look to see if your House member has yet to sign the petition. If not, do everything you can to put pressure on him or her to sign the petition. Inform your relatives, friends, neighbors, fellow churchmen, pastors, co-workers, etc., about the need to support Rep. King's discharge petition and repeal Obamacare before it's too late.

The other thing our congressmen should do is support Rep. Ron Paul's (R-TX) "Private Option Health Care Act" (H.R. 5444): "To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and to replace it with provisions reforming the health care system by putting patients back in charge of health care." This bill would repeal both H.R. 3590 and H.R. 4872 (the second national health care bill). But beyond that, Paul's bill would actually provide commonsense, freedom-friendly alternatives to Obama's socialized medicine.

Learn about Dr. Paul's bill here.

Folks, this is not a partisan issue. The future of our children and grandchildren's health care, our nation's overall economic well-being, and even the freedom of our posterity is at stake. This cannot wait until the November elections, either. We must insist that Congress act NOW to repeal Obamacare. Even many Democrats now recognize that passing this abominable legislation was a very serious mistake and are willing to reconsider their support. Please contact your House member NOW! Here is a convenient web page containing the contact information for all 435 US House members.

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Vitamin D Deficiency More Likely Farther North

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) A new study has once again shown that people living farther from the equator are significantly more likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D3-5

"Results show clear differences in vitamin D status between the north and south and marked ethnic differences," said researchers from Aberdeen University in Scotland.

The body produces vitamin D upon exposure to the UV-B radiation found in sunlight, with a light-skinned person able to synthesize all they need in as little as 15 minutes during the summer at a moderate latitude. Because the sun gets weaker the farther a person moves from the equator, however, it takes more and more sun exposure to get the same amount of the vitamin. This problem is only exacerbated in the winter.

The researchers compared both sun exposure and vitamin D levels in women under the age of 66 living in either Aberdeen, in the north of Scotland, or in Surrey, in England's south. All the women wore UV-B sensitive bandages on their bodies, and their vitamin D blood levels were measured once every three months over a 15-month period.

The researchers found significantly lower sun exposure in Aberdeen than in Surrey at all times of the year. Mirroring these results, they found no vitamin D deficiency among any white Surrey residents. In contrast, between 25 and 27 percent of Aberdeen women were vitamin D deficient during the winter or spring, while 4.2 percent were deficient even in the summer.

Even in Surrey, as many as 60 percent of Asian women were still vitamin D deficient, and also showed lower sun exposure than their white counterparts. The researchers suggested that more traditional clothing (which covers more of the skin) and darker skin might account for part of this difference.

People with darker skin produce vitamin D more slowly than people with lighter skin.

"The recommendation of 10 minutes of sunlight exposure a day may need to be changed for those with darker skin or in higher latitudes," researcher Helen Macdonald said.

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Collecting Rainwater Now Illegal in Many States

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) Many of the freedoms we enjoy here in the U.S. are quickly eroding as the nation transforms from the land of the free into the land of the enslaved, but what I'm about to share with you takes the assault on our freedoms to a whole new level. You may not be aware of this, but many Western states, including Utah, Washington and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties because, according to officials, that rain belongs to someone else.

As bizarre as it sounds, laws restricting property owners from "diverting" water that falls on their own homes and land have been on the books for quite some time in many Western states. Only recently, as droughts and renewed interest in water conservation methods have become more common, have individuals and business owners started butting heads with law enforcement over the practice of collecting rainwater for personal use.

Check out this YouTube video of a news report out of Salt Lake City, Utah, about the issue. It's illegal in Utah to divert rainwater without a valid water right, and Mark Miller of Mark Miller Toyota, found this out the hard way.

After constructing a large rainwater collection system at his new dealership to use for washing new cars, Miller found out that the project was actually an "unlawful diversion of rainwater." Even though it makes logical conservation sense to collect rainwater for this type of use since rain is scarce in Utah, it's still considered a violation of water rights which apparently belong exclusively to Utah's various government bodies.

"Utah's the second driest state in the nation. Our laws probably ought to catch up with that," explained Miller in response to the state's ridiculous rainwater collection ban.

Salt Lake City officials worked out a compromise with Miller and are now permitting him to use "their" rainwater, but the fact that individuals like Miller don't actually own the rainwater that falls on their property is a true indicator of what little freedom we actually have here in the U.S. (Access to the rainwater that falls on your own property seems to be a basic right, wouldn't you agree?)

Outlawing rainwater collection in other states
Utah isn't the only state with rainwater collection bans, either. Colorado and Washington also have rainwater collection restrictions that limit the free use of rainwater, but these restrictions vary among different areas of the states and legislators have passed some laws to help ease the restrictions.

In Colorado, two new laws were recently passed that exempt certain small-scale rainwater collection systems, like the kind people might install on their homes, from collection restrictions.

Prior to the passage of these laws, Douglas County, Colorado, conducted a study on how rainwater collection affects aquifer and groundwater supplies. The study revealed that letting people collect rainwater on their properties actually reduces demand from water facilities and improves conservation.

Personally, I don't think a study was even necessary to come to this obvious conclusion. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that using rainwater instead of tap water is a smart and useful way to conserve this valuable resource, especially in areas like the West where drought is a major concern.

Additionally, the study revealed that only about three percent of Douglas County's precipitation ended up in the streams and rivers that are supposedly being robbed from by rainwater collectors. The other 97 percent either evaporated or seeped into the ground to be used by plants.

This hints at why bureaucrats can't really use the argument that collecting rainwater prevents that water from getting to where it was intended to go. So little of it actually makes it to the final destination that virtually every household could collect many rain barrels worth of rainwater and it would have practically no effect on the amount that ends up in streams and rivers.

It's all about control, really
As long as people remain unaware and uninformed about important issues, the government will continue to chip away at the freedoms we enjoy. The only reason these water restrictions are finally starting to change for the better is because people started to notice and they worked to do something to reverse the law.

Even though these laws restricting water collection have been on the books for more than 100 years in some cases, they're slowly being reversed thanks to efforts by citizens who have decided that enough is enough.

Because if we can't even freely collect the rain that falls all around us, then what, exactly, can we freely do? The rainwater issue highlights a serious overall problem in America today: diminishing freedom and increased government control.

Today, we've basically been reprogrammed to think that we need permission from the government to exercise our inalienable rights, when in fact the government is supposed to derive its power from us. The American Republic was designed so that government would serve the People to protect and uphold freedom and liberty. But increasingly, our own government is restricting people from their rights to engage in commonsense, fundamental actions such as collecting rainwater or buying raw milk from the farmer next door.

Today, we are living under a government that has slowly siphoned off our freedoms, only to occasionally grant us back a few limited ones under the pretense that they're doing us a benevolent favor.

Fight back against enslavement
As long as people believe their rights stem from the government (and not the other way around), they will always be enslaved. And whatever rights and freedoms we think we still have will be quickly eroded by a system of bureaucratic power that seeks only to expand its control.

Because the same argument that's now being used to restrict rainwater collection could, of course, be used to declare that you have no right to the air you breathe, either. After all, governments could declare that air to be somebody else's air, and then they could charge you an "air tax" or an "air royalty" and demand you pay money for every breath that keeps you alive.

Think it couldn't happen? Just give it time. The government already claims it owns your land and house, effectively. If you really think you own your home, just stop paying property taxes and see how long you still "own" it. Your county or city will seize it and then sell it to pay off your "tax debt." That proves who really owns it in the first place… and it's not you!

How about the question of who owns your body? According to the U.S. Patent & Trademark office, U.S. corporations and universities already own 20% of your genetic code. Your own body, they claim, is partially the property of someone else.

So if they own your land, your water and your body, how long before they claim to own your air, your mind and even your soul?

Unless we stand up against this tyranny, it will creep upon us, day after day, until we find ourselves totally enslaved by a world of corporate-government collusion where everything of value is owned by powerful corporations — all enforced at gunpoint by local law enforcement.

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Sweating Promotes Good Health

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Summertime heat is an annoyance to some people, but according to Xu Qian, director of the infectious diseases department at the China-Japan Frienship Hospital in Beijing, sweating from the hot, summer heat is a natural part of keeping your body healthy, and avoiding this heat can actually cause health problems.

People typically run their air conditioners throughout the summertime in order to beat the heat, but doing so can actually compromise the immune system.

"People should go with the rules of nature. Summer is the time to sweat. It's a natural process for the body to respond to the outside environment, and adjust itself through the constricting of blood vessels and nerves. In this sense, air conditioning is a reactive restrain of the body against nature," Qian explained in a China Daily article.

Excessive sweating without replenishing the body with water, electrolytes and healthy salt, can be a bad thing, but not sweating at all can be even worse. And moving from hot areas to cold areas, and vice versa, on a regular basis throughout the summer can put excessive strain on a person's health

"Air conditioning might induce infection of the upper respiratory tract, cause colds, throat pain, pharyngitis, and even pneumonia," said Qian.

Sweating is also an important method by which the skin helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

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Mercury: The Silent Epidemic is Killing American Dental Professionals, Part II

by: Aaron Turpen

(NaturalNews) One thing that has certainly been proven over and over again on NaturalNews is that the U.S. government is extremely good at insider dealing and very inept at actually protecting the people. From sellouts in the Food and Drug Administration, to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, to the Environmental Protection Agency and more, it's all been documented here. So it should come as no surprise that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is no different.

When it comes to dental office safety, OSHA hasn't just dropped the ball; they never showed up to the game. OSHA has clear rules regarding how mercury is to be handled when in inorganic form (such as amalgams).1 David Kennedy, DDS, has more than thirty years experience in dental practice and sums those rules up in what he calls the "7 steps to employee protection."2

  1. Inform the employee and, at a minimum, review the MSDS sheets as required by the Right to Know Act of 1987
  2. Provide training in how to protect yourself
  3. Provide all the protective equipment
  4. Institute engineering controls like fans and vacuums
  5. Employ work practices to minimize exposures such as how you drill
  6. Monitor both their facility when exposure is likely and medically test their employees for mercury
  7. Record all of the above and keep these records available for immediate inspection upon OSHA enforcement request for a minimum of 30 years

Despite their own rules, OSHA does not enforce this in most dental offices in the country, says Dr. Kennedy.

Most people are aware of the news stories that created laughter last year when the Environmental Protection Agency issued cleanup procedures in the event of a broken compact fluorescent light bulb. What most don't know is that dental offices are subject to the Clean Water Act, under the EPA, which requires municipal water sources to enforce mercury disposal mitigation at its source (in this case the dental office).3 This is rarely done.

Studies have shown the danger of mercury from dental amalgams (silver fillings) to humans. According to one study done for the World Health Organization (WHO), the largest single source is dental amalgams at more than seven times the amount from eating seafood.4

Exposures to mercury are clearly not just limited to dentists and dental assistants (see the previous entry in this article series), but are also affecting patients. A study by the University of Iowa showed a clear correlation between the number of silver fillings (amalgams) and the amount of mercury in a person's blood.5

Yet despite all of the evidence regarding mercury dangers and poisonings to both people and nature, the American Dental Association, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration all do nothing to inform the public or stop its continued spread.

"If you include [only] the costs of… repeated dental care, amalgams are terribly costly," says Dr. Kennedy. That, of course, is only one aspect of the huge cost of mercury fillings to the population as a whole, which we'll be exploring throughout this article series on silver fillings.

He has a solution, however.

"Now if we could just fire all the OSHA enforcement people who aren't doing their jobs and hire some who would, the problem would simply go away. Since you cannot legally open the amalgam mixing capsule with a civilian (patient) present, they wouldn't have to ban amalgam. They simply couldn't use it because of existing laws."

In our next segment, we'll explore how dental mercury poisons the public water supply.

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Natural Birth Control Methods to Use Instead of the Contraceptive Pill

by: Louanne Piccolo

(NaturalNews) Natural family planning depends on a couple`s ability to recognise the phases of a woman`s menstrual cycle and to calculate when ovulation is most likely to occur. In this way, they can avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

How Reliable are Natural Birth Control Methods?

For a natural method to be effective a woman`s menstrual cycle must follow the same pattern month after month so that she can rely on the regularity of her fertile period. A woman with a regular menstrual cycle will ovulate approximately fourteen days before her following period. An egg has 24 hours to be fertilized before dying but sperm can live for up to seven days after ejaculation. Therefore, a woman with an irregular cycle may have difficulty in identifying the phases when she should avoid unprotected sex.

Natural Birth Control Methods

Being able to pinpoint the period of ovulation is the most important part of natural family planning methods. Two methods for calculating ovulation are:

The Basal Body Temperature Method: Progesterone makes a woman's body temperature rise, to half a degree Celsius higher than normal, the day after ovulation has occurred. A woman will easily recognise this slight rise in temperature if she measures her temperature, using the same thermometer every day, immediately after waking and before getting out of bed.

This method is entirely natural making it a good choice of contraception for women wishing to avoid the contraceptive pill. However, it may be difficult to maintain the habit of temperature taking every morning and even a slight cold may cause temperatures to rise resulting in a false reading.

The Calendar Method: To use this method effectively, the amount of days between the beginning of one period and the next must be jotted down for a period of six months. Eighteen days are subtracted from the shortest interval between periods and eleven days from the longest interval between cycles. Calculations could look like this: the shortest interval is 25 days – 18 = 7 and the longest interval is 30 days – 11 = 19. The fertile phase for a woman with this data would be from day seven of her cycle to day nineteen. During this period, unprotected sex could result in an unplanned pregnancy.

For this method to work, data must be recorded every month, without fail, for six months. The calendar method requires couples to abstain from sex for one to two weeks per month unless they use other forms of contraception during the fertile period.

The Persona: It is a small battery-operated machine that identifies fertile periods during a woman's menstrual cycle. It is easy to use and understand. It requires a urine test every morning until it has enough information on a woman's cycle and then asks for a test only every few days.

Urine strips are bought separately. Every morning, a urine strip must be inserted into the machine which will then flash a green light for go or a red light for no. It also has a handy little ovulation sign which flashes a day before ovulation is likely to occur, during ovulation and a day after ovulation has occurred. The Persona basically identifies luteinizing hormones which are secreted by the body before ovulation and warns that a woman's fertile phase is beginning.

These natural family planning methods may be difficult to become accustomed to but once the habit of using them has been acquired, they are easy to use and practical. As they are used to identify a woman's fertile period they can be adapted by couples who want to begin a family too.