Ask Utopia Silver

Male Yeast Infection

I am an uncircumcised married man in my 70s and have a chronic case of yeast and wonder if the infection has become systemic? If this is correct can it be detected in the blood? If it can be and if it is systemic is there an antibiotic that would correct the problem?

Thanks, Don

Hi Don,
Although being circumcised is not a guarantee against such infections, not being circumcised may allow for a higher chance of bacterial and yeast infections unless very good hygiene is practiced. Candida albicans/yeast infections can be detected in the blood with a visual analysis under a microscope. It only takes a drop of blood on a glass sample slide to do this. A systemic infection will result in any of or a combination of extreme fatigue, headaches, depression, arthritis, constipation or even diarrhea, congestion, night sweats, hypothyroidism, impotence, memory loss, bad breath, heartburn, etc, etc. in addition to the expected genital irritation and itching.

As for antibiotics, I use silver, the natural antibiotic. Pharmaceutical antibiotics cause many deaths every year and are usually the cause of yeast infections. Yeast infections can also be indicative of problems in the digestive system, such as leaky gut syndrome. A silver protocol can be very effective when used externally and internally on these infections. I would also take an Enzyme Complex and Probiotics in between silver consumption. Do not take them together as silver will kill the Probiotics.

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

Gold Concentration

Utopia Silver,
How do we know a product is contaminant free? What is the concentration of Colloidal Gold?

Thank you.
John in California

Hi John,
That’s a very good question, and really hinges on what we define as “contaminants”. After reading your question, I was pondering that question about the food we eat, the supplements we take, the air we breathe, etc. “Contamination” in ‘foods products’ would most commonly be of a bacterial nature, although could include molds, fungus, and even viruses. But “contamination” actually goes far beyond that. Now-a-days, it would have to include chemicals, drugs, non-natural preservatives, and genetically altered components. Supposedly our government is involved in this question concerning many things; air, drugs, and some foods. Sadly they fail miserably because of the corruption and collusion between them and the industries they purport to ‘regulate’. The air is contaminated, even beyond the usual industrial pollution, by chemicals (aluminum, barium, etc.) being sprayed into the air by ‘government’ causing all kinds of respiratory problems. But at the same time they are trying to tax methane from agriculture animals and even carbon dioxide which all living plants and creatures expel.

Mainstream medicine and the pharmaceutical industry give us vaccines and drugs that damage and kill more people than the diseases they are claiming to treat (Read “Death By Medicine” by Dr. Gary Null) , while trying to demonize nutritional supplements. Government regulators force the homogenization and pasteurization of milk which renders it one of the most deadly foods that can be consumed. Homogenization breaks down fat into particles that go straight into the blood stream rather than being digested causing clotting of the arteries; pasteurization by heat destroys beneficial enzymes and changes elements of milk into cancer causing agents. At the same time they are conducting SWAT team raids against Amish farmers selling raw milk (as God created it to be used) and cherry farmers because they correctly described the well researched and documented benefits of the cherries they sold on their website. My conclusion is, there is simply no way to be even somewhat ensured of contamination free products of any kind without each of us actually testing every mouthful of everything we consume.

Our Colloidal Gold is produced at about 13 PPM (parts per million). Gold itself has some anti-microbial properties making it difficult for bacterial growth, but not as much as copper and silver.

Ben in Utopia

Featured Articles

Lost Tapes Reveal Censored Cancer Cures

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) Have you heard about the Gerson Tapes? They're a collection of interviews and teachings from Charlotte Gerson, who runs the Gerson clinics that have successfully treated thousands of cancer patients with a therapy based on cleansing, detoxification and live foods nutrition.

Immune Booster Protocol

The treatment is so successful that, even today, thousands of patients from around the world flock to the Gerson clinics in Mexico ( to heal themselves of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic degenerative conditions.

Why are the clinics in Mexico? Because, not surprisingly, U.S. authorities have outlawed all natural cancer treatments in America and even viciously attacked the top scientists who discovered scientifically-valid cancer cures that really work. Want some proof? Watch the shocking documentary "Burzynski" and you'll be stunned by what you learn.

That documentary is available to be watched, full length, at no charge right now at NaturalNews.TV. Seriously, watch this video and you will be absolutely blown away by how the government has declared war on our country's best anti-cancer pioneers who could cure millions of people.

Why the Gerson therapies are a danger to the for-profit cancer industry
In similar fashion, the Gerson therapies have been attacked and widely disparaged by both the cancer industry and the U.S. government, which absolutely does not want people to be cured of cancer (there's way too much profit to be found in treating sickness rather than curing it).

That's why this discovery of the once-lost Gerson Tapes is such a big deal. The cancer industry would have loved it if these tapes just disappeared and were lost forever, because they contain a wealth of underground truths about cancer that we're never told from conventional sources (doctors, medical journals, mainstream media, etc.).

And how do you know this information is legit? Because people who are cured of cancer walk out of the Gerson clinics every single week, and they go on to live amazing lives, without cancer and without chemotherapy or radiation ("treatments" that actually kill far more people than they save).

Now, with the help of Kevin Gianni and in cooperation with NaturalNews, we've been able to rescue these tapes and put them into a collection of downloadable MP3 audio files that you can listen to on any device: iPhone, iPad, Mac or PC. The entire collection is available right now through NaturalNews.TV premium programs which help support our operations and pay for things like the bandwidth to support the streaming of the full Burzynski documentary (which has had over 30,000 views in just a few days).

What you'll learn in the Gerson Tapes
In these tapes which were nearly lost (but now immortalized in MP3 audio files), you'll learn:

– The story of how Dr. Max Gerson helped Nobel Prize winner Albert Schweitzer recover from his diabetes.

– The right balance of potassium to sodium in the body for optimal health.

– The real statistics on cancer survival and treatment and how the numbers are skewed.

– The cost of conventional cancer treatment and who is benefiting from the profits.

– The difference between the Gerson Therapy and Ann Wigmore's therapy.

– The Laetrile principle and its effect on degenerative disease.

– Effective protocols for helping the body heal from diabetes, metabolic conditions and other degenerative diseases.

… and a wealth of additional information. Learn the full details at:…

Saving lives and healing the world
I know that the information in these tapes will save lives and even help rescue people from the devastating (and deadly) effects of chemotherapy and radiation, neither of which offers any cure whatsoever. And yet I also know that some people have been so deeply brainwashed by the conventional medical system that they will allow poison to be injected into their veins (chemotherapy) and sit there dying while never taking the time to listen to the truth about cancer that could save their lives.

The information in these Gerson tapes, if widely known, would collapse the cancer industry and bring millions of people back from the edge of death to live healthy, happy lives. And that's why this information matters so much. Please share this knowledge, and if you download these files, please let your friends and family members listen to them, too. We encourage you to share this with your loved ones. And hopefully a few of them will listen and learn, eh?

Featured Articles

Pharmageddon: Prescription Drugs Are Killing America’s Youth

by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) No parent wants to lose a child, but when one dies from something that should be very preventable, the heartbreak and tragedy is compounded. Such is increasingly the case with prescription drugs – they're killing our youth.

Sarah Shay and Savannah Kissick, of Morehead, Ky., best friends since high school, were both victims of what experts and the White House are describing as an epidemic of prescription drug deaths. Sarah died in 2006 at the tender age of 19; Savannah just three years later, at 22.

Since the medications they were using were prescribed by physicians, some experts believe they carry some sort of legitimacy. But the fact is they are being abused by young people just the same as drugs that are illegal – more so even, in some cases.

"I don't think the kids have any idea how addicting the substance is," Karen Shays told the BBC in an interview. "Before they know it, bam! They're addicted."

Drugs like Xanax, Oxycodone, Klonopin and Hydrocodone are routinely being abused more and more in Kentucky in particular, but in other parts of the nation too, by teenagers and young adults. So bad is the problem that the state has set up rehabilitation centers, where a huge number of addicts – more all the time – are being treated.

So bad is the addition that some kids have even turned to crime to feed it.

Some of the kids say they could have likely found other drugs to feed their habit, but prescription drugs were not only legal but much easier to get.

All in all, it's sort of like Armageddon, but with prescription drugs – a sort of "Pharmageddon," if you will, as evidenced by Kentucky's overflowing jails, say state officials.

"I believe I can safely say that over 80 percent of the inmates in the Pike County regional detention center are in there for something dealing with their addiction to prescription drugs," Dan Smoot, director of law enforcement with an organization called Unite – a new and innovative counterdrug that combines police investigations, treatment and education.

According to the federal Office of National Drug Control Policy, in a recent report, the problem stretches beyond the borders of Kentucky – and it's getting worse.

"A number of national studies and published reports indicate that the intentional abuse of prescription drugs, such as pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants and sedatives, to get high is a growing concern — particularly among teens — in the United States. In fact, among young people ages 12-17, prescription drugs have become the second most abused illegal drug, behind marijuana," said the study, called, "Teens and Prescription Drugs."

"Though overall teen drug use is down nationwide and the percentage of teens abusing prescription drugs is still relatively low compared to marijuana use, there are troubling signs that teens view abusing prescription drugs as safer than illegal drugs and parents are unaware of the problem," it said.

In particular, the study found:

– Teens are turning more and more away from illegal street drugs and instead are taking (and abusing) more prescription medications – so much so that new users of prescription drugs have caught up with new users of marijuana;

– Next to marijuana, the next most common thing kids use to get high are prescription drugs;

– Teens abuse prescription medications because they mistakenly believe that, since they are prescribed, they provide safe highs;

– Most teens get prescription drugs easily and free, usually from friends or relatives;

– The most commonly abused drugs by kids are OxyContin and Vicodin; and

– Adolescents are more likely to get hooked on prescription medication than are young adults.

The study found that teens most likely to abuse prescription medications live in the west and southeast. The most common abuse occurs in the following states: Arkansas (10.3 percent); Kentucky (9.8 percent); Montana (9.6 percent); Oregon (9.3 percent); Oklahoma (9.1 percent); Tennessee (8.9 percent); and West Virginia (8.9 percent).

"There's a reason that prescription drugs are intended to be taken under the direction of a doctor: if used improperly they can be dangerous," said a recent National Institute of Drug Abuse summary.

Abuse of prescription painkillers in general is not new. In fact, such abuse has risen 400 percent between 1998 and 2008.

But now it seems, our kids have made a startling discovery – that using prescription meds to get high – is too easy and too accessible. And it's costing more of them their lives.

Featured Articles

Vitamin D Protects Against Alzheimer`s Disease

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Advanced age and the build-up of amyloid beta protein clumps on brain structures are the clinical manifestation leading to the devastating form of dementia known as Alzheimer`s disease. Breaking research published in the journal Fluids and Barriers of the CNS provides crucial evidence that vitamin D influences transporter proteins that help clear the naturally occurring proteins from the brain. Vitamin D has been found to profoundly alter the development and progression of many diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes. We can now add Alzheimer`s disease to the list. Obtaining vitamin D from natural sunlight or supplementing with the prohormone should be considered mandatory for all health-minded people wishing to lower chronic disease risk.

Vitamin D3
Enzyme Complex

Researchers constructing this study used mice altered to develop dementia, and the animals were injected with vitamin D. It was determined that amyloid beta accumulation was selectively inhibited and special transporter proteins cleared the damaging amyloid before it could accumulate. The brain has developed an intricate array of special transporter proteins known as LRP-1 and P-gp that have been shown to usher amyloid protein across the blood-brain barrier before causing damage.

The lead research author, Professor Tetsuya Terasaki from Tohoku University in Japan commented: "Vitamin D appears to increase transport of amyloid beta across the blood brain barrier (BBB) by regulating protein expression, via the vitamin D receptor, and also by regulating cell signaling via the MEK pathway. These results lead the way towards new therapeutic targets in the search for prevention of Alzheimer`s disease."

The research team believes that vitamin D helps to transport amyloid beta protein structures across the delicate blood-brain barrier so the clusters can be released into the cerebral spinal fluid for eventual disposal. The function of this mechanism is known to decline in aging humans and animals, allowing buildup of the sticky protein clusters around the neuronal synapses. Scientists have observed that vitamin D levels are typically low in aging adults when diagnosed with Alzheimer`s disease, and they can now make the connection between blood saturation levels and the disease.

The study authors do not provide a vitamin D reference level that produced the results in this study. Many prior studies have demonstrated that the optimal blood level of the prohormone is between 50 ng/ml and 80 ng/ml to dramatically lower the risk from many cancer lines. Most health conscious adults will need to supplement with an oil-based vitamin D supplement to achieve this goal and attain protection from this deadly form of dementia.

[Editor`s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and wellbeing of all living creatures.]

Featured Articles

Murdoch’s and Genetic Altering DNA Vaccines

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Rupert Murdoch's media empire News Corp., which represents the second largest media conglomerate in the world behind the Walt Disney Company, is taking a severe beating as Murdoch himself is having to address various criminal allegations, including that his News of the World tabloid illegally hacked private phone lines and committed various other crimes.

Vaccine Protocol

But Murdoch's media malpractice runs even deeper as his strong connections to the pharmaceutical industry also fueled his media machine's fabrication of lies against Dr. Andrew Wakefield, as well as hid from the public the true dangers of DNA vaccines that permanently corrupt human genes and cause autism.

Murdoch has built quite a reputation for himself as a scoundrel of sorts, as many Americans who identify with the "left" side of the political spectrum have accused him of pandering to the "right" by skewing the news to appeal to "conservatives" (Murdoch owns FOX News, after all).

But what Murdoch's organization is actually doing on all fronts with its various media outlets, including FOX, is pushing much bigger agendas that supersede any alleged "right vs. left" paradigm. One such agenda is News Corp.'s routine censorship of the dangerous truth about drugs and vaccines, which include smear campaigns like those levied against Dr. Wakefield who conduct legitimate research that contradicts mainstream medical thought.

News Corp. systematically destroyed the reputation of Dr. Wakefield, lied about his work
If you are unfamiliar with the Dr. Wakefield story, you can read more about it in previous NaturalNews articles (…). But as a quick recap, Dr. Wakefield basically discovered through credible research that the combination measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine was linked to mental and physiological health problems, and that the individual measles vaccine should be given to children instead until further research on the safety of MMR could be conducted.

The findings were credible, responsibly-derived, and honest in their assessment — but they resulted in a tirade of lies and slander against Dr. Wakefield.

The statements included false accusations that he is opposed to all vaccinations, that he had manipulated his data, and that he is basically unfit to be a doctor, despite the fact that he is arguably one of the most well-respected and highly-educated gastroenterologists in the world. In the end, though, Dr. Wakefield ended up having his study pulled from the esteemed UK journal Lancet, and his UK medical license was revoked.

And just who was responsible for the annihilation campaign against Dr. Wakefield? None other than Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., which literally fabricated lies about Dr. Wakefield and disseminated them around the world via its multinational media network. News Corp.'s London Times, for instance, falsely accused Dr. Wakefield of being "callous, unethical and dishonest," and published numerous articles saying he was a fraud, and that he "abused his position of trust."

And why, exactly, did News Corp. feel the need to destroy the life and reputation of a man that had done so much to help children with autism and other neurological disorders?

Because Dr. Wakefield's findings were incongruent with the multi-billion-dollar profit ring of multinational pharmaceutical companies like GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Merck Inc., both of which produce and market MMR vaccines.

Murdoch media empire, judicial system closely knit with drug companies
Did you know that Rupert Murdoch's son James Murdoch, who manages the UK paper Sunday Times, is on the board of GSK? Or how about Sir Nigel Davis, the High Court judge that denied parents of children treated by Dr. Wakefield the right to have their claims against vaccine manufacturers heard in a real court? Davis' brother, who is an executive board member of Elsevier, the group that publishes the Lancet, is also on the board of GSK.

An article in the COTO Report also explains that the head of the popular Reuters news service serves on the board of Merck, while a prominent writer at the UK's Daily Mirror is married to the former chairman of GSK. And the list goes on and on.

With all of these strong connections to drug companies, it is no wonder that the media at large wholly participated in the Dr. Wakefield slander campaign — after all, Dr. Wakefield's work caused millions of people to wake up and begin questioning the safety not only of the MMR vaccine, but also of vaccines in general. And this continued awakening is taking its toll on Big Pharma's profits.

MMR and dozens of other DNA' vaccines essentially create genetically-modified humans
Dr. Wakefield's work uncovered a crucial detail about certain vaccines that ultimately exposes those in this particular category as highly-dangerous, life-altering poisons. Third-generation DNA vaccines like MMR contain genetically-engineered (GE) materials that are injected directly into the body, sort of like how genetically-modified (GM) crop seeds have been injected with altered DNA that changes their genetic makeup — and these GE traits can permanently alter proper human development.

As far as DNA vaccines are concerned, the GE material they contain is included as part of an overall effort to induce "DNA uptake," a term that is very vaguely defined, but one that appears to infer a literal adoption of altered DNA into the human genetic structure. If this is the case, then DNA vaccines like MMR are overriding normal DNA with altered DNA, which causes the untold changes in human development and health that have been observed.

Based on Dr. Wakefield's findings, this is exactly what appears to occur with MMR vaccines in particular, and it is why he urged the public to skip the MMR vaccine and get the individual vaccines instead. His findings showed that the MMR vaccine is linked to mitochondria dysfunction caused by DNA mutations. And since no proper review of MMR has ever taken place to prove its safety, his professional conclusion was that it was best to stop using it for childrens safety.

Mitochondria, of course, are what power cells and convert energy into forms that are usable by the body. When these do not work properly, the entire human body becomes compromised. Individuals with autism demonstrate mitochondria dysfunction as well as various other problems, which may or may not be possible to cure — and this, again, is precisely why Dr. Wakefield urged the public to beware of the MMR vaccine.

According to the same COTO Report article mentioned earlier, DNA vaccines like MMR were actually derived from failed gene therapy experiments. In other words, they appear to be a type of genetic experiment that is permanently altering human gene expression and proper DNA development, which in turn lands its victims with permanent, life-altering developmental disorders like autism.

But none of this will ever be addressed by the likes of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., or by most other mainstream news outlets for that matter, because of their close alliance with the drug industry. It is in their best interests to hide the truth from the public, and to continue pushing the lie that all vaccines are safe, and have never been implicated in causing any long-term health problems.

CBS News, however, did recently report on a new review published in the Journal of Immunotoxicology that addresses the issue of third-generation DNA vaccines and autism. That review, entitled Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes — A review, admits that "[d]ocumented causes of autism include genetic mutations and/or deletions, viral infections, and encephalitis [brain damage] following vaccination."

Featured Articles

Heartworm Drugs For Pets; Big Pharma’s Cash Cow

by: Celeste Yarnall

(NaturalNews) In a seemingly diabolical plot, veterinarians and pharmaceutical companies have teamed up in a marketing campaign to frighten pet guardians into giving year-round heartworm preventatives to their cats, as well as dogs. These so-called experts say they're doing this to improve protection for individual pets, but the facts say their motives may be less pure.

With few exceptions, heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) are a completely seasonal problem, so there is no reason to give heartworm medicine to ANY pet year-round-except to make money for those who make and sell it! Those financially-motivated folks say the number of cases will rise unless everybody gives the medications. They rationalize this by citing statistics on how most people don't use the products, and proclaiming that the number of unprotected dogs will surely cause even more disease. However, despite years of many animals being given unnecessary drugs and many more who aren't, the prevalance of heartworm has not really changed.

In fact, a recent headline in a veterinary publication trumpeted, "Heartworm now found in all 50 states"–as if it was a triumph! While that statement may be technically true, the survey did not differentiate between all dogs testing positive for heartworm, and dogs testing positive for heartworm that came from somewhere else! The increase in positive-testing dogs may be attributable to the widespread dispersion of heartworm-infected dogs after Hurricane Katrina, rather than a true increase in the level of disease.

Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes. Heartworm larvae, called microfilaria, live in the blood and are sucked up by the bug. Once inside the mosquito, they must further develop before they can infect another dog. For that to occur, outside temperatures must remain above 57 degrees F, day and night, for a certain period of time (but at least 8 days).

The warmer the temperature, the faster the larvae will mature. If the temperature drops below the critical level, larval development will stop, but the larvae don't die, development will re-start at the same point when the weather warms back up. Larvae reach their infective stage in 8 to 30 days (the latter being the insect's entire lifespan-if the larvae haven't matured by then, they will die along with the mosquito).

It should be obvious that during seasons and in areas where there are no mosquitoes, there is no risk of heartworm. Evidently that little fact escaped the attention of the veterinarian who prescribed heartworm protection — in December-for a puppy living high in the Colorado mountains. At that altitude, temperatures are never warm enough for heartworms!

On this map, heartworm risk is shown by the month when the use of heartworm preventatives should begin. In most states, protection should be continued through November or December. In the Michigan UP, preventatives are suggested from August through October. Within 150 miles of the Gulf Coast and other areas in pink, prevention is recommended from April through January. In the red areas of southern Texas and Florida, year-round preventatives may be needed. Local conditions may vary from year to year. Global warming, hurricanes/flooding, and other factors may increase the mosquito population and thus influence heartworm risk. (This map is a very loose approximation only, and is not intended to be used exclusively to determine risk.)…

When an infected mosquito bites a dog or cat, the microfilaria are deposited on the skin, where they then crawl into the bite wound and enter the bloodstream. Inside the body, they grow and progress through other larval forms. In dogs, the heartworm's natural host, larvae migrate to the heart and eventually develop into adult worms. In cats, full-grown worms can develop (but not reproduce). A cat cannot transmit the disease. Adult heartworms are over a foot long when grown (in 6-8 months), but it takes only 1 or 2 to fill up a cat's tiny heart and cause serious problems. However, in 80% of infections, the cat's own immune system kills the larvae at an earlier stage, and clears the infection.

However, heartworms don't have to be full-grown to cause problems. In cats, a respiratory condition can develop. Not-quite-full-grown microfilaria can get stuck small blood vessels in the lungs, where they can cause significant inflammation and damage. This uniquely feline condition is called Heartworm Associated Respiratory Disease, or HARD. Symptoms are similar to asthma; and it's possible that some "asthmatic" cats are misdiagnosed with an immune-mediated disease instead of a parasite. Even so, about half of infected cats never develop any signs of heartworm disease at all. And while the disease causes serious damage to the lungs, much of the damage may be reversible by the body's normal healing processes. Chronic and sequential infections have not been studied.

Indoor cats are, of course, less likely to be bitten by a mosquito, but anyone who's ever been around them knows that the little buggers can be quite persistent, so it isn't impossible. In one study, 25% of heartworm-positive cats were reported to be indoors-only. Outdoor cats are at higher risk not only for heartworm but also for feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV or feline AIDS), and all the other parasites, injuries, and diseases common to outdoor cats. However, keeping all pets indoors during prime mosquito-feeding time (late afternoon an evening) will greatly reduce the risk of a bite.

Heartworm preventative drugs do not kill adult heartworms, but they do kill microfilaria up to a certain stage of development. Currently it is believed that larvae under 6 weeks old are affected. This means that in order to prevent heartworms from reaching adulthood, the preventative can be given up to 6 weeks after the mosquito bite occurs, and still work. The recommendation is to give the drugs every 30 days, purportedly because once-a-month dosing is easier for most people to remember (and, coincidentally, it also sells more drugs!).

The most common preventative drugs for heartworm are ivermectin (Heartgard) and selamectin (Revolution). While these drugs are generally considered "safe and effective" at the low doses used for heartworm prevention, there are always exceptions. Signs of toxicity associated with ivermectin include: depression, ataxia (balance problems or unsteady walk), and blindness. Selamectin is also used to treat ear mites and some intestinal worms; adverse reactions include hair loss at the site of application, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle tremors, anorexia, lethargy, salivation, rapid breathing, and contact allergy.

Most veterinarians hand out heartworm preventatives like candy; but there is a serious and growing problem of resistance of heartworms to these drugs. This means that we are selecting for "superworms" that will be able to survive and grow even in animals on heartworm preventatives (despite Big Pet Pharma's denials that this is happening). As with all cases of drug resistance, the correct response is to reduce use of the drug and reserve it only for when it is absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, the veterinary profession and drug industries have decided to go for profits instead, and are continuing to call for all pets to be on medications all year round. This is bad science, and it is bad policy.

The Big Pet Pharma folks are very protective of the income from heartworm drugs, and will apparently stop at nothing to increase profits. Merial, maker of the popular heartworm preventative Heartgard, was repeatedly warned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to stop exaggerating the effectiveness of the product (which has been declining for at least a decade). Moreover, a fired Merial executive filed suit against Merial, claiming that the company deliberately lied for years, not only about the product's effectiveness, but also the true number and severity of adverse events. Pfizer's Animal Health division alone, which makes the heartworm preventative Revolution as well as vaccines and other animal drugs, is valued at $10 billion to $16 billion (and may soon be sold to Merial or another competitor!).

If you feel you must use heartworm prevention products, get them from your veterinarian. Surveys have found mislabeled, expired, imported, and counterfeit products being sold from other sources. Follow dosage instructions and do not over-treat. NEVER, EVER use a heartworm product made for dogs on a cat. The components are different between dog and cat products, and dog products can kill a cat in a matter of hours. Many cats have suffered and died this way.

Featured Articles

Vitamin D Discoveries Keep Growing

by: S. L. Baker

(NaturalNews) Over the past few years, researchers have come up with a mountain of evidence that vitamin D is extremely important to maintaining health and preventing and even treating a host of health problems. For example, studies have shown that too little vitamin D may trigger breast cancer, rheumatoid arthritis , brittle bones, heart attacks and more.

Vitamin D3

And now there's breaking news that scientists have discovered two more extraordinary benefits to getting enough vitamin D through sun exposure and supplements. It turns out a lack of the remarkable vitamin could result in sports-related muscle injuries. What's more, vitamin D may, in a sense, help "vacuum" out plaques in the brain associated with the dreaded, mind-robbing dementia known as Alzheimer's disease.

A recent study just presented at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine's (AOSSM) Annual Meeting now underway in San Diego has linked too little vitamin D in the body to an increased risk of muscle injuries in athletes. Specifically, the scientists studied National Football League (NFL) football players.

"Eighty percent of the football team we studied had vitamin D insufficiency. African American players and players who suffered muscle injuries had significantly lower levels," said Michael Shindle, MD, lead researcher and member of Summit Medical Group, in a statement to the press.

The researchers worked with 89 football players, average age 25, from a single NFL team, giving them laboratory tests to measure vitamin D levels in the spring 2010 as part of the athletes' routine pre-season evaluations. Over the course of the season, the team provided data to the scientists so they could document how many of players missed games due to muscle injuries. Vitamin D levels were also classified according to a player's race and how much playing time was lost due to muscle injuries.

The results showed that a large number of these super fit, professional athletes were actually seriously deficient in vitamin D. Twenty-seven players were dramatically deficient and 45 more had levels consistent with insufficiency. In fact, only 17 players tested had values in the normal limits. African American players were far more likely to have the lowest levels of vitamin D. And the 16 players who suffered muscle injuries were found to have the lowest vitamin D levels.

"Screening and treatment of vitamin D insufficiency in professional athletes may be a simple way to help prevent injuries," Dr. Scott Rodeo, MD, Co-Chief of the Sports Medicine and Shoulder Service at the Hospital for Special Surgery, noted in the press statement.

While preventing sports injuries with vitamin D is an exciting possibility, consider this other, potentially mind blowing news about the remarkable vitamin — it may help prevent and even reverse the buildup of amyloid beta plaques in the brain that are associated with Alzheimer's disease.

That's the conclusion of new research just published in BioMed Central's open access journal Fluids and Barriers of the CNS. A lack of vitamin D has been suspected to play a role both Alzheimer's disease and less serious but worrisome age-related memory problems. And now a study conducted by scientists at Tohoku University in Japan has found that removal of amyloid plaques from the brain depend on vitamin D.

The researchers treated mice bred to have amyloid beta plaques in their brains with injections of vitamin D. The result? The vitamin D therapy actually helped remove these plaques, which are the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, from the rodents' brains.

"Vitamin D appears to increase transport of amyloid beta across the blood brain barrier (BBB) by regulating protein expression, via the vitamin D receptor…These results lead the way towards new therapeutic targets in the search for prevention of Alzheimer's disease," Professor Tetsuya Terasaki said in a media statement.

Editor's note: NaturalNews is opposed to the use of animals in medical experiments that expose them to harm. We present these findings in protest of the way in which they were acquired.

Featured Articles

Get Rid of Pesky Household Gnats

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) With warm weather comes a bounty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Sometimes, the produce bounty can also bring an unwanted bounty of annoying gnats swarming around the produce and other food items. Once gnats arrive, they may reproduce seemingly forever unless we take the right steps to get rid of them.

Gnats are most often found around produce and other food items. That is why they are often found on those food items as well as around trash cans, in sink drains and in garbage disposals. Gnats also like moist places such as over-watered plants and refrigerator drain trays.

How to Prevent Household Gnats

1. Don`t leave uncovered produce or food items out and don`t leave dirty dishes in the sink.

2. Pour diluted bleach and a few drops of dishwashing soap down each of your drains, stopper them and leave overnight before flushing with water. Repeat weekly.

3. Make sure you don`t leave any trash out over night. Take out all garbage every night and make sure that indoor and outdoor garbage containers are covered and sealed.

4. Don't leave wet towels or other wet items lying around or allow standing water in the sink or elsewhere. It is also a good idea to cover wet dishes drying in the drain board with a dry bath towel.

5. Avoid over-watering houseplants. Gnats known as fungus gnats can get in the wet soil of houseplants and then continue to multiply there.

6. Put a bit of bleach in the water pans beneath refrigerators and freezers and then regularly check and clean the pans. Bleach kills gnats.

7. Make sure that door and window seals are tight with no gaps.

If you do get gnats, don`t reach for dangerous pesticides. Instead, make your own safe and easy gnat trap and use common household items to attract, trap and kill the gnats.

How to Make a Gnat Trap

Here`s what you need:

*A plastic soda or round drinking water or juice bottle of two or more liters in size.
*A sharp knife
*Apple cider or other vinegar (apple cider works best, but you can use regular white if that`s all you have on hand).
*A few drops or so of dish soap (especially lemon scented)
*Enough water to fill the bottle a third to one-half full.

To make the trap, cut the top third of the bottle off and insert it upside down into the rest of the bottle to create a funnel that gnats will have difficulty escaping. If need be, you can use duct tape to tape the two parts together where they join.

Once you have made the gnat trap, pour the ingredients in and watch as the gnats become trapped: their population will dwindle and then will disappear over the course of just a couple of days or so. In the meanwhile, be sure to follow the gnat prevention instructions listed above.

In addition to vinegar and soap, you can also use granulated sugar to help attract the gnats. Another option is to forgo the liquid and use banana slices or peels – gnats simply love bananas.

Other Suggestions

If you get fungus gnats in the soil of your houseplants, you can eliminate them by adding a layer of sand. An even better option would be to sprinkle a layer of diatomaceous earth on top of the soil. Diatomaceous earth both repels and kills gnats.

If you want to use a gnat spray, use regular kitchen water in a spray bottle and add a few drops of dish soap. The spray will kill gnats and ants on contact.

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Relieve Aches and Pains With Essential Oils

by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) There are many essential oils extracted from plants, trees and flowers that contain powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic and detoxifying properties. These can bring pain relief to the muscle spasms and inflammation which result from sports injuries. Joint and muscle pain and menstrual pains can also be relieved with the healing properties of essential oils.

Juniper Oil
Utopia Naturals Soap

Generally, essential oils are too concentrated to use directly on the skin. Use 10 – 12 drops essential oil of choice blended with a carrier oil such as grapeseed, jojoba, sweet almond or coconut oil. These vegetable oils have the advantage of being excellent natural skin moisturizers when massaged into the skin. Add diluted blends to bath water or massage affected areas. A compress for pain relief may be used by soaking a piece of cloth in a basin of warm water along with essential oil/s of choice.

According to Shellie Enteen, Aromatherapist of 20 years standing, some of the best essential oils with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties include chamomile, sweet marjoram, lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary and thyme. Oils which have a therapeutic, warming effect for massage or in a bath include juniper, birch and black pepper.

Muscle ache relief blend: Combine 5 drops lavender, 4 drops marjoram and 3 drops rosemary with 30ml carrier oil and use for massage or in a bath.

Coriander muscle rub for pain relief: Blend 4 drops coriander, 4 drops juniper and 4 drops black pepper oil to 4 teaspoons grapeseed oil. Massage into tired, aching muscles.

PMS cramp rub: Blend 5 drops clary sage, 5 drops geranium and 5 drops chamomile oil – massage affected area, rubbing in a clockwise direction.

Jasmine massage for menstrual cramp: It takes large quantities of jasmine flowers to produce a small amount of expensive jasmine essential oil. However, only a few drops are needed to produce a pleasing, soothing effect. Blend 4 drops jasmine, 4 drops clary sage and 2 drops lavender with 5 teaspoons sweet almond oil. Massage in a stroking motion over the abdomen, up and around hips and around to the small of the back.

Cardamom massage oil for stomach cramps: Cardamom essential oil is distilled from the seeds and has a warm, spicy aroma and a warming quality. Add 2 drops cardamom, 2 drops basil and 3 drops marjoram to 2 teaspoons vegetable carrier oil of choice. Massage in a clockwise direction over the stomach and abdomen.

Rub for painful, tight chest: Add 3 drops niaouli, 2 drops hyssop and 2 drops myrrh to 3 teaspoons vegetable oil and rub into the chest.