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Southampton Officials Vote Against Water Fluoridation Scheme

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Efforts to get more communities in the UK fluoridated appear to be failing, as a recent decision by officials in Southampton, a city roughly 80 miles southwest of London, refused a proposed water fluoridation plan. In a 2 – 1 decision, city officials ultimately sided with opponents of the plan who insisted that the city keep its water toxin free.


Originally intended for implementation as part of a government takeover scheme, of sorts, fluoridation of Southampton's water supply was expected to happen without hitch, despite overwhelming public opposition (…).

But massive outcry from groups like Hampshire Against Fluoridation (HAF), which sent open letters to all 48 elected officials demanding that they oppose the plan, as well as a petition signed by 6,000 local citizens, ultimately overruled the decision.

The UK government has tried repeatedly to fluoridate more water systems in the UK — only about ten percent of public water supplies in the UK are fluoridated, and some of these contain just naturally-occurring fluoride — but their efforts have failed. UK citizens simply do not want a toxic poison added to their drinking water, no matter what the "experts" claim concerning its alleged health benefits.

Back in the US, several cities in Tennessee have recently decided to remove fluoride from their water supplies. The middle Tennessee town of Hohenwald, for example, recently axed its water fluoridation program (…), and Spring Hill, a suburb of Nashville, voted just days before that to stop fluoridating its water supply .

In each one of these cases, including in Southampton, pressure from the public, as well as from various advocacy groups that represent it, were directly responsible for stopping the fluoride agenda. Now is the time for willing individuals from fluoridated cities and towns across the country and world to step up and initiate similar fluoride opposition efforts in their areas, and effectively help propel the momentum towards a fluoride-free world.

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The 10 Worst Chemicals In Cosmetics And Personal Care Products

by: S. D. Wells

(NaturalNews) The entire cosmetic industry is in a buyer beware state of alert, thanks to the latest additions to the melting pot of chemicals and pollutants in skin care, above and beyond the usual parabens. Consumers are warned by experts to put on the watch list any makeup which contains synthetic coloring ingredients, emulsifiers, leads, copolymer, triclosan, and "urea as a preservative." Also contributing to the chemical compounds are phthalates, formaldehyde, and petroleum.


Without proper regulations, especially regarding testing how chemicals react to one another in combinations, it is scary how quickly the industry has become a problem for women and men alike. Some lipsticks are loaded with lead. If you think it doesn't matter because it's just on your skin, think again. Deodorants and shampoo must also be included in the equation. There are plenty of solutions to the problem, but where do you begin?

Start by viewing the issues as long term consequences instead of short term benefits. In fact, there are critical trade offs when it comes to using products for beauty and hygiene that contain chemicals. Skin cancer can have roots, and the removal of them can leave scars on your nose or even around your mouth. Consumers shouldn't count on "all natural" labels and similar advertisements because current regulations on the use of those buzzwords are almost non-existent.

In the United States, the personal care industry goes largely unregulated. For starters, the FDA has not set limits for lead in cosmetics unless the lead is used for color additives. Also many fragrances are synthetic. Ever heard of or seen on the ingredients list Diazolidinyl or Imidazolidinyl Urea? One does not have to pronounce them in order to find them on the ingredients list on the back of a box or bottle. Just set it down and keep looking.

Do not leave out the average man in the United States, who might easily put 6 to 8 personal care products on his skin repeatedly every 24 hours. Facial soaps, shampoo, conditioner and deodorants will likely contain at least one of 10 carcinogenic chemicals, and the combination of chemicals seep through the skin, into the bloodstream, creating havoc for healthy cells.

The Safe Cosmetic Act of 2010 uses terminology like aggregate exposure, vulnerable populations, and people with compromised immune systems, but it seems as though everybody fits into at least two categories. Are you still willing to take the same chances?

Synthetic colors are listed as D&C or FD&C, but even though these are regulated by the industry, they are still mostly derived from coal tar, which, when injected in lab mice, causes cancer. Many previously approved colors are now banned across the world because of known carcinogenic properties.

Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), the ingredient which provides that shiny, smooth, varnish look, comes at a steep price, and not just in dollars and cents. Banned in Europe, this dangerous toxin can pose a threat to the nervous system, even by simply inhaling the fumes. Women who sit and relax at salons and boutiques for hours on end might even feel intoxicated when they exit. Pregnant women especially beware. The long term effects include impaired fetal development and deformed male reproductive organs.

Triclosan is found in more than a handful of cosmetics, and now even in toothpaste, because it's supposed to kill bacteria. Triclosan was initially developed as a surgical scrub for medical professionals, and not for putting around your eyes or for scrubbing your teeth and gums daily, but somehow the FDA has approved it for general consumption.

Here come two more ingredients the average human being cannot pronounce. Diethanolamine and Triethanolamine, more easily recognized as DEA and TEA, used extensively for emulsifying products. Combine the two chemicals, and if you're a scientist, you're watching the lab rats die from cancerous tumors. The only "panel of experts" out there recommends you only use them in small doses, but what about the cumulative effect that builds up over time and from the laundry list of products that contain them?

Many synthetic nail colors, lipsticks, sunscreens and whitening toothpastes now contain lead and other metals. Titanium dioxide is found in concealers and even diaper ointments. Some metals are used for color, and certain kinds of lip glosses even contain aluminum compounds. The infamous D&C Red 6 may contain mercury and arsenic in addition to the lead. Also, zinc is used in moisturizers, which clogs pores, preventing them from breathing properly.

Petrolatum is basically petroleum and is commonly found in moisturizers. It forms an oily layer on the skin which blocks moisture evaporation. Just as aluminum in antiperspirants dangerously blocks and traps sweat, petroleum has adverse effects on skin; however, since it's so cheap for makeup manufacturers, it's even found in baby creams and wax depilatories.

Now in 2011, there are well over 200 ingredients under the umbrella term "fragrance," and manufacturers are not required to disclose any of the actual ingredients in their formulas. Don't lose hope though, because there are natural, non-toxic preservatives that are both safe and effective.

In the long term, you are saving a fortune when you buy truly natural and organic products in comparison to the health care costs of future treatments, including surgery from using toxins on your face and body. Along with consumer education comes the gradual phase out of the bad guys in the natural skin care industry. Word combinations like sodium lauryl sulfate aren't so hard to pronounce anymore.

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Why The U.S. Government Continually Ignores The Constitution

by: Richard Stossel

(NaturalNews) Why does the U.S. Government feel that they can routinely ignore, circumvent and break the common laws of the land encapsulated by the Constitution? This is a complex issue outside the ability to fully explain in one short article. However, the main crux of this issue has to do with the application of maritime law over common law.


What is maritime law? It short, maritime law is the law of commerce on the high seas during a time of peace, while Admiralty law is the law of commerce on the high seas during a time of war or emergency. Such laws were created centuries ago to govern trade between nations. These laws also involved the exchange of promissory notes or bills of exchange. These eventually became today's paper money.

When the British lost the war for American independence, they did not give up trying to get their former colonies back under imperial control. When they could not do this militarily, they opted for a tried and true method, economic warfare.

This economic warfare took the form of using a little known loophole in the U.S. Constitution via the "commerce clause" to trick American free sovereigns into becoming corporate slaves and property of the corporate United States.

This loophole allowed the creation of a second United States. The first was originally founded under common law, and the second United States (a corporate UNITED STATES Inc.) was created to govern commerce between states and nations. This is authorized via the "Commerce Clause" in Article I, section 8, clause 3.

How Americans Have Been Deceived?

The 14th Amendment, aka, "the slavery amendment," only gave the citizens "privileges and immunities" NOT RIGHTS! It further claimed that all citizens born or naturalized via the 14th amendment are under maritime jurisdiction and are thus viewed as a corporate maritime product.

Americans were deceived into being bound by the 14th amendment (a corporation and vessel in the sea of commerce) through scores of unrevealed contracts such as driver's, hunting and marriage licenses, social security, voter and jury registration, etc. These documents are all legal contracts as well as unrevealed contracts that can and too often do force your compliance under penalty of law!

Since the Federal United States corporation is charged with governing all commerce between states and nations, it is argued that you, because you are now also considered a legal corporation via the 14th amendment and your ALL CAPS name on your birth certificate, are now engaged in commerce in everything you do.

When you are at work earning money, when you drive your car down the road (your car is insured which makes it a vehicle), when you purchase anything and even when you use the toilet (believe it or not), you are engaging in commerce in one form or another and thus fall under the control of the government.

It is through these legal tricks and unrevealed contracts that the federal government is taking more and more control over the lives of the American people, and this is why tyranny is on the rise. The recent Rawsome food raids are just one example. (…)

Unless we free ourselves from this corrupt corporate maritime system and get back under the true freedoms given by the U.S. Constitution, we are nothing more than a commercial product to be used and abused at the will of the Federal Corporate United States.

This is, in short, why the U.S. government continues to ignore the Constitution. There is much more you need to know. Sources below will help you to learn more.

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An Apple A Day Slashes Stroke Risk In Half, Study Finds

by: Mary West

(NaturalNews) A new study gives some credence to the old adage, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" — at least concerning strokes. In a study published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association, Dutch researchers found that eating apples, pears and other white-fleshed fruits and vegetables might lessen stroke risk by a dramatic 52%: Health Enclave reports. Authors of the investigation considered the findings a little surprising, because recent research has recommended vibrantly colored fruits and vegetables as the most beneficial for health.

In the research, which examined the diets of 20,000 adults over a ten year period, authors investigated the association between the color of consumed fruits and stroke incidence. Participants were required to complete a food frequency questionnaire, which segmented the fleshy part of fruits and vegetables into four color groups: orange/yellow, red/purple, green and white. After comparing the stroke incidence with the diet of the participants, researches found no link with the quantity of brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Conversely, participants who had a daily intake of 171 grams of white-fleshed produce had a stroke incidence 52% lower than those whose daily intake of such foods was less than 75 grams. White-fleshed produce includes apples, pears, bananas, cauliflower and cucumbers, and the quantity of 171 grams correlates to one medium-to-large apple.

Although it is unclear why white-fleshed produce dramatically reduced stroke risk, scientists made some postulations. The fiber found in apples and pears is beneficial for cardiovascular health. Additionally, apples and pears have a high content of a flavonoid called quercetin, which studies have shown to reduce inflammation. This anti-inflammatory benefit could be a significant contributing factor, since inflammation is associated with hardening of the arteries.

Upon evaluating the results of the investigation, author Linda M. Oude Greip provided some recommendations. She cautioned that the findings need to be confirmed by further research; however, she stated it might be beneficial to eat plenty of white produce, and eating one apple a day is an easy method of increasing the intake of these healthful foods. On the other hand, Oude Greip emphatically advised the public to consume brightly colored fruits and vegetables as well, since they are protective against other chronic ailments.

It should be emphasized that the phytochemicals found in vibrantly colored fruits and vegetables have been associated with a reduced risk of cancer, along with a benefit to heart health. Jessica Shapiro, a wellness dietitian in New York City, adds her voice to Oude Greip's recommendation of continuing to include brightly colored produce in the diet: USA Today notes. Shapiro points out that the rainbow of fruits and vegetables contribute nutrients that work synergistically with each other.

The Best Years In Life

Mainstream Medicine Rejects Alternative Healing With No Scientific Backing

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) The mainstream medical establishment’s rejection of alternative healing not only flies in the face of hundreds and even thousands of years of history, but it also flies in the face of good science. History has taught us time and again that the science of today is often found lacking tomorrow. Apparently, that is a lesson that has continued to be lost or ignored by today’s mainstream science, even as many of their longstanding beliefs are being overturned.

Another principle which mainstream medicine fails to understand is that lack of evidence is not the same as evidence of lack. Often, lack of evidence is merely an indication that scientific understanding has yet to catch up to something it does not presently know how to grasp or quantify.In many instances, mainstream rejection of alternative healing violates the foremost principle of the scientific method itself: observation. Alternative healing has been observed to be successful dating back hundreds and even thousands of years. Mainstream medicine continues to reject observed success as merely anecdotal and contends that only rigorous testing will provide any validation.

The FDA, which is supposed to oversee medicine in the U.S., carries bias against alternatives medicine to absurd extremes – refusing to allow even natural fruits, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, or any other item to claim health benefits unless they have gone through the complete FDA approval process at costs up to a billion or more dollars.

When alternatives are tested, the studies are often marred by lack of current knowledge and understanding as well as design flaws. That includes vitamins and minerals studies which fail to consider how nature works synergistically as well as the differences between natural vitamins and bioavailable minerals and synthetic petrochemical vitamins and crushed rock minerals.

Modern science has long denied that acupuncture offers any benefit other than the placebo effect and much of the mainstream establishment still clings to that view even as study after study has proven them wrong. For example, a recent report from the National Institutes of Health stated that “many well-designed studies have found that acupuncture can help with certain conditions, such as back pain, knee pain, headaches and osteoarthritis.”

Likewise, aromatherapy was long rejected by mainstream science as having any scientifically proven value. Then came a Japanese study, which was published in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The study found that inhaling linalool, which is a fragrance found naturally in lavender, mint, and many other fragrant plants, reduced the activity of more than 100 genes that are normally significantly elevated in stressful situations. See:

A favorite target of mainstream medicine for well over a century has been homeopathy, which is based on the principle of retained memory in extreme dilutions. Just this month, an article in Forbes Magazine bemoaned the “absurdity of homeopathy”.

However, it appears that homeopathy is turning out to be not so scientifically absurd after all: An article this month in The Daily Mail highlighted a study which showed that salt solutions change the structure of hydrogen bonds in water even when diluted to homeopathic levels. Last July, Nobel Prize winning French virologist Professor Luc Montagnier shocked fellow Nobel prize-winners and the medical establishment by telling them that he had discovered that water has a memory that continues even after many dilutions. See:

Today we continue to see mainstream medicine reject much in alternative healing, including healing energies and frequencies, kinesiology, traditional healing around the world and more. As history has taught us, much of those rejected items may well be validated once science finally catches up or owns up.

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Proper Nutrition From Diet Alone Is Largely A Myth

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) One of the biggest health myths is the idea that a person can get all the nutrition s/he needs by simply eating a balanced diet. The truth is that it is next to impossible to get even the minimal RDA amounts of the limited number of vitamins and minerals on the RDA list, much less the amounts of all the many nutrients needed for optimal health from diet alone.



Decades of over-farming has left the world's top soils severely depleted of essential minerals. For the most part, the only minerals replaced have been those needed for optimal growth and not vital minerals such as magnesium which are needed for optimal health.

Foods on our grocers' shelves frequently have had true nutrition processed out (and often harmful additives processed in to enhance shelf life, taste, color and texture). In many instances most of the claimed nutrition comes from added synthetic petrochemical vitamins and crushed rock minerals – which are vastly inferior to natural vitamins and minerals found in food.

This author has repeatedly challenged balanced-diet proponents to devise a weekly 2000 to 2500 calorie a day diet plan which provides all of just the measly nutrient amounts on the limited RDA chart. Thus far no one has come close. Keep in mind that in many instances RDA amounts of vitamins and minerals are merely the theoretical amounts needed to prevent deficiency-related illness. Besides the fact that RDA amounts are often far below the optimal amounts, the RDA list does not include literally hundreds of other valuable nutrients which we have evolved and adapted to utilize.

If it is so easy to get all the nutrition needed from diet alone, why is it that up to 95% of us are deficient in magnesium? For that matter, why is it that most of us are deficient in other vital nutrients as well – even those of us who regularly eat a so-called balanced diet?

Another related myth is the idea that doctors are good sources of information and advice about diet and nutrition. In most instances, mainstream doctors are woefully deficient in information about diet and nutrition. Doctors are taught in medical schools where the primary funding source is the pharmaceutical industry and where curriculum is controlled by the AMA. Not surprisingly, doctors are taught that the way to treat illness is to prescribe drug company medications and to perform mainstream medical treatments. What they are not taught is the vital role that diet and proper nutrition play in our health.

One longtime doctor turned naturopath told this author that during his entire mainstream education he had but one single lecture on diet and nutrition. Other doctors, including more recent graduates, confirmed that their educational experience was much the same when it came to diet and nutrition.

In the world of mainstream health misinformation about vegetable and fruit servings, a serving of a fortified "fruit drink" is considered equal to a bowl of fresh organic blueberries and an order of french fries is equal to a bowl of fresh organic spinach.

A good plan for obtaining plenty of nutrition to insure a maximum of good health and a minimum of illness is:

1. Eat a healthy and varied nutrient-dense diet with as many fresh organic items as possible.
2. Avoid junk foods, processed foods and inorganic meats – especially processed meat products.
3. Utilize supplemental items such as organic superfood powders and whole food derived nutrients to insure that you get all the vital kinds and amounts of nutrition needed.

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Natural Infection Control

by: Mark Sircus., AC, OMD

(NaturalNews) It is time again for the World Health Organization and organized medicine to start scaring us again with both the bird flu and new forms of influenza. Whether these are real or just imagined threats conjured up to scare people there are many intensify infectious threats surfacing around the globe.

Advanced Colloidal SIlver
Transdermal Magnesium Oil

Some people believe that all prayers are answered. Jesus looked up to Heaven and thanked the Heavenly Father before He asked for the miracle of the loaves (Matthew 15:36). He did not pray though for the salvation of an evil system of governance or finance. We do have to be careful about what we pray for.

When faced with a crisis, many people turn to God to help guide them through it. There is nothing more worthwhile then praying to God to communicate and bond with him, or if you lean more to the feminine side, then there is the Goddess. Each religion and faith has their words and prayers and names for the highest forms of beings. The native Indians talk about "the above beings" and my most cherished one is Mary.

There is nothing spiritual or beautiful in judging another's religious beliefs, though many do just that. One of the reasons we are in the mess we are in as a civilization comes from the messes we make in religious and spiritual terms. Personally I think that the elite classes of ancient times got their dirty hands on religious works and did much to shape religions into forms that come in handy for population control and manipulation.

Though I am very much into Mary, the queen of heaven (who many Catholics embrace), I would not trust the Catholic Church today or even 1800 years ago when they first got together to decide about the Bible and the future direction of the Church. I have an essay I will publish next week entitled Lies, Sex, Priests, Popes and Psychiatrists,and it's not a pretty picture when even priests abuse our young.

There are so many mind fields it's a miracle when anyone gets beyond it all and can commune purely and soak themselves with the divine. While there is no magical way to move mountains or receive miracles, conversing with the highest ones can strengthen you and give you a better understanding of the divine will. Thy will be done is one of the highest wisdoms unlearned by man. It is a wisdom that is only attainable with a whole lot of prayer and meditation.

I am publishing these more spiritual writings in what will be a dramatic week for humanity. Yesterday I published about increasing seismic threats to our nuclear plants around the world. No doubt many are having their breaths taken away by the violent downdraft in financial markets and the threat of a great contraction that will end us up in a terrible depression.

Many people are suffering through and dying from violent storms as millions of others are threatened with thirst and starvation. Fire is burning people out of their homes and drought and floods are combining to devastate humanity's agricultural productivity. I could go on and on but the point here is our feelings and maintaining a positive sense of being.

Remember how Christ wept and prayed to something much bigger than himself? I am sure Moses felt the same when facing the burning bush, and the Moslems in Mecca certainly feel a great presence and power. If you too can feel these explosions in your heart, let love radiate out and pierce you through and through. Warmth will spread like an inner radiance, unfolding like petals, and silent tears will flow down your cheeks without reason.

Through holy moments of communication with our own pure consciousness, with the matrix of the universe or what I call "the Oneness of Being," we can experience a complete restoration of our original and vulnerable self. We can bathe ourselves in light and renew our faith and strength — something we will need big time in the months and years ahead.

Life and Death

How we come into this life and how we leave it are important. Every time I publish something about birth there is a doctor who reminds me of how OB/GYN practitioners routinely compress women's sacrum by having the ladies give birth on their backs when they are not busy giving Cesarean sections. This clearly would close the birth canal by about 30 percent making it much harder for us to slip through. You never see on television a natural birth with the woman squatting and that shows you how much Hollywood bought into the medical industrial's paradigm.

As fetuses there's not much we can do to abort the terror doctors hold for us, but as adults we certainly are responsible for who and what we are. When faced with dire situations, we do have the choice of rising to the occasion by strengthening our relationship with the divine inside of us.

For all the references, sources and more articles, please visit Dr. Mark Sircus blog.

About the author:
About the author:
Mark A. Sircus, Ac., OMD, is director of the International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA)

Dr. Sircus was trained in acupuncture and oriental medicine at the Institute of Traditional Medicine in Sante Fe, N.M., and at the School of Traditional Medicine of New England in Boston. He served at the Central Public Hospital of Pochutla in Mexico, and was awarded the title of doctor of oriental medicine for his work. He was one of the first nationally certified acupuncturists in the United States. Dr. Sircus's IMVA is dedicated to unifying the various disciplines in medicine with the goal of creating a new dawn in healthcare.

He is particularly concerned about the effect vaccinations have on vulnerable infants and is identifying the common thread of many toxic agents that are dramatically threatening present and future generations of children. His book, The Terror of Pediatric Medicine, is a free e-book offered on his web site. Humane Pediatrics will be an e-book available early in 2011 and then quickly as possible put into print.

Dr. Sircus is a most prolific and courageous writer and one can read through hundreds of pages on his various web sites.

He has recently released a number of e-books including Winning the War Against Cancer, Survival Medicine for the 21st Century, Sodium Bicarbonate, Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment, New Paradigms in Diabetic Care and Bringing Back the Universal Medicine: IODINE.

Dr. Sircus is a pioneer in the area of natural detoxification and chelation of toxic chemicals and heavy metals. He is also a champion of the medicinal value of minerals and seawater.

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, his first published work, offers a stunning breakthrough in medicine, an entirely new way to supplement magnesium that naturally increases DHEA levels, brings cellular magnesium levels up quickly, relieves pain, brings down blood pressure and pushes cell physiology in a positive direction. Magnesium chloride delivered transdermally brings a quick release from a broad range of conditions. His second edition of Transdermal Magnesium Therapy will be out shortly. In addition he writes critically about the political and financial crises occurring around us.

Featured Articles

Civil Rights Group Adopts Resolution Opposing Water Fluoridation

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The days of artificial water fluoridation truly are numbered, and this has been made even more evident by yet another prominent group that has come out in strong opposition to the heinous practice. The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), a truth about fluoride advocacy group, reports that the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the oldest Hispanic civil rights organization in the US, recently adopted a resolution decrying water fluoridation as a civil rights abuse.


The resolution declares that adding fluoride to water supplies is essentially an illegal mass medication of the public. It also mentions the many current scientific studies that highlight the dangers of ingesting fluoride, particularly among those with pre-existing health conditions — and that public health authorities have ignored this science in favor of their unscientific, pro-fluoride agenda.

"This is about forcing us to be medicated through our drinking water without our consent or full disclosure of the risks," said Henry Rodriguez, civil rights chairman of the Texas-based LULAC. His group is vehemently working to end the practice of water fluoridation across the US, where more than 64 percent of public water supplies are fluoridated.

"Opposition to fluoridation is going to continue building and there is no stopping it. There are millions of Hispanics and other minorities in the US who don't have the funds to avoid fluoridated water for making their babies' milk formula. And millions of families don't know they're being medicated in their drinking water, or about possible risks for kidney patients and diabetics."

Based on decades-worth of statistics released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), water fluoridation has provided no substantial oral benefits for those consuming it. Particularly in the Hispanic community, many of those drinking fluoridated water still have plenty of cavities — but they also now have high rates of dental fluorosis, a condition where teeth become brittle, mottled, and brown as a result of fluoride ingestion.

"Watch what develops now as members of the Hispanic legal community are awakening to this issue," said Daniel G. Stockin from The Lillie Center Inc., another group working to end water fluoridation. "The train has left the station. Fluoridation is ending. You can look for a quickening cascade of cities, water utilities, health officials and others distancing themselves from fluoridation."

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Pesticide Exposure In Expectant Mothers Causes Lower IQ In Newborns

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews)Three separate studies recently published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives indicate prenatal pesticide exposure to fetuses negatively impact a child's learning ability. Their IQs tend to be lower. The greater the umbilical cord pesticide blood levels, the lower the child's IQ.


Research Focus

These toxins originated mostly from conventional agriculture's heavily sprayed foods. But farmers and farm workers were studied the least.

The three studies focused mostly on urban dwellers who consume those sprayed foods. One was done in UC Berkley, CA, another by Columbia University in NYC, and the other by Mt. Sinai Hospital researchers, also in NYC. It doesn't get much more urban than that.

What's Bad About Pesticides

Most effective pesticides contain different types of organophosphates. As of the turn of our current century, many nations had banned chlorpyrifos and diazinon, from domestic use. Those two pesticides were so heavily loaded with organophosphates that just having bug and ant poisons stored in one's domicile caused health problems to occupants.

Organophosphates (OPs) are spinoffs from biochemical warfare research to create nerve gases for killing humans. Scientists soon discovered that the OPs killed bugs too. Of course, the usual toxicology index that protects the industry is based on the notion that if you don't drop dead soon after exposure to any chemical agent, it's safe!

But eventually, long term neurological deterioration was detected among OP users, even if they hardly used them. The link was made to these organophosphate nerve gas components in chlorpyrifos and diazinon. They were disallowed for home use, but not for agricultural use.

Back on the Farm

Since workers on farms using these pesticides are often subject to skin exposure and inhalation of organophophates, the CDC issued a paper categorizing symptoms of poisoning from biochemical nerve agents and pesticide toxicity. The symptoms described were the same for both. (CDC source below)

If you're having thoughts about Monsanto's Roundup, it is actually an herbicide for killing weeds. Roundup kills all plants. That's why Roundup Ready GM seeds are necessary. They enable using the herbicide while the GMO seed plants supposedly thrive.

Roundup's active ingredient is glyophosate, which is a type of organophosphate that isn't as nasty to the nervous system as other organophosphates. Over 30 organophosphate pesticides used in non-organic commercial farming are USDA approved.

So what if we eat daily while other environmental toxins overload our immune systems. Remember, if it doesn't do great harm immediately, it's safe.

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The Hospital Gestapo: You May Never See Home Again

by Angela V. Woodhull, Ph.D./licensed private investigator

$ Predatory Guardians $

American hospitals have devised a scheme to guarantee they never get stuck with an unpaid bill. It’s called guardianship. Thinking of checking into a hospital? Think again. You may never see home again.

Ginger Franklin, Hendersonville, Tennessee, fell down the stairs in her condo and suffered a bump on her head. She was declared “temporarily mentally incapacitated” and a guardian was appointed through the courts. Within six weeks, the guardian had soldFranklin’s home, car, furniture, and drained her bank account. Today,Franklin has her freedom back, but she is having to start all over.
Michael Kidd, 72, of Richardson, Texas, fell in his yard and broke a hip. Now, he is living in Countryside Nursing Home with his wife. Both were removed from their home when the state of Texas petitioned the courts claiming that the Kidds were mentally incompetent. Their house sits vacant and neglected, with rotting food still remaining in the refrigerator. The Kidds have been confined to a single room in the nursing home, while the state appointed guardian burns through their money an gives them a mere $60 a month spending allowance which they have been using to buy “real” food.
Robert Milton (not his real name) was taken to the hospital because he fell “one time too many” at his home, and although his stepson had been given power of attorney to make all of his health care decisions, a court-appointed corporate guardian placed Milton against his will in a nursing home where he is now isolated from his family and friends. Meanwhile, his money is being spent as quickly as possible by the Orlando-based guardian and her attorneys.
How It Commences

Joseph Niedesky (not his real name) was air lifted to a hospital in Orlando from Ocalaby helicopter after he was the victim of a motorcycle crash. But something went terribly wrong during Niedesky’s surgery and he aspirated on his own vomit, causing some brain injury. That’s when a corporate guardian was contacted by the hospital and appointed by the court as Niedesky’s full plenary, permanent guardian.

What Happens Next

The corporate guardian who petitioned the court stated in the court papers that Niedesky had no family. In reality, Niedesky had been married for more than 20 years and had four teenage children. It took more than two months for Niedesky’s wife to discover what had happened to her husband and where he was located.

The Family is Always Portrayed as the “Devil Incarnate”

What happened to Niedesky is becoming a commonplace occurrence in America. A family member is rushed to the hospital. Surgery occurs and something sometimes goes terribly wrong. However, by quickly petitioning the courts for guardianship, the hospital avoids any kind of lawsuit for negligence or wrongful death. Niedesky’s wife wanted to bring him home and get him out of the guardianship. The guardian, however, kept moving Niedesky from location to location, city to city, until the statute of limitations for suing the hospital had expired. Shortly after the statute of limitations ended, Niedsky just happened to die.

“The hospital saved itself millions in a lawsuit. It is typical that shortly after the statute of limitations runs out, the ward just happens to suddenly die,” stated David Newman, Gainesville, Florida, a civil rights guardianship reform advocate.

Niedesky’s wife was portrayed in the court record as uncaring, incompetent, over-meddling, and negligent, and although these descriptors seem to be a contraction of terms, you will typically find the most cynical descriptions of family members in most court files where an involuntary guardianship has been granted by the courts to a total stranger.

For example, in Milton’s case, Milton’s stepson had been named long ago as his power of attorney and health care surrogate. That designation, however, was destroyed by the court and the corporate guardian even accused the stepson of stealing several thousands over the years from his stepfather. Today, Milton’s stepson, a 65 year old retired veteran, finds himself in a legal nightmare gathering bank records and hiring attorneys and forensic accountants to prove his innocence. Meanwhile, the corporate guardian is spending Milton’s money like water.

The Other Scenario

Tom Griffith (not his real name) wonders why an Orlando-based corporate guardian would be interested in his father at all.

“He has no money. All he gets is a small monthly cheque from Social Security of about $800.00.”

I explained to Griffith that his father has been marked for destruction and will mostly likely not be among the living in a very short period of time. “We live in a country that is ruled by corporations, not the U.S. Constitution. If there is not enough money for the nursing home to cover its expenses, there is ‘no reason’ to keep your father alive.” I explained to Milton how Thomas Chada’s father was sent to him as a box of ashes and how other wards seem to always turn up “expired” shortly after a corporate guardian and her attorneys have burned through all of an elderly person’s money.

But in this case, Griffith said there was no reason to destroy his father. “There is no money to gain.”

“Yes, but that is the point. The corporate guardians have a symbiotic relationship with the nursing homes. Sometimes, the nursing home gives them a wealthy resident that they can bilk. At other times, the corporate guardian does them a favor by making premature end-of-life decisions when there is not enough finances to cover the elderly person’s day-to-day expenses.”

In the case of Griffith’s father, who just received quadruple open heart bypass surgery, it was determined that the ward, age 74, now needed dialysis, a very costly ongoing treatment.

“The doctors said my father does not want dialysis,”Milton stated. “But I know my father wishes to live; he is only 74.”

“They probably got your father to sign such a statement without him even knowing what he was signing,” I explained.

Milton wanted to know what he could do to rescue his father out of this dangerous and life-threatening situation.

“You can hire an attorney, but you might end up spending more than $500,000.00 of your own money to become your father’s guardian.”

“I don’t have that kind of money,”Griffith declared, shocked.

It was obvious that the scenario I was describing was greatly upsetting Griffith. Those of us who have already lived this scenario remember going through the predictable stage of “mental shock” followed by the overwhelming urge to seek justice—at any cost. I explained to Griffith that he may find himself bankrupt as a result of trying to help his father out of this doomed guardianship situation.

My phone continues to ring as victims, desperate to find a solution, want to know what they can do.

In a country that is ruled by corporations and corporate greed, there will be no solution to The Guardianship Nightmare until a public uprising is so severe that these kinds of abominable– yet commonplace situations– will no longer be able to occur.

Angela V. Woodhull, Ph.D.

licensed private investigator