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Another Tennessee Town Decides To Pull Water Fluoridation

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Perhaps 2011 will go down in history as the year marking the eventual end of water fluoridation, when so many cities and towns across the US removed it that the rest had no choice but to ride the momentum and follow suit. WSMV-TV in Nashville, Tenn., reports that officials in Hohenwald, a town just an hour-or-so away from Nashville, have decided to end the town's water fluoridation program beginning on Nov. 10, 2011.


The announcement comes just a few weeks after Spring Hill, Tenn., a Nashville suburb, decided to end artificial fluoridation of its water supply (…). And like Spring Hill, Hohenwald's decision to axe fluoride, which was reached on Sept. 6, 2011, initially sparked birthed out of citizens' expressed concerns about the safety of this industrial chemical byproduct.

Besides saving Hohenwald tens of thousands of dollars every year, ending water fluoridation will spare Hohenwald's roughly 4,000 residents from having to ingest a neurotoxic poison that is responsible for lowering children's IQ levels, damaging the thyroid gland, and causing untold other long-term harm.

According to a recent report by Food Consumer, the following other North American cities and counties are also now considering an end to water fluoridation:

Nelson County, Virginia
Bolivar, Missouri
College Station, Texas
Dunedin, Florida
Smiths Falls, Ontario
Williams Lake, British Columbia
Hinton, Alberta
Churchill, Manitoba

New York City (NYC) has also been throwing around the idea of ending its water fluoridation program, which currently affects more than eight million people. Councilman Peter Vallone, Jr., the man responsible for initiating a massive campaign to remove fluoride from the Big Apple's water supplies, will soon hold a press conference and rally on the steps of City Hall to kick off the campaign (…).

Doing your homework on fluoride and presenting the facts about its dangers to your own local water facility just might be all it takes to end fluoridation in your own community, as well.

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Meningitis Vaccines Now Pushed Onto 9-month-old Toddlers

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) Another potentially hazardous vaccination, Menactra, purportedly protecting against an extremely rare disease, meningitis, has been FDA approved for children aged 9 to 23 months. This brings the total vaccine inoculation schedule to over 20 within the child's first two years. And there are more to come by age five and more after that.

Forced Vaccination Protocol

Vaccines Benefits are Questionable

Most of the childhood diseases supposedly protected by vaccinations come and go without significant damage. Many graphs have demonstrated that serious diseases had already declined naturally and all but disappeared by the time the vaccines for them had been introduced.

As a matter of fact, exposure to many minor childhood diseases causes better long term immunization than vaccinations pretend to offer. There have been actual reports of 90% plus MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccinated populations having breakouts with mumps and measles. Rubella hardly happens at all.

The more dangerous diseases vaccinated against hardly ever even occur. So the benefits factor is very low in populations with decent hygiene.

Vaccine Risks are Real

What has been occurring is a surge among the very young with vaccine injury related deaths, as in SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), various forms of paralysis, disabling seizures, autism spectrum behavior often with extreme bowel disorders, ADHD, asthma, and food allergies. The kids are worse off now than before.

Most of these alarming events have occurred shortly after vaccinations, especially after a barrage of multiple shots in one day, or within the same time frame as a scheduled series.

The fact that cancer and other auto-immune disorders manifest later in life is not included in this vaccine injury summary. But along with increased vaccination schedules, there has been a decline in general health.

Cancer cases among the young have increased considerably over the last two to three decades, coinciding with increased vaccination schedules. Impurities occur often in vaccines, especially those derived from animal tissues or human fetuses.

Then there are the preservatives that include mercury, formaldehyde, and aluminum. Some vaccines may contain ingredients (adjuvants) to boost the vaccine's potency. One such adjuvant, squalene, is linked to Gulf War Syndrome.

A Japanese researcher has found mercury in all cancer cells. And mercury is a neurotoxin supreme. The U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) has recently stated that formaldehyde causes cancer. Aluminum is able to cross the blood brain barrier and cause neurological damage. Brain damaging aspartame is used in some vaccines.

Several Internet sites have been started and maintained by parents whose children have been seriously vaccine damaged. They share their tragic personal stories that are hidden from public view and ignored or scoffed at by pediatricians and other medical professionals.

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Government Nuisance Abatement Teams

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Government officials in California are hard at work getting rid of all the "lone rangers" living in Los Angeles County's Antelope Valley. According to a recent report by, "armed county inspection squads" are regularly raiding the residences of off-the-grid valley dwellers for alleged code violations, only to later demand that such residents completely destroy their homes and vacate their property.

Los Angeles County describes its Nuisance Abatement Team (NAT) program as a "multiagency task force assembled to abate the more difficult Code violations and public nuisance conditions on private property." In the Antelope Valley, this has translated into targeting property dwellers who primarily live in structures or trailers that have their own private water sources, and that are powered independently from centralized power grids.

It typically starts with code inspectors showing up at residences where they begin demanding that certain changes be made, typically in response to "neighbor complains." If property owners comply, code inspectors proceed to find additional problems that need immediate attention. The situation then continues to escalate until agents eventually reveal their true colors, and order property owners to completely destroy all buildings and vacate the property.

"The government came out and told me that my bushes and stuff out here had to be cut back," said Joey Gallo, a retired ARMY veteran who served during the Vietnam era and Antelope Valley property owner, to "I agreed to take care of the problem."

After complying with the county's demands to tidy up his property, which also ended up including moving a shed and getting rid of a motorhome, Gallo received orders from agents to level his home and move off his own property. The agents claimed that neighbors had complained about "unsightly structures," even though Gallo has no immediate neighbors near his property.

"They told me you have to get off the property. All of a sudden I've got police at my front door with bullet proof vests, guns. And they surrounded the place. Everything I've worked for was just melting away from me. I don't know where I'm gonna go. I really don't."

Gallo is certainly not alone, either. Another property owner by the name of Oscar Castaneda, who is also a preacher, lives just a few miles away from Gallo.

A self-sustaining couple who has lived in their home for 22 years and grown their own food, generated their own electricity with solar panels, and pulled water from their own private well — all without ever needing any help from the government or anybody else — Castaneda and his wife have been ordered to destroy their home and leave their land as well.

And Kim Fahey, another former Antelope Valley resident who built his own home out of old telephone poles, was raided not too long ago. Fahey was convicted of 12 misdemeanors, was eventually arrested and put in prison, and subsequently was forced to destroy his unique castle-like home, which he lovingly named "Phonehenge."

Be sure to watch the full report for yourself to hear these real-life stories of property owners being forced off their own land:…

Forcing property owners to destroy homes, leave land all part of UN's Agenda 21
The US government's coercion of property owners to destroy their homes and leave their land is all part and parcel of the United Nations Agenda 21 program, a plan of action for "sustainable development" designed to cluster the populations of the world into organized, tightly-designed, planned communities, where they can be monitored, tracked, and forever connected to the government control grid (

Living on one's own private land, especially land that is detached from a major city and its respective power grid, is simply not part of the UN's global agenda for population control.

That is why the UN created a "Wildlands Network and Smart Growth" component to Agenda 21 that gradually forces rural individuals to migrate to urban clusters, while seizing control and ownership of their left behind land in order to turn it back into wild, government-owned land (…).

Sound like a crazy conspiracy theory? Do some research on Agenda 21 for yourself, and you will surely be shocked to learn the truth about the global agenda for human management, as well as how this plan coincides directly with the NAT program that is ridding California's Antelope Valley of any and all land owners that do not fit the new global paradigm.

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Medical Societies Maintain Financial Ties To Drug Companies

by: PF Louis

(Natural News) There are many interlocking financial conflicts of interest between Big Pharma and medical institutions. Many members of major medical groups, universities, and medical journals also have financial ties with pharmaceutical companies.


These Big Pharma connections push dangerous drugs into the collective consciousness while keeping safe and inexpensive non-drug health solutions out of public awareness.

Medical Journals and Big Pharma

Dr. Marcia Angell, author of The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It, issued this statement after her tenure with The New England Journal of Medicineas Editor in Chief: "It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published."

Pharmaceutical companies even hire ghost writers to concoct favorable product reports. Then those companies pay corrupt doctors or researchers to sign those biased reports that are then published in medical journals.

There have been occasions of medical journal reports claiming successful medical drug trials, but no one tried the drugs! These were totally faked trial reports. Yet they were published in medical journals and quoted by medical practitioners who prescribed them.

This sort of dishonesty was part of selling Vioxx, the heart medicine that killed more than it cured for a few years before finally being withdrawn from the market.

Funding Medical Societies

The AMA (American Medical Society) is not the only medical society. It's the largest and most encompassing one. But there are as many medical societies as medical specialists. Medical equipment and drug manufacturers infiltrate those specific specialty groups to sell their wares.

An interesting recent expose on one such group, The Heart Rhythm Society with its 5000 plus mostly cardiologist membership, received half of last year's $16 million budget from companies that make drugs and devices to treat arrhythmia.

Adding to this influence, those same companies had 12 of the 18 Heart Rythm society's board members on their payroll as consultants and lecturers. Do you see the revolving doors and dual membership conflicts of interest?

They are not rare. They are business as usual and common with Big Pharma and government agencies as well.

The Cancer and Vaccine Industries

According to Reshma Jagsi, M.D., D.Phil., assistant professor of radiation oncology at the University of Michigan Medical School, almost one-third of cancer research reports surveyed in the major medical journals had obvious conflicts of interests. Learn more:…

The vaccine industry may be the most corrupt and influential aspect of Big Pharma yet. Health Ranger Mike Adams recently revealed a network involving the vaccine industry, the military, and the IOM (Institute of Medicine), a strange alliance at first glance.

But the more one knows of the dark side of vaccinations, the more it makes sense for those demanding covert depopulation efforts under the cover of humanitarian aid.

The IOM is as influential as it gets. Whatever they say goes with the mainstream media and authority figures in all levels of government. If the IOM says a vaccine is safe and effective, there is no further discussion. Read more at:…

Money Talks Way Too Much

We all need to make a living. But when money pervasively trumps truth and disregards health, there is no protection from the harm it causes.

Sincere health practitioners and MDs who step out the Big Pharma box are persecuted and prosecuted for healing without harm. Their lives are often ruined. The liars who falsely promote dangerous drugs make plea bargains or pay affordable fines, if caught, after many are harmed.

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Improve Heart Health Naturally With Hawthorn

by: Shona Botes

(NaturalNews) Hawthorn (Crataegus Laevigata) belongs to the Rose family of Rosaceae. Also known as Haw, Whitethorn, Haybush and Mayflower, this pretty plant grows to between seven and nine metres tall. This rather spiny bush boasts clusters of white flowers, which have a strong scent. These are normally referred to as Mayflowers or May Blossoms. This plant has been used medicinally for over two thousand years to help alleviate the signs and symptoms of milder forms of congestive heart failure.

Hawthorne Berry Heart Syrup

The medicinal extracts from this plant are derived from the berries, leaves and flowers, which all contain substantial amounts of flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins (OPC's). Hawthorn is considered one of nature's most potent heart tonics. It can help improve the heart's pumping ability, dilate blood vessels and increase energy supply. This extract can also help speed up recovery after a heart attack by strengthening the heart muscle and improving oxygen flow to the heart. It is able to block the enzymes which cause the heart muscle to weaken.

Hawthorn is also able to improve blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood pressure. It is also able to preserve collagen, which helps to form connective tissue. This is highly beneficial to those suffering from arthritis or other similar joint conditions. It can help protect against damage caused by free radicals. Owing to its calming effect, Hawthorn works well for those suffering from insomnia. It can also help regulate menstrual flow, and it is also used to treat kidney stones.

Those wishing to use Hawthorn extract or supplements should be aware that it needs to be taken for between four to eight weeks before it starts to take effect. Optimum dosage is between 600mg and 1800mg two to three times daily if one is using the capsule extract. When used as flowers or leaves, the dosage should be around 4.5g to 6g a day. It is not recommended for pregnant women to use Hawthorn as it may affect the uterus. Although no adverse side effects have been reported, excessive use of Hawthorn in any form can result in dizziness, fatigue, skin rashes, cardiac arrhythmias, nausea, sweating, hypotension and tremors.

Health & Freedom

An excerpt from the book: “GOD SHED HIS GRACE ON THEE”

George Whitefield (1714–1770) was uniquely prepared for his role as the firebrand of the Great Awakening that would bring all the individual flames of revival together into one blazing inferno of Divine Awakening… At Oxford he had come under the tutelage of John and Charles Wesley and had experienced a dramatic conversion that forever changed his life. His gifted preaching ability drew great crowds and quickly launched him into leadership, along with the Wesleys, of the Methodist revival in England. Having eyes that were crossed, his critics poked fun at him calling him Dr. Squintum.

Sensing a Divine call to America, he departed England in August

of 1739 with a burden for the colonists and a prayer that they would

not live as thirteen scattered colonies, but as “one nation under

God.” As he travelled up and down the eastern seaboard, shop-

keepers closed their doors, farmers left their plows, and workers

threw down their tools to hurry to the place where he was to preach.

Crowds of 8-10 thousand were common. At a time when the

population of Boston was estimated at 25,000, Whitefield preached

to an estimated crowd of 30,000 on the Boston Common. Through

his incessant travels he became the best known and most

recognized figure in colonial America.


The Awakening Impacts all Segments of Society


Whitefield became a friend of Benjamin Franklin and stayed in his

home on at least one of his visits to America. Franklin’s testimony

of the power of the revival is particularly significant since he did

not profess to be a Christian. In his Autobiography, he tells of the

incredible change that came over his hometown of Philadelphia

when Whitefield came there on his first of seven visits to America.

He writes,


"In 1739 there arrived among us from Ireland the Reverend Mr.

Whitfield who made himself remarkable there as an itinerant

preacher. He was at first permitted to preach in some of our

churches, but the clergy, taking a dislike to him, soon refused

him their pulpits, and he was obliged to preach in the fields. The

multitudes of all sects and denominations that attended his sermons

were enormous, and it was a matter of speculation to me, who

was one of the number, to observe the extraordinary influence of

his oratory on his hearers. From being thoughtless or indifferent

about religion, it seemed as if all the world were growing religious

so that one could not walk through the town in an evening without

hearing psalms sung in different families of every street."


Franklin admits that he was skeptical of reports of Whitefield’s

preaching being heard by crowds of 25,000 and more. While

listening to Whitefield preach from the top of the Philadelphia

courthouse steps to a huge throng, Franklin, having an enquiring

and scientific mind, retired backward to see how far Whitefield’s

voice would reach. He then did some calculations and decided

that Whitefield’s voice, which he described as “loud and clear,”

could be heard by crowds of 30,000 and more.


The Awakening Touches All Sects & Denominations


Everywhere he went the Holy Spirit was poured out in great power.

On one occasion after preaching to a huge throng gathered outdoors,

Whitfield surveyed the crowd and noted the amazing response.

"Look where I would, most were drowned in tears. Some were

struck pale as death, others wringing their hands, others lying on

the ground, others sinking into the arms of their friends and most

lifting up their eyes to heaven and crying out to God." In Delaware

there was such an outpouring of God’s Spirit and grace that

Whitefield himself was overcome along with many of his audience.


Although a native of England, Whitefield became best known for

his ministry in America’s First Great Awakening. He loved America

and made seven visits to this land. A tireless worker, he travelled

incessantly from Georgia to Maine preaching primarily in the open

air and raising money for his beloved orphanage, Bethesda, which

he had founded in Georgia. He died during his final visit to America

at the age of 58, probably of congestive heart failure brought on

by fatigue.


The Significance of Whitfield’s Contribution


Whitfield’s contribution to the First Great Awakening was enormous.

More than any other person he, by his incessant travels, helped

make the Awakening a national event. It was the first time the

scattered colonists of various denominational and theological

persuasions had participated together in a single event.

Denominational walls were broken down and, for the first time,

they began to see themselves as a single people with one Divine

destiny—“one nation under God,” as Whitfield had prayed.


The preaching of Whitefield, Edwards, Frelinghuysen, the Tennents,

and others thus paved the way for nationhood. This is why Harvard

professor, William Perry, said, “The Declaration of Independence

of 1776 was a result of the evangelical preaching of the evangelists

of the Great Awakening.”


-From Chapter 5 of the book "GOD SHED HIS GRACE ON THEE"

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Do Not Fall For The Calcium Hoax

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) The big lie pertains mostly to calcium supplementation. Calcium from raw whole foods is beneficial and necessary. But all those processed foods fortified with calcium or supplements high in elemental* calcium are likely to do more harm than good.

Membrane Complex
Diatomaceous Earth/Silica

Bone Health and Calcium

Several international trials and tests have determined that calcium supplementation makes bones denser, but weaker! The calcium for bone health paradigm is a serious oversimplification.

Other minerals, such as magnesium, are part of the bone health paradigm. Dr. Robert Thompson, author of The Calcium Lie, explains that there are a dozen minerals involved with building strong bones. He recommends using unprocessed sea salt to compliment your trace mineral needs, which we don't get because of the depleted topsoil in agriculture.

Dr. Thompson maintains that focusing on calcium supplementation without considering the complimentary minerals and vitamin K2 increases one's risk of osteoporosis. Complimentary minerals include silica and magnesium. Silica is found in cucumbers, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Magnesium is abundant in cacao and green leafy vegetables.

Dr. Mark Sircus is big on proper magnesium supplementation. Magnesium is pivotal for 300 metabolic processes involving other minerals and vitamins.

Plant derived calcium, which is often balanced naturally with other minerals, is the best way to meet most calcium needs. In several of the recent international studies that have debunked calcium myths, pasteurized dairy was used to determine higher risks of prostate cancer from calcium.

No surprise there. Pasteurized dead dairy is the only type of dairy medical science recognizes as food!
It's safe to assume that raw dairy produced by grass eating cows is actually a good source of beneficial calcium.

Vitamin K2 is found in Japanese nato and other fermented foods including some cheeses. Vitamin K2 should be supplemented since it carries calcium out of the blood stream and into bone matter. Otherwise, calcium collects in the blood stream and invades soft tissue instead of being absorbed in bone matter. What happens from there wreaks havoc on vital tissues, kidneys, arterial walls and heart muscle.

Exposing Calcium Lies and Kicking the Cholesterol Scare

Cholesterol is necessary for good health. It creates soft fatty tissue, much of which makes up brain matter. It's not cholesterol that builds up in arteries to form plaque or harden the arteries. It's actually calcium that is the culprit. You may have found the term calcification appearing more frequently in health articles lately. It's becoming a popularly accepted notion because it's an increased awareness of reality.

Calcification is the hardening of tissue matter, usually from calcium, that collects in all the wrong places. That's why vitamin K2 is important. K2 also ensures increased calcium absorption from Vitamin D supplementation into the skeleton instead of calcifying in cardiac zones.

Calcium can easily get stockpiled and calcify in organs. That's what usually causes kidney stones. Calcification of brain matter can lead to Alzheimer's disease. Hardened arteries resulting from excess calcium leads to heart attacks and other pulmonary problems. It's easy to see how calcification of the prostate gland can lead to cancer as well.

Another pernicious function of calcified areas is encasing toxins, making it harder to eliminate them. Additionally, these calcified areas in soft tissue create pockets for sneaky pathogenic bacteria or viruses to lodge, making them difficult to locate and treat.

This is why it's important to focus on rich organic whole foods with plant derived calcium for calcium balanced with other minerals. Calcium from supplements and enriched processed foods tends to be unrecognizable as a nutrient by the body. So it collects where it shouldn't.

Sources for this article include:

*Elemental calcium is the calcium apart from the compound in which it appears. For example, if you remove the calcium from calcium carbonate, you are left with elemental calcium.

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Naturally Boost Energy And Mental Concentration

by: Amelia Bentrup

(NaturalNews) The months of August and September frequently bring about an increased work and activity load for many students, adults and parents. Energy levels and mental concentration may lag during this time. People from all walks of life can benefit from the energy boost that various herbs, amino acids and other natural supplements provide. Gingko, ginseng, and rhodiola rosea are three herbs that improve memory and mental concentration. L-ornithine, L-tryptophan and L-arginine are amino acids that have been shown to improve physical performance and stamina. Peppermint essential oil and coenzymeQ are other natural substances that have been shown to improve either mental or physical performance. These results have been demonstrated by various human studies conducted in recent years in various research facilities around the world.


Ginseng is probably the most well-known energy boosting herb. Is has been said to provide wisdom and enlightenment to the mind.. Ginseng is an adaptogen, which simply means that it helps the body return to a normal state after physical or mental stress. Studies have shown that ginseng improves aerobic capacity and work. Gingko is another very well-known herb. It is best known for improving memory. In fact, various studies have shown that gingko extract has a positive effect on memory retention and can help prevent age-related dementia.

A 2003 study showed that Rhodiola rosea can be used therapeutically to treat mental fatigue. Rhodiola rosea is an herb that is native to cold regions of the world. It can be drunk as a tea or taken in supplemental form. In the study, one-hundred and sixty-one cadets between the ages of 19 and 21 were given either a single dose of rhodiola rosea or a placebo and then had their capacity for mental work tested. Rhodiola rosea was shown to have a significant anti-fatigue effect.

Aromatherapy can also be useful for treating mental fatigue. The aroma of peppermint essential oil has the ability to increase mental alertness.

CoenzymeQ is a vitamin-likes substance which is necessary for healthy cell functioning. It is found naturally in high concentration in organic beef, pork and chicken heart, some fish, grapeseed oil and sesame seeds. A 2008 study showed that oral supplementation with CoenzymeQ decreased the subjective feeling of fatigue and increased physical performance during a workload.

Amino acids are also key players in improving both mental and physical capabilities.
L-ornithine is an amino acid that is not found in high concentrations in meat or fish. A 2008 study showed that L-ornithine supplementation lowered the subjective feeling of fatigue after a physical performance test. L-arginine is another amino acid that has been shown to increase a person's capacity for physical work. This amino acid is naturally found in organic raw certified dairy products, organic chicken, several types of seafood, wheat germ, chickpeas, oatmeal and nuts. Finally, L-tryptophan has also been shown to decrease fatigue perception and improve physical performance. Tryptophan is naturally found in organic eggs, pumpkin seeds, cod, various organic meats, salmon, cheese made from raw milk, and perch.

Whether you are looking to increase your physical energy or your mental energy, one of the aforementioned natural products is sure to help. Try adding more coenzymeQ, arginine and tryptophan containing foods to your diet for increased physical energy, and consider supplementing with ginseng, gingko or rhodiola to improve mental sharpness.

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Antioxidant-rich Spices Counter High-fat Foods

by: Michelle Bosmier

(NaturalNews) Scientists at Pennsylvania State University have recently conducted a study to investigate how spices, such as cinnamon, oregano, basil and turmeric, can influence the blood levels of unhealthy fats. Published in the prestigious Journal Of Nutrition, their research reveals that the regular consumption of fresh, or freshly ground spices, can effectively reduce the body's negative response to eating high-fat foods.

Selenium Synergy

Associate professor of biobehavioral health, Sheila West, who led this investigation, explained that "when you eat a high-fat meal, you end up with high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, in your blood." She warned us "if this happens too frequently, or if triglyceride levels are raised too much, your risk of heart disease is increased."

To test the effects of spices on the human body, West used a group of 6 overweight, but otherwise healthy, men between the ages of 30 and 35. She and her team prepared special meals for the subjects on two separate days. Each test meal was seasoned with two table tablespoons of rosemary, oregano, cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper, cloves, garlic powder and paprika.

"We selected these spices because they had potent antioxidant activity previously under controlled conditions in the lab.", said Ann Skulas-Ray, a postdoctoral fellow who participated in this study. The control meals were identical to the test meals in every way, except that they did not contain any added spices. The science team drew blood every 30 minutes from all subjects, over a 3 hour period.

After the final data was collected for comparison, the researchers made some unique and encouraging discoveries. "We found that adding spices to a high-fat meal reduced triglyceride response by about 30 percent, compared to a similar meal with no spices added," said West. West later added that the seasoned meals were also able to decrease the body's insulin response by 20%.

Multiple studies in recent medical research indicate that oxidative stress plays a major role in the occurrence of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and other health complications. Professor Sheila West further revealed that "Antioxidants, like spices, may be important in reducing oxidative stress and thus reducing the risk of chronic disease." She pointed out that as much as two tablespoons of spices are enough to provide the equivalent amount of antioxidants contained in 5 ounces of red wine or 1.4 ounces of dark chocolate.

As concerns about possible gastrointestinal sensitivity issues may be preventing individuals from consuming some healthful spices, doctoral fellow Skulas-Ray assures us that the mild spices and herbs used in this study did not cause any discomforts in tested participants. However, all participants had been notified ahead of time about the nature of the research and had agreed to consume highly spiced foods for this experiment.

West mentioned that she plans for further, more in-depth studies on the effects of antioxidant spices in the human diet, as well as on a new test of the hypothesis that smaller doses of spices can be used to achieve the same, or similar health results.

In addition to Professor West and doctoral fellow Skulas-Ray, the research ensemble also included several notable Penn State scientists: such as Penny Kris-Etherton, Distinguished Professor of Nutrition; Danette Teeter, former research assistant; and John Vanden Heuvel, professor of veterinary science. Tufts University Dr. Chung-Yen (Oliver) Chen, who primarily focused on the effects of antioxidants in nutrition, also participated in the research.

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Use Essential Oils To Treat And Heal Acne

by: Danna Norek

(NaturalNews) Essential oils are one of the most effective natural weapons against acne. Topical use of a few specific essential oils can be a first line defense against the bacteria that cause pimples to form. There are also natural skin toning oils that help to close the pores so acne-causing debris are unable to cause inflammation.

Texas Juniper Essential Oil


Essential oils in general contain some excellent antibacterial properties. However, some of them are not suitable for use on the skin because of their volatile nature. They may either burn the skin or need to be diluted to such a weak solution that they lose their effectiveness.

Two of the most powerful antibacterial oils that are also safe and gentle enough for topical use are lavender and tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is popular for skin applications due to its gentle nature and rare occurrence of allergic reactions. Some don't care for its rather medicinal smell while others like the distinct aroma.

Tea tree oil is derived from the leaves of a tree that grows in Australia called the Melaleuca alternifolia. The leaves of this tree were commonly used as a substitute for tea. Hence, the term "tea tree oil" was born. Prior to its use as an acne remedy, it was primarily used to disinfect scrapes and cuts.

It also may be used as a natural remedy for athlete's foot due to its excellent antimicrobial and antifungal properties. While tea tree oil has many topical applications, it may not be taken orally. Side effects including diarrhea, nausea, and sleepiness may occur if it is taken orally.

Lavender is an essential oil that may be surprising to some as an acne treatment. Lavender is mostly known for its calming qualities. Studies have shown that simply inhaling pure lavender essential oil had calming effects on the brain. It is used in many bath and body products due to its pleasant aroma.

Lavender oil also contains several potent antibacterial compounds. It is gentle enough that it can be used topically on the skin without causing irritation. In the proper dilutions, it can be a wonderful addition to an acne skin care routine. It is also excellent as an additive in natural acne skin care products.

Lavender oil is commonly used as a burn salve and as a natural cleanser for skin cuts and abrasions as well. It contains properties that help accelerate the wound healing process. This means it may also help accelerate the healing of existing acne lesions.

Another essential oil that may be one to consider for oily acne prone skin is lemongrass. Lemongrass has a pleasant lemon scent. It is great for oily skin since it acts as a natural astringent without over drying the skin.

Lemongrass also contains antibacterial and antimicrobial components. This combination of astringent and antibacterial qualities makes it an excellent choice for acne prone skin.