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Boost Your Childs IQ With Natural Diet

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) The United States has an epidemic of childhood neurodevelopmental disease such as autism, ADHD, Asperger`s and mental retardation. Much of this is due to the influence of industrial chemicals, processed foods, birth and childhood spinal trauma, & sedentary behavior. A natural diet and innate lifestyle can dramatically benefit children`s brain development, boost IQ, and improve learning processes.


Children should eat a whole food based diet that is rich in color and variety. This includes fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds of different colors, shapes, & sizes. Every color boasts its own unique variety of phytonutrient anti-oxidants. The novelty of the different produce will excite the child`s developing cerebellum and boost neural growth patterns in this important area of the brain.
Super shakes using coconut, hemp, or almond milk with frozen berries and other frozen fruit is an amazingly refreshing and satisfying treat that could be made in a unique fashion more than once a day. Try different fruits such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, banana, etc. Berries are typically higher in pesticides so be sure to get the organic frozen or fresh variety.

Non-denatured, grass-fed whey protein is one of the best fuels for a growing child. This protein provides a mega dose of L-glutamine, which is a very important amino acid for tissue healing and a strong gastro-intestinal system. Due to inflammatory diets and the overuse of anti-biotics and other medications many children have a very weak gastrointestinal lining. When this lining is damaged, proteins are able to cross into the bloodstream. The body then goes into self-defense against these alien proteins and triggers an inflammatory attack creating food allergies and intolerances.

High quality whey protein also boosts glutathione, which is the body's master anti-oxidant. Glutathione protects cells by neutralizing oxygen molecules before they damage cells. It also boosts natural liver detoxification and protects the arteries, brain, heart, and immune cells among others. Children who are deficient in glutathione are much more likely to develop neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, ADHD and Asperger`s.

High quality whey protein also provides highly bioavailable amino acids that help produce healthy muscle tissue. This is especially important for active kids and athletes engaging in long practices and physically demanding sports. These amino acids also help produce enzymes that carry out extremely important functions in the body. Active enzymes help metabolize inflammatory wastes and positively influence tissue healing processes.

Children should be getting a minimum of 1 gram of high-quality long chain omega 3 fatty acids EPA & DHA each day. The best natural source of EPA & DHA is wild, Alaskan sockeye salmon. Salmon also contains astaxanthin, which is another powerful anti-oxidant that is particularly good for eye health. Having wild salmon (never farmed) once or twice a week is particularly good for children. Grass-fed beef is also high in EPA and DHA as are free range eggs and wild game such as venison. These should all be rotated into the diet and eaten on a regular basis. Additional supplementation with a high quality, purified fish oil containing ample amounts of EPA & DHA is also highly recommended.

Municipal water is extraordinarily toxic to healthy brain development. Clean, filtered water that has removed chlorine, DBP`s, heavy metals and fluoride is essential. High quality reverse osmosis systems are one of the very few water systems that is able to effectively remove fluoride. Add back a pinch of pink salt (1/4 teaspoon per gallon) to replace any lost minerals from the reverse osmosis process. Teach your children not to use municipal water fountains but instead to carry bottled water in either glass or stainless steel bottles.

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Avoid Aluminum – Locate Its Unexpected Sources In Products

by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Senile dementia is the term given to many different diseases producing dementia. Over half of all dementia cases are sufferers of Alzheimer's disease. Protect yourself as best you can by avoiding products containing aluminum.


Memory loss is not the only indication of Alzheimer's disease, since in the early stages the symptoms of the disease are varied. There are many factors or combinations of factors that may cause Alzheimer's disease and research in this field is ongoing. Our deteriorating environment, chemicals plus nutritional deficiencies are all factors which may well precipitate the disease.

According to Neuropathologist, Dr. Daniel Perl of the University of Vermont College of Medicine, "Deficits of calcium and magnesium combined with the accumulation of heavy metals such as aluminum may play a role in the beginning of Alzheimer's disease". The tangled nerve fibers in the brains of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease contain unusually large amounts of aluminum, according to his research.

Sources of Aluminum

Aluminum cookware and utensils: Boiling water in aluminum pots produces toxic hydro-oxides, boiling meat produces chlorides and frying bacon in an aluminum pan increases nitrates. Aluminum teapots should be avoided because the tannic acid in the tea tends to allow aluminum to leak into the tea.

Food Additives: The following food additives contain aluminum compounds: E173, E520, E521, E523 E541, E545, E554, E555 E556, E559. Aluminum is a common food additive found in foods such as processed cheeses, table salt, baking powders, pickles, bleached flour, prepared dough, cake mixes, non-dairy creamers, vanilla powders and some donuts and waffles. Milk formulas for babies can contain up to four hundred times more aluminum than breast milk.

Medications: Antacids quite often contain aluminum trisilicate as does buffered aspirin. Antacids can contain 200 milligrams or more of elemental aluminum in a single tablet. Certain popular antacids contain aluminum hydroxide. Aluminum is present in popular over-the-counter and prescription medicines such as certain pain-killers and anti-diarrhea medicines.

Other products containing aluminum: Aluminum can be found in toothpastes, nasal sprays, anti-antiperspirants, dental amalgams, cigarette filters and pesticides. Some metal cleaners contain aluminum oxide.

In order to prevent becoming a victim of Alzheimer's disease, it is prudent to avoid all colorants, additives, toxic chemicals, pesticides and polluted air and water. Drink alcohol in moderation and with meals only. Make sure blood sugar levels are normal and avoid refined sugars and carbohydrates. Some experts recommend taking a daily Vitamin C and Zinc supplement.

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Do Not Fall For Calcium Hoax

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) The big lie pertains mostly to calcium supplementation. Calcium from raw whole foods is beneficial and necessary. But all those processed foods fortified with calcium or supplements high in elemental* calcium are likely to do more harm than good.

Membrane Complex

Bone Health and Calcium

Several international trials and tests have determined that calcium supplementation makes bones denser, but weaker! The calcium for bone health paradigm is a serious oversimplification.

Other minerals, such as magnesium, are part of the bone health paradigm. Dr. Robert Thompson, author of The Calcium Lie, explains that there are a dozen minerals involved with building strong bones. He recommends using unprocessed sea salt to compliment your trace mineral needs, which we don't get because of the depleted topsoil in agriculture.

Dr. Thompson maintains that focusing on calcium supplementation without considering the complimentary minerals and vitamin K2 increases one's risk of osteoporosis. Complimentary minerals include silica and magnesium. Silica is found in cucumbers, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Magnesium is abundant in cacao and green leafy vegetables.

Dr. Mark Sircus is big on proper magnesium supplementation. Magnesium is pivotal for 300 metabolic processes involving other minerals and vitamins.

Plant derived calcium, which is often balanced naturally with other minerals, is the best way to meet most calcium needs. In several of the recent international studies that have debunked calcium myths, pasteurized dairy was used to determine higher risks of prostate cancer from calcium.

No surprise there. Pasteurized dead dairy is the only type of dairy medical science recognizes as food!
It's safe to assume that raw dairy produced by grass eating cows is actually a good source of beneficial calcium.

Vitamin K2 is found in Japanese nato and other fermented foods including some cheeses. Vitamin K2 should be supplemented since it carries calcium out of the blood stream and into bone matter. Otherwise, calcium collects in the blood stream and invades soft tissue instead of being absorbed in bone matter. What happens from there wreaks havoc on vital tissues, kidneys, arterial walls and heart muscle.

Exposing Calcium Lies and Kicking the Cholesterol Scare

Cholesterol is necessary for good health. It creates soft fatty tissue, much of which makes up brain matter. It's not cholesterol that builds up in arteries to form plaque or harden the arteries. It's actually calcium that is the culprit. You may have found the term calcification appearing more frequently in health articles lately. It's becoming a popularly accepted notion because it's an increased awareness of reality.

Calcification is the hardening of tissue matter, usually from calcium, that collects in all the wrong places. That's why vitamin K2 is important. K2 also ensures increased calcium absorption from Vitamin D supplementation into the skeleton instead of calcifying in cardiac zones.

Calcium can easily get stockpiled and calcify in organs. That's what usually causes kidney stones. Calcification of brain matter can lead to Alzheimer's disease. Hardened arteries resulting from excess calcium leads to heart attacks and other pulmonary problems. It's easy to see how calcification of the prostate gland can lead to cancer as well.

Another pernicious function of calcified areas is encasing toxins, making it harder to eliminate them. Additionally, these calcified areas in soft tissue create pockets for sneaky pathogenic bacteria or viruses to lodge, making them difficult to locate and treat.

This is why it's important to focus on rich organic whole foods with plant derived calcium for calcium balanced with other minerals. Calcium from supplements and enriched processed foods tends to be unrecognizable as a nutrient by the body. So it collects where it shouldn't.

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Start Breath Training for Exercise

by: Ed Harrold

(NaturalNews) To get the most out of your fitness and training routines, breath training for exercise is an essential piece of the puzzle that is overlooked today. It's a complete shift in current athletic and fitness philosophies to strengthen the respiratory system. Mindful conscious breath-based movement is essential for optimal performance. Therefore, the rate, depth and balance between the inhale and exhale are important to how the body can and will perform.

Respiratory Enhancement Kit & Nebulizer
Dr. Christopher's Lobelia


Understanding the fundamentals of breathing will allow us to gain some perspective on why breath training is just as important, if not more important, than training the muscles involved in the sport or fitness routine.

In a resting state, the average person takes 15 breaths per minute. The sympathetic response of the nervous systems is engaged already at this point. It is not until the breathing rate drops to 12 or less breaths per minute that the parasympathetic response of our nervous system is engaged. So, before movement begins, the fight or flight response is active. Once exercise begins, carbon dioxide levels rise sending signals to the respiratory system to increase the breathing rate. The breathing pace rises to approximately 40 to 50 breaths per minute.

The muscles used for the inhale (or inspiratory muscles) are the diaphragm, inspiratory intercostals, sternomastoids, and scalenes. The muscles involved in the exhale (or expiratory muscles) are the abdominals, external obliques and expiratory intercostals. The lungs and chest cavity are elastic structures that respond to the force involved in breathing. No matter what the intensity of the movement, the majority of the effort is produced from the inspiratory muscles: specifically, the diaphragm muscle.

The only way to train the diaphragm muscle is through breath. The most effective training is restrictive air flow, which is achieved through nasal diaphragmatic breathing. Nasal diaphragmatic breathing also allows the full use of lungs which addresses the lack of depth in breathing. It is rare to use more than 50% of the lung's capacity because mouth breathing rarely takes the breath below the breast line. The upper lobes of the lungs are filled with emergency stress receptors while the calming and relaxing receptors are located in the lower lobes of the lungs.

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Restore Energy and Lift Your Mood With Vitamin B12

by: Elizabeth Walling

(NaturalNews) A deficiency of vitamin B12 can manifest itself as depression, mania, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, lack of concentration and more. Without enough B12, our health and energy levels suffer. Because B12 plays a crucial role in turning carbohydrates, protein and fat into energy, it is necessary to have adequate levels of B12 to extract energy from the food we eat. B12 also protects brain cells and affects our state of mind.

Methyl B12

What causes vitamin B12 deficiency?

B12 deficiency is often linked to vegetarian and vegan diets because foods that contain B12 (such as milk, eggs and liver) are not part of the meal plan. However, this is only one possible cause of a B12 deficiency. You may also be deficient in B12 if stomach acid levels are low, if your gut flora is imbalanced and if your intestinal lining is not functioning properly. As we age, our absorption of vitamin B12 diminishes, so the older we get the more likely we are to suffer from a deficiency.

The Importance of B12

Ignoring how B12 affects our moods is a grave mistake. One 2003 Finnish study noted that those with higher serum B12 levels were more likely to overcome depression. Other studies have verified the connection between depression and B12 deficiency.

The great thing about vitamin B12 is its balancing effect. It increases energy, but it also calms the system. One small study showed that while B12 injections shortened overall sleep time, quality of sleep and daytime alertness were improved.

Testing and Supplementation

Testing B12 levels may help you determine whether or not you have a deficiency, but it may not speak to whether or not you would benefit from supplementation. In 1975 at McGill University, researchers noted that patients showed great improvement in their symptoms when they received B12 therapy–even when their B12 levels tested within normal range.

For these reasons, a great many people may find that vitamin B12 therapy can restore their energy levels and improve their moods. Therapy may include oral supplementation (usually of the more bioavailable form of B12, methylcobalamin) or intravenous injections for those who have severe deficiencies.

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Learn the Truth – Erroneous Beliefs About Calcium Bentonite Clay

by: Perry Arledge

(NaturalNews) Before healing clays became so popular, there was very little information on the internet regarding these all-natural, drug-free, alternative healing modalities. Since the popularity of Calcium Bentonite Clays have increased, misconceptions about how they work have become rampant. It is now time to correct some of these common erroneous beliefs.

Bentonite Clay

1. MYTH: Taking clay internally will absorb nutrients, vitamins and minerals from daily supplements and foods you eat.
FALSE. Quite the contrary. Calcium Bentonite Clay molecules hold a strong negative ionic charge, and they are only attracted to substances that hold a positive charge like toxins and contaminants. The Clay cleanses the colon by pulling out old putrefied fecal matter and mucoid plaque buildup that is blocking the absorption of vitamins, minerals, supplements and nutrition from the foods we eat. Energy levels are known to increase in 1-3 days depending on the state of the individual.

2. MYTH: Calcium Bentonite Clay will absorb all the good flora bacteria in the digestive tract.
FALSE. Aside from its absorbent and revitalizing properties, Clay is also a catalyst when taken orally, for it favors the transformation of foods into nutritive elements. According to Raymond Dextreit, the author of Earth Cures, "Clay is incomparable for maintaining or reestablishing a good normal flora, for it favors the development of useful ferments, while opposing the growth of pathogenic bacilli."

3. MYTH: Aluminum in Clay is dangerous.
FALSE. Aluminum is part of the structural make up of all clays. The aluminum in Calcium Bentonite Clay is in a safe oxide form, not the dangerous man-made processed aluminum. The many trace minerals in Calcium Bentonite Clay are fused together into a super compound structure known as a clay particle, which cannot break down and cannot be absorbed by your body.

4. MYTH: Clays are dietary supplements, like vitamins.
FALSE. Though very small amounts of the dominant minerals (i.e. calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) in clays might be exchanged in the adsorption ionic exchange layer, they are not sufficient to meet daily supplement requirements.

A little bit of incorrect knowledge can be very harmful. Help set the record straight on this multi-beneficial gift from Mother Earth. Now, go spread some good information.

All that being said, all clays are not alike. It is important to know your clays.

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Scare Tactics Begin: UN Warns of Asian Bird Flu Resurgence

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Autumn is upon us, which means flu season and all of its corresponding scare campaigns are once again starting to propagate in full force. New reports from the Associated Press (AP) claim that the H5N1 avian flu virus, which afflicted 63 countries during its peak spread in 2006, is once again on the rise, and officials are warning the public to beware of a rapid resurgence throughout the upcoming winter season.

Vaccination Protocol

This year's H5N1 strain is said to have mutated from the previous strain, which resulted in 331 confirmed human deaths since 2003, and is resistant to currently available vaccines (which, as we have written about many times before, do not work anyway). China and Vietnam are now facing a potential outbreak of the strain, and it is poised to potentially spread to various other countries as well, say officials.

According to a 2008 study published in the journal PLoS Pathogens, however, the H5N1 avian flu virus has already mutated into a form capable of growing in human upper respiratory tracts, and eventually killing them (…). So if another resurgence of the newly mutated strain takes place in the next few months, it could be even more deadly.

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the biggest potential spread of H5N1 is not necessarily just wild birds, either, but also "people's actions in poultry production and marketing," an admission that sheds light on the filthy reality of the industrial food system and its tendency to spread disease.

"The general departure from the progressive decline (of H5N1) in 2004 – 2008 could mean that there will be a flare up of H5N1 this fall and winter, with people unexpectedly finding the virus in their backyard," said FAO's Juan Lubroth to the AP.

Such warnings may be nothing more than an organized scare campaign to incite fear into the public psyche. But in the event that another major flu outbreak does manifest itself, you can help prepare yourself naturally by maintaining high levels of vitamin D, loading up on antiviral "superfoods" like spirulina and garlic, and drinking plenty of mineral rich, fluoride free water.

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Nuclear Expert Says Fukushima Radiation Coming to USA

by: PF Louis

(Natural News) There has been a lot of disinformation regarding the Fukushima Nuclear disaster. It appears the government agencies of other nations cooperated with Japan while the international nuclear industry sided with TEPCO's (Tokyo Electric Power Company) disinformation and denial campaign.

Radiation Protocol

As Mike Adams noted in his April 5th, 2011 Natural News article on Fukushima, "The government is going to turn off the radiation detectors, raise the official EPA limits of radioactive exposure, urge Americans to avoid preparing for fallout, and then pretend absolutely nothing is wrong."

Understanding the Millisievert

Millisievert figures are tossed out by the media with little attention to explaining them. Millisieverts (mSv) are measurements of ionizing radiation absorbed by a human body. Geiger counters formally measured with Rems (Roentgen equivalent man) or millirems. The figures on Geiger counters now represent mSv units per hour. There is always a low level of measurable background radiation in our environment from celestial bodies and earthly elements.

Whenever Geiger counters measure more, there is concern. Putting concerns into perspective, smoking a pack and a half of cigarettes (tobacco leaves absorb radioactive isotopes) daily causes an annual exposure level of 13 mSv per year. A 5,000 mSv single dose creates 50% likelihood of death within a month. A single 10,000 mSv dose of radiation causes almost certain death within a month.

Fukushima – Chernobyl Comparisons

Chernobyl was a one reactor meltdown. Fukushima had three reactors that melted down. Chernobyl was land locked in a relatively desolate area. The heaviest radiation was in the sparsely inhabited area near the plant, although air currents contaminated Northern Europe and Western Russia as well.

Fukushima is the small densely populated island of Japan. It seems there are going to be more cancer victims and food contamination with this disaster than Chernobyl's. The Fukushima plants are on the Pacific Ocean coast.
Millions of gallons of contaminated water are being dumped into the Pacific in addition to radiation particles floating on air streams. So ocean currents are assisting air currents, exposing the world to excessive radiation.

Sea life is getting contaminated as well. The most dangerous radiation comes from radioactive particles ingested with contaminated foods. It only takes a few ingested particles to create intense health issues or death. Seems wise to avoid northern Pacific Seafood and Japanese Teas from your diet for the near future.

The easiest sign of food chain contamination comes from high radiation readings on milk. And what little data has leaked from normally scheduled testing across the United States has shown increased radioactivity in water and milk. But the USDA is not testing organic milk since that's not part or their job description. Raw milk is another issue. There should be even more concern over Japan's food exports, especially tea.

Before the actual extent of Japan's crisis became evident, Chris Busby, a professor at the University of Ulster weighed in with a realistic early warning. "Fukushima is still boiling its radionuclides all over Japan," he said. "Chernobyl went up in one go and Fukushima is worse."

Other experts noted the futility of watering down the reactors from outside and above, which was an early attempt to cool down the reactors. The cooling has to occur inside, the way radiator coolant cools auto engines. Internal reactor cooling requires pumping water generated by electric pumps. And electricity hasn't been available there. Many experts have questioned why the sarcophagus solution was not employed or even considered.

Sarcophagus means stone tomb in Russian. The Russians devised this solution almost immediately after Chernobyl's meltdown. It took several months to implement. But they got it done, thus restricting more emissions in the immediate area and throughout Western Russia and Northern Europe.

Those living nearby Chernobyl were exposed to 450 mSv over several days. This level of exposure is sufficient to cause cancer for many within their lifetimes. Nevertheless, nearby residents were evacuated as soon as possible.
It seems Fukushima evacuation planners dragged their feet with a smaller area of no return than Chernobyl's restricted area. What kind of measurements were occurring in Fukushima by the time the Japanese government and TEPCO finally admitted that their situation was worse than originally reported?

That's difficult to answer because of the denial and disinformation during the early stages of this disaster. But it's apparent that the zone of intense radiation involves more inhabitants in Japan than Chernobyl ever did. A nearby Japanese university has tested soil samples in the area and discovered the radioactive contamination is deeper and higher than originally anticipated.

Unanticipated higher readings done by third party groups imply earlier industry and government cover ups that downgraded or withheld readings.
It was months after the initial event that the Japanese government and TEPCO raised the Fukushima danger level to seven, matching Chernobyl's disaster level.

One thing is for certain. The Fukushima radioactive leaks will continue at high amounts longer than Chernobyl did. Fukushima's radioactive fallout will be affecting more people, crops, and of course sea life than Chernobyl's disaster caused. But just like the Gulf BP oil disaster, we won't be able to count on accurate mainstream media information or government intervention to minimize the damage.

Health & Freedom

Would Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn Be Diagnosed Mentally Ill and Drugged?

by: Monica G. Young

(NaturalNews) Imagine if the beloved young characters in Mark Twain's classic, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," lived today. Based on current psychiatric criteria, Tom and Huck could be designated mentally ill and prescribed mind-altering drugs. Quiet, listless and numb, their legendary adventures would be over.

Describing a day in school, Twain wrote: "The harder Tom tried to fasten his mind on his book, the more his ideas wandered." His "heart ached to be free, or else to have something of interest to do to pass the dreary time." That's a text book so-called symptom of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). A teacher today could refer him to a psychiatrist who would dope him with stimulants. Yet like any typical boy, Tom had no trouble focusing attention on something he found interesting – like finding a hidden treasure.

Tom's friend Huckleberry might fare worse. An avowed non-conformist, a psychiatric checklist could tag him with ODD – oppositional defiant disorder. And having run away from an abusive father, Huck would land in the hands of Child Protective Services who would sedate him on psychoactive drugs subsidized by government funds.

Although no brain scan, blood test or x-ray had been done, the psych doctors would claim the boys' mental illness stemmed from a neurobiological disorder involving chemical imbalances in the brain, probably hereditary.

Tom and Huck would likely experience insomnia, stomach aches, high blood pressure, stunted growth or some other "side" effects, and more drugs would be added to treat these. They would start feeling despondent and have mood swings, leading to probable depression or bipolar disorder diagnoses and more drug cocktails. The once spirited youths might end up as life-long pharmaceutical junkies.

Psychiatry revealed as an industry of fakers
Recently Harvard-trained psychiatrist Daniel Carlat exposed psychiatry as essentially a field of imposters. His book, "Unhinged; the Trouble with Psychiatry – a Doctor's Revelations about a Profession in Crisis," reads much like a confession – and rightly so.

Despite all their years in medical school, psychiatrists do not use any medical tests in diagnosing. Instead their labels are entirely subjective, opinionated and based upon a manual of disorders voted into existence by a psychiatric committee.

Yet these "experts" have transformed boyhood into "ADHD," shyness into "social anxiety disorder" and menstrual discomfort into "premenstrual dysphoric disorder." Some toddlers are labeled before given a chance to learn to talk.

Carlat states, "Psychiatrists have cordoned off the most painful versions of normal life, defined them as syndromes, and have given them medical-sounding names." Yes, there are people who suffer from severe mental disturbances, but he says it's "an illusion that we understand our patients when all we are doing is assigning them labels."

Where is the science in all this? He writes, "While the scientific literature contains thousands of papers proposing neurobiological theories to explain PTSD [post traumatic stress disorder], depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other psychiatric disorders, these theories remain unproven…" And he confides, "the shocking truth is that psychiatry has yet to develop a convincing explanation for the pathophysiology of any illness at all."

In regards the chemical imbalance rant, Carlat says this is nothing more than a "convenient myth" so psychiatrists can appear authoritative and avoid looking ignorant with their patients.

This is an industry riveted to drugs, drugs and more drugs. Forget really listening to and understanding a patient's troubles in life. Now it's all about lucrative fifteen-minute monthly med checks – about as personal as Wendy's drive-through.

Pharmaceutical industry influence has vast bearing on what medications psychiatrists use and how often. Carlat admits, "We have been seduced by the constant encouragement from drug companies to prescribe more medications…" Such seduction ranges from a drug rep bringing a doctor his favorite drink from Starbucks, to companies paying him up to a million or more to be their marketing mouthpiece.

Psycho-Pharma's drug obsession diverts society's attention off non-harmful solutions like teaching life skills, improving education, better nutrition and exercise, and addressing environmental factors.

In short, for all their diplomas, chic offices, puffed-up terminology and high fees, this is a field where greed and deception replace ethics and scientific methodology. Fortunately some like Daniel Carlat are blowing the whistle.

Most unforgivable is the dispensing of labels and drugs to millions of children. The leading gurus of this campaign have been psychiatrists deep in the pockets of Big Pharma, such as the exalted Dr. Joseph Biederman – flanked by an army of Pharma-paid "advocacy" groups.

Perhaps we should ourselves vote on labels to categorize such mentally-depraved individuals, such as conscience deficit hyper-lying disorder (CDHD) or better yet, false representation and underhandedness disorder (FRAUD).

The Best Years In Life

Enjoy the Health Benefits of Minerals

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Mineral and herbal baths have been used for thousands of years to relieve everything from sore muscles and joints to arthritis and much more. Today, millions of people continue to flock to bath sites and facilities throughout the world. However, one need not travel any further than their bathroom to enjoy a healing and relaxing bath. All it takes is a hot bath and a few healthy ingredients.

Magnesium Oil

The salt and mineral rich Dead Sea is one of the world's earliest spas. The Roman king of Judea, Herod the Great, and Egypt's Queen Cleopatra both enjoyed the healthy benefits of the Dead Sea. Multiple studies have shown that the sea's mineral essentials are effective for psoriasis, acne, and rheumatism.

Nearly every city in the ancient Roman Empire had at least one bath, which served as centers for bathing and socializing. The hot springs in Baden-Baden, Germany, were well known to the Romans, and its waters bring relief for rheumatism, gout, paralysis, neuralgia, and skin diseases. Britain's Queen Victoria was an annual visitor during her reign.

Other civilizations which have long embraced healing baths include China, India and Native America. Archaeologists in India's ancient Indus Valley Civilization unearthed a large pool-like structure with steps at both ends. In 1541, Spanish explorer Hernando De Soto was the first European to see the "Valley of the Vapors", which is the area known today as Hot Springs, Arkansas.

The rich and famous regularly traveled by private rail car more than 100 years ago to Mount Clemens, Michigan, "America's Bath City". It offered luxury resort hotels with heated baths, which were widely known to relieve arthritis and rheumatism pain, as well as skin problems such as eczema. Thousands of polio patients were also drawn to the waters. Legend had it that people came to the city in wheelchairs and left walking under their own power. Among regular visitors to Mount Clemens baths were Henry Ford, William Randolph Hearst, Mae West, Babe Ruth, and European royalty.

Today, you need not travel to a health resort or even a local spa to enjoy the many benefits of hot mineral and herbal baths. All you need is a bath tub, hot water (generally speaking, the hotter the water the better so long as the water is not scalding) and healthy minerals, herbs, etc., either singly or in combination. Some of the most popular ingredients are:

Sea salts, especially ancient sea salts, are loaded with minerals and trace minerals.

Epsom salt relaxes sore muscles and joints and contains magnesium, an essential mineral most of us are deficient in.

Lavender and other essential oils, such as rose and juniper, fight depression and relieve tension and stress.

Baking soda helps neutralize chlorine and is good for muscles and skin.

Citric acid bonds with minerals and, combined with baking soda, makes the mineral bath effervescent.

Witch hazel is antiseptic and good for bruises and skin conditions.

Vinegar is wonderful for the skin and has numerous healing benefits.

Additionally, a number of popular Chinese ingredients are used in healing baths including:

*Water lily pads (stress)
*Oriental wild yam (stress, female problems)
*Du Zhong (knees, joints)
*Osmanthus (stress, depression)
*He Shou Wu (blood, energy, arthritis)
*Flos Lonicerae (blood cooling, heat and toxins removal, skin disease)
*Plantain (skin diseases)
*Radix ginseng (stress)


*Keep hydrated and boost your bath benefits with an iced glass of healthy tea and/or juice at your side.
*Hot baths are very relaxing. If you have a large tub, avoid falling asleep. A spa pillow may provide some insurance.
*Where applicable, use water filters designed to remove chlorine and/or fluoride for the healthiest baths.