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Avoid Aluminum – Locate Its Unexpected Sources In Products

by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Senile dementia is the term given to many different diseases producing dementia. Over half of all dementia cases are sufferers of Alzheimer's disease. Protect yourself as best you can by avoiding products containing aluminum.


Memory loss is not the only indication of Alzheimer's disease, since in the early stages the symptoms of the disease are varied. There are many factors or combinations of factors that may cause Alzheimer's disease and research in this field is ongoing. Our deteriorating environment, chemicals plus nutritional deficiencies are all factors which may well precipitate the disease.

According to Neuropathologist, Dr. Daniel Perl of the University of Vermont College of Medicine, "Deficits of calcium and magnesium combined with the accumulation of heavy metals such as aluminum may play a role in the beginning of Alzheimer's disease". The tangled nerve fibers in the brains of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease contain unusually large amounts of aluminum, according to his research.

Sources of Aluminum

Aluminum cookware and utensils: Boiling water in aluminum pots produces toxic hydro-oxides, boiling meat produces chlorides and frying bacon in an aluminum pan increases nitrates. Aluminum teapots should be avoided because the tannic acid in the tea tends to allow aluminum to leak into the tea.

Food Additives: The following food additives contain aluminum compounds: E173, E520, E521, E523 E541, E545, E554, E555 E556, E559. Aluminum is a common food additive found in foods such as processed cheeses, table salt, baking powders, pickles, bleached flour, prepared dough, cake mixes, non-dairy creamers, vanilla powders and some donuts and waffles. Milk formulas for babies can contain up to four hundred times more aluminum than breast milk.

Medications: Antacids quite often contain aluminum trisilicate as does buffered aspirin. Antacids can contain 200 milligrams or more of elemental aluminum in a single tablet. Certain popular antacids contain aluminum hydroxide. Aluminum is present in popular over-the-counter and prescription medicines such as certain pain-killers and anti-diarrhea medicines.

Other products containing aluminum: Aluminum can be found in toothpastes, nasal sprays, anti-antiperspirants, dental amalgams, cigarette filters and pesticides. Some metal cleaners contain aluminum oxide.

In order to prevent becoming a victim of Alzheimer's disease, it is prudent to avoid all colorants, additives, toxic chemicals, pesticides and polluted air and water. Drink alcohol in moderation and with meals only. Make sure blood sugar levels are normal and avoid refined sugars and carbohydrates. Some experts recommend taking a daily Vitamin C and Zinc supplement.

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