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Privacy Alert – The CIA wants To Spy On You Through Your TV

by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Anytime you download a movie from Netflix to your television or turn on an Internet-based radio, you could be alerting people who you don't want or need watching you.

According to the Central Intelligence Agency, the organization says spies won't have to plant bugs in homes, businesses or other places where they want to spy because of coming advances in computer and Internet technology. Specifically, CIA Director David Petraeus, one-time commander of the Iraq and Afghanistan war theaters, says new apps and the rise of "connected" devices means people, essentially, will be bugging their own homes.

The CIA says it is very possible the agency and others will be able to "read" these and other gadgets from outside the places they want to monitor via the Internet and perhaps even with radio waves outside your home.

Nowadays, everything can be controlled by an app – your home security system, a clock radio, remote controls, the lighting in your kitchen. And, according to Wired magazine's online "Danger Zone" blog, it's going to get better – or worse, depending on your point of view. Computer-chip maker ARM recently unveiled low-powered, cheaper chips which can and will be used in virtually everything, including refrigerators, doorbells and ovens.


The resulting flood of app-controlled devices will be able to be easily read and even manipulated and controlled, Petraeus said, adding that the technology will allow agents to spy without having to plant bugs, breaking or entering or engaging in other risky (or illegal?) behavior. Spies, instead, will simply monitor activity through existing apps in use by the subject.

"Transformational is an overused word, but I do believe it properly applies to these technologies," Petraeus said in comments made to a venture capital firm looking at new technologies that could transform previously dumb appliances into an interconnected "Internet of things."

"Particularly to their effect on clandestine tradecraft. Items of interest will be located, identified, monitored, and remotely controlled through technologies such as radio-frequency identification, sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters – all connected to the next-generation internet using abundant, low-cost, and high-power computing," he said, "the latter now going to cloud computing, in many areas greater and greater supercomputing, and, ultimately, heading to quantum computing."

He acknowledged that these devices and the technology to use them to spy "change our notions of secrecy" and triggers a rethink of "our notions of identity and secrecy."

'Mapping' our lives?

Those like Petraeus who are looking at the future say they believe someday such devices will be able to tell what modes of operation they are in at all times, and that they will be able to be mapped as efficiently as Google Maps charts the world right now. All of the devices that could be made into these so-called smart gadgets would become a wealth of information to spies if you are a "person of interest" – or not, critics contend. The advent of so-called smart homes would mean occupants would be continually sending out specific, geolocated information that spies can intercept in real time.

As you might expect, though, such technology has already alarmed privacy advocates. Already groups such as the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) have filed suit against the CIA and other government agencies for allegedly using social media networks to spy on people.

"Social-networking sites are becoming a part of the way we communicate every day and everyone thinks they are sharing information [on the sites] with just their friends," Shane Witnov, a law student who worked on the case in 2009 on behalf of the EFF by the Samuelson Law, Technology, and Public Policy Clinic at the University of California Berkeley School of Law. "Governments are using the sites but not in the way [citizens] expect when they sign up."

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There Are No Magic Shortcuts To Genuine Human Love and Caring

by Joel F. Wade

When I was a boy, I was very impressed by an old 1936 movie based on an H.G. Wells short story called "The Man Who Could Work Miracles." I am about to spoil the movie for you.

George McWhirter Fotheringay is given the power to perform miracles. He stumbles about getting used to these strange new powers, and readying himself to use them to make the world a better place. But he finds that there is one thing he cannot bring about; he cannot make somebody love him.

(There's a modern version of Wells's story, Jim Carrey's "Bruce Almighty.")

The attempt to force people to love, trust, feel compassion, or to feel anything for that matter, is magical, wishful thinking. People can be manipulated, persuaded and inspired. But this takes co-operation on some level.

Anyone who has ever tried to force a child to apologize for something they aren't at all sorry for has experienced this powerlessness firsthand. You may hear the words, but you can never make them mean it.

What Liberals call their Progressive Movement is built upon such wishful thinking. Perhaps you've noticed that Liberals don't want to be called liberals anymore − they insist on being called "progressives" now, like they did back in the days of Woodrow Wilson.

Liberal Progressivism is a dangerous mixture of our powers of abstraction, our need to create meaningful lives and our tendency to, at times, lack empathy.

A chronic lack of conscience is a very serious condition; it means that you are without a capacity for empathy, in the sense that a blind person is without vision or a deaf person is without hearing. It is a state of missing entirely this human capacity to care and have feelings for the condition of another human being.

This is what fundamentally diagnoses one as a psychopath. It is also a relatively rare condition, as a percentage of the population.

But every one of us has at one time or another experienced a lack of empathy. In fact, our awareness of the experiences of others ebbs and flows much as does our awareness of our own feelings. It comes and goes like your awareness of the clock ticking in the room, or what there is to be seen outside the window when you're focused elsewhere inside.

When you are thinking about somebody, or interacting with somebody, without holding the awareness that this is another human being with feelings and a world of their own, you are not having much empathy in that moment. Bring this awareness to mind, and under normal circumstances the empathy flows in.

There is nothing wrong with this ebb and flow of empathy; it's simply a matter of attention and focus. But by this example you can see how easy it could be for a person to lose sight of this under the right conditions.

Seeing the obvious hurt and hardship that can be brought about by a more severe and continuous lack of empathy is fairly straightforward. It's easy to see when a kid is bullied, or a mate is violent or cruel, or a criminal does physical harm or destroys or takes property. We can look at the horrors of history and judge a Stalin, a Hitler, a Khomeini or a Mao for their monstrous cruelty and ruthlessness.

But what's less obvious to many people is that this is not just a characteristic of some cold-hearted other person. It is a human trait and it is expressed in many different ways, running the range from fairly harmless and natural to truly terrible.

There is, however, another manifestation of a lack of empathy, which is: It is possible, and fairly common, for us to lose our sense of empathy for actual, living human beings, in the service of trying to make humanity better.

This is the great danger and harm from the Progressive movement. Our capacity for abstraction, coupled with our capacity to lose empathy for other human beings has lead to the greatest threat to our liberty and the greatest potential compromise in our individual practice of empathy toward real people.

Empathy is fundamentally an experience of one person toward another. It is a response of concrete, living, breathing caring for another human being. It is an emotion that is a function of relationship, not abstraction.

The Progressive Movement, on the other hand, is primarily an attempt to act on empathy in the abstract, in order to create a sense of meaning and purpose for the administrator of progressive programs and their supporters.

The Liberals' Progressive mission is to make people "better," to make society "better" and to use the full power of government to enact laws and social structures that will force people to behave in ways that mimic empathy.

But forcing people to do public service, or to cough up 50, 60, 70% of their income to give to government so that government can theoretically help others, or to speak only acceptable words − or regulating businesses to behave in idealized ways − has nothing to do with empathy. It is an attempt to apply a quality of personal relationship to an abstract ideal through bureaucratic directive − which means as it always does regarding government, at the point of a gun.

In a sense, it's cheating. It's the attempt to use the full force of government to leverage the effectiveness of one person or a few people to theoretically improve the lives of others, and to reward those who use this leverage with a sense of meaning, purpose, and greatness − for doing so very much for others.

But it doesn't work that way. We aren't made that way. We do not care or feel on command.

Think of a person who has affected you deeply in your life, in terms of understanding you, caring about you, and genuinely helping you to live a better life. I can almost guarantee that this was someone who you knew personally, with whom you had a relationship and whose effect on you was unique and special.

There's a magic to such relationships. It is the magic of genuine, concrete love and caring between two unique individuals. This is not something that can be replicated on demand, by force. It is something that arises as an organic process of relationship.

During the presidential campaign Obama was interviewed by Rick Warren. One of the things he said stuck with me, when asked what he thought was the greatest moral failure of America:

"I think America's greatest moral failure in my lifetime has been that we … still don't abide by that … basic precept in Matthew that: 'whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.' And that notion of − that basic principle applies to poverty. It applies to racism and sexism. It applies to, you know, not … thinking about providing ladders of opportunity for people to get into the middle class."

What a beautiful sentiment in that passage from Matthew; focusing on the importance of caring, compassion and tangible help, and the personal connection with Christ that it allows.

But Obama didn't mean what he said in the sense that he'd like to see people naturally do this more in their personal lives to grow their own spiritual connection. He meant it − and this is completely congruent with the liberal progressive mission − in the sense that government should use its full power to administer this human quality, to force it to happen materially and collectively. And he judges the relative absence of force to achieve such a vision as a moral failure of America.

This says volumes about this man, and the political and moral philosophy that he and his progressive movement lives by.

This is not love; it is not caring. The force used is in fact the kind of thing that drains the genuine love and caring from acts of charity and kindness that otherwise flow freely from the human heart. It takes a moral act and removes from it the uncertainty of human agency. It is as removed and disconnected from true caring as a rape is from true love.

Our kids do not learn love and caring from requiring them to do 16 hours of community service per year to graduate High School. They learn love and caring from their relationships. I am much more impressed and moved by my kid's spontaneous acts of generosity or compassion toward a friend or acquaintance than I am in their fulfillment of forced hours at the local food bank.

The government cannot force people to love, to care, to feel compassion for others. It can only force people to comply with certain behavior in the face of threats. This is as far from empathy and compassion as it gets.

The Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, are like George McWhirter Fotheringay: They think they can work miracles by forcing us to love, to act the way they think we should and to feel great personal satisfaction for having been relieved of our agency.

But they are not miracle workers with magic powers and we are not objects to be played with in pursuit of their noble vision. Compassion and empathy are not commodities to be leveraged and multiplied through force; they are a genuine and very personal expression of love, expressed from one unique individual to another.

Joel F. Wade, Ph.D. is the author of Mastering Happiness.

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Bourbon, Indiana Ends Water Fluoridation

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The latest community to stop poisoning its water supply with toxic fluoride chemicals is Bourbon, Indiana. According to The Pilot News, the town council recently voted unanimously to stop lacing the water supply with the known neurotoxin after conducting much research on the subject, and after learning that water fluoridation is not mandatory in the first place.

Detox Protocol

"I see no reason to continue with it," said council president Les McFarland, who also explained how he conducted extensive research on both sides of the issue prior to coming to this conclusion. After reviewing all the data, and considering a letter written to him from James Powers of the Indiana Water Fluoridation Program, it was clear to both him and the rest of the council that fluoride needed to go.

The fluoridation issue first arose last month when the town's water inspector told Mike Shoda, head of the water department, that no law required the town to add fluoride to its water supply. And because the so-called science that claims benefits to fluoridation is shaky, at best, the council members made the decision to restore freedom of health choice for all local residents by discontinuing the forced medication of their water supply.

The issue of water fluoridation has come up in many towns and cities across the United States and Canada in recent years. At least 37 communities ended their water fluoridation programs last year according to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), and many more have already, or are slated to, end their programs this year (

Proponents of water fluoridation claim ingesting it will help prevent tooth decay. But the prevailing science does not lend credence to this claim, and actually shows that ingesting fluoride is extremely harmful to bodily organs and brain function. Even the highly-respected Physicians Desk Reference notes that fluoride ingestion, particularly among sensitive individuals, can cause serious health problems.

"In hypersensitive individuals, fluorides occasionally cause skin eruptions such as atopic dermatitis, eczema or urticaria," says several editions of the manual. "Gastric distress, headache and weakness have also been reported. These hypersensitivity reactions usually disappear promptly after discontinuation of the fluoride" (

But when fluoride is forcibly added to a public water supply, there is no feasible way to discontinue use apart from extensive, whole-house, reverse-osmosis water filtration systems and careful avoidance of exposure to unfiltered water in public places and at restaurants. In short, lacing the water supply with a neurotoxin that negatively effects millions of people is hardly a logical public health measure, and must be stopped everywhere.

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Vitamin D Found To Reduce Fracture Risk In Young People Too

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Healthy bones require a lot more than just calcium intake, and a number of studies over the years have verified that vitamin D also plays a critical role in helping to prevent bone fractures, particularly among the elderly. But a new study published in the journal Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine has found that vitamin D is critical for young people as well, as inadequate or deficient levels can lead to stress fractures.

Vitamin D3-5
Bone Up

Kendrin R. Sonneville, Sc.D., R.D., from Children's Hospital Boston and his colleagues evaluated 6,712 preadolescent and adolescent girls between the ages of nine and 15 as part of a study known as Growing Up Today. In it, the girls were evaluated and compared based on their consumption patterns of calcium, vitamin D, and dairy products, the latter of which is often attributed in marketing campaigns to building strong bones.

During the seven-year followup period, researchers discovered that 3.9 percent of the girls developed stress fractures, and that dairy and calcium intake did not appear to make a difference in stress fracture risk. Vitamin D intake, however, was clearly associated with stress fracture risk, as girls whose vitamin D intake was highest had the lowest rates of stress fractures, and vice versa.

"In contrast, there was no evidence that calcium and dairy intakes were protective against developing a stress fracture or that soda intake was predictive of an increased risk of stress fracture or confounded the association between dairy, calcium or vitamin D intakes and fracture risk," said the authors about their findings, noting also that calcium intake was actually associated with an increased risk of stress fracture.

Calcium, of course, has been shown in other studies to strengthen bones, but this is only when it is consumed in proper balance with other bone-building nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin K2, and various essential minerals and fatty acids. Taking the right forms of calcium is also crucial, as many popular supplement forms are not easily metabolized in the body, and can actually cause bodily harm.

"Vitamin D is needed for calcium to enter bones, and a deficiency of this vitamin is a major risk factor for both osteoporosis and bone fracture," writes Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C., in her book

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What’s The Best Way To Cleanse The Lymphatic System?

by The Health Coach

Of all the exercises and massages, detoxification therapies and alternative modalities, New Age techniques and Integrative protocols, there is none so effective at thoroughly cleansing the lymphatic system as a vigorous 20 to 30 minute walk … in nature.

Detox Protocol

There are some very important qualifications for those who intend to do it right.

First of all, we ought to acknowledge the Creator for designing the human body so that it can be so easily cleansed simply by walking. What a great idea! Cleanse as you walk…any time, any where, as long as you can get off the couch.

The secret behind the cleansing process lies in the pump, or rather the lack thereof. 

When you walk at a brisk pace your legs provide a natural pumping action which serves to move the lymph through the lymphatic system. This is significant because the lymphatic system has no pump as the circulatory system has a heart to pump blood. Therefore, we understand that the upper half of the body also requires some assistance.

The best way to perform a power-walk so that it really does serve this function is to move the arms as vigorously as the legs. That’s right, you want to move those arms like an Olympic athlete – back and forth – up and down – side to side – just move ‘em. This will function as the upper pump for the lymphatic system.

There ought to be no self consciousness about how we walk when we do so for health reasons. People are so naturally stiff that sometimes they resist their own attempts to swing the arms. If this happen, just start out slow. In time you’ll be swinging like crazy because of how good it feels.

Woman should be especially regular about this form of lymphatic drainage technique. With such a high incidence of breast cancer in the USA, moving the lymph around the entire chest area is as critical as it is crucial. And there’s no better way to do it than swinging your arms vigorously, rhythmically and on a regular basis.

Here’s why the female half needs to do this. Tight bras severely restrict circulation both blood and lymph. Over time the stagnation which occurs in these natural circulatory processes obviously contributes to two different consequences. The circulatory system brings much needed oxygen-rich, nutrient-filled blood to the area. It also removes the accumulated toxins and carbon dioxide. Both are very important and often impaired by the bra.

Scientific Studies Indicate Multiple Health Problems With Brassieres (Bras)

To add insult to injury the tight bra is also made of synthetic (petroleum derived) materials which introduce toxicity into the very thin skin around the entire breast. Add to this mix the deodorants and anti-perspirants which contain there own cocktails of chemicals and it’s no wonder we see so much breast cancer, fibroid tumors and cysts of every sort and kind. We didn’t mention the many synthetic fabrics which many a dress, blouse, shirt and sweater are made of.

Have we provided enough reasons to swing those arms, ladies.

Here’s another: As woman have moved from the home to the office over the past few decades they have cut way down on the natural exercise that goes along with housework, homemaking and all those other dreaded tasks. However those chores did wonders for the woman’s body in the past. The current workplace does not provide the same type of movement and activity, and is quite often sedentary in nature. Of course, we understand that there are those women who have entered fields which do require more exertion and activity. They certainly reap the rewards of this type of work.

Back to our discussion on walking:
• You want to walk outside in the fresh air – morning and evening are best. Freshness of the morning air is tantalizing. The coolness of night air is the world’s best sleeping pill.

• You want to walk on the earth whenever possible (Parks, trails, grass in the back yard). Stay as far away from roads as possible; what’s the point of breathing in car fumes while you do a deep breathing power walk. Also, you don’t want to be breathing the rubber dust from all the spinning tires near interstates.

• You want to stay away from any kind of gym, spa or indoor track; the air quality is awful. Especially stay away from malls, perhaps the most unhealthy craze ever started in the country; the formaldehyde alone is enough to get you high.

• Do a minimum of a 20 minute walk, but better to do 30 if you can fit it in.

• Walk once a day, or at least 4 times a week.

• Start out slow and work up to a brisk pace so that it becomes an aerobic exercise pretty quickly.

• If you can, it’s good to stretch a little before and after you walk, especially in the cold weather. Your clothing ought to be warm when it is cooler.

• In the warmer weather when there is more perspiration, you’d best take a shower right after the work-out. In this way you can quickly wash off the toxins sweated out and not re-absorb them.

• Do not walk with a headset on, especially if you’re out on a road. Cell phones should be kept at home if possible, unless security is an issue. The point is that watching the breath and deep breathing will greatly facilitate your detoxification phase, and this is difficult to do when you’re hooked up to technology.

• If you’re walking around a track or in a circle, walk clockwise, not counter clockwise if you can.

In closing let’s understand that there is no exercise, no sport or other activity that is as efficient and effective in cleansing the entire lymphatic system as a good vigorous walk, according to Ayurveda. Neither swimming nor marathon running does what a power-walk in nature can do for sustained wellness.

There’s a lot more to say on this subject, but The Health Coach has got to go do his nightly power-walk.

See you at the park!

With every good wish,
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Nutrition and Mental Development

by Sally Fallon Morell

Thank you to Elaine Boland of Fields of Athenry Farm for inviting me to address this group today.  I am delighted to see so many young women of childbearing age in the audience—our current and future mothers.  I have an important message for you young ladies: the entire future of our planet is on your shoulders, and nobody else’s. Because if you don’t learn the principles of good nutrition, and then take the time and effort to eat properly and feed your children properly, there will not be another generation of human beings, certainly not in the western world.

Vitamin D3-5

Our future is in the hands of the young women and future mothers of this world. This fact gives us a whole new way of looking at what’s important, and who most needs our support—it is the young women and future mothers. And the role of all the rest of us as parents, siblings, as partners and husbands, as aunts, uncles and grandparents, is to provide whatever support is necessary to these young women, whether it’s information, whether it’s the food itself, whether it’s financial support or emotional support.  For example, I love the idea of raw milk grannies–grandmothers being the ones who bring the raw milk every week for their children and grandchildren.

Today we are seeing an epidemic of behavior problems and learning disorders in our children. While treatment of these conditions is very costly for our society—not only in terms of the financial cost, but also in terms of emotional cost—very little attention is focused on diet and nutrition for the treatment—and prevention—of these tragic conditions.

Most discussions on the mental and emotional development of children ignore the fact that the brain is an organ of the body, and just like every other organ of the body, it requires good nutrition. And when we talk about the brain, we also need to talk about the second brain–the small intestine, where digestion and assimilation take place. If you think about it, the brain and the gut look similar. The brain looks like smushed up guts, and they are similar in many other ways.  For example, there are just as many nerve cells in the gut as there are in the brain, and most of the nerve cells in the gut connect with the brain.

So, the nutritional requirements of the gut and the brain need to be considered together when we talk about emotional and mental health of our children. And we need to have this conversation very soon because we are facing an incredible crisis, the likes of which we have never seen before in the history of mankind. Some children are damaged so profoundly that they cannot even make emotional contact with their parents and their siblings. In the old days, we had a certain number of children who were retarded–we used the word “retarded.” But these retarded individuals could express emotions. Today the horrible condition called autism—along with other manifestation of brain starvation such as learning disorders, mental problems, inability to concentrate, behavior problems, violence, addiction and mental retardation—threaten the fabric of our culture.

I am not going to mince words here. These problems are the direct result of the dietary guidelines coming out of the Department of Agriculture since the early 1980s, along with the advertising for industrial fats and oils and the foods made with industrial fats and oils. These problems are the tragic fallout of industrial foods and government guidelines. And now what are we going to do? How do we get back to having normal children, and how do we help the children who have these problems?

I’d like to start—as I always do—with an introduction to the research of Dr. Weston A. Price. Weston Price was a dentist who traveled throughout the world during the 1930s and 1940s, studying healthy traditional peoples. He found fourteen healthy groups scattered in different locations, all eating very different foods, but all exhibiting excellent dental health, which served as a sign of excellent overall health. They had no cavities, no dental deformities, their faces were broad and their teeth were naturally straight. Everybody in the community!  Nobody needed braces!  He also noted the cheerful, optimistic outlook of these people–how spiritual they were, how well they got along. He did not observe any mental illness among healthy traditional populations. He wrote about his discoveries and published his fascinating photographs in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
One particular place that he visited was the South Seas.  The first Europeans to visit these South Sea Islands were Captain Cook and his sailors. When they arrived in Tahiti, they had scurvy and tooth decay and were just barely holding on to life.  The South Sea Islands, with their beautiful, happy people, seemed like a paradise on earth, as they seemed to Dr. Price. The best bone structure that he found was in the South Seas–such beautiful, smiling, healthy people.

These people ate a mixed diet based on seafood and pork. The most important plant food in the diet was coconut. So it was a high-fat diet, as pork and coconut are high-fat foods. Like all the cultures he studied, the South Sea Islanders had at least one sacred food.  Sacred foods were foods consumed by men and women before conception, by women when pregnant and breast feeding, and by all children when growing. Unlike our fatalistic society, which blames any problem in a newborn or in our children on two things–germs and genes–the South Sea Islanders knew that the health of their children was their own responsibility. They understood that growing children needed abundant nutrition–not minimum daily requirements, or minimum daily allowance—there was nothing about minimum in these cultures. They knew that nature could provide for abundance, abundant nutrition, especially during that time when the baby was being formed and growing.

One sacred food in the South Seas was shark liver. They didn’t need to hunt the sharks for food; they had plenty of food and hunting sharks was dangerous. But they hunted sharks to get their livers so that they could have healthy babies. The livers were removed from the sharks and put inside the stomachs of the sharks and hung up inside the trees and allowed to ferment. The oil that came out was fermented shark liver oil, very similar to the fermented cod liver oil that we recommend, and this was taken by the young adults who were about to get married and by women when they were pregnant, and also given to growing children. In addition, the men ate the male reproductive organs and the woman ate the female reproductive organs of the shark. So they had foods specific for men and woman to ensure fertility.

We received a sad letter a few years ago from a gal whose father had been a dentist and a big admirer of Weston Price. He had taken his children to the South Seas in the 1950s. At that time, she said, it was indeed a paradise on Earth. The people were so beautiful, so happy, always smiling and healthy in every way.  In the 1970s, she took her family on a cruise to the same island. When they got to the port, the ship sat in the harbor for half a day, and they weren’t allowed off. When she queried the captain about why they were waiting, he replied, “Oh, we have to unload the Sara Lee Coffee Cake first.” The captain added that the whole shipment of coffee cake would be bought and eaten within two days. When they finally got off the ship, she was utterly shocked at what she saw. The people were unhealthy looking; they had tooth decay. But the most startling difference was the change in behavior. She had never heard a child cry when they visited in the 1950s; but on this trip the children were crying and fighting on the docks. So, there was not only a change in the way the way the people looked, but also a change in the way they acted–all because of the incursion of western foods. What she observed was most definitely paradise lost.
Focusing now on the nutrients needed for our brain, as well as our second brain, the main nutrient we find when we analyze the brain is cholesterol—something that is very bad for us, right? The brain contains more cholesterol than any other organ in the body. But we are not supposed to eat cholesterol, right? Young women are supposed to eat a lowfat diet, even when they’re pregnant, even though animal fats are our main source of cholesterol. And according to government guidelines, a child is supposed to be put on a lowfat diet when he or she turns two.

A recent study showed that women who ate lowfat dairy foods tended to be infertile, while women who ate high-fat dairy foods had no problem getting pregnant. And so the scientists said, if you can’t get pregnant eating lowfat dairy foods, eat the high-fat dairy foods until you get pregnant and then go back to the lowfat dairy foods during pregnancy! Doesn’t it seem rational to conclude that the same kind of diet needed to get pregnant is also needed for normal fetal development?

Mother’s milk contains a lot of cholesterol along with a special enzyme to ensure sure that all that cholesterol is absorbed–because babies can’t make all the cholesterol they need to properly form the brain and the second brain. The second brain has lots of cholesterol in it, too. The cells lining the gut need a lot of cholesterol to work properly. So, the number one way we have gone wrong is the endorsement of lowfat, vegan and vegetarian diets for women of childbearing age. And our children are paying the price!
Now, if we look at the fats in the brain, the two major fats are saturated fat and a fat called arachidonic acid. But we’re not supposed to eat saturated fats, right? Yet saturated fats like butter, meat fats, lard, and coconut oil are the kinds of fats your brain wants and needs. And if you don’t eat those fats, your body says, “Well, give me the next best thing: refined carbohydrates.” Your body can make saturated fats out of refined carbohydrates.  And that’s how people get cravings for refined carbohydrates—especially pregnant women and growing children. Unfortunately, eating refined carbohydrates robs the body of nutrients, while natural saturated animal fats provide some very important nutrients.

The other really interesting fat in the brain is arachidonic acid.  Aracadonic acid is an omega-6 fatty acid that is found only in animal fats, such as in butter, egg yolks, organ meats and meat fats. Like saturated fats, arachidonic acid has been the victim of demonization. The popular author Barry Sears warned against eating butter, liver and other fatty foods, claiming that these foods caused inflammation.  Many other health writers have picked up on this false information. If anything, arachidonic acid moderates inflammation.

What Barry Sears didn’t tell you was the fact that the brain is 11 percent arachidonic acid, much higher than the levels in our other organs. Arachidonic acid is really critical for brain function. The best source is butter, followed by liver.

Arachidonic acid is critical for the second brain also because it is needed for tight cell-to-cell junctures.  Arachidonic acid ensures that your cells are nicely scooted up to each other, which gives you that good impermeable gut you need so that allergenic proteins don’t get through to the bloodstream.
We’re going to move on to my favorite vitamin, one that should be at the top of the vitamin hit-parade; unfortunately, mainstream thought puts it at the bottom of the vitamin hit-parade. That vitamin is vitamin A. Dr. Price was really interested in vitamin A because he found that traditional cultures put a big emphasis on foods that were high in vitamin A. Liver was a sacred food in every culture that he studied, and liver is our richest source of vitamin A. Primitive peoples considered liver very important for pregnant women. The fat of grass-fed animals, especially butter, can be rich sources as long as the animals are outside eating green grass; so will egg yolks if they come from chickens raised outside.

By the way, the yolk is the most important part of the egg. You can throw the whites away if you want to. And the whites tend to be the allergenic part, not the yolks.

Another excellent source of vitamin A is cod liver oil.

Now, we’ve been hearing that vitamin A is toxic, and the government warns pregnant women against consuming liver, cod liver oil and other vitamin A-rich foods, claiming that vitamin A causes birth defects.  The RDA for vitamin A is extremely low. As a result, we have a national deficiency in vitamin A.

Yet vitamin A is the main vitamin that you need while your baby is being formed! This is something we have learned from stem cell research. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells in the embryo, which turn into the differentiated cells of the heart, the brain, the stomach and so forth.  The first organ to form in the fetus is the heart—stem cells get a signal and become heart cells. After the heart come the lungs, the brain, the kidneys, the skin and all the other organs.

By the sixth week of gestation, all the organs have been formed—key organs have formed even before a woman knows she’s pregnant. Those stem cells are turning into organs, including the brain and the gut. Now, there is something that tells those stem cells what to do, whether they should become a heart cell or a brain cell or whatever, and that something is vitamin A. So, if a woman gets pregnant and she has been on a lowfat diet, avoiding liver and not taking her cod liver oil, or eating a lot of lean meat, which rapidly depletes vitamin A, or taking protein powders, which is the quickest way to deplete your body of vitamin A, then she doesn’t have enough vitamin A for those stem cells to know what to do. The heart may not form at all, and she has a miscarriage; or the heart forms with a defect in it. Or the brain doesn’t form well, or the gut doesn’t form well.

Since most of the organs are already formed by the time you know you are pregnant, it is critical to have good levels of vitamin A before you get pregnant. Because by the time you know you’re pregnant, they key organs have formed. And that’s what traditional cultures knew instinctively. They didn’t have PhDs and they didn’t have government officials telling them what to do, but they knew enough to load up on vitamin A-rich foods before they got pregnant. I can’t stress enough the importance of preparation for pregnancy!

Since vitamin A is the number one focus of the Weston A. Price Foundation, we had to find out whether it is toxic, as claimed.  Looking at all the studies on vitamin A, we discovered that the vitamin is only toxic if it is taken without the co-factors.  And the two main co-factors for vitamin A are vitamin D and vitamin K2. These vitamins typically come in the same foods as vitamin A, so if you’re getting your vitamin A from foods, no problem. But if you are taking vitamin A as a supplement, or eating foods “enriched” with vitamin A, such as cereal or milk, then yes, vitamin A can be a problem. In Europe, vitamin A is added to a lot of foods, and researchers there found a connection of vitamin A with osteoporosis, especially in Scandinavian countries.  What vitamin A does in these situations is create a vitamin D deficiency, hence the problem with bone loss.

Vitamin A plays a fascinating role in mental health. Chris Masterjohn wrote an article called “Nutrition and Mental and Emotional Development,” now posted on the Weston A. Price Foundation website. He describes research involving rats, which found that if the animals have plenty of vitamin A in their diet, they will complete tasks. For example, when the rats are given the task of climbing a hill to get to some cheese at the top, they will do it.  And if they are deficient in vitamin A, they won’t make the effort to get the cheese.  Studies in humans also indicate that vitamin A is very important for planning and completion of tasks, which is what makes us human and mentally healthy. Planning and carrying through of tasks is what builds civilizations, so vitamin A is critical, not just for primitive people, but for civilized people as well.
The companion of vitamin A is vitamin D, which we get mostly from the same foods, namely certain seafoods and the fats and organ meats of animals raised outside in the sunlight–this is why we are so insistent on pasture-raising of animal foods. If the animals consume green green grass, they will have plenty of vitamin A in their fats and organ meats; it they live outside in the sunlight, they will have plenty of vitamin D in their fats and organ meats.

Now vitamin D has many roles in the body but the one I want to focus on today is its role in making endorphins.  Endorphins are feel-good chemicals. One of the most amazing things scientists have discovered in the past ten years is that our bodies, when they are healthy, make exactly the same chemicals that we find in opium and marijuana.  The opiates and cannabinoids that your body makes are precisely the same as those found in the plant world.  And we have receptors for these chemicals in our brains—which is obvious because when people take drugs, they get high.  Actually, the body was designed to feel high all the time, to feel good all the time, and without any negative side effects, without addictions except the addiction to feeling good all the time.

So let’s connect the dots here!  Why do people take drugs and get addicted to them? It’s because they are trying to feel normal!  They’re trying to feel the way we are supposed to feel all the time, but don’t because the receptors aren’t working and they are not making their natural cannabinoids and opiates.  Vitamin D is absolutely critical to this process. Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin; sunshine makes us feel good, and vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, helps us make these opiates and ensures they work properly.

We are designed to feel good from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed. And we are designed to feel happy when we complete a task, whether it’s washing the dishes or writing a book.  And I think we now have a lot of children and adults who never feel that way. So they look to thrills, to drugs, to junk food, to childish behavior, as a substitute.
Another vitamin for brain health is vitamin K2.  Dr. Price studied this vitamin, but he was never able to name it. He called it Activator X because it seemed to be a very important vitamin for using minerals in the body, as well as for growth, neurological function and protection from cavities.

Dr. Price tested many foods for Activator X and found that the richest source was butter from cows eating rapidly growing green grass in the spring and fall. He called it “high-vitamin butter.” Dr. Price always gave cod liver oil, rich in vitamins A and D, together with high-vitamin butter, rich in Activator X. He often got miraculous results with this combination, such as reversing tooth decay.  He actually cured a child of seizures with this combination.

We finally figured out that Activator X is vitamin K2, the animal form of vitamin K. We looked into the literature and, lo and behold, we found that vitamin K is critical to the formation of the myelin sheath and the nerves in the brain.  

So Dr. Price’s fat-soluble activators, vitamins A, D and K2, are critical nutrients for the brain to be formed, to function properly, for good mental health and for the completion of tasks and the feeling of satisfaction that comes from completing tasks.  And where do we get these vitamins? Do we get them from vegetable oils?  No. Do we get them from flax oil? No.  We don’t even get them from coconut oil. Do we get them from margarine? Only a little bit of synthetic vitamin A added to the margarine. We get them from the fat of grass-fed animals–the very food that has disappeared from our diets.  We’re afraid to eat these fats and even if we do eat these fats, if we obtain them at the supermarket, coming from confinement cows, they are not going to provide a lot of the fat-soluble activators.

That means, if we want to have intelligent, happy and well-adjusted children, we will need to seek out sources of these foods.  We’ll need to make an effort to purchase our animal foods—our milk, butter, eggs and meat—from a farmer practicing grass-based animal husbandry.
Another important vitamin for the brain and nervous system is B12, in fact it is critical for neurological health.  Vitamin B12 comes from animal foods. You need it for your nervous system to function normally, and deficiencies manifest as psychiatric disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive behavior, irrational anger, depression, manic depression, Alzheimer’s and dementia. We only get vitamin B12 from animal foods and, in the case of land animals, only if there is cobalt in the soil.  Seafood is an excellent source of B12—clams, oysters, mussels, crab, shrimp.
Another very important nutrient for the brain is choline. When the baby is growing and developing, there are certain periods when the body says “time to make some connections up there.”  And to make those connections in the brain, you need choline.  If the mother is deficient during pregnancy, and the baby is not getting enough choline during growth, then those connections will not form.  And you can’t go back later and make the connections. The window of opportunity has passed.

The best source of choline is egg yolks; the second best source is liver—so once again, critical nutrients for the brain are found in the high-cholesterol foods our government doesn’t want us to eat. I have been listening to the USDA webinars on the new dietary guidelines. One man on the guidelines committee was insistent that we lower the daily allowance of cholesterol from 300 mg to 200 mg.  (We could only hear the discussion–we were listening through the computer–we couldn’t see the committee members.) Two hundred mg of cholesterol translates to less than one egg a day for animal food.  One of the women on the committee said, “Yes, but what about choline?”  These children need choline for their brains to form.  And the man said, “Well the problem with choline is that it comes with cholesterol.” That’s the attitude of our government officials. They are willing to sacrifice good nutrition on the altar of the cholesterol theory.

Studies with rats show that if you give them ten times the daily allowance of choline, their brains form so well that they are impervious to decline in old age.  Moreover, they are totally protected from excito-toxins like MSG. And they are also protected from the new threat—EMFs, all these waves in the air from cell towers, cell phones and computers. So choline is really important for making those connections in the brain and for having a really good, solid well-built brain that works properly into old age.
Another key nutrient for the brain is salt. Years ago a company making soy formula decided they were going to make it “healthy” and also save money by leaving out the salt. Giving baby formula based on soy is bad enough—for one thing, there is no cholesterol in soy formula—but taking out the salt made it worse. It was called Low-Sodium Formula; babies brought up on this formula had poor mental development; they had lots of problems compared to those who had soy formula with salt. My colleague, Mary Enig, was an expert witness in a trial against the formula company. The plaintiffs won their case, got a big settlement and that company went out of business. The formula industry learned the lesson to always put salt in the formula. But what about a nursing mother who is on a low-salt diet, thinking she shouldn’t eat salt? Or a pregnant woman who believes she shouldn’t eat salt?  La Leche League’s book for nursing mothers recommends a low-salt diet, so there’s not going to be much salt for the breastfeeding baby.  What salt does is stimulate an enzyme that helps form glial cells. Glial cells are the cells that make you capable of creative thinking.
Two key minerals for mental development are iron and zinc.  These are found mostly in animal foods, especially red meat and liver, and both require vitamin A for proper assimilation.  Zinc is involved in over one hundred enzymatic processes in the body. Lack of iron leads to mental retardation. Babies and children with iron deficiency anemia tend not to smile, not to have social interaction.  This is not a fate we want to impose on our babies!  It is very important for mothers to eat iron-rich foods like liver while pregnant and nursing, and for baby to get iron-rich solid food by the age of six months.
Now, let’s consider our second brain and discuss what the digestive tract needs to be healthy–because if there are problems in the gut, there are going to be problems in the head.

We have seen an amazing paradigm shift during the last ten years. We now know that for the gut to be healthy it needs to be coated with a bio-film. If you have a healthy gut, you have six pounds of beneficial bacteria coating every surface of the small intestine.  You have more bacteria in your gut than you have cells in your body.

Your biofilm does many things: it keeps out toxins, it helps digest our food, it produces feel-good chemicals and keeps bad micro-organisms at bay, pathogens like candida, fungi and some of the horrible microorganisms that we are finding in the guts of unhealthy children, especially in autistic children. Some of these fungi and yeasts can produce veritable nerve toxins.  One of these nerve toxins produced by pathogenic yeasts in the gut is identical to the toxin the people in the Amazon use to coat their spears to anesthetize animals. In humans, it causes a strange way of walking that we often see in autistic children, where they flap their hands in a spastic way. And some yeasts produce alcohol, so the child is basically hung over all the time.

We need to feed not only ourselves, we also need to feed our bio-film to make sure it’s healthy. That means eating lacto-fermented foods like sauerkraut, full of beneficial bacteria.  All traditional cultures had these types of fermented foods or beverages to constantly replace the bacteria in the intestinal tract. We don’t mean pasteurized sauerkraut or sauerkraut made with vinegar, but cabbage that’s fermented to produce lactic acid and lots of good bacteria. There are a host of recipes in Nourishing Traditions for making these delicious foods. The idea is to eat a small amount day, hopefully with every meal, in order to feed that bio-film.

At the same time, we don’t want to hurt our bio-film. The first thing that hurts the bio-film is antibiotics, and there is a very big correlation between autism and mothers having been on many courses of antibiotics. Fluoridated and chlorinated water also really mess up the bio-film.

One more thing: in order to be kind to our biofilm, we need to make sure that we don’t eat things that are indigestible. When we eat foods that are indigestible, the good bacteria make way for candida and yeasts, because they can break down indigestible foods, and that’s when our problems start.

Grains are indigestible—human beings cannot digest grains.  We can predigest them though, and all traditional cultures did this by soaking the grains, fermenting the grains, or using a sourdough culture to prepare the bread. So we soak our porridge overnight; we soak our flour to make pancakes, we use only genuine sourdough bread.  Beans are a nutritious food but also are very hard to digest; they need to be soaked several times and rinsed thoroughly before cooking.

Another thing that is hard on our ecosystems is pasteurized and ultrapasteurized milk. Also, vegetable oils, both liquid and hardened, are a huge assault on our internal flora.

Many vegetables are impossible to digest, especially for those with an immature or sensitive digestive track. Very high-fiber vegetables such as dark leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables need to be thoroughly cooked.

And then there’s sugar and white flour—these are empty foods for humans but candida and yeasts go crazy over them.  That’s why it’s important to keep these refined foods to an absolute minimum—which is very difficult to do in modern society.
One other food that provides amazing support for your intestinal tract is gelatin-rich bone broths, made from the bones and cartilage of animals—the famous chicken soup of our ancestors.  They never threw away the bones; instead they made soup with them. For example, Native Americans never drank water, they always drank bone broth. Very interesting!  That’s something we’ve gotten out of the habit of doing in our modern culture. Bone broth is important for many reasons—it helps digestion and supports detoxification.  But most importantly, bone broth is the magic healer for the gut, in fact the most healing gut food there is.
So what does our diet look like in practice–a diet for creating a healthy baby and helping that baby to have optimal development?    It’s a diet that needs to start before you get pregnant.

First of all, let’s focus on the foods to avoid, namely industrial foods, foods containing industrial fats and oil;, pasteurized processed dairy products; foods containing MSG, artificial sweeteners and other neurotoxic additives; lowfat products; foods containing sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Try to get off sodas and caffeine. It’s worth the effort, I guarantee you!

Now let’s focus on the positive.  The diet for preconception and a healthy pregnancy contains one quart of whole raw milk from grass-fed cows per day, plus lots of butter. You should eat at least two egg yolks per day. You can have the whole egg if you want but the important part is the yolk.

The diet should include cod liver oil every day, cod liver oil to provide 20,000 units of vitamin A and 2,000 units of Vitamin D. If you take fermented cod liver oil, or a product called high-vitamin butter oil, you will also get Activator X, vitamin K2. By the way, it’s easy to take cod liver oil.  I’m a very picky eater yet I have no trouble taking cod liver oil. The key is not to take it on a spoon; that’s the worst way to take cod liver oil!  Instead, mix it with a little water, a little milk, a little fresh juice, something like that, then just take it in one gulp.

The diet should contain some kind of organ meat two or three times a week. Liver is the most nutritious organ meat, and the best way to eat liver is as paté.  I had never eaten liver in my life until I went to Europe and ate paté.  Then my body gave a sigh of relief because it was getting what it needed. I have enjoyed paté ever since. It’s easy to make chicken liver paté and chicken, goose or duck liver is probably the best kind of liver to eat because it contains a beautiful balance of A and D and it’s also very high in vitamin K2. You get all three in poultry liver.

Cheese!  Cheese is a great food to consume during your pregnancy. Raw cheese that comes from pastured animals has everything you need in it. You could live on raw cheese and nothing else. It’s a very rich source of vitamin K, very good source of A and D, wonderful source of calcium and all the minerals! Did you know the USDA is targeting cheese in the new dietary guidelines? They are going to tell you not to eat cheese because it contains what they call “solid fats.”

You can include meat in the diet and also seafood. We’re not afraid of seafood! People are afraid of seafood because they have been told it contains mercury. But you have a powerful protection against mercury if you have a good biofilm in your gut. That biofilm keeps out mercury—but it won’t keep out the mercury out-gassing from your fillings.   It might be a good idea to have those out if you are trying to get pregnant. But a good biofilm will keep out the mercury in the fish you eat—after all, there has always been mercury in the sea. And numerous studies have shown that mothers who eat seafood have smarter babies.

You’ll want to eat lacto-fermented foods to support that good biofilm. And broth every day to help digest your food, give you lots of nourishment, and support a healthy gut.

Remember to include lots of butter in your diet, and you can cook in lard; you can have all the animal fats you want. And you can have fruits and vegetables, you can have natural desserts. Also, we like to point people to natural, healthy soft drinks like kombucha and healthy lacto-fermented ginger ale and root beer.

Be sure to include salt, you can have as much salt as you want, preferably unrefined salt. So you can eat salty foods, fatty foods, sweet foods, you can have nice bubbly drinks–you can have all those things but in the form that’s going to be nutritious for you. So, you won’t be depriving yourself at all, this is a really delicious and satisfying diet.

This diet continues during pregnancy and during breast feeding. And most of our gals just sail through their pregnancies on this diet.

I do want to say something about morning sickness.  If you have morning sickness, the very best food for you is raw milk. It’s very high in vitamin B6, needed to combat nausea.  You just sip that raw milk all day long, and in most cases it works very well.

The result will be a beautiful, healthy baby.  You will notice that these babies are very alert from the moment of birth. They seem to be aware of things very early on. They take directions easily. They are strong, they have strong muscles. They digest their food well.

The ideal is to breast feed for at least a year, maybe even two years. But I do want to warn about exclusive breast feeding past the age of six months. Breast milk is low in iron for a reason, because it competes for zinc, needed for the nervous system. Fortunately, every single bit of the iron in breast milk or in raw milk is absorbed because an enzyme called lactoferrin insures that all the iron is utilized. But by six months, baby needs more iron; he will not get enough from breast milk. And in traditional cultures, the first food was usually liver, which the mother chewed and gave to the baby.

So, we recommend some puréed liver as a first food. You can add butter and salt to it. And the other first food for baby is egg yolk, starting slowly, maybe just a teaspoon at first, and then gradually build up to one egg yolk a day.

If you are feeding your baby this way while you are nursing, by the time your baby is ten or eleven months, he or she will be sitting up and wanting to eat like a big boy or a big girl. And so you gradually introduce other foods. Please don’t hold back if your baby wants solid food. You’ll find that these babies are very mature quite early. They have good digestive systems. And then as they grow, you can feed them just the way you have been eating, the same foods for creating a healthy baby are what baby needs to grow properly and be healthy.
Of course we live in the modern world, and there are all sorts of temptations out there. And the big challenge as the child grows and starts to have friends and goes to people’s houses and to school is creating that balance of being careful about the diet while also allowing your child to have a normal social life. This is a big challenge for moms. You can’t be too extreme and not let them go to friends’ houses where they’re going to eat garbage, because if you do, they will rebel. But if you have started out right and protect them with a good diet at home, I think your children themselves will realize that these foods aren’t good for them. At least they will only get the occasional bad meal when eating at their friends’.

We had a rule in our house as the children were growing up: they had to eat six out of seven dinners at home.  I made their lunches and made their breakfast. And I figured if one meal out of twenty-one was not a good meal, they were protected by all the others.

That balance is very hard to achieve because you want to protect them, but you don’t want to be too strict, always saying no. Finding that balance is another burden that falls mostly on mom.
In his book, Dr. Price described a fascinating custom: throughout the South Seas and Africa, it was considered shameful to have a child more than once every three years. This is a very wise practice because it allows the mother to recuperate her nutritional stores before the next pregnancy. While this practice was instinctual among traditional cultures, it is totally validated by modern science. We now know that the ideal spacing for prevention of birth defects is three years; and the ideal spacing for the emotional development of the child is also three years. Three years allows each child to have lots of attention from mom, and then when that child wants his independence, and might be smothered by too much attention from mom, mom has another baby to focus on.  So, three-year spacing works out very well for both mother and child. We explain how to do this without hormones in the book Honoring Our Cycles, which presents a scientific way of using the rhythm method that is remarkably effective.
The diet that we are advocating for preconception and pregnancy is the same diet for a child that has developmental or emotional problems, although you may need to make the changes slowly. Just switching from pasteurized to raw milk could make a huge difference in your child’s behavior. Getting them on cod liver oil, starting to make good, old fashioned chicken broth, and using it in soups and sauces, will help them with their digestion–these principals apply to everyone and can help almost any medical condition.

Sometimes you have to be sneaky.  If you’ve been eating the standard American diet but now want to change, don’t give them kidneys for dinner!  It’s not going to work! But, for example, we get organ blend from our farmers, and we put some in meatloaf along with ground beef, a nice spicy meatloaf that will cover any strong flavors.  They never know they are eating organ meats! Chopped up fine in soups, in chili, you can add heart, or you can add ground heart to hamburger. There are ways of getting these organ meats in kids without them knowing it.

And most kids are fine with foods like milk, cheese and butter.

Cod liver oil is a little tricky. Here’s what we did with our daughter and three boys. When our horsewoman and three little cowboys came down to breakfast in the morning, they had to have their cowboy whiskey. Each one had a shot glass, and they came up to the bar and drank their slug of cowboy whisky, which was cod liver oil mixed with water or a little fresh juice. I explained to them why they had to take their cowboy whiskey–that it would make them healthy, it would help them be good in sports, have good grades and not get sick. And then, when they get to be older, when they get to be teenagers, you can explain other benefits from the cod liver oil.

So, that’s the recipe.  It really is a recipe for good health, and I can tell you that it works. Please go to our Healthy Baby Gallery at to see the beautiful babies born to mothers who followed our diet. These babies are not only attractive but also intelligent, they behave themselves and they can study and concentrate. Another plus is that they won’t need braces.

There is a process going on right now in our society that I call the “natural selection of the wise.” The people who do not change their diet will die out. That sounds pretty harsh, but that’s Mother Nature’s way of getting rid of the unfit. They become infertile or the children do not reach adulthood. And this is what we are seeing today–most tragically.

We can’t change everybody but we can certainly educate the people who come to us. Start by being a good example and then provide further information if they show an interest.

By the way, you’re not going to change the school lunch program; don’t waste your time. It is not going happen—the schools must follow the atrocious USDA dietary guidelines, and most people involved in school food have very little knowledge about nutrition, or even about food! But you can make your children’s lunches and help educate the few parents who notice that your child is healthy and become interested. Then convince them to make their children’s lunches also.  With time, no one will eat the school lunches—but this won’t happen for a while.

All this might seem very complicated, but I urge you to make a start.  It soon becomes second nature, very easy.  And eating this way is worth the effort, I guarantee you.  There is no greater blessing on earth than healthy children—and your own good health to enjoy them.

Featured Articles

Sugar Takes On High Fructose Corn Syrup In Legal Battle

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) In what has all the appearances of the pot calling the kettle black, two of the unhealthiest and most widely consumed items in the American diet are headed to court to decide which one is more evil. Big Sugar is taking on Big Corn and their High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) in a landmark battle scheduled to go before a Los Angeles federal judge this week.

Chromium GTF

Sugar producers are accusing their corn industry rivals of false advertising by casting HFCS as "nutritionally the same as table sugar" and claiming that "your body can't tell the difference." The sugar group contends that HFCS is far less healthy than table sugar and is demanding that the Corn Refiners Association ads be halted as well as demanding payment of unspecified monetary damages.

Medical research on the metabolic effects of consuming sugar versus high fructose corn syrup has consistently indicated heightened risks from the liquid sweetener, said Michael I. Goran, director of the Child Obesity Research Center at USC's Keck School of Medicine.

"There's definitely a difference in metabolic fate and outcome of fructose ingestion relative to glucose," Goran said, noting that HFCS contains more fructose, as its name implies. "So the more you tip the scale toward fructose, the more those negative effects kick in."

A battle between unhealthy giants to see which is worse
High fructose corn syrup was invented in 1957. It took another 20 years to develop a low-cost production method for HFCS. After tariffs that drove up the cost of imported cane and beet sugars, and federal subsidies that drove down the cost of corn, HFCS usage quickly exploded. In 1972, the average American consumed about 1.2 pounds of the HFCS. By 1999, average consumption had ballooned to over 63 pounds.

The reason that food makers have flocked to HFCS in recent decades is because it is cheaper to make, helps stabilize foods, allows for better browning of baked goods and provides a more concentrated sweetness than the same amount of sugar.

In the last ten years, HFCS usage has plummeted by more than 20% as consumers have grown increasingly wary of the sweetener which has been blamed for America's large and expanding obesity epidemic and a wide array of other health problems, including liver damage, diabetes, heart problems and even mercury consumption. About a decade ago, the surgeon general first expressed alarm over the rapid and ubiquitous spread of the sweetener in processed foods and concerns about HFCS have mounted ever since.

Because of its tarnished image the association representing corn growers, processors and distributors has applied to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to officially change the name of HFCS to "corn sugar", a move vehemently opposed by the sugar industry.

It isn't just Big Sugar, however, that opposes high fructose corn syrup's efforts to rebrand itself.

"If sugar wanted to change its name to 'highly nutritious vitamins' we would oppose that too," said James S. Turner, a Washington attorney who heads pro-sugar's Citizens for Health.

Both sugar and HFCS rake in hundreds of billions of dollars per year. Though HFCS is considered the unhealthier of the two, table sugar is also horribly unhealthy. The World Health Organization has labeled refined sugar as a leading cause of illness in the world today. Both should be avoided.

According to the USDA, the average American consumed 888 calories per day from sweeteners with an average consumption of 35 pounds of high fructose corn syrup and 47 pounds of sugar per person in 2010 – more than triple the per-capita sweetener intake elsewhere in the world.

Featured Articles

Attorney Challenges Pediatrician’s Attack On Vaccine Religious Exemptions

by: Alan Phillips, J.D.

(NaturalNews) The following pediatrician's commentary attacking vaccine religious exemptions was published online in Raleigh's News & Observer (N&O) on February 24, 2012. As the N&O failed to publish my response, I'm publishing it here, where fairness is welcome. It follows the pediatrician's article immediately below.

Vaccine Protocol

As a practicing pediatrician and internist, it makes sense to me that if the government can mandate that all insurers cover contraceptives, even institutions that opposed such treatment on religious grounds, then it follows logically that government should also mandate all children be immunized regardless of the parents' stated religious convictions.

This is a significant statement because most state laws, as in North Carolina, mandate that any child attending public school must be immunized; the only way out of this is if the parents claim they are opposed to immunizations on religious grounds. But as any pediatrician will tell you, the vast majority of these parents who make this claim have no such religious conviction; for a variety of non-religious reasons, they just don't want to immunize their kids. So they intentionally mislead providers (with a wink) so that we sign off on their kids' kindergarten physical so they can get the benefit of a free public education without being immunized.

There is currently a pertussis (whooping cough) outbreak in a private school in Chapel Hill that, not surprisingly, has a large number of unimmunized kids. These infected kids, until they are diagnosed and treated, expose other children in and outside the school to whooping cough, including unprotected infants who have not yet completed their vaccine series, and it is these susceptible small children who really suffer and/or die from such diseases – ones that are preventable if only some other parents' child had been vaccinated.

Perhaps this irresponsible choice should no longer be protected as a religious exemption. But I imagine it will remain under First Amendment protection as such a change in law would lead to quite an outcry of protest, the kind of outcry perhaps also justified by the Catholic Church.

James Kurz, Pittsboro
The length limit was waived.


Dear Dr. Kurtz:

Thank you for your comments. I didn't realize that NC pediatricians have psychic powers (know what all exempting North Carolinian parents' religious beliefs are) and are legal experts (know what qualifies for a vaccine religious exemption, and therefore, can be sure that their psychic subjects don't qualify for one). Even more amazing, though, was the lack of knowledge your comments displayed in your claimed area of expertise. To explain:

1) As for knowing others' beliefs, that speaks for itself — you don't. Your assertion is pure conjecture and has no place in a serious discussion. To say that you are concerned that some religious exemptions may be disingenuous would be reasonable; anything more is sheer bigotry.

2) As to what qualifies legally for a religious exemption, that requires study of state and federal legal precedent, statutes and regulations, and sufficient legal training to be able to put that study into proper legal perspective. Yes, facts don't necessarily require credentials — truth speaks for itself — but non-referenced assertions are nothing more than uninformed personal opinions, as my next section reveals.

3) As for the blame you assign to exempt children:

A. The CDC tells us that 5% – 15% of vaccinated children are not immune.[1] JAMA tells us that only 1% – 2.5% of children are exempt.[2] Furthermore, unvaccinated children can develop natural immunity, and according to the CDC, may not even develop symptoms in the process.[3] So, vaccination status is not an indicator of immune status, and exempt kids are at most a negligible concern given the far greater number of non-immune, vaccinated kids. Indeed, this is why the CDC reports that most outbreaks occur in vaccinated children. If you're worried about outbreaks caused by non-immune kids, the first step should be to test the vaccinated kids, so we can quarantine all of the non-immune ones, since outbreaks are clearly due to them most of the time.

B. Pertussis typically runs in 3-4 year cycles (for unknown reasons); exemptions don't.[4] So, pertussis outbreaks can't be attributed to exempt kids at all.

C. Well over 50% of Americans are adult baby boomers who haven't been vaccinated in decades. Vaccine immunity lasts only 2-10 years, but infectious diseases haven't returned.[5] In fact, research has proven that vaccine antibodies do not guarantee disease immunity, and that the herd immunity theory isn't reliable, so the entire theoretical foundation of vaccination may be flawed.[6]

The bottom line is that exempt children pose no significant health risk to anyone, and your accusations are based on false assumptions and misplaced.

Your beliefs typify those of the pediatric community not because they are correct, but because yours is a profession driven by politics, and not objective science. Few to none of the commonly held assumptions about vaccines withstand strict scientific scrutiny. I invite you to subvert professional conformity to scientific objectivity, to investigate the matter personally for yourself, and to form your own, independent conclusions. You'll risk the condemnation of your peers for the mere act of daring to think for for yourself, but that's a small price to pay to be free of the manipulative reach of political agendas and fully within your own personal integrity. Whatever your conclusions about any given piece of the larger controversy, if you look openly and objectively, I guarantee you will never be the same. I also guarantee that you will be discouraged from questioning the status quo by most of your peers; that in and of itself speaks volumes about the need for more of you to do so.

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Washington Post Partners With Chinese Government To Publish Pure Propaganda

by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) It's bad enough with supposedly unbiased news outlets in the U.S. shill for one political ideology over another, but when an American newspaper becomes an advocate for a foreign rival, that's over the line.

Vaccine Protocol

That's the opinion, at least, of a number of journalists and media experts who are questioning the ethics – and legality – of the publication of what they call little more than Chinese propaganda by the Washington Post (WP), the paper that broke the Watergate scandal in 1974 that led to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon.

The paper's China Watch publication, a print and online advertising supplement that purports to present news and information about the Asian economic giant, instead hosts a number of articles portraying the Chinese government favorably, especially in relation to its human rights record.

"Some journalism experts and China observers say the partnership crosses ethical boundaries and misleads unassuming readers about the Chinese government's lackluster record on a host of important issues," says a report about the dubious relationship in the Washington Free Beacon, an alternative D.C.- area online news publication.

Just another news site?

At first blush the online version of the site appears like any other news page, with stories, articles, videos and links to other news and information. It even features the Post's masthead. But in the site's right-hand corner there is a small block of text offering this disclaimer: "A Paid Supplement to The Washington Post."

Because of that, some journalism experts and advocates believe the paper owes its readers an explanation about its relationship with Chinese media outlets that are heavily controlled and censored by communist government officials in Beijing.

"They need to address the proverbial elephant in the living room — why are you carrying a Communist government-sponsored publication?" Lois Boynton, a journalism professor at the University of North Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communication, said.

"It raises some ethical issues for the Post," she said, hammering the paper for obfuscating the origins of China Watch. "There are issues of transparency associated with" those initially publishing the content used by the Post in the section.

"The 'about' blurb doesn't provide that detail. Although many people may know that China mainstream media is government-controlled, it may not be clear for all readers," she told the Free Beacon.

Chinese government 'propaganda'

Stephen Yates, a former national security adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney, agreed.

"Readers go right through this section as if they're moving through the hard news to the more in depth reporting, never realizing that they're being inundated with Chinese government propaganda," he said. "It doesn't hit a person that they've arrived at an ad supplement filled with things that have passed Chinese Communist Party filters."

The primary provider of content for the Post's "China Watch" section is China Daily, an English-language news site and service that toes the party line on major Chinese government policy issues. The Free Beacon said the site operates under a China-based domain, so anything it publishes is heavily regulated.

Post editorial page editor Fred Hiatt said he doesn't have a problem with the relationship, as long as the content is marked as advertising.

"I don't object to the Post selling advertising space to those who have different viewpoints than I do, as long as — as is the case here — the material is clearly labeled," he told the Free Beacon.

"Anyone reading our editorials on China, human rights, the importance of democratic development in China both for Chinese people and for the world, will know that our point of view is quite different in many cases from that of the Chinese Foreign Ministry," he said.

The paper's communications director also defended its advertising policy.

"The section is clearly labeled as advertising so that our readers know it is not Washington Post news content," said Kris Coratti. "As for what's in the ads, we have always given advertisers wide latitude to have their say, whether the advertiser is a business, person, or a group. We have accepted the China Daily ads for many, many years under these standards."

Other experts say the Post ad deal is just one cog in the Chinese government's attempts to use propaganda to influence American leadership.

"There is a very well established pattern where Chinese entities exercise influence over American thought leaders," Yates said. "And they're publishing in what used to be seen as the paper of record in the nation's capital."

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Nutrition 101: Part 1 – Overview

by: Hesh Goldstein

(NaturalNews) For the most part, when we read textbooks or try to figure out the jargon associated with nutrition, it tends to confuse or even alienate us. It certainly did that to me in the beginning when I tried to make sense of it all. And what a shame that was, because to be able to understand how to maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind is so importantly basic to each and every one of us.

Living in this technological age we would probably use more logic and care in maintaining our cars than we do in caring for our bodies. It's a given that if we don't care for our cars and fuel them improperly, they will break down on us. Even though the mechanics of a car is simpler than the mechanics of our bodies, the principles nonetheless, are the same.

Our bodies are like cars in this sense that they are vehicles carrying a passenger for a while, requiring fuel or energy and proper care to keep them going. That which is meant to provide proper fuel and energy for the body is called eating.

Unfortunately, feeding our bodies a nutritious diet has become an "energy problem" similar to and connected with the energy problem that modern man has become so preoccupied with lately.

Our bodies are powered by solar energy, which we consume directly in the form of foods, which have collected and stored energy from the sun, or indirectly by eating the bodies or by-products of other living beings that ate foods, which had stored solar energy.

Our highly industrialized society has come to be powered by the same solar energy stored in the bodies of past generations of plants and mammals, which has been transformed into fossil fuels during the course of time.

Our dependence on fossil fuels as an energy source, how we get energy into our bodies, what it does there and what we do with it, are all linked together. Therefore, it's hard to just talk about nutrition without taking a good, hard look at how we live our lives and the whole picture.

The system of moving food from farms and/or laboratories to our homes has become an insanely energy-intensive endeavor that manages to separate the links between agriculture, food, and nutrition.

The total chain of events from fertilizing, spraying, harvesting, transporting, processing, and storing, adds up to about 10 calories of fossil fuels being used for every 1 calorie of energy, in the form of food, consumed in the United States.

The question that must be asked is how has this inefficient use of energy come to be?

First of all, agriculture has become a very centralized "industry", with approximately 3% of the population in the United States growing the food for the rest of the population.

What this means is that large amounts of energy are expended just to transport harvested foodstuffs to different parts of the country, while nutrients are lost along the way. And the large-scale, intensive agribusiness has totally changed the face of farming from a more appropriate – technology business, in touch with the laws of nature, to an industry dependent on fossil fuels that, as with the other such large industries, plays its part and destroying nature.

We have large machines replacing farm workers, we have the use of petro-chemicals as fertilizers and sprays, and now we have Monsanto. All these are slowly depleting and polluting the soil and adding harmful and unwanted pesticides to the foods that we eat.

If you think that the increase in fossil fuel consumption stops on the sprawling agribusiness so-called "farms", guess again. What about the process, which transforms food into a multicolor product to be placed on the supermarket shelf? Understand this, the more the food is processed, the more fossil fuels will have been burned to provide a food with less nutrients.

Would it not be more energy efficient to consume unrefined and unprocessed foods that are locally grown or organically grown or grown in our own backyards or our balconies or in our kitchens to provide our bodies with energy?

Most of us know that energy obtained from eating has to be burned off because an excess of energy consumed and stored in the body causes obesity and disease.

Our industrialized society utilizes energy from fossil fuels to do the work. We have created "leisure activities" (physical work which does not produce anything), like jogging, exercise spas, gyms, fitness clubs, etc., to burn unused energy. And, since we have to use the energy we consume, an alternative source we might seriously consider and not look down on, is people power, aided by appropriate and people-oriented technology.

Much of today's problems come from the under-utilization and misdirection of people's energy and over-dependence on stored energy from past generations of living entities.

Unemployment, pollution, inflation (over-consumption and underproduction), and bad health are a few obvious results of the system, which is not in harmony with the arrangements of God and nature.

To make a long story short, the story of food is the story of energy, whether we are looking at the process by which solar energy provides nutrients for the body, or how that energy, in the form of fossil fuels, is used to bring energy, in the form of food, to our tables.

So, what we'll do here is to concern ourselves with the nutritional aspects, keeping in mind that our patterns of consumption will not only affect our health, but also have much deeper and far-reaching ramifications.

Stay tuned!