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The TV Remote, Filthiest Item In A Hotel Room

by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) What is the nastiest, most bacteria-ridden item in the average hotel room? To be honest, for years I thought it had to be the bedspread. Surely, I was conditioned to believe, the hotel doesn't often wash those heavy things that are generally the first thing travelers sit, lie or put luggage on.

Colloidal Silver

Well, turns out I was wrong. Somebody tested that theory by conducting a study, and do you know what they found? Those oft-used television remote controls in your hotel room are the worst bacteria magnets.

Moreover, hotel rooms in general are bacteria pits, according to researchers from the University of Houston, who presented the results of their research recently to the American Society of Microbiology.

In conducting their study, researchers measured the amounts of bacteria found on a number of hotel surfaces and other items. The next most contaminated items after the remote, they found, are bedside lamp switches. Bathroom toilet surfaces and sinks were also very dirty, researchers found.

Hotels shirking their obligation to provide clean rooms

But perhaps the most disconcerting discovery was the high levels of contamination on items used to (supposedly) clean hotel rooms. Sponges and mops, for instance, were highly contaminated – which means that there is a high degree of cross-contamination occurring between hotel rooms, the study concluded.

"Hoteliers have an obligation to provide their guests with a safe and secure environment. Currently, housekeeping practices vary across brands and properties with little or no standardization industry wide. The current validation method for hotel room cleanliness is a visual assessment, which has been shown to be ineffective in measuring levels of sanitation," Katie Kirsch an undergraduate student at the University of Houston who presented the study – done in concert with Purdue University, and the University of South Carolina – said.

Researchers sampled nine hotel rooms – three each in Texas, Indiana and South Carolina. And while Kirsch admitted it was a small sampling, she said she hoped it would lead to further research that could eventually develop better standards.

"The information derived from this study could aid hotels in adopting a proactive approach for reducing potential hazards from contact with surfaces within hotel rooms and provide a basis for the development of more effective and efficient housekeeping practices," Kirsch said.

It's not all bad news. Researcher did find some clean surfaces as well. They include the headboards of beds, bathroom door handles and curtain rods.

Coming in contact with contaminated surfaces can be largely responsible for the transmission of illness during outbreaks in hotels, researchers noted. That, combined with the fact there are no standards for hotel cleanliness, poses a substantial risk for guests, especially those who may have weak immune systems and are already more susceptible to infection.

Hoping the study results in better housekeeping practices

"Currently, housekeepers clean 14-16 rooms per 8-hour shift, spending approximately 30 minutes on each room. Identifying high-risk items within a hotel room would allow housekeeping managers to strategically design cleaning practices and allocate time to efficiently reduce the potential health risks posed by microbial contamination in hotel rooms," Kirsch said.

Researchers could not say whether bacteria detected could cause disease, but it's a safe bet to say with more bacteria around comes a greater risk of it.

Kirsch said the study could lead hotel managers to ensure that cleaning staff focus more on the most contaminated items either by devoting more time to cleaning them or by developing a combination of practices that otherwise reduce the levels of contamination, such as changing mop water more regularly or ensuring that sponges are thoroughly washed between uses.

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The Medicalization of Childbirth

by: Craig Stellpflug

(NaturalNews) Our overzealous medical community has taken the blessed event of childbirth and turned it into a medical procedure with a whole different set of risks and side effects. This medicalization of childbirth turns our newborns into medical experiments and permanently hooks them into a life of medical dependency.

Vaccine Protocol
Colloidal Silver

Where it begins
The assault on the infant begins with the invasive ultrasound. The FDA warned in 2004, "ultrasound is a form of energy, and even at low levels, laboratory studies have shown it can produce physical effect in tissue, such as jarring vibrations and a rise in temperature." These temperature increases can cause birth defects and result in central nervous system damage. A large randomized trial conducted by the RADIUS Study Group found the use of ultrasound did not result in improved outcome in pregnancies.

In the labor and delivery room
Epidurals are used for over half of all birthing events in hospitals. Epidurals interfere with normal bio-feedback between the pelvic muscles and the mother's brain during labor. One of the most common side effects of epidurals is a drop in the mother's blood pressure leading to less oxygen for the baby. An epidural slows labor, making the mother three times likelier to be given an oxytocin drip, three times likelier for forceps delivery, doubles the chance for a caesarean delivery and gives a 50 percent less chance of a normal delivery. After epidurals, babies have difficulties with breastfeeding along with definite behavioral abnormalities for at least six weeks. Epidural mothers describe their babies as more difficult to care for.

Immediately after birth
Immediately after the baby is born, the nurse sweeps the baby to a warming table where they clean, weigh and measure the baby- and, whether you ask for them or not, they administer eye drops of silver nitrate or erythromycin. Eye drops at birth are given to help prevent any possible infection in your baby's eyes from gonorrhea or chlamydia. Eye drops makes the baby's vision blurry and silver Nitrate causes discomfort to the eyes. Eye drops come with their own "side effects" and also impedes the bonding process with the parents.

The jabs
The newborn vitamin K jab doubles the chances of childhood cancer. In a study of two hospitals, researchers found a two-fold risk of leukemia for children who had received intramuscular vitamin K given at one hospital compared to the other hospital that did not promote the jab. Side effects of the synthetic vitamin K3 include: cytotoxicity in liver cells, formation of radicals from enzymes of leucocytes, weakens the immune system, mutagenic effects, damage to the natural vitamin K cycle, hemolytic anemia and hyperbilirubinemia, disturbs levels of calcium ions, vomiting and others.

The National Vaccine Information Center shows that the number of hepatitis B vaccine-associated serious adverse event and death reports in American children far outnumbers the reported cases of hepatitis B disease in children. The NVIC is calling government-mandated hepatitis B vaccination of all children a "dangerous and scientifically unsubstantiated policy." A new study shows that giving Hepatitis B vaccine to newborn baby boys can triple the risk of an autism spectrum disorder compared to later- or unvaccinated boys.

Bottom line, childbirth is not a medical procedure unless you let it become one. A well written birth plan will take all the questions and worries out of the medical decisions facing the newborn's parents during this blessed event. Write your decision into a birth plan and have the attending nurse and the doctor both sign it. Then keep an eye on them because many a baby have been medicated, vaccinated and even bottle-fed against the mother's wishes. Always make an informed decision. Your infant's well-being depends on you.

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How Mainstream Media Lies About Supplements

by: S. D. Wells

(NaturalNews) How does the Media lie? How do the major networks mislead you into buying things you normally wouldn't buy, or NOT buying things you would regularly buy? How does the media convince you so well, to change your mind and spend money supporting the wrong causes, the wrong "cures," and worst of all, the wrong food and medicine?

Colloidal Silver
Whey Protein

Let it be told that the media in the United States has been suppressing natural cures, vitamins, herbs, and supplements for over 75 years, knowing there's hardly any money to be made from healthy people, especially compared to diseased ones. Most people know that television and radio talk shows are full of crap when it comes to nutritional advice, or do they? The media monopolies are quickly becoming experts at deception, and finding helpful information via the networks, CNN, and talk shows is impossible; it's just a labyrinth of misinformation and "close-by-choice" sales tactics, where the only options presented are all bad ones, and you're supposed to still make a decision where and HOW to spend your hard earned dollars.

ABC lies about supplements
October 10, 2011: ABC covers supplements: Just 8 months ago, ABC presented the findings of a "collection of research" showing that people who take dietary supplements are getting "few health benefits in return." The study's lead author, Jaakko Mursu, pronounced the overall message, which is a bold faced lie: Here's her overall message to the millions watching ABC and putting their faith in major network's presentations and "informative" shows that influence mass consumption in America: Mursu said, "I would conclude that supplements are not protective against chronic diseases," and "In some cases they may be harmful, especially if used for a long time."

She went on to claim that, "News about the benefits and risks of dietary supplements seems to change by the week." Maybe that's because it's hard to track all the lies the media spits out. The shows main goal was to crush the reality that antioxidants like beta carotene and vitamin E are major players in maintaining optimum health.

Then, Dr. Donald Hensrud, chair of preventive medicine at the Mayo Clinic stuck histwo cents in and said, "The conflicting evidence seems overwhelming, but the new study helps to clarify the overall message." Notice how this "chairman and doctor" makes sure you're thinking that the overall message is right to begin with. This is the ABC network convincing you that supplements are dangerous. They conveniently slide in that "Mayo Clinic" opinion, which seems so objective and reassuring. Remember, lies are best perpetuated when the consumer is given two or three choices, neither of which is beneficial or based on truth, and then left to decide within the parameter of a SET OF LIES which road he or she will follow.

CBS lies about supplements
February 11th, 2009, CBS covers supplements: This network's atrocity to humankind informs the masses that beta-carotene raises the risk of heart disease and cancer. They go on to "inform" the loyal fans that Vitamin C causes kidney stones and does not help prevent disease or the common cold. Finally, they add that Vitamin A causes liver damage, blindness and bone fractures. But only in very high doses can this occur, and just about every legitimate supplement warns you, so the story is completely misleading and full of fear tactics to get consumers to avoid supplements all together. Plus the headlines/titles of these shows warn the masses about the "danger of supplements" in general, and barely cover that it's only specific cases that create any kind of health implications.

The Early Show's Dr. Mallika Marshall misdirects the masses in a very slick way: She says, "It's also generally recommended that women who are pre-menopausal, that is, entering the change of life
…take at least 1,200 mg of calcium to help prevent bone loss and osteoporosis." But with the wrong calcium supplements, and especially with a massive dairy and meat diet, Americans are asking for kidney stones, gall stones, and brittle bones. The advice is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you need to know and it's delivered wearing a clever mask, by your trusted network and the talk shows that "play doctor."

Then she tries to trick you into believing you can only get vitamin B12 from meat: "Also, it's not a bad idea for vegetarians, especially vegans, to take a daily multivitamin, since they could be deficient in certain vitamins, such as B-12, found primarily in meats."

Unfortunately, most consumers are NOT well enough informed to understand that a few or occasional lapses in quality assurance can translate into nutrient deficiency and disease, including consumption of eggs, milk, meat, sugar and table salt. Jumping into the supplementing arena late in the game, after cancer, heart disease, diabetes or Alzheimer's has set in and expecting miracle results is not the wise approach.

FOX lies about supplements
February 15, 2012:, the so called "Fair and Balanced" news,delivered this pack of twisted, distorted lies to their naive, loyal masses: A survey was presented involving more than 2,500 people in France with a history of heart disease or stroke. The results contend that the consumers took either Vitamin B "or" omega 3 fatty acid supplements and their risk of developing cancer was not reduced. The survey went on to say that women taking fish oil supplements actually increased their cancer risk "threefold."

The study did not reveal any of the participants' diet, or whether or not they consume GMO foods, artificial sweeteners, fried foods, or other beneficial supplements. Then, in reading the whole study, which most people don't, readers see that the group study admitted in the Archives of Internal Medicine that, "Early cancers and pre-cancerous growths might have been missed when participants were recruited."

A more recent (August of 2011) and much larger study found that women who took fish oil pills were a THIRD LESS LIKELY to develop breast cancer than women who didn't. The study also revealed better cognition and brain health for those taking fish oil supplements! (

The NEWSPAPER lies about supplements
How many people in the world wake up and read the morning paper, front to back? How many people rely on their morning paper, be it The New York Times, The Washington Post, or their favorite printed version of their city or county news? How many innocent people who want to improve their health or their children's make most of their informed decisions based on what they read in black and white print every morning or afternoon?

The BIGGEST LIE comes to you in the form of the general "multivitamin." Centrum, Equate, and One-a-day are perfect examples of a counter-offensive move by Big Pharma to give you what you're asking for, but in a harmful, hidden delivery of toxic, synthetic vitamins your body can't use, and "other ingredients," which often include artificial, cancer-causing sweeteners, gelatin which comes from abused GMO animals, and much more! Do people know that supplementing with CALCIUM can be detrimental to their health?

Get your supplement information from reliable sources, people who have degrees in NUTRITION, not medicine. No offense, but not a single Medical School in the United States teaches nutrition. They occasionally have "mini-lesson" lectures, but when you want real information about HOW to supplement and build your immunity and know the difference between organic, powerful supplements and dangerous toxins posing as supplements, ask a Naturopath or someone with an actual degree in Nutrition.

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MMR Causes Autism, Proven In Italian Court Case

by: D Holt

(NaturalNews) For many years the stories from devastated parents have been eerily similar. A young, bright child vaccinated with MMR, has minor side effects such as high temperature and being off food, and then develops the debilitating disability of autism.

Vaccine Protocol


Whilst the mainstream medical profession deny the link between autism and the triple shot of measles, mumps and rubella, there have been many who have argued to the contrary. Statistics show the increases in autism correlate alarmingly with the introduction and uptake of the MMR vaccine. And Now in an Italian court, there has been a landmark ruling for a child whose parents claim that his autism was triggered by MMR.

The parents of Valentino Bocca have been awarded 112,000 Euro to be paid by the Italian ministry of health. They are now seeking a further 800,000 Euro in a civil case. The story is a tragic one, Valentino, developing normally, was given the shot at 14 months and started to suffer from diarrhea, lost interest in food and within a few days lost the ability to use his spoon. Worse was soon to come when he began to be restless at night, screaming in pain for hours. It was later found that he was suffering from a painful bowel condition that is common in autistic children. With an adjusted diet of no wheat or milk, he was able to sleep but the autism symptoms continued, and even at the age of nine, he still does not speak.

The case featured three expert witnesses that concurred that "barring preexisting conditions there was a reasonable scientific probability that the MMR jab had triggered Valantino's condition." Judge Lucio Ardigo agreed that it was "conclusively established" that Valentino had suffered from an "autistic disorder associated with medium cognitive delay" and his illness, was linked to receiving the shot. The Italian shot has the same ingredients as the one used in the UK and US.

Proof in court of the link between MMR and autism, but will this be denied by the UK and US?
In the US over 5000 families are known to the mainstream media as believing that the MMR shot has triggered autism in their children, and the real figure could be much higher. Court rulings against the MMR include a 90,000 GBP (Great British Pound) payout for brain damage to a boy called Robert Fletcher, and a $1.5 million payout for Hannah Poling who received MMR and six other vaccinations in one day and then developed autism.

It is small comfort to the families of children who have suffered autism as a result of these vaccines, that there may be a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel. However, the common belief amongst the established medical profession is that it is better to vaccinate a child than not. The forceful way in which the government in both the US and Europe have pushed for vaccination with MMR, has left many parents believing they have no choice, despite the shot being voluntary. In the case of Valentino Bocca this pro-vaccine propaganda was detrimental to the government's case.

With this ruling, there is now a legal precedent in Italy that could cause an opening in the floodgates. Many parents will be looking to obtain their rightful compensation against the governments that have conspired in one of the greatest medical cover-ups of all time. A cover-up that has cost careers, the suffering of children and the lives of their parents.

Health & Freedom

Forced Medical Intervention; Disrespecting Informed Consent

by: Craig Stellpflug

(NaturalNews) Criminals have more constitutional rights than medical patients. Gone are the rights of due process and second opinions. It seems that patients are somehow bereft of Sixth Amendment rights to counsel. When doctors are pitted against patients, the courts often defer to the fallible physicians' demands that patients submit their bodies to them. Forced care condones coercion and denies fundamental, medical principles of informed consent and informed refusal.

Case and point
Samantha Burton was 25 weeks pregnant when her membranes ruptured. Following good sense, she sought help from her obstetrician, Dr. Jana Bures-Forsthoefel. When Samantha tried to leave the hospital for a second opinion this outrageous doctor refused to allow her to leave and then grabbed a court order requiring Samantha to forsake her job and children at home and undergo "any and all medical treatments" the physician deemed necessary. The Kangaroo Court hearing by telephone from her hospital bed denied Samantha the opportunity for an attorney or her requested second opinion and request to change hospitals. Sadly, three days into her court-ordered confinement, Samantha lost her baby.

After laboring at home and becoming dehydrated, Laura Pemberton sought medical help and requested intravenous fluids, but physicians conditioned her medical care on agreement to a cesarean section. She refused the procedure and left the hospital. The demigod doctors snatched a court order to retrieve her from her home and forced her to the hospital by ambulance. She was then subjected to undergo an apparently unnecessary cesarean section.

In the ongoing case of 10-year-old Jacob Stieler, omniscient doctors compelled the Michigan DHS into seeking to force deadly treatment upon the child against the parents' wishes. PET scans show Jacob to be in cancer remission but the powers that be maintain he still needs poisonous chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The doctors insist that Jacob will surely die without treatment even though the recommended drugs are not FDA approved for his treatment. Attorney Michael Farris, says "There's no doubt that in the day that we live in, the medical community thinks it gets to decide what we all should do."

Hospital lawyers deputized
Forced care cases are usually heard on an emergency basis and judicial decisions are made without full briefing on relevant law, medicine, and policy. A patient put into a forced care situation has the undue burden to instantaneously conjure up expert witnesses to testify on their behalf. Hospital lawyers deputized to act as state attorneys have a clear conflict of interest as noted by the Supreme Court of Florida, saying it is inappropriate for a hospital "to argue zealously against the wishes of its own patient," and "it cannot act on behalf of the State to assert the state interests" when a competent adult refuses care. (Matter of Dubreuil).

Of course, subjecting a patient to forced care, even court-ordered care, may lead to a lawsuit for violations of civil and constitutional rights. Courts' opinions generally begin with the premise that "every person of adult years and sound mind has the right to determine what shall be done with his body." (Schloendorff v. Society of N.Y. Hospital).

Physicians should discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives for recommended care at the bedside or in the exam room and then let it go and never involve courts. At the bedside and with the patients' autonomy intact is where it should end.

Right to know
Physicians who seek judicial intervention should disclose that practice so patients can seek care elsewhere. Next thing will be that patients will be prosecuted and jailed for adverse outcomes when they reject medical care. In the case of refusing harmful vaccinations (which are medical procedures with deadly risks), it is already happening in other countries.

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High Cholesterol Actually Helps Repair Damaged Brains

There is a defect in the growth of the myelin sheath, the fatty covering of nerve fibers in the central nervous system in those suffering from Pelizaeus-Merzbacher (PMD). Myelin protects nerve fibers and helps messages pass along the nerves; its absence therefore, would lead to a wide range of problems in functions such as movement and cognition.

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, in Germany found that adopting a cholesterol-rich diet could increase the production of myelin in these individuals.

According to the paper published in Nature Medicine, feeding mice with a cholesterol-enriched diet would stabilize the symptoms in the affected mice, while the worsening of the symptoms was noted in those on a normal diet.

"Dietary cholesterol does not cure PMD, but has a striking potential to relieve defects,” researchers explained.

As cholesterol is known to clean up a "traffic jam" inside the cells in the brain, scientists believe extra cholesterol would help clear the protein linked to myelin problems in PMD patients.

The results of this study are based on a research on mice and thus further studies in humans are needed to confirm the findings, scientists emphasized.
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How To Get Your Children To Eat More Greens

by: Willow Tohi

(NaturalNews) Babies are so sweet. What's difficult about an infant is not the same as what's difficult about having a toddler or preschooler. You've traded in sleepless nights for power struggles. Your child is a little person, with thoughts, ideas, and feelings of his own. And they don't always coincide with yours.

One thing kids are often opinionated about, right from the start, is food. Who wouldn't be? Most parents have pictures and fond memories of that time they fed their baby something that made him shiver and grimace. And we have to respect that, to a point. So what's a parent to do when he decides he's not having vegetables?

10 tips and tricks for improving your child's diet
Beating your head against a brick wall only makes for a headache, so try a new strategy. You're older and wiser – get clever and creative.

First, review. This includes your commitment to your child's diet, your attitude toward your own diet, and how you parent your way through the power struggles.

Next, plan your approach. What's your rule/rules going to be? Consequences, rewards? Consistency is important. Decide now not to get suckered into being a short order cook – what's for dinner is what's for dinner. Can you be okay with letting your kid be hungry if he chooses not to eat?

Make a menu. Try to put something new in front of your child a couple times a week. If he doesn't like boiled spinach, try giving it to him raw next time. You'll need to experiment some by trying different foods different ways on different days. Reward a good attitude and for trying new things.

Set up for success. To succeed, stock the veggies and model the behavior you want to see in your child. Make them easily accessible – kids eat a lot more fruits and veggies if its cut up and sitting in front of them. You can act when you need to. Don't like tomatoes, but junior does? "Oh, yes! That looks delicious! Good job!"

Keep communication open with your child. He tries at least one bite of what you offer, and if he doesn't like it, then you don't force him to eat it. Choose your words carefully at this juncture, being sure not to label or categorize the food. "We'll try it a different way next time, maybe with cinnamon" versus "oh, I guess you don't like sweet potatoes either."

Do some PR. Help your child make the connection between how certain foods make him feel. Explain why something is good for him or not. He ate sugar on an empty stomach and got a tummy ache. It's not good to eat sweets if you haven't had good food first. He had raspberries and whole grain toast for breakfast before he aced that test, because its brain food.

Make it fun. Chop up something green and add sprinkles to what your child eats. Finely chopped spinach or kale mixed into eggs makes green eggs. Peanut butter in celery sticks with raisins on top makes "ants on a log." Let them pretend to be dinosaurs eating trees when they eat broccoli.

Make it a treat. Smoothies are a great way to mix up some fun and mix in some nutrient dense foods. Some kids like dips and sauces. This is where gardening, cooking, and meal time can equal family time, which will help make it a favorite of your kids. They love to help, and then they are invested, and more likely to try it.

Slip it in. You can add veggies to meatloaf, spaghetti sauce or lasagna, and all kinds of dishes and they'll never know. There are some great cookbooks and recipes (check out Jessica Seinfeld's cookbooks) that show you how to use pureed veggies in place of other ingredients, such as sugar. This is a bonus for your side because it gets the veggies in while keeping extra sugar, oil, butter, etc., out.

Limit bad food. This is important for obvious reasons, but worth mentioning is that kids are designed to favor sweet foods, but the sweet foods nature intended was fruit, not sugar. The more sugar they consume, the further out of balance they get. Sugar is addictive, and makes them want nothing that isn't sweet. If fried and processed foods are bad for you, think how much worse they are for someone still growing, with a smaller body. Fruits have enzymes and fiber and other nutrients that juices and sweets don't, so stick with real food.

Every family is different so try some of these tips and see if they work for you. Vegetables are a requirement for a healthy life so don't give up. Good luck!

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High Sun Exposure Found To Lower Pancreatic Cancer Risk

by Sunita Kumar

High levels of ultraviolet radiation at an individual's birth location, sun-sensitive skin type and a history of skin cancer each decreased risk for pancreatic cancer, according to Australian researchers.

Immune Protocol

Vitamin D3-5

Rachel Neale, Ph.D., principal investigator at Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Queensland, Australia, presented the results of a population-based, case-control study that adds to the already conflicting data about sun exposure, vitamin D gained from sun exposure and cancer risk.

"Several ecological studies, including one conducted in Australia, have suggested that people living in areas with high sun exposure have lower risk for pancreatic cancer," Neale said. "However, some studies of circulating vitamin D indicate that people with high vitamin D are at increased risk, and one study of vitamin D intake supports this increased risk."

The results of this study support the existing ecological data which indicate that sun exposure has a protective effect against pancreatic cancer.

Neale and colleagues recruited 714 people in Queensland, Australia, between 2007 and 2011. They were matched by age and sex to 709 control participants. All participants were interviewed about socio-demographic information and medical history. In addition, they were asked about the location of their birth, skin cancer history and skin type, defined by skin color, tanning ability and propensity to sunburn.

Using NASA's Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer, the researchers assigned a level of ultraviolet radiation to each birth location and then split them into thirds based on how much radiation was present.

Participants born in areas with the highest levels of ultraviolet radiation had a 24 percent lower risk for pancreatic cancer compared with those born in areas of low ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, although all skin types had some significant association with pancreatic cancer risk, those classified as having the most sun-sensitive skin had a 49 percent decreased risk for pancreatic cancer compared with those classified as having the least sun-sensitive skin. Finally, participants with a history of skin cancer or other sun-related skin lesions had a 40 percent lower risk for pancreatic cancer than those who had not reported skin lesions.

"There is increasing interest in the role of sun exposure, which has been largely attributed to the effect of vitamin D, on cancer incidence and mortality," Neale explained. "It is important that we understand the risks and benefits of sun exposure because it has implications for public health messages about sun exposure, and possibly about policy related to vitamin D supplementation or food fortification."

Moving forward, Neale recommended that researchers conduct large cohort studies that measure sun exposure comprehensively, and serum vitamin D.

"There are several trials of vitamin D that are either under way or planned, and pooling data from these might give some clue about vitamin D and pancreatic cancer," Neale said.

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Helpful Tips For Healing A Gluten-Ravaged Body

by Sayer Ji

Many of us ate wheat and gluten-containing products from infanthood into adulthood, unaware of the many adverse health effects that came with this socially–sanctioned dietary practice, until our bodies forced us to fully appreciate the darker side of wheat.

Cataplex B

Now, having thrust a baguette into the glutinous heart of the wheat monster, many of us have bodies that are still recovering from its ravages.

This article is for those who need guidance on how to repair the damage.

Most of the relevant research is from studies on those suffering from celiac disease.  Of the dozen or so that we have indexed thus far,[i] the evidence supporting these three natural substances is the most compelling:

B-Complex: Celiac disease is associated with an autoimmune destruction of the absorptive surface of the intestines, as well as a profound imbalance and/or deficiency of the friendly bacteria that constitute a necessary precondition for both the production and absorption of nutrients within the gut, i.e. dysbios. This amounts to a double-whammy when it comes to the B group vitamins. The entire B group vitamin series is synthesized by friendly gut bacteria, if found in appropriate quantities and ratios. Their absorption depends upon the health of the vili, which are severely damaged and flattened in celiac disease, and non-celiac gluten-related enteropathies.  A 2009 study published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics found that supplementation with B vitamins improved the health of patients with celiac disease already living on a gluten-free diet. They noticed "Adults with longstanding coeliac disease taking extra B vitamins for 6 months showed normalized tHcy [plasma total homocysteine] and significant improvement in general well-being, suggesting that B vitamins should be considered in people advised to follow a gluten-free diet."[ii]

Carnitine: Carnitine has been observed to be low in children with celiac disease. [iii] It has also been noted that adult patients with celiac disease and cardiomyopathy of unknown origin have low levels of carnitine, which is improved on a gluten-free diet.[iv]  A 2007 study published in the journal Digestive and Liver Disease found that L-carnitine treatment was safe and effective in ameliorating fatigue in patients with celiac disease using 2 grams daily for 180 days.[v]

Pancreatic Enzymes: Celiac disease, and severe gluten intolerance, causes quite a bit of damage and enervation to vital organs, including the pancreas.  A study published in 2007 in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics found that pancreatic insufficiency causing persistent symptoms in adults with celiac disease is reduced following pancreatic enzyme supplementation.[vi]

Additional research of value can be found on our Intestinal Permeability research section, which includes over 30 natural substances of potential value. The top three most supported by the evidence we have accumulated thus far are: probiotics, zinc, oats (make sure it is a gluten-free manufacturer), and curcumin, the primary polyphenol in the spice turmeric.  

Also, it is important to recognize that many explicitly gluten free foods, including potato, tomato and rice, have lectins which bind to the same molecular targets as wheat gluten, hence complicating matters and interfering with healing in those who are following a strictly gluten-free diet. For more on this read: Rice, Potato, and Tomato May Be As Inflammatory As Wheat.  In a nutshell, it may be necessary to focus on eliminating lectin-rich foods, many of which already excluded in a Paleo-diet, such as nightshades, beans, grains and dairy products.

Finally, a word should be said about prevention, as whenever possible it is best to prevent the damage associated with wheat and gluten, rather than the much more difficult prospect of trying to undo the damage once it is already done.

Research shows that longer breastfeeding and continuation of breastfeeding after gluten introduction delays the onset of classic celiac disease.[vii]  Cesarean delivery is also associated with increased celiac disease prevalence in children.[viii] [ix]  Chewing food thoroughly may also reduce the risk of celiac disease because the oral cavity contains a novel and rich source of gluten-degrading enzymes, hence reducing the antigenicity of gluten.[x]

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MSG Hidden in Variety of Foods and Contributing To Illness

by Grocery Geek

Despite common perception, the toxic food additive MSG is everywhere – not just in Chinese food! This taste enhancer is actually hidden under dozens of ingredient names in all sorts of processed foods, restaurant foods, beverages, chewing gums, vitamins and supplements. It is added to foods in higher dosages than ever before, and more and more people are experiencing symptoms.

Detox Protocol

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is a health concern because it contains glutamate. Glutamate is the salt form of "Free Glutamic Acid" – a toxin that is associated with serious health problems such as digestive distress, heart attacks, Fibromyalgia, behavior problems, insulin resistance, weight gain, and a long list of other symptoms. [1, 2, 3, 4]

Due to insufficient labeling laws, food companies use many hidden names to disguise Free Glutamic Acid in their ingredients lists. So consumers must look for more than just "MSG" on food labels.

To understand why processed Free Glutamic Acid is associated with so many health problems, it is helpful to learn about natural Glutamic Acid – an amino acid (a building block of protein) that occurs naturally in the body as one of many excitatory neurotransmitters (chemicals that "excite" cells into action).

Glutamatic Acid also occurs naturally in certain unprocessed, whole foods (e.g., tomatoes). In this natural form, it is bound (i.e., linked) together with other amino acids to form a protein. Once ingested, the protein is broken down slowly by the digestive system. The Glutamic Acid is released gradually into the blood stream and is non-toxic. If one ingests more than the body needs, the cells clear away the excess just as they were designed to do. The digestion of these natural, whole food sources releases such a small amount of Glutamic Acid that even people who react to processed MSG can usually tolerate them.

When food manufacturers break down a protein (usually from corn, soy or wheat) to make processed Free Glutamic Acid, they "free" the glutamic acid from the links that bind it to other amino acids in nature. When one ingests this already-broken-down, free form of Glutamic Acid, blood levels of glutamate can spike to more than 20 times the usual amount because the digestive system does not have to work to break down the links. The human nervous system is not equipped to handle such quickly-absorbed doses. The excess glutamate cannot be efficiently cleared away, so it accumulates around the cells throughout the body, over-exciting them to the point of damage or death.

This disruption at the cellular level leads to a range of physiological reactions that may be as minor as a runny nose or as life-threatening as a heart attack. According to experts like Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., Free Glutamic Acid is a toxin, not an allergen. Some people are sensitive to lower dosages than others, but it affects everyone to some degree. [2]

There is often a delay between ingestion and onset of symptoms, preventing many people from realizing the connection. Most acute symptoms will display within 48 hours (many within 30 minutes) of ingestion, but some health effects (e.g., obesity, infertility) have been demonstrated in lab mice long after exposure.

Because glutamate receptors line various organs and tissues (brain, heart, lungs, reproductive organs, digestive tract, etc.) throughout the body, ingesting processed Free Glutamic Acid can disrupt just about any system and cause a wide variety of symptoms. Luckily, much of this damage is reversible, and many sufferers resolve their symptoms (often within 7-10 days) by completely eliminating Free Glutamic Acid from their diets. [2]

Are you wondering if you would notice any difference by eliminating toxic ingredients from your diet? Why not challenge yourself to make some changes! Start by skipping the drive-thru and preparing a meal at home from basic, whole food ingredients. Begin to minimize your reliance on processed food, and learn to thoroughly review every ingredient list to be sure that you are not ingesting any of these hidden forms of MSG. It takes more time and effort, of course, but you’re worth it!