Customer Testimonials


Dear Utopia Silver,
I just want to say thank you so much for your site. I wrote to you about my Hep C not too long ago and am replying with my results. I went to the doc. on July 10 and my blood count was at 1 million and went down to 38 thousand. I am so grateful. I go back in Nov. and before I do they want me to take another blood test because, quote unquote, this disease the Hep C can hide and then show up again. They just want to do a liver biopsy. I refuse to take the meds too. My friend works in the clinic and said all my work came out excellent.

So I will write back in Nov. and let you all know. I sure feel back to normal again and I give this stuff to everyone. The cats, birds and even my plants. Were all great here.

Name Withheld

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