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Are Cell Phones Really So Bad For Your Health?

by: Lloyd Burrell

(NaturalNews) Cells phones are one of the most utilized, most convenient inventions of the twentieth century. While there are definite advantages to using cell phones, e.g., being in contact with loved ones at all times, as with any convenience or luxury there are usually some downfalls or consequences. With cell phones the consequences can be detrimental and therefore, should not be dismissed lightly.

Radiation Protocol

The consequences of cell phone use
Cell phones are a source of electromagnetic fields, radiation which creates change in anything it comes into contact with. EMFs emanate from mobile phones and because of how phones are used, these EMFs come into direct contact with the brain.

More than a dozen studies have linked using a cell phone for a long period of time — ten years or more — with a higher incidence of brain tumors and acoustic neuromas. These critical diagnoses are even more common when phones aren't switched from one side of the head to the other when engaged in conversation.

Other adverse health effects include:

• Evidence of leukemia, breast cancer and other cancers.

• Neurological concerns and changes in the nervous system.

• A much higher risk of salivary gland tumors.

Supporting studies
A study from the Medical University of Graz in Austria showed that cell phone use negatively affects sperm quality in men. A similar study from 2009 examined men in the height of their reproductive years and found infertility and the ability to father a healthy baby were compromised by cell phone usage.

Cells phones are also a source of perfluorooctanoic acid, a harmful chemical which has been linked to heart disease, cancer and female reproductive/developmental damage.

Cell phones are not the only problem. Cell phone towers, as well as other wireless devices, are responsible for contributing non-ionizing radio frequencies into the environment. Both the World Health Organization and the International Association for Research on Cancer have classified the electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones as a 2B, possible carcinogen. The towers and the phones themselves are constantly emitting microwave radiation. Even when cell phones are not in use they are putting out EMFs.

Viable Solutions
According to the Environmental Working Group, after wireless industry representatives met with the Federal Communications Commission in 2010, information on the FCC's site which had previously been supportive of purchasing safer — lower radiation — cell phones was eliminated and replaced with the following:

"Does not endorse the need for these practices."

When government organizations and industry work together it is not always in the best interest of the consumer. This means finding viable solutions without depending upon government or industry recommendations.

Solutions that can be easily implemented include:

• Minimizing use.

• Using a shielded wire headset or speaker phone.

• Keeping phone at a reasonable distance from the body.

• Turning your phone off when not in use.

• Using a land line with a corded phone whenever possible.

• Texting instead of talking.

• Switching phone from one side of the head to the other.

• Avoid using your phone when reception is poor.

Researchers are continuing to study EMFs and their connection to health in terms of long-lasting and future effects. Whatever conclusions are reached, minimizing the effects now instead of later is timely and crucial.

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