Ask Utopia Silver


Dear Utopia Silver,

Do you have any supplements that MAY help with diabetes and hypertension?
Thank You,
Nancy in Pennsylvania

Hi Nancy,

Generally, the most important supplement anyone can take is Plant Derived Minerals. Minerals are the building blocks of all the enzymes that enable and control all other body functions. Nothing in the body will work properly, nor can the body properly absorb other nutrients or vitamins without the proper minerals, both major and trace. For more info, go to:

For pancreas support, there are several other essential and helpful supplements, Chromium Picolinate, Calcium and Magnesium, Digestive Enzymes, Pancreatin, Vitamin B Complex, Inositol and Coenzyme Q10. We have most of these on our website, as well as an Insulin Support formula.

Some of these same minerals are also essential to healthy cardio-vascular function, such as minerals, calcium and magnesium and Coenzyme Q10.

For heart support, go to,

For Pancreas support, go to, .

For stress, go to, and

For both these conditions, a lifestyle change is also essential. You should be eating a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in junk food and processed sugars, as well as limiting your fat consumption. You can never forget about keeping your body physically fit by getting an adequate amount of exercise, especially a daily walk or two outside in the sunshine.

You are appreciated in Utopia.
Ben Taylor

Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315

Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness.

Customer Testimonials


Dear Ben,

I just wanted to write to you to tell you how extremely impressed I was with what you had to say in [an earlier] newsletter preceeding [your] article regarding the FDA. I also would like to say that you are not alone in your observations of the state (or crisis, if you will) that this country is in with regard to our civil rights…, privacy, health choices, possessing firearms and as you said, our God-given and inalienable rights to be individuals whose choices are their own and not to be dictated to us by the tyranny of our government.  I just cannot say enough about how well you said all that you did. Kudos to you. Have a wonderful day.  And by the way we couldn't be more pleased with our silver generator. I use that water for everything; it is miraculous at what it can heal isn't it?


Living By Grace

2008: The Year of New Beginnings

My friend Ben Taylor, owner of Utopia Silver Supplements, recently invited me to begin writing for the Silver Bulletin E-Newsletter. I feel very honored and humbled to be able to do so. My goal is to inspire you, the readers Ben and his staff care so much about, to lift you up, and to possibly guide you in some small way to live life to the fullest. Sometimes I will write about health, sometimes about life, and hopefully a lot about love, joy, and peace.
I am a Christian, saved in 1977. I was a professional viola player and taught Suzuki for years. When I started having babies, I chose homebirths and became a midwife myself. There is nothing like bringing new people into the world. I was responsible for the prenatal care of many mothers. I studied health and nutrition, which drove me to study alternative and naturopathic healthcare. I became a health nut, which I still am to this day.  

I was also drawn to, and later convicted to, homeschool my children. God blessed me with seven children, and gave me a Biblical responsibility to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I live in Texas, and at the time I started homeschooling, the Texas Education Agency made a bureaucratic policy decision to make home education illegal. Homeschoolers didn't have a leg to stand on in court except for religious conviction. I made a conscious choice to disobey civil authority in order to obey my Supreme Authority. Many brave Texas mothers risked jail sentences for teaching their own children. By the grace of God, I have been homeschooling for 23 years.  

In 1993 I began to notice weakness in my upper arms. The weakness began to spread to other parts of my body. I finally saw a doctor about it in 1999. What followed was over a year of harrowing tests, nightmarish procedures, and flesh-scarring biopsies before a diagnosis was made in 2001. Imagine the poor doctor who had to inform a mother with seven young children- four of them under the age of seven- that she had muscular dystrophy, an incurable and progressive disease, and had a 30% chance of living her life in a wheelchair.  

I died that day- died and then rose again. I have learned to play the hand I was dealt. I had to make a choice. Do I spend the rest of my life living? Or do I spend it dying? Like Joshua in the Old Testament, I chose that day Whom I would serve, and I chose to live. I learned to find the joy in the midst of suffering. I learned to find the positive among the black clouds of negativity. I am learning, at present, how to love myself. Being dealt that card was one of the best things that ever happened to me.  

I became a student on a relentless search for a cure that, so far, hasn't been found. I came to a website called Curezone and found love, acceptance, and a lot of great health information. I met Tony Isaacs there, and later, Ben Taylor. Now I get to meet you.  

Spend your life living and not dying. Find the joy in life. Let go and have fun. Life is beautiful. Allow 2008 to be your year to begin life anew.

The Best Years In Life

A Plan for Living a Long and Healthy Life – Part 1

Turning the Odds for a Long, Healthy Life to Your Favor

Life is a gamble, and right now, chances are that the odds are very much stacked against you. The contamination in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the highly processed and additive-filled foods you eat all combine to work against you.  Add to that the likelihood of years of lack of proper diet and exercise, lack of proper sleep, the side-effects from taking too many medications, the failure of modern medicine to properly treat and cure disease, and perhaps even your heredity, and the odds can appear to be very long indeed.  The good news is that you can turn those odds back in your favor no matter how old you are, no matter what your physical condition is, no matter what your heredity is and no matter how many years you have neglected to live a healthy life.

As anybody knows, nothing is 100%, and life is no exception.  However, it is pretty easy to see that the odds are pretty strong that you will ultimately face ill health and live a shorter life than otherwise might be the case if you continue to let an unhealthy lifestyle keep stacking the deck against you.  On the other hand, if you follow the advice in this simple series of articles, you can turn the odds very much in favor of living a much longer, healthier and happier life.

Before we look at how you can give yourself the best chances for good health and a long life, it would be a good idea to understand just what we have done, and what has been done to us, to cheat us out of the healthy and happy years we could have.  My own education was an eye-opener and hopefully will also be one for you.

In the beginning – an eye-opening journey

Somewhere around the time I reached my mid-forties I finally began to come face to face with the reality of my own mortality.  All of my friends were getting older, many of them were bothered by various health problems and several were beginning to carry around quite a little satchel filled with bottles of medications that they took daily.  As for myself, I know that I seemed to look the same every day in the mirror (except for certain Mondays after I had spent the weekend acting like I still was young and immortal), but when I looked at pictures taken a decade or so ago, the difference was pretty obvious.  And I knew that I wasn't quite as fast and lively as I was in my 20's and 30's.  So, I reluctantly had to admit that chances were pretty good that I wasn't going to stay young and live forever, and, when I thought about all the bad habits in such areas as lifestyle, diet, exercise and sleep, I really began to be concerned about what I might be able to do to live as long and as healthy of a life as I could.  I began to research health and aging, looking for ways to have more energy and vitality, live longer, and avoid or conquer the diseases and physical conditions that are common in our later years.
When I began my journey and started looking into subjects like anti-aging and disease prevention, I expected to find most of the answers I sought in modern science and medicine.  Although I had a certain amount of respect for folk medicine and the tradition of natural cures, I was pretty much one of those "real drugs for real cures" kind of people who thought that the answer to any health problem was best found in modern medical facilities and on the shelves of modern pharmacies.  I thought that for the most part, folk cures and natural remedies were pretty much superstition and unsupported myth.  If I became ill enough to seek help, my first and only thought was to go see a licensed modern medical doctor and get the latest wonder drug for my illness.  As for so-called alternative medicines, whether it was called naturopathic, homeopathic, folk or chinese medicine, well, I gave that about as much consideration as I would snake oil or the eye of a newt, or tongue of a toad – no witches brew or old wives tales medicine for me!  I found out that I was terribly mistaken!
First the bad news: our medicine has fooled us & our government has failed us
The more I checked into modern medicine, the world pharmaceutical giants and regulatory agencies like the FDA, the more worried and disillusioned I became.  I wondered why the death rate of cancer and heart disease was virtually unchanged for several decades, why so many drugs were being recalled because of serious, even fatal, side effects.  And I kept reading about natural remedies that seemed to be much more effective without serious side effects for many forms of cancers and other diseases when all modern medicine had to offer was long term treatments with little odds of success and horrible, debilitating side effects.  Then one day I came upon the following statement from former FDA Commissioner Dr Herbert Ley:
"The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it’s doing are as different as night and day."
As if that wasn’t disturbing enough, I then read the results from one of the FDA's own studies released in December 2004 (only after a freedom of information request resulted in the study finally being released two years after it was completed).  According to the study, fully two-thirds of the very scientists that the FDA used to determine if drugs were safe stated that they lacked faith in the FDA's ability to determine drug safety.  And one out of five of them admitted that they had been pressured to approve drugs that they felt were unsafe.  What was going on here?
The more I read and researched, the less willing I became with unquestionably trusting modern medicine and modern drugs.  At the same time, I became more and more impressed with what I discovered about natural healing, herbs and supplements.  In  hundreds of articles, testimonials, and medical studies, I found that there are thousands of people all over the world avoiding diseases, living longer and successfully beating diseases through natural healing and alternative medicines with far fewer side effects than conventional medicine.  Why, I wondered, had modern medicine not embraced this fact?  Why did more people not know about this?  It seemed like to me that someone should be shouting from the rooftops: “CANCER! AIDS! HEPATITIS-C! HEART DISEASE! HIGH CHOLESTEROL! STRESS! STROKE! PROSTRATE DISEASE! KIDNEY DISEASE!  YOU DON’T HAVE TO DIE! YOU DON’T HAVE TO SUFFER! AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO SPEND AN ARM AND A LEG!”
Soon, the answer became all too apparent:  The largest single source of funding for medical schools is the trillion dollar world pharmaceutical industry.  Does anyone think that it is a coincidence that since early in the twentieth century, modern medicine has taught our physicians to treat disease by prescribing synthetic drugs – drugs made by the same people who funded their medical schools?  For years modern medicine has been taught to ignore natural cures and treatments, or else taught that they such things don’t work.  The FDA has been co-opted into an agency that serves primarily to protect the marketplace of the pharmaceutical industry and suppress natural competition.  Diet and natural herbs and supplements were not only ignored, they were suppressed, for the very simple reason that THERE WAS NO PROFIT IN IT!
Perhaps the most striking proof is the fact that it has taken modern medicine and doctors fully 40 years to finally admit that vitamins are beneficial!  Yes, for four decades, they denied the obvious and dismissed the idea of adding vitamins to our diets as worthless!  Today, as nutrition and natural healing are finally gaining wider acceptance among the medical profession, the big international pharmaceutical companies are fighting back by resisting alternate cures on one hand while on the other hand spending hundreds of millions of dollars on efforts to limit public access to vitamins and supplements. Their tactics are obvious, limit the competition from natural medicine for as long as possible, and then co-opt natural alternative by restricting public access and bringing the herbs and vitamins under their control so that they can drive up the price and keep their profits growing!
As it is, no herb or natural treatment or remedy can be labeled or even advertised legally as a cure or treatment. Think in terms of cancer, for example.  If someone had a herbal supplement where 90% of the patients who took it became disease free, it still cannot be labeled or advertised as a cure or even as a treatment, while a synthetic lab-created chemical that kills more people than it cures can take out full page advertisements in national magazines.  And that is how the public interest is protected from all of those dangerous herbs, which result in maybe 50 deaths a year compared to 106,000 deaths per year for properly prescribed medications that can be advertised as cures and treatments.  Not to mention the 2,000,000 serious drug reactions from properly prescribed medications.

We would like to think otherwise, but the almighty dollar, pound, frank, deutschemark and ruble have dictated otherwise.  To the big drug companies and the doctors that prescribe their medicines, our body is their marketplace.  And the only way for an industry to grow is to increase the market.  That simply cannot happen if too many diseases are cured; in fact, it means just the opposite – diseases must increase!  And that is just what has happened: few cures and more side effects.  Cure rates for major diseases are virtually unchanged over the past 30 or more years.  Depending on the source, anywhere from 50-95% of modern drugs have not only side effects, but serious side-effects.

Death from prescription drug side effects is now the fourth leading cause of death in the United States according to the medical industry itself (the AMA Journal) – and that doesn’t include deaths that are reported to be caused by the original disease that really were the result of drug side-effects, or of miss-prescribed medications that are not reported by doctors leery of malpractice suits and malpractice insurance premium increases (one survey found that only 1 in 24 doctors would voluntarily report themselves in the event of a patient dying of miss-prescribed medications).  When all factors are taken into consideration, improper medical treatment and prescription drugs are considered by some authorities as actually being the second leading cause of death in our country!

Sadly, my friends, if the following applies to a treatment or medication,

1. It works.
2. It's inexpensive.
3. Few, if any, negative side effects.
4. It's not patentable

—odds are it will stay on the black list because no one is going to spend a dime to prove its effectiveness or to prescribe it. Medicine is a business. Cancer and other diseases are part of that business. The FDA serves and protects the drug companies and the AMA from anyone with an inexpensive and effective treatment for money making diseases.

At this point I should probably add that I am not one of the conspiracy nuts who believes that all of our doctors and our governments and big medicine have joined together in a grand scheme to keep us from being healthy.  In fact, I think that the big majority of doctors are dedicated, well meaning and hard working individuals.  The failure of modern medicine lies in the ways that modern medicine has been taught and practiced, the way that alternative treatments and supplements have been regulated, and the way that an unhealthy amount of greed on the part of the drug companies have combined to rob us of the good health that we might otherwise have.

Then there is the environment.  Ever since the industrial revolution began, we have been pouring an increasing number and amount of toxic chemicals and waste into our air, our water and our food.  In the beginning, much of the fault was due to lack of knowledge of the chemicals we used as solvents, pesticides, paints, fuels and any number of other products and industrial processes.  Today, that is no longer an excuse.

Despite the advances in modern science that have identified the damage that the toxic chemicals industry and fuel burning have wreaked on our environment, the process to clean up the environment is woefully slow and industry resists costly expenses to clean up at every step of the way, while the government is often all too willing to drag it’s feet and backtrack in enforcing or passing regulations to protect us.  The well-heeled propaganda machine that serves industry and the politicians their money contributes generously to may paint environmentalist as “tree huggers” and radicals, but the scientific evidence is indisputable:  the progress of industry has come at a huge cost to the public.

Today, the National Toxicology Program (NTP), part of the National Institutes of Health, lists 246 agents in our environment which are either known to cause cancer or reasonably expected to cause cancer, and many feel that the number is tremendously overstated.  For example, the Health Science Institute tells us that the average glass of water contains 2000 carcinogens.  And no matter which side of the environmental fence you may be on, no one who hasn’t lived with their head in the sand, is not aware of the lead, arsenic and mercury that that has been pouring into our environment for over a century now.

Next, we have to factor in the fact that over-farming and widespread use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers have made the food we eat today much less healthy than it was only a couple of generations ago.  The same is true for the foods we buy off the shelf in our local grocers.  Over-processing has removed much of the nutrients while harmful ingredients have been added to increase shelf life and enhance flavor and texture.  Combined with America’s love for fast food, our diet can no longer be counted on to come anywhere close to giving us all the vitamins and nutrients that we evolved to require, much less the ones needed to offset the damages caused by pollution, additives and the sheer stress of modern life.

With so much bad news, is there hope?  Fortunately, that answer is a resounding YES!
And then the good news – It’s never too late!
When you look at someone and say “Doesn’t he or she look young for their age”,  or you remark that someone “sure has a lot of energy for their age”, what you are really seeing is someone who looks, acts and feels a lot closer to what they should for their age than you do.  Whether they were blessed with good genetics, or more likely,  have taken better care of themselves, the real question is: how do you acquire the kind of health and vitality and become the kind of person that people say the same things about.  And, most importantly, is it too late?

The good news is that it is NOT too late – no matter what your age may be.  Recent studies have shown conclusively that people in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s can change their diet and lifestyle and undo most of the damage that a lifetime of neglect has caused.  That’s right, a person who is obese, sedentary, has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoker’s lungs, and other health problems can essentially reverse those problems if they take action NOW and virtually catch up to the same health and vitality of a person who has spent their entire life eating right, exercising and living a healthy lifestyle!  Even people in their 70’s, 80’s and beyond can add quality years to their lives by changing their diets and exercise.  The key is, no matter what your age, you should take action NOW, because a neglected body in poor shape is a ticking time bomb that you want to defuse before it really is too late.  So, with everything to gain and nothing to lose, let’s get started!

Featured Articles

Extend Your Life With Enzymes

As precious as powdered gold, enzymes are extremely valuable for anyone interested in health. Simply said, they prolong life! Although best known for their power as a digestive aid, their hidden potential far surpasses that function. Let me explain.There are two types of enzymes produced by and in our body:

(1) Digestive enzymes – to digest food

(2) Metabolic enzymes – which we depend on for life

Metabolism is the total of all chemical changes that take place in a cell or an organism to produce energy and basic materials needed for important life processes. Metabolic enzymes, perfectly named, are involved in every process of the human body. In fact, even digestive enzymes start as metabolic enzymes. Besides our day-to-day life processes of build up and breakdown, these little powerhouses are catalysts that take an active role in repairing any damage done to our body through injury, stress, poor eating or lifestyle habits, environmental contaminants, and the passage of time.

Unfortunately, we don't have an unlimited supply of metabolic enzymes. We are born with a certain reserve of these petite miracles, and when we run out, our life ends. Our body does, to some extent, replenish metabolic enzymes, but the numbers used versus the numbers added still makes them something to cherish.

When you take any type of enzyme, you are conserving your storehouse of metabolic enzymes. Enzymes taken with food, for example, save the metabolic enzymes that would have needed to convert into digestive enzymes. Although raw food retains its natural enzymes, it is good to remember that within an hour of picking, a great percentage of the enzymes are lost. It's a sad affair to know that when we buy produce from the health food store, it has voyaged by truck (god knows how many miles), and has likely been sitting on the shelf for days. Therefore, it is a life-prolonging practice to take digestive enzymes with meals.

Enzymes taken on an empty stomach serve an incredibly different function than digestion. These enzymes are immediately directed to the metabolic processes of our bodies. There are experiments that involve coupling radioactive particles with ingested enzymes, allowing scientists to track the path of enzymes. Results prove that enzymes taken on an empty stomach do indeed assist the metabolic functions of our body, including the miraculous repair of any damage sustained by the body. Translation: More life – we age slower and have more energy!

Our bodies are designed in such a way that we do not have to consciously play a part in the trillions of actions taking place in the body. However, oftentimes, we miss out on the effect our actions have, good or bad. If you take enzymes today, you may not notice any phenomenal immediate change. In the long run, you will appreciate your enzyme-rich prolonged life. You could live a long and healthy life without ever taking enzymes . Yet, what could your life be like with them? I feel it is foolish to not use this powdered gold every day for the rest of our lives.

Featured Articles

Constitutional Responses to Terrorism

It has been over 6 years since the atrocities of September 11 were committed and there are still some very basic measures that need to be taken to bring the perpetrators to justice and make America safer.  I have proposed legislation to help with these efforts and will continue to fight in Congress for the safety and security of the American people.
My legislation entitled The Marque and Reprisal Act of 2007 (HR 3216) makes the surgical strike option available to the President in our mission to capture Bin Laden.  Our military has been pursuing him without result for far too long now, and it is high time ALL constitutional tools were utilized in the hunt for this dangerous madman.  As an American it sickens me to know that Bin Laden and top leaders of al Qaeda remain at large and thumbing their noses at us, while we unravel the sacred fabric of our constitution out of fear.  It is Osama Bin Laden and the perpetrators of terrorist attacks that ought to be afraid of us, not the other way around.  The answers are found in the Constitution.  We should boldly root out the perpetrators and not let them get away with their crimes against us.  As the home of the brave we should use Letters of Marque and Reprisal to bring Bin Laden to justice.  

Also, we need to take serious steps to prevent terrorists from gaining easy access to targets on our soil.  Quite alarmingly, even with the knowledge that the 19 terrorist hijackers entered our country legally, and that 15 of them were from Saudi Arabia , student visas from terrorist sponsoring countries are still far too easily obtained.  In a baffling move President Bush struck a deal with Saudi King Abdullah in 2005 to allow 21,000 more Saudi young men into the US on student Visas.  Of course, not all students from terror sponsoring countries are terrorists, but I place a higher premium on the security of the American people than the convenience of citizens of hostile countries.  We should not be making the goals of would-be terrorists easier to accomplish, but rather should be vigilant about defending against enemies at every turn.  They should not be slipping through our doors so easily, using our immigration laws against us, and that is why I proposed the Terror Immigration Elimination Act (HR 3217) to toughen standards for VISAS from countries on the State Department's list of terrorist sponsoring countries in addition to Saudi Arabia .  Just as you decide who to invite to a dinner party in your home, we should be in charge of who we allow in this country, without apology.

A lot has been done to fight the War on Terror and much of it has been misdirected, but there are some tools still needed and more progress to be made.  My bills The Marque and Reprisal Act of 2007 and The Terror Immigration Elimination Act are logical steps in the right direction.

Featured Articles

The Sunshine Vitamin: It’s good for your heart, too

Yet more good news for sun worshippers and those who eat plenty of oily fish: the vitamin D derived from either activity reduces your risk of heart disease and increases your survival chances if you have cancer.
These latest benefits from the "sunshine vitamin" follow the discovery announced several weeks ago that the vitamin also reduces the risks of epilepsy.


In one study involving 1,739 participants, researchers discovered that those with low levels of vitamin D are twice as likely to suffer a cardiovascular problem such as heart attack, heart failure or stroke.

In a separate study, researchers found that sunshine also reduces your chances of dying from cancer. The vitamin D produced by solar radiation in countries below the Equator was 3.4 times greater than in northern countries such as the UK. Although the incidence of major cancers was higher in lower latitudes, the survival rate was dramatically better.

(Sources: Circulation doi: 10.1161.circulationaha,107.706127 (heart study); Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America doi:10.1073/pnas.0710615105 (cancer study)).

Featured Articles

France Best, U.S. Worst in Preventable Death Ranking

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – France, Japan and Australia rated best and the United States worst in new rankings focusing on preventable deaths due to treatable conditions in 19 leading industrialized nations, researchers said on Tuesday.

If the U.S. health care system performed as well as those of those top three countries, there would be 101,000 fewer deaths in the United States per year, according to researchers writing in the journal Health Affairs.

Researchers Ellen Nolte and Martin McKee of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine tracked deaths that they deemed could have been prevented by access to timely and effective health care, and ranked nations on how they did.

They called such deaths an important way to gauge the performance of a country's health care system.

Nolte said the large number of Americans who lack any type of health insurance — about 47 million people in a country of about 300 million, according to U.S. government estimates — probably was a key factor in the poor showing of the United States compared to other industrialized nations in the study.

"I wouldn't say it (the last-place ranking) is a condemnation, because I think health care in the U.S. is pretty good if you have access. But if you don't, I think that's the main problem, isn't it?" Nolte said in a telephone interview.

In establishing their rankings, the researchers considered deaths before age 75 from numerous causes, including heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, diabetes, certain bacterial infections and complications of common surgical procedures.

Such deaths accounted for 23 percent of overall deaths in men and 32 percent of deaths in women, the researchers said.

France did best — with 64.8 deaths deemed preventable by timely and effective health care per 100,000 people, in the study period of 2002 and 2003. Japan had 71.2 and Australia had 71.3 such deaths per 100,000 people. The United States had 109.7 such deaths per 100,000 people, the researchers said.

After the top three, Spain was fourth best, followed in order by Italy, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Greece, Austria, Germany, Finland, New Zealand, Denmark, Britain, Ireland and Portugal, with the United States last.


The researchers compared these rankings with rankings for the same 19 countries covering the period of 1997 and 1998. France and Japan also were first and second in those rankings, while the United States was 15th, meaning it fell four places in the latest rankings.

All the countries made progress in reducing preventable deaths from these earlier rankings, the researchers said. These types of deaths dropped by an average of 16 percent for the nations in the study, but the U.S. decline was only 4 percent.

The research was backed by the Commonwealth Fund, a private New York-based health policy foundation.

"It is startling to see the U.S. falling even farther behind on this crucial indicator of health system performance," Commonwealth Fund Senior Vice President Cathy Schoen said.

"The fact that other countries are reducing these preventable deaths more rapidly, yet spending far less, indicates that policy, goals and efforts to improve health systems make a difference," Schoen added in a statement.

Laughter, The Best Medicine

Profound Things To Think About For Those Who Take Life Too Seriously

1. Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.
2. A day without sunshine is like, night …or is there something else?
3. On the other hand, you have different fingers.
4. I just got lost in thought; and it was unfamiliar territory.
5. 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.
6. 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
7. I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
8. Honk if you love peace and quiet.
9. Remember, almost half the people you know are below average.
10. He who laughs last, thinks slowest. HMMM, What does that mean?

11. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
12. The early bird may get the worm, but the mouse second in line gets the cheese in the trap.
13. I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol.
14. Support bacteria; they're the only culture some people have.
15. Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your week.
16. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
17. Save the whales; collect the whole set.
18. Get a new car for your husband; it'll be a great trade and it may even smell better.
19. Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.
20. Always try to be modest, and be proud of it!
21. If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of credit card payments.
22. How many of you believe in psycho-kinesis? Raise my hand…
23. OK, we know light is pretty fast, but what's the speed of dark?
24. How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?
25. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
26. When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
27. Hard work pays off in the future; laziness pays off now.
28. Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have film or is it now a memory stick?
29. If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
30. How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?
31. Eagles may soar, but armadillos don't get sucked into jet engines.
32. What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
33. I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.
34. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
35. Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
36. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.
37. Just remember – if the world didn't suck, we would all fall off.
38. Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

Natural Remedies


Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Emphysema

• Mix one teaspoon garlic oil, and three teaspoons honey . Take three times a day.
Colloidal Silver . A natural anti-biotic that destroys bacteria, viruses, and fungi and promotes healing. Can be inhaled with a mist sprayer and taken orally.

• Dong Quai Root, Poria Sclerotium, Asparagus Root, Tangerine Peel, Gardena Fruit, White Mulberry Root, Skullcap Root, Licorice Root. All these natural products are reputed in powder or tea to aid in breaking up bronchial congestion and reducing inflammation of bronchial tissue. These items, although hard to find individually can be found in a blend called “Clear Lungs ”.

Vitamin A /Beta Carotene. Promotes healing and protects all tissue. Liquid Life Complete

• Fenugreek Tea. Take this tea every few hours and it will help break up the mucus in your lungs.

Coenzyme Q10 . Aids in improving breathing and circulation.

MSM . Clinical tests has shown that this improves lung problems such as bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, cysts, and damage from heavy smoking.

Zinc . Essential for the repair of lung tissue.

• Aromatherapy also helps. You can sniff a cotton ball soaked in pine oil and you can take a bath with a few drops of the oil in it and it should help.