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Battle Depression and Anxiety with This Inexpensive Amino Acid

by: Danna Norek

(NaturalNews) Billions of dollars are spent yearly on the costs associated with depression and anxiety disorders. It`s no surprise when you consider the statistic that about ten percent of the US population suffers from depression. Most Americans are not aware that a simple, inexpensive amino acid called 5htp can help relieve many mood issues that revolve around anxiety and depression.

Much of the significant profit made by pharmaceutical companies is made through sales of various antidepressants, anti anxiety, and mood related drugs. That`s pretty amazing considering that the average patient must try at least 3 different antidepressants before they find one that actually works for them.

Most antidepressants on the market have side effects so unsavory that the symptom may be better than the treatment. That doesn`t exactly make a great case for treating depression with these hard core meds.

These are both very good reasons to research other alternative options to help kick depression instead of going the conventional medicine route. That leads us to discuss the amino acid that many aren`t even aware of. This compound can help lessen anxiety and depression naturally, with minimal side effects. Oh, and another great thing about this supplement is that it`s dirt cheap compared to prescription medications.

The amino acid is none other than 5htp. Perhaps more known in herbal and alternative medicine circles as a great sleep aid and anti anxiety aid, many are also finding solace from their depression in 5htp.

5htp is simply an amino acid compound which is a conduit, or precursor if you will, to help the body make tryptophan, which is that calming chemical that puts you to sleep after eating a turkey dinner. This in turn creates that all important mood enhancing chemical serotonin.

5htp also plays a role in helping the body produce melatonin, which is the body`s natural "sleep" hormone that is released at night. However, 5htp does much more than relax you. It has been found to be an excellent natural mood regulator, anxiety releaser, and even an appetite suppressant in many cases.

This makes sense considering binge eaters typically have low serotonin levels. It has even been reported to help those with fibromyalgia, another disorder associated with serotonin deficiency.

As you can see, 5htp can be quite a useful supplement for several reasons, not just for mood enhancement.

So, if you want to try this easily accessible natural compound for mood enhancement, how should you start? Well, it`s important to read labeling if you should suffer from other ailments such as heart disease, or if you are already on antidepressants, as it may have contraindications you need to be aware of.

Also be mindful that when starting 5htp, you should start with a low dosage, and work your way up if you find it is not working for you. Most people that take it with success say that they take their first dose in the morning, a second dose in the middle of the day, and a third at the end of the day. This way, there is a consistent release of the mood stabilizing effects throughout the day.

Potential side effects of 5htp supplementation is diarrhea, dizziness, initial sleepiness, and nausea. Allergic reactions are always a consideration with any herbal, natural, or medical remedy, so be mindful to listen to your body when first starting out.

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