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Natural Diabetes Health: Ten Tips for Living with Type 2 Diabetes

by Brian Swift

(NaturalNews) Type 2 Diabetes is caused by a resistance to insulin. This prevents your body from properly regulating the amount of glucose in the blood. Diabetes can cause Hyperglycemia and result in several symptoms such as producing too much urine, blurry eyesight, loss of energy, and a change in metabolism (often resulting in unusual weight gain or weight loss).

Long term complications can also result from Type 2 Diabetes. These include cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, loss of eyesight, inability of the body to heal itself effectively, and foot problems leading to amputation.

Those who have a history of Diabetes in their family or are overweight are more at risk. Below are some tips that can help you to live a healthier life and avoid the serious complications that can occur from Type 2 Diabetes.

1. The Perfect Diabetic Exercise Plan – The American Diabetes Association recommends 2.5 hours of exercise per week. It should be non-impact exercise such as swimming, cycling, or yoga. The best time is an hour after breakfast or dinner. You need to exercise regularly and carefully. Exercise will lower your blood glucose levels so it is important to not over-exercise and take carbohydrates if your levels drop too low. Remember to drink plenty of water.

2. Regulate Carbohydrates & Know Their Effects – Carbohydrates can wreak havoc on your blood glucose levels so it is important to limit your intake of carbohydrates. Also be aware that different carbohydrates take different amounts of time to be absorbed and affect your blood sugar level at different rates. For example, fruit is absorbed more quickly then pasta.

3. Start Losing Weight – Weight loss can restore insulin sensitivity. Make sure to eat smaller portions, reduce your intake of saturated fat, and carefully monitor your food selections. Eating at regular times can also help with losing weight and controlling blood sugar levels.

4. Take care of your feet – Diabetes affects the circulation of blood in your body and often your feet. Diabetes can also result in the inability to properly heal sores or other injuries to your feet. If not carefully monitored, foot neuropathy can lead to infections and other complications resulting in amputation. Check for blisters and infections, clean your feet and trim toenails, notice changes or lacks in sensation, buy well fitting shoes and orthotic inserts, and always wear thicker socks to protect your feet.

5. Stop smoking – Smoking can increase insulin resistance and has been shown to create higher blood sugar levels. Smoking is generally unhealthy for your body and adds to the possibility of more severe complications later in life.

6. Monitor Blood Glucose Levels – At least 2 times a day and before eating meals you should monitor your blood sugar levels. Work with your doctor to know what these levels mean and how to help control them. If you are exercising you will need to test your glucose levels more frequently.

7. Eat More Fiber – Fiber helps your body to regulate blood sugar. Eat whole grains such as brown rice and oatmeal. Eat up to three daily servings of fresh fruits and vegetables high in fiber.

8. Stop Drinking Alcohol & Caffeine – Alcohol can affect your nerves and how your liver process fat in the blood. These types of drinks increase your risks for complications and can make regulating blood glucose levels more difficult.

9. Reduce Cholesterol and Blood Pressure – There are many natural ways to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. link: This is important to your overall health and can reduce the risk of diabetes related complications dramatically.

10. Take Care of Your Eyes – Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness. It can lead to Retinopathy and other eye problems such as cataracts. Treat eye problems at the early stages with regular eye exams and be conscious of changes to vision such as blurriness or seeing halos at night.

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Multiple Sclerosis Caused by Vitamin D Deficiency

by David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Researchers from Oxford University and the University of British Columbia have discovered that Vitamin D deficiency affects a section of the human genome already linked with multiple sclerosis (MS) risk, adding further weight to theories that this vitamin deficiency might play a role in development of the disease.

"Here we show that the main environmental risk candidate — vitamin D — and the main gene region are directly linked and interact," said co-author George Ebers.

The study was published in the journal PLoS Genetics.

MS is a disease characterized by the loss of the myelin sheath that insulates cells in the central nervous system. The loss of this insulation leads to disordered transmission of nerve signals, causing a cluster of neurological and muscular symptoms.

Scientists do not know what causes MS, but both genetic and environmental factors have been implicated. One study found that rates of the disease were significantly higher among Northern European populations who receive less sunlight than among those who receive more, suggesting a vitamin D link.

Vitamin D is produced by the body upon exposure to sunlight, and deficiencies are common in areas of the world far from the equator. The vitamin is now believed to play a critical role in immune functioning and the prevention of autoimmune diseases.

MS is highly suspected of being an autoimmune disorder.

In the current study, researchers examined a portion of chromosome six known to play a role in MS risk — the risk is three times higher among those carrying one copy of the DRB1*1501 gene variant on this chromosome, and 10 times higher among those carrying two. They found that proteins activated by vitamin D bind to and alter the functioning of a section of the chromosome right near this gene. This suggests that vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy might alter the function of fetal genes, predisposing children to MS.

"Our study implies that taking vitamin D supplements during pregnancy and the early years may reduce the risk of a child developing MS in later life," lead researcher Sreeram Ramagopalan said.

Sources for this story include:

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Antibiotics Given During Labor Cause Cerebral Palsy

by David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) The use of antibiotics during premature labor may increase an infant's risk of developing cerebral palsy, according to a study conducted by researchers from Oxford University.

"This highlights the importance of fully understanding both the immediate and long-term impact of the care and treatment that both mother and baby receive at this crucial time," said a spokesperson for the infant care nonprofit Bliss.

In 2001, the largest study of premature labor in history (known as ORACLE) concluded that the antibiotics erythromycin and co-amoxiclav could reduce negative infant outcomes in some cases of premature labor – namely, cases in which the mother's water had already broken.

In the new study, researchers followed up on the children from the ORACLE study at the age of seven and examined their rates of cerebral palsy and related problems.

Cerebral palsy refers to a variety of physical disabilities caused by damage to the brain during early development. Up to 50 percent of cerebral palsy cases arrive in premature infants (those delivered before 37 weeks of gestation).

The researchers found no negative effects among children of women who had been given antibiotics after their waters had broken. But among the rest of the children, use of either antibiotic significantly increased the risk of physical or mental impairment, and more than doubled the risk of cerebral palsy.

While only 2 percent of premature infants whose mothers had not been given antibiotics developed cerebral palsy, 5 percent of those whose mothers were given both antibiotics did.

The researchers said that antibiotics probably do not damage the infant directly, but may contribute to the risk of cerebral palsy by artificially extending gestation.

"We have a suspicion that infection is implicated in premature labor," researcher Peter Brocklehurst said. "Antibiotics may merely suppress levels of infection to stop preterm labor, but the baby remains in a hostile environment."

Health professionals emphasized that the study findings should not make pregnant women with severe infections afraid to use antibiotics, as such infections can also severely harm an unborn child.

Sources for this story include:

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Processed Meats Raise Leukemia Risk, Vegetables Lower It

by David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) A diet high in cured meats may lead to a 74 percent higher risk of childhood leukemia, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and published in the journal BMC Cancer.

Researchers examined the dietary habits and leukemia rates among 515 Taiwanese children and youths between the ages of 2 and 20. A total of 145 leukemia patients were included in the study, and each was compared with two healthy participants of the same age and sex. The scientists used detailed dietary questionnaires to determine participants' intake of cured meats including bacon, ham, hot dogs, dried salted duck, salted fish and Chinese sausage. For leukemia patients, cured meat intake was calculated for the time period before the onset of the disease; for healthy patients, intake was calculated for the beginning of the study.

The researchers found that the rate of leukemia was 74 percent higher among those who ate cured meat products more than once per week than among those who ate it less frequently. In contrast, children who ate vegetables and soy products frequently had a 50 percent lower leukemia risk than children who ate vegetables and soy products rarely.

The risk of cancer among children who ate large amounts of both cured meats and soy or vegetable products was significantly lower than the rate among those who ate large amounts of cured meats alone.

Based on the results of the study, the researchers have recommended that children limit their intake of cured meats and fish.

Cured meats have previously been linked to an elevated risk of other cancers. One of the primary suspects for this effect are the chemicals known as nitrites that are used in the preservation process.

Leukemia is a term that describes a cluster of different cancers of the blood or bone marrow, characterized by the excessive production of blood cells.

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Type 2 Diabetes Linked to Diet Soda

by Patty Donovan

(NaturalNews) A new study published in January 16, 2009 edition of Diabetes Care indicates that daily consumption of diet soda plays a key role in the development of metabolic syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of findings known to increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease and is also known as Syndrome X. Metabolic syndrome includes insulin resistance or actual Type 2 diabetes, low HDL, elevated triglycerides and central obesity (high waist circumference).

Two previous studies have shown a positive correlation between diet soda and metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. This study, the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), was designed to test the association between diet soda and the overall risk of metabolic syndrome, the various components of metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. The study conclusions support the findings of the previous two studies. Another study published in the Annals of Epidemiology in Sept, 2006, found that adults with diabetes who drank one or more diet sodas per day had hemaglobin A1C levels 0.7 percent higher than those who drank none. HemaglobinA1C is a measurement that evaluates blood glucose control over a period of approximately 3 months. That difference is what would expect to be found when one group started a new, effective diabetic medication and another group left untreated.

Those who consumed diet soda at least daily had a 36% greater risk for metabolic syndrome and a huge 67% greater risk for the development of Type 2 diabetes. Drinking diet soda daily increased the risk of Type 2 diabetes regardless of initial obesity and changes during the study. When metabolic syndrome was looked at by individual components, only high fasting blood sugar (>100mg/dL) and high waist circumference (men: 102 cm/39.78inches; women: 88 cm/34.3inches) were significantly correlated with daily consumption of diet soda.

Baseline questionnaires regarding diet soda consumption were collected between 2000 and 2002 followed by three follow up examinations: 2002-2003, 2004-2005 and 2005-2007. These exams were to specifically identify the presence of Type 2 diabetes and the various components of metabolic syndrome. For this study, Type 2 diabetes was defined as a fasting blood glucose >126mg/dL, self reported diagnosis or use of glucose lowering medication.

After all data was compiled, adjustments were made for demographics, lifestyle and dietary differences. Hazard ratios were then calculated for Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and the components of metabolic syndrome. The participants who consumed diet soda were then compared to those participants who did not drink diet soda.

Limitations of the study included: observational design which precluded findings of causality, the possibility of unaccounted for differences in diet and lifestyle, difficulties accurately estimating intake of diet sodas and different artificial sweeteners.

The study authors conclude that: "These results corroborate findings from the ARIC [Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities] and Framingham studies and show stronger adverse associations exist between diet soda and Type 2 diabetes. Diet soda consumption, either independently or in conjunction with other dietary and lifestyle behaviors, may lead to weight gain, impaired glucose control, and eventual diabetes." While this data cannot establish causality, daily consumption of diet soda was associated with significantly increased risk of certain components of metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes.

This study was done by:
Division of Epidemiology, University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston, TX, the
Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Center for Human Nutrition, Department of International Health, Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; the
Department of Nutrition, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

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Stay Home and Treat Your Cold the Natural Way

by Elizabeth Walling

(NaturalNews) You know cold season is hitting its peak when crumpled tissues start piling up next to bottles of cough syrup and antibiotics. It seems the moment someone gets the sniffles they feel compelled to visit their doctor, and more often than not, they leave their appointment with multiple prescriptions in hand. You have to wonder: is all this medication necessary?

The answer is no. Home treatment for colds can be even more effective than medications, and without the harmful side effects. Old-fashioned cold remedies can often be made with what you already have in your pantry, and the cost is much less prohibitive than the expense of a doctor`s visit and several prescriptions. Next time you feel a cold coming on, try some of these simple remedies to alleviate your symptoms and shorten the duration of your cold.

Avoid Over-the-Counter Drugs

Although these medications claim to be helpful, they can turn your cold into a nightmare. A runny nose may be irritating, but drying up nasal passages with decongestants is a surefire way to encourage the build-up of bacteria. Instead, keep you sinuses clear with natural saline sprays.

You can also make your own saline solution at home with a half teaspoon of salt dissolved in a cup of warm water. Use a bulb syringe to place three or four drops of the liquid into each nostril. Gently breathe in and avoid blowing your nose for at least thirty seconds. This gives the mixture time to break down some of the build-up in your sinuses. Repeat this several times each day until nasal passages are clear.

Over-the-counter cough syrups should also be avoided. Instead, mix lemon juice with warm water and add a bit of honey. This home remedy can soothe your cough and works equally well for sore throats.

Sinus pressure and pain is often treated with over-the-counter pain medication like acetaminophen and ibuprofen. These are only moderately effective and are known for their potential toxic side effects. Try placing a heating pad or warm washcloth over the area instead. Repeat as needed.

To speed your recovery, try natural supplements like Vitamin C, zinc and Echinacea. Taken at the first sign of a cold, these can often prevent a bad cold from developing. These supplements can also shorten the duration of your cold.

Stay Hydrated

Lack of fluids prevents healing and sets the stage for infection. Staying hydrated can prevent an advanced sinus infection which is more difficult to treat at home. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day while you`re sick. Avoid ice water which can irritate your throat.

You can also get more fluids into your system by drinking herbal teas and sipping warm broth. Chamomile tea is known for soothing coughs and sore throats. Chicken broth, especially real broth made at home, is known for its strong healing effects. The warmth of the liquids alone can often alleviate many of your cold symptoms.

Since dry conditions exacerbate cold symptoms and drain your body of fluids, setting up a humidifier can speed the healing process. Just be sure to change the water regularly and keep the system clean.


A cold weakens your immune system and causes the build up of toxins. It is highly beneficial to help the body flush out these toxins by practicing a few simple methods of detox. You should start each day with several minutes of dry skin brushing. With a natural hair brush, make sweeping strokes toward the heart over all parts of the body.

After dry brushing, take a hot shower. Hot water will encourage perspiration, which rids the body of toxins. At the end of your shower, turn the water to cool for up to 60 seconds. Switch back to hot water for another 60 seconds. Alternate hot and cold water like this for at least three cycles. This entire process should be done at least once every day until your cold is gone.

When you`ve got a cold, it`s more important than ever to get your rest and make healthy food choices. A rested and well-nourished body is the best medicine for fighting off a cold.


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Clean Your Air and Brighten Your Day with Houseplants

by Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) People have long known about the psychological benefits of brightening their homes and offices with decorative houseplants. What many may be overlooking are the physical health benefits of having plenty of these plants to remove harmful pollutants from the air and replace them with fresh oxygen.

Not long ago, indoor air pollution was not considered a health threat; most homes and public buildings leaked so much that air often was replaced every couple of hours. After energy shortages occurred in the 1970s, more and more people began to insulate their houses and office buildings to conserve energy and lower heating and cooling costs. As a result, indoor air might linger for five hours or more allowing pollutants to accumulate. Moreover, synthetic building materials used in modern construction have been found to produce potential pollutants that remain trapped in unventilated buildings. These trapped pollutants can result in what is often called the Sick Building Syndrome.

In the late 1980s, a study by NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) resulted in excellent news for homeowners and office workers everywhere. The study concluded that common decorative houseplants such as bamboo palms and spider plants not only make indoor spaces more attractive, they also help to purify the air. While it's a well known fact that plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis, the NASA/ALCA study showed that many houseplants also remove harmful elements such as trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde from the air. With our ultra modern homes and offices that are virtually sealed off from the outside environment, this study is just as important now as when it was first published.

The NASA study, Foliage Plants for Removing Indoor Air Pollutants from Energy Efficient Homes, was conducted by Dr. B.C. Wolverton, Anne Johnson, and Keith Bounds in 1989. While it was originally intended to find ways to purify the air for extended stays in orbiting space stations, the study proved to have implications on Earth as well.

Under controlled conditions, NASA and ALCA spent two years testing 19 different common house plants for their ability to remove these common pollutants from the air. Of the 19 plants they studied, 17 are considered true houseplants, and two, Gerbera Daisies and Chrysanthemums, are more commonly used indoors as seasonal decorations.

The advantage that houseplants have over other plants is that they are adapted to tropical areas where they grow beneath dense tropical canopies and must survive in areas of low light. These plants are thus ultra-efficient at capturing light, which also means that they must be very efficient in processing the gasses necessary for photosynthesis. Because of this fact, they have greater potential to absorb other gases, including potentially harmful ones.

NASA found that some of the plants were better than others for absorbing pollutants, with certain houseplants found to remove as much as 87 percent of indoor air pollutants within 24 hours. However, all of the plants had properties that were useful in improving overall indoor air quality. NASA also noted that some plants are better than others in treating certain chemicals. For example, English Ivy worked better than some other plants for treating air contaminated with Benzene. The Peace Lily was very effective in treating Trichloroethylene and the Bamboo Palm worked well for filtering Formaldehyde.

After conducting the study, NASA and ALCA came up with the following list of plants most recommended for treating air pollution. Note that all the plants in the list are easily available from your local nursery.

Heartleaf Philodendron – Philodendron scandens `oxycardium'
Elephant Ear Philodendron – Philodendron domesticum
Cornstalk Dracaena – Dracaena fragrans `Massangeana'
English Ivy – Hedera helix,
Spider Plant – Chlorophytum comosum
Janet Craig Dracaena – Dracaena deremensis `Janet Craig'
Warneck Dracaena – Dracaena deremensis `Warneckii'
Weeping Fig – Ficus Benjamina
Golden Pothos – Epipiremnum aureum
Peace Lily – Spathiphyllum `Mauna Loa'
Selloum Philodendron – Philodendron selloum
Chinese Evergreen – Aglaonema modestum
Bamboo or Reed Palm – Chamaedorea sefritzii
Snake Plant – Sansevieria trifasciata
Red-edged Dracaena – Dracaena marginata

Here is a list of the pollutants NASA tested for and the plants they found that worked the best for each one:

Trichloroethylene (TCE)

Trichloroethylene is primarily used in the metal degreasing and dry cleaning industries; also in printing inks, paints, lacquers, varnishes, adhesives. In 1975 the National Cancer Institute reported that an unusually high incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas was observed in mice given TCE by gastric intubation and now considers this chemical a potent liver carcinogen.

The NASA study found that the best plants for removing trichloroethylene are the Gerbera Daisy, Chrysanthemum, Peace lily, Warneckei, Dracaena marginata


Benzene is a very commonly used solvent and is also present in many common items including inks, oils, paints, dyes, plastics, rubber, dyes, detergents, gasoline, pharmaceutical, tobacco smoke, synthetic fibers. In addition it is used in the manufacture of explosives.

Benzene has long been known to irritate the skin and eyes. In addition, it has been shown to be mutagenic to bacterial cell culture and has shown embryotoxic activity and carcinogenicity in some tests. Evidence also exists that benzene may be a contributing factor in chromosomal aberrations and leukemia in humans. Repeated skin contact with benzene will cause drying, inflammation, blistering and dermatitis.

Acute inhalation of high levels of benzene has been reported to cause dizziness, weakness, euphoria, headache, nausea, blurred vision, respiratory diseases, tremors, irregular heartbeat, liver and kidney damage, paralysis and unconsciousness. In animal tests inhalation of benzene led to cataract formation and diseases of the blood and lymphatic systems. Chronic exposure to even relatively low levels causes headaches, loss of appetite, drowsiness, nervousness, psychological disturbances and diseases of the blood system, including anemia and bone marrow diseases.

The best plants for removing benzene were determined to be English Ivy, Dracaena marginata, Janet Craig, Warneckei, Chrysanthemum, Gerbera Daisy, Peace lily


Formaldehyde is a ubiquitous chemical found in virtually all indoor environments. The major sources which have been reported and publicized include urea-formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI) and particle board or pressed wood products used in manufacturing of the office furniture bought today. It is used in consumer paper products which have been treated with UF resins, including grocery bags, waxed papers, facial tissues and paper towels. Many common household cleaning agents contain formaldehyde. UF resins are used as stiffeners, wrinkle resisters, water repellents, fire retardants and adhesive binders in floor coverings, carpet backings and permanent-press clothes. Other sources of formaldehyde include heating and cooking fuels like natural gas, kerosene, and cigarette smoke.

Formaldehyde irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and throat. It is also a highly reactive chemical which combines with protein and can cause allergic contact dermatitis. The most widely reported symptoms from exposure to high levels of this chemical include irritation of the eyes and headaches. Until recently, the most serious of the diseases attributed to formaldehyde exposure was asthma. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently conducted research which has caused formaldehyde to be strongly suspected of causing a rare type of throat cancer in long-term occupants of mobile homes, where particle board and other sources of formaldehyde are used extensively.

When it comes to removing formaldehyde, the best plant choices are Azalea, Philodendron, Spider plant, Golden Pothos, Bamboo palm, Corn plant, Chrysanthemum, Mother-in-law's tongue.

Many people feel that the use of houseplants is not needed if they are using an air purifier. However, research has shown that even if you use a HEPA air filter or an ionic air purifier, there is a lot of difference that can still be made by many common house plants, which act as a living air purifier. With the exception of an activated carbon filter, common indoor air filters, such as HEPA or ionizers, will totally miss the toxic household gases, such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and volatile organic gases (VOG).

According to NASA, one plant should be used for every 100 to 120 square feet of office or living space and the plants should be in at least six inch containers with nothing covering the potting soil. In addition to removing pollutants in your home or office, plants also make for a more pleasant place to live and work – where people feel better, perform better, and enjoy life more. Here are some of the other benefits from having indoor plants:

Plants are a Source of Oxygen – Plants take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen through the process known as photosynthesis. The more plants you have, the more oxygen you will receive.

Plants Make You Happy – House plants make people feel calmer and more optimistic, says Bruno Cortis, M.D., a Chicago cardiologist. Interestingly, he says that studies have shown that hospital patients who face a window with a garden view recovered more quickly than those who had to look at a wall.

Plants Fight Fatigue and Colds – According to a University of Agriculture in Norway study, indoor plants can reduce fatigue, coughs, sore throats and other cold-related illnesses by more than 30 percent, partially by increasing humidity levels and decreasing dust.

Plants at the Office – Major corporations and work environments are beginning to catch on that adding plants indoors does wonders for employee health and morale. According to one study published in Rehabilitation Literature, a manufacturing company integrated plants into its office so that no employee would be more than 45 feet from greenery. The result? Company administrators said they noticed enhanced creativity and increased productivity in employees. One popular plant to use in offices is the Dragon Tree plant. Besides being one of the most effective in removing harmful impurities from the air, it's exotic looks adds character to any room.

It is important to note though that not all plants are good as indoor air cleaners and that some plants are poisonous and should be handled with care, or not at all if you have small children. Some examples of toxic plants include: Nightshade, Creeping Charlie, Foxglove, Oleander, Sago Plant, Privet, Rhododendron, Umbrella Plant, Ivy, Ripple ivy, Sweet Pea, Vinca, Spider Mum, and Poinsettia. Consumers looking for houseplants that purify air should probably steer away from the above named plants if they have young children and indoor pets, as these plants can sometimes be fatal if consumed.

Resources for more information:………

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Natural Health Seminar

Presented By Utopia Silver Supplements

How can we best care for our health in an environment of escalating healthcare costs and health insurance?
* Complicated Problems
* Simple Solutions
* Questions and Answers

Featuring Dr. Ken O’Neal, MD, ND

Dr. Ken O’Neal of Buffalo Gap, Texas earned his Medical Doctorate from The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in 1969 and spent most of the next 36 years as an emergency physician. After years of experiencing and witnessing the flaws inherent in the drugs and surgery first focus of mainstream medicine, Dr. Ken refocused his professional efforts and earned his Naturopathic Doctorate from the Clayton School of Natural Healing in 1995. Now a staunch advocate for and a teacher of Natural Healing, he believes that most physical symptoms and ailments can be corrected by more natural, non-invasive and safer practices using the science of diet/nutrition, lifestyle changes, and sound mental/spiritual principles.

Dr. Ken believes that a health coach’s primary job is to convince his students of the importance of taking personal responsibility for their own health by teaching them how to do it themselves. You will be pleased with the excellent practical knowledge and information you learn in this seminar, but the thinking skills and research techniques could last you a lifetime.

Guest Speakers

Tony Isaacs is a natural health author, advocate and researcher who is a regular contributor to, the Crusador, the American Chronicle, and the Silver Bulletin. He is moderator for the Cancer Support Forum and host of the “Ask Tony Isaacs” forum at Cure Zone as well as host of Yahoo’s “Oleander Soup” group. Tony will be discussing how to beat and avoid cancer naturally without surgery, radiation or chemo.

Gary Lochte
of Castroville manages a business that helps people save their homes from foreclosure, but his real passion for 15 years has been organic farming. He will be giving a presentation, not only on the basics of organic farming, but also on the health enhancement potential of organic farming and the coming necessity of being self sufficient in a world of uncertain food supplies and crashing economics.

Individual- $25.00
Couple- $40.00
(Pay at the door, no reservations required)

Utopia Community Building
(in the middle of town at the EMS/Fire Station Building)
Saturday- February 28, 2009
8 AM to 4 PM

Some information will be passed out, but you are welcome to bring notepads and recording devices.

Contact: 830 966-2325 or 830 796-1049

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Universal Vaccine for the Flu? Look No Further Than Vitamin C and Zinc

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media is ablaze today with talk of an important new discovery that could lead to a "universal vaccine" that ends all colds for a lifetime. This universal vaccine, researchers say, would target a common configuration of proteins that occurs in virtually all cases of influenza, including H5N1 (bird flu), the Spanish flu strain and even the common cold.

It all sounds promising until you realize the reality of the situation. First, this "universal vaccine" concept is remarkably naive in ignoring the astounding ability of viruses to generate immunity to vaccines due to clever mutations. In fact, the action of influenza in the wild right now demonstrates this quite well: Each year's flu shot vaccine is essentially useless against the current influenza strains actually circulating among the population. They only protect people against last year's flu. And that's not very useful.

Why do you think we have MRSA and other superbugs running rampant in our hospitals these days? Because viruses and bacteria have a remarkably ability to rapidly develop immunity to vaccines. Even the targeting of a common protein receptor site is not beyond the reach of mutating viruses, and for scientists to think these viruses cannot mutate their way around a chemical vaccination is remarkably arrogant.

Second, the drug companies will never replace their annual flu shots with a one-time universal vaccine that you only need once in your lifetime. Why? Because the annual flu shot ritual is a great way to pocket some pharmaceutical profits while training the population to follow orders. The fear-mongering of flu infections and the herding of the population to flu shot injection centers is an important ritual in expanding the power of the Cult of Pharmacology. That's not something the drug companies will easily let go of.

(By the way, according to the scientific literature, flu shots are only effective in about 1% of the population. The other 99% are wasting their time and money.)

By thirdly — and perhaps most importantly — we already have far better universal solutions that halt flu infections. They're called vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D.

The real cause of the flu: Nutritional deficiency
In fact, it is nutritional deficiency that causes susceptibility to the common cold, not vaccine deficiency. Ask anybody who lives a natural health lifestyle and takes their nutrition seriously, and you'll find that they might only catch one cold every five or ten years. I haven't had a cold for probably eight years or so (can't remember exactly, because it's been so long), and of course I would never even think of getting a flu shot.

Flu shots are only for ignorant people who live on junk food diets and don't know anything about health. Flu shot clinics are like the McDonald's of modern medicine: It's where the uneducated, immune-suppressed people go because they don't know any better. And the flu shot industry (Big Pharma, clinics, etc.) preys upon these people in much the same way McDonald's preys upon low-income consumers who have no idea they're eating their way to lifelong nutritional imbalance.

Flu shots are for people who microwave their food and buy instant macaroni and cheese. They're for people who have been cajoled into avoiding vitamins (they're dangerous, didn't you know?) and who live on pharmaceuticals and junk food.

Flu shots are the mythology of modern medicine, much like the superstitions of commercial fishermen who run their boats in circles after leaving port in order to eliminate any "bad juju" that might ruin their catch.

Want new technology for defending against the flu? Your immune system is the best technology on the planet for accomplishing that. You just have to give it the proper fuel: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, trace minerals, superfoods and healthy nutrition!

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Aloe Vera Heals Burns and Digestion Problems

by Melanie Grimes

(NaturalNews) Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that has long been used to treat burns. It is useful for treating digestive complaints, as well as skin conditions. Aloe can be taken internally or used externally.

was mentioned by Pliny the Elder and also in the New Testament. "And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes," (John 19:3940). It is long been in use as an herbal medicine in the Orient and Asia.

Raw Aloe is an antibacterial as well as an antifungal, and has helped heal streptococcus growths on skin. But the two main uses of Aloe Vera are to treat burns and to soothe the stomach lining, as in the treatment of ulcers. Raw and processed Aloe Vera can be used for both of these treatments, however it is more common for processed Aloe Vera to be used as a drink and for the raw plant to be used directly or skin complaints and for wound healing. 
Raw Aloe Vera is best when obtained directly from a fresh plant. The leaves are long and pointed. Because the plant is a succulent, the leaves feel a bit squishy to the touch. When you break off the tip of an Aloe Vera plant, it will ooze for a short time and then seal itself. The plant will continue to send out new shoots that can be used in a similar manner.

To use raw Aloe Vera, simply break or cut the leaf one to two inches from the tip. With a sharp knife, cut through the thick, green, bark layer and you will see a gelatinous, clear, substance. Rubbing that clear liquid side against the skin applies the healing agent in the Aloe. 
Aloe Vera can be used to soothe the pain of sunburn, burns, insect bites, and other skin irritations. Treatment can be repeated as frequently as needed as there are no side effects. If using Aloe Vera from a fresh plant, keep the leaf portion in a Ziploc bag in the refrigerator for repeated usage.

There are also many commercial sources of Aloe Vera that are processed only to a small degree so that they maintain all of the healing energy with very few additives. These are readily available in most health food stores and pharmacies. 
When Aloe is processed into a drink, the gel is frequently removed so that larger quantities can be drunk. Taken internally, it heals stomach ulcers and heartburn, and in general soothes the digestive tract. Aloe Vera has been shown to control blood sugar levels in diabetes and to aid cholesterol reduction. There are some adverse effects reported from ingesting Aloe Vera. These include diarrhea and kidney trouble.

Aloe Vera, a healing herb for thousands of years, is easy to grow in a pot on a sunny windowsill. Its healing leaves can be a balm to your body and soul.

Purchase Organic Aloe Vera