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Medical Control, Medical Corruption

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

The vested interests are sick over it: Americans are beginning, just slightly, to take charge of their own health care. Such bestsellers as the Doctor's Book of Home Remedies, the Physician's Desk Reference, and the Merck Manual can keep you out of the doctor's appropriately named waiting room, or at least help you understand what is being done to you, when an apple a day does not work.

Who is unhappy with this increased knowledge? The American Medical Association, which for almost 150 years has sought to institutionalize a rip-off and to keep sick people and their families oblivious to it. Thanks to this central committee of the medical cartel, the number of medical schools and medical students is drastically restricted, state licensure further obstructs the supply of doctors, fees are largely secret and controlled across the industry, alternative treatments and practitioners are outlawed, pharmacists and nurses are hamstrung, and the mystique of the profession rivals the priesthood, although priests have a somewhat lower income. Meanwhile, the customer pays through the nose, even if he does not go to an otolaryngologist.

Medicaid and Medicare have contributed to the problem, but the medical cartel is the original sin. Through its ability to keep incomes high by limiting supply and outlawing competition, organized medicine has punished its customers, although the word is never used so as to disguise what is, after all, an economic relationship.

Hillary Clinton's proposed merger of the medical cartel and the state seems like a radical move, and it is. It is also the logical next step in the partnership of government and medicine. That is why, in addition to opposing Hillary hammer and tongs, we should reexamine the AMA's distortion of the medical marketplace and the very idea of medical licensure.

Competition among providers ? as with any service in a market economy ? leads to rational pricing and maximum consumer choice. But this is exactly what the AMA has always sought to prevent. The American Medical Association, organized in New York in 1848, advanced two seemingly innocent propositions in its early days: that all doctors should have a "suitable education" and that a "uniform elevated standard of requirements for the degree of M.D. should be adopted by all medical schools in the U.S." These were part of the AMA's real program, which was openly discussed at its conventions and in the medical journals: to secure a government-enforced medical monopoly and high incomes for mainstream doctors.

Membership in the new organization was open only to "regular" physicians, whose therapies were based on the "best system of physiology and pathology, as taught in the best schools in Europe and America." The public had a different view, however. Official treatments of the time, such as bloodletting and mercury poisoning, harmed and sometimes murdered patients, causing mass outrage.

Emphatically not included among the "best" were the homeopaths. Homeopathy, a less invasive system that still thrives in Britain and Europe, may have done no good, but that was the worst charge lodged against it. Homeopathy did not kill people, as Orthodox medicine did. The homeopaths actually followed the Hippocratic injunction "First, do not harm" and refused to worship abstract Science. As a result, the clergy ? an important interest group in 19th-century America ? sympathized with them. As the president of the New York State Medical Society noted in 1844, "We feel severely the influence of the clergy as operating against our collective interest." One prominent pastor, for example, had called the medical establishment "an expensive vampire upon society."

How the "regulars" came to crush the homeopaths and other competitors, and penalize patients in the process, is a story of deception and manipulation, of industry self-interest and state power. The organized regulars or allopaths first set out to demonstrate that the homeopaths were ill-educated and therefore should be shunned, but that was difficult to substantiate because most of them were converts from orthodox medicine.

One was William H. Holcombe. When he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, he worried, as he wrote in his memoirs, that physicians "were blind men, striking in the dark at the disease or the patient-lucky if [we] killed the malady [instead of] the man." One day Holcombe was called by the parents of a seriously ill child, whom Holcombe subsequently set about to bleed. Bloodletting was considered especially important for children, and the younger the child, the more blood was to be drawn. But the mother clutched the baby to her breast and cried, "The blood is the life ? it shall not be taken away." When the benighted father agreed, Holcombe "explained to him candidly, and with some display of professional dignity, that my opinion was worth more than his or his wife's."

Holcombe left and returned the next day, expecting to find a dead baby. Instead, the child ? who had been treated by a homeopath ? was playing in the yard. Holcombe later wrote that "after having blistered, bled, and drugged my patients for twenty-seven years, I determined to find some more humane mode." He was charged with violating "medical ethics," whose first principle was: "A physician … should cautiously guard against whatever may injure the general respectability of his profession."

Eventually, homeopathy became almost as popular as allopathy, especially in the Northeast and Midwest. Many business leaders favored it and funded free dispensaries for the poor. This was made possible by the free market. From the early part of the century until 1850, state laws interfering in medical practice were gradually repealed. The AMA was founded to reverse the trend.

New York, for example, got rid of nearly all of its criminal legislation regarding medicine, forbidding only malpractice and immoral conduct by physicians. As one state senator said, "The people of this state have been bled long enough in their bodies and pockets." He called on them to demand medical freedom, in the tradition of "the men of the Revolution."

Most Americans were interested in nonorthodox treatments and believed they should be allowed to compete in the marketplace. Organized medicine claimed people were being fooled. But as Harris Livermore Coulter explains in his extraordinary 1969 study of the AMA's founding, "People were deserting orthodox medicine … not out of ignorance, but out of knowledge of regular practice and consequent dislike of it."

An 1848 AMA convention speaker laughed at the "mass of the community" who thought there was "a wide difference" between a physician's "Apothecary Medicine and our native medical plants." The first "they regard as almost uniformly poisonous ? the other, as harmless and healthful." He called this "an absurd idea," although virtually none of the official treatments of the time is still In use and many drugs from our "native medical plants" have proven to be effective.

Worse than absurd was the effect on doctors' incomes. "Quackery [i.e., unofficial treatments by unofficial practitioners] occasions a large pecuniary loss to us," lamented an 1846 editorial in the New York Journal of Medicine. Quacks "too frequently triumph and grow rich, where wiser and better men scarcely escape starvation." To the medical dean at the University of Michigan, the specter of free competition was a "discouragement" to "graduates in scientific medicine," rendering their work "arduous and unremunerative."

In the golden age, "the doctor could tell his patient" anything, including, "'gape, sinner, and swallow,"' wrote J.H. Nutting in 1853. Then, with his "grave look of profound wisdom," the doctor had a "reputation for almost superhuman skill." Doctors, wrote the journal of the Massachusetts Medical Society in 1848, should be "looked upon by the mass of mankind with a veneration almost superstitious." Instead, there was public contempt.

A Michigan physician reported that the profession had "fallen so low that there are few to do it reverence. Quackery and empiricism in diverse forms like the locusts and lice of Egypt, swarm over our state and are eating out the very vitals and sucking the life blood" of doctors, some of whom said they were denounced on the street for bumping off their patients.

Organized physicians argued that popular reputation meant nothing. In fact, claimed the journals, a good standing in the profession usually meant a bad one with the public. At the same time there was the complaint ? echoed by cartelizers to this day ? that there were simply too many doctors. "The profession" is "crowded," argued one journal, with "unworthy and ignorant men" who ought to be prohibited from practicing. The regulars also vilified their opponents with such works as Oliver Wendell Holmes' Homeopathy and Its Kindred Delusions (1842).

In 1849, the AMA worried that simply outlawing competition would not override the public's perversity. The only long-term "remedy against Quackery, is medical Reform, by which a higher standard of medical education shall be secured." As part of this drive, homeopathic physicians were expelled from state and local medical societies, even if they were trained in official schools. The AMA claimed that the public did not know what was good for it and that the medical establishment must have total control.

The organization knew it needed more than persuasion to secure a monopoly, so it also called for a national bureau of medicine to oversee state licensing and other regulations. In those limited-government days, however, the idea went nowhere. But in the statist Progressive Era after the turn of the century, anticompetitive measures became respectable, and the AMA renewed its drive for a cartel, spurred on by the popularity of self-medication and the increasing number of medical schools and doctors. (In 1902, an AMA study decried the competition that had lowered physicians' incomes.)

The number of medical schools had increased from 90 in 1880 to 154 in 1903. As an official AMA history by James Gordon Burrow puts it, the "frightening competition" showed a need for "education reform," i.e., cartelization. The state legislatures showed little interest in more restrictionist laws, so the AMA appointed the secretary of the Kentucky State Board of Health to rouse the profession to lobby.

Joseph N. McCormack spent a decade in agitprop among the doctors of more than 2,000 cities and towns, inspiring them with such speeches as "The Danger to the Public From an Unorganized and Underpaid Medical Profession." Like medical ethicists before and since, he denounced advertising (letting customers know services and prices in advance) and quackery (unapproved competition). Join our union, he said, and we will raise your pay. By 1910, about 70,000 doctors belonged to the AMA, an eight-fold increase over the previous decade.

To help bring about a higher-paid profession, the AMA in 1904 created the Council on Medical Education, which sought to shut down more than half the existing medical schools by rating them on a scale of A to C. In cooperation with state medical boards composed of what Arthur Dean Boran, head of the council, called the "right sort of men," the AMA succeeded in cutting the number of schools to 131 by 1910, from a high of 166.

Then the council's secretary N.P. Colwell helped plan (and some say write) the famous 1910 report by Abraham Flexner. Flexner, the owner of a bankrupt prep school, had the good fortune to have a brother, Simon, who was director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. At his brother's suggestion, Abraham Flexner was hired by the Rockefeller-allied Carnegie Foundation so that the report would not be seen as a Rockefeller initiative. And Carnegie, whose main goal was to "rationalize" higher education, that is, replace religion with science, saw the AMA cartelization drive as useful. Claiming to have investigated nearly every school in the country, Flexner rated them on suitability. Schools he praised received lush grants from the Rockefeller and associated foundations, and almost all the medical schools he condemned were shut down, especially the "commercial" institutions. AMA-dominated state medical boards ruled that in order to practice medicine, a doctor had to graduate from an approved school. Post-Flexner, a school could not be approved if it taught alternative therapies, didn't restrict the number of students, or made profits based on student fees.

Why the opposition to for-profit schools? If an institution were supported by student fees rather than philanthropic donations, it could be independent of the foundations. The Rockefeller family had invested heavily in allopathic drug companies and wanted doctors to use their products.

The Flexner Report was more than an attack on free competition funded by special interests. It was also a fraud. For example, Flexner claimed to have thoroughly investigated 69 schools in 90 days, and he sent prepublication copies of his report to the favored schools for their revisions. Homeopaths noted that his authority derived solely "from an unlimited access to the pocketbook of a millionaire." Homeopaths did not use synthetic drugs, of course. John E. Churchill, president of the Board of Education of New York, called the report a "menace to the freedom of teaching." Years later, Flexner admitted that he knew nothing about medical education. But he did not need to in order to serve his employers' purposes.

Flexner's attack, stepped up by the AMA's Council on Medical Education and its state medical boards, closed 25 schools in three years, with more over the years to come, and cut the number of students attending the remaining schools in half. All non-mainstream practitioners were targeted. For example, from the early part of the century, consumers preferred optometrists to ophthalmologists on grounds of both service and price. Yet the AMA derided the optometrists as quacks, and in every state, the AMA-dominated medical boards imposed restrictions on these and other "sectarian" practitioners when they could not outlaw them entirely.

Homeopathy still had a remnant of about 13,000 practitioners, supported by a fiercely loyal customer base, but decades of well-financed attacks had taken their toll. The battle-weary homeopaths eventually gave in, conceding major parts of their doctrine, but the AMA was not satisfied with anything less than total victory, and today, American homeopaths practice mostly underground.

With its monopoly, the AMA sought to fix prices. Early on, the AMA had come to the conclusion that it was "unethical" for the consumer to have any say over what he paid. Common prices were transmuted into professional "fees," and the AMA sought to make them uniform across the profession. Lowering fees and advertising them were the worst violations of medical ethics and were made illegal. When fees were raised across the board, as they frequently could be with decreased competition, it was done in secret.

But organized medicine still feared reporters. In Illinois in 1906, the publication of secret fee increases nearly incited public violence. The secretary of the Illinois Medical Society, N.L. Barker, admonished his fellow physicians to keep their higher "fee-bills" secret, "for the people will not appreciate what was intended for kindness and justice." To collect the higher fees, the AMA recommended that state-level medical societies develop formal systems. If a patient had not paid the full amount, especially out of dissatisfaction with the treatment, his name would go on a blacklist and he would be forbidden all future treatment by doctors until he had paid up and shut up.

The AMA, in its constant quest for higher incomes through lower competition, also battled churches and other charities that gave free medical care to the poor. Through lobbying, it attempted to stamp out what it called "indiscriminate medical charity." A model 1899 law in New York put the control of all free health care under a State Board of Charities dominated by the AMA. To diminish the amount of free care, the board imposed fines and even jail terms on anyone giving treatment without first getting the patient's address and checking on his financial status.

Then there was the problem of pharmacists selling drugs without a doctor's prescription. This was denounced as "therapeutic nihilism" and the American Pharmaceutical Association, controlled by the AMA, tried to stamp out the low-cost, in-demand practice. In nearly every state, the AMA secured laws that made it illegal for patients to seek treatment from a pharmacist. But still common were pharmacists who refilled prescriptions at customer request. The AMA lobbied to make this illegal, too, but most state legislatures wouldn't go along with this because of constituent pressure. The AMA got its way through the federal government, of course.

There were other threats that also had to be put down: "nostrums," treatments that did not require a visit to the doctor, and midwives, who had better results than doctors. Also a danger was "contracting out," a company practice of employing physicians to provide care for its workers. This was "unethical," said the AMA, and should be illegal. Fraternal organizations that contracted out for their members were put out of business with legislated price controls, and hospitals ? whose accreditation the AMA controlled ? were pressured to refuse admittance to patients of contracting-out doctors.

By the end of the Progressive Era, the orthodox profession as led by the AMA had triumphed over all of its competitors. Through the use of government power, it had come to control education, licensure, treatment, and price. Later it outcompeted fraternal medical insurance with the state-privileged and subsidized Blue Cross and Blue Shield. T'he AMA-dominated Blues, in addition to other benefits, gave us the egalitarian notion of "community rating," under which everyone pays the same price no matter what his condition.

AMA control remains much the same, and as a result, even incompetent doctors are guaranteed high incomes. In law, a profession with much freer entry, some lawyers get rich, others make middle incomes, and others have to go into another line of work. But thanks to almost a century and a half of AMA statism, even terrible doctors get lavish incomes.

The monopoly also allows anti-customer practices to go unpunished. For example, doctors routinely schedule appointments too closely together so as to keep their waiting rooms full, for prestige and marketing reasons. With little competition, they can get away with it, and advertising on-time service would be "unethical." The next time you have to wait 45 minutes amid six-month-old People magazines, thank the AMA.

Now, if Hillary gets her way, licensing will become even more abusive. Her Health Security Act mandates racial quotas for medical students and faculties, as well as for practicing physicians in the health alliances. This is the wits' end of licensing, which began as an effort by the regulars to weed out the competition and will now force on us the spectacularly inept, scalpels in hand.

Real reform would remove the AMA's grip on the marketplace and subject the entire industry to competition. Until then, stock up on home medical books.

This article appeared in the June 1994 issue of Chronicles. Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., is president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, and editor of

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Warning to all Females – Plastic in Heat

Contributed By Renee Amison

This information was sent to us by a customer in an email. We do not know the validity of the claim, but it is worth considering.

Bottled water in your car….. is very dangerous!  Especially in the summer months when we carry bottled water in the car.

This is how Sheryl Crow got breast cancer.  She was on the Ellen show and said this same exact thing.  This has been identified as the most common cause of the high levels in breast cancer, especially in Australia. A friend whose mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer – The Doctor told her:  women should not drink bottled water that has been left in a car.

The doctor said that the heat and the plastic of the bottle have certain chemicals that can lead to breast cancer.  So please be careful and do not drink bottled water that has been left in a car, and, pass this on to all the women in your life.  This information is the kind we need to know and be aware and just might save us!   The heat causes toxins from the plastic to leak into the water and they have found these toxins in breast tissue.  Use a stainless steel Canteen or a glass bottle when you can! 

Or just carry a water cooler with lots of ice and leave it in your vehicle.

Using plastic to heat food in microwaves also has the same danger, so if you must use a microwave oven always do so in a non-plastic container. The best thing is to never or to seldom use a microwave in that it is believed that it may even alter the molecular composition of the food.

Since this plastic and heat interaction is especially dangerous to females, please pass it on to the women and girls in your life.

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Is Silver the Solution?

by Alison Rose Levy
This week Detroit doctors reported an outbreak of seven cases of VRSA (Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), a close cousin of MRSA, or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, an antibiotic-resistant infection that has proven deadly.
The cases were discovered in nursing homes, wound clinics, outpatient kidney dialysis centers and hospitals, yet another reminder of what scientists have characterized as a rising incidence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. According to Dr. D. Mehta, this is "an alarming problem, especially in the hospital environment with probability of cross-infection."

What's antibiotic resistance? Although antibiotics may temporarily cause symptoms to disappear, a host of resistant organisms remain in the body to later reassert themselves, overpowering the very antibiotics prescribed for them. According to Mary Eley, the Executive Director of the Michigan Antibiotics Resistance Reduction Coalition, "Every time you take an antibiotic, you teach that bug something new."

As scientists seek other solutions, much attention has been focused on the use of silver because of its well recognized antimicrobial properties (in killing bacteria, yeast, fungi, and viruses.) Prior to the widespread adoption of antibiotics in the middle of the last century, silver had thousands of years of successful use around the world. Currently, there are over eighty FDA approved silver based products.

Health consumers, who want to try silver, typically use colloidal silver. (A colloid is a stable suspension of silver particles in water.) But are they safe? An EPA report on tests conducted on ingested silver reported that 99% of the silver consumed was excreted within one week.

In making product choices, consumers can choose among different types of silver, including:

• Whole silver particles, which at large sizes cannot be adequately absorbed
• Whole silver particles at nano sizes which can be properly used by the body
• Ionic silver, incomplete nano silver particles missing an electron, which may be readily absorbed, but may interact unpredictably with other bodily biochemicals

Another key issue is optimal engineering of the particles. Effective products should have an amount of silver low enough for safe daily use. Read the label to see the product's parts per million of silver vs. its water base. High solutions (100 parts per million or above) may carry an increased risk of side effects, including a condition called argyria, in which the skin darkens or turns blue. Recently, the Oprah Winfrey show featured the so-called "blue man," who consumed very high levels of silver over many years.

Since most of us don't want a permanent skin color change, recommended dosages of nano-sized whole silver products at low parts (30 or below) per million, will not produce argyria, scientists say. You would have to consume over fifty times the normal dosage every day for a year to run that risk. Further, a recent study indicates that argyria can only result from the consumption of ionic forms of silver, not from metallic silver or metallic silver nano-particle products.

Efficacy studies have been done on next generation colloidal products, so-called "silver aquasols." Composed of nano-sized whole silver particles suspended in pure water, aquasols have been shown to reduce pain, as well as bring resistant microbes to heel. Used in combination therapy with antibiotics to achieve what scientists call "bactericidal synergism," active silver solutions have shown marked activity against proven bacterial-resistant strains including E.coli. salmonella, MRSA, and others.

What has confounded some scientists is that studies have shown that silver has pronounced anti-bacterial effects even at minute dilutions below what has been considered necessary for any biochemical agency. For example, the aquasols tested in one recent study have only contained one part per million of silver to water.

In a recent study, Professor Rustum Roy, Evan Pugh Professor of the Solid State Emeritus at The Pennsylvania State University has demonstrated that crystalline structures can, (if activated via certain forms of electro-magnetism) impart their structure to water. In other words, water can change its structure and adopt the structure of crystalline substances introduced into it. Just as the biochemical revolution that lead to the miracle of antibiotics stalls before the difficulty of antibiotic resistance, new research from material science and physics opens the way to new understanding of how structure, electro-magnetics, and biochemistry interact.
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Virus Outbreak Spreads in East China

BEIJING, April 29 (Reuters) – A virus that has killed at least 20 children in eastern China is infecting hundreds more people each day and has spread to a neighbouring province, newspapers said on Tuesday.

The enterovirus 71, or EV71, which can cause hand, foot and mouth disease, began spreading in Anhui province's Fuyang city in early March, Xinhua news agency said, but was only publicly reported on Sunday.

By Tuesday, the virus had killed 20 children, most under the age of two. There had been 1,520 cases reported so far, Xinhua said, a jump of about 600 from the figure released on Monday.

"The current outbreak may be just a beginning," the Ministry of Health's Health News newspaper said. "We cannot exlude the possibility that the virus will spread further."

The Beijing News said that the virus had spread to neighbouring Henan province.

Enteroviruses spread mostly through contact with infected blisters or faeces and can cause high fever, paralysis and swelling of the brain or its lining.

"Most parents, doctors and government officials treat this virus as a normal illness and lose time in discovering and curing it," the Beijing news said.

The delay of reporting the virus to the public by over 40 days has triggered heated discussion and criticism in Chinese media, which said local government officials should be sacked.

China's reported cases of hand, foot and mouth disease in the first four months this year has increased by about 300 percent the same time last year, the Health News newspaper said.

There is no vaccine or antiviral agent available to treat or prevent the virus. Instead, treatment focuses on managing its complications, which can include meningitis and heart failure, the World Health Organisation's acting China Representative, Cris Tunon, said in a statement. (Reporting by Beijing newsroom; Editing by Nick Macfie and Sanjeev Miglani)

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Iodine Deficiency and Its Link to Diseases in the Body

by Mary Laredo
(NaturalNews) Naturally occurring iodine is a rare trace element that was discovered in the 1800's by a French chemist. It was found to be effective in the treatment of goiter (swelling of the thyroid gland), and in 1924 the United States initiated its use as an additive to common table salt to address the high incidence of iodine deficiency. As a result, the once-common condition of goiter in the U.S. was virtually eliminated.
It is highly accepted that iodized salt is sufficient to meet the body's requirements. Although this assertion has been taught in medical schools for several decades, many studies counter that claim. Furthermore, researchers have found that the iodine in salt has poor bioavailability, meaning that the body does not fully absorb the dosage.

Recommended Daily Allowance

The U.S. RDA of iodine is 150 micrograms (mcg) for adults, while 220 mcg and 290 mcg are recommended for pregnant and lactating women, respectively. These quantities were established to effectively prevent goiter but do not provide for the body's other needs for optimal thyroid, endocrine or immune system function, nor are they sufficient dosages for the prevention of cancer.

Iodized salt hasn't eliminated iodine deficiency disorders in the U.S. Recent studies by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicate low levels in more than 50% of the population (accounting for all demographic categories including ethnicity, region, economic status, race, and population density).

Adequate iodine levels are crucial for all aspects of health and well-being; in fact, in generations past, physicians routinely used iodine in medical practice. The typical dose was 1 gram of potassium iodide (KI), containing 770 mg of iodine, which far exceeds the current U.S. RDA of 150 mcg.

Dr. Albert S. Gyorgi (1893–1986), the physician who discovered vitamin C, wrote: "When I was a medical student, iodine in the form of KI was the universal medicine. Nobody knew what it did, but it did something and did something good. We students used to sum up the situation in this little rhyme:

If ye don't know where, what, and why
Prescribe ye then K and I."

Iodine's Role in the Body

Principally known for its job in proper metabolism and thyroid function, iodine is also necessary for a healthy immune system and has many therapeutic benefits including antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral and anticancer properties.

The thyroid is the body's main storage site for iodine. The mineral is also concentrated in the glandular system, including the body's sweat glands. The ovaries, breasts, prostate and the brain contain high concentrations of iodine, and virtually every cell in the body is dependant on this important element. When a deficiency exists, the thyroid competes with other storage sites and all become depleted. An unmet deficit puts one at risk for a variety of conditions and illnesses, including cancer.

Iodine is also essential for children's growth and development, and a deficiency in pregnant women is the primary cause of preventable mental retardation and brain damage, as disclosed by the World Health Organization.

Hypothyroidism and Its Symptoms

David Brownstein, M.D. explains in his book Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It how the thyroid requires iodine to produce its hormones and to regulate the body's metabolism. Hypothyroidism is indicated by a low metabolic rate. Some of the many symptoms that indicate a hypothyroid state include: brittle nails, cold hands and feet, dry skin, elevated cholesterol, fatigue, inability to concentrate, infertility, menstrual irregularities, muscle cramps and weakness, poor memory, puffy eyes, and weight gain. Hypothyroidism is common in an iodine deficient state and Brownstein has found that proper iodine supplementation often results in curing or improving the hypothyroid condition.

Iodine As An Anti-Cancer Nutrient

The natural life cycle of normal cells includes growth, division and ultimate death. Apoptosis is a necessary and natural process that refers to the programmed death of our body's cells. The spent cells are continually replaced by new cells as the normal cycle perpetuates. Apoptosis keeps cell division in check to ensure their normal life cycle and eventual death; however, abnormal cancer cells do not undergo this process and their uncontrolled growth eventually overwhelms and damages the body.

The research and clinical experience of Brownstein and his colleagues maintains that iodine is an anticancer nutrient that promotes apoptosis when taken in doses far exceeding the RDA, and that chronic deficiencies and the body's inability to properly utilize iodine set the stage for cancers of hormone-sensitive tissues and glands, such as the breasts, ovaries, uterus and prostate.

Causes of Iodine Deficieny

Worldwide, we are experiencing epidemic proportions of iodine deficiency, in part due to deforestation, soil erosion, and poor farming practices that deplete minerals from the soil and yield iodine-deficient crops. There are other contributing factors that exacerbate this disturbing global problem.

Exposure to toxic chemicals hinders the uptake of iodine in the body as the toxins compete for iodine receptor sites and inhibit the body's ability to absorb this valuable mineral. These toxins include a group of elements known as halides (and their derivatives), all of which have similar chemical structures. The halides consist of bromide, fluoride, chloride and iodide, the latter being the only one with therapeutic effects in the body.

In the 1980s, bromine (a bromide derivative) replaced iodine as a bread dough ingredient. Bromine is a known breast carcinogen. This singular change by the food industry resulted in an epidemic of bromide toxicity and increases in thyroid disorders, thyroid cancer and other illnesses resulting from iodine deficiency. Bromine is also used in crop fumigation, pest control, in some carbonated drinks and several prescription medications.

Exposure to chlorine (the oxidized form of chloride), as well as fluoride found in toothpaste, the water supply and many pharmaceutical drugs, further compound the deficiency dilemma as these toxins compete with iodine for absorption by bodily tissue. Sufficient iodine saturation in bodily tissues prevents the binding of halides and allows for their elimination from the body.

Iodine Sources

The body does not produce iodine and it is often difficult to get adequate levels from food; however, the ocean is an abundant source. Sea vegetables (sea weed) are a concentrated source of iodine, and although fish contain this mineral, most also have high levels of mercury. Soil around oceans typically has sufficient iodine levels while inland and mountainous areas contain little or none. Sea vegetables, animals that graze near coastal areas, organic crops grown in iodine-rich soil (although soil content varies, even in organic crops), animal products that have had iodine added to feed, iodized salt, and supplements are among the best known sources of iodine.

A toxic body is unable to absorb and utilize enough iodine from diet alone, and a deficiency usually requires supplementation. When the deficit is resolved, the body will gradually displace the toxic halides from tissues throughout the body, especially the thyroid and other major storage sites. Iodine's detoxifying effect also strengthens the immune system and helps balance hormones.

Testing for Iodine Levels

The pioneering work and research of physicians Guy Abraham, M.D. (former professor of medicine at UCLA); David Brownstein, M.D. (author and Director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in W. Bloomfield, MI); and Jorge Flechas, M.D. (Director of Flechas Family Practice in Hendersonville, N.C.), confirms the body's critical need for iodine in levels far above the RDA. Brownstein has tested for iodine sufficiency in more than 4,000 patients and found 96% to be deficient. Flechas has had similar results in lab tests of more that 21,000 cases worldwide.

Guy Abraham, M.D. and his colleagues Brownstein and Flechas have developed a reliable method of measuring iodine levels that requires a two-part test: the urinary spot test and the urine loading test. The former requires a urine sample to establish a baseline of iodine saturation in the body. This is followed by supplementation with 50 mg of an iodine/iodide combination and subsequent 24-hour collection of urine. These samples are then sent to a lab for analysis, see ( for the laboratories used for testing.

This detection method is based on the concept that the more iodine-deficient the body is, the more it will retain after supplementation, and the less will be excreted in urine. If the body has sufficient iodine levels, it will excrete 90% or more of the supplemented dose. Conversely, less than 90% in the urine (more than 5 mg retained) indicates a deficiency.

Supplementing With Iodine

The iodine specialists have found that the combination of iodine and iodide is more effective than just one form because of the different concentrations throughout the body. For instance, the breasts and prostate predominantly utilize iodine, whereas the thyroid gland and skin require iodide. Other bodily tissues concentrate either form.

Working with a health care practitioner or arranging phone consultations with the testing lab is necessary to interpret the test results and to determine the proper iodine dosage, as well as what companion nutrients may be required for optimum absorption and binding of the supplement.

Adequate supplementation treats many conditions, including ADD, breast, ovarian and prostate diseases (including cancer), thyroid disorders, vaginal infections, infertility, sebaceous cysts, migraine headaches and many others. Obtaining the proper iodine dosage is critical, as too much is also problematic.

It's useful to consider that the mainland Japanese ingest nearly 14 mg of iodine daily (mostly from seaweed) –- almost 100 times more than the U.S. RDA. These are large amounts by U.S. standards, yet the Japanese have extremely low rates of fibrocystic breast disease, as well as breast, endometrial, ovarian and prostrate cancers. Brownstein has found that effective doses vary between 12 and 50 mg per day for most adults.

Iodine supplementation, when necessary, not only addresses many serious health challenges, it's also useful in health maintenance and disease prevention. Since iodine is one of the body's most essential minerals, testing for its levels should not be overlooked by anyone trying to achieve or maintain optimum health.


1. Brownstein, M.D., David: Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It, 3rd Edition, West Bloomfield, MI: Medical Alternative Press, 2008

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Chocolate May Reduce Pregnancy Complication Risk

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Indulging in chocolate during pregnancy could help ward off a serious complication known as preeclampsia, new research suggests.

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is rich in a chemical called theobromine, which stimulates the heart, relaxes smooth muscle and dilates blood vessels, and has been used to treat chest pain, high blood pressure, and hardening of the arteries, Dr. Elizabeth W. Triche of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut and colleagues write.

Preeclampsia, in which blood pressure spikes during pregnancy while excess protein is released into the urine, has many features in common with heart disease, the researchers add.

To investigate whether chocolate's possible cardiovascular benefits also might help prevent preeclampsia, the researchers looked at 2,291 women who delivered a single infant, and asked them about how much chocolate they consumed in their first and third trimesters. The researchers also tested levels of theobromine in infants' umbilical cord blood.

Women who consumed the most chocolate and those whose infants had the highest concentration of theobromine in their cord blood were the least likely to develop preeclampsia. Women in the highest quarter for cord blood theobromine were 69 percent less likely to develop the complication than those in the lowest quarter.

Women who ate five or more servings of chocolate each week in their third trimester of pregnancy were 40 percent less likely to develop preeclampsia than those who ate chocolate less than once a week.

A similar, but weaker, relationship between chocolate consumption and preeclampsia risk was seen in the first trimester, with women eating five or more servings of chocolate each week at 19 percent lower risk than those who ate chocolate less than once a week.

Theobromine could improve circulation within the placenta while blocking oxidative stress, or it could also be a stand-in for other beneficial chemicals found in chocolate, Triche and her team note in the May issue of Epidemiology.

"Our results raise the possibility that chocolate consumption by pregnant women may reduce the occurrence of preeclampsia," they write. "Because of the importance of preeclampsia as a major complication of pregnancy, replication of these results in other large prospective studies with a detailed assessment of chocolate consumption is warranted."

SOURCE: Epidemiology, May 2008.

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Many Americans Struggling in Life, Survey Finds

By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor

WASHINGTON, April 29 (Reuters) – Many Americans are struggling through life but only 4 percent are truly miserable, with no hope for the future, according to a survey released on Tuesday.

Nearly half — 49 percent — describe themselves as thriving, with few health or money worries, according to the the researchers at the global polling organization Gallup and health consulting firm Healthways.

The survey of more than 100,000 people is an unprecedented in-depth look at the health, wealth and happiness of the U.S. population, the researchers said.

"You are getting the detail of what it is like to live in this country," Daniel Kahneman, a professor emeritus at Princeton University in New Jersey, told a news conference.

The survey found that 47 percent of those polled can be considered struggling, mostly with worries about money.

The 4 percent defined as "suffering" generally lacked food or shelter, and also had no hope of improvement in the future.

Gallup's James Harter said this compares to Denmark, where 83 percent of people appear to be thriving and fewer than 1 percent struggling. In Cambodia, the situation is the opposite, with only 2 percent thriving, according to other surveys.

"Part of what this will allow us to do is diagnose at a local level where intervention should occur," Harter said.

The ongoing survey — the researchers are calling 1,000 people a day — provides enormous detail into what kinds of illnesses people have and how they affect their lives.

They are asking 70 different questions about well-being. These include questions about diagnosed diseases and daily physical discomfort, employment and income but also subjective questions about mood and happiness.

Dr. Virginia Gurley, senior medical director of Healthways, said the results can directly inform the political debate on health care, the future of programs such as Medicare and even international trade. "We are having trouble competing because of the cost of health care and its effects," Gurley said.


Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the findings can help launch a new approach to health care in the United States.

"We are investing the most of any country in the world — $2 trillion — and we rank 37th in terms of health," Gerberding told the news conference.

Healthways President Ben Leedle said 51 percent of Americans are stuck in a cycle of chronic disease such as heart disease and diabetes, in part because of their poor choices.

"Many are stressed, worried and overweight, all factors which lead to illness and, ultimately, lifelong health conditions," Leedle added.

For example, two-thirds of workers report one or more chronic diseases or recurring conditions, and more than 20 percent said they were out sick at least one day and on average six days in the previous month.

Workers with one to three diseases said they were unable to carry out their usual activities on 13.5 days each year. For workers with four or more disease conditions such as diabetes or heart disease this rises to more than 50 days a year.

The survey also provides insight into how misfortune begets more misfortune. "People who have asthma or who have diabetes are more subject to headaches and colds," Kahneman said.

Smokers really stand out, Kahneman said. "The impact on well-being is very, very striking," he said.

For example, 54 percent of smokers with a chronic health condition such as diabetes or heart disease reported having experienced "a lot of" stress the previous day, compared to 38 percent of non-smokers with similar health problems.

(Editing by Will Dunham and Cynthia Osterman)

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New Zealand Scientists Thaw 1,000-pound Squid Corpse


WELLINGTON, New Zealand – Marine scientists in New Zealand on Tuesday were thawing the corpse of the largest squid ever caught to try to unlock the secrets of one of the ocean's most mysterious beasts.

No one has ever seen a living, grown colossal squid in its natural deep ocean habitat, and scientists hope their examination of the 1,089-pound, 26-foot long colossal squid, set to begin Wednesday, will help determine how the creatures live. The thawing and examination are being broadcast live on the Internet.

The squid, which was caught accidentally by fishermen last year, was removed from its freezer Monday and put into a tank filled with saline solution. Ice was added to the tank Tuesday to slow the thawing process so the outer flesh wouldn't rot, said Carol Diebel, director of natural environment at New Zealand's national museum, Te Papa Tongarewa.

After it is thawed, scientists will examine the squid's anatomical features, remove the stomach, beak and other mouth parts, take tissue samples for DNA analysis and determine its sex, Diebel said.

"If we get ourselves a male it will be the first reported (scientific) description of the male of the species," Steve O'Shea, a squid expert at Auckland's University of Technology, told National Radio. He is one of the scientists conducting the examination.

The squid is believed to be the largest specimen of the rare deep-water species Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, or colossal squid, ever caught, O'Shea has said.

Colossal squid, which have long been one of the most mysterious denizens of the deep ocean, can grow up to 46 feet long, descend to 6,500 feet into the ocean and are considered aggressive hunters.

At the time it was caught, O'Shea said it would make calamari rings the size of tractor tires if cut up — but they would taste like ammonia, a compound found in the animals' flesh.

Fishermen off the coast of Antarctica accidentally netted the squid in February 2007 while catching Patagonian toothfish, which are sold under the name Chilean sea bass.

The squid was eating a hooked toothfish when it was hauled from the deep. Recognizing it as a rare find, the fishermen froze the squid on their vessel to preserve it. The national museum, Te Papa Tongarewa, later took possession of it.

The previous largest colossal squid ever found was a 660 pound female squid discovered in 2003, the first ever landed.

Researchers plan to eventually put the squid on display in a 1,800 gallon tank of formaldehyde at the museum in the capital, Wellington.

Colossal squid are found in Antarctic waters and are not related to giant squid found round the coast of New Zealand. Giant squid grow up to 39 feet long, and are not as heavy as colossal squid.

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What is Organic?

Certified Organic products are grown and processed without the use of synthetic chemicals, fertilisers, or GMO's*(see definition below). It is an innovative method of farming and production and is increasingly being recognised as being on the leading edge of food and fibre technology into the future.
Organics is not just chemical free by testing. It is about the way the product ingredients have been grown, prepared, processed and packaged. The whole system is linked in a completely natural way in which nature intended.

Do you ever wonder where all that lotion goes when you apply it to your skin? Your skin is the body's largest organ, it's a very sensitive, yet resilient type of living sponge. It soaks up what is applied to it, good, or bad. For the most part, you can rest assured, what you're probably applying to your skin is full of dangerous parabens and surfactants. Read the labels, and if you can't pronounce it, it's dangerous. Look at your shampoo labels: Do you see-Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate-Amonium Chloride-Cocamide MEA-PEG5-Tetrosodium EDTA-Propylene Glycol??? The list goes much further. These are all known cancer causing carcinogens. We put them in our hair, on our skin, and we do it on a daily basis. Who knows someone with cancer? Maybe you have had a brush with it, or a related illness. What type of household cleaners do you use? Do you breath them in, some even smell good, like all of the air-fresheners. Read the labels. Do they mention that breathing the ingredients can be harmful or fatal? There are over 10,000 chemical ingredients that are not required by law to be listed.

Sickness and cancers are the end result of the body's failure to cope with the endless applications and breathing of pollutants. Look at your toothpaste-your shaving cream-do you drink tap-water? You spend a lot of money every month on these poisonous products because they're advertised as "Fresh" "Clear" "All Natural" and S.C. Johnson and Co. calls themselves a family company. There's Dow chemical Group, Proctor and Gamble etc. They are publicly held companies aimed at making a profit to appease stockholders and company officers. Your long-term health is not one of their major concerns.
You have alternatives out there, you're already spending the money, you might as well direct it in a positive direction. Your health and wellness.

The Organic Movement
The organic movement began at the same time as industrialised agriculture. It evolved through the '50s and '60s with the launch of such books as " Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson, which exposed the toxic effects of pesticides through what is now termed bio-magnification; a process whereby synthetic chemicals used in agriculture magnify (increase in concentration) through the food-chain. During the '70s, the development of the organic market was stimulated by growing consumer interest in health and nutrition, as well as the increasing importance of preserving the natural environment. More recently, the movement has been given significant impetus by events such as outbreaks of Bovine Spongiform Encephalapathy (BSE or Mad Cow Disease) and the controversy surrounding Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), which have motivated people to search for healthy alternatives.
Booming, Ethical Industry

The organic industry has achieved compounded growth of 23% pa for seven consecutive years, while the natural and organic cosmetic sector grew by a massive 39% in 2001 alone. Organic Natural Enterprise Group leads the world in skin care by successfully developing a totally natural and legitimate organic range; the world's first certified organic skin and body care products. Recent market research has shown that consumer demand for organics is growing rapidly worldwide. The company, through its cutting-edge research and development, intends to progressively release dynamic, healthy, first-to-market innovations in the organic sector. Globally, sales in the personal care market, including natural personal care, reached USD$122 billion in 2000 and are growing 1.6%. In the USA, the entire Health and Beauty Care market is almost USD$40 billion and is expecting 3.4% annual growth. In contrast, the trend towards natural ingredients is running through every segment of personal care- with sales in the USA in this area reaching USD$1.56 billion in 2001 and growing at 10%. This segment is expected to grow 6%-7% annually over the next few years.

Consumer sales of organic products in the US reached US$5.6 billion in 2000, a rise of 19% from 1999. If organics sustains this annual growth (and there is no indication it will not as sales in 2001 reached US$9.4 billion) the organic segment will be worth between US$13 – US$18 billion by 2005.

Research across seven European countries found that organic spending would nearly double over the next 5 years. By 2006, 58% of European consumers will choose to use organic products. During 2000, 29 million people in the UK said they had consumed organic food, a figure that represents almost half the population. There are 142 million consumers of organic food in Europe, showing that organic food has hit mainstream after many years in 'alternative' niche markets. The UK, which had organic sales of GBP 605 million in 2000 and is expected to reach GBP 1 billion by 2003 will continue to be the key market.

The Japanese are the largest per capita consumers of organics in the world and are substantial importers of organic consumer products. Japan had a national market value of US$1.5 billion in 1998 and has a current estimated value of US$3.2 billion. The majority of organic products in Japan are distributed through a 'tei-kei' arrangement, which is a type of cooperative.

"ONE Group plans to capture a significant share of this booming organic market over the next 3-5 years."

Don't look to your federal government to point you in the right direction, they're the ones who've allowed you to be poisoned all along. Knowledge is power.

To your health America!

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Singled out: Diagnostic device developed by New Haven biotech can find one cell in a million

By Abram Katz, Register Science Editor

The body is trillions of cells, its blood is billions of cells. Within that multitude, one cell in the circulatory system may be an early warning sign of cancer or a valuable diagnostic tool.

The problem, of course, is how to pinpoint that one cell of interest from all the other somatic cells, blood cells, proteins, enzymes, antibodies and the other heavy traffic pumping through the vessels.

Using the conventional method of microscope, stain and human eye, the process would be orders of magnitude more difficult that picking a needle out of a haystack.

Now, a New Haven biotechnology company has made the job easier with an integrated robotic microscope, computer and system of fluorescent markers.


The Ikoniscope, made by Ikonisys of Science Park, has been approved for two uses by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and already has been sold to about two dozen laboratories.

The FDA allows the blue and orange Ikoniscope to be used for testing in bladder cancer and during a pregnancy. Each new use must receive FDA approval, said Dr. Petros Tsipouras, chairman and chief executive officer of Ikonisys.

The Ikoniscope can pinpoint and characterize 1 cell in 100,000, said Triantafyllos Tafas, chief technology officer of Ikonisys.

While the significance of finding single abnormal cells is not yet clear, the Ikoniscope can locate fetal cells circulating in a mother-to-be, and perform a noninvasive alternative to an amniocentesis test. There is about 1 fetal cell in every 1 million maternal blood cells, Tafas said.

The blood sample would first be exposed to segments of DNA assembled to lock onto chromosome 21. These segments would also be linked to a fluorescent dye.

Maternal cells would contain one pair of chromosome 21. So should the fetal cell. However, if the fetal cell contains three copies of chromosome 21, the baby will be born with Down syndrome.

Maternal blood is exposed to the DNA probes and then inserted on a slide into the Ikoniscope. Several slides can be loaded into a cartridge that is inserted into the machine.

Instructions and commands are entered through a computer monitor on the front of the device. Computers in the machines can be configured in several ways, including one in which satellite machines feed into one master Ikoniscope.

Inside the machine, the microscope automatically scans all of the cells on each slide. Using a sophisticated pattern-recognition algorithm, the computer analyzes and sorts every slide.

All cells should show a light signal of at least two copies of chromosome 21. A cell or two might emit a signal of three copies.

Information about the light emitted from the cells is stored in a massive memory bank.

The computer then scans each image, pixel by pixel. First it examines the cells at low power and eliminates all of the "uninteresting" cells. In this case, that would include all cells with two points of light, indicating two copies of chromosome 21.

Cells with abnormal signals, either more than two copies, fewer than two, or some other unexpected light pattern, are then scanned again at high power.

After more computing, the machine presents images of cells with three copies of chromosome 21, if there are any, and all questionable results.

Ikonisys also has an approved test to identify bladder cancer cells circulating in the blood.

The technique is similar, but uses a different DNA probe. Cancer cells generally have multiple copies of chromosomes, a sure signal of abnormality. Probes can recognize bladder cells, and find any that contain extra copies of chromosomes.

Tafas said Ikonisys is interested in pursuing prostate cancer diagnosis, which is currently based on clinical exams and the amount of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the patient’s blood.

Elevated PSA levels are ambiguous, however. PSA results include a high number of false positives — finding cancer where none exists — subjecting men to unnecessary biopsies. PSA tests also miss a high percentage of real cancers.

So, what does elevated PSA mean in the absence of prostate cancer cells? Does a finding of prostate cancer cells in concert with a high PSA score constitute a clear diagnosis?

Ikonisys plans to study these and other questions in collaboration with Oxford University, Tsipouras said.

Another basic question is what does an isolated abnormal cell mean, Tafas said. The immune system constantly locates and destroys haywire cells that might otherwise lead to cancer. Consequently, it is possible that very small numbers of isolated cancer cells might be normal, he said.

The answer will require more study.

Meanwhile, the Ikonisys system also could be used to judge the efficacy of cancer therapy, Tafas said. An effective therapy should yield few cancer cells in circulation. A poor one would leave more.

The rapid throughput of Ikoniscope technology is valuable in many areas of biological research, Tsipouras said. So, Ikonisys has received FDA approval to establish a research laboratory here. The lab should be operational in mid-January.

As an FDA-approved device, Ikonisys has to monitor the use of every bolt, screw, electrical component, wire and everything else that goes into the machine. The company keeps an extensive paper trail of parts and lots. One type of screw cannot be substituted for another without a great deal of complication.