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Magnesium Reduces The Risk Of Colon And Pancreatic Cancers

by: Ethan Evers

(NaturalNews) The role of magnesium in cancer is quickly gaining interest among researchers because of recent studies showing protective effects against multiple cancers. The most recent studies have shown that every additional 100 mg of magnesium daily may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 12 percent, and of pancreatic cancer by 21 percent.

Dr. Kens Miracle Magnesium Oil

New dual-study from the Netherlands on colon cancer
The latest study on colon cancer was carried out in two portions, each using dietary questionnaires to assess participants' daily magnesium intakes. The first was a case-control study on over 1,500 people (768 cases and 709 control subjects), which showed that every extra 100 mg of daily magnesium intake led to a 19 percent risk reduction in colorectal adenomas. However, this result was only statistically significant for those with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or greater, or for those at least 55 years old, or for the case of advanced adenomas. This is still highly relevant to Americans of all ages; however, since the average American adult's BMI is 28.4 for both men and women.

The second part of the study was a meta-analysis which combined the data of several past similar studies with the above new study, and this showed the protective effects of magnesium to be even more impressive. For the general population, every additional 100 mg/day of magnesium reduced the risk of colorectal adenomas by 13 percent, and reduced the risk of colorectal cancer by 12 percent. Importantly, the data showed both cases to be linear relationships, which means greater intakes of magnesium are assumed to offer proportionally higher levels of protection.

The EPIC Cohort study on pancreatic cancer
The most recent study on magnesium for pancreatic cancer was the EPIC Cohort from Europe, which included 142,203 men and 334,999 women with an average 11.3 year follow-up. Stratified analysis showed that every 100 mg/day increase in dietary magnesium reduced the risk of pancreatic cancer by 21 percent for those with a BMI of 25 or greater. Importantly, these results closely echoed the outcome of an earlier study from the UK (done on men only), which showed that men with the highest magnesium intakes (423 mg/day) had a 33 percent lower risk of pancreatic cancer than those with the lowest levels (281 mg/day). Again, this risk reduction was only valid and statistically significant for men with a BMI of 25 or greater. A 14 percent risk reduction was seen for the general male population (highest to lowest quintile of magnesium intakes) but the effect was not statistically significant.

The role of magnesium in cancer
It shouldn't be surprising that magnesium plays a role in cancer. It takes part as a co-factor in over 300 enzyme systems and is found in every tissue of the human body. And relevant for cancer, it plays a critical function in DNA repair, cell differentiation, proliferation and angiogenesis. Magnesium deficiency has also been linked directly to inflammation and oxidative stress, and now, to increased cancer risk. Unfortunately, 79 percent of American adults don't get enough in their diets (the current RDA is 320 mg/day for women and 420 mg/day for men).

Dietary sources of magnesium
Magnesium supplementation is an easy way to obtain the RDA, but eating magnesium-rich foods is a healthier way to get there, because they often contain other beneficial factors which also fight cancer. An exhaustive list of magnesium-rich foods (from the USDA nutrient database) is available at the last link below. Note that magnesium deficiency is more likely in seniors, heavy drinkers, and those with hyperglycemia, gluten sensitivity, and Crohn's disease.

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Healing Arthritis The Gerson Way

by: Mike Bundrant

(NaturalNews) In the 1920's, physician Max Gerson was under attack by the medical community for helping patients heal. Dr. Gerson claimed that to successfully treat any disease, you must first understand the cause. Once understood, you can eliminate the cause, freeing the body to recover naturally.

Arthritis and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Protocol


He demonstrated his healing methods with patients like Lilly Steinhaus, who came to Dr. Gerson with severe rheumatoid arthritis. Lilly's arthritis was so severe that every joint in her body was frozen into immobility. This included her jaw, such that she had to be fed through a tube that was inserted between her teeth. She had been to several doctors who offered her no hope for recovery.

Dr. Gerson used his nutrition therapy protocol, eliminating the toxic elements from Lilly's diet. Eventually, she made a full recovery and even took up dancing.

It seemed that applying the universal law of cause and effect was too logical for conventional medicine, who attacked Dr. Gerson for curing Lilly in order to generate publicity for himself. Their attacks seemed lacking in logic as well!

Today – nearly 100 years later – Taber's Medical Dictionary still lists no definitive cause of arthritis. How do you solve a complex problem without understanding what caused the problem? Look at the results produced by conventional medicine in the treatment of arthritis and it becomes clear. You don't.

Still, many modern physicians are beginning to agree with Dr. Gerson. Anna Barker, deputy director of the National Cancer Institute, explains:

Surprisingly, scientific literature is abundant with evidence that diet, exercise, thoughts, feelings and environmental toxins all influence the initiation, growth and progression of cancer. If a nutrition-poor diet full of sugar, lack of exercise, chronic stress, persistent pollutants and heavy metals can cause chronic disease, could it be that a nutrient-dense, plant-based diet, physical activity, changing thoughts and reactions to stress, and detoxification might treat the garden in which cancer grows? Treat the soil, not the plant.

The Path to healing arthritis
In her book, Healing Arthritis the Gerson Way, Charlotte Gerson explains that healing begins with recognizing and overcoming deficiency and toxicity. This is why Dr. Gerson found that nearly all degenerative diseases, including cancer, respond positively to a vegetarian, salt-free nutrition. The body needs an abundance of real nutrients and to be cleansed of the poisons in our modern food supply and environment. This is the path to healing according to Gerson.

Nutritional deficiency results from eating depleted, genetically engineered, pesticide-laden, salted, sugared, pre-made, pre-packaged, heat-and-eat, industrial foods, loaded with preservatives, dyes, artificial flavors and sweeteners that are devoid of the real nutrition your body needs.

Toxicity occurs from the "better living through chemistry" philosophy in the modern world where millions of tons of hazardous chemicals, poisons and drugs are dumped into our air, food and water, including:

• Fluoride and chlorine in the water
• Harsh chemicals in soap, shampoo, cleansers, laundry detergent, fabric softeners and so on
• Dangerous chemicals leached from plastics
• Pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers used in commercially grown food
• Out-gassing of formaldehyde, resin, and glue from carpet, pressed wood and so on.
• Exposure to electromagnetic radiation, microwave emission, radio waves and other electronic smog
• Inhalation of pollution, fumes, chemical fragrance, air fresheners, smoke and other airborne contaminants

Gerson Therapy
Gerson Therapy is a powerful and proven program that restores the immune system's healing properties by flooding the body with critical vitamins, minerals and nutrients and cleansing the body of chemicals with a powerful, natural process that flushes the liver and eliminates toxins at the cellular level.

As the immune system is restored to full strength, the body begins to repair itself and begins fighting any and all diseases. Over time, you recover. Identify and remove the cause of the problem and the problem loses its grip.

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Beat Gout Naturally

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) Gout is a disease in which uric acid levels accumulate and cause massive damage and swelling to various joints of the body. The uric acid is caused by poor dietary habits and metabolic stress. Specific lifestyle strategies can help reduce the symptoms of gout and restore proper metabolic function to beat gout naturally.

Arthritis and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Protocol

When uric acid accumulates, it forms crystals called urates which are sharp and penetrate and irritate the joints. The most common areas to be effected by urates are the big toe, feet, ankles, wrists, knees and elbows. This can be extremely painful and most physicians are unable to treat it effectively without dangerous medications.

Uric acid forms from two major biochemical patterns. The most commonly discussed with doctors who treat individuals with gout is purine metabolism. Purines are molecules that are formed by a grouping of nucleic acids. They are prevalent in foods such as red meat and organ meats along with seafood and alcohol. Organ meats such as kidney and liver contain the most purines by far.

Gout and fructose metabolism
Recent research has linked gout formation with elevated fructose consumption. This second biochemical pathway indicated that fructose triggers the body's production of uric acid from an important energy molecule adenosine triphosphate.

In New Zealand, the Maori people rarely encountered gout. Now, 10 to 15 percent of their population has gout symptoms in their lifetime. Seafood seems to be the major trigger for these Pacific islanders; however, they have always eaten a lot of seafood. These people eat 50 times more sugar and fructose (much like typical Americans) than they did 100 years ago.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association demonstrated that individuals who drink one fructose-rich beverage a day are 74 percent more likely to develop gout than those who drink the same beverage once per month. Individuals who drank two or more fructose sweetened beverages are 97 percent more likely to develop the disease.

Fructose is a form of sugar molecule that is most often found in corn, fruit and many plant based sweeteners such as agave nectar and honey. It is important to reduce fructose consumption by avoiding anything with high fructose corn syrup and minimizing the consumption of fruit juices, agave nectar and honey. Minimize the use of all fruit other than low fructose fruits such as berries, avocados, lemons, limes and grapefruit.

The typical diet for individuals with gout should be low in sugar and grains. Instead, focus on anti-oxidant rich vegetables and healthy fat sources. The best fat/protein sources include coconut products, avocados, extra-virgin olive oil and sprouted nuts and seeds. Healthy protein sources include 100 percent grass-fed beef in moderation, 100 percent raw grass-fed cheese, organic poultry and wild fish.

Individuals with gout do much better when they stick to an 80 percent raw diet. Any cooked food should be reserved for the evening meal. The daytime meals should be liquid; in the form of shakes, cacao avocado mousse and vegetable juices. Salads, guacamole with veggies or raw, sprouted seed crackers are also great. Before eating any cooked food, a digestive enzyme with lipase, protease and amylase should be used to enhance digestion. Lots of clean water should be consumed during the day and intermittent fasting for periods of 16-24 hours is encouraged to help detoxify the kidneys, liver and colon.

Individuals with gout should use apple cider vinegar and fresh squeezed lemon on salads, grains and meat. This helps provide organic acids and more enzymes and anti-oxidants to help pre-digest the meal. Fermented foods such as non-processed sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, amasai, and coconut kefir are very helpful.

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Eat Your Cruciferous Veggies

by: Hesh Goldstein

(NaturalNews) Before getting into why you should do this, let's lay out the playing field. The team is made up of bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, radishes, rutabaga, turnips, and watercress.

First and foremost, cruciferous veggies contain lots of cancer-crushing compounds like isothiocyanates (ITCs). So, a simple thing like eating these guys raw can protect one from bladder cancer. Out of a random test of 1,400 people, the ones that ate the most ITCs in their diet were less prone to developing bladder cancer, with seniors and smokers getting
the best protection.

Broccoli sprouts, for example, are loaded with ITCs. There was a study done with rats that found that they more they ate the less likely they were to get bladder cancer and if the did, the cancer progressed very slowly.

Then, scientists discovered that the ITCs boosted the enzymes that protected the cells from oxidation. And we know that oxidation contributes to cancer. What happens is that the kidneys process the protective compounds and eventually flush them into the bladder, where they wait for you to go to the bathroom. This means that the ITCs spend lots of time in close contact with the bladder lining, where cancer is most likely to develop.

But cooked cruciferous veggies do not offer the same protection as raw because cooking can destroy the ITCs. What's good to do is to cut up a variety of these veggies, keep them in the fridge, and snack on them with a bit of hummus or tasty cole slaw.

Broccoli, again, could better your odds of beating breast cancer and radically cut your chance of getting it in the first place. This is what cruciferous veggies do best.

Also, broccoli, cabbage, watercress, kale, cauliflower and the other crucifers are rich in plant compounds called glucosinolates. The bacteria, in your gut, breaks them down into other substances like sulforaphane, indole-3-carbinol, and ITCs, to name a few.

What happens next is these compounds cause cancer cells to commit suicide. This process is known as apoptosis. They also help prevent cancerous changes in your cells and change the way your body uses estrogen, so that less of the hormone fuels cancer growth.

Okay, sulforaphane is an antioxidant that revs up an enzyme in the body that gets rid of dangerous toxins. Therefore, eating the cruciferous veggies rich in it links to lower cancer risk. The people that conduct the studies with sulforaphane, because of its slowing of the growth of breast cancer cells, are hopeful that one day it could prevent estrogen-positive breast cancer.

Then, indole-3-carbinol breaks down further into diindolymethane (DIM), which prohibits two proteins that help breast cancer and ovarian cancer spread through your body. One study found that treating cancer cells with DIM reduced their spread by 80 percent.

The experts say that this could make the current cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy more effective, since DIM could stop the cancer from spreading or at least slow it down. DIM also boosts immune function, which may prevent cancer from ever getting stated.

Personally, I cannot believe the "cancer business" would ever consider this because the compound could radically affect their profits.

There is new research that connects crucifers high in ITCs, particularly raw white turnips and bok choy (Chinese cabbage), to a lower risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Younger women benefitted as well, but for a different reason. Premenopausal women with certain types of genes faced a much higher risk of breast cancer than other women. But, if they ate cruciferous veggies, their risk dropped significantly.

You ladies that eat lots of things that had a face and a mother should take special care to pile on the crucifers. Grilling, pan-frying, smoking, barbecuing, and even broiling meat creates PAHs and HCAs, two carcinogens linked to breast cancer.
In one study, the more grilled, barbecued, or smoked meats women ate, the more likely they were to develop breast cancer. And God forbid they ate lots of meat but fewer fruits and vegetables, the cancer risk jumped even higher.

Oh yeah, an interesting note about barbecuing dead, rotting flesh – the fat from the dead whatever that drips down onto the charcoal instigates a chemical called benzoapryne that flows upward and covers the dead body. When you eat it it's as if you just smoked a carton of cigarettes at one time. Do you think that cancer could arise from this?

So, loading your plate with lots of fruits and veggies, particularly those rich in ITCs like crucifers, could possibly offset some of that risk if you are a meat-lover. White turnips, for example, are a great source. Raw, they contain an incredible 17 times more ITCs than bok choy.

Watercress comes in with a close second with 16 times more ITCs than bok choy.

Then there are Brussels sprouts. These along with broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower can all protect you from colon cancer. They all contain a natural plant compound called glucobrassicin, which breaks down in your belly into indole-3-carbinol (I3C).
Yeah, it's hard to pronounce but gets digested even further, eventually turning into DIM. Evidence shows that DIM is behind the cancer-protection afforded by brassicas.

Tumors develop for two reasons:

1. Damaged cells multiply uncontrollably, forming tumors.
2. Damaged cells stop responding to signals your body sends them, telling them to die.

Certain compounds, such as DIM, help damaged cells to die when they should, so they don't keep multiplying and turn cancerous. That's why experts now think that eating brassicas like broccoli and Brussels sprouts may prevent colon cancer from developing and even slow the growth of existing cancer. That, in turn, could make traditional treatments more effective. Best of all, DIM does this without causing side effects, unlike medications.

How you eat them matters, though. The amount of protection you get from food depends partly upon how you prepare it.

Crucifers can lose 30 to 60 percent of their cancer-fighting compounds during cooking, but different methods yield different results. One study found that cooking red cabbage over low heat on the stove or lightly steaming it actually increased the cancer-fighting power.

Raw, however, may be the way to go. Rats that ate raw fresh watercress, green cabbage, and broccoli for nearly four months had fewer colon cancer markers than rats on regular diets.

Juicing does not work according to the study as vegetable juice had no effect on cancer in an animal study, nor did supplements made from the protective compounds in the vegetables.

Simple cabbage has surprising healing properties that combat infectious skin problems, strengthen weak bones, and lessen arthritis pain because cabbage and other cruciferous veggies have two nutrients that improve osteoarthritis pain and keep the disease from getting worse.

*Vitamin C reacts with iron to build healthy joint cartilage and antioxidants like vitamin C also keep you from losing cartilage and slows the progression of osteoarthritis (OA). In one study, people who got lots of vitamin C were less likely to have knee pain or see their OA get worse, while those in another study had fewer and smaller bone marrow lesions, which are the markers of arthritis, joint pain, and worsening OA.

*Cabbage and its fellow crucifers are also chock-full of vitamin K, which regulates the growth of bone and cartilage. Seniors, for example, with higher blood levels of vitamin K had fewer signs of hand and knee OA, in one study. The researchers feel that too little vitamin K may lead to shrinking cartilage and the growth of bone spurs common in arthritis.

*If ever the time came that we could go back to manure as fertilizer, most of there afflictions could be alleviated. But since the Rockefellers control the petro-chemical fertilization, that chance is slim. Thousands of people are attesting to the fact that the organic sulfur crystals relieve one of this agonizing joint pain.

Besides building cartilage, vitamin C may directly affect your bone health. It is a key part of the proteins that form collagen, one of the building blocks of bone, ligaments, tendons, and teeth. Plus, it stimulates your body to make bone cells.
In postmenopausal women, higher vitamin C is associated with greater bone mineral density, an indicator of bone strength.

Vitamin K is essential in building osteocalcin, another major protein in bones. A shortage of vitamin K weakens your bones, and studies link low-K diets to lower bone mass density (BMD) and a higher risk of bone fracture.

If, however, you boost your vitamin K intake, it keeps you from losing calcium through urine, reduces the amount of bone your body breaks down, and increases the amount of bone in your body. In a 10-year study, women who got the least vitamin K in their diets were 30 percent more likely to fracture their hip, while other research found that men and women who got the most vitamin k were 65 percent less likely to fracture a hip.

As early as the 1930s, scientists realized vitamin C helped heal cold sores and other lesions caused by the Herpes simplex virus. Further research showed it could help heal outbreaks twice as fast as simply waiting, probably because it enhances your immune system and fights viruses.

When it comes to vitamin K, ordinary boiled cabbage is best. Just half a cup of cooked cabbage meets 100 percent of your daily K needs, not to mention almost half your vitamin C requirements, in only 17 calories.

If you want more vitamin C, start adding raw red cabbage to salads and cole slaws as a cup of chopped cabbage provides 85 percent of the day's vitamin C and about 40 percent of your vitamin K, all in only 28 calories.

Back to broccoli. It has two powerful cruciferous chemicals that can amp up your rundown immune system, to ward off viruses and keep you healthier throughout the year.

When you sit down to a meal with broccoli, cabbage, or kale, you are helping your immune system to fight off infections. DIM, one of the compounds formed when you digest these foods, pumps up your immune system by increasing cytokines, the proteins that help regulate immune cells, increase more macrophages, which are immune cells that help kill bacteria and tumor cells, and increase two-fold the number of white blood cells, which fight off infection by killing the bugs attacking your body.

Again, sulforaphane boosts the immune system as well. It increases the killer immune cells, helps produce more cytokines and lymphocytes, and stimulates other parts other parts of the immune system. What's more, certain crucifers like broccoli are excellent sources of vitamin C, another virus-busting nutrient. Try some broccoli or Brussels sprouts with a
meal to ward off a sickness instead of turning to synthetic meds.

Last but not least, cauliflower. Eating cauliflower at least once a week is effective in protection from deadly forms of prostate cancer. Crucifers are full of natural cancer-fighting compounds, including ITCs, indoles, and sulforaphane, which help protect the genetic material in your cells from damage.

What's more, broccoli is high in phenols, the plant substances that boost your immune system and stamp out dangerous compounds that can lead to cancerous changes in your body. Anyway, here are what crucifers like broccoli and cauliflower can do for your prostate.

They can evade aggressive cancers if eaten more than once a week and they can shrink prostate tumors. And if tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together, they combine to create more of an impact because of the heavy natural cancer-fighting properties in them.

To gain optimum benefit you should eat about one-and-a-half cups of broccoli daily, along with two-and-a-half-cups of fresh tomatoes, or one cup of tomato sauce, or half a cup of tomato paste.

To be and stay healthy, it may be necessary to alter the way you eat.

First, you need to severely minimize your flesh intake. Next, you should eat as much organically grown produce as possible and eliminate all GMOs (bear in mind all flesh foods the walk or crawl are fed GMOs in their feed).

If you sprinkle some curry on your cauliflower it does wonders. PEITC, a compound in cruciferous veggies, and curcumin, a compound in curry seasoning, can stop new prostate tumors from developing and stop existing ones from spreading.

Then chew or chop your veggies because the PEITC and other ITCs form when the plant's cells get crushed up during chewing or chopping. Be sure to chew the crucifers thoroughly so they turn to saliva in your mouth and you wind up drinking them. That way you'll get the most prostate protection.

Last but not least, did you ever see Technicolor cauliflower?

You can now buy cauliflower in purple, orange and green. For real! The purple one are loaded with anthocyanin, the same phytochemical found in red grapes and red wine; the orange ones are loaded with beta carotene to the tune of about 25 times more than the white; and the green take the cake with more vitamins C and A.

Bon appetit!


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Natural Remedies For A Sore Throat

by: Sarka-Jonae Miller

(NaturalNews) It is almost inevitable that as soon as the weather turns cold, noses start running and people start coughing. Both bacterial infections such as strep throat and viral infections like the flu can cause sore throats. Thankfully, viral infections do not respond to antibiotics so people have to turn to natural remedies. There are many ways to speed healing of a sore throat without putting harmful substances into your body.

Colloidal Silver

Gargle away a sore throat
Gargling with salt water is an age old, folk remedy for sore throats that works. The simplest mix is just salt and water. One teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water is sufficient. Best to stir and let the salt dissolve before gargling though.

Tea time
Several teas are known to soothe sore throats. A helpful recipe includes:

1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
Juice from 1/4 lemon
1 teaspoon of honey
Cayenne pepper to taste

Mix the ingredients into a cup of warm water and drink slowly. One cup is rarely enough for all day relief, but four may do the trick. This drink may also help reduce coughing.

Another tea option is to combine ginger tea with cinnamon and lemon. Ingredients include:

1 teaspoon of grated ginger
1 cinnamon stick
2 teaspoons of grated lemon peel
1/2 cup of water

Combine ingredients in a pan and simmer for 15 minutes. Pour three tablespoons of mixture into a cup of warm warm and drink. Save the rest for additional cups of tea later in the day.

A third tea option is ginger tea with lemon and pepper. Seep one bag of ginger tea in a cup of hot water. Add lemon juice and black pepper powder to taste. This remedy not only helps relieve throat pain, but it can also clear blockages.

Herbs for sore throats
Research indicates that herbs can be effective for sore throats. A lesser known herb in the U.S. is andrographis. This herb is sometimes called Indian echinacea because of its use for colds and flus and because it grows in Asia, including India. A study at Tufts Medical Center found that andrographis relieved the sore throats and other cold symptoms of adult participants. Andrographis is available in the U.S.

Slipper elm is a common Native American remedy taken for many health problems, including skin conditions and sore throats. When water is added to slippery elm, a substance in the herb called mucilage becomes gel-like. The gel coats and soothes sore throats.

Sage leaves of liquid extracts added to hot water can also help sore throats. Add two teaspoons of sage leaves, dried or fresh, to a cup of boiling water, let steep and then drain the leaves to make a soothing herbal drink. It may also help to add a pinch of salt. Extra liquid can be kept in a refrigerator for two days.

Add moisture
Increasing the moisture in the throat is a basic way to relieve pain. A humidifier can do wonders for throat pain by adding moisture to dry air. Drinking plenty of water and tea also keeps the throat moist.

Some people find that warm liquids like soup are comforting. Other people have better luck with popsicles. Sucking on natural lozenges may help too, though young children should not be given lozenges because of the choking risk.

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How Cancer Feeds On Sugar

by: J. D. Heyes

NaturalNews) Not only is sugar the primary source of excess calories in the United States, but the latest research also shows that cancer cells lap up high-fructose corn syrup, adding yet another reason to avoid it.

Detox Protocol

A couple of years ago, researchers from the University of California-Los Angeles found that pancreatic tumor cells use fructose to divide and reproduce, debunking earlier assumptions that all sugars were the same.

Tumor cells that were fed glucose and fructose used those sugars in two different ways, the research team said.

'Major significance for cancer patients'

Their findings, which were published in the journal Cancer Research, could help explain earlier studies that have linked ingestion of fructose with pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest forms of the disease.

"These findings show that cancer cells can readily metabolize fructose to increase proliferation," Dr. Anthony Heaney of UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center and colleagues wrote in 2010.

"They have major significance for cancer patients given dietary refined fructose consumption, and indicate that efforts to reduce refined fructose intake or inhibit fructose-mediated actions may disrupt cancer growth," he said.

Americans, much more than people in most other industrialized nations, consume an incredible amount of fructose, mainly high fructose corn syrup, which is a mix of fructose and glucose used largely in sodas, bread and a host of other processed foods.

Incredibly, there is still no consensus among politicians, industry experts and some healthcare specialists over whether high fructose corn syrup and other sugary ingredients increase the nation's collective belt line (though Natural News readers and most reasonable people who don't grow corn for a living already know the answer to that "debate"). That's likely why there hasn't been more public education about the consequences of consuming fructose-heavy, processed foods.

Tumor cells thrive on all sugars

That said, some groups know the truth and have tried to speak it loudly. The American Heart Association, for example, says too much sugar of any kind will not only bust your belt but increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.

And a number of states, including New York and California, have considered levying a tax on sugary sodas to help pay for patients suffering from obesity-related diseases and who are covered under government health insurance programs. But these taxes have been successfully opposed, for the most part, with the help of millions of dollars in lobbying money from interest groups who say sugar is sugar.

Heaney's team found otherwise, Reuters reported. During trials, they grew pancreatic cancer cells and fed them both glucose and fructose.

The tumor cells thrived on both kinds of sugars but proliferated with fructose.

"Importantly, fructose and glucose metabolism are quite different," the team wrote.

"I think this paper has a lot of public health implications. Hopefully, at the federal level there will be some effort to step back on the amount of high fructose corn syrup in our diets," Heaney said in a statement.

Consumption of high fructose grew rapidly in the U.S. – by 1,000 percent – between 1970 and 1990, about the time the obesity epidemic began in earnest.

History of disease linked to sugary diets

High fructose corn syrup has also been linked to other medical conditions and diseases:

— A diet high in corn syrup causes the body to produce excess uric acid, which worsens gout – a condition caused by high levels of uric acid – according to a study published in the March 2012 Journal of Nutrition.

— Researchers at the Duke University in North Carolina said high fructose consumption can worsen non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by "depleting their store of critically important molecules called ATP, which provide liver cells (and other body cells) energy for important cellular processes, including metabolism," Science Daily reported.

— A study published in the Journal of Nephrology found that ingestion of "dietary fructose" worsens kidney disease by inhibiting intestinal calcium absorption and inducing vitamin D deficiency.

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Cops Taser Florida Man For Trying To Save His Home From Burning Down

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Daniel Jensen of Pinellas Park, Florida, was simply trying to protect his house from burning down when he instinctively grabbed the garden hose and began dousing the corner of his roof and backyard fence with water to prevent nearby flames from catching hold. But this was apparently unacceptable behavior in the eyes of the local police department, whose corrupt officers decided it was somehow appropriate to aggressively taser Jensen in the back for trying to protect his family and property from the approaching flames.

According to WTSP 10 News in Tampa Bay, police officers who arrived at the scene of the fire before firefighters showed up actually demanding that Jensen leave his house alone and allow it to burn, claiming "that's what insurance is for." Not wanting to see his beloved home needlessly catch fire, potentially taking with it all of his family's personal possessions and irreplaceable mementos, Jensen made the sovereign decision to reject the officers' poor advice and grab the garden hose again after flames suddenly jumped from his neighbor's house to his own.

Upon doing so, the Pinellas Park Police Department sergeant who was on the scene began shouting at another officer to "hit him" and "take him down" with a taser, statements which Jensen says he had no idea at that time were in reference to himself. Almost immediately after these statements were shouted; however, Jensen recalls being struck in his back with the dual taser barbs, which brought him to his knees and ultimately face down on the ground as if he was some kind of criminal.

"It was horrible. I was laying in a puddle of water being electrocuted here by the people that are supposed to protect us," recalled a teary-eyed Jensen to WTSP 10 News about the paralyzing incident. "I'm trying to protect my family, my neighbor, and they bring harm to me. I don't understand. All I remember is laying in water, being electrocuted for saving my home."

Protecting your house, property from fire is not a crime
Since no firefighters were present on the scene to address the fire themselves, Jensen's actions to protect both his and his neighbor's homes were fully warranted. Additionally, the cops who assaulted Jensen had no legal right to either trespass his property, or to taser him for trying to protect it. The entire incident just reeks of flagrant police state abuse, and embodies the precise reason why more Americans than ever are purchasing firearms in order to protect themselves and their families against this type of encroaching tyranny.

"They should have more tolerance with the public, to exhaust all options before firing electricity into somebody," added Jensen about the cruel and brutal behavior of his local police department.

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Fight Colds This Winter With Effective Natural Remedies

by: Katie Brind''Amour

(NaturalNews) Let's face it, some natural remedies just don't work. Unfortunately, still more can have serious side effects, and others haven't been studied enough for the scientific or medical community to embrace them as effective or safe.

Colloidal Silver

If you favor a natural approach to treating (and preventing) seasonal colds, review the best natural cold remedies and decide which ones you want to try. Or just follow the research and stick with the best-known remedies and preventive strategies

Ginseng to prevent and treat colds
Ginseng is one of the most researched natural remedies for cold treatment and prevention. Before you head out to buy supplements, though, make sure you are buying the most appropriate ginseng variety for your needs. American ginseng can help prevent the common cold by bolstering your immune system, while Siberian ginseng may help relieve your cold symptoms.

If you take other supplements or prescription drugs, be sure to ask a healthcare provider about adding any variety of ginseng to the mix, as it can interact with many medications.

Echinacea to treat cold symptoms
Echinacea is probably not useful for prevention, but it may be useful when taken within the first 24 hours of the first cold symptoms. Scientists think Echinacea reduces inflammation to combat cold and flu symptoms, and it may also bolster the immune system if it works on humans as it does in animal models. If you use Echinacea for treatment, try to only use it for the short-term – it hasn't been well studied for long-term use, and can cause some uncomfortable side effects in some people.

Chicken soup for the cold soul
Most people love a big bowl of chicken soup when they have a cold and don't care whether it helps with symptoms. Good news is it actually may work. Chicken soup may speed healing by killing off some of the virus cells and soothing a sore throat or stuffy nose.

Zinc lozenges for cold treatment and prevention
Throat drops are an ever-popular remedy for cold symptoms, and zinc lozenges may just be the gold standard. In some studies, zinc throat drops actually seemed to prevent colds as well as relieve symptoms. Try one or two per day for prevention and about one lozenge every hour or two once a cold starts.

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Got Gout? Get The Lead Out

by: Craig Stellpflug

(NaturalNews) Studies in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) trial looked at study participants to correlate the risk for gout attacks when compared to blood lead levels in the body. What they found was that blood levels of lead predisposed gout victims to episodes of gout but that purine levels were not a factor. People without gout had no more or fewer levels of purines as compared to people that did have gout. But the gout people did have higher lead levels.

Detox Protocol

Toxic blood levels of lead in children are currently set by the CDC at five micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL). For adults, blood levels of lead are considered "elevated" by the time they reach 25 µg/dL. According to study findings, individuals with blood urine lead levels in the 1.40 -2.10 µg/dL range (notice that this is below acceptable lead levels in children) had a 94 percent greater risk of gout attacks along with a 70 percent greater risk of elevated uric acid levels. The researchers also found that blood lead levels as low as 1.20 µg/dL can increase gout attacks.

50 to 75 percent of the US population has blood lead levels in the 1.40- 2.10 µg/dL range as reported by the CDC.

"All of this suggests there's no such thing as 'safe' or 'acceptable' lead levels," said study leader Dr. Eswar Krishnan, of Stanford University School of Medicine. Krishnan also noted that the average blood lead level in the U.S. is 3 mcg/dL.

About the gout and lead
So where does this lead come from? Besides on-the-job exposure to lead, people also inhale lead through cigarette smoke or lead-containing dust from deteriorating lead-based paint in an older home, drinking from old lead solder and lead water pipes, cooking on glass and enamel coated cookware, coming in contact with lead contaminated children's toys and jewelry, touching sun-baked plastic furniture and other outdoor toys and fixtures and also from hobbies, like working on old cars, or making glazed pottery and stained glass.

Gout can be very painful and is a form of arthritis that attacks joints in the body, mostly the big toe. The symptoms of gout can occur when an excessive buildup of uric acid in the body forms painful crystals in the joints. These crystals are monosodium urate or uric acid crystals deposited in the articular cartilage of joints, tendons and surrounding tissues provoking an inflammatory reaction of these tissues. The buildup of uric acid can lead to sharp uric acid crystal deposits in joints, deposits of uric acid lumps under the skin called tophi, and kidney stones from uric acid crystals in the kidneys.

Treat the cause and the symptoms go away
Allopathic medicine is notorious for managing symptoms while root causes go on wreaking havoc unabated. ALL diseases have causes that can be found and remedied so the symptoms go away. The same is true of gout. Allopathic medicine throws drugs at this condition without ever looking for root causes. Treatment plans for gout usually include the obligatory "cut back on proteins" which helps the patient manage the symptoms of gout but does not treat the cause.

In the book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," Certified Nutritional Consultant and nutrition researcher Phyllis A. Balch, states that alfalfa has a detoxifying effect on the body and aloe vera juice may help remove metals from your digestive tract. Chlorella and cilantro are also natural chelators that can absorb toxic metals like lead.

If you are experiencing either gout or elevated purine levels (hyperuricemia), then consider having your blood levels checked for lead and other heavy metals. In the mean-time, avoid any and all contact with lead and take the herbs mentioned above. These herbs won't harm you if taken in normal doses and may actually help you live longer and healthier.

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Plantar Fasciitis: What It Is And How To Get Rid Of It On Your Own

by: Dr. Daniel Zagst

 (NaturalNews) Plantar fasciitis is a common condition experienced by over two million people in the U.S. Pain and inflammation at the inside/bottom of the heel cannot only prevent someone from enjoying mobility, but may indicate a problem elsewhere in the kinetic chain of the body. Although there are several medical treatments available for plantar fasciitis including medications, injections, and splinting, they may only provide temporary relief. There are several conservative approaches that people can do at home to prevent and treat a case of plantar fasciitis comfortably and effectively to avoid unnecessary medical expenses.

Why mid-foot strike is making a comeback
The plantar fascia is a thick piece of connective tissue that supports the arch of the foot and provides a spring-like function to absorb energy when walking or running. It runs from the front of the calcaneus (heel bone) to the base of the toes, with fibers running up the back of the foot into the Achilles tendon. Before the advent of heel-supported running shoes, cases of plantar fasciitis were less common. The recent comeback of minimalist shoes and the promotion of mid-foot strike while running are in response to better understanding of the function of the plantar fascia. Landing on your heel when running sends a shock wave up the body two to three times your weight, forcing the weaker muscles on the front of your shins to overwork. Heel running may lead to plantar fasciitis, shin splints, runner's knee, and many other injuries. Using a mid-foot strike, the plantar fascia absorbs the energy and transfers it to forward motion via the much larger and stronger calf muscles in a spring-like fashion.

Who gets plantar fasciitis?
Someone experiencing plantar fasciitis typically notices pain on the inside of the heel that is usually most painful during the first steps in the morning. Although athletes are more likely to develop plantar fasciitis, it is also commonly found in overweight populations. It's estimated that 10 percent of the population will experience it at some time in their life. This type of injury is repetitive in nature, and does not develop overnight, nor will it disappear overnight. Poor walking/running biomechanics combined with a fallen arch puts stress on the plantar fascia and leads to micro-tearing and scar tissue formation. If left uncorrected, this can lead to inflammation and spiral out of control. Preventing plantar fasciitis from occurring is much easier than correcting a chronic case.

Conservative alternatives to injections and medication
There are several methods to relieve plantar fasciitis that can be performed at home with objects you already have. Start by stretching your calf muscles. This can be done by standing with your toes on a step and your heels hanging off, and gently let your heels approach the floor. In order to stretch out the plantar fascia, sit with one leg extended in front of you, hold each end of a towel and sling it around the toes of the extended foot and gently pull your toes toward you. To combat the pain from inflammation, freeze a plastic bottle of water and roll it underneath the affected foot. This provides a massage of the fascia as well as pain relief while allowing you to control the pressure. A more aggressive approach to break up scar tissue can be done by rolling a tennis ball, golf ball, or bouncy ball under the foot and applying varying degrees of downward pressure. The goal of this is to break up long-standing scar tissue that may be causing the inflammation. Whenever this exercise is performed, it is important to follow it with stretching and ice. Plantar fasciitis may be a stubborn condition taking months to relieve. Additional therapies like chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture can provide additional results and modalities that medical doctors can't offer like IASTM, ART, and myofascial release; all of which have shown their effectiveness in treating plantar fasciitis.