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Cops Taser Florida Man For Trying To Save His Home From Burning Down

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Daniel Jensen of Pinellas Park, Florida, was simply trying to protect his house from burning down when he instinctively grabbed the garden hose and began dousing the corner of his roof and backyard fence with water to prevent nearby flames from catching hold. But this was apparently unacceptable behavior in the eyes of the local police department, whose corrupt officers decided it was somehow appropriate to aggressively taser Jensen in the back for trying to protect his family and property from the approaching flames.

According to WTSP 10 News in Tampa Bay, police officers who arrived at the scene of the fire before firefighters showed up actually demanding that Jensen leave his house alone and allow it to burn, claiming "that's what insurance is for." Not wanting to see his beloved home needlessly catch fire, potentially taking with it all of his family's personal possessions and irreplaceable mementos, Jensen made the sovereign decision to reject the officers' poor advice and grab the garden hose again after flames suddenly jumped from his neighbor's house to his own.

Upon doing so, the Pinellas Park Police Department sergeant who was on the scene began shouting at another officer to "hit him" and "take him down" with a taser, statements which Jensen says he had no idea at that time were in reference to himself. Almost immediately after these statements were shouted; however, Jensen recalls being struck in his back with the dual taser barbs, which brought him to his knees and ultimately face down on the ground as if he was some kind of criminal.

"It was horrible. I was laying in a puddle of water being electrocuted here by the people that are supposed to protect us," recalled a teary-eyed Jensen to WTSP 10 News about the paralyzing incident. "I'm trying to protect my family, my neighbor, and they bring harm to me. I don't understand. All I remember is laying in water, being electrocuted for saving my home."

Protecting your house, property from fire is not a crime
Since no firefighters were present on the scene to address the fire themselves, Jensen's actions to protect both his and his neighbor's homes were fully warranted. Additionally, the cops who assaulted Jensen had no legal right to either trespass his property, or to taser him for trying to protect it. The entire incident just reeks of flagrant police state abuse, and embodies the precise reason why more Americans than ever are purchasing firearms in order to protect themselves and their families against this type of encroaching tyranny.

"They should have more tolerance with the public, to exhaust all options before firing electricity into somebody," added Jensen about the cruel and brutal behavior of his local police department.

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