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The Genetically Engineered Apple Coming To A Store Near You

by: John McKiernan

(NaturalNews) For the past 10 years Okanagan Specialty Fruits, a small company out of British Columbia, Canada has been developing what will most likely be the first genetically engineered apple to hit the market. The purpose of the genetic alteration is to prevent the apple from turning brown or bruising. The primary objective of the new trait; however, focuses mainly on industry supply chain costs rather than the consumer, as fewer apples will be rejected by grocery stores due to minor bruising. Company president, Neal Carter nevertheless insists that the goal of the company is to get people to eat more apples. While this may also be true, the public strongly opposes the new GMO.

Survey says…

Okanagan conducted their own survey asking Americans whether they would be likely to purchase Arctic apples. According to the survey 60 percent of American apple eaters would be extremely likely to purchase the apples. Another survey was taken a year later by the British Columbia Fruit Growers' Association. This time, genetic engineering was emphasized in the survey. The overwhelming result was that 70 percent of Canadians opposed the apple. Undoubtedly Okanagan downplayed the GE aspect, while emphasizing the apple's advantages. It's safe to say most people wouldn't prefer a GM apple over a normal one. It's also safe to assume that if everyone understood the potential health consequences of GM foods, nobody would ever give their approval to any GM food.

Undermining the healthy image of apples

Apples, one of natures most popular products, have always been been associated with good health. As the old saying goes; "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." The new Arctic apple; however, may cause more doctor visits than it prevents. With current laws, there is no mandatory labeling of GMOs, so people who once ate apples may now avoid the fruit altogether, just to be sure they are steering clear of any GE apples.

GE technology creates unintended consequences

Okanagan has successfully manipulated the gene that produces polyphenol oxidase (PPO), the enzyme that reacts to oxygen, which leads to the browning effect. Silencing the PPO gene in tomatoes has shown to negatively impact the plant's ability to withstand diseases and insects, implying that the gene may play an important role as a defense mechanism. It is common for genetic alterations to have unintended consequences, as genetic engineering changes cells in ways that are unknown to us. The company maintains that the manipulation is safe and that fears are overblown. Isn't that what they said about GE corn?

Who's asking for GM apples, again?

Okanagan is currently awaiting approval for the Arctic apple in Canada, where organic growers worry about the anti-browning gene being spread to their trees. The U.S. Apple Association "does not support the approval of this product" and states "Consumers like their apples and are not calling for these new 'nonbrowning' cultivars." Regardless, the U.S. government could green light the GM apple very soon. If it's successful on the market, there's no doubt that all the big name growers will want in. Golden Delicious and Granny Smith varieties of the Arctic apples have already been developed and Gala and Fuji are in the works. As if this news wasn't bad enough, Okanagan also plans to use their technology to create other GM fruits, including cherries, peaches and pears.

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Lance Armstrong Was Ringleader Of World Largest Doping Conspiracy

by: J. D. Heyes

 (NaturalNews) He had many of his fans believing in him, rooting for him, pulling for him. But it seems he never completely convinced sports authorities of his alleged "superman" status.

An investigation into seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong has found that he was atop the largest doping conspiracy in the history not just of cycling but of all sports – findings which have ruined both his reputation and legacy. His cancer survival, touted as heroic given his accomplishments, will forever be mentioned in the sports history books with an asterisk beside it.

The revelations came in a 202-page indictment by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, which charged Armstrong in early October of six offenses regarding the use of banned substances, drug trafficking, administering drugs to teammates and aiding and abetting a monstrous cover-up between 1998 and 2005 – a period when he dominated the globally famous race.

The findings have had a dramatic impact not just on his millions of fans but on the cycling world itself. Dave Brailsford, British Cycling's performance director and who was key to Bradley Wiggins becoming the first Briton to win the race this year, said he was stunned to read the USADA findings.

"It is shocking, it's jaw dropping and it is very unpleasant," Brailsford.

A cocktail of banned substances

Shocking, indeed. So, too, is the witness list.

A total of 26 people, including 11 fellow cyclists from his U.S. Postal Service team, gave testimony to the USADA against Armstrong in a case the agency described as "more extensive than any previously revealed in professional sports history."

The findings have recently been sent to the International Cycling Union, which will have three weeks to refute the findings and appeal to the World Anti-Doping Agency, or just comply with a previous USADA decision to strip Armstrong of his Tour de France titles. In a statement earlier this month, the UCI said it would supply a "timely" response.

The findings are the result of a two-year investigation. The agency accused Armstrong "of using a cocktail of banned substances and blood transfusions," Britain's Telegraph newspaper reported.

Between investigative findings and testimony, the agency painted the picture of an elaborate doping ring which alleged involvement of fellow riders, support staff and even Armstrong's former wife. The doping program itself, said the agency, was the concoction of Michele Ferrari, a disgraced Italian doctor. Armstrong would travel across Europe before and during races to have his blood transfusions.

The agency's report also accused the cyclist of administering testosterone to a teammate, as well as threatening to get rid of fellow teammates if they did not follow Ferrari's program. The USADA also said Armstrong surrounded himself with drug runners "so that he could achieve his goal of winning the Tour de France year after year."

The report said there was a "code of silence" throughout cycling as Armstrong intimidated potential whistleblowers. The lengthy report referenced financial records, emails and laboratory test results which the agency believes indicates years' worth of doping.

'Massive and long-running scheme'

"The USPS Team doping conspiracy was professionally designed to groom and pressure athletes to use dangerous drugs to evade detection and to ensure its secrecy and ultimately gain an unfair competitive advantage through superior doping practices," said the agency's report. "A program -organized by individuals who thought they were above the rules and who still play a major and active role in sport today."

Not surprisingly, an unnamed spokesman for Armstrong refuted the agency's findings, the Telegraph said.

But the report went on to say that Armstrong would receive blood transfusions in the team doctor's hotel room, until French police tightened security. Then, Armstrong employed, in essence, a drug runner to deliver EPO, or Erythropoietin, which increase the number of red blood cells in the body (red blood cells transport oxygen to the tissues).

"Lance Armstrong and his handlers engaged in a massive and long-running scheme to use drugs, cover their tracks, intimidate witnesses, tarnish reputations, lie to hearing panels and the press and do whatever was necessary to conceal the truth," said the agency.

In September, Armstrong decided to avoid arbitration with the USADA to answer charges of doping. The agency, in response, stripped him then of his titles.

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‘You Can’t Handle The Truth About Your Food’

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) To illustrate just how utterly ridiculous the campaign fighting against the labeling of genetically-modified (GM) foods truly is, the group Food & Water Watch (FWW) has put together a mock public service announcement (PSA) featuring celebrities Danny DeVito, Dave Matthews, Emily Deschanel and a number of others that pokes fun at the complete non-arguments of the No on 37 campaign seeking to defeat California's Proposition 37 ballot measure to mandate the labeling of GMOs at the retail level.

Major food conglomerates like Coca-Cola and biotechnology companies like Monsanto have already collectively spent at least $35 million trying to convince Californians that GMO labeling will raise the cost of food, lead to more "shakedown" lawsuits, and conflict with "science." Such flimsy arguments are all the No on 37 campaign really has in its arsenal of tactics to defeat the measure, as there really are no valid reasons why Californians, or anyone else for the matter, should not be made fully aware of the contents of the foods they eat.

"What makes you think you have the right to know?" asks Danny DeVito, ironically scorning the biotechnology industry's position that consumers are basically too inconsequential and stupid to be made aware of the contents of their food. "Certain companies would lose a lot of money if you didn't buy their stuff," adds television host and comedian Bill Maher, alluding to the real reason why the No on 37 campaign wants to stop GMO labeling — it will kill the GMO industry.

You can watch the full Yes on 37 PSA video here (as a warning, the video contains profanity):

"While the parody of the food and pesticide companies' arguments in opposition to Prop. 37 is humorous, there really is nothing funny about the fact that Californians lack the most basic information about the food we eat," said FWW's Pacific Region Director Kristin Lynch about the issue. "We hope the fans of these popular artists share this video with everyone they know to spread the word about how important it is to vote yes on Prop. 37 to make GE labeling the law."

In the final weeks before election day on November 6, FWW and the Yes on 37 campaign are working to have this PSA aired throughout the state of California. But in order to do so, the campaign will need considerable amounts of cash, which the two groups are hoping to raise at the grassroots levels from willing donors.

As of this writing, the Yes on 37 campaign has reached just over 40 percent of its ultimate goal to register 1,000 donors, which means your help is needed during this final stretch to help fill the gap for the remaining 60 percent. Remember, GMO labeling in California will have a nationwide impact, as food manufacturers will likely be forced to either label all their foods as containing GMOs, or reformulate them without GMOs at the national level.

To learn more, visit:

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An Indictment Of The For-Profit Cancer Industry

by: Dr. Carolyn Dean

(NaturalNews) What Went Wrong is not a question, it's a statement of fact in the raging war between alternative cancer therapies and allopathic medicine's standard of cancer care with drugs, chemo and surgery. I added the word Again, because these battles have happened countless times and have cost countless lives.

Anti-Cancer Protocol

Dr. Nick Gonzales begins his book, What Went Wrong, with the following words.

"From 1998 to 2005, my colleague Dr. Linda Isaacs and I worked closely with physicians and scientists from Columbia University, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), developing and pursuing a formal clinical trial comparing our nutritional treatment to chemotherapy in patients diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer. When the project first began we were excited by, and grateful for, this opportunity to have our regimen tested under what we hoped would be rigorous academic supervision. In a personal sense, the study represented the culmination of nearly 15 long years of our own research efforts and our battles to have our therapy properly evaluated and eventually mainstreamed. We also hoped that in a more global sense, this effort would help usher in a new era of cooperation between mainstream institutions and serious alternative practitioners with promising new treatments. In those long ago days we truly believed that the endless and fruitless war between academic medicine and more unconventional approaches might be coming to an end, to everyone's benefit.

…Now, some 14 years later, I am sorry to report that despite our early optimism the study collapses in a morass of poor management and indifference by those assigned to supervise the project. Our enthusiasm long ago died, along with our faith in the academic research world, its concern for such noble ideals as scientific truth and compassion for the serious ill. In a more practical sense, we strongly believe that any serious-minded alternative cancer practitioner or researcher should avoid working with NCCAM, the NCI and academic medical centers at all cost, and instead search for other avenues of support, either from industry or private foundations."

What follows is a large book of almost 600 pages with an historical account of what most alternative cancer researchers and clinicians have experienced for the past two hundred years. You may not have been privy to exactly what happened to Dr. Max Gerson, Gaston Naessens, Royal Rife or Harry Hoxey as their cured cancer and were demonized for it. But you can be in on the ground floor of this latest tragedy that keeps alternative cancer therapies from being shared with the public. Similar attacks have been made against Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski because of his excellent cure rate with his cancer therapy.

But this is an account of the cancer establishment funding Dr. Gonzales' to do a scientific trial of his work – and then proceeding to ignore, obfuscate and corrupt the data.

I strongly encourage you to buy this historical account of a cancer system gone terribly wrong. Since medicine is all about the money, driving Dr. Gonzalas' book to the top of Amazon's sales ranking will send its own message.

Here's an overview of the cancer industry the Death by Cancer, Inc. from my Death by Modern Medicine Seeking Safe Solutions book.

"Why Fix a System That's Earning Billions
Drug companies and modern medicine do not see the need to change what they are doing. After all they are making billions of dollars, so their strategists wonder why they should change a winning game. Doctors are earning a sizeable income, and American medical conventions attract 20,000-30,000 participants where newer and more expensive drugs and surgical techniques are touted. Modern medicine is very pleased with the monopoly it has created. However, for the majority of North Americans, modern medicine is a losing game. This is nowhere more evident than in the business of cancer.

Cancer Inc.
If something is not working in a business do we keep doing what doesn't work? Absolutely not! That would be stupid if not insane. Therefore why do we keep using the same methods of attack on cancer when forty years of the same approach has been disastrous? That is, if one questions whether our end point is to save more lives!

You may think that there is no other way to treat cancer than by surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation because your information about this disease comes from modern medicine alone. Media coverage of cancer reinforces the modern medicine way to treat this devastating disease every day. Unfortunately, we don't hear about the major advances that have been made using natural medicine. In fact, as much as there is a war on cancer, there seems to be a war against people finding out that there are alternative treatments to cancer and there are even more ways we should be mobilizing our society to prevent the disease in the first place. The war on cancer exemplifies the rigidity of modern medicine and the extent to which the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical companies will go to maintain a monopoly on medicine, even if it is killing us.

Losing the War on Cancer
The following overview of the failing war on cancer will make many feel uncomfortable. Almost all of us have been touched by cancer and pray that we do the right thing for our loved ones when they develop this disease. This overview may make us mad because we haven't done enough to ensure that our loved ones have gotten the proper care. But this section on cancer and the entire chapter and book should make us question why we are allowing modern medicine to continue to operate as a monopoly and not a more level playing field with other therapies.

Medical cancer writer, Dr. Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D., in his Weekly Cancer Decisions newsletter about the 40th annual meeting of the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in 2004 states that he found, in spite of the fact that one doctor presented a report showing that 91 percent of cancer patients seek some form of alternative medicine (what we call natural medicine), there were almost no presentations on cancer and natural medicine at the conference. It's as if it doesn't even exist.

We all know that cancer is a big business; you may not know that modern medical conventions themselves are also big business. It is not unusual to see ten, twenty, or even thirty thousand participants in convention centers the size of small towns. At this particular ASCO convention, Dr. Moss reports that there were 25,000 participants, mostly medical oncologists. To give some perspective, a traditional medical conference of naturopathic doctors, alternative medicine practitioners, herbalists, or acupuncturists, at most might have 1,000 attendees.

As Dr. Moss notes, thousands of cancer doctors "… came to lecture and be lectured to about the latest advances in cancer treatment. In addition to the gargantuan plenary sessions, there were hundreds of smaller sessions, approximately 1,500 poster and oral presentations, and 8,500 other research summaries given as abstracts."

Chemotherapy Cocktails
The focus of the research presented was on how to mix different chemotherapeutic drugs with what is called "targeted drug therapies". There were no new breakthroughs; nobody talked about the failure to win the war on cancer. They just continued the illusion that they are heroes fighting the war on cancer and helping people.

Fortune Magazine's Expose' on Cancer
Clifton Leaf, Executive Editor of Fortune magazine and himself a survivor of adolescent Hodgkin's disease, also reported on this particular convention, his own personal experience, and his research into the war on cancer. His article, "Losing the War on Cancer," in Fortune, March, 2004, is nothing short of devastating but netted barely a blip on the radar screen of the major media.

Mr. Leaf said that we hear every day about new cancer drug breakthroughs that claim the cure is in sight. "But it's not," he says. "Hope and optimism, so essential to this fight, have masked some very real systemic problems that have made this complex, elusive, relentless foe even harder to defeat… we are far from winning the war. So far away, in fact, that it looks like losing."

Here are some shocking facts (presented in point form) about our losing battle that Mr. Leaf expanded on in his widely read mainstream journal. While they are U.S. statistics, we can apply them equally to Canadians suffering with this disease and to the war on cancer in Canada:

1. Each and every 14 months, more Americans will die from cancer than have died from every war that the U.S. has fought… combined.
2. Cancer is about to replace heart disease as the number one U.S. killer. It is already the biggest killer in many age groups. (Our Death by Medicine statistics show that the number one killer is medical errors. See Appendix B.)
3. Even adjusting for age, the percentage of Americans dying from cancer is about the same as it was in 1971 (when Nixon declared the war on cancer) or even back in 1950!
4. The much-touted improvement in survival from cancer is largely a myth. "Survival gains for the more common forms of cancer are measured in additional months of life," says Leaf, "not years." Yet the headlines try to make it seem like much more.
5. Most of the improvement in longevity of cancer patients can be attributed to lifestyle changes (the promotion of which has not been a conspicuous priority for the National Cancer Institute) and especially to early detection.
6. A few dramatic breakthroughs (such as in Hodgkin's disease) occurred in the early days of the war on cancer. There has been little substantial progress in recent decades… despite nearly ubiquitous claims to the contrary.
7. According to one biostatistician at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, long-term survival from common cancers (such as prostate, breast, colorectal and lung) "has barely budged since the 1970's."
8. According to Andy Grove, the chairman of Intel and a major cancer financer, "It's like a Greek tragedy. Everybody plays his individual part to perfection, everybody does what's right by his own life, and the total just doesn't work."
9. The cancer effort is "utterly fragmented – so much so that it's nearly impossible to track down where the money to pay for all this research is coming from."
10. Leaf estimates that U.S. $14.4 billion is spent each year on cancer research alone. "When you add it all up, Americans have spent… close to $200 billion, in inflation-adjusted dollars, since 1971." It is certainly justifiable to ask for an accounting.
11. Research has become increasingly irrelevant to the real-life problems faced by cancer patients. "The narrower the research niche," says Leaf, "the greater the rewards the researcher is likely to attain."

The Basic Flaw of Cancer Research
Leaf warns that cancer research is fundamentally flawed in its orientation. He says this is because cancer scientists have applied the same tactics they have in all other diseases and self-confidently created "animal models" and artificial cell lines that supposedly mimic an equivalent human disease, such as breast, colon or lung cancer. These scientists then triumphantly "cure" cancer in these laboratory models over and over again with their chemotherapy drugs.

But cell lines and tumors growing in mice are drastically different from spontaneous human tumors, the kind that afflict us and our mothers and fathers. When you begin with a flawed model, you end up with flawed results. People that try to keep up with cancer research have become accustomed to an endless series of so-called breakthroughs in mice that never seem to work in clinical trials in actual human patients. But by that time there is no headline telling people about yet another failure, we just keep seeing the false-hope headlines.

Various researchers in Mr. Leaf's article made the following statements:

"A fundamental problem, which remains to be solved in the whole cancer research effort, in terms of therapies, is that the pre-clinical models of human cancer, in large part, stink." -Dr. Robert Weinberg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

"Cancer researchers say, 'I've got a model for lung cancer!' "Well," says Prof. Bruce Chabner of Harvard University, "It ain't a model for lung cancer, because lung cancer in humans has a hundred mutations. It looks like the most complicated thing you've ever seen genetically."

"Hundreds of millions of dollars are being wasted every year by drug companies using these models," says Weinberg. "But with the huge profits to be made from tumor-shrinking drugs… what incentive do they have to stop?"

"It is exciting to see a tumor shrink in mouse or man and know that a drug is doing that," says Leaf. "It is a measurable goal." But, he adds, "Tumor regression by itself is actually a lousy predictor for the progression of disease." The sad truth is that "regression is not likely to improve a person's chances of survival.""

What is the average citizen supposed to do when doctors are prevented from providing alternatives that you may want? Personally I have layers of information that people can follow to take responsibility for their own health. And as I said above, buy Dr. Gonzales' book and support doctors who provide you with alternatives. Pouring more money into the alternative medicine community rather than the allopathic community is one way to let everyone know that change is afoot.

Death by Modern Medicine: Seeking Safe Solutions is available on Kindle.

About the author:
About the author:
Dr. Carolyn Dean is The Doctor of the Future. She is a medical doctor and naturopathic doctor in the forefront of the natural medicine revolution since 1979.

She has two published patents on novel health products and more in the pipeline.

Dr. Dean is the author/coauthor of 30 health books (print and eBooks) including The Magnesium Miracle, IBS for Dummies, IBS Cookbook for Dummies, The Yeast Connection and Women's Health, Future Health Now Encyclopedia, Death by Modern Medicine, Everything Alzheimers, and Hormone Balance.

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Vitamin C Prevents Bone Mass Loss To Protect Against Osteoporosis

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Medical science has known for more than a century that vitamin C is essential to prevent scurvy, and more recently has been demonstrated to help prevent deterioration of the delicate inner endothelial lining of the arteries supplying the heart. In this way, vitamin C prevents vascular dysfunction that often leads to heart attack and cardiovascular disease. In recent years, there has been debate on the recommended daily requirement for vitamin C and the optimal amount necessary to halt catastrophic disease.

Vitamin C

Scientists from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine have published the result of a study in the journal PLoS ONE demonstrating for the first time that vitamin C actively protects against osteoporosis, a disease affecting large numbers of elderly women and men in which bones become brittle and can fracture. Lead study researcher, Dr. Mone Zaidi explained "This study has profound public health implications, and is well worth exploring for its therapeutic potential in people"

Vitamin C supplementation provides a natural treatment for those at risk of osteoporosis
To conduct their study, researchers working with mice known to simulate bone formation in a manner consistent with human biology, worked with female mice with reduced bone density and compared with a control group of normal animals. Dr. Zaidi noted "The medical world has known for some time that higher vitamin C intake is associated with higher bone mass in humans… this study shows that large doses of vitamin C actively stimulates bone formation to protect the skeleton by inducing osteoblasts, or premature bone cells, to differentiate into mature, mineralizing specialty cells."

The mice exhibiting reduced bone density were divided into two groups, one of which was supplemented with large doses of vitamin C over a period of eight weeks, and a second non-supplemented group. The scientists then measured the bone mineral density in the lumbar spine, femur, and tibia bones, and compared it to those animals not receiving vitamin C supplementation.

The study team found those mice not receiving the vitamin C supplementation had a much lower bone mineral density (BMD) as compared to the control groups. Supplemented animals retained normal BMD, suggesting vitamin C prevented BMD loss in this group. Dr. Zaidi concluded "Further research may discover that dietary supplements may help prevent osteoporosis in humans." The researchers also commented that vitamin C could provide a natural method to maintain bone health without the use of expensive and dangerous pharmaceuticals in many aging adults at risk for osteoporosis.

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Natural Supplement Manufacturer Jim Cole Under FDA Fire

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently in illegal possession of $2 million worth of private assets owned by natural supplement manufacturer Jim Cole and his three businesses, Maxam Nutraceutics, Turbosonic USA, and Sonic Life. In direct violation of the U.S. Constitution's Fifth Amendment, the FDA is refusing to press charges against Jim, denying him of his right to due process, as well as refusing to return his personal property, which the agency appears intent on using to put him out of business.

As we covered last year, the FDA first decided to needlessly target Jim and his businesses back in 2010, and later sent dozens of armed thugs to conduct an unprovoked raid on his Hood River, Oregon-based facilities and private home back in April 2011. In the process of the raid, the jackbooted drones that complied with the FDA's illicit orders seized 220 boxes of Jim's private files, customer records, and invoices, including files marked "Attorney Client Privileged Information," as well as stole $2 million worth of his companies' products.

You can read our earlier report on the FDA's shakedown of Jim Cole here:

Not long after conducting the raid, the FDA illegally seized all of Jim's money from five bank accounts he held, and shut down the merchant accounts associated with them, essentially halting his business operations. The FDA also tried to destroy Jim's reputation in the local community by making sure that Jim's picture ran on the front page of a local newspaper with captions labeling him as a money launderer and a racketeer, both of which are patently false.

Judge grants FDA unlimited stall time to drive Jim out of business

Jim responded to the FDA's unjustified assault on his livelihood and pilfering of his private property and assets by trying to pursue legal action against the FDA for failing to actually charge him with any legitimate crime. In the meantime; however, a judge recently granted Jim's prosecutors at the FDA a motion to stop all proceeding, which means the agency can stall for a long as it wants to in having to file any actual charges against him.

Because the FDA has no real case against Jim, the agency is violating the due process requirements of the justice system in order to illegally hold ransom Jim's assets, and eventually drive him out of business. Such activity is absolutely criminal, and the fact that a judge has now helped facilitate the indefinite ransom of private property by a rogue federal agency shows just how far into tyranny the United States of America has descended.

Since the mainstream media will never report on this shameless abuse by the FDA of the Constitution and the justice system, it is up to individuals to get the word out about it and demand that some kind of justice be served. The FDA is brazenly thwarting the rule of law in its ruthless attempt to destroy the businesses of a man that has done no wrong, and the issue needs to be brought to light so that this criminal agency can be stopped.

Jim has issued a call for help from the natural health community in the form of a petition, entitled "Stop the FDA's malicious persecution of Jim Cole," which contains more details about his ongoing battle to preserve his livelihood and continue helping people without government oppression. You can access that petition here:

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Disease Prevention For Your Cat And Dog, Without Vaccination

by: Madeleine Innocent

(NaturalNews) Disease prevention comes from having a healthy immune system. It does not come from vaccination. Regular readers of Natural News will be well aware of the toxic ingredients of vaccinations, including mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, cross species tissue, adjuvants and more. It doesn't take much intelligence to appreciate the toxic effects of these substances on a body.


Natural immunity

A newborn is not born with an immune system. They receive passive immunity from their mother's milk. As they grow and start to eat solid food, their immune system begins to form. Naturally, the weaning period is tapered off slowly, so that the baby's immune system can make mistakes as it develops.

Once the baby is fully weaned (naturally by the mother, not forced by people), the immune system is very capable. Any passing pathogen, whatever it is, can be easily rebuffed.

A healthy immune system doesn't just target common diseases, such as parvo, kennel cough, influenza, enteritis. It targets all disease. A healthy immune system will also be capable of rebuffing new or rare diseases.

There are various aspects of life that contribute in the formation of a healthy immune system. The most important ones are diet, living conditions, mental health and natural healthcare.


It is doubtful that there is a commercial pet food that does not harm. From poor quality, cheap ingredients that are deficient in nutrients, to the lack of balance between protein and carbohydrates, to the chemical overload that is supposed to address the nutrient shortfall, to color, to flavor, to improving the consistency, and to preserving the dry and semi-dry foods.

Living conditions, understanding what the species need

Living conditions are extremely important. If your pet is not able of expressing who they are freely, they will suffer mentally. For example, dogs need company. They are pack animals and can become depressed if they spend a lot of time on their own. Cats need to have access to the sun, to the grass under their paws, to feel the energy of nature. Exclusively indoor cats have more health problems than those who have at least some free time outside.

Mental health

How you treat your pet is important. Invariably, people use human concepts to train or treat their pet. This causes many problems. You need to understand who they are, where they come from. Most dogs feel they are the leader of the family pack because humans don't understand dogs and give them conflicting messages. This leads to high anxiety in the dog and destructive habits. Ultimately, this moves on to depression or aggression. Cats are easily frightened and if they do not have a safe place to escape to, they too can become aggressive.


Veterinary medicines do not address the cause of the problem. They suppress the symptoms. They are toxic, especially to the liver. They suppress the immune system, leading to more problems in the future. They meddle with the DNA. Viruses mutate to produce more serious diseases as a result. Parvo virus developed as a result of the distemper vaccine, feline infectious peritonitis as a result of the feline leukaemia vaccine.

Vaccines may have reduced incidences of the original disease, but at a cost – worse ones have developed.

Alternative options

Feed your pet in accordance to their evolutionary history, with quality food.

Understand who your pet is and their needs, rather than yours. This can prevent unacceptable behavior.

Use a natural healthcare system that deals with the cause of the problem, rather than suppressing the effects. Homeopathy is probably the best of these, with deep acting and far reaching abilities.

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What Are You Breathing In The Air Of A Typical City?

by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Are you a big city dweller who can't imagine a rural, less hectic life? Well, while there may be opportunities for you in a city that you can't find in the country, one thing is for certain: The air you breathe in a typical city is far worse than the air quality elsewhere.

In fact, much of the air you breathe in town ranges from dangerous to just downright gross. Like the content of a hot dog, maybe you don't really want to know what's in it. But for your own good, you need to know. So read on.

According to air-quality expert and author Bill Logan, who examined the air New Yorkers breathe, found "a bizarre brew" of bacteria, pollen, clothing fiber, fungus, tire rubber, cooking fat, carbon emissions – and dead skin cells – according to the New York Daily News.

Even a 'hipster sample'

Logan, the paper said, grabbed a "spore sucker" of his own design and joined a reporter for a tour of the city, sampling air as he went. The results were nothing short of surprising.

Of course, some of the results were expected: The pollution in midtown and the South Bronx; pollen and fungus present in neighborhoods where there are lots of trees. But in each breath individual New Yorkers take – estimated at about 33,000 per resident per day – they may also be inhaling spores, microscopic bits of glass, starch, fat and bacteria.

Some residents, when told what they could be breathing, were stunned. But Logan – author of the book, "Air: The Restless Shaper of the World" – said many of the elements he found, such as fat, are pretty normal.

Air samples from midtown, not surprisingly, contained a high number of skin cells from many races, a reflection of the area's vast diversity. Chinatown, meanwhile, had noticeable spikes in starch and fat particles, "probably from the cooking of rice and noodles," Logan estimated.

Indeed, what is found in a particular neighborhood's air sample is like an invisible identifier of its lifestyle, business and even culture, Logan told the paper. That would explain the samples in Williamsburg – elevated levels of blue jeans, nail polish, tire rubber and pollen, which he dubbed "the hipster sample."

Judith Zelikoff, a professor in the department of Environmental Medicine at New York University, told the Daily News she wasn't surprised by the range of aerosols found in the air.

"A lot of things that are in the air are a kind of a signature of what's in that environment," she said.

Lots of everything – but especially exhaust

Regarding the potential danger of any particular aerosol, including that from black latex from tires and carbon, wasn't clear absent a pollen count. "Without concentration," Zelikoff said, "we can't say if it's going to be hazardous. But we can say, 'Yet, it is there.' Or even why it's there and how it got there."

"It's everywhere," added Logan. "We have to wake up to how remarkable this stuff is. The common, everyday stuff."

According to a graphic on the Daily News site, here is what Logan found in certain regions of the city:

— In the South Bronx, soot and large bits of rubber were contained in the samples, including a few "deflated" pollen grains.

— In Elmhurst, tire rubber along with plant fungi and bits of glass, perhaps from airplanes, were heavy.

— In Brooklyn Heights, plant appendages, cotton fibers and fat particles were discovered.

In fact, Logan found the picturesque Brooklyn Heights area contained the most fat particles, probably because of its many restaurants.

And, as expected, Logan's air samples also included "lots of carbon" from bus and automobile exhaust. Go figure.

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What Is A.O.F.D

by: S. D. Wells

(NaturalNews) "Chronic care management" means someone has a disorder or a disease and the doctors and hospitals aren't really helping to cure it, they just treat the symptoms with pharmaceuticals and wait for it to get worse. U.S. chronic care management is a well-planned out healthcare system based on the sobering fact that most people make themselves sick and diseased by what they eat and drink, and the popular medicine used to treat this sickness is made from the same chemicals found in what causes it. Still, fewer than 30 percent of the country understands this, and even fewer than that are doing anything about it.

Detox Protocol
Liver Cleanse

Agent Orange Food Disorder, AOFD, is an ongoing mutation of cells from consuming pesticide regularly, in other words, it is the cumulative effect of consuming toxins over time. This type of cancer is not contagious and is not inherited, rather it is created inside the body and perpetuated, until it's often too late to defeat, or so "chronic care management" would have you believe.

Big question: Exactly WHEN does this non-contagious, non-inherited "disorder" of the cells begin, so modern science can really find that cure? The answer to this question is complicated, but explainable. First of all, asking a doctor, an oncologist, or a nutritionist, "When does cancer start?" is like asking someone to tell you exactly when they fell asleep. They don't know. Nobody knows exactly when or where in the body cancer starts. Doctors simply don't know.

There's a more intriguing question to consider: How long will people believe that the U.S. government, the FDA, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the entire pharmaceutical industry, and all those so well-promoted "walk for the cure" events keep conning people into believing they are searching for the cure? Let me tell you something now, no organization searches for the cure for something they are perpetuating; that would be stupid on their part. They do just the opposite without ever saying so. Plus, if any money actually does go to research, it goes to pay scientists to look for a magic vaccine to cure Agent Orange Food Disorder (PESTICIDE DISEASE), which is coming from the pesticide-laden foods you've been eating and keep eating, all while they continue searching, searching, searching "for the cure!" Yeah right.

AOFD is a mutation of cells from consuming pesticide regularly
GMO food delivers a small amount of Agent Orange ingredients into your blood and mutates your cells over time. How long that mutation of cells takes to overwhelm one of your vital organs, or strangulate your lungs or your brain, well, that's just a matter of how much of it you eat, how often, and for how long. The genetically-modified vegetable contains herbicides that kills so-called super-weeds, which is linked to the notorious "Agent Orange" used in Vietnam. (

If you don't know already, Agent Orange was a defoliant used in Vietnam to decimate the Southeast Asian jungles so the enemy couldn't hide. Because of the ingredient "2,4-D's" links to Agent Orange, people have dubbed the GMO corn as "Agent Orange corn," but that's just the beginning of the cancer breeding madness. ( Most of the U.S. soldiers who hiked through Agent Orange came home to the U.S. with cancer, and they didn't even know it. Now, most Americans are "walking" through the same nightmare by consuming GMO foods. What is the cure? Understand this; there is no starting point for AOFD, only an end. People must use their common sense to beat cancer. Put it this way, would you spray a little "Raid" roach killer on your food if it made it taste better? What if "RAID FOOD" was a little cheaper than organic food, would you buy that instead? Wake up and smell the bug killer!

Let's follow the 100 YEAR CANCER BREEDING historical time line:

Dow Chemical: The infamous Herbert Dow failed several times before finding the formula for cancer causing food. There are many years of corruption when it comes to pesticide laden food, but Dow and Monsanto are the reigning devils. Here's a MASSIVE list of Dow Chemical's violations, the same company the International Olympic Committee deemed "a proud Olympic partner:" ( Dow Chemical also manufacturers Bisphenol-A (BPA), the chemical used in plastics that leads to infertility, breast and prostate cancer, diabetes, thyroid malfunction, miscarriages and Down syndrome.

After Dow Chemical, we saw the true beginning of GMOs and insecticide use on humans by Hitler's "right arm" of the German uprising, I.G. Farben: (

I.G. Farben's "Business With Disease." Interessengemeinschaft Farben, or IG Farben, was a powerful cartel of BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and other German chemical and pharmaceutical companies. IG Farben was the single largest donor to the election campaign of Adolph Hitler. I.G. Farben created chlorine gas for Hitler to use on humans in WWI. In 1915, German troops began dispersing chlorine gas from tens of thousands of cylinders at the front lines of the enemy and in the trenches. They first used it against French and Canadian troops. The types of chemical weapons employed ranged from mustard gas to lethal agents like phosgene and chlorine.

The most effective and efficient technique developed for killing the Jews at Auschwitz depended on the same pesticide that was used to kill the lice in prisoners' clothing. Thanks to I.G. Farben, the disinfectant, sold under the trade name of Zyklon B, was in plentiful supply. ( Hitler killed about three million Jews with pesticide. How many innocent people has Agent Orange food killed? Since cancer in the U.S. kills about 750 thousand people per year, you might start referring to agricultural biotechnology as the modern day Nazi SS.

Monsanto is the "wicked witch" of agricultural biotechnology. In 2010, the company reported sales of approximately $10.5 billion and had over 27,000 employees. This monstrous company produces biotechnology and the horror toxin of the cancer epidemic called Roundup. Other Monsanto products include the now ubiquitous PCBs, DDT, Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) and Aspartame. Monsanto is one of the "Big Six" biotech corporations, along with BASF, Bayer, Dow Chemical Company, Dupont, and Syngenta. Starting to sound familiar? Yes, we are talking about Nazi scientists working for American corporations and breeding cancer in vegetables. (

Vietnam's Agent Orange and Roundup: Monsanto's deadly legacy. August of 2011 marked 50 years since Agent Orange was first used by the U.S. military in its war against Vietnam, and its effects persist to this day, with three generations of exposed Vietnamese families and American veterans suffering from horrific birth defects and disabilities. Of course, Monsanto and Dow profited greatly from its production and use, but are not responsible for reparations for the millions it crippled with disabilities and birth defects. Instead, Monsanto and Dow continue to profit from their poisons. Today, they are currently seeking approval for genetically modified crops that can withstand massive doses of 2,4-D, the major chemical agent used in Agent Orange.

Monsanto's best-selling herbicide RoundUp causes birth defects. A new generation of babies born near fields of "RoundUp Ready" (genetically modified) soy in Argentina are suffering birth defects as terrible as those found in the Agent Orange contaminated areas of Vietnam. Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the world, causes endocrine disruption, damage to reproductive organs and to DNA, and it causes cancer. (

The GMO wars

What do GMO, Zyklon B, RoundUp, Pesticide, Glyphosate, 2,4-D, Dimethylphthalate, and "Raid" Ant & Roach Killer have in common? They all kill bugs, weeds, rats and humans, but still most Americans have NO IDEA just how pervasive genetically-modified organisms (GMO) have become throughout the food supply, especially in GMO corn, soy, cottonseed oil and canola oil. So called "inert" ingredients can kill you! (

Predatory marketing practices by multinational biotechnology companies like Monsanto effectively seize the reigns of agriculture and dictate how it will proceed. Check it out:
We are currently experiencing the GMO wars, where one biotech giant sues another for control. Monsanto is suing DuPont and vice versa, over patents and anti-competitive business practices, to see who will dominate the world's toxic food supply and benefit the most from AOFD (cancer causing food and chemotherapy treatment). (

GMO foods, pesticide, and chemotherapy are cooked up by the same handful of companies, who all have the same dual agenda: MAKE MONEY AND MAKE PEOPLE SICK. These companies run the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries of America, and they don't just feed Americans these toxins, they export them to countries all over the world. Continents are bombarded with exported contaminated vegetables which are simply molecular-twisted chem-food. Many countries are just starting to figure it out now, thanks to French researchers blowing the whistle over the past few weeks. (

Will people figure out cancer is mainly caused by eating chemicals, or will they get fooled for another generation or two, and serve their kids and grandkids Agent Orange food? Do you think there will be a pill or vaccine for that same cancer then? Do you still believe there will be a drug people can take for a few weeks or months that will reverse all those warped cells back to normal, and fight off the pesticide that you may still be eating? Will everything return to normal in your body, like it was before you began regularly eating what killed thousands of Vietnamese families, children, and U.S. soldiers in Vietnam? (

I feel horrible for people suffering from cancer. As of now, only about 50 percent will survive it, unless they learn about organic food ( I feel bad for the people who have cancer now and don't know it. I also feel bad for people who don't know how to cure themselves.

There is a cure for cancer. Oh, you didn't know? Stop eating GMO, pesticide-laden food. Stop eating processed food. Stop drinking fluoridated water. Start drinking spring water ( Change your ways! Start eating organic food. Only eat certified organic food. Try Superfoods! ( Question everything and read the labels on every product you buy, including what you put on your skin.

You can stop eating GMOs now or die of cancer later, it is YOUR CHOICE! Do you still want to "march for the cure?" March down your block and hand out brochures about organic food and spring water. You can even wear pink if you want to and I promise not to call the "pink" police.

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Majority Of ‘Gluten-Free’ Foods Found To Contain GMOs

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) In the wake of all the recent revelations about the dangers of GMOs, a special warning needs to go out to all those health-conscious consumers buying "gluten-free" foods. As it turns out, most "gluten-free" foods sold in the USA contain genetically modified organisms.

Why is this so? Because the primary ingredient in most gluten-free foods is corn. And most corn-based foods are made with genetically modified corn. Around 85% of the conventional corn grown in the USA is genetically modified corn, and that corn is engineered to produce its own deadly insecticide right inside every grain.

When GM corn is harvested and made into gluten-free foods, the insecticide stays with it and resides in the gluten-free food. As a result, people who are buying gluten-free are often exposing themselves to the risk of toxicity from GM corn.

What are those risks, exactly? No one knows for sure, as GMOs are still a radical agricultural experiment being conducted on the population at large. But French researchers recently found that feeding a lifetime of GM corn to rats caused a huge increase in the risk of developing horrifying, massive tumors and premature death. The rats who were fed GM corn also suffered widespread organ damage.

How to avoid GM corn in gluten-free foods
The only gluten-free foods that don't contain GM corn are those foods that either don't use corn as an ingredient or ones that use certified organic corn. GMOs are not allowed under an organic label.

Sadly, there are very few gluten-free foods that are also USDA organic. So gluten-free shoppers have very few choices if they wish to avoid both gluten as well as GMOs.

Even worse, the fact that GMOs are still not labeled on foods turns the act of gluten-free shopping into a mystery minefield of dangerous guesswork. The upcoming ballot measure Proposition 37 would, of course, mandate the labeling of genetically engineered ingredients in all foods sold in California, and that is expected to cause sweeping changes across the entire food industry if it passes.

In the mean time, my advice is to avoid all gluten-free foods unless they are USDA organic. If you don't, you may be avoiding gluten but ingesting GMO instead, effectively trading one toxin for another. And that's not what you bargained for, is it?

Check the labels of all gluten-free foods
Do the ingredients include corn? Corn syrup? Maltodextrin? These are all corn derivatives, and if they're not USDA organic, they're likely to be genetically modified.

Of course, this is NOT true outside the USA. GMOs are already banned in many countries, and GMO labeling laws exist in prominent nations around the world. This article is written solely for American consumers who remain inundated with genetically modified corn grown from the evil seed of Monsanto and other biotech seed suppliers.

Beware of gluten-free. Do your homework before taking another bite. While avoiding gluten is a wonderful strategy for many people, you don't want to trade one possible toxin for another possible toxin.