Health & Freedom

The Death of America

Are You Prepared to Loose Your Country?
Why Are You Passively Watching the Death of America?

If you have been sitting passively by for the past two decades watching in amazement the transformation of America into a country without enforceable borders and one which has increasingly moved toward one more resembling a third world police state, it may be time to at least ask some questions of yourself and your so-called leaders. This is not an issue of orderly and regulated immigration by those who want to be Americans, both culturally and lawfully. Nor is this an issue of immigration that would benefit the long range interests of our Nation at a level whereby cultural assimilation can occur so that the very fabric of our history, environment, and infrastructure are not destroyed. To honestly answer the title questions, also ask yourself the following:

Is there room for everybody who wants and chooses to come to America to find a better life and just how many of the world’s six billion people can we take in?

Is the open border policy of our so-called “leaders” simply a long range plan for International Federalism aka a one world government? And why are our elected representatives acting in obvious treason to our national sovereignty?

Are the problems of the third world simply one of geography or is it culture and what happens when you transfer a culture from one geographical location to another? Does simply standing on American soil suddenly transform one into a mindset of health and prosperity?

What happens when other cultures are allowed to overwhelm our own culture by shear numbers without time for assimilation into American culture and values and if immigrants want to steadfastly retain their original national identities, then why come to America?

Is our healthcare system prepared to deal with the diseases of the third world that are generally not a problem in America?

Who will pay the added burdens of welfare and medical care programs to supposedly fight this additional disease and poverty?

What happens to the increased demand on natural resources in America, especially when third world immigrants develop a more American attitude toward “consumerism” and the use of natural resources?

What will be the impact of hundreds of millions of third world immigrants and their offspring on the already tattering and pollution of America’s environment and why are those who are truly concerned about environmental issues also the one’s most advocating of “open borders” in the name of so-called “humanitarianism”?

Are you prepared to endure even more overwhelming traffic congestion on our nation’s highways and streets and where will the money come from to expand our transportaion system?

Are retired Americans willing to accept a reduction in their retirement services and benefits for which they thought they had already paid?

Who will shoulder the additional tax burden on already over-taxed American citizens?

If this short video does not cause us all to THINK for a moment about what awaits us if we do not get a firm and immediate handle on the problem of immigration, then we simply deserve the fate that awaits us.

(We will have follow up articles specifically addressing these issues in subsequent Silver Bulletin articles.)

Health & Freedom

God’s Hand of Destiny

There are key events in our lives that temper the core of what makes up who we are in the great scheme of life. Many of us have a sense of our place in God's Creation and know that his hand plays a central role in that greater destiny. Those who have not yet come to this realization are truly missing a great sense of purpose and usefulness that we all “need” to some degree. None of us are simply random lives and random events, …unless in our own spiritual blindness we have chosen to embrace such an uninspired philosophy. Benjamin Franklin stated at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, “ God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel”.

I have a firm sense of divine destiny and of God’s Hand in my life and in the lives of people around me in general. Most people, regrettably, have lost any sense of such a thing; pushing it into the realm of myths and fairy tales. Although as a generally very private man, I'm going a little out of character in this article in that I will reveal some of my personal life and a few small events that have inspired me in order to emphasize why my views are such that they are. I grew up poor in material things, but rich in love from my migrant worker/tenant cotton farmer parents. My father, Benjamin Weatherby Taylor turned to migrant farm work in the cotton fields of Northeast Texas, as did many other farmers, after losing his family homestead and farm to the banks and the ravages of The Great Depression and after his return from the second "Great War to End All Wars".

Almost a movie script rather than a scenario from real-life and a series of events that some might call Fate, but what I call God’s divine hand of destiny, my father met and married my mom, Georgia Laura Lucille Smith, the daughter of another East Texas farmer hard-hit by the Depression. That in itself isn’t unusual, but here’s “the rest of the story”. In those days, the Blackland Prairie, extending from north of Dallas to Central Texas east of Austin, was some of the most productive cotton country in the world as the Nation was struggling out of economic depression and the aftermath of World War II. Riding railcars to cotton harvesting areas, which was done in those days by hand using long canvass sacks, my Dad started following the cotton harvesting and met my Mom through her cousins who were also working in the cotton fields around Dallas. In fact, the very first memory of my life was of sitting under a cotton wagon watching both my parents in the field picking cotton and dragging one of those long canvass sacks.

The proof of divine destiny for me in the story of my parents was the fact that my father was one of the last people to see my mom’s youngest brother alive, although he didn’t know either him or her. My father, at that time Master Sergeant Taylor, had met a young soldier, 18 years old, from a group of fresh replacement troops on a battlefield of northeastern France and was unusually drawn to him enough to engage the “boy” in conversation. During their talk, the young man told my father his name was Jessie Smith from McKinney, Texas and that his family was also farmers.  The young soldier seemed largely unfazed by the circumstance of a Texas farm boy working in the cotton and corn fields one day to within weeks being thrust into the role of a warrior on the bloody battlefields of Europe. My father could see a hint of concern about the death that surrounded them, so he assured the boy that he would be home soon.

Little did my father know the prophetic nature of the words he spoke to that young soldier. The next day, another soldier in my father’s platoon came over to him after a particularly heated engagement with a German Panzer division trying to pierce the American lines. He told him that the kid he was talking to yesterday had been killed in battle. Jessie Smith had gone home much sooner than Sergeant Taylor had expected, but not to the fertile farmlands of Northeast Texas.

Seven years later, after my father was introduced to my mom by her cousins, "my grandmother, Anna Mae Smith" told him about the death of her youngest son, Jesse, in France and showed him the telegram from the War Department and the American flag sent to her by the Army. My dad 90 years old on December 4, 2007, never talked about the war until well into his eighties and never told my grandmother or my mother, who died in 1982, the story of the sergeant and the young soldier standing behind a hedgerow in France talking about being back in Texas.

One day 8 or 10 years ago, he told my brother and I the story, saying it was one he didn’t want to carry to his grave and giving us insight into how the hand of God’s destiny plays an often unseen role in the lives of mankind. Upon asking my dad why he had kept such an interesting story to himself, he told me, “That was a terrible time of bloodshed and horror and I didn’t want your mom and grandmother to relive it and I didn’t want to relive it neither; …no one would have believed it anyway.” I could see the regret in his eyes at not having shared such a surreal story with my mom, as he changed the subject to telling me about watching General Patton ride his jeep on the frontlines inspiring his soldiers to victory firing his pearl-handled pistols in the direction of the Nazi lines. But such is the fabric of life we all live, filled with both inspiration and regret.

As most of our readers already know, for the past three years, I have personally been on the frontlines of the war against Codex Alimentarius, which is an attempt to control health supplement use around the world via International Treaty. As anyone with any study or research in the matter knows, it is simply an attempted power grab by multi-national pharmaceutical companies (The Pharma-Industrial Complex as I have named it; a take-off on “the Military-Industrial Complex” President Eisenhower warned us about as he was leaving office.) using the force of government to stop the use of health supplements as a personal healthcare choice. These peddlers of tyranny and influence have corrupted, not only mainstream medicine, but the very government agencies supposedly set up to protect the interests of "We The People".

My involvement started when I was unceremoniously joined to an existing lawsuit simply because I bought some of the assets of a friend’s company which had been under suit. I had been told by my friend that his lawyers said that this languishing civil suit simply had nowhere to go and was essentially over. They were wrong. I believe “this state” smelled fresh blood and hoped that I wouldn’t hire one of the top law firms in Texas to represent me, as my friend had done. I didn’t, but they have gotten more than they bargained for from a country boy with little more than a high school education. Instead, they found a “Man endowed by his Creator with certain unalienable Rights” who will stand and fight on principle alone with no fear and no concern for the consequences. I use no lawyers or attorneys; I simply go into the courtroom by special appearance “in propria persona” (in my own proper person) and stand on my God-given unalienable Rights as secured by Organic Law.  To do otherwise would be a lie and would essentially accept the jurisdiction of those corrupted agencies and would also relinquish my Rights by virtue of presumption and tacit assent.

I have fought these powerful and corrupted “government” agencies and their team of “doctors of jurisprudence” to a standstill for three years without hiring any representation in the courtroom. Be assured, it isn’t my own superior intellect; it is simply standing on the truth against an “untruthful system along with studying the government’s own “court procedures”, the statutes and so-called regulations they purport to be suing us under, and most of all, by understanding our Rights secured by the Constitutions of The State of Texas and The United States of America. They often don’t follow their own “rules and procedures” and only give lip service to those Constitutions, which IS “The Supreme Law of The Land”.

Just a note here for those who do not know this fact; these Constitutions/Organic Laws do not give our Rights to us; those Rights are given by God. To Wit: “We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”- no equivocations, no ifs, ands or buts. These Constitutions are designed for the purpose of securing our Rights by placing shackles on “government” who would totally ignore the Rights of the People if left unfettered. Sadly, that is pretty much what they do, operating with impunity, deceit and trickery, using “terms of art” and procedures that the average man does not understand.

I am acutely aware that I’m there defending, not only myself and Utopia Silver, but the Rights of all Americans to choose our means of healthcare, our Right to take supplements without a doctor’s or the "government’s” consent, as well as our “Freedom of Speech Rights”. This case in a Texas State District civil court in Austin, Texas has been called “The Test Case” by Texas Attorney General prosecutors in one of our many judges chamber meetings, where the judge has attempted to broker an end to the lawsuit. In a nutshell, the issue is whether or not manufacturers and sellers of various supplements and/or their customers may exercise their "Right of Free Speech" in customer testimonials and comments, the citing of research, studies, and historical facts concerning the benefits of dietary supplements.

It is the “government” position that if you manufacture or sell a supplement or food and speak or write of any benefit, that supplement or food magically becomes a “new drug” and is subject to regulation as a drug. I was told face to face by the assistant Attorney General, in a meeting after things were moved from view of witnesses/court watchers in the courtroom that if I sold water and told of any benefits that they would consider it a drug! So in their minds and by “their rules”, nothing we consume has any mentionable benefit except “drugs”. This is truly the world of Oz and M.C. Escher. All I can say to that is, "That ain't my America my friend and it will be a cold day in the center of the Earth before I buy such a lie." As Winston Churchill once stated, "This is nonsense, up with which I shall not put."

I’m giving this synopsis of that civil court battle, because it has been overpowering evidence in my own life of God’s Divine Hand of Destiny. I and a few others have resolved to commit ourselves and our livelihoods to this all important battle to preserve some small piece of what is left of the “Land of the Brave and Home of the Free” that we inherited from our grandfathers and grandmothers. They may eventually win this one small skirmish simply by force and unlimited funds, but they will know they have been fighting with a worthy opponent …and guess what? They will ultimately loose this war, …of that I have no doubt.

I have because of these three years of tough (But exhilarating when you’re doing the Lord’s work and fighting for your country and winning.) legal battles, been required to be so objectively and coldly analytical of everything that happens around me, that it is difficult to know when to turn it on and when to turn it off. I even understand and have some empathy for anyone who spends their lives in a courtroom setting; you can easily end up losing your soul in this legal process that for many becomes little more than a “game to win" at all costs, even when one begins to have some sense of being “on the wrong side”. I see that in the eyes of my opponents every time I go to court. Some have obviously sold their soul, but others are good men who now understand the truth and can barely look me in the eyes. For one defending themselves against formidable adversaries, it becomes a survival instinct, much as an antelope might experience on the plains with an unseen lion constantly on the prowl in the tall grasses nearby. If that antelope for one second relaxes his guard, he could become the lion's next meal. After witnessing the extent that people in our own “government” will go to obtain a prosecution “win” through trickery, deceit and lying, one becomes instinctively wary of any situation and anyone they meet.

This system is one of intimidation and fear and I was actually told in one of our judges chamber meetings by a (probably honorable) man in the hierarchy of the “court system” that, “This system operates on fear, but you show no fear and that is a problem for us.” He was right, but it is nothing I can take credit for; that kind of fearlessness comes from knowing that the Lord is on our side in this battle of dealing with a system corrupted by the love of money/power. I have had to stand face to face against threats, intimidation, and deceit from prosecutors and judges, and by necessity having to analyze every word and “term of art”, every act, every expression, not to mention the cunning tricks used to presume and claim a jurisdiction that does not exist. The authority and jurisdiction they claim simply does not exist under “The Supreme Law of The Land”, except in some situations in which you may enter into an “agreement” knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily with full disclosure.

BUT, even that right kind of fearlessness in such a situation coupled with having to analyze everything happening around you can also translate into unintended callousness if allowed to carry over into other areas of life. If not controlled, it can cause us to walk “where angels fear to tread” and I know it is not the road I want to travel in my personal life. Sometimes, in becoming fearless in an arena of lions and warriors, one can become heartless in the arena of life where there still exists kind and gentle people who deserve no less that just that in return. There is a proper time and place to do battle, but there is also a time for the warrior to lay down that shield and to rest that spear in the corner. It brings to mind, verses in the Bible as stated, in part, in Ecclesiastes 3:

To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:

A time to be born,
And a time to die;
A time to plant,
And a time to harvest;

A time to kill,
And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
And a time to build up;

A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance;

A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak;

A time to love,
And a time to hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace.

Even things that are necessary and appropriate in their proper time and place become unnecessary and inappropriate in an improper place at an improper time. Basic survival instincts can affect our interaction with others and it is simply folly to live our life in distrust of everyone and everything around us. In allowing such instincts to rule us, we can inadvertently hurt the innocent among us. It isn’t healthy, it isn’t spiritually uplifting, and it will simply cost us dearly in the loss of special people who should be destined to be a valued part of our lives.
This brings to mind one of my favorite quotes by John Hancock: “In circumstances as dark as these, it becomes us, as Men and Christians, to reflect that whilst every prudent measure should be taken to ward off the impending judgments, …at the same time all confidence must be withheld from the means we use; and reposed only on that God rules in the armies of Heaven, and without His whole blessing, the best human counsels are but foolishness… Resolved; …Thursday the 11th of May…to humble themselves before God under the heavy judgments felt and feared, to confess the sins that have deserved them, to implore the Forgiveness of all our transgressions, and a spirit of repentance and reformation …and a Blessing on the … Union of the American Colonies in Defense of their Rights [for which hitherto we desire to thank Almighty God]…That the people of Great Britain and their rulers may have their eyes opened to discern the things that shall make for the peace of the nation…for the redress of America’s many grievances, the restoration of all her invaded liberties, and their security to the latest generations."
"A Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, with a total abstinence from labor and recreation. Proclamation on April 15, 1775"

I have great admiration for those who choose to live in the positive- not meaning that the harsh realities of life cannot be noted, understood, and planned for- but that there is a good and greater purpose to everything that happens in our life, even the bad, if we simply permit God’s Divine Hand of Destiny to have some small place in our lives.

Health & Freedom

To Everything There Is A Season

Health & Freedom

New Beginnings In Mind, Body, and Spirit

by Ben Taylor

This is an article unlike most I write, but I would like to introduce you to our friend Donna Pravel, a freelance writer who will be presenting what I hope will be a regular article about Health and Nutrition from both a physical and a spiritual perspective. She has been a professional musician, a music teacher, a school teacher, a mid-wife, a practitioner of alternative and naturopathic healthcare and foremost of all, mother of seven children. I first learned about her as a regular on the forums of the alternative health and nutrition website CureZone, of which Utopia Silver and Utopia Naturals are company sponsors.


As most of our readers know, for the past three years, I have personally been on the frontline in the courtroom as my own “lawyer”, representing not only myself and Utopia Silver, but defending the Rights of all Americans to choose their means of healthcare against out of control State and Federal bureaucracies that simply have no Constitutional authority to act in the manner they do. This case in a Texas State District court in Austin, Texas has been called “The Test Case” by Texas Attorney General prosecutors. In a nutshell, the issue is whether or not manufacturers and sellers of various supplements and/or their customers may exercise their Right of Free Speech in customer testimonials, the citing of research/studies and/or historical evidence concerning the benefits of dietary supplements and foods. It is the “government” position that if you manufacture or sell a supplement or food and speak or write of any benefit, that supplement or food magically becomes a “new drug” and is subject to regulation as a drug.

I’m giving this brief synopsis of our court battle, because it is why Donna originally contacted me. When she heard of our battle and what it was about, she emailed me and said that she was there with her help and support and even offered to be in the courtroom. I have, due mostly to my own shortcomings combined with these three years of tough legal battles, been required to be so objectively and coldly analytical of everything that happens around me, that I have at times forgotten when to turn it on and when to turn it off. It has become simply a survival instinct, much as an antelope might experience on the plains with an unseen lion constantly on the prowl in the tall grasses nearby. After witnessing the extent that people in our own “government” will go to obtain a prosecution “victory” through trickery, deceit and lying, I have become instinctively wary and hyper-analytical of any situation in which I become a part.


I was told face to face by a “man” in the hierarchy of the court “system” that, “This system operates on fear, but you show no fear and that is a problem for us”. He was right and that kind of fearlessness comes from knowing that the Lord is on our side in this battle of dealing with a system corrupted by money from influence peddlers in the pharmaceutical industry. I have had to stand face to face against threats and intimidation from prosecutors and judges, having to analyze their every word and “term of art”, their every act, their every expression, not to mention the cunning tricks used to presume and claim a jurisdiction that does not exist except in presumption and tacit assent/consent. BUT, that right kind of fearlessness can also translate into callousness if allowed to carry over into other areas of life. If not controlled, it can cause us to walk “where angels fear to tread” and I know now that is not the place to travel, because sometimes in becoming fearless in an arena of lions and warriors, one can become heartless in the arena of life where there still exists kind and gentle people who deserve no less that just that in return-all the time. There is a proper time and place to do battle, but there is also a time for the warrior to lay down that shield and to rest that spear in the corner. As stated, in part, in Ecclesiastes 3:


To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:A time to be born,And a time to die;A time to plant,And a time to harvest;


A time to kill,And a time to heal;A time to break down,And a time to build up;


A time to weep,And a time to laugh;A time to mourn,And a time to dance;


A time to tear,And a time to sew;A time to keep silence,And a time to speak;


A time to love,And a time to hate;A time of war,

And a time of peace

Even things that are necessary and appropriate in their proper time and place become unnecessary and inappropriate in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even survival instincts can affect our interaction with others and we simply cannot live our lives in distrust of everyone around us. It isn’t healthy, it isn’t spiritually uplifting and it will simply cost us dearly in the loss of special people who should be a part of our lives. This rambling epistle does get back to Donna. In going through some personally painful and introspective analysis recently of where I am, where I should be and most of all who I am in God’s Creation, I re-read Donna’s blogs on MySpace and was impressed with her view of life in general. Although not dealing directly with my situation, but already knowing some of her history on CureZone, I asked if she would do a regular article for our Silver Bulletin e-News Magazine. She said yes and here we are.

As Donna’s writing already is to me, I believe she will be an inspiration to all who read her articles about mental, physical and spiritual “healthcare” involving the relationships between Mankind and God’s natural Creation, Man and Woman, children and parents, as well as between us and our Creator. Although Utopia Silver may not always agree with her opinions or endorse everything she writes, she has free rein to write what she believes and thinks, so enjoy her kind and gentle wisdom, as well as her knowledge of alternative healthcare.  

Health & Freedom

New Beginnings In Mind, Body, and Spirit

by Ben Taylor

This is an article unlike most I write, but I would like to introduce you to our friend Donna Pravel, a freelance writer who will be presenting what I hope will be a regular article about Health and Nutrition from both a physical and a spiritual perspective. She has been a professional musician, a music teacher, a school teacher, a mid-wife, a practitioner of alternative and naturopathic healthcare and foremost of all, mother of seven children. I first learned about her as a regular on the forums of the alternative health and nutrition website CureZone, of which Utopia Silver and Utopia Naturals are company sponsors.

As most of our readers know, for the past three years, I have personally been on the frontline in the courtroom as my own “lawyer”, representing not only myself and Utopia Silver, but defending the Rights of all Americans to choose their means of healthcare against out of control State and Federal bureaucracies that simply have no Constitutional authority to act in the manner they do. This case in a Texas State District court in Austin, Texas has been called “The Test Case” by Texas Attorney General prosecutors. In a nutshell, the issue is whether or not manufacturers and sellers of various supplements and/or their customers may exercise their Right of Free Speech in customer testimonials, the citing of research/studies and/or historical evidence concerning the benefits of dietary supplements and foods. It is the “government” position that if you manufacture or sell a supplement or food and speak or write of any benefit, that supplement or food magically becomes a “new drug” and is subject to regulation as a drug.

I’m giving this brief synopsis of our court battle, because it is why Donna originally contacted me. When she heard of our battle and what it was about, she emailed me and said that she was there with her help and support and even offered to be in the courtroom. I have, due mostly to my own shortcomings combined with these three years of tough legal battles, been required to be so objectively and coldly analytical of everything that happens around me, that I have at times forgotten when to turn it on and when to turn it off. It has become simply a survival instinct, much as an antelope might experience on the plains with an unseen lion constantly on the prowl in the tall grasses nearby. After witnessing the extent that people in our own “government” will go to obtain a prosecution “victory” through trickery, deceit and lying, I have become instinctively wary and hyper-analytical of any situation in which I become a part.

I was told face to face by a “man” in the hierarchy of the court “system” that, “This system operates on fear, but you show no fear and that is a problem for us”. He was right and that kind of fearlessness comes from knowing that the Lord is on our side in this battle of dealing with a system corrupted by money from influence peddlers in the pharmaceutical industry. I have had to stand face to face against threats and intimidation from prosecutors and judges, having to analyze their every word and “term of art”, their every act, their every expression, not to mention the cunning tricks used to presume and claim a jurisdiction that does not exist except in presumption and tacit assent/consent. BUT, that right kind of fearlessness can also translate into callousness if allowed to carry over into other areas of life. If not controlled, it can cause us to walk “where angels fear to tread” and I know now that is not the place to travel, because sometimes in becoming fearless in an arena of lions and warriors, one can become heartless in the arena of life where there still exists kind and gentle people who deserve no less that just that in return-all the time. There is a proper time and place to do battle, but there is also a time for the warrior to lay down that shield and to rest that spear in the corner. As stated, in part, in Ecclesiastes 3:

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:A time to be born,And a time to die;A time to plant,

And a time to harvest;


A time to kill,And a time to heal;A time to break down,And a time to build up;


A time to weep,And a time to laugh;A time to mourn,And a time to dance;


A time to tear,And a time to sew;A time to keep silence,And a time to speak; A time to love,And a time to hate;A time of war,And a time of peace.

Even things that are necessary and appropriate in their proper time and place become unnecessary and inappropriate in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even survival instincts can affect our interaction with others and we simply cannot live our lives in distrust of everyone around us. It isn’t healthy, it isn’t spiritually uplifting and it will simply cost us dearly in the loss of special people who should be a part of our lives. This rambling epistle does get back to Donna. In going through some personally painful and introspective analysis recently of where I am, where I should be and most of all who I am in God’s Creation, I re-read Donna’s blogs on MySpace and was impressed with her view of life in general. Although not dealing directly with my situation, but already knowing some of her history on CureZone, I asked if she would do a regular article for our Silver Bulletin e-News Magazine. She said yes and here we are.

As Donna’s writing already is to me, I believe she will be an inspiration to all who read her articles about mental, physical and spiritual “healthcare” involving the relationships between Mankind and God’s natural Creation, Man and Woman, children and parents, as well as between us and our Creator. Although Utopia Silver may not always agree with her opinions or endorse everything she writes, she has free rein to write what she believes and thinks, so enjoy her kind and gentle wisdom, as well as her knowledge of alternative healthcare.

Health & Freedom

New Beginnings In Mind, Body, and Spirit

Health & Freedom

New Beginnings In Mind, Body, and Spirit

Health & Freedom

The Blue Man, To Be Blue or To Be Dead?

The major media from Fox to CNN to ABC are again running what amounts to a propaganda blitzkrieg against colloidal silver with stories about a man, Paul Karason of Madera California, who developed a cosmetic condition called Argyria, from using large quantities of homemade colloidal silver. As usual, they have to dredge up “old news”; as with this case from fourteen years ago. Seldom do they ever give any substantial background to such stories, leaving in the minds of their viewers and listeners images of people turning blue from using almost any amount or any kind of colloidal silver.

Beyond the intent of mainstream media to discredit the use of silver, this story is not only about Argyria if some kinds of “colloidal silver” are used in excessive quantities, but is unintentionally a story about the life saving ability of silver. Paul started making and taking colloidal silver because of life threatening and dehabilitating diseases, Arthritis, Diabetes and an unspecified liver condition, possibly Hepatitis. It is his claims of the living saving benefits of colloidal silver that the media just skims over and in most cases completely leaves out of printed stories. He specifically credits colloidal silver for saving his life and says he had rather be blue than dead. Not a difficult choice for him when the efforts of mainstream medicine apparently failed. Not only is he alive, but he is apparently healthy and happy.

What the controlled media doesn’t tell you is that these “blue people” always use one of several “kinds” of colloidal silver to excess, drinking upwards of a quart or more a day for long periods of time. If you take any “patented drug”, “mainstream medicine”, or “over-the-counter-medication” and use any of them to a similar excess, you will not be alive to go before the news media and talk about it. The blueness or grayness you experience may well be that associated with being in a horizontal position, six feet under.

In fact, thousands die each year from simply using the recommended or prescribed doses of many patented drugs. This is what actually happens to tens of thousands of people using such drugs every year. (Read Death by Medicine, by Dr. Gary Null in our Archives ) This list of death causing drugs range from aspirin to Tylenol to anti-biotics, but you will never see a media blitz about it. If silver were even indirectly attributed to one death, there would be SWAT teams ready to pounce and shut down the manufacturers and sellers. Instead the worst they have is a rare cosmetic condition that doesn’t even cause death.

The current “blue man” admits to consuming homemade ionic silver in large and frequent quantities for a long period of time and as a result eventually developed Argyria. Without any doubt he would make a very convincing Papa Smurf for a television movie and he wouldn’t need any makeup, but he is not at all representative of a typical colloidal silver user, even one who uses silver every day. I can personally attest to that; I have averaged using from a tablespoon or so per day to occasionally using several ounces a day for a few days when I felt a bug coming on. Supposedly it is the heavy silver use and exposure to sunlight that triggers the condition. Well, I am an extraordinarily active man who is out of doors in the sun as much as I am indoors and as you can see in a recent picture on; I am certainly not blue.

The news stories seldom if ever give information about the many different kinds of products called “colloidal silver”. There are products that have low PPMs and small particles, like our Advanced Colloidal Silver, which is mineral and distilled water only and has almost no chance of causing Argyria even with more than modest use. There are many so-called colloidal silver products made with animal protein, salines and nitrates that may have several thousand PPMs. These large particle, high PPM products without doubt have the capability of causing Argyria, but only with frequent and heavy use. Even then the cases are far and few between and should not be taken as representative of colloidal silver use any more than the thousands of organ failures and deaths are representative of over-the-counter painkillers, such as aspirin, Tylenol and acetaminophen. Painkillers Up Post Heart Attack Deaths,

The biggest problem with such stories as this hyper-sensationalized “Blue Man” is the fact that it keeps the public attention, whether intentionally or inadvertently, away from potentially pandemic diseases and problems caused directly by the use of anti-biotics. Super-germs attributable to the use and overuse of antibiotics caused an estimated 40,000 deaths and possibly many times more in North American alone and are in the hundreds of thousands, possibly millions worldwide. It is very disturbing that although mainstream medicine and mainstream media coverage have addressed this issue somewhat, they almost always leave out the number of deaths because it is so shockingly large. They would never cover-up such numbers or even “a death” if it involved colloidal silver. I think that if someone drowned in a vat of colloidal silver, it would be reported as a colloidal silver “caused” death.

The disingenuity of the mainstream media has made statements related to Paul Karason saying such things as, “While it is true that microscopic silver particles have some germ-killing properties, they've since been replaced by much more effective and safer drugs.” While grudgingly admitting some benefit of silver, they always overstate the positive aspects of “patented” drug use. One can only wonder where these safer and more effective drugs are. The popular antibiotic erythromycin reportedly causes six deaths for every 10,000 people taking it in conjunction with other drugs and this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Just remember, there is often an agenda associated with stories that are regularly “planted” in the mainstream media about “colloidal silver” and other alternative healthcare products. That ultimate agenda is to bring all “healthcare” under the regulatory authority of “government” agencies such as the FDA and sooner than later under the authority of CODEX (, which is simply a giant step into the integration of our society into the advancing International Federalist Governance (The Novus Ordo Seclorum).

Here is side note that I will elaborate on in a later article:
Believe it or not, the USFDA has no regulatory authority over the manufacture or sale of any food, supplement or over any drug for that matter in my opinion. It may only regulate interstate commerce, which is only the transportation and shipment between any state or territory and within the District of Columbia or within any other territory not organized with a legislative body. Read the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that brought this “out of control” agency into existence in 1938. I will post it later on our website, because you must read the original act to get most of the correct language. In recent government postings, certain key phrases are deliberately left out so that we will forget what they were originally intended to do and to mean.

Further proof that the FDA has a very narrow and limited authority as do all “federal” agencies can be found in the 18th and 21st Amendments to the Constitution, where alcohol was initially “outlawed” and then later was purported to have been “re-legalized”. In fact, what was done with the 21th Amendment was to bring the 18th Amendment “the alcohol prohibition amendment” back into compliance with the Constitution. The 18th Amendment had overstepped the boundaries of the federal government regulatory authority; the 21st corrected that Constitutional violation. I will detail this in a later editorial/opinion piece that will give you some insight into the truth about many of our so-called laws used by Federal agencies to treat us as mere cattle/animals and beat us into submission.

We must all be independent-thinking Men and Women and not allow ourselves to be controlled, coerced, and manipulated by forces that have hidden agendas for our lives. Our lives belong to us, not to the government and not to the mega-corporations. We all (you and I) have certain God-given unalienable Rights, including, but not limited to, the Right to determine how to best care for our health, without restriction, but if don’t make the decision to keep it regardless of the consequences, we will lose that Right along with all other Rights of self determination.

Health & Freedom

Influence Peddling and Government Corruption

Anyone watching the CBS News program,"60 Minutes" had to be thoroughly disgusted, but should not have been surprised, by the corruption depicted in the hallowed halls of Congress. The passing of the "Big Pharmaceutical Windfall Profits Act", -woops, a slip of the keyboard, actually the grossly mislabeled "Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act" of 2003 shows us the criminal influence that Pharmaceutical companies have with supposed "public servants"/law makers.

Who even remembers or knows any details about this bill? One reason is our esteemed public servants deliberately kept it and its unsavory details under the public radar except for how great it would be for Americans in need. Congress passed this bill in the dead of night, at 3 A.M. after intense influence peddling and "strong arm" tactics/twisting the arms of those not already supporting this major criminal act. Even then President Bush could have stood up for the American taxpayer and vetoed it, but he instead played the political angle and signed it. At least I hope he did it for that reason and not for monetary enrichment reasons. On that thought, it might be interesting to see how many politicians have stock in their portfolio that
would be benefited.

The CBS News report stated "The unorthodox roll call on one of the most expensive bills ever placed before the House of Representatives began in the middle of the night, long after most people in Washington [and America] had switched off C-SPAN and gone to sleep." The only witnesses were congressional staffers, hundreds of lobbyists, and U.S. Representatives like Dan Burton, R-Ind., and Walter Jones, R-N.C. "The pharmaceutical lobbyists wrote the bill," says Jones. "The bill was over 1,000 pages. And it got to the members of the House that morning, and we voted for it at about 3 a.m. in the morning." Is anyone living in fantasy land and believing that any of our Congressman actually read the provisions of this act?

It's obvious why the vote finally took place at 3 a.m. In the words of Dan Burton, "I think a lot of the shenanigans that were going on that night, they didn't want on national television in primetime," Congressman Jones said, "I've been in politics for 22 years, and it was the ugliest night I have ever seen in 22 years."

The most disgusting and troubling example of the criminal influence of the pharmaceutical lobby was the provision that prohibited medicare from negotiating better prices for volume purchasing, … and who buys in larger volume that the federal government? Even the Veteran's Administration negotiates substantial savings for the American taxpayer because of their volume purchasing power. As a basic Economics 101, this is one reason (notwithstanding Chinese slave labor being another prime reason) large retailers such as Wal-Mart are able to offer products at much lower
shelf prices to the public. You get a better price for buying 1000 bottles of our products than you would for buying one.

The influence peddling and the sale of votes to the drug lobby was as brazen and flagrant as any corrupt politician or pettifoggering attorney could ever exhibit. No less than seven Senators and congressmen obtained lucrative positions and regis-tered as lobbyists for Pharmaceutical companies shortly after this bill was steam-rolled through Congress.

CBS News reported that, "the drug lobby was so interested in this bill that they had over 1000 lobbyists working on it. Ron Pollack the executive director of Families USA, a nonpartisan health care watchdog group, says it all boiled down to a key provision in the legislation. It prohibited Medicare and the federal government from using its vast purchasing power to negotiate lower prices directly from the drug companies.

"The key goal was to make sure there'd be no interference in the drug companies' abilities to charge high prices and to continue to increase those prices," says Pollack. Pollack says there's no question that this was prompted by the pharmaceutical lobby. "They were the ones who wanted to make sure Medicare could charge high prices and to continue to increase those prices," he said. The drug industry says that competition among private insurance plans that service the Medicare pro-gram help keep prices low. But Families USA reported in a January study that Medicare patients are being charged nearly 60 percent more for the top 20 drugs than veterans pay under a program run by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs."

Are you sick at your stomach yet? I certainly am. It is not only time for a complete overhaul of the way lobbyists are permitted access to our government officials, but it is time for a comprehensive investigation starting with how this Act was passed. RICO and influencing peddling charges should be filed with swift and fair trials followed by immediate public floggings and hangings.

If we don't get these gangsters out of our government, we will not have a country left in a very short time, …and it may already be too late. A few good men like Congressman Dan Burton of Indiana and Walter Jones of North Carolina are simply not enough to stem the tide of graft and corruption that is gnawing like a cancer on the soul of our Republic.