Natural Remedies The Best Years In Life

Heal and Soothe Burns and Prevent Scarring with Natural Home Remedies

by: Tony Isaacs (SilverBulletin) When most people think of burns, fire and heat usually come to mind. While it is true that heat is the leading cause of tissue damage known as “burns”, such damage can also be caused by sunburn and other radiation, friction, electricity, or chemicals. Most burns other than the most severe ones can be treated safely and effectively with natural home remedies.

Advanced Colloidal Silver

Utopia Naturals Soaps

Burns are characterized by degree, based on the severity of the tissue damage. First-degree burns cause redness and swelling in the epidermis (the outermost layers of skin). Second-degree burns also involve redness and swelling as well as blistering and the damage may extend beneath the epidermis to the deeper layers of skin (the dermis). Third-degree burns destroy the entire depth of skin and usually result in scarring, and the damage may extend to underlying fat, muscle, or bone.

The wonderful Aloe Vera plant is a top choice for healing and soothing burns. Since the active ingredient (acemannen) breaks down quickly, fresh inner leaf fillets are much preferred. Fresh Aloe Vera quickly soothes painful burns and often heals even serious burns with little or no scarring.

Lavender essential oil is a very effective antiseptic that also reduces pain and promotes rapid healing. In addition, lavender reduces scarring. When lavender oil is applied to a burn very quickly, the burn may heal with no scarring at all. For larger burns, pour lavender oil onto a gauze or cloth and apply to the burn every few hours.

A wonderful and widely available household first aid item for healing and soothing burns is diluted vinegar. Cover the burn area with a cloth soaked in diluted vinegar. Refresh the vinegar compress as often as needed, especially if the pain becomes stronger again.

Another good household item is honey, especially raw honey, which has wonderful antiseptic and healing properties. Researchers in India found that burns dressed with honey healed faster and with less pain and scarring.

The India Yunani Cotton-Ash Paste burn remedy has been used for centuries to treat even severe burns. Take a large piece of cotton wool (or any kind of pure, white cotton fabric) and burn it (perhaps in a metal pot). Use the ash of the burned cotton and mix with olive oil to get a thick paste. Spread this black paste on the burned skin and cover with a cling film. Reportedly, the pain disappears in seconds and even the accompanied shock ameliorates. If the pain comes back again, refresh the poultice and use fresh paste on the wound. Use the paste for a week or so, depending on the severity of the burns.

Another age old remedy is potato peels. Potato peels provide moisture and they also have anti-bacterial properties that help in healing. Doctors have found that potato peel bandages work better for minor burns than conventional dressings.

An effective home remedy for burns can be made by combining equal portions of barley, turmeric and yogurt. Apply the resulting paste over the affected areas for pain relief and healing.

Calendula infused oil or calendula ointment is also a good burn remedy.

Vitamins A, C, and E aid in the healing process for burns and other wounds. Zinc can help with healthier skin after the burn as well as quicker recovery time.

Last, but far from least, is colloidal silver. Colloidal silver has wonderful antiseptic and healing properties and helps damaged tissue regenerate. Major hospital burn units use colloidal silver bandages and ointments. Severe burns often heal with little or no scarring.

Note: In the case of any very severe burn, seek professional medical care immediately.

Featured Articles The Best Years In Life

How To Stop Heart Attacks And Irregular Heart Beats In Their Tracks

by Tony Isaacs (The Best Years in Life) Each year, 1.5 million heart attacks occur in the United States resulting in over 500,000 deaths. Another common, though usually less fatal, cardiovascular problem is irregular heart beat. Though irregular heart beats are not as serious as heart attacks in most instances, they can lead to serious complications if not treated. The good news is that nature has a potent herbal solution for each condition which will usually stop them in their tracks in short order.Cardiovascular Healing & Rebuilding Protocol
Cayenne Pepper will stop a heart attack in less than two minutes.Sometimes called “the king of herbs”, cayenne pepper has the ability to stop a heart attack in its tracks in less than two minutes. Famed herbalist Dr. John Christopher frequently used cayenne pepper to treat patients for heart attacks and reported that it never once failed to stop a heart attack in only a couple of minutes or less.The best form of cayenne pepper to use to stop a heart attack is cayenne pepper tincture (extract), and it only takes a couple of droppers full to do the trick. Regular cayenne pepper powder, such as is found on the grocers spice aisle, can also be used and the recommended amount is at least two teaspoons full. Either way, anyone who is concerned about the possibility of a heart attack is well advised to keep a bottle or vial of cayenne pepper extract or powder close by at all times.Cayenne pepper is renowned for its overall cardiovascular benefits and is considered by many herbalists to be the top herb for overall heart health. Among its many healthy properties is its ability as a natural blood thinner. It also strengthens, stimulates, and tones the heart, balances circulation and blood pressure, and calms palpitations.Hawthorn Berry can put a quick end to irregular heart beat

Irregular heart beat, also known as heart flutter or atrial fibrillation, is a condition where an abnormality of the heart rhythm results in a rapid and sometimes irregular heartbeat. The herb hawthorn berry is particularly potent in normalizing irregular heart beat in short order. Often a person with irregular heart beat will find their heart rhythm beginning to normalize in just a few minutes after taking hawthorn berry. Like cayenne pepper, the best form of hawthorn berry is extract. One of the most popular extract forms is known as hawthorn berry syrup. Hawthorn berry also comes in supplemental capsules and the raw plant can be used to make hawthorn berry tea.

Also similar to cayenne pepper, hawthorn berry is widely known for its overall cardiovascular benefits. Hawthorn was also one of famed herbalist Dr. Christopher’s favorite herbs for the heart. Hawthorn is rich in flavonoids which protect small capillary vessels from free-radical damage. It normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and fat deposits in the liver and aorta. In addition to arrhythmia, hawthorn also helps conditions such as angina, arteriosclerosis, blood clots, and hypertension. Though a dropper of hawthorn berry extract may settle irregular heartbeats in short order, it may take months to realize hawthorn’s full benefits.

Note: In the event of a heart attack, regardless of how soon it is stopped, one should seek immediate medical attention. Likewise, one should seek medical attention for severe and prolonged irregular heartbeats.

The Best Years In Life

Prescription Drugs 62,000 Times More Likely To Kill Than Supplements

by: Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) According to data just released by the UK-based Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl), pharmaceutical drugs are 62,000 times more likely to kill you than supplements. In fact, the data collected by ANH-Intl demonstrates that food supplements are the safest substances regularly consumed by UK citizens even though they are the target of increasingly restrictive European legislation aimed at ‘protecting consumers.’

Liquid Life Complete

The newly released data found that pharmaceutical drugs were also 7,750 times more likely to result in death than herbal remedies. Both food supplements and herbal remedies were placed in the ‘supersafe’ category of individual risk – with a less than one in ten million risk of death.The stark contrast between the safety of supplements and mainstream medicine
By contrast, being admitted to a UK hospital or taking prescription drugs exposes a person to one of the greatest preventable risks in society. Overall, preventable medical injuries in UK hospitals expose patients to the same risk of death as being deployed on military service to Afghanistan – both of which are around 300,000 times greater than the risk of death from taking natural health products.ANH-Intl executive and scientific director, Dr. Robert Verkerk, PhD, hailed the figures as shedding new light on the question of natural healthcare’s safety. “These figures tell us not only what activities an individual is most or least likely to die from, but also what the relative risks of various activities are to society as a whole. It puts some real perspective on the actual risk of death posed by food supplements and herbal remedies at a time when governments are clamping down because they tell us they’re dangerous.”Verkerk added, “When compared with the risk of taking food supplements, an individual is around 900 times more likely to die from food poisoning and nearly 300,000 times more likely to die from a preventable medical injury during a spell in a UK hospital. The latter is on a par with the risk of death from active military service in Iraq or Afghanistan.”

According to Dr. Verkerk, the new figures should put pressure on UK and European authorities to reduce regulatory burdens on natural health products. “Governments justify the increasingly elaborate and restrictive new laws affecting natural health products on grounds of public safety,” said Verkerk. “They argue that reducing consumer access to food supplements and herbal remedies, with the consequent negative impacts on small businesses manufacturing, distributing and selling such products, is in society’s interest. But the evidence is simply not there – where are the bodies?”

Among other key points presented in the data were:

* Pharmaceutical drugs pose nearly double the risk of death than motorcycle accidents on UK roads

* While herbal medicines can both be regarded as ‘supersafe,’ preventable medical injuries in UK hospitals are in the ‘Dangerous’ category, with a risk of death greater than 1 in 1,000.

In the United States the story is much the same
In the United States, it is estimated that prescription drugs kill over 200,000 people every year. Over 105,000 of those deaths come from side effects of drugs even when they are properly prescribed and administered. By contrast, in any given year zero deaths are reported from vitamins, minerals and food supplements and anywhere from zero to only a couple of deaths reported for all supplements.

Despite the track record of safety for dietary and herbal supplements in the U.S., supplements are coming under increasing attacks from mainstream medicine just as they are in the UK. Clearly, the major risk supplements pose is to the bottom line profits of those who make the far more dangerous mainstream drugs.

The Best Years In Life

Top Food Choices For Avoiding and Beating Cancer

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) The right food choices can greatly increase the odds of beating cancer. Fortunately, nature offers a multitude of foods which have great cancer fighting and immune boosting properties. Here are some of the very best:

Immune Protocol

Cancer fighting and immune boosting superstars
Cruciferous Vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale are among the most powerful cancer fighting foods to be found. Cruciferous vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals and contain important antioxidants such as beta carotene and the compound sulforaphane. Cruciferous vegetables contain isothiocyanates, phytochemicals which help break down potential carcinogens. They also contain indole-3-carbidol (I3C), which helps prevent estrogen driven cancers. Other cruciferous vegetables are: arugula, bok choy, chard, Chinese cabbage, collard greens, daikon, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radishes, rutabagas, turnips and watercress.Curcumin (turmeric). Curcumin, the major ingredient of the spice turmeric, has been a rising star against cancer in recent years. Numerous studies have indicated curcumin’s cancer fighting abilities as well as its abilities to help prevent cancer, including one study which found that curcumin helps prevent lung cancer for tobacco smokers.

Mushrooms. There are a number of mushrooms known as “medicinal mushrooms” which can help the body fight cancer and build the immune system. These mushrooms contain a number of valuable cancer fighting and immune boosting compounds including polysaccharides such as lentinan, beta glucan, lectin and thioproline. These compounds attack cancerous cells, prevent them from multiplying, and boost immune activity – including stimulating the body’s natural production of interferon.

Some of the very best cancer fighting and immune boosting mushrooms are: agaricus blazei murrill (ABM mushroom), coriolus versicolor (Asian turkey tail mushroom), shitake, reishi, maitake, cordyceps oglossoides and phellinus linteus.

Garlic. Garlic, as well as onions, leeks and chives, has immune-enhancing allium compounds that increase the immune cell activity, help break down cancer causing substances and block carcinogens from entering cells . Studies have linked garlic to lower risk of stomach and colon cancer. Diallyl sulfide, a compound found in garlic oil, has also been shown to render carcinogens in the liver inactive.

Flax. Flax contains lignans, compounds which block or suppress cancerous changes in cells. Flax is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which protect against colon and other cancers. Notably, flax is part of the famous and highly successful Budwig Cancer Diet.

Hot Peppers. Hot peppers such as cayenne (chili peppers) and jalapenos contain capsaicin, a chemical which fights cancer and helps neutralize certain cancer-causing nitrosamines. Hot peppers are especially valuable for helping prevent stomach cancers.

Dark Leafy Vegetables. Spinach, turnip greens and other cancer fighting dark green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid. Folic acid helps maintain the cell’s genetic code and regulate normal cell division.

Dark Seeded Grapes. Dark red grapes contain powerful bioflavonoid antioxidants that work as cancer preventives. Grapes are also a rich source of resveratrol and ellagic acid, a compound that slows the growth of tumors by blocking enzymes needed by cancer cells. Eat the entire grape, seeds and all.

Brown Seaweed. Brown seaweeds such as kombu contain the polysaccharide compound fucoidan. Fucoidan has been found to kill cancer tumors including lymphoma, different kinds of leukemia, stomach cancer and colon cancer. Notably, the people of Okinawa, who consume the highest per capita amount of kombu, have some of the highest life expectancies in Japan as well as the lowest cancer death rate.

Other powerful cancer fighting foods are:

* Carrots
* Green and black tea
* Fermented organic soy
* Tomatoes
* Blueberries
* Raspberries
* Purple corn
* Extra virgin olive oil
* Avocados
* Nuts
* Sweet potatoes
* Apples

The Best Years In Life

Naturally Relieve and Heal Toothaches and Tooth Infections

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Toothaches generally occur when a tooth’s nerve root becomes irritated. The most common causes of toothaches are infection, decay, injury, or loss of a tooth. Pain may also occur after a tooth has been pulled. While no one enjoys a painful tooth, the good news is that tooth pain and infections can usually be relieved and healed naturally.

Colloidal Silver

If your toothache comes from an abscess or other infection, combine the use of 1) oil of oregano topically and internally; 2) colloidal silver topically, internally and for swishing; and 3) warm salt water for alternate swishing as follows:1. Take several drops of oil of oregano under the tongue. Hold for a few minutes and then swish with lots of colloidal silver as frequently as once every hour.

2. Spit out the colloidal silver and then swallow additional colloidal silver (up to 8 ounces total in a day).

3. Gently rub some colloidal silver into the gum area around the tooth.

4. After a few minutes, rub oil of oregano onto the gum area.

5. In between the colloidal silver swishes also do a fairly vigorous warm salt water swish (preferably sea salt) and follow that up with more oil of oregano rubbed into the gums.

More natural remedies which can relieve and heal painful toothaches
1. Purchase some ginger root. Cut off a piece of the ginger root and remove the skin. Put the piece in your mouth on top of the painful tooth and bite down on it. The pain should subside very quickly. Keep the rest of the ginger in a container in the refrigerator and replace the piece in your mouth periodically as needed.

2. Relieve a throbbing tooth with clove essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum). The aromatic chemical in clove called eugenol numbs pain and kills bacteria. To apply the clove oil, soak a cotton ball or swab with the oil and use it to wipe on and around your sore gums and tooth. Repeat as needed.

3. Take one teaspoon of blackseed oil (Nigella sativa) and 1/2 cup of vinegar and boil. Cool and then use as a mouth rinse to reduce inflammation and infection. Rinse every couple of hours until the pain and/or swelling is gone.

4. For tooth abscess and infection, put two level teaspoons of salt in a cup. Pour a small amount of boiling water on the salt in a cup to dissolve it and then fill the cup with enough cool water to make the solution warm. Rinse your mouth slowly and well, using all the salt water. Repeat at least twice a day (the more often the better). If this does not work at first, try increasing the amount of salt.

5. Use a cold pack or other cold items to relieve pain. When you have a toothache, pressing something cold on the outside of your mouth can often give temporary relief, especially if you are having problems sleeping. If you don’t have a cold pack, no need to worry about ice that will melt in the middle of the night – simply grab anything from your fridge or freezer. You can use a jar of mustard, a bottle of water, you name it. If the container is frozen, cover with a wash cloth before placing on the skin. Note: Do not take a food item to bed which will spoil.

6. Supplements which may help clear infection and speed healing include olive leaf extract and bromelain.

Note: If your tooth pain worsens or persists more than a few days, see a qualified dentist – preferably a holistic one.


The Best Years In Life

Increase IQ With Mental Exercises, Lifestyle, Diet and Supplements

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. Contrary to common misconception, IQ does not measure a person’s actual intelligence, but rather is measurement of one’s problem solving abilities. It has long been thought that a person’s IQ remains fairly stable from very early in life. However, new studies have found just the opposite, indicating that IQ can be increased by as much as 20% or more with proper diet, lifestyle, mental exercises and more.

Colloidal Gold

In a new study published this month in the journal Nature, researchers found that during adolescence, a fifth of children can gain or lose as many as 20 points in IQ. The study, “Verbal and non-verbal intelligence changes in the teenage brain”, also found that IQ improvement corresponded to actual structural changes in the brain. Children who had an increase in IQ during adolescence also had an increase in the density and volume of gray matter in the brain.

Study co-author Sue Ramsden indicated that “late developer(s) can catch up”. She likened the brain changes to changes in a child’s physical fitness over the teenage years and compared increasing IQ to a couch-potato kid joining a sports team and becoming athletic several years later.

Other studies have indicated that IQ can also be improved in adults. In 2008, a study was published which was pretty much a game changer for research on IQ. The study, titled “Building Fluid Intelligence with Training on Working Memory”, demonstrated that it might actually be possible to increase IQ to a significant degree through training.

Learning and exercising the brain are major ways to increase IQ. This can be as simple as solving puzzles, reading stimulating books, learning a new language or learning how to perform a new task. Some other good brain boosting suggestions are:

*Lead an active lifestyle and exercise regularly
*Have an active social life
*Get involved in new activities and hobbies
*Write – including writing with your opposite hand
*Avoid and manage stress
*Minimize television watching
*Play challenging video games
*Don’t smoke
*Drink in moderation
*Avoid refined sugar and SADS processed food items
*Avoid water with fluoride
*Avoid vaccinations and mainstream medications

Nutrition can be vital in increasing IQ and maintaining healthy brain function. Just like other organs, the brain needs proper nutrition to develop and function properly. Brain performance may be greatly improved through eating the right kinds of foods as well as supplementing to help address any deficiencies, which may be affecting thinking ability and behavior.

Some brain boosting foods are:

*Salmon and other fatty cold water fish
*Lean organic free range beef, chicken and turkey
*Organic free range eggs
*Caffeine (but don’t overdo it, as excess caffeine can over-stimulate the adrenal glands).
*Berries, especially blueberries (and don’t forget mulberries)
*Dark grapes (preferably seeded)
*Dark green leafy vegetables such as baby spinach
*Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables
*Citrus fruits
*Organic yoghurt
*Olive Oil
*Green Tea

Supplements can help address nutritional deficiencies and boost brain performance. Two of the best brain boosting supplements are colloidal gold and phosphatidyl serine (PS). Studies have shown that colloidal gold can result in IQ increases of 20% or more and that PS increases lucidity and the rate of learning.

Other brain boosting supplements include:

*Super foods powders
*Vitamin C
*Vitamin E
*Alpha-lipoic acid
*Folic acid
*Ginkgo Biloba
*Saint John’s Wort

Note: As the first study mentioned above found, IQ can also decline just as much as it can improve – yet another good reason to follow this article’s advice.

The Best Years In Life

Mainstream Medicine’s Rejection Of Alternative Healing

by Tony Isaacs

The mainstream medical establishment’s rejection of alternative healing not only flies in the face of hundreds and even thousands of years of history, it also flies in the face of good science.  History has taught us time and again that the science of today is often found lacking tomorrow.  Apparently, that is a lesson that has continued to be lost or ignored by today’s mainstream science, even as many of their longstanding beliefs are being overturned.

Another principle which mainstream medicine fails to understand is that lack of evidence is not the same as evidence of lack.  Often, lack of evidence is merely lack of understanding and current knowledge.

In many instances, mainstream rejection of alternative healing violates the foremost principle of the scientific method itself – observation.  Successful alternative healing has been observed to be successful dating back hundreds and even thousands of years.  Mainstream medicine continues to reject observed success as merely anecdotal and contends that only rigorous testing will provide any validation.

The FDA, which is supposed to oversee medicine in the U.S., carries bias against alternatives medicine to absurd extremes – refusing to allow even natural fruits, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, or any other item to claim health benefits unless they have gone through the complete FDA approval process at costs up to a billion or more dollars

When alternatives are tested, the studies are often marred by lack of current knowledge and understanding as well as design flaws. That includes vitamins and minerals studies which fail to consider how nature works synergistically as well as the differences between natural vitamins and bioaviailable minerals and synthetic petrochemical vitamins and crushed rock minerals.

Modern science has long denied that acupuncture offers any benefit other than the placebo effect and much of the mainstream establishment still clings to that view even as study after study has proven them wrong.  For example, a recent report from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) stated that “many well-designed studies have found that acupuncture can help with certain conditions, such as back pain, knee pain, headaches and osteoarthritis.”

Likewise, aromatherapy was long rejected by mainstream science as having any scientifically proven value.  Then came a Japanese study which was published in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.  The study found that inhaling linalool, which is a fragrance found naturally in lavender, mint, and many other fragrant plants, reduced the activity of more than 100 genes that are normally significantly elevated in stressful situations.

A favorite target of mainstream medicine for well over a century has been homeopathy, which is based on the principle of retained memory in extreme dilutions.  Just this month, an article in Forbes Magazine bemoaned the “absurdity of homeopathy”.

However, it appears that homeopathy is turning out to be not so scientifically absurd after all: An article this month in The Daily Mail highlighted a study which showed that salt solutions change the structure of hydrogen bonds in water even when diluted to homeopathic levels,. Last July, Nobel Prize winning French virologist Professor Luc Montagnier shocked fellow Nobel prize-winners and the medical establishment by telling them that he had discovered that water has a memory that continues even after many dilutions.

Today we continue to see mainstream medicine reject much in alternative healing, including therapeutic, healing energies and frequencies, colloidal silver, herbal medicines and traditional healing practices used for centuries around the world and more. As history has taught us, many of those rejected items may well be validated and accepted by the mainstream once science finally catches up – or owns up, as the case may be.

The Best Years In Life

“Trusted” Activist Groups Have Betrayed Food Freedom

by Tony Isaacs

At first glance, organizations such as the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), the Center for Food Safety (CFS) and the International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA) appear to be firmly aligned in favor of organic farming.  Both sites are filled with information about food safety and organic farming, including many entries touting the actions they have taken on behalf of both issues.  However, a closer examination of the organizations raises questions as to whether they may in some instances be working against organic farming as well as against food freedom and in favor of the pharmaceutical industries.

While some good information can be obtained at the sites of all three organizations, there is also some very questionable information.  For example, the OCA site contains an article by Cornucopia which they distributed widely which touts allowing the dangerous substance Neotame to be added to organic products.  The article stated in part:

““None of the bloggers who perpetuate this anti-organic myth reference primary sources to substantiate their claims. As their sources, they reference one another instead of going to the source – such as the Code of Federal Regulations.”

Anti-organic myth? The statement is demonstrably false and Neotame is obviously dangerous.  Neotame is a neurotoxin and a document taken from the FDA site states that pre-approval studies indicated that Neotame is not safe, yet it “was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for general use in July 2002” and is allowed to be added to organic food products as a “general sweetener”.  See:

The USDA’s Organic Deception

The USDA’s Organic Deception

The CFS organization applauded the passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510) by the United States Congress – a bill which has been roundly criticized by those of us who support health and food freedom for the power it gives the FDA and the negative impact it would have on food freedom and organic farming.  Upon passage of the bill, the CFS issued the following statement:

“The Center for Food Safety (CFS) applauds the passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510) by the United States Congress. The bill which passed the House of Representatives by over seventy votes late yesterday will give the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a greater ability to safeguard our nation’s food system.” (TrueFoodNow)

The CFS, along with its sister organization the CTA, initiated a petition to the EPA to regulate nano-silver as a pesticide, which would have hugely benefited Big Pharma by virtually eliminating colloidal silver as a competitor to their more expensive and dangerous anti-biotic and anti-viral drugs. Though the groups denied targeting colloidal silver, their petition listed top colloidal silver products as examples of items which they felt should be regulated.

So, why would organizations which purport to champion organic farming support actions which are so detrimental to organic foods?  Perhaps for the same reason that the CFS, ICA and other activist groups made their pro Big Pharma petition to the EPA: because they are heavily funded by philanthropy organizations which are linked to drugs and the promotion of GMOs.

Follow the money and one will find that the OCA, CFS and CTA have received millions of dollars in funding from Merck and Rockefeller philanthropy organizations (the John Merck fund and the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors).  Neither of those groups are considered to be friends to natural health and It should be noted that funding from philanthropy groups tied to corporate entities such as Merck and Rockefeller most often disburse funds with the expectation of a return on their philanthropic “investment”.

Merck is the pharmaceutical company who gave us such killer drugs as Vioxx, Gardasil and Fosamax. Widely regarded as one of the more evil corporations in the world, Merck would benefit hugely from regulation of nano-silver as a pesticide and it should be noted that it is not in the corporate interest of Merck to foster healthier people.

Rockefeller is the name of the family which helped found and support the American Medical Association, which endeavored successfully to eliminate and suppress homeopathy and natural healing in order to give mainstream medicine a monopoly on our health.  See:

“Modern Medicine: How Healing Illness became Managing Illness”

In addition, the Rockefeller Foundation is reported by F. William Engdahl in the book “Seeds of Destruction” to have spent more than $100 million for the advance of the GMO revolution.  As Engdahl also reported, a Rockefeller created front organization, CGIAR (Consultative Group on Agricultural Resources), operates under the umbrella of the UN World Bank, and its primary focus is the spread of GMO crops. From the article by Engdahl, “The GMO Giants Know Something We Don’t”:

“Financed by generous Rockefeller and Ford Foundation study grants, CGIAR saw to it that leading Third World agriculture scientists and agronomists were brought to the US to master the concepts of modern agribusiness production, in order to carry it back to their homeland. In the process they created an invaluable network of influence for US agribusiness promotion in those countries, most especially promotion of the GMO Gene Revolution in developing countries, all in the name of science and efficient, free market agriculture.”

Before anyone jumps on board with activist groups which purport to support organic farming or health freedom issues, it would be a good idea to take a closer look at who they receive funding from and what their actions have been which benefit those who fund them.  As Farmwars ( aptly stated in the article “Food Freedom Betrayal!”:

“We need to understand that nobody will fight this fight for us, much less the people being funded by Rockefeller and Merck. We need to stand up on our own and just say no! We need to support our local farmers and grow as much food as we can on our own.”

Sources included:

The USDA’s Organic Deception

Food Freedom Betrayal!

The Best Years In Life

Mainstream Medicine Rejects Alternative Healing With No Scientific Backing

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) The mainstream medical establishment’s rejection of alternative healing not only flies in the face of hundreds and even thousands of years of history, but it also flies in the face of good science. History has taught us time and again that the science of today is often found lacking tomorrow. Apparently, that is a lesson that has continued to be lost or ignored by today’s mainstream science, even as many of their longstanding beliefs are being overturned.

Another principle which mainstream medicine fails to understand is that lack of evidence is not the same as evidence of lack. Often, lack of evidence is merely an indication that scientific understanding has yet to catch up to something it does not presently know how to grasp or quantify.In many instances, mainstream rejection of alternative healing violates the foremost principle of the scientific method itself: observation. Alternative healing has been observed to be successful dating back hundreds and even thousands of years. Mainstream medicine continues to reject observed success as merely anecdotal and contends that only rigorous testing will provide any validation.

The FDA, which is supposed to oversee medicine in the U.S., carries bias against alternatives medicine to absurd extremes – refusing to allow even natural fruits, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, or any other item to claim health benefits unless they have gone through the complete FDA approval process at costs up to a billion or more dollars.

When alternatives are tested, the studies are often marred by lack of current knowledge and understanding as well as design flaws. That includes vitamins and minerals studies which fail to consider how nature works synergistically as well as the differences between natural vitamins and bioavailable minerals and synthetic petrochemical vitamins and crushed rock minerals.

Modern science has long denied that acupuncture offers any benefit other than the placebo effect and much of the mainstream establishment still clings to that view even as study after study has proven them wrong. For example, a recent report from the National Institutes of Health stated that “many well-designed studies have found that acupuncture can help with certain conditions, such as back pain, knee pain, headaches and osteoarthritis.”

Likewise, aromatherapy was long rejected by mainstream science as having any scientifically proven value. Then came a Japanese study, which was published in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The study found that inhaling linalool, which is a fragrance found naturally in lavender, mint, and many other fragrant plants, reduced the activity of more than 100 genes that are normally significantly elevated in stressful situations. See:

A favorite target of mainstream medicine for well over a century has been homeopathy, which is based on the principle of retained memory in extreme dilutions. Just this month, an article in Forbes Magazine bemoaned the “absurdity of homeopathy”.

However, it appears that homeopathy is turning out to be not so scientifically absurd after all: An article this month in The Daily Mail highlighted a study which showed that salt solutions change the structure of hydrogen bonds in water even when diluted to homeopathic levels. Last July, Nobel Prize winning French virologist Professor Luc Montagnier shocked fellow Nobel prize-winners and the medical establishment by telling them that he had discovered that water has a memory that continues even after many dilutions. See:

Today we continue to see mainstream medicine reject much in alternative healing, including healing energies and frequencies, kinesiology, traditional healing around the world and more. As history has taught us, much of those rejected items may well be validated once science finally catches up or owns up.

The Best Years In Life

Enjoy A Healthy Change With Meatless Tacos

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Try a delicious and healthy change of pace for breakfast with these breakfast tacos, which use no unhealthy processed meats and are made with healthier wheat tortillas and homemade pico de gallo (directions for the pico de gallo are included below).

While the recipe is not a strictly vegetarian one, it is perfect for lacto-ovo vegetarians (people who eat only vegetables with the exception of dairy products and eggs). Plus, with a few adjustments the recipe can be made into a strictly vegetarian one if desired, as suggested below.

Healthy Breakfast Tacos


2 large russet potatoes, scrubbed but unpeeled
2 tbsp light extra virgin olive oil
1 small yellow onion, chopped
Sea salt and ground pepper
8 large free range organic eggs
1 tbsp unsalted butter
8 wheat tortillas, each about 6" in diameter, warmed
1 cup shredded organic Monterey Jack, Cheddar or Provolone cheese (or a combination thereof)


1. Place the potatoes in a large saucepan and add enough cold salted water to cover. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer until tender when pierced with a knife tip (about 25 minutes). Drain and rinse the potatoes under cold running water. Refrigerate until chilled, two or more hours (or overnight).

2. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Heat the oil over medium-high heat in a large pan. Add the potato cubes and cook, stirring occasionally, until browned, about 10 minutes. Add half of the onion and cook, stirring often, until softened (about 2 minutes). Remove the potato mixture from the heat and season with salt and pepper.

3. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the tortillas for browning by spreading a light coating on one side of each of the tortillas.

4. Meanwhile, whisk together in a bowl the eggs, 3/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of pepper until just thoroughly blended. Avoid over-beating. Return the pan with the potatoes to medium-low heat and add the egg mixture. Cook until the eggs begin to set (about 20 seconds). Stir with a heatproof spatula, scraping up the eggs on the bottom and sides of the pan and folding them toward the center. Repeat until the eggs are barely cooked into moist curds. Remove the pan from the heat and let stand for about 1 minute to allow the residual heat to finish cooking the eggs.

5. Fill the tortillas with equal amounts of the potato egg mixture, sprinkle with cheese and top with a spoonful of the pico de gallo.

Pico de Gallo


2 large ripe tomatoes, diced
1/2 cup finely chopped yellow onion
3 tbsp cilantro, minced
1 tbsp lime juice
1/2 jalapeno chili, seeded and minced
Sea salt.


1. In a non-reactive bowl, combine the tomatoes, onion, cilantro, lime juice and jalapeno. Season with salt. Cover and let stand at room temperature for at least 30 minutes or up to 3 hours.

To make a strictly vegetarian version of the tacos:

1. Forego the eggs and cheese and add chopped or sliced portabella mushrooms and/or avocados.
2. Use extra virgin light olive oil or another healthy oil substitute to spread on the tortillas in place of the butter.