The Best Years In Life

Dying Cancer Patients are Milked for Every Last Dollar

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) Recent studies and reports have revealed that terminal cancer patients are frequently given harsh chemotherapy drugs and radiation treatments long after they have been diagnosed as hopeless. In many instances such treatments continue until the moment of death. As a result, many cancer patients are subjected to needless expense and suffering and little time is left for alternative treatments that otherwise might have saved their lives.

Rose Laurel OPC

This March The Oncologist reported that about one in five dying cancer patients are given chemotherapy within 14 days of their deaths. The report also stated that one-third of terminal cancer patients are not sent to a hospice until they have less than three days left to live. Last year, Virginia Commonwealth Massey reported that 25% of Medicare expenses for terminal cancer patients are spent in their final month.

A study published last September in the journal Cancer found that radiation treatments were given to 91 percent of dying cancer patients. Half of those patients spent more than 60 percent of their remaining lifespan undergoing radiation treatments and most were unable to complete their treatments because they died. The study also found that rather than reducing pain, most often the treatments actually increased pain.

Perhaps those figures help explain some other disconcerting figures about cancer treatment in the United States. For example, the United States spends twice as much per person for cancer care for the same results as other countries that spend less. Another example is the fact that oncologist salaries have increased 86% in the past 10 years even though the number of patient visits has increased by only 12%. Notably, the large majority of most oncologists' income is derived from markups on chemo drugs.

Far too often there may be an even darker side to doctors hanging on to cancer patients they had given up on besides the needless suffering and expense: preventing the chance of a cure outside mainstream treatments. Though not recognized by mainstream medicine, natural and alternative cancer treatments are often successful when mainstream medicine has admitted defeat. However, the longer a person is kept on mainstream treatments the less chance they have of finding success with alternative treatments.

Radiation destroys the immune system, especially the bone marrow that lies at the very heart of the immune system. It is the immune system which heals cancer and keeps it at bay – not radiation or chemotherapy drugs which merely treat the symptoms (tumors) of cancer. Radiation and chemo alike often inflict major damage on healthy cells and organs, further weakening the body and in many instances causing damage so severe that it ends up killing the patient. In many forms of cancer more patients die of liver and heart failure than are saved by chemo or radiation.

Part of the problem is oncologists' reluctance to tell patients if and when they have been diagnosed as terminal. Instead, many patients continue to hear optimistic reports about "response rates", "tumor reductions" and "cancer control", as they have from the outset. Left untold is that their oncologist has determined that their cancers are beyond their ability to control or cure.

Another problem is the willingness of insurance companies and Medicare to pay for hopeless treatments long after the doctors have given up hope. The biggest problem, however, is doctors and the cancer industry failing to treat cancer patients as human beings. People need and deserve to be told the truth and given proper care instead of treated as profit centers to be milked of every dollar possible.

The Best Years In Life

The American Cancer Society Runs Away from the Cure, Part III

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) In this and the following installment of the multi-part series on the American Cancer Society (ACS) we will list some of the more dubious actions and inactions by the ACS. This behavior indicates a pattern of obstruction and indifference when it comes to the causes of cancer and unresponsiveness in taking positive actions to serve the public in preventing and curing cancer.

Rose Laurel OPC

The following list is by no means inclusive:

1971 – When studies unequivocally proved that diethylstilbestrol (DES) caused vaginal cancers in teenaged daughters of women administered the drug during pregnancy, the ACS refused an invitation to testify at Congressional hearings to require the FDA to ban its use as an animal feed additive.

1977 – The ACS called for a Congressional moratorium on the FDA's proposed ban on saccharin and even advocated its use by nursing mothers and babies in "moderation" despite clear-cut evidence of its carcinogenicity in rodents. Such a proposal reflects the consistent rejection by the ACS of the value of animal evidence in predicting human cancer risk.

1977-78 – The ACS opposed proposed regulations for hair coloring products that contained dyes suspected of causing breast cancer despite clear evidence those chemicals were clear-cut liver and breast carcinogens.

1978 – Tony Mazzocchi, then senior representative of the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers International Union, stated at a Washington, D.C. roundtable between public interest groups and high-ranking ACS officials: "Occupational safety standards have received no support from the ACS."

1978 – Congressman Paul Rogers censured the ACS for doing "too little, too late" in failing to support the Clean Air Act.

1982 – The ACS adopted a highly restrictive cancer policy that insisted on unequivocal human evidence of carcinogenicity before taking any position on public health hazards.

1983 – The ACS refused to join a coalition of the March of Dimes, American Heart Association, and the American Lung Association to support the Clean Air Act.

1992 – The ACS issued a joint statement with the Chlorine Institute supporting the continued global use of organochlorine pesticides despite clear evidence they caused breast cancer. VP Clark Heath dismissed evidence of risk as "preliminary and mostly based on weak and indirect association."

1992 – The ACS aggressively launched a "chemoprevention" program along with the NCI to recruit 16,000 healthy women supposedly at "high risk'' of breast cancer into a 5-year clinical trial with the highly profitable drug tamoxifen. The women were told tamoxifen was essentially harmless and could reduce their risk of breast cancer. They were not told that tamoxifen was a highly potent liver carcinogen in rodent tests or that it was a well-known aggressive human uterine cancer agent
1993 – Anticipating the PBS Frontline special "In Our Children's Food," the ACS trivialized pesticides as a cause of childhood cancer and charged PBS with "junk science." The ACS asked, "Can we afford the PBS?" When media and concerned citizens contacted local ACS chapters, they received reassurances from a memorandum by ACS Public Relations Vice President stating only potentially high doses of direct contact were dangerous. Examples cited included farm workers who apply the chemicals and work in the fields after the pesticides have been applied, and people living near aerially sprayed fields.

1994 – The ACS published a highly flawed study designed to trivialize cancer risks from the use of dark hair dyes.


In the next installment we will list further questionable ACS actions which occurred after 1995 as well as take a look at the conflicts of interest from those who fund the ACS and sit on its boards.

The Best Years In Life

The American Cancer Society Runs Away from the Cure, Part II

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) The American Cancer Society has been called "the world's wealthiest non-profit" due to the tremendous amount of money it raises every year, its huge cash reserves, land holdings and other assets, and salaries that range to above a million dollars for top executives as well as company automobiles and generous benefits packages.

Rose Laurel OPC Plus


Almost two decades ago, the nation's leading charity watch dog, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, warned against giving money to the American Cancer Society. The Chronicle stated that, "The ACS is more interested in accumulating wealth than saving lives."

Others have openly questioned whether the ACS serves those it has ties to more than it does the public it has pledged to serve. Due to its vast wealth as well as questionable actions such as donating to political campaigns, some have even called for the elimination of the ACS non-profit status.

Although the history of the ACS's unresponsiveness and questionable actions has become a long and damning one, such was not always the case. The ACS was not always the "800 pound gorilla" of charities with questionable ties to industries that caused and profited from cancer. Instead, the ACS traces its humble beginnings to the formation of the American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC) by a group of gynecologists in 1913. The ASCC began with a simple goal: persuade physicians to learn how to look at the cervix and persuade women to allow regular exams.

Also unlike today's ACS, the early ASCC recognized the impact of environmental causes of cancer. In a report in Time magazine in 1937, ASCC head Clarence Cook Little stated:

"Investigators have at last got a glimmering of what causes cancer. Some people inherit a susceptibility to the disease. But they do not develop cancer unless some susceptible part of the body is unduly irritated by 1) carcinogenic chemicals, 2) physical agents (X-rays, strong sun light, repeated abrasions as from a jagged tooth), 3) possibly, biological products produced by parasites."

During the years of World War II, the ASCC became rebranded as the American Cancer Society and its board became increasingly infiltrated by people who were from American industry instead of doctors or scientists. By 1946, half their board members were non-scientists.

In the 1950s the leaders of the ACS included W. B. Lewis, vice president of the tobacco giant Liggett and Myers. The ACS showed little support or enthusiasm for British and American studies connecting smoking and cancer, including studies from researchers within the ACS. Even after massive studies provided compelling evidence, the ACS still dragged their feet. In 1954 they reluctantly adopted a resolution stating "present evidence indicates an association between smoking, particularly cigarette smoking, and lung cancers", but they allowed their own researcher to publish his findings only so long as he listed numerous reservations about how the association might be tempered by air pollution, workspace dust and other things. For years afterward, the ACS stance was that more data was required before any firm conclusion could be reached.

Thus began a long history of the ACS stonewalling and taking positions counter to scientific evidence and in ways that benefited board members, donors and cancer causing industries.


In the next two installments of this series, we will take a look at many dubious actions by the ACS which reflect a repeated pattern of acting in favor of industries which cause and benefit from cancer while acting against the public interest in preventing and curing cancer.

The Best Years In Life

The American Cancer Society Runs Away from the Cure, Part I

by: Tony Isaacs

 (SilverBulletin) The American Cancer Society (ACS) was back in the news this month when they disputed the findings of the President's Cancer Panel on the role of toxins in causing cancer. Though the new report echoes what other experts have maintained for years, the ACS went out of its way to attack the report and downplay the role of toxins. Many critics have questioned the ACS's apparent conflicts of interest due to numerous ACS ties to chemical industries' influence and donations.

Rose Laurel OPC Plus


Critics note that the ACS condemnation of the toxins report is far from the first time the Society has taken a stance that benefits those it has ties to while disputing expert reports and studies. Indeed, the ACS dispute of the report is merely the latest in a long line of controversial stances that appear to be self-serving and against the public interest.

Another example is the ACS's continued support of mammograms. Concerns over the safety and efficacy of mammograms have been widely reported dating all the way back to 1977, including several notable studies supporting such concerns. In spite of those studies and concerns, the ACS has remained a staunch supporter of mammograms. Notably, the ACS has strong ties to the mammography industry.

Last year the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported that mammograms increased "the burden of low-risk cancers without significantly reducing the burden of more aggressively growing cancers and therefore not resulting in the anticipated reduction in cancer mortality". After the JAMA paper, it was initially reported that the ACS would finally change their stance on mammograms – as they once did with tobacco after years of stonewalling. However, the pro-mammogram interests in the ACS apparently won out and such reports were later denied.

As Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, deputy chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society stated: "We are not redoing or rethinking our guidelines at this time, nor are we going to restate our guidelines to emphasize the inadequacies of screening."

Although the ACS annually pleads poverty, it actually takes in more money than any other US charity and has huge cash reserves, property and other assets. Further, despite public promises to do everything to "wipe out cancer in your lifetime," the ACS has failed to make its voice heard in Congress and regulatory agencies. Instead, the ACS has repeatedly rejected or ignored opportunities and requests from Congressional committees and other agencies and groups to provide scientific testimony critical to legislate and regulate a wide range of occupational and environmental carcinogens.

The scope of the ACS failure to act is illustrated by increases in a wide range of cancers, including:

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma has increased 76 percent mostly due to phenoxy herbicides and phenylenediamine hair dyes.

Testicular cancer has increased by 49 percent due to pesticides, harmful ingredients in personal care products and estrogen residues in meat.

Malignant melanoma has increased by 168 percent due to the use of toxic sunscreen products that fail to block long wave ultraviolet light.

Thyroid cancer has increased by 124 percent due in large part to ionizing radiation.

Childhood leukemia has increased by 55 percent due to ionizing radiation, domestic pesticides, nitrite preservatives in meats and parental exposures to occupational carcinogens.

Ovarian cancer (mortality) for women over the age of 65 has increased by 47 percent in African American women and 13 percent in Caucasian women due largely to genital use of talc powder.

Breast cancer has increased 17 percent due to a wide range of factors including birth control pills, estrogen replacement therapy, ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products, and mammogram and other diagnostic radiation.


In future installments in this multi-part series we will take a closer look at the long and dubious history of the American Cancer Society.

The Best Years In Life

Use Home Remedies to Quickly and Safely Eliminate Athlete’s Foot

by: Tony Isaacs

(SilverBulletin) Athlete's foot is an infection of the feet caused by a fungus. The affected area is usually red and itchy and the most common symptom is cracked, flaking, peeling skin between the toes. Left untreated, the condition may last for a short or long time and may return again and again. However, there are several effective home and natural remedies that can quickly clear up athlete's foot and prevent it from returning.

Advanced Colloidal Silver

One sure-fire home remedy is to use a combination of apple cider vinegar, water, colloidal silver and moisturizer. Soak your feet in one part white vinegar and four parts water for 20-30 minutes. Dry your feet and apply colloidal silver over the entire foot, being sure to get in between the toes. Allow to air dry thoroughly and then apply a good moisturizer, such as the oil found in crushed garlic from the grocery store. Other good choices are tea tree oil, sesame oil and olive oil.

The combination of vinegar and colloidal silver kills the athlete's foot fungus and the moisturizer helps the skin heal. Repeat the procedure twice daily and your athlete's foot should be gone in a matter of days. To prevent future outbreaks of athlete's foot, repeat the above remedy once each week. Note: colloidal silver is optional, but it helps speed the remedy and makes it more effective.

Other common remedies are:

* Apply hydrogen peroxide with a cotton swab – especially just after a bath, shower or foot soak. Allow to dry. If you wish, you may follow with an application of apple cider vinegar and then, after your feet have dried, apply one of the moisturizers mentioned above. Repeat twice daily until all signs of athlete's foot are gone.

* Pour baking soda on the affected feet and between the toes after showers, bathing or foot soaks to help dry the area and eliminate dampness. Powder the area daily until the infection is gone and continue doing so for at least a month.

* After thoroughly washing the feet, dry the feet well with a hair dryer on the high heat setting. Be sure to dry the areas between the toes thoroughly and get as close to the feet as you can without burning. If you dress afterward, use clean dry socks (preferably cotton socks). Do this morning and evening. If you regularly blow dry your feet, you should never have athlete's foot again.

* A wonderful old time remedy is known as "Grandma's Gallberry Root Remedy" – Boil some gallberry roots and soak your feet in the solution after it has cooled enough to prevent scalding. Repeat every day for one week.

* Rub tea tree oil on feet twice a day. Tea tree oil kills the fungus that causes athlete's feet. Similarly, sesame oil rubbed over the infected area once or twice a day has been reported to eliminate athlete's foot within a few days.

* Regular tea has been used effectively against athlete's foot. Use a quart of boiling water, add six tea bags and soak your feet in it for 30 to 60 minutes. The tannic acid in tea kills the fungus and soothes the pain and itchy feeling on the skin.

Notes: Be sure to wash all your white socks in water containing bleach. Then wash your other socks and wash or clean your shoes regularly and allow them to dry thoroughly.

Avoid using anti-bacterial soap, which may actually increase the chance of getting athlete's foot by killing the good bacteria and by allowing bad bacteria to take over and to accumulate and grow in the shower.

The Best Years In Life

New Study Finds Pesticides Double Risk of ADHD in Our Children

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) For years environmentalists and natural health advocates have been trying to point out that organophosphate pesticides (malathion, etc.) work by disrupting the neurological systems of insects, and therefore humans who consume them on foods are at risk of neurological problems. Now, after millions of kids have been diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder), it is finally being admitted.

Liver Cleanse

In a new study just published in Pediatrics, researchers from the University of Montreal and Harvard University found evidence strongly indicating that pesticides could be a major cause of the alarming rise in ADHD in our children. Children who had higher than average biomarkers for organophosphate pesticides were nearly twice as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD. Previous studies found that pesticides may contribute to hyperactivity and cognitive problems in animals, but the new study is among the first to determine that it affects humans, too.

Among the study's findings:

* Children who have high levels of pesticide residues are 93% more likely to have ADHD.
* For every 55% increase in residue in urine, there is a 10% greater risk of ADHD.

"I think it's fairly significant. A doubling is a strong effect," said Maryse F. Bouchard, a researcher at the University of Montreal in Quebec and lead author of the study.

The study is the largest thus far to examine the effect of pesticides on child development and behavior, including ADHD. ADHD affects an estimated 4.5 million U.S. children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 2.5 million kids take medication for the condition.

In the study, Bouchard and her colleagues measured levels of six pesticide metabolites in the urine of 1,139 children ages 8 to 15. The children were selected from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2000 and 2004 and included 119 children who were diagnosed with ADHD.

Unlike other studies on the impact of pesticides, the new study provided a look into average insecticide exposure in the general child population instead of a specialized group (such as the children of farm workers). Organophosphates are commonly used on some of the crops children consume the most, such as frozen blueberries, fresh strawberries and celery. However, since some of the children who participated in the study were from urban areas, the results suggest that pesticide exposure comes from the air we breathe, as well as on the foods we eat. Bouchard said that because many pesticides leave the body after three to six days, the presence of residue shows that exposure is likely constant.

Cheminova, the Danish firm that is the world's largest manufacturer of malathion, declined to comment on the conclusions of the new study. Diane Allemang, vice president for global regulatory affairs, reported that she had not yet seen the study.

Bouchard's advice for parents: "I would say buy organic as much as possible. I would also recommend washing fruits and vegetables as much as possible."

The consumer advocacy organization Environmental Working Group echoes Bouchard's advice, advising shoppers to buy organic versions of a dozen fruits and vegetables that grow in the ground or are commonly eaten with the skin, because they're most likely to be contaminated.

When washing fruits and vegetables, be sure to wash and rinse them in cold tap water and scrub firm-skinned produce with a brush. Some people opt for the addition of hydrogen peroxide to their fruit and vegetable rinses for maximum removal of pesticides. Frozen fruits and vegetables should also be washed.

Don't wash produce with soap, though. Soap can leave behind detergent residues and more chemicals that everyone would do best to avoid.

The Best Years In Life

Safely Avoid and Remove Dangerous Man-Made Fluoride, Part II

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) In the first part of this article, we looked at the dangers of man-made fluoride and some ways to avoid and minimize fluoride ingestion and exposure. Today we will take a look at some of the best and safest ways to remove fluoride from our bodies.

Liver Cleanse

Removing Fluoride from our Bodies:

The use of liver cleanses can be very effective in eliminating fluorides and other toxins. There are two basic types of liver cleanse protocols, both of which can be performed easily at home in one to two weeks. One protocol focuses primarily on the liver itself, while the second type of protocol also cleanses the gall bladder. The gall bladder is connected directly with liver function. Instructions for both kinds of liver cleansing, as well as liver cleanse products and kits, can be found online with simple searches.

Boron is a good fluoride remover and it has been proven effective in studies around the world. An easy and inexpensive source of boron can be found in common borax, which is available at most supermarkets. Borax has a history of anecdotal success for detoxing sodium fluoride.

Borax should be taken in very small quantities in pure water. As little as 1/32 to 1/4 of a teaspoon of borax in one liter of water consumed in small quantities throughout the day has been found to be safe and effective. About 1/8 of a teaspoon with a pinch of sea salt has been found to be particularly effective. Food grade sodium borate may be substituted for common borax.

Iodine has been clinically proven to increase the removal of fluoride from the body via the urine. Notably, most diets are deficient in this vital mineral. Seaweed foods and iodine supplements that combine iodine and potassium iodide are recommended most. Eliminating fluoride with iodine depletes calcium, thus it is recommended that one also take an effective calcium/magnesium supplement. Lecithin is recommended as an adjunct to using iodine.

The pulp, bark, and leaves from the tamarind tree can be used to make teas, extracts and tinctures that will help eliminate fluorides through the urine. Tamarind was originally indigenous to Africa but migrated into India and southeast Asia, and it has been used medicinally in Ayurvedic Medicine.

Fluoride stored in fatty tissues can be released and eliminated with the help of dry saunas. Since they can be strong enough to cause some side effects or an occasional healing crisis, it is advisable to keep water intake high and drink some chickweed tea to protect the kidneys. As is the case with iodine, it is also advisable to take a highly absorbable calcium/magnesium supplement and add lecithin.

Vitamin C in abundance is a great addition to any fluoride removal program. Natural sources of vitamin C are much better than ascorbic acid. Consume as much as you can tolerate along with a couple of tablespoons of lecithin daily.

Though it has not been proven conclusively, many believe that melatonin helps remove fluoride by increasing decalcification of the pineal gland. In addition to melatonin supplementation, plenty of daytime physical activity and/or exercise, a healthy diet, not overeating and meditation/relaxation exercises all contribute to higher melatonin production from the pineal gland.

Apple pectin is yet another effective item to use to eliminate fluoride. Other useful items include zeolite minerals, turmeric, cayenne, parsley, chlorella and cilantro.

Thus, even though dangerous man-made fluoride is exceedingly difficult to avoid entirely, by making the right choices and taking simple steps we can all greatly reduce our exposure to fluoride and eliminate much of what we do have in our bodies.

The Best Years In Life

Safely Avoid and Remove Dangerous Man-Made Fluoride, Part I

by: Tony Isaacs

(Silver Bulletin) Thanks to mass fluoridation of our municipal water supplies and inclusion of man-made fluoride in toothpastes and other dental and consumer products, most of us regularly consume dangerous amounts of a dangerous form of fluoride. Despite claims of dental health improvement, such fluoride actually leads to worse dental health as well as a host of other very serious health consequences. Though it may be next to impossible to avoid fluoride entirely, there are many steps one can take to avoid much of the fluoride we consume as well as to eliminate existing fluoride in our bodies.

Natural versus Man-made Fluoride:

Contrary to what we have been told for many decades, man-made fluoride actually leads to fluoridosis, a condition that is marked by stained and weakened hole-filled teeth. Notably, in Europe and US communities where there is no water fluoridation, cavities are less than in fluoridated US communities. Even worse, fluoride can result in hyperactivity and/or lethargy, arthritis, lowered thyroid function, lowered IQ, dementia, disrupted immune system, genetic damage, cell death, cancers, deactivated essential enzymes and lower life span.

Fluoride in its natural form is actually considered an essential trace element, but we only need very tiny amounts and the natural form of fluoride is a far cry from the man-made form added to our water and products. The natural form of mineral fluoride found in your teeth and in nature is called Apatite (calcium fluoro-chloro-hydroxyl phosphate). The unnatural form of fluoride added to our municipal water supplies is sodium fluoride – a chemical by-product of aluminum, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing. Such fluoride has no nutrient value or health benefits whatsoever.

The Nazis used fluoride to dumb down the population and make it more docile and subservient. Besides being one of the most potent rat poisons, fluoride is also one of the basic ingredients in both Prozac (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUORIDE).

Before the public was sold on the idea of added fluoride, the aluminum and nuclear industries were having an increasing problem disposing of all their highly toxic fluoride waste by-products. Now, thanks to the big lie sold to an unwitting public, we dispose of toxic fluoride waste, ingesting it and flushing it down the sewage system back into our environment. Besides solving their toxic waste disposal problem, the manufacturing industries also reap quite the tidy profit by selling their fluoride at a markup of over 20,000 times!

Avoiding and Minimizing Fluoride:

Avoiding products with added fluoride, such as most commercial toothpastes and dental products, fluoridated bottled water, soft drinks and commercial milk helps reduce fluoride consumption. Of course, living in an area whose water supply is not fluoridated is the best way to avoid most fluoride. However, since 65% of our water supplies are fluoridated, other steps may be needed to reduce fluoride intake.

Water filters for the kitchen which contain activated alumina reduce most of the fluoride from drinking water, but that still leaves the water used in showers and baths, swimming pools and hot tubs, and the water for vegetables. The best solution would be to purchase a whole-house fluoride filtration system, however those range upwards of $2500 in price, plus installation.

When it is not feasible to filter your entire water supply, limiting time in the shower or bath and reducing the temperature helps minimize the amount of fluoride absorbed. Another possibility is to purchase a self-contained shower system such as the ones used in camping and rustic cabins and to use filtered tap water. Some of the better ones include gas or electric heating elements and, as a bonus, their use decreases overall water use.

In the second part of this article, we will look at natural ways to remove fluoride from your body.

The Best Years In Life

Naturally Prevent and Remove Dangerous Arterial Plaque

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) The arteries are major blood vessels that the heart uses to pump blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Over time, arterial walls can become congested with a fatty substance known as plaque. When this happens to a severe point, the arteries may begin to harden and the blood flow can become compromised and ultimately result in a heart attack. Mainstream medicine's approach for treating plaque is to use drugs or surgery. However, there are natural ways to prevent and remove plaque.


As is the case when addressing many health concerns, exercise and diet can play major roles in avoiding and reducing plaque. Exercise is already known for many benefits to the body such as reducing risk factors for disease, better mental function, and weight control. Exercise can also improve your circulation which can help reduce plaque. According to the Mayo Clinic, you can do this by getting 30 to 60 minutes of exercise on most days of the week.

When it comes to diet, what you avoid is equally important as what you eat. Many foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol can cause plaque to build up. Some examples include deep fried foods, foods that are high in trans fats, refined foods, and processed foods. Alcohol should also be avoided and red meat should be eaten in small portions.

Foods that are nutrient dense, high in fiber, low in sodium and low in saturated fat help avoid and reduce arterial plaque. Fiber helps block the intestinal absorption of cholesterol. It also makes you feel full longer which can result in less overall calorie consumption. Some examples of fiber-rich foods include whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that the body cannot make on its own. They can be found in supplements and also in foods like cold water fish, walnuts, flax seeds and healthy oils such as olive oil. Fish oil supplements can lower blood pressure and reduce arterial plaque and they also lower triglycerides.

Niacin raises HDL, which is known as "good cholesterol". HDL cholesterol removes bad LDL cholesterol and arterial plaque. According to the FDA, "Niacin is the best agent known to raise blood levels of HDL, which helps remove cholesterol deposits from the artery walls." Naturally the FDA removed this quote from their website.

Vitamin C is crucial in repair and healing of the endothelial layer of cells inside of coronary and carotid arteries. When this layer is not maintained properly by the body, it can become the site for lesions that begin the process of atherosclerosis.

Coenzyme Q10 strengthens arteries and veins and cleans out accumulated plaque.

Digestive enzymes help break down the food our body does not digest. When taken on an empty stomach, they enter the bloodstream intact. As they circulate, they remove toxins and break down the fats responsible for plaque formation. Digestive enzymes in supplements and raw foods help prevent heart disease.

Serrapeptase is a particularly potent digestive enzyme when it comes to dissolving arterial plaque. It has the unique ability to digest non-living tissue that is a by-product of the healing response without harming living tissue. Serrapeptase is used to dissolve non-living tissues to include: scar tissue, fibrosis, blood clots, cysts and arterial plaque.

Some herbal remedies can also help fight plaque by improving circulation, reducing blood clots, lowering cholesterol and reducing stress. The herb hawthorn helps remove plaque blockages by widening blood vessels. Horsetail is rich in silica and can aid removal of plaque by strengthening artery walls.

The Best Years In Life

The Tale of Two Pancreatic Cancer Patients

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) When actor Patrick Swayze was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer he decided to follow the advice of his doctors to use chemo and starve out his cancer. He ended up dying of wasting disease. By contrast, an 80 year old man who decided to nourish his body and fight cancer naturally is robust and thriving almost three years after his diagnosis.

Rose Laurel OPC

Last year, this author wrote an article about Patrick Swayze dying after placing false hopes in chemo drugs and in the advice of his doctors to try to "starve out" his cancer.

Previously, following Swayze's Barbara Walter's special, this author had also written an article lamenting Swayze's decision to place his faith in mainstream medicine.

Both articles strongly suggested that Swayze might have been better served by trying to nourish his body and build his immune system.

Ironically, shortly after the second article was published a member of a health group centered on beating cancer naturally posted a message about her 80 year old step-father with pancreatic cancer. She said her step-father had fared very well using a natural approach and eschewing mainstream treatment. He had already lived longer than Swayze after his diagnosis, had good health, was active and was enjoying a good quality of life.

She also reported that her step-father had never had any mainstream treatment and said she was convinced that he was still alive and enjoying life because he had opted for nature instead.

"My Stepdad always asks the doctor have you found a cure and they say "NO" and he then says I am not interested. Even his doctor quietly agreed that he made the right decision. All his hospice nurses are amazed when they find out his story."

Each of the aforementioned articles resulted in considerable flack from mainstream outlets. One reputed oncologist followed the author to the CureZone forums to profess dismay for anyone daring to suggest Swayze might have been better off with natural alternatives than with the mainstream approach he took.
Immediately thereafter a rebuttal was posted which included rather graphic photographic evidence of how rapidly and drastically Swayze`s health declined after he began chemo.…

This week an update on the 80 year old survivor was posted to the Yahoo group by his step-daughter:

"My 80 year old stepdad has had pancreatic cancer for the last 3 years and is doing great! He takes plenty of Oleander (supplement) and 4 oz of colloidal silver every day until he finishes the gallon and then takes about a 2-3 week break. (He) has a bile bag because the tumor was blocking his bile duct, but now there is nothing going into the bag and all signs point to the tumor shrinking and the bile traveling the correct way through his body.

He was diagnosed almost 3 years ago with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was yellow and given only a couple of months to live. He went from 230lbs to about 135 in 5 months. Now he is around 150 and plays golf weekly."

One cannot help but notice the contrast between the healthy 80 year old and Swayze. Swayze went from a smiling robust 55 year old man to a sad shell of himself in only 18 months while the 80 year old survivor was doing well after three years, playing golf and gaining weight. Notably, Swayze died not from his cancer, but rather from wasting disease and malnourishment.

In the best natural cancer treatments, such success stories are often the rule instead of the exception. Sadly, just the opposite is often true in many mainstream cancer treatments.