
Say Goodbye To Gluten

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) This title is the same as a recent It contains a list of over 200 health problems, with celiac disease at the top and including many more not normally associated with gluten intolerance.

The author and founder of, Sayer Ji, prefers the term gluten toxicity to gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance… “in order to shift the focus away from the victim back to the aggressor, the gluten itself.”

Sayer Ji’s article lists all the disorders linked to gluten. They are hyperlinked to articles and abstracts of clinical studies recorded in MedLine since 1971.

Negative reports on wheat and other grains have risen considerably in the past decade. The dramatic rise of celiac disease, a chronic gut inflammation that destroys intestinal villi (tiny tubes) responsible for absorbing nutrients, has been a major focus.

The gluten toxicity that brings on Celiac disease and other autoimmune reactions is mostly from peptides contained in gluten known as gliadin proteins, which damage the intestinal tract.

In addition to Celiac disease, which if undetected leads to malnutrition that creates other diseases, gluten toxicity can result in several other manifestations of poor health, including chronic fatigue and mental disorders.

Lectins, sticky proteins common to all plants for self defense, are a prominent feature of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). In addition to flattening out intestinal villi and causing Celiac, they can penetrate gut linings and create leaky gut.

Once lectins get into the blood stream, they can bind to leptin receptors, blocking the leptin sensitivity that lets you know you’ve had enough to eat, creating a sluggish metabolism, and disrupting insulin balance. In other words, it leads to obesity and diabetes.

So how did the “staff of life” become a weed of disease?

For starters, wheat is not the same today. It has been hybrid over time to resist fungus, grow more quickly, and be more pliable for industrial bread baking. 50 years or so ago, wheat contained only five percent gluten. Today, it is 50 percent gluten.

The food industry’s concern for production efficiency and perception of consumer demands has focused on the bottom line with the usual disregard to the negative health consequences of fellow humans. Breads and other baked goods are hastily produced with additives and short cuts that are actually toxic.

In the UK, some of Europe, and North America, slightly different high speed methods of baking evolved over time. By adding “improvers” with usually toxic additives and mixing the dough violently, loaves of bread could be baked, cooled, and packaged within a few short hours.

Agricultural resources then sped up the hybrid process for wheat to accommodate the baking industry’s mechanical requirements of pliable proteins, leading to the 10-fold increase of wheat’s gluten since that time.

This situation has permeated almost all nations. There are some exceptions; for instance, most of Europe doesn’t permit chemically bleaching flour to produce white bread. They use sunlight to “bleach” wheat.

Not all of us are prepared to go strictly Paleo and exclude all grains and legumes. Some of us still prefer not to eat animals, and if the food supply bottom falls out, many aren’t ready and able to kill and skin deer or other animals to survive.

Grains such as rice and dried legumes are easy to hoard and use for survival if the store shelves become empty overnight. The common concern for rice and legumes is phytates or phytic acid, which can block minerals from being absorbed in our bodies.

Overnight soaking, a prerequisite for cooking dry beans, has been known to minimize phytates, or phytic acid. Rice can be soaked overnight as well. The process of cooking itself reduces phytic acid.

Using sprouted wheat flour can ameliorate some of WGA’s toxicity. Baking with sourdough starters instead of normal baker’s yeast can help also, while combining both may be optimum ( It appears Whole Foods bakery does so.

Wheat’s gluten toxicity is reduced by sourdough starters properly fermented for 24 hours or more. A University of Alberta Canadian cereal microbiologist, Michael Gaenzle, suggests that sourdough bread, homemade or from a trusted bakery, may be at least a solution for gluten toxicity.

He referred to a study where recovered Celiac patients suffered no consequences from eating fermented (sourdough) wheat bread for two days. Those who ate regularly produced wheat bread did have a relapse.

The demand for continuing at least a partial grain diet safely has inspired one company, Vitamin Research Products to offer a natural supplement called Lectin Lock, which they claim will help reduce WGA gummy lectins.

Chronic health issues may or may not be from WGA toxicity. Katherine Czapp, whose WATF article is linked below, suggests testing for Celiac disease with Enerolab. (


Six Medicinal Herbs And Spices That Melt Stress Away

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) Many stress and anxiety symptoms are similar: Tension, emotional instability, loss of focus, heart palpitations and breathing problems are some. Many often resort to smoking, alcohol consumption, comfort food binging, or heavy recreational drug use (not to be confused with medicinal marijuana).


The major difference is that stressful causal situations are usually known: Hostile work environments, deadline pressures, relationship issues, or money problems.

Simply removing the stressful situation or circumstances, leaving them behind, or just doing something to correct the condition allows one to return to a more relaxed sense of being.

Anxiety differs from stress because it’s an overarching, vague sense of disaster that may consume someone’s life force chronically, even though there is no obvious and immediate causal factor.

Anxiety disorder includes a nagging dread of an unknown future, general phobias, or post traumatic stress despite even apparently pleasant current circumstances. In today’s upside down world, this is understandable.

Continual stress or anxiety builds up cortisone, which leads to a hormonal imbalance that results in serious health issues or chronic fatigue from depleted adrenals. Handling stress better or overcoming anxiety through exercise and/or meditation are becoming more popular.

Nevertheless, the question remains what to do when stress or anxiety inhibits even those fruitful activities? The usual pharmaceutical prescriptions and over the counter (OTC) remedies open a Pandora’s box of undesirable physical and mental side effects, including exacerbating the conditions that were treated.

There are better choices, all natural and mostly without side effects. Keep in mind that the effects from herbal remedies, though effective, are not always as immediate as pharmaceutical medicines.

Six herbal remedies for stress and/or anxiety

St. John’s Wort is perhaps the most well known herbal remedy for anxiety or stress. It’s been around for centuries and was widely used during the Renaissance and Victorian periods to relieve mental conditions. One recent study found it was as effective as Prozac for relieving depression.It is a perennial flowering plant, and its extracts can be found in capsules, tablets, or tinctures.

Kava-Kava or kava root is a South Pacific herb that is very effective for moderate anxiety. Human studies have determined the kava root extracts to be as effective as pharmaceutical benzodiazepine drugs such as Valium and Xanax without side effects.

There is a rumor that kava root causes liver damage. But a 2001 Duke University study that determined kava root’s strong efficacy also concluded it was safe for the liver.

Passion flower is a recognized, powerful nervous system relaxant. It’s popular in the UK, and Germany’s Commission E has approved it for nervous conditions, sleep disorders, and anxiety. It also contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Quite the package.

Tulsi or Holy Basil is another herb with a wide range of powerful health benefits that include relieving stress and anxiety. The monicker Holy Basil was coined by Ayurveda practitioners at least 5,000 years ago.

It is an adaptogenic herb, meaning it helps relieve what needs attention and is able to handle many stressors. It confers a State of Non-specific Increased Resistance (SNIR) that helps the body resist stress. Another great package.

Licorice Root helps the body handle stressful situations, normalize blood sugar levels, and boost your adrenal glands. It is also thought to stimulate cranial and cerebospinal fluid to help calm the mind.

Valerian root, chamomile, and lemon balm teas are often used to help calm restlessness and resolve insomnia. They also have mild anxiety or stress reducing qualities and are very relaxing. They can be used with any of these other herbs listed if there is still a problem getting a good night’s sleep.


Detoxing Your Gut Can Help You Avoid Type 2 Diabetes, According To Scientists

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) Two separate studies in different areas of the world have come to similar conclusions: An imbalance of the gut’s intestinal flora can be a precursor to Type 2 diabetes. These were mainstream medical studies, one in China and the other in Denmark.

Detox Protocol
Whole Body Cleanse

The focus was not on detoxification. They seem to be more concerned with using the gut imbalance of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria as markers to determine early diagnoses of onset diabetes 2, probably for prescribing pharmaceuticals earlier.Our gastrointestinal (GI) tracts contain up to 100,000 billion bacteria weighing a total of 1.5 kilograms or slightly over three pounds. A good bacterial balance is 80 to 85 percent beneficial to 20 or 15 percent pathogenic.

The purpose of beneficial bacteria goes beyond digestion, which in and of itself is critical to good health. Beneficial bacteria also communicate with other factors of our immune systems, such as releasing “killer cells” to targeted areas when needed.

Unfortunately, mainstream medicine doesn’t think the balance of beneficial and pathogenic gut bacteria is a big deal. They prescribe antibiotics that destroy all types of bacteria indiscriminately, much like chemo destroys all types of cells.

Yet they usually don’t recommend probiotics during and after their antibiotic protocols to replenish the destroyed beneficial bacteria. But Natural News readers know better, right?

Detoxing pathogenic gut bacteria

We can rid ourselves of most of the pathogenic bacteria. There are several herbs that are useful for detoxing pathogenic bacteria from our guts. In order to ensure proper detoxification, a foundation of eating right is necessary.That includes using very little sugar and no HFCS or artificial sweeteners; and excluding refined carbohydrates, junk foods, processed foods with additives, GMOs, and heavily pesticide or herbicide sprayed produce. In other words, go organic as much as possible.

To detox, include as much raw, crushed garlic as you can handle. You can take it with honey to make it easier or simply include it in your food. Garlic is a pathogenic bacteria killer that leaves the beneficial bacteria alone.

Many swear by peppermint oil for gastric difficulties. Not everyone knows that it can wipe out pathogenic bacteria without causing collateral damage to the benevolent resident bacteria. But there’s only one way for it to be effective for that.

Peppermint oil soothes the stomach lining. It’s wasted for killing pathogens if it doesn’t get into the small intestines. The only way peppermint oil gets through the stomach intact to kill the bad bugs is if it’s in enteric coated capsules.

Enteric coating is used to make sure whatever is in capsules gets through the stomach intact to release their contents only in the small intestines.

You may prefer high cavacrol content wild or organic oregano oil, which can be taken mixed with water to go after the gut’s bad bugs. Inner bark Pau D’Arco extract is another excellent herbal choice for detoxing gut bacteria.

The latter two herbs are also anti-fungal, which is appropriate for yeast overgrowth conditions.

A killer gut detox few know about is food grade activated charcoal. It has been used for decades in ER situations to quickly remove life threatening ingested toxins. It can also be used to eliminate pathogens by adsorption, not absorption.



‘Wheat-belly’ 101

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) Wheat today is not what it used to be. It is more of a hybrid version of 19th century and earlier versions of wheat our ancestors relied on for their daily bread. The same is true for a few other grains.

Today’s wheat is a genetic modification of horticultural or agricultural specie combining. This genetic modification is different than laboratory GMO gene splicing. Nevertheless, the amount of 20th century agricultural genetic modification has outpaced the human digestive system’s ability to adapt.The result is that even if you are not a celiac disease sufferer or gluten sensitive, you still could be suffering from the ill effects of wheat and other grains. Even organic whole wheat has a high glycemic index (GI), which over time may increase your glycemic load and create diabetes II.

So although whole wheat grains are considered complex carbohydrates, modern day wheat contains amylopectin A, which is a rapidly absorbed carbohydrate that spikes your blood sugar, but more. The other grains that can contribute to wheat belly include: Barley, rye, triticale (a cross between wheat and rye), bulgur, farina, kamut, seminola, durum flour, and spelt. Bummer, eh?

There are safer grain options, however. Buckwheat, which is not actually wheat, amaranth, rice, hominy, sorghum, tapioca, arrowroot, quinoa, and einkorn are okay. Uncommon einkorn is the ancient traditional wheat our ancestors enjoyed. Oats are controversial. Some argue that oats are contaminated by wheat.

The downside of wheat and some other grains
Beer belly is actually wheat or grain belly, according to Body Ecology. It is visceral fat, or fat that has accumulated around body cavity organs, such as the liver, stomach, or intestines. Subcutaneous fat is just under the skin. It is the flabby, flesh of any part of your body.

Obese folks have both visceral and subcutaneous fat issues. A beer or wheat belly most likely indicates visceral fat. In addition to the obvious potential of diabetes II from obesity, there is another ominous aspect of visceral fat.

Visceral fat acts as a gland, secreting hormones that make the immune system react. This produces more fat to store and protect pathogens from invading our organs. It’s the proverbial vicious cycle, and it also produces low level chronic inflammation that can result in various autoimmune diseases.

Cardiologist William Davis, MD, warns against the gluten free diet for losing a wheat belly. The wheat substitutes such as potato flour have high glycemic index issues also, and they can increase your GI load to cause the obesity you’re trying to avoid.

Five wheat belly indicators in addition to a bloated belly
1) High blood sugar
2) Skin problems, rashes, acne, and eczema
3) Bouts of anxiety and depression – low energy
4) Gut disorders – yeast infections
5) Early aging disorders that include dementia

Beyond this lies celiac disease, which can be determined by a blood test and/or gut biopsy.

Sprouted grain bread options
Weston A. Price Foundation founders Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD, researched sprouted grains and determined they had a lower GI than grains not sprouted.

The sprouts still contain some gluten, but sprouted grain enzymes break down a good deal of the grains’ normally harmful ingredients. They are more nutritious than merely whole grains.

There are the Ezekiel sprouted grain breads. Some bakeries make sprouted wheat and other sprouted grain breads. Whole Food bakeries provide a sourdough, sprouted wheat bread without bromide, a harmful ingredient used by most bakeries.

You might be able to get away with some of the options mentioned in this article instead of being forced into a strict Paleolithic (Paleo) or hunter/gatherer diet to avoid wheat belly.


Doctors’ Lack of Training About Nutrition Dooms Millions To Early Graves

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Proper nutrition is vital for maintaining good health and warding off illness. Nutrition can also play a pivotal role in healing illness of all kinds, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer – the three leading illnesses which cause deaths. It is thus shocking that our doctors – whom most people turn to for advice on diet and nutrition – receive little to no training on the subjects in medical schools.

Doctors’ woeful lack of training about nutrition:
If you “just asked your doctor” how many hours of training they received in medical school on diet and nutrition and they replied honestly, many of them would tell you “none at all.” Most of the rest would say they received no more than a couple of hours training.In the mid 1980s, a landmark report by the National Academy of Sciences highlighted the lack of adequate nutrition education in medical schools and the writers recommended a minimum of 25 hours of nutrition instruction. Two and a half decades later, a 2010 study by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that the vast majority of medical schools still fail to meet the minimum recommended 25 hours of instruction.The North Carolina researchers found only about a quarter of 100 schools surveyed offered the recommended 25 hours of instruction. In addition, four schools offered nutrition optionally, and one school offered nothing at all. Only a quarter of the schools had even a single course dedicated to nutrition.”Nutrition is really a core component of modern medical practice,” said Kelly M. Adams, the lead author and a registered dietitian who is a research associate in the department of nutrition at the university.Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP, agrees: “Most medical schools fail in nutritional instruction. Doctors tend to underestimate the importance of nutrition in general. No wonder: most doctors receive a mere few hours’ nutritional training in med school, and lack adequate time to keep up on the latest research. Their practice is based on disease screening, not prevention, with an emphasis on drug therapies, not nutrition.”Dr. Pick added that “Such doctors naturally think that nutritional supplements have little therapeutic value.”Solmaz Amirnazmi, MD, also agrees: “We as physicians do not receive adequate training in nutrition, healthy lifestyle choices, and disease prevention in general while in medical school or in residency.”Ray D. Strand, MD, author of “Death By Prescription,” punctuated the lack of education about nutrition when he reported: “In medical school I had not received any significant instruction on the subject. I was not alone. Only approximately six percent of the graduating physicians in the United States have any training in nutrition.”Dr. Strand said that doctors are mostly taught only about the power of prescription drugs and surgery as treatment for diseases.The role of the pharmaceutical industry and the AMA
The largest source of funding for medical schools comes from drug companies and medical schools curricula are set by the American Medical Association (AMA). Is it any surprise that doctors are taught to treat patients primarily with drugs and surgery?

Given the power of proper nutrition, doctors’ inability to give informed nutrition advice surely dooms millions to early graves due to illnesses which might have been prevented or healed. It is a national health tragedy which begs to be corrected.

“Good nutrition will prevent 95 percent of all disease.” – Linus Pauling, two time Nobel Laureate

“Leave your drugs in the chemist’s pots if you can cure your patient with food.” – Hippocrates, “the father of medicine” whom the Hippocratic Oath for doctors is named after.


A Common Vegetable Cures Skin Cancer

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) When it comes to skin cancer, Big Pharma offers only topical chemo creams and surgery. The chemo creams often don’t work but often do cause ugly, painful side effects. Removing skin cancer tumors surgically usually results with tumors resurfacing sooner or later. Surgeries often leave ugly scars.


However, there are inexpensive, effective, safe cures for curing skin cancer that are banned by the mainstream medical monopoly, which are not publicized by the mainstream media.A relatively new remedy, BEC5, is a spin off from an Australian folk remedy for farm animals. It is available to anyone online. It uses the phyotonutrients extracted from eggplants. Clinical trials and anecdotal testimonies confirmed BEC5’s efficacy and safety on basal cell and squamous cell cancers.

Melanoma is the least common but most dangerous skin cancer with the highest morbidity rate. It can metastasize into internal organs. The maker and distributors for BEC5 make no claims for curing melanoma so far. But at least one person who made a homemade version that anyone can make claimed it cured his melanoma.

The homemade remedy involves a solution of vinegar and eggplant that extracts the same phyotonutrient glycocides and glycoalkaloids contained in BEC5 directly from the eggplant. The glycoalkaloids penetrate cancer cells selectively and destroy them. Normal cells are left alone.

How to make and use the homemade eggplant remedy

This is an attempt at disclosing what others report cured their skin cancers. It’s purely educational and not meant as medical advice. Some of the anecdotal reports had their skin cancer diagnosed by MDs, with subsequent cures confirmed by MDs (1).Some have used white vinegar, while others recommend raw organic apple cider vinegar. Get a medium sized eggplant and grind it up. Put that into a glass jar and fill it up with the vinegar. Place the jar into the refrigerator. After around three days with the white vinegar, the liquid should turn to a brownish gold color. That indicates it’s ready to use.

Apple cider vinegar is already a similar color, but three days seasoning in a refrigerator should be enough.

Apply it directly to tumors often with a cotton ball, or secure the soaked cotton onto the tumor with tape. Treatment may take a couple of weeks or more. Both commercial BEC5 cream and the homemade version also work on warts and other unhealthy skin conditions.

One user mentioned that according to his doctor (naturopath?), if the homemade procedure is painful, then it is melanoma that’s under attack. Many of these homemade remedy users were in Australia, where Dr. Bill Cham, MD, PhD, found out about the Devil’s Apple plant used by veterinarians and farmers to cure skin cancers on farm animals.

Dr. Cham claims a high, safe cure rate with non-melanoma skin cancers from his own clinical testing. Detractors claim there are no published reports in medical journals. That could be due to the fact that Dr. Cham had to go it alone testing his cream on skin cancer patients in the UK hospital system. Dr. Cham demonstrates and explains his BEC5 cream in a video (2).

Mainstream medicine always attacks natural non-pharmaceutical cures and their sponsors. However, a well known physician, Dr. Jonathan Wright MD, founder of the holistic Tahoma Clinic in the Seattle Washington area, backs up Dr. Cham. Dr. Wright sells BEC5 creams and explains how it works and how it was tested within the UK system (3 – 4).

Dr. Cham determined that the same curative glycoalkaloids were available in eggplant. From there he went on and pioneered the development of BEC5 in London.


Love, Romance and Travel Can Be Keys To Health and Longevity

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Isn’t love grand? Besides being exciting and fulfilling, it also turns out that it is good for your health and longevity. Studies and experts agree: having a caring and loving relationship can lead to a healthier, happier and longer life. Traveling with a partner can make it that much better.


The health benefits of a loving, caring relationship
Experts agree that it takes a happy, calm and stable relationship to yield the best health benefits and they caution that an unhappy relationship can result in negative health consequences. When you do have a positive relationship, here are some of the many benefits according to experts and research:Stronger immune systemResearchers at Carnegie Mellon University found that people who exhibit positive emotions are less likely to get sick after exposure to cold or flu viruses

Faster healing

Ohio State University Medical Center researchers found that blister wounds healed nearly twice as fast in spouses who interacted warmly toward each other.

Better cardiovascular health

People with stable relationships also tend to have more stable blood pressure. A study in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine found happily married people had the best blood pressure, followed by singles. Unhappily married participants fared the worst.

Less depression and substance abuse

According to a Health and Human Services report, getting married and staying married reduces depression in both men and women. Marriage also contributes to a decline in heavy drinking and drug abuse, especially among young adults.

Longer life

A growing body of research indicates that married people live longer. One of the largest studies found that people who had never been married were 58 percent more likely to die than married people.

Note that though most studies have focused on marriage, other loving and caring relationships likely have the same benefits – for example, partners, parents, or friends. “There is solid evidence that people who participate in satisfying, long-term relationships fare better on a whole variety of health measures,” says Harry Reis, PhD, co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Human Relationships.


Protect Yourself From West Nile Virus Naturally

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) Mosquitoes are on the rise this summer, and several cases of West Nile virus infections from mosquitoes have been reported in Texas along with a few deaths. Other states have reported cases of West Nile virus infections as well.

Colloidal Silver

Immune Protocol

After first appearing in the U.S. in New York in 1999, the virus spread throughout the nation. The worst of West Nile infections occurred during 2002 and 2003. Then severe illness reactions occurred to almost 3,000 with over 260 deaths in the USA.

Last year was a slow year for West Nile, as fewer than 700 cases were reported. But the CDC has announced that the disease is off to an early start this year. Some experts are citing heavy rainfall, especially in normally dry areas, that could create a situation similar to 2002 and 2003.

The viral infection can be transmitted from mosquitoes who feed off the blood of infected birds that act as vectors for the virus. Mosquitoes feeding off birds can suck the virus to infect humans and mammals before the birds die.

The good news is that humans and animals don’t transmit the disease to other humans and animals. Other good news is that 80 percent of humans who get infected don’t even show symptoms.

Those who do show symptoms usually manifest within the range of a bad case of the flu, except for the unlucky one out of 150 cases that get severe symptoms including paralysis, permanent neurological damage, or even death.

It’s generally recognized that the best remedy is to prevent mosquito bites.

The conventional toxic drug endorsement is for insect repellents containing DEET. They advise a 20 to 30 percent level of DEET to avoid adverse reactions. But any amount of DEET is hazardous to the neurological system. Even if you don’t keel over dead, you may be harmed.

Fortunately, there are some good, natural alternatives:

Neem oil was researched by scientists at the Malaria Institute in India. They concluded that Neem oil was superior to repellents containing DEET, and their findings were confirmed by the Journal of the Mosquito Control Association and the National Research Council.

Soy oil repellents were found to be as effective as DEET repellents, according to a New England Journal of Medicine report. Just make sure the soy oil source is at least non-GMO. Organic soy is best.

Catnip oil was found to be considerably more effective than DEET in Iowa Universtiy lab experiments, 10 times more effective. But the testing was not done on mammals.

Citronella and Lavender oils are traditional and acceptable insect repellents. But don’t use their fragrance products. Use the essential oils diluted in water or dilute them in a natural skin

Eucalyptus oil is the subject of controversy on several internet sites advocating natural insect repellents. Some consider Listerine, the mouthwash, to contain enough eucalyptus while others doubt the oil’s content in Listerine to be sufficient.

But there is a lemon-eucalyptus spray on the market that protects against mosquitoes called Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Repellent that has been tested successfully. It lasts longer than low DEET solutions but not as long as high DEET solutions. So spray a little more often.

Many health food stores and herbalists carry at least some of these oils. Concentrated essential oils can be toxic. So dilute them enough to maintain potency while keeping them non-toxic.

If you miss out on getting mosquito protection and get early flu signs after any mosquito bites, use a potent natural anti-viral flu medicine extracted from elderberry that you can purchase for short term and make as a tincture for the long term.


Chocolate Can Improve Blood Circulation, EFSA Rules

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) The EFSA is the European Food Safety Authority, and it considers it okay for a food to promote health benefits based on scientific proof. This is not the attitude of USA’s Food and Drug Administration.

Cardio Protocol
Our militantly aggressive FDA has the viewpoint that only large pharmaceutical corporations can promote health benefits for their toxic formulas that harm more than they help.Look out for the FDA if any food group, such as walnut growers, cherry producers, and others who have promoted health benefits with independently documented scientific proof. Those food groups and others have been harassed and threatened in the past until they were forced to rescind their factual health claims. (

Meanwhile, junk cereal makers falsely promote nutrients in their toxically polluted products and the FDA ignores that. But it certainly helps keep Big Pharma’s products on the market until the death toll gets public attention and lawsuits are filed.

All bureaucracies tend to be dysfunctional. But food safety agencies outside of North America and Australia seem to be a little saner. Even so, the EFSA’s decision on chocolate has to be signed off by the European Commission, and they have been stricter on such matters.

The EU chocolate push
Barry Callebaut’s Swiss based company, Callebaut Chocolate, is the largest chocolate producer in the world. They are wholesalers to several international brand name candy companies who use chocolate, providing them with large blocks of chocolate and containers of cacao powder.

So Barry made a push to incorporate several independent studies of dark chocolate and cacao’s cardiac health benefits, which state that daily consumption of dark chocolate or cacao greatly reduce the risks of coronary issues, heart attacks, or strokes.

Those studies had isolated flavanols in raw chocolate that boosted or maintained normal vasodilation, or dilating blood vessels to improve blood flow. Barry went the remaining distance by supplying the EFSA with scientific documentation proving his special process of creating chocolate does not destroy the flavanols that normal chocolate making does.

Callebaut’s chunks of chocolate and containers of cocoa powder supply companies internationally that manufacture chocolate candies and cocoa powders or beverages.

The EFSA ruling, if it is signed off by the European Commission, will create “… new market potential both for us and for our customers,” according to chief executive Juergen Steinemann. Those customers include Nestle’s, Hershey’s, and many lesser known candy and cocoa powder providers.

The implication is those “customers” may be able to promote the same health claims that Barry and company have strenuously sought. One wonders if that really means the FDA will ignore those chocolate and cocoa product claims when they arrive on US store shelves.

The EFSA adds that in order for the cardiovascular health claim to be valid, one must consume 200mg of cocoa daily, which equates to 10 grams of dark chocolate or 2.5 grams of high-flavonol cocoa powder as part of a balanced diet. These numbers equal less than one ounce.

Cardiologist Dr. Kenneth Ong of the Brooklyn Hospital Center responded with this typical allopathic perspective: “I suspect that consuming dark chocolate every day for 10 years may have unintended adverse consequences.” His concern was for increasing sugar intakes among those overweight and at risk for diabetes.

So doc, are you saying statin drugs are safer than less than an ounce a day of really dark chocolate containing very little sugar? (

Hopefully, this may be the tip of a spear to puncture the FDA’s disdain for natural food health claims. But this will be a moot point if the European Commission doesn’t sign off on the EFSA approval.


Easy, Natural Ways To Reduce Skin Cancer Risk

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) “All skin cancer is the result of damage to skin cells,” says Lise Alschuler, ND, author of Five to Thrive: Your Cutting-Edge Cancer Prevention Plan.

Immune Protocol

Skin cell damage is caused by oxidative stress from free radicals, which manifests as sunburn. It’s the same process that causes metals to rust and apples to brown. Although oxidation cannot be completely avoided, oxidation must be minimized to avoid free radical damage.Oxidative stress is both the cause and the consequence of disease. Contrary to what allopathic dermatologists recommend, a daily, moderate dose of sun without sunscreen is actually beneficial for the skin.

Bare skin exposed to direct sunshine boosts vitamin D3 production in your body, but it should be moderate. 20 minutes; three or four times a week during peak sunlight hours is sufficient for most vitamin D3 requirements. Then there are supplements that can be added as well.

Antioxidants are the key to reducing oxidative stress. Molecules with missing electrons are called oxidants; whose primary activity is replacing their missing electron by stealing an electron from another molecule. This, in turn, causes a molecular domino effect of oxidative stress that can lead to disease.

The magic of antioxidants is the well researched fact that they can donate an electron to an oxidant without in turn becoming a free radical. Antioxidants stop the cascading free radical effect and reduce free radical damage.

Minimizing free radical damage to skin cells can be boosted by the right diet. Eating lots of fresh, organic plant-based foods is the key. Plants thrive on sunlight while using their own flavonoids to protect them from excess oxidation. You can borrow those flavonoids by eating plants.

Other internal nutrients for your skin
A high quality multivitamin with the full spectrum of vitamin E (mixed tocopherols), mixed cartenoids and zinc would be helpful for maintaining healthy skin as well as, ironically, vitamin D3 supplements.

Good fats are important. Skin cells contain fats. Avoid processed trans-fatty oils and use cold pressed virgin olive or coconut oils for salads and cooking. Omega-3 fatty acids are critical for the full spectrum of health issues. Chia seeds, ground flax seeds, and uncontaminated fish oils are good sources of omega-3.

Moisture is essential for skin health. Hydrating sufficiently is an important key. One guideline offered for sufficient hydration is how often you’re compelled to urinate, which should be every two to four hours.

External factors to help prevent skin cancer
Choosing a topical skin moisturizer requires some serious label reading. For starters, make sure the sources are organic. Pesticides and insecticides damage the skin and can be absorbed internally. Avoid moisturizers with chemicals and preservatives.

If your complexion is very fair, you may need to use a sunscreen part of the time. Use one that contains zinc or titanium oxide to block the UV rays. However, the darker one’s skin, the more one can endure time under the sun. Notice how the well tanned stay under the sun while those with fair complexions begin to burn.

Parabens are preservatives in almost anything sold outside of health food stores for topical application. They are carcinogenic all by themselves. Parabens are in colognes, perfumes, and lipsticks. Most underarm deodorants contain aluminum.

You don’t need oxidative stress from sunburn damage with the parabens in most commercial cosmetics. They’ll help you get skin cancer without any exposure to the sun. But there is very little attention on cosmetics from allopathic dermatologists. They simply make you afraid of the sun and tell you to use carcinogenic sun screens.