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CDC Considering Mandatory HPV Vaccination For All Boys 11 and Older

by: S. D. Wells

(NaturalNews) The panel of experts that advises the CDC regarding vaccines has recommended that all boys 11 years and older get vaccinated with Merck's controversial Gardisil in order to prevent the spread of the human papillomavirus. Parents all over the nation are up in arms, saying a mandatory vaccine is crossing over into lifestyle choices, because HPV is sexually transmitted, and is not a "walking contagious" disease like mumps and measles.

Vaccince Protocol

The absurdity of the whole issue is that without the vaccine, most humans create enough antibodies naturally to defeat papillomavirus within 2 years. Plus, much like the flu shot, it's only a shot in the dark because it only contains 2 or 3 of a dozen or more strains. For males in the United States, only about 7,000 cases each year are tied to those strains.

The Feds and Merck would love for everyone to believe that papillomavirus is an epidemic so they can vaccinate the whole country of kids and make a small fortune. Several CDC officials already admitted that the push for boys to get the vaccine is mainly because of the very low numbers of girls that have participated thus far.

Plus, the lead developer of the vaccine, Dr. Diane Harper, warned that much more research is needed, saying, "The rate of serious adverse events is greater than the incidence rate of cervical cancer." The Gardasil Safety Review Board itself is still assessing what they refer to as "events" (critical side effects) occurring after the injections, which include over 12,000 varying cases of the following: the onset of Guillain-Barre syndrome, motor neuron disease, pancreatitis, autoimmune disorders, blood clots, and more than 50 deaths.

This vaccine push is nothing but fear tactics put in place to make money. Besides papillomavirus, no other forms of cancer are contagious, but the word cancer alone is so intimidating that playing off public's "fear" may be just enough to convince the conforming, zombie-like masses to go ahead and get in line to get injected with polysorbate 80 and aluminum. There's safety in numbers right? Wrong. If you remember, it was the Bush Administration's fear tactics that gained the public support for the unnecessary, unwarranted war in Iraq.

Watch for misleading information regarding statistics as the push of the HPV vaccine continues. Anne Schuchat, who headed up the whole H1N1 scare, over-estimated the swine flu cases by the tens of millions, and after the CDC and FDA obstructed the release of statistics and data after several Freedom of Information Act requests by CBS, state tests revealed that the vast majority of the H1N1 cases tested negative!

There are two vaccines for HPV, but last week's CDC recommendation applies only to Merck's Gardasil, which raises more suspicion. The other vaccine wasn't even tested for males. The vaccine industry appears desperate, and that's highly evident by all the hokey promotions going on for the flu vaccine.

Remember, Rick Perry is tied to Merck, and there's a presidential campaign ensuing, so expect lobbying to take on all forms, including forced childhood vaccinations for STD's. You may start wondering what's next. Will all little boys and girls be forced to carry a Merck condom in their book bags and wear an S.T.D. campaign button on their shirts as identification before entering the schools? Or maybe we'll see mandatory STD vaccinations for dogs, cats, and "good looking" animals.

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