Healthy Recipes

Chard Mashed Potatoes

2 ½ lb potatoes (wash well, but do not remove skins)
2-4 teaspoons Pink Himalayan Salt
1 large bunch Swiss chard
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove minced
½ to ¾ cup hot milk – (raw cows or goats milk if available.)
2 tablespoons butter – (or to taste) at room temperature
Freshly-grated Parmesan or goat’s milk cheese.

(Use only “organically” grown products that have not been produced using pesticides.)
(We recommend using only Pink Himalayan Salt , since it is an excellent source of trace minerals in addition to salt. Note: the pink color is because of the mineral content.)

1) Peel potatoes, leaving the skin on each. Cut potatoes into large chunks, and place them in medium pot with enough cold water to cover.

2) Add 2 teaspoon salt, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat slightly and boil until potatoes are tender, about 12 minutes. (Test tenderness with a tooth pick.)

3) Meanwhile, rinse chard well. Remove and discard stems and chop leaves coarsely.

4) In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat and stir in chard and garlic. Cover pan, and cook, until wilted and tender, stirring occasionally, probably 3 to 4 minutes and then remove from heat.

5) When potatoes are tender, drain and transfer to a large mixing bowl and add milk and butter. Mash potatoes, leaving them slightly lumpy,

6) Add Pink Himalayan Salt and pepper to taste, stirring in chard.

7) Garnish with goat’s milk or Parmesan.

This recipe yields 5 to 6 servings.

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