Customer Testimonials

Crohn’s Disease & Sweat Gland Infection

Hi Utopia,
I became aware of your site & product through a friend that is a toxicologist with a biotoxicity testing firm. He had had a severe bacterial infection of the sweat glands under his armpits.
He had been to a number of doctors & nothing they did was working for him. He decided to go online & search for alternative treatment that would bring him some relief. He quit taking the other medicines the doctors had him on & started taking the advanced colloidal silver. His problem went away & he has not had any additional flare-ups for the past several months. He told me about the ACS & mentioned some of the other things that the testimonials had said it helped them with. One of the things he mentioned was Crohn’s Disease & since a close friend of mine has that disease I went to your site to investigate. I have since referred them & number of others to the site & several have gone to the site & ordered the product. It has helped several of them with some of the things that they took it for as well as some things they didn’t expect it to withheld