Ask Utopia Silver

Eye Problem

Hello Utopia,
I have two questions, one is how much of the silver does one use if there is a chronic problem of red eyes caused by viral infection? Is the silver taken internally or in drop form right into the eyes?.
Two : How much of the silver does one take if one has a virus such as herpes and a cold.  These are chronic problems for me.  I don't really know why, could be that my immune system is not strong enough.
I have your product (silver) but I'm not sure how much I take.

Thank you for your response.
Claudia M.


Hi Claudia,
A few drops in the eyes every few hours for a day usually gets rid of it. In the case of chronic eye infection, I have even flushed with it in an eye cup.

How much to supplement with for any problem varies considerably from individual to individual. If I start catching a cold or flu, I will do a couple of ounces every 3-4 hours for a day or so. It usually knocks it out or at the very least shortens the duration considerably.

Herpes is a very difficult issue to deal with; it tends to lie dormant in the joint of the jaw with Simplex 1 and at the base of the spine with Simplex 2. This makes it very difficult to get the silver in contact with it until an outbreak. At such time, it can be used topically, which will shorten the infected period and also orally. Again, how much is very difficult to determine for everyone, but it will probably takes several ounces a day for a week or so. Sporadically active and then dormant viruses are not easy to kill.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315

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