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Flood Your Body with Oxygen

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) The most overlooked solution to all manner of illness and disease is perhaps the simplest. All pathogens, viruses, and parasites are anaerobic. They thrive in the absence of oxygen, but cannot survive with an abundance of oxygen. Even cancer cells cannot exist in oxygen. They depend on fermenting glucose to survive and multiply.

Oxy-Gen Caps

Oxy-Gen Liquid

The most common and effective therapy for oxygenating is ozone therapy, which was practiced in the USA from the late 19th Century through the 1940s. But since the 1940s the FDA has come down hard on ozone therapy in the USA, while much of Europe, Russia, Cuba, and Mexico use ozone therapy now and continue to prove its efficacy without side effects.

Ozone Therapy

So if oxygenating is so great, then why aren't emphysema patients able to walk out of their wheelchairs? The O2 oxygen supplied by those canisters helps people breathe, but doesn't create the process of internally manufacturing detoxifying enzymes. The O3 ozone has an unstable atom that breaks away as O1, which penetrates tissue and serum cells more rapidly than O2, initiates unique metabolic processes. Both healing and detoxification occur rapidly as a result.

Ozone therapy is currently used successfully in Germany, Spain, Russia, the Caribbean, Mexico, Cuba and other nations. The results are astounding, and there are no adverse effects. Ozone is normally administered as a liquid by IV or injection and simultaneously as a gas though a tube placed in the anus. Because of potential Herxheimer reactions ("healing crisis" from toxins released) that can discourage one from continuing, full percentage dosages are not administered until the fourth session.

Then the next four sessions are for healing at full strength. A clinical evaluation is made after each series of four sessions, each of which takes no more than a half hour. The results are often dramatic. Most chronic diseases and cancers are cured completely in less time than most other alternative treatments take.

Ozone therapy is often used simply to improve health by intense detoxification, even for those who are not suffering from a particular disease. Of course, doctors were not taught this in medical schools. Those health practitioners who are interested have to receive special training at specialized facilities.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is often effective by placing the patient in a highly pressurized chamber of pure oxygen. This more expensive method requires specially trained personnel as well as special bulky equipment.

Oxygenating at Home

Non IV use ozone generators for home use are available for ozonating water and purifying air, even for absorbing ozone anally or vaginally. But the manufacturers of these devices are often harassed or shut down by the FDA.

Food grade H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide can be mixed with water and consumed as a method of oxygenating serum and tissue cells. Food grade means it's pure and without stabilizers, making it safe for consumption if properly diluted. The over the counter is H2O2 3.5% non-food grade. The 35% food grade H2O2 has to be properly diluted.

But handling 35% hydrogen peroxide is dangerous since it is so caustic if not properly diluted. It can burn. So now there are lower percentage and safer food grade hydrogen peroxides available, as low as 12%.

Since "Mr. Oxygen" McCabe's book Flood Your Body With Oxygen as well as his videos, audios, and live lecture tours, several "designer supplements" that create oxygen in the body have emerged for health conscious consumers. They are usually mixed in water and consumed without the hassle of ordering food grade H2O2 and diluting it properly for consumption.

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