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GMOs – Suspected Culprit In Devastating ‘Fiber Disease’

by: Carolanne Wright

(NaturalNews) Straight out of a sci-fi horror film, a mysterious disease that produces sores, rashes and sharp fibers beneath the skin may be linked with genetically modified organisms. Along with bug-like crawling sensations, Morgellons disease causes other alarming symptoms: extreme chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, short-term memory loss and impaired thought processing; attention deficit, bipolar and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Severe depression and a propensity toward suicide are also common.

Detox Protocol

One of the first documented cases of Morgellons in the U.S. concerned a three-year-old boy who had multicolored, plastic-like fibers emerging from an irritated patch around his mouth. Ms. Leitao, the boy's mother and also a biologist, was both horrified and confused about the condition. Numerous physicians supplied creams for scabies and eczema, but nothing relieved her son of the relentless itching and discomfort described in three-year-old language as 'bugs.' Doctors were at a loss, even recommending "Ms. Leitao would benefit from psychiatric evaluation and support," according to Dr. Heldrich in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article, "Mom fights for answers on what's wrong with her son." Dr. Wymore, an assistant professor of pharmacology and physiology at Oklahoma State University, contacted Leitao in an attempt to classify the disease. He found that "fibers from different people looked remarkably similar to each other and yet seem to match no common environmental fibers."

Morgellons is primarily found in the United States — mainly California, Texas and Florida. All three states just happen to be the predominant U.S. growers of genetically modified Bt cotton. Over 10,000 families who felt they had at least one family member with the disease registered with the Morgellons Research Foundation. 24 percent of registered families were clustered in the San Francisco Bay area.

Perplexing fiber disease – GMO driven?
Dr. Rima Laibow, medical director for the Natural Solutions Foundation, suspects Morgellons is caused by genetically modified organisms. After studying the skin fibers, it was discovered that they contain DNA of both fungus and bacterium used extensively in GMOs. The fibers consist of cellulose and cannot be made nor broken down by the human body. According to Laibow, "…GM technology apparently has, like Professor Frankenstein found, a way to animate the non-living. These fibers twist and twine, grow and divide. In short, living beneath the skin of people, they form parasitic lesions out of what should be non-living material but which, through the horror of genetic modification, has taken on the characteristics of a living thing."

A letter received by Laibow documented how GM 'bio-active textiles' may actually be the cause of Morgellons. A handful of university labs have created textiles with genetically manipulated e-coli bacteria, chemicals, nematodes and proteins infused into their structure. The technology was then sold to textile manufacturers for broad scale applications. The fibers found in the fabric have striking similarities to the fibers found in the skin of individuals suffering from Morgellons. Both are composed of cellulose, have 'helical coil type tendencies' (a genetically manipulated trait), autofluoresce (also seen in genetic manipulation) and contain DNA of genetically modified bacteria.

Whether caused by unknown variables, GM food or clothing, Morgellons disease is a devastating modern affliction. Considering the rise of the disease parallels the introduction and infiltration of GMOs into the textile industry along with the food supply, it is not worth the risk to consume or wear anything that is genetically modified.

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