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Is Global Warming ‘Over’?

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The debate over whether or not so-called "global warming" is real, and whether or not human activity plays any role, will likely continue on for years to come. But one climate scientist says that even if past data suggests that global warming did occur many years in the past, today's data shows that it has since stopped, with global temperatures having remained stable for at least the past 13 years.

Professor Judith Curry chairs the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in Atlanta, and she knows what she is talking about when it comes to climate issues. She played a critical role in conducting the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) Project, a comprehensive analysis on global land temperatures that was released last month.

Prof. Curry worked together with Prof. Richard Muller of Berkeley University in California to collect 1.6 billion temperature recordings collected from more than 39,000 weather stations around the world for the study. But when the results of the study were eventually published, Prof. Curry was shocked about what had occurred without her knowledge.

It turns out that Prof. Muller, a former global warming skeptic, had come to the conclusion during his research that global warming was real and ongoing, and proceeded to publish this opinion as fact without consulting Prof. Curry. In the process, Prof. Muller also bypassed the normal peer-review process as well, which would have allowed other experts in the field to review his work and provide input.

"I was informed only when I got a group email," said Prof. Curry concerning her being left out of the loop during the publishing of the study she had helped work on. "I think they have made errors and I distance myself from what they did. It would have been smart to consult me."

Prof. Muller alleges there is no evidence that global warming has ceased, but Prof. Curry says the data she helped gather for the BEST study shows that it, indeed, has. She also says the data clearly indicates that carbon dioxide emissions, which is the typical target of blame in global warming hysterics, do not actually play any role in global warming.

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