by: Paul Fassa
(NaturalNews) Lately there has been a mainstream media (MSM) barrage reporting the vaccinations to autism link is now proven to be false. Even a not so MSM media site recently featured the article "Who Started the Vaccine Autism Hoax?"
An MSM Bombshell
A January 10 Mail Online (UK) article entitled "Scientists fear MMR link to autism." reported a Wake Forest University (USA) medical study that found measles virus in 70 out of 82 autistic children tested. None of them were wild measles strains. They were all vaccine strains, common to MMR shots.
This should at least exonerate Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British doctor who had a similar report published in 1998 and became the subject of a witch hunt that ruined his career. Of course the article contains maybes and reportage of how most of Wakefield`s research team recanted. Of course they did. They were coerced by the Medical Mafia!
Insiders Speaking Out
Even more damning to the vaccine industry`s disinformation are reports from insiders, conveniently ignored by the MSM. A December 30th, 2010 article in TopNews quoted a leading immunologist, Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, trashing flu shots for all the right reasons. He mentioned how mercury and aluminum increases chances of neurological disorders that can inflict a lifetime of disability and pain.
He added that he didn`t think flu shots were effective to begin with, and certainly not worth receiving considering the risks from weakening one`s immune system. Fudenberg also indicated that the massive campaign urging everyone to get flu shots was financially inspired to cover thousands of rejected swine flu shots.
There is a lengthy list of toxins, including mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, squalene and others that are used in vaccines as well as various live attenuated viruses, which create dangers of their own.
Perhaps the most intriguing testimony comes from an ex-vaccine developer, now whistle blower, who hid his identity in order to maintain his pension income and avoid harassment. He used the pseudonym Dr. Mark Randall in a 2002 interview (source below) by investigative journalist and health freedom advocate Jon Rappoport.
Dr. Randall goes beyond the notion of removing toxic materials from vaccines, or creating green vaccines.
He asserted that all vaccines are useless and dangerous. Retro viruses from attenuated viruses can cause problems much later, and impurities are impossible to keep out of mass produced vaccines. Randall explained that true immunity is the body`s task.
It involves the outer skin to mucosal membranes of the sinus area, throat and bronchial tubes and lungs, tears, different glands and organs to sweat, tears, and urine. Then there are the millions of friendly bacteria of the gut, considered by many to be at least over 50% of the immune system.
So, by injecting directly into the blood stream, these lines of defense are bypassed. The immune system isn't able to function as a defender against the pathogens contained in the vaccine or even to recognize them again for future defense! Long term immunity is achieved by exposing the pathogens to the body`s complete immune system. Even contracting a disease and overcoming it achieves immunity.
Begging for green vaccines seems to be a politically correct attempt to avoid being marginalized as anti-vaccination. Only homeopathy offers an effective medical immunization model, using non-toxic, non-pathogenic solutions that are not injected. Even green allopathic vaccines would be more dangerous than effective.