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Mercury Detox and Cutting Edge Science

by: Jonathan Landsman

(NaturalNews) Mercury poisoning is a serious threat. A lack of knowledge about heavy metal toxicity could be the greatest danger to your life. Educate yourself about Methylmercury, Inorganic Mercury and Ethylmercury – as fast as possible. The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents "Mercury Detox and Cutting Edge Science" with our special guest Dr. Chris Shade, mercury chemistry expert.

Detox Protocol

The Human Detoxification System

According to Dr. Chris Shade, "efficient detoxification depends on a series of seamless reactions that bind toxins to shuttle molecules and "escort" them out through a series of doors. The glutathione system is the most important of the detoxification systems and includes glutathione and the enzymes that work with it. The process of detoxification proceeds in three parts or "phases", Phase I, II, and III."

"Dysfunction of the human detoxification system is the most common and insidious root cause of toxic element and compound accumulation in the body. True health requires that all phases are functioning and balanced or the whole system can not work properly." Our next program will enrich your understanding about the natural pathways for detoxification within the body.

The enemy of natural detoxification

Inflammation (in the gut) inhibits elimination of toxins by causing a strong down-regulation of the body's natural detoxification pathways. Unfortunately, exposure to certain toxins, such as the corrosion by-products of dental mercury amalgam ("silver" fillings) contributes to intestinal inflammation.

In addition to inflammation, it has been demonstrated that a build up of metals alone slows the transport proteins. Clinical data suggests that continuous removal of metals from the intestines is essential for the proper daily functioning of natural detoxification processes. The continuous removal of metals is also critical for any successful (medically-supervised) detoxification program. To learn more – join us for a very important health show!

Dr. Shade earned his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois where he studied the environmental and analytical chemistries of mercury as well as advanced aquatic chemistry. During his Ph.D. work, Dr. Shade patented analytical technology for mercury analysis and later founded Quicksilver Scientific.

Dr. Shade's focus is on the human aspects of mercury exposure/toxicity and the human detoxification system. He has developed specific clinical analytical techniques for measuring mercury exposure and a system of products for toxic metals removal.

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