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Mercury – The Unsuspecting Killer

CRUSADOR Interviews John Moore, A Leading Mercury/Dental Health Researcher Who Exposes The Hidden Dangers Of The 2nd Most Toxic Material Known To Man.

Detox Protocol

In 1987 John Moore almost died from mercury poisoning caused by the dental fillings he had in his mouth. Although his health had been going downhill gradually for over five years, in 1987 he reached a low point where he was so weak and tired he could barely get out of bed. His brain was so foggy he could barely concentrate, let alone read. His short-term memory was lapsing and he had unexplainable irritability and bouts of explosive anger. Not knowing what to do and where to turn John had pretty much given up hope. After meeting some doctors involved in alternative dentistry that specialize in mercury toxicity and its link to disease, John discovered that mercury poisoning was the primary cause of his health problems.

When John began to detoxify the mercury from his body and remove all the mercury fillings from his teeth, his health problems disappeared virtually overnight. Seventeen years later John Moore is still alive and, most importantly, full of vibrant health. After discovering that mercury had decimated his health and after seeing his health improve by detoxifying it from his body, John became a full time mercury/dental health researcher. He now spends all of his time assisting others on how to avoid this toxic poison and he shows people some of the things that can be done if they’ve been damaged. John has taught classes to dental and health professionals for three years, often to 100 persons per session. Our in-depth interview this month will go a long way in educating our readers about the highly dangerous side effects this toxic metal has associated with it.

Greg: John, why don’t you start by giving our readers a brief history of your background and tell us how you got interested in the subject of mercury toxicity.

John:  I spent 15 years of my life working at the Boeing Company as an industrial engineer.  I had a fairly large crew working for me – about 35 people. We were primarily in the forecasting business at the time during the build-up on the 737’s, 747’s and so forth at the Boeing complex in Renton. I worked at Plant 2 in Seattle and I worked here in Renton.

In 1987 when the mercury problem hit me, it hit me hard. I didn’t understanding what was going on. About five years prior to ‘87, I was noticing that my energy levels were going down, and then continued to go down, albeit fairly slow at first.  They began to accelerate in their rate of descent for the last three years of the five-year period. My problems didn’t just happen over night, though that can happen to some people.  It was a slow progression where I continued to get weaker and weaker and could do less and less each day.  In 1987 my wife wanted to go listen to somebody talk one night, so I said: “Well, I’m going to be tired whether I stay here or I take you there,” plus she didn’t want to drive at night, so I drove her.  While we were there the speaker said to me: “You have mercury poisoning from the dental fillings in your teeth and you need to do something about it now.” I don’t know if you’re like me, Greg, but I was the typical American who said: “Right! Sure I do. Me and millions of other people have this stuff in our mouths and why would it be me?”

I was in total disbelief at that time, and if other people are in disbelief that their dentists would put a highly toxic poison in their mouths, I can understand that because I totally related to that. This little voice had kept saying to me all the time, “You know John, you haven’t been feeling that good,” and I would say: “Shut up and go away!”  It wasn’t until two weeks after that, that I finally said, “Okay, I’ll check it out” just to quiet the voice inside me.  Meanwhile I’m losing my energy and ability to do anything, so I wound up looking for somebody out here in the Seattle area that knew what was going on. I went to John Bastyr University, which is a naturopathic school and nobody seemed to know.  I tried to get in to see Dr. Bastyr, who was still alive at that time, but he wasn’t taking new patients so I couldn’t get in to see him.  So I went to my local health food store and I asked the owner: “Who do you know that can help me with mercury poisoning from the dental fillings in teeth?” He said: “Dr. Sandra Denton.”  She was at the Tacoma Clinic, Dr. Jonathan Wright’s clinic. You may be aware of his clinic here in the Renton area now – it was in Kent at the time.  She was there for a two-year window, 1987-1989, then left and went to Alaska where she resides now.  She had a handle on what was going on. She had been to see Hal Huggins ( where she watched him for three months and saw the results he was getting with taking the fillings out and detoxifying people and basically cleaning out their mouths.  She took one look at my mouth and just like the fellow at that conference I went to with my wife she said, “You have mercury poisoning from the dental fillings in your teeth and you need to do something about it now.”

Greg:  Did she do any tests on you to determine that or could she tell just by looking at you?

John:  She just looked at me first and said that was the case and then she did the testing.  We did the blood testing, hair testing, and urine testing. The really bizarre part about doing those three tests was that they normally don’t show anything. For example, if I were to pick you up and put you in a bucket of mercury nude and then take you out of that bucket and say, “Test Greg for mercury;” if we don’t do it in the first minute or two minutes of time, the mercury will bind itself within your tissue and we won’t find it. It won’t be in the blood, urine, or the hair. It’s very difficult to find unless you understand the footprint of mercury and what it looks like in the body once it gets in there, and how to read the reports.  Fortunately, she had studied long enough and well enough to understand what she was looking at when we did get the reports back a month later.  They were all there and she said: “Your first assignment is to read Dr. Huggins’ book It’s All In Your Head. The next thing you need to do is take these supplements and take the fillings out of your teeth.”

I was virtually flat broke at the time. I had no money and no way of doing anything to earn money because I was so fatigued. I said to her: “I’ll take your silly supplements but I’m not taking the fillings out of my teeth.”  She wasn’t happy when I said that. The amazing thing was that within two days I was clear enough (and I had been really foggy in my brain up until that time) to go ahead and start reading the book. After almost two months went by I went to see Dr. Denton again and she said: “I’ve never, ever seen anybody recover this quickly.”

My test results were an absolute reflection of what Dr. Huggins pointed out in his book when a person is mercury poisoned.  It was at that time that I started believing maybe there was something to this and that maybe I really had been poisoned.  I was out of bed and functioning again to some degree. I could start thinking more clearly. I finished reading It’s All In Your Head. Dr. Huggins has since written some other books: Uninformed Consent with Dr. Levy, his cardiologist, and Solving the MS Mystery. I got the message real clear that there was something going on with the mercury. The only thing I was doing at the time was basically detoxifying my body from mercury.  All the while I still had the fillings in my teeth.  If you detox the body while the fillings are in your teeth, it’s kind of like standing in the shower while the water is still running and I toss you a towel and say: “Here, dry off!” Nothing is going to happen. You’re just going to continue to get wet.  Turning off the faucets to the shower amounts to taking the fillings out of your teeth, and that’s 90% of the cost in most cases. The other 10% of the cost is in detoxifying the body.

Greg:  There aren’t many dentists around the country that even specialize in mercury free dentistry. What’s troublesome to many who contemplate doing this is that in some cases you have to get a lot of teeth pulled – it’s not easy to just take the mercury out.  What do you think about this because there are some cosmetic problems with alternative dentistry?

John:  That’s absolutely true.  Some of the amalgam fillings are so massive that when you drill them out, there’s not enough of the tooth left to save it. In a lot of cases the tooth has to come out or it will come out later as a result of removing the mercury.  I had one gold crown and when we removed the crown, underneath was a big hunk of mercury that had disintegrated and underneath that was rotted tooth.  When he ground the rotted tooth down to where it was solid tooth again, you could see the black outline of where the mercury had gone down into the nerve chamber. Although there are some cosmetic concerns about removing mercury from your teeth the bottom line is this, would you rather suffer terrible health problems and possibly die by leaving this toxic mercury in your mouth or would you rather deal with some cosmetic issues that in most cases can be corrected?  

Greg:  What are some mercury free alternatives to replace the fillings?

John:  There are over 250 composites in the marketplace today.  There’s no reason to put mercury in the mouth and there’s no reason to use a highly toxic poison, the second most toxic material and the most prevalent toxic material on the planet known to man (the most toxic being radioactive plutonium). When mercury is put into the mouth it continuously releases poison. While we chew or take hot or cold fluids into our mouths, the mercury releases much faster. In either case, it’s releasing poison into your body 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you place a mercury filling in your mouth today and pull it out five years later and re-assay it, which has been done, instead of it being 52% mercury, which it was when it was first placed in the mouth, it’s now down to 26% mercury. The obvious question is: “Where did that other 26% go?” It went into the system. 80% went into your system and the other 20% went into your neighbors, friends, relatives, spouse, etc. by breathing second hand mercury. This can affect the spouse very significantly.  If somebody decides to have their fillings removed but their spouse who has a mouth full of fillings does not, the first person can be ‘re-merced’ from the spouse by just being around them and living with them.

But you are absolutely right. There are very few dentists out there that can do it and do it correctly (remove fillings).  What I found, having worked with a whole bunch of people for 17 years, is that many people hear this is a good thing to do and they run out and have their fillings removed and replaced and what happens is they get sicker.  The reason they get sicker is that they go to their own dentist, typically, who is not in favor of taking the fillings out but he/she begrudgingly agrees to do it. The dentist doesn’t protect the patient from the vapor as the fillings are being drilled out, and as a result the patient gets very toxic and some people have become quadriplegics and some have even gone into comas by inadequate protection during filling removal. It’s mandatory that you go to someone who knows what he or she is doing. I say you need more than that, you need to have a nitrous oxide nosepiece taped to your nose and use it to bring in oxygen or outside air or a combination thereof and you need to insist on it.  If the dentist won’t do it, I submit to you that you want to get up and walk out the door – it’s that important.

Greg:  With regard to the dentists that still use the mercury amalgam fillings, you said that 52% of the filling is mercury. Do the dentists know this? Do they know what they’re telling their patients or are they just as clueless about it?

John:  They know exactly what’s in the filling material because it comes in little capsules in two components – one full of mercury and the other, which is the alloy mixed in with it, copper, tin, zinc, and silver. The problem is these dentists become robots because of the mercury. They’ve been told all these years that the mercury doesn’t go anywhere; that it stays bound up within the filling material, which is clearly not the case.  There are pictures now showing 50-year old fillings still off-gassing mercury.

Greg:  What would you do if your dentist told you mercury fillings are perfectly safe to put in your mouth, as most dentists will tell their patients today?

John:  If I went to a dentist today and they told me that, I would vote with my feet – I would walk or run out the door. I would not have that man or woman do anything in my mouth.  It’s a very toxic poison and I don’t think too many people even realize it, but the amount of mercury that’s in one of the large molars is enough to pollute a 10-acre lake, making the fish too toxic to eat.

Greg:  That seems hard to believe.

John:  It’s true.

Greg:  Isn’t it true that even if you go into a dentist’s office and get non-mercury fillings, you’re still being exposed to mercury because they’re using it so often in their practice?

John:  That’s true. The worst place you can go in a dental office is the room where the hygienist does the cleaning because as they polish those old fillings, they release a whole bunch of mercury in the air. That is the most toxic room in the entire dental office and very few people understand that. I suggest to people that if they still have the fillings in their teeth, don’t go in and have those fillings cleaned. You can have your teeth cleaned, but tell them not to touch those amalgam fillings (amalgam is a compound of mercury with other metals).

Greg:  How many dentists are still working with mercury?  Is it still a common practice or are many of them waking up to the truth that this is a poison and they need to stay away from it?

John:  Some of them that still have a little bit of their brain left are waking up to it. The others are still so ‘merced-out’ that they can’t fathom the problem and they’re not willing to change because of that. It’s a mind problem and the mercury plays havoc with the mind, it blocks it so that you don’t even want to hear about doing this.

Greg:  How long does the mercury stay in place in the filling?  You mentioned that half of it went into the body and air – what happens to the other half? Does it stay in the filling indefinitely? Are we constantly being poisoned as long as we have the fillings in our mouth?

John:  We are constantly being poisoned as long as the fillings are in the teeth until the full 52% leaves and the filling breaks down or crumbles. The 50-year old filling I mentioned before was the old one that I call “low-copper amalgams” produced prior to the year 1974. This is a very important issue. Prior to 1974, that filling material was 52% mercury, 30% silver, 4% copper, 14% tin and zinc (these are approximate numbers, but they’re very close). That particular formulation took 30-40 years to build up enough mercury in the system to cause a major system breakdown. After ’74 they changed the material in the formula because the Hunt brothers were playing with the price of silver on the commodities market and the dentists didn’t want to lose their margin of profit, so they switched the copper and the silver in the formula. When that happened that released the mercury and copper 50 times faster than before into the system. Instead of taking 30-40 years to build up enough mercury in the system to cause a major system breakdown, it can now occur in 3-5 years. It has tremendously accelerated the problem. The classic symptom of a mercury-toxic patient is unexplained irritability.

Greg:  Which is what you said you had too?

John:  Yes! I had terrible unexplained irritability. My wife would say good morning to me and I would verbally accost her. I knew it was wrong when I was doing it, but the thing with mercury is when you do something like that and you know it’s wrong and you’re powerless to stop it, that’s the mercury in control.

Greg:  What are some of the other classic symptoms of being poisoned with mercury?

John:  Memory loss, endogenous depression, emotional instability, and chemical sensitivities just to name a few. If it takes 3-5 years to build up enough mercury in your system to cause a major system breakdown as opposed to taking 30-40 years like before, some interesting health problems begin to show up. If you go back to the year 1974 and you say nobody was using the new mercury and by 1980 nearly every dentist was using it, you have a window there of three years. At that point Chronic Fatigue Syndrome went right off the chart. Mercury vapor that off-gasses from the fillings in the teeth gets onto the oxygen sites in the red blood cells and it takes over. The red blood cells have a much more powerful affinity for mercury than does the oxygen. In fact, the oxygen has around a 1X affinity for the oxygen site (this is the gas oxygen). Carbon monoxide (I’m going to throw that in because it is also a factor) has a 500X affinity for that oxygen site. Mercury vapor has thousands X affinity for that oxygen site. It’s absolutely impossible for oxygen on its own to kick either mercury or carbon monoxide off the red blood cells. Once they get on there, they’re basically on there permanently.

Greg:  One of the things we’ve covered here at our company is that one of the leading contributors to disease is a lack of oxygen in the body – suffocating the cells of their oxygen. If what you’re saying is correct, do you believe then that the reason why mercury is causing so many health problems is due to the oxygen being suffocated in the body?

John:  Well that’s one of the main things it’s doing. There were some very interesting studies conducted on sheep and monkeys at the University of Calgary in the late 1980s and early 1990s with mercury to see how it acted on these animals. They used sheep and monkeys in the studies.  First they started with the sheep by putting mercury fillings in them. They had a radioactive trace element of mercury in the fillings so they could follow it in the system. Within 29 days it went through the entire system including crossing the placental membrane, going into the fetus and so forth. The whole reason for doing this study was to see if it was released into the system at all and, of course, they found a massive release.  A lot of it went to the gastrointestinal area but it really went everywhere. I have the studies on that. It’s very clear what happened and anyone can see this.

They decided that since the mercury did go somewhere, they would do monkey studies. Had it not gone throughout the system of the sheep, they wouldn’t have followed up with the monkey studies. In the study with the monkeys they only ate twice a day and again, in 28 –29 days, the mercury went throughout the entire system. Massive amounts were found in the gastrointestinal area. It’s interesting to note that gastrointestinal ailments trouble millions of people. Not only does mercury affect your entire system, it affects your oxygen transfer capacity very badly.  For example, we have the four oxygen sites on each red blood cell and it seems that for a man, if you block three and a half of those four sites (with mercury and/or carbon monoxide), he will basically ‘go to bed’, not caring whether he lives or not.  A woman, for some reason, seems to get by and function until three and three-quarters are blocked, which is just amazing to me.  I don’t know what the difference is, but there is some difference between male and female.

Greg:  What I also want to discuss with you, beyond what you’re talking about with mercury coming from amalgam fillings, is how ubiquitous mercury is in the environment.  Why don’t you expound on that more so that our readers can understand that, yes, it’s a serious problem with fillings, but it is also a serious problem with vaccines, fish and industrial products.

John:  I can talk about that to some degree. The biggest source of mercury exposure is from the fillings in the teeth. The second main source is from fish, albeit a much smaller source, but still quite significant. The next source is from all the vaccines that are preserved with a product called thimerosal. I will attempt to explain to your readers what thimerosal is. They start with elemental mercury and they hop it up 1,000 times by converting it to methyl mercury. They then increase it to ethyl mercury, which is even more toxic than the methyl, and then they add aluminum to the vaccine that has a synergistic effect with the mercury, causing it to have an effect that is 10,000 times more toxic than elemental mercury, which is already the most toxic, non-radioactive material known to man. It’s really, really nasty. I’ve read some of the vaccine sheets. We’re hearing a lot now that the new vaccines are mercury-free, however, if you get the MSDS sheet for the mercury-free vaccine you’ll read thimerosal listed in the contents.

Greg:  Are you saying that this is a scam?

John:  I’m telling you that people need to get the drug sheet and read the drug sheet.  You’re going to find that thimerosal is still listed in there.

Greg:  Why do they even need to use thimerosal in the vaccines in the first place?

John:  In the beginning, a lot of people thought it was a preservative. Eli Lily came up with it in 1929. They gave it to a bunch of terminal patients who, of course, died. They said that since the vaccine didn’t accelerate their deaths it was therefore all right to use and we’ve been using it ever since. It has been grand fathered in, essentially, through the FDA. When we were younger most of us only got two or three shots. Today, most children are given 22 shots by the age of two. This thimerosal is so toxic and there’s so much of it in the system, it’s absolutely unbelievable. For example, if a child could get rid of mercury under normal conditions, 80% would go out through the colon using bile and 20% would go out through other sources, such as the lungs, skin, urine, and so forth.  The problem is that children cannot make bile for the first six months of their life, so there is a six-month window of time when these vaccines are applied that the mercury accumulates because children don’t even produce the bile needed to help detoxify the body. Children with autism, for example, show very little if any mercury in the hair when they check the hair sample, and yet the children that don’t have autism show mercury in the hair and everybody thinks that’s the reason why they’re smarter.  The fact is that the mercury shows in the hair for those children who are excreting it. The only way mercury shows in the hair is if you are naturally excreting it or taking a detoxifying agent.  Take a hair sample today and one six months after a detoxifying program and you’ll measure how much mercury comes out in the hair.

Greg:  So the main reason they are putting mercury in vaccines is because it acts as a preservative?

John:  That’s what Eli Lily came up with in the beginning, but I’m told by people who are quite close to the scene that what the story really is, is that the toxins in the vaccine are so toxic, they are so unsterile, that this is a way of sterilizing the vaccine so that it can be injected and not have the person die on the spot.

Greg:  If the drug companies really could come up with mercury-free vaccines, what would they use as a substitute?

John:  Well, I have not heard of a substitute yet. I was speaking to a vet who teaches at one of the major universities in the country and he said he was working with the West Nile Virus and saw a lot of animals die from getting the shot and he said he saw a lot others getting sick from it. He asked the rep from the pharmaceutical company why they hadn’t removed the thimerosal from the vaccine and the rep said: “We don’t have an adequate substitute we can use.”  That was his answer and I guess it would be mine as well if that were the case.

Greg:  You touched on autism.  This is a huge problem that has been getting a lot of press lately.  How strong of a link is there between autism and mercury?  Is it all mercury-induced? Are there other things in the vaccines that you believe are causing autism?

John:  The fact is the brain cannot handle this mercury with the aluminum in it that is 10,000 times more toxic, especially that of a newborn or in-vitro when the mother is still carrying a baby.  To be putting this kind of mercury in vaccinations is unbelievable. Dr. Boyd Haley, the Chair of the Chemistry Department at the University of Kentucky, has gone on record saying that autism is caused only by mercury poisoning. I would suggest that anyone who is researching autism go look up his website or look up Dr. Boyd Haley at the University of Kentucky.

Greg:  Just recently some stories have come out in the UK papers saying that there is no link between autism and the MMR vaccine. Have you heard about these reports and do you have any input for our readers?

John:  I sure do. I recently read the January/February 2004 issue of Mothering magazine and in there they say they have taken information from The Safe Minds Organization that refutes the Danish autism study. What they found was that they had dropped out some of the senior children that had bad cases of autism. For some reason these numbers just dropped out of their study. When they did their study they said it wasn’t a problem. At the top of the Mothering issue it says: “Denmark Has Good News: Autism Rate Declined after the 1992 removal of the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal from vaccines, from 1 in 150 before 1992 to 1 in 500 today. These statistics are the result of an analysis of the country’s autism registry data conducted by Safe Minds, an autism advocacy group.  The analysis follows on the heal of the study ‘Association Between Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines and Autism,’ by Danish researchers who concluded that Denmark’s autism rates rose after thimerosal was removed from vaccines. The Safe Minds analysis found a flaw in the methodology of the study, which was published in the October 1, 2003 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).”

“In our review of the Danish data we identified a flaw that resulted in a substantial loss of autism case records from the registry, which essentially renders the findings from the JAMA study and by the Danish colleagues invalid,” Sally Bernard, Executive Director of Safe Minds. “The registry allows 10-25% of diagnosed autism cases to be lost from its records each year.  The effect of this loss is such that the records will disappear from the older age groups to a much greater degree than from younger age groups in any given registry year.”

So they’ve apparently done some mucking around with the results. The Mothering story goes on to say: “The results are based on finding fewer older children than younger ones in the researchers’ 2000 registry cohort.  Since the older children received thimerosal vaccines, and the younger ones did not, they falsely concluded that thimerosal is not a factor in autism. The Safe Mind analysis demonstrates, instead, that the decline is likely due to the loss of older children’s records from the registry records, rather than a true decline from the autism rates in the older group.” There’s more to it, but that’s enough to give you the flavor of the Popsicle and what they’re doing. The complete Safe Minds analysis is available at

Greg:  A lot of people this year have been coerced into taking the flu shot.  How much of a problem is the mercury in these vaccines?  Is the same amount of thimerosal used in all these different shots or does it vary?  How bad of a problem is it across the board with all the shots?

John:  All the shots, as far as I can tell are preserved with thimerosal. Maybe some of them have changed but I haven’t seen that change yet and I’ve read the drug sheets on those that claim they are “mercury-free,” even the children’s vaccines and the flu shots, and they’re all preserved with thimerosal. This even includes IV drips bags.

Greg:  What can you tell us about the lawsuits pending against the vaccine manufacturers?

John:  About two or three months ago there were 26 firms that banded together to go after the vaccine manufacturers as a force and sue them on the basis of the vaccines causing autism, in particular regarding the thimerosal as a cause of the autism.  I would say that’s fairly significant.  There were some television ads asking people who had children with autism to join in on the lawsuit against the vaccine manufacturers.

Greg:  I got some information here from the Autism Autoimmunity Project out of Florida that said that 1 in 150 children or 1 in 68 families are affected with autism.  Do you know anything about these figures? Are they accurate?

John:  I don’t specifically know whether or not they’re accurate but I did see the statistics on how much thimerosal is actually being placed in the body of these children through the vaccines. These vaccines, by the way, are not mandatory.

Greg:  Yet most people are led into believing that they are.

John:  That’s correct. The fact of the matter is they get between $50 and $100 per student at every school to administer the vaccines.

Greg:  Who pays the school this money?

John:  To my understanding it’s Health and Human Services that’s doing it. I’m also told through Dr. Jonathan Wright’s newsletter that $1,000 is paid to the school district for every child that gets on Ritalin, again paid by Health and Human Services.

Greg:  What would be the benefit to getting these children vaccinated?  Why are they paying for it?

John:  If you get down to the nuts and bolts of it what you’ll find is they have a committee at the CDC, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and this committee decides how many shots the children are supposedly required to have, but if you press the CDC they’ll say that none are required, they are recommended by agents who represent the pharmaceutical companies. Essentially it’s a case of a fox watching the chicken coop. It was written up in Mothering magazine March/April 2001. It was issue 105 with a great 18-page article and I encourage anyone to get that and read it. You can find out more about this story and links to other sites for related topics by going to their website at: In the 18-page article they talked about how this committee was set up by the CDC and the members that made up this committee were members from the vaccine manufacturers. They’re the ones that tell you how many shots your child is going to have, and when they’re going to get them, what the sequence is, and there are no independent studies that I know of that show that these things number one work, and number two are required.

Greg:  I read in your ACRES USA interview that the studies that were conducted with the smallpox vaccine caused everyone in the study group to get sick.  What can you tell us about this?

John:  Well, that’s an interesting story because, as you can recall, some time ago all the health care workers were supposed to get the smallpox vaccine and they actually had 400,000 doses of the vaccine made up. The health care industry union found out what was really going on and they told their people not to get the shots until two things happened:  they had to come up with a compensation plan for the people that were injured and they had to come up with a list of people who were susceptible to adverse effects of the vaccine – neither of which they provided.  So out of the 400,000 doses, 12,000 health care workers took the vaccine and the other 388,000 didn’t take it. They said: “Thank you, but no thank you.”  When they did the preliminary studies on small control groups in universities, they found that the people in these small groups who got the shots wound up getting sick, some of them so sick they ended up having to give them antibiotics to straighten them out. These are presumably some of our healthiest students, that is college-age students.

Greg:  What about all the soldiers coming back from Iraq sick?  Do you think the mercury in the vaccines is a big issue with them as well?

John:  I do believe that is a huge issue with the vaccine manufacturers and with all the vaccines. I think this is experimentation on the troops and this isn’t the first time we’ve done that. I’ll just share a quick story with you on the vaccines, particularly the flu vaccine.

Greg:  Sure.

John:  A friend of mine used to be in a nursing home in our area and he was blind and had MS. He had a bad case of mercury poisoning. He was a quadriplegic when we first started talking to him and we got him to become a paraplegic by getting some mercury out of his system. One day I went to see him and I said to him: “Gino, are you getting the flu shot this year?” He said: “Are you nuts, John? Look, every year they come and give these flu shots to everyone in here and every year everyone gets the flu except me. I’ve been in here eight years and I haven’t gotten the shot once. Two weeks after they give the residents the shots, they haul them out dead on the gurneys. That’s happened every year for eight years.”

Greg:  Well, I believe it.  I have a brother-in-law who’s originally from Canada.  His sister still lives there. She’s a nurse living in Timmins. She called up at the peak of flu season and said that it was mandatory that everybody at the hospital had to take the flu shot and she wanted to know what he thought about it. My brother-in-law put me on the phone with her and I told her not to take it and gave her a whole list of reasons why. Surprisingly, she listened to me and wouldn’t you know it, she was the only employee in the hospital who didn’t get sick? Everyone else she worked with came down with flu and was out for a few weeks.

John:  That wouldn’t surprise me at all.  My friend had seen this every year for eight years. This was a guy in the real world, sitting there seeing that these people were dying.  Did you know the vaccine is made approximately a year in advance? Now tell me, if you were the vaccine manufacturers, how would you decide what to put into that flu shot that will be administered a year later?

Greg:  That’s a good question.

John:  It seems to me you either have to have a really good crystal ball or you have to have inside information about what’s coming down the pike a year later, neither of which I think are the case. In fact, this year some of the ads on the radio said, “it’s only half-effective this year”.  They guessed, apparently, and guessed wrong.  It seems to me that taking a guess with somebody’s life is not a good thing.

Greg:  We ran a story in our newsletter a couple issues back called “Playing Russian Roulette with Pharmaceutical Drugs.” You can throw vaccines and the flu shot into that mix too!

John:  Absolutely.

Greg:  You’re playing Russian roulette with these poisons. You really don’t know what it’s going to do to your body. Everybody reacts differently. It’s a crapshoot.

John:  It is. Mercury is the biggest immune-suppressor on the planet.

Greg:  I’d like to touch on that some more.  There are an astounding number of health problems you’ve attributed to mercury. Why don’t you get into some of this and tell us how bad it really is?

John:  It is indeed bad. We are literally surrounded by mercury.  In my estimation, and I think it’s a low estimate, there’s at least 12,000 commercial uses for mercury. For example, the new long-life, low-energy fluorescent light bulb that is in the marketplace is a mercury light bulb. What makes fluorescents work is that you put a coating on the inside of the bulb, then you put mercury in it, then you activate the mercury and it lights the tube. Unfortunately, over time the mercury escapes through the glass. The mercury cannot be contained; it will pass through the glass. Mercury will dissolve all but 3 metals:  iron, platinum, and nickel according to the chemistry handbook that is used at universities. It’s an unbelievable material. Mercury is also the only metal that goes from a liquid to a vapor form, and it starts doing that at 50 degrees below zero Fahrenheit.  It’s really the genie out of the bottle. Once you drive off the red coloration, which is mercuric sulfide, what you have left is liquid mercury.  We talked about some of the uses for it.  Let me talk about some of the sources for getting it and these are U.S. figures only.

John:  Coal-fired power plants that burn coal to generate electricity. There are 48 tons a year put into the atmosphere alone. That’s what they’ll admit to. Twenty tons a year are put into the atmosphere by hospitals burning their toxic waste. There are tons put into the atmosphere by crematoriums when they burn the bodies. Any sewage treatment plant throws off tons of it into the atmosphere because it evaporates. There is no attempt made by the sewage treatment plants to stop the major source of mercury toxicity, which comes from dental offices. Dentistry pollutes our municipal water systems, but they do not put a dime into it because mercury is so cheap – somewhere in the vicinity of $2.10 per pound. It really doesn’t make sense to process and save that material and they simply put it out in the wastewater stream and send it away. There are a lot of other sources. All plastics are preserved with mercury, and that includes the plastic in your cars. There isn’t a plastic I’m aware of that’s not preserved with mercury. They put it in there to stop the UV light from causing the plastic to crack and break up. The old dashboards in cars used to crack all the time, but today very few dashboards crack. I was talking to a fellow down in Florida who said that the only time he and his wife ever fought was when they got into the new car. New cars off-gas a huge amount of mercury. In fact, the dealers know it because they send people inside the new cars every morning to clean off the silver-gray haze that accumulates inside the windows of the car. This haze is the mercury vapor that’s condensed on the windows.

Greg:  I was pretty surprised when I heard you say this. You also said that in the heat it’s even worse, especially in places like the southwest and down here in Florida where it’s relatively hot most of the time?

John:  Absolutely. The hotter it is, the more it off-gasses.

Greg:  Has the EPA or any government agency ever run any tests inside a car to determine what the percentage is or parts per million (ppm) that’s coming off the plastics, and how do they deem those levels to be acceptable?

John:  To answer your first question, I’m not aware of any such tests. To answer your second question, you could perhaps use a Jerome Mercury Vapor Analyzer to do that.  They’re fairly expensive (within the $5,000 to $10,00 range). This is a device where you can stick a straw into the front end of the pick-up tube and stick it in the car with the window nearly rolled up and as it sucks the air out of the car you could measure how much mercury vapor is in it. It will read it correctly.  This is a no-brain science that could and should be done. Many of the EPA offices have these devices.

Greg:  But they’re not doing much to check it or stop it, as far as you know?

John:  No. They’re not even going in to test the dental offices as far as I know. If they went in to test any facility, for example a medical/dental clinic, what they would find if the clinic had been in business for any length of time is that the mercury vapor would be off the chart.

Greg:  It sounds like a story for Dateline or 60 Minutes. I’m surprised some of these big media organizations haven’t jumped on this issue.

John:  60 Minutes did an excellent exposé back in December of 1990 on mercury toxicity, particularly from the fillings in the teeth and so forth. Morley Saffer was the mediator, but he got so much flack from the American Dental Association and from many other organized systems after the program aired that he wouldn’t even discuss the issue after that. I had a personal friend that knew Morley who said you couldn’t even talk to him about the issue. But the job he did was virtually flawless. It was an excellent job. That was the most-watched program ever and they never re-aired it.  That must tell you something.  Typically in the summertime they select the programs that were the most-watched and re-air them, but that program never saw the light of day again.

Greg:  And that was 14 years ago?

John:  Yep, and nobody’s done anything since then, as far as I know, except hatchet jobs like Dateline’s on Hal Huggins. They went in and videotaped him for two days, cut and spliced, and made him look like a bumbling fool. This man should have the Nobel Prize for his work in helping people understand there is a real problem with mercury fillings.

Greg:  What does the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) say about mercury?

John:  Well, it’s interesting. In 1997, in the fall I believe, DentsPly Caulk, one of the largest amalgam manufacturers on the planet of at least 3 different types of amalgams had huge MSDS sheets. The material safety data sheet is something that the government requires when a company puts out a toxic product. They must tell people what the consequences of that product would be to your system if you were to use it. Well, the dentists have conveniently forgotten to tell people about that. My dentist never told me when I got my fillings put in my mouth that the material was a highly toxic poison (about 52% of it), and that I could go blind and die. Was it okay that he did that?  He neglected to tell me that and I think that page was missing from his book of info. It seems that this information is missing from a lot of dentists’ offices today and they never tell anybody. If you’re able to get a copy of the DentsPly Caulk MSDS from your dentist or from the Internet, you’ll see that it’s very complete. It was from late 1997 to June 1998. The American Dental Association, we were told, told DentsPly Caulk that the information was too confusing, specifically the page and a half of health symptoms, and that they should take it off the Internet, which they promptly did.

Greg:  Do you have this information in your possession?

John:  Yes, I do.

Greg:  What were some of the health symptoms they listed?

John:  It’d be easier to list what they didn’t say, which was very little. It can have an effect on the kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, arterial system, brain – you just name it and it’s there. There is just no place the mercury doesn’t go in the body and effect.

Greg:  In the Acres USA interview you said that the Merck Veterinary Manual lists the side effects of mercury but when you look it up in the manual for humans, there’s nothing there.

John:  That’s right. What we found was that in the 8th edition of the Merck Veterinary Manual, produced by the Merck Pharmaceutical Company in 1998, when you look up mercury poisoning, you will find mercury listed as a mutagen, meaning it changes the genetic coding of the cells. It’s a teratogen, causing birth defects. It’s a carcinogen, causing cancer. It’s an embryocidal, killing babies.  Those seem to be big items to me. When you fast-forward to the human manual, you find four or five mercury compounds listed and none of this other stuff shows up. I think it’s absolutely amazing. The other thing that’s interesting is in that Merck manual for animals, it says that if you feed your cat a diet of commercially prepared tuna fish cat food for 7-11 months they can develop neurological damage.

Greg:  Is there any way people can feel safe about the fish they’re eating?  Are there any fish sources that are safer or is it out of our hands?

John:  Yes, and no. The answer to that is, number one, all fish, wherever they’re caught in the North Atlantic, the North Pacific, the poles, wherever it is – are all polluted with mercury.  There’s a good reason for this.  If you don’t believe in any of this other information I’ve presented here, what you’ll find is the Max-Planck Institute last October in the Christian Science Monitor said the planet puts 5,000 metrics tons of mercury into the atmosphere in one year. That’s from the plastics manufacturing and some of the things we talked about earlier. It drifts everywhere. They are finding mercury on the icepacks of both the North and South Poles, and in significant amounts.  They’re finding it in polar bears, in all fish, in all seafood. If somebody who was not really badly mercury poisoned were to ask me if he or she could eat some fish I’d say they could eat some fish, and what they’d be doing would be adding to their body burden of mercury. It’s a matter of how much you want to add to that burden, how much you can handle. If someone is really mercury toxic, they couldn’t handle it and they’d get really sick.

Greg:  So it’s a global problem and it’s in just about everything so there’s no safe way to avoid it when eating fish?

John:  Not with fish or seafood. Neither one. And I love all of them. I absolutely love salmon, halibut, cod, all the shellfish – but they’re all just too loaded with mercury.  I can give you a quick example.  Two years ago, in 2002, the Environmental News Agency did an article on the International Whaling Commission meeting in Japan. They went to the fish markets and bought some of the whales that were about the size of dolphins, not the kind on the endangered list, and they had the liver and meat tested for mercury content.  What they found was the liver had 5,000 times the allowable amount of mercury (the liver is a delicacy in Japan, by the way) and the meat had 900 times the allowable amount. They actually have an allowable amount in Japan but in my opinion there is no allowable amount in the body because it’s so devastating.

Greg:  You also said in the Acres USA interview: “I believe mercury is the main cause of MS, Parkinson’s, ALS, Alzheimer’s, and Autism, along with any neuromuscular disease because it strips the myelin sheathing off the nerves.”

John:  That’s correct.

Greg:  Tell us more about that, John.  You say that there’s actually video evidence by a top University that shows this.

John:  That’s correct. The University of Calgary’s School of Medicine in Canada did a study that was published in the Neuro Report on March 26, 2001 and it’s amazing we haven’t seen anything on the nightly news about it.  If you had come up with the cure or the cause, let’s just say the cause for all the things you just described, wouldn’t you think the public would want to know?

Greg:  I would think they would definitely want to know.  Those are problems that are affecting millions of people in this country alone.

John:  What you’ll see if you look at that five-minute video that’s also available on the Internet is that they used live snail brain tissue. See the video at:  It’s indistinguishable from human brain tissue. It’s made up of the same materials and proteins. It’s identical. In the study they applied cadmium, lead, manganese, and some other metals and none of them did anything to the brain tissue until they applied mercury. When they applied the mercury vapor, the myelin sheathing simply stripped away from the nerve. What you’re left with is a bare wire; an exposed nerve that, when it touches another nerve, it shorts out. If you were to look at the nerve, you would see it in the center with ‘string cheese’ wrapped around it, running lengthwise.  Each of those strings is like a freight train with a bunch of little boxcars hooked end to end. That is how the myelin sheathing is made. We make a product in our body called guanosintriphosphate and that has a binding site on each of those little tiny segments that hooks up end to end to make up one of those strings. What you find is that the mercury goes in, just like it does on the oxygen sites, and it kicks off the guanosintriphophate.  When that happens, you have no binding agent and the myelin sheathing free forms and goes wherever it wants to and it strips off the nerve. That’s the actual mechanics of it.  So it depends on where that occurs, whether it’s in the brain, or the arm, or the leg, or whatever part of the body. If you strip the myelin sheath off, you get Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS, MS. Everyone knows that MS and Autism is a deterioration of the myelin sheathing surrounding the nerves.

Greg:  You obviously reversed the problems you had with mercury toxicity. How reversible are these problems or are some of them irreversible?

John:  I have a good friend by the name of Tom Warren who has written two books. His first is called Beating Alzheimer’s.  At fifty he was in such bad shape his wife had to lead him around by the hand. He could only shuffle and he was mumbling, he couldn’t talk.  He was a former insurance salesman and was on the verge of becoming a millionaire at the time that this hit him, and he went steadily downhill. Tom had gotten well enough to write Beating Alzheimer’s and has written a second book, Reversing Chronic Disease.  Both of them lay mercury poisoning at the base of the problem.  He has the before and after CAT scans done on his brain at a doctor’s office here in the Seattle area. He has the actual proof and what they say is that it was “spontaneous remission.” It seems to me that if you do something and you get good results, in his case he had his teeth pulled, that it’s more than spontaneous remission.

Greg:  How about cancer? Do you see a link between cancer and mercury? Have you seen people get well by detoxifying the mercury out of their systems?

John:  Well, it’s funny you should ask that. I happen to know a Dr. Thomas Rau in Switzerland who has a clinic there called the Paracelsus Clinic.  He and his staff see 150 patients a week, on average, and have been doing it for ten years.  They see terminally ill patients. Ninety-five percent of the patients’ symptoms go away and fifty percent of his stage IV cancer patients get well. His main protocol is opening up the missing tooth sites and cleaning out the socket, removing the root canal teeth and cleaning out the sockets, removing the mercury fillings very carefully (protecting the patient so he or she doesn’t get worse instead of better), and he detoxifies their bodies for mercury.  Now, am I going to say that mercury causes cancer?  I might. I might be inclined to say it this way:  Dr. Otto Warburg in Germany in 1932 won the Nobel Prize in medicine by proving that cancer cells were ordinary cells that lost their cellular oxygen below 40% at the cell level. In other words, if the cell needed 100% oxygen to function and it dropped 60% of its oxygen supply, then the cell went from an aerobic cell using oxygen, to an anaerobic cell living in the absence of oxygen, or a fermenting cell, and that’s one of the forms of cancer. He proved that it was a lack of oxygen that did it. If you give that some consideration and start looking at the oxygen sites on red blood cells and you realize that mercury vapor and/or carbon monoxide can take them over, that certainly is oxygen deprivation and that seems to me to certainly fit in that category.

Greg:  That’s pretty serious. What about pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides used in industrial farming? Is mercury used in any these products and if so, why?

John:  Yes they are. I’ll give you two examples. Methyl and ethyl mercury that we talked about in the vaccines are also listed by the Department of Agriculture as pesticides and fungicides. This is really nasty stuff. It has a pinkish-violet color and the seeds are treated with it. I don’t know how much of it they’re using today, but it’s been used for years and years. In the early 1970s we sent a whole bunch of seed grain to Iraq and they were supposed to plant the grain, raise it, and eat it.  Instead of doing that, they took the seed, ground it, and ate bread made with that flour. Over 500 people died in a very short period of time. I believe it was two weeks, I’m not sure.  6,526 people were hospitalized over the next 5 years. That seems to be a major poisoning, would you not agree?

Greg:  Absolutely!

John:  The story is that it took doctors one year to figure out what had happened. The reason it took them a year (and it wasn’t because they’re dumb) was because the mercury doesn’t show up in the blood, urine, or hair, as we talked about earlier, so they didn’t find it using these normal techniques. I’ve also talked to a lot of people who’ve come off the farms that say: “Oh yeah, we used to play in that seed all the time” – that pink-colored seed.  Each seed has it’s own color, of course, and then they put this fungicide on there and what’s left is this pinkish-violet color, and that’s the mercury fungicide on there.  As children they also would run following the crop dusters, breathing in those vapors.  These people are typically quite ill.

Greg:  What’s the AMA, ADA, EPA, or any other government agency in charge of regulating something like this doing? Is there anything these agencies are doing to prevent this or wake people up to the problem?

John:  That’s a very interesting question. Let me give you my opinion, and it goes along with Dr. Boyd Haley’s opinion as well. It appears that in each of these organizations you just talked about there is a small group of dentists that are paid to hold those positions and tell the story the way the powers that be want it to be told, as opposed to protecting the public’s health. That’s true for the FDA and for the ADA who is the big one because they have such a huge financial responsibility, as do their dentists, if any of this information is accurate, which I believe is 100%. I’m sure some smart attorney will get his or her hands on this information someday and it will make the tobacco lawsuits look sad in comparison. That’s how big this problem with mercury is.  They have these people who sit in these different organizations in different committees like the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO), and yet if you go to the FDA, WHO, National Institutes of Health, etc. and you talk to any toxicologist there and ask if it is recommendable to put a highly toxic poison into the human body, you would be told it is not recommended and that it would do serious damage. And these would be people within the same organization. Nobody is listening to them because the American Dental Association is running around telling everyone that it’s okay and that there’s no problem.  The ADA also has people in the organization claiming they have papers stating this is okay to do. There is not one single study of which I am aware of that says anything about it being all right to put mercury in the human body. I have never seen a study on that anywhere and would be very happy to review any study that anybody has. The dentists simply don’t have it, yet they tell everybody it is perfectly safe.
Greg:  What are some things people can do to remove mercury from the body?  I don’t want people to feel hopeless.  What are some detoxification therapies you have come across?

John:  I am very nervous about many of the therapies out there. There are things such as DMPS, which is a great mercury chelator. The problem is it is such a great chelator it pulls out too much at one time. When you run it through the organs, which are already double, triple, or quadruple over-maxed with mercury as it is, and you double, triple, or quadruple that level again, it’s a really big problem.  There was a doctor at Dartmouth University who had mercury poisoning. It was in her records that two drops of dimethyl mercury got on her gloves causing a serious problem. Nick (someone I have worked with) and I both talked about this lady at the time; we said she would be killed because they don’t understand how to detoxify her correctly. If somebody is mercury poisoned and you start the detoxification program, they should not get any worse. They should only get better from that point on if the process is done correctly.  If it’s done incorrectly, as it was in her case, the person can die.  I happened to have a friend who had seen the health records on this woman, and I said, “Don’t tell me what happened. I’ll tell you what happened. This lady died because, although their ability to pull out the mercury was very good, they pulled out too much at one time.” She said that was exactly what had happened. They removed 4,000 micrograms of mercury per liter of urine, every single liter of urine the woman passed. There’s a number of ways out there to get mercury out of the body and everyone seems to be coming up with their own particular style of detoxification protocol. I’m very nervous about some of them because some people can take a whole vile of a detoxifying agent while other people couldn’t take even a few drops of the same agent. If you tell someone to take a significant amount of an agent, and he or she happens to have an allergic reaction, it will cause a serious health problem. I suggest you do it slow, do it easy, and do it correctly making sure the fillings are out before you do anything.

Greg:  Many people reading this interview may suspect they are victims of mercury toxicity and I’d like to direct them on where they can turn for help. I don’t know many people around the country that specialize in this.  Are there any doctors or clinics you can recommend our readers to contact, like the woman you saw originally in Seattle?

John:  As far as I know Dr. Sandra Denton is in practice in Anchorage, Alaska.  She is a medical doctor and knows how to do it correctly. I’d also recommend Dr. Hal Huggins in Colorado Springs. You can find out how to contact him through his website There are people there who know how to do it.  There’s a group called DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome) that focuses primarily on this material. Their number is (800) 311-6265 and they will send out a free information package. I would also ask them to refer you to your local DAMS coordinator to find a reliable, front-line reference for someone in your area that does this work. Dr. Huggins has said that he’s trained over 5,000 people, but only one percent of that 5,000 is doing it correctly.

Greg:  What about your friend Tom Warren who reversed his Alzheimer’s?  Can you obtain a lot of good information from his website, too?

John:  Yes, they sure can.  His website is  He has a lot of good information and his new book should be out by the time this article prints.

Greg:  Do you recommend any other books or websites?

John:  I really like the information on Dr. Haley’s website  You can also run a search on “mercury toxicity” or “amalgam fillings.” There is also a group called Quackbusters. I wouldn’t touch their information with a ten-foot pole. I know many people that go to that site and swear by it, but I can tell you there’s not a scientific statement on the entire website. Michael Ziff has a group called the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology in Florida. See They have a good protocol for removing mercury from the teeth. A few other good websites I’d recommend are:

Greg:  Can people contact you directly?

John:  If people are interested in chatting me with, I’d be happy to hear from them. They can email me at and I ask that they include their telephone number because I make most contacts by phone. 

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