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November is Diabetes Awareness Month

by: Frank Mangano

(NaturalNews) Approximately 24 million people living in the United States have diabetes, but many of them don't know it. The reason they don't know it is because the symptoms of diabetes aren't unusual. For example, if they're feeling tired, it could easily be due to just not getting enough sleep. Using the facilities frequently? That could easily be due to drinking too much coffee to offset the sleepiness. So, this being Diabetes Awareness Month and all, it's time to become aware of the warning signs…before it's too late.

In reality, these symptoms are the body's internal warning system, alerting the body that there's a problem. But because these warnings so often go unheeded, diabetes develops and lives change permanently.

There's no known cure for diabetes. Once it develops, there's no turning back; you will be forever burdened with constantly having to check your blood sugar levels, constantly having to watch your diet, and constantly having to walk that fine line of not allowing blood sugar levels to rise or fall too much.

Avoiding such a fate is accomplished by recognizing the warning signs early on. The symptoms vary depending on the type of diabetes. For example, with type I diabetes, symptoms include fatigue, unexplained weight loss, extreme thirst, and frequent urination. With type II diabetes, the kind that affects an estimated 90 to 95 percent of people with diabetes, the aforementioned symptoms are accompanied by blurred vision, tingling or numbness in the extremities, not being able to detect sweet tasting foods, and bruising easily.

Should you experience any combination of these symptoms, consult a doctor. The earlier, the better. If the doctor says you're at risk for diabetes, take it seriously. Make the lifestyle changes that can prevent diabetes from ever actually developing. This can be accomplished by exercising regularly and eating right. But this prescription is a very generic course of treatment.

More specific preventative measures include supplementing with alpha-lipoic acid (helps control blood sugar levels), garlic (enhances and improves blood circulation) and vitamin B complex (enhances glucose metabolism). For herbs, look no further than the berry. Huckleberries promote insulin production; juniper berries lower blood glucose levels, and cedar berries are great for the pancreas, the organ that produces and regulates insulin.

Because of the complications that result from it, diabetes is among the leading causes of death in the United States. It is the sixth leading cause, and the leading cause of blindness in people between the ages of 20 and 74.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Live up to its title by becoming more aware of how diabetes presents itself, so you can protect you and your family from a lifetime of pin-pricking and cholesterol-checking (among many, many other daily annoyances).

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