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Pineapple’s Bromelain Enzyme Provides Amazing Health Benefits

by: Danna Norek

(NaturalNews) You've probably heard of an enzyme found in pineapple called Bromelain. This enzyme is often used by itself as a supplement to aid in various ailments and boost general health. It is also added to natural digestion aids, anti inflammatory remedies, and general health supplements.



There are also quite a few additional health benefits that may be lesser known than its most common uses. It has been linked to better heart and circulatory health, improvement in asthma and other breathing conditions and improved immunity.

Improved blood circulation, heart health and breathing conditions
Bromelain is particularly known for being very efficient at breaking down proteins which accounts for its common use as a digestive aid. Fibrin is a protein that is used in the clotting and thickening of blood. Bromelain works as a blood thinner since it assists in breaking down this substance.

This means it may allow blood to flow more freely through the circulatory system. Thinner blood is associated with lower chances of stroke, heart attack, and other heart and circulatory issues.

Bromelain has also been linked to the improvement of breathing conditions that occur due to thicker mucus such as asthma. It has the same effect on mucus as it does on blood in that it thins the consistency. This makes it easier for asthma patients to breathe since the mucus is thinner and therefore not clogging their bronchial tubes.

Anti-inflammatory benefits
It is bromelain's ability to keep blood thin and prevent it from clotting, as well as its anti-inflammatory properties that makes it a good supplement for bruise prevention. It is also thought to be a good supplement for swelling and redness.

For this reason it is often recommended after surgery to help ease the trauma caused by incisions or injections. Research also indicates that supplementing with 200 to 400 milligrams of bromelain per day can significantly ease the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis.

It has also been implicated in the improvement of certain inflammatory skin conditions. This could include acne, rosacea, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.

While most people think bromelain is found in the fruit of the pineapple, it is primarily found in the stem. This is why it may be preferable to buy a supplement if you are looking for the specific therapeutic benefits this enzyme can offer.

Bromelain implicated in improved immunity
In addition to the anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties bromelain exhibits in the human body, it has also shown promise as an immunity booster. Studies have indicated it may enable certain immunity enhancing receptors in the body.

This in turn may strengthen the immune response by enhancing the response of the body's front line immune defense, T-cells. In other words the enzyme has an enhancing effect on the immune response already in place. It helps by enabling the other mechanisms to work more efficiently together and "communicate" better with one another.

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