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Restore Total Digestive Health Naturally

by: Mike Barrett

(NaturalNews) Candida albicans, one of the most misdiagnosed health ailments in the world, is a disease that leads towards a variety of health problems including heart inflammation, fatigue, mood swings, and asthma. Sparked by antibiotic use, this yeast imbalance affects subjects who are taking pharmaceutical antibiotics. Since antibiotics destroy all of the bacteria in the body, including "good" bacteria, anyone who has taken antibiotics could have developed a Candida yeast overgrowth. Luckily, pomegranate seeds have been found to be effective against Candida albicans and help to naturally restore digestive health.


Candida is not created in the body by antibiotic use but instead converts to a pathogenic yeast overgrowth that swarms through the body – accounting for many of the health problems that people experience. Natural flora keep everything in check throughout the body. When antibiotics are taken, the natural flora are wiped out, and the immune system is suppressed. This leaves the body in a severely dampened state due to bacterial imbalances.

Unfortunately, antibiotics are virtually given out like candy. Not only are they excessively consumed in our western society, creating all types of bacterial imbalances, but the body also develops a resistance to antibiotics over time. This renders them useless later on. The unit amount provided within antibiotics has increased drastically since the breakthrough of antibiotic penicillin was made 82 years ago. Due to this increase, the negative effects from antibiotic use are greater than ever. Luckily there are natural antibiotics such as olive leaf extract that can be used as a healthy alternative.

A recent study conducted in Brazil found that pomegranate extract is a powerful Candida killer. Pomegranate fruit has been found to have very potent anti-fungal activity against Candida due to its primary active component, punicalagin. Candida protects its cell membranes with a barrier in order to survive. Luckily, punicalagins penetrate these barriers and fight off the yeast cells that contribute to Candida albicans. Pomegranate extract may be a strong ally against Candida, but it also serves as a combat against prostate cancer, heart disease, and joint inflammation. Some research has shown that it even exhibits phenomenal anti-viral activity.

The negative effects of antibiotics are rather prevalent, but there are natural alternatives. Try taking natural antibiotics such as colloidal silver, tea tree oil, bitter melon, or neem plant derivatives. If you truly insist on taking pharmaceutical antibiotics, take a probiotic supplement (or foods containing probiotics) about 2 hours after the consumption of the antibiotic. Probiotics act to replenish the "good" bacteria that antibiotics destroy.

For most people, however, prevention is too late. Luckily, this study sheds light on how to fight Candida. Pomegranate extract can be used to wage war against Candida, and restore your gut health to its optimum levels. With this new information, people can get rid of their Candida albicans and live a vibrant, healthy life.

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