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Reverse the Aging Process Naturally, Part I

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) The anti-aging industry has seen incredible growth over the last 10 years. According to several reports the industry is projected to exceed 115 billion in 2010. The newest science behind anti-aging is focusing its attention on the speed of chromosome shortening and the effect of critical hormones. It is now recognized that certain lifestyle behaviors do influence the key hormones and genetic components that allow us to age with grace and beauty.

There are 75 trillion cells within the human body. The function and aging process of each of these cells dictates the function and aging process of our body. Each cell contains a nucleus with 2 chromosomal (arms) that contain your DNA. Each chromosomal arm is made up of about 100 million protein bases. At the very top of each end of the chromosome is the telomere.

The average telomere is about 15,000 bases long at conception. As we develop in the womb, the process of cellular division begins. As the cells divide the telomeres begin to shorten. During the 9 month gestation period we lose 5,000 bases. So by the time we are born we are already down to 10,000 bases. According to the most cutting edge new theory on aging your telomere length will dictate your aging process and eventual death. Once your telomeres reduce down to about 5,000 bases your DNA can no longer support life.

Based on normal cellular division, the human lifespan should be approximately 120 years. If the cell divides at an abnormally high level, however, the telomere shortening process accelerates and we essentially age faster. Several factors play a significant role in cell division and telomere shortening. This process is about 30% related to the genetic foundation we have inherited and 70% is based upon our lifestyle habits.

Lifestyle factors that increase free radicals accelerate the aging process. Free radicals caused by oxidative stress cleave bases off of the telomeres. This chemical reaction speeds up the telomere shortening process. Our modern culture is inundated with lifestyle toxins that create massive amounts of oxidative stress throughout our system. We are also highly deficient in using resources and strategies that enhance our anti-oxidant defenses that fend off the free radicals.

Insulin and growth hormone are two key hormones that are associated with the aging process. Elevated insulin levels increase cellular division and telomere shortening. Researchers have estimated that over 80% of the US population has some level of insulin resistance. When the cells are resistant to insulin our pancreas has to secrete more insulin in order to lower blood sugar. This creates chronically elevated insulin and accelerated cellular division and telomere shortening.

Growth hormone (HGH) enhances the cellular repair processes that allow us to age with grace. HGH regulates metabolism to burn fat, build muscle, and slow-down the negative effects of stress. Another important characteristic of HGH is that it enhances collagen production and repair. Healthy collagen creates softer skin, reduces wrinkles, and enhances one's complexion. Additionally, this strengthens and supports our joints as they age. Most people see their HGH levels decline with age; however, certain lifestyle modification helps to maximize HGH secretion throughout life.

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