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Stop Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors With Inositol

by: Elizabeth Walling

(NaturalNews) Obsessive compulsions have been linked to specific imbalances in biochemicals in the body, and certain supplements like inositol have been shown to offer great help. Inositol is a viable solution for those who want to overcome their obsessive compulsive behaviors without resorting to conventional prescription drugs.


Obsessive compulsive behavior describes repetitive habits and compulsions that are carried out regardless of whether they are actually rational, logical or beneficial. This may include behaviors like obsessive counting, arranging, or skin picking. Compulsive behaviors tend to ease anxiety, and when these rituals cannot be performed intense anxiety or even panic attacks are common. If you suffer from obsessive compulsive behavior, then you may realize that your habits and rituals are detracting from your quality of life, but you feel powerless to put an end to the behavior. This is because mere willpower cannot correct an imbalance in the brain.

The conventional therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder includes drugs such as SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) medication. But because of the extensive list of negative side effects that often accompany these drugs, nutritional therapy offers a far more ideal solution.

The nutrient inositol in particular is highly effective at eradicating obsessive compulsive rituals. In one study, patients with obsessive compulsive disorder received either inositol or a placebo for six weeks. The patients, who received inositol, reported a significant drop in symptoms compared to the placebo group. Results from this and other studies with inositol show that it appears to produce similar results like SSRI drugs, but without the negative side effects.

Dosage and Tips for Supplementing

In trials that studied the impact of inositol on obsessive compulsive behaviors, dosage is typically 18 grams per day. The general recommendation is to start inositol supplementation slowly, working up from about 3 grams per day in divided doses until you reach 18 grams per day in divided doses. It should take about 3 to 4 weeks to reach the optimal dose, and at this point benefits should be noticeable.

Because it is needed in such large doses, it`s usually most convenient and cost effective to use inositol in powder form. Most report that inositol`s flavor is very mild and pleasantly sweet. It can be easily mixed into pure water or diluted juice.

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