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Studies Show New Information about Blood Pressure

(NaturalNews) Blood pressure is the force that the heart exerts on pumping blood through the body's circulation system. High blood pressure has many negative health risks. A new study shows that there is a link between high blood pressure and dementia. People diagnosed with high blood pressure can benefit by making smart changes in their lifestyle. One in three Americans has high blood pressure and it is very important to lower blood pressure in order to live a healthier life.

High blood pressure has no symptoms and many people may have it without knowing it. Having high blood pressure and not doing anything about it can have long-lasting negative effects on the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and other parts of the body including the brain. Normal blood pressure is under 120/80. People should strive to reach this number through healthy lifestyle choices.

A recent study suggests that controlling high blood pressure may protect against dementia later in life. Common symptoms of dementia include memory loss, inability to solve problems, and inability to control emotions. High blood pressure causes a type of scarring in the brain that after years of build up, can cause dementia.

Current studies are underway to see if lowering blood pressure to lower than 120 will be more beneficial than lowering it to lower than 140. Currently, the focus on lowering blood pressure has been to increase heart and kidney health. However, improving brain health may be added to the list.

A weight loss study found that a low-carb diet is more beneficial in lowering blood pressure than a low-fat diet plus prescription medication. Both courses of treatment yielded a 10% body weight loss, but those who were on the low-carb diet reported lower blood pressure. Obesity contributes greatly to blood pressure. Making lifestyle changes that reduce blood pressure can increase overall health and well-being.

Medical scientists have found a species of fish in the Pacific Ocean that may provide answers to hereditary high blood pressure and kidney disease. Researchers believe that the Goby fish might give insight into the specific genes that cause hereditary heart disease. The fish has a protein called Urotensin II, which is important in the regulation of blood pressure in fish and humans.

These studies provide greater insight into the complexities of blood pressure. Data shows that there are many negative aspects of high blood pressure, but researchers are learning more about how to lower blood pressure naturally by making better lifestyle choices.


Gordon, S. (2010). For lower blood pressure, low-carb diet may be best. Retrieved on January 29, 2010:….

Neergaard, L. (2010). More blood pressure worry: It's linked to dementia. Retrieved on January 29, 2010:…

University of Leicester (2009, June 26). Fish Protein Link To Controlling High Blood Pressure. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 29, 2010, from /releases/2009/06/090622064716.htm

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