The Best Years In Life

Use Vanilla And Other Remedies To Relieve And Prevent Headaches

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) For many people, vanilla may be the key for eliminating headaches. Vanilla extract contains eugenol, an essential oil that has antiseptic and analgesic properties and that helps unclog blood vessels.

The ancient Egyptians discovered that vanilla beans would cure a headache almost every time regardless of how serious the duration or intensity. Though they did not discover why vanilla worked, they found that it was three times more effective than their previous best treatment, turmeric.

One headache sufferer reported that nothing had worked for his constant headaches of 40 years until he turned to vanilla. He drank a tablespoon of pure vanilla extract in 8 ounces of water before going to bed, and the next morning the usual headache pain was only half its normal intensity. Two days later it was gone completely and hasn't returned in over a year.

If vanilla does not do the trick, here are some other natural headache remedies to try:

General Headaches

* Dull a tension headache by massaging a few drops of peppermint essential oil into your temples. Peppermint appears to prevent your body from sending pain signals to your central nervous system. According to one German study, peppermint works as well as 1,000 mg of acetaminophen.
* Mix one teaspoon of finely ground cinnamon (called dalchini in India) in one teaspoon water and apply to the forehead. This remedy can be very effective for headaches caused by exposure to cold air.
* Lying down in a dark room, and perhaps getting an hour or two of sleep, will almost always make you feel better.

Migraine Headaches

* To prevent and relieve migraines, grind a 1 inch piece of ginger root and add to an eight ounce glass of fruit juice; drink once daily. For more immediate relief take the piece of ginger root and chew on it. Ginger extract can also be used. Note: Ginger has quite the hot, spicy flavor but can offer quick migraine relief.
* Magnesium deficiency can cause migraines. Up to 95% of us are deficient in magnesium and taking 250 mg or more per day may be just the ticket to relieve migraines.
* Taking a hot shower followed by a cold shower of five minutes each, as hot and as cold as you can stand them, may relieve migraines in as little as 20 minutes. While you are in the shower, think pleasant thoughts and remind yourself that everything is OK and so are you.
* Grind lemon peels and apply as a paste on the forehead. Migraine cures using this remedy has been found very effective and long lasting by many.
* Use one of the following mixtures:
– 1) Mix 200 ml of spinach juice with 300 ml of carrot juice.
– 2) Mix 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices with 300 ml of carrot juice.
* Drink 2 tablespoons of vinegar
* Grind fresh ripe dark grapes and drink the pure juice.
* Blessed thistle, cayenne, chamomile, fennel, fenugreek, garlic, lobelia, thyme, and wood betony have all been used separately and in combination for migraines.

Sinus Headaches

* Eat a jalapeno pepper as soon as possible to help drain the sinuses and relieve the headache.
* Peppermint steam inhalation acts as a decongestant and can quickly relieve sinus headaches.
* Make a paste from dry ginger with a little water or milk and apply to the forehead.
* Take 10-15 basil leaves, 4 cloves and one teaspoon dried ginger, grind into a paste and apply to the forehead.
* Try a hot footbath along with a cold compress on the forehead.

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