by: Paul Fassa
(NaturalNews) It's ironic that in a state sponsored medical system such as England's, there has been a big push by the medical powers to eliminate funding for homeopathy. Homeopathic hospitals in England have budgets that are miniscule compared to what the government pays for allopathic institutional equipment and medical drugs. Homeopathy patients aren't complaining. So what's really behind this push.
A German physician, Samuel Hahnemann, started homeopathy in the late 1700s to early 1800s. This was a period when mainstream medicine consisted of using bloodsucking leeches, mercury, arsenic, and lead to treat illness.
Homeopathy caught on in other parts of Europe and North America during the mid-19th Century and beyond. John D. Rockefeller reportedly used homeopathy for him and his family, but he made sure his fledgling pharmaceutical interests and petroleum monopoly would benefit from the manufacture and prescription of petrochemical based pharmaceuticals.
He basically bankrolled medical education and licensing for allopathic practitioners to exclude both homoeopathists and herbalists. By the early 20th Century, The American Medical Association (AMA) became a major influence for deciding what is medicine and what is not.
Before the turn of the 20th Century, 43% of USA medical schools taught homeopathy. Now there are very few schools forced to specialize in that training, while all Rockefeller recognized medical schools teach pharmaceutical solutions. Homeopathy was put out of mainstream consciousness.
Homeopathy overview
Hahnemann conducted trials on volunteers and patients. This was truly evidence based medicine for establishing specific results. But his premises were unusual to the Western world.
Hahnemann believed that a vital energy runs through our bodies. This became known as vitalism. Chinese acupuncture had not arrived yet, so this was a startling position to assume. Acupuncture is based on chi energy (vital energies) that flow through our bodies.
But Hahnemann didn't try to figure out how to mechanically or electrically manipulate those vital energies. He assumed another unusual premise and took a strange approach to create preparations that could be taken orally for treatments.
First he decided that a substance producing symptoms similar to the symptoms of the ailment being treated could heal the ailment. This became known as the "law of similars". Since Hahnemann was using some toxic plant derivatives at first, he had to dilute those potions with water.
He soon discovered that increased dilutions proved to be even more potent than stronger solutions. First, a sample is taken from a mother solution. It is diluted, then shaken vigorously. It can be diluted again and again and shaken each time. This is known as potentization.
Even though a solution can be diluted to a point of containing only one molecule of the original substance, the potentized solutions offer healing by transferring the electromagnetic properties to the water with each shaking. This is how the vital energy or chi is influenced by homeopathic remedies.
This is too subtle for the average materialistic practitioners and research scientists. But with potentization, homeopathy presents no adverse effects. Of course, the mainstream medicos maintain that they're too weak to work.
But many homeopathic patients disagree. So the medicos respond that those successes are within a 30% placebo effect. How come they hurl the placebo effect rate at alternative medicines while excluding it from pharmaceutical "cures"?
The threat
Homeopathy requires dialogue between practitioner and patient to determine what's working, and to change the dilution according to the patient's changing needs. It is patient specific, efficacious, safe, and much less expensive than allopathic medicine. That's why it is being attacked, to eliminate worthy competition.