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Help Ron Paul Fight Big Government

by John Tate

Campaign for Liberty believes it is time to reform the way health care is delivered in America. Years of ruinous government intervention, excessive regulation, and corporatism have damaged the patient-doctor relationship and driven up consumer costs.

The solution to our health care dilemma will not come from some grand scheme concocted by the same people who ran our economy into the ground and who continue to accumulate trillions of dollars in debt.

It will come from choosing freedom by ending government meddling in health care, protecting patient privacy, returning more of our hard-earned tax dollars to us, and ensuring the federal government does not block any information about alternative treatments.

Congressman Ron Paul, an OB-GYN who has delivered more than 4,000 babies, has introduced several pieces of legislation in Congress to bring true change to health care and to protect the American people from further government intrusion.

H.R. 2629, the Coercion is Not Health Care Act, stops government from taking even more of our money and railroading us into its health care scheme by preventing any individual or agency in the federal government from requiring anyone to purchase health insurance. H.R. 2629 also prohibits conditioning the receipt of any government benefit or participation in any government program on the purchase or maintenance of health insurance.

H.R. 1495, the Comprehensive Health Care Reform Act of 2009, allows all Americans to pay their health care bills through the method that suits them best by providing all Americans with a tax credit for 100% of health care expenses (fully refundable against both income and payroll taxes), allowing individuals to roll over unused amounts in cafeteria plans and Flexible Savings Accounts (FSA), providing a tax credit for premiums for a high-deductible insurance policy connected with a Health Savings Account (HSA) and allowing seniors to use funds in an HSA to pay for a medigap policy, as well as making all medical expenses tax deductible by repealing the 7.5% threshold for the deduction of medical expenses.

H.R. 1498, the Freedom from Unnecessary Litigation Act of 2009, addresses rising medical malpractice costs by providing a tax credit for negative outcomes insurance purchased prior to medical treatment and by preventing medical malpractice awards obtained through binding arbitration from being taxed.

As Dr. Paul said in his speech introducing H.R. 1498, "Relying on negative outcomes insurance instead of litigation will also reduce the costs imposed on physicians, other health care providers, and hospitals by malpractice litigation."

H.R. 2630, the Protect Patients and Physicians Privacy Act, allows patients and physicians to opt-out of any government-mandated or -funded system of electronic health care records and repeals the federal law creating an "unique patient identifier." It also denies the use of federal funds to advance the use of standard unique health identifiers in any federal, state, or private health care plan.

H.R. 3394, the Freedom of Health Speech Act, requires the FTC to actually prove health care claims are false before preventing those claims from being made, and H.R. 3395, the Health Freedom Act, ends the FDA's attempts to censure truthful health claims.

These are just a few of steps Congressman Paul has taken in Congress to address the health care crisis.

Click here to get contact information for your representatives and urge them to support Dr. Paul's health care reform legislation.

And be sure to visit Dr. Paul's congressional website, where you can get information on all the legislation he has sponsored and cosponsored in the current Congress and several previous ones, read his speeches introducing his legislation and remarking on other efforts, and learn more about his work to restore respect for the Constitution in Washington.

The federal government has meddled in our health care affairs long enough. It's time to choose freedom.

It's time to make sure Americans can receive efficient, effective health care by unleashing the power of the free market.

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H1N1 National Emergency Declaration Could Invoke FEMA Response

by: Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) President Obama's declaration of a national pandemic emergency is "no cause for alarm," reported the mainstream media throughout the weekend. The declaration is nothing more than a "precaution," they say. "It's really more a continuation of our preparedness steps," said Anne Schuchat, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, in a USA Today story.

In other words, there's not really any emergency at all. So why declare a national emergency in the first place? The media reports this was done to allow hospitals to bypass federal regulations concerning the setting up of large-scale triage sites — emergency medical camps quickly constructed to deal with large numbers of sick people.

But at the same time, H1N1 isn't causing large-scale sickness. As USA Today reported, an expert on infectious disease, P.J. Brennan (the chief medical officer for the Penn Health System at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia) said, "The public ought to take some solace, some relief in this. It's not a suggestion that things have deteriorated in any way. In no way is the virus more severe or more difficult to manage."

So let me get this straight. The H1N1 virus remains mild. The CDC reports that swine flu infections already peaked out in mid-October. There have been no new developments in swine flu that would be cause for alarm and no reason to suspect huge numbers of sick people flooding into the hospitals. And yet, for some reason, the Obama administration has declared a national pandemic emergency specifically for the purpose of speeding the ability of hospitals to process large masses of sick people through emergency medical triage tents?

What are these people not telling us?

Something doesn't add up here. Why would the U.S. government need to declare a national emergency to enable hospitals to handle a flood of sick people when there is no flood of sick people (and the pandemic seems to be fizzling out)?

This is more like the kind of preparation you might expect in advance of a biological terrorism attack, not for a flu that appears no more dangerous than the seasonal sniffles.

The National Emergencies Act and FEMA
Meanwhile, the media ignores the rest of the story about what dangerous powers a declaration of a national emergency puts into play. As reported here on NaturalNews, this declaration effectively ends many civil liberties in America and, at least on paper, puts the U.S. government in the position of having the legal authority to force vaccinations on the entire population at gunpoint (if they wanted to).

The National Emergencies Act passed in 1976 has some peculiar realities attached to it. In particular, as Wikipedia reports:

A federal emergency declaration allows the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to exercise its power to deal with emergency situations … Typically, a state of emergency empowers the executive to name coordinating officials to deal with the emergency and to override normal administrative processes regarding the passage of administrative rules.

Got that yet? By declaring a national emergency, Obama invokes a set of laws that not only override important sections of the U.S. Constitution, but that also activate FEMA to take charge of "responding" to the emergency.

Now we know why they need all those emergency medical tent camps near the hospitals. FEMA's in charge! And if FEMA handles the swine flu pandemic in the same way the agency handled the Hurricane Katrina disaster, we may indeed need all those emergency triage tents after all.

Those of you who have been following the ongoing march to destroy the freedoms of the American People already know about FEMA camps. These aren't Boy Scout field trip camps; they're detention centers designed to hold large numbers of people for "emergency" purposes. Many theories abound on what these FEMA camps might be used for ( (….).

They could conceivably be used to quarantine people who are infected with a dangerous pandemic virus. On the other hand, they might also be used to isolated and detain people who refuse to be vaccinated against any declared pandemic. Under the National Emergencies Act and related U.S. law, FEMA would have two years of near-total control over the civilian population, during which people could be subjected to forced vaccinations, mandatory searches of their homes, gunpoint detainment and "involuntary transportation" to a FEMA detainment facility, and so on.

I'm not saying they're going to do all this, but they could if they wanted to!

And that's not freedom. Real freedom means you have the guaranteed right to be safe from being detained, or arrested without cause, or injected with a government-mandated chemical. Under a declaration of a national emergency, your "freedom" is at the whim of those who maintain police state powers over you. You're only "free" if they decide to refrain from exercising the power they have over you. It's the same kind of freedom you might get as a peasant in some Medieval kingdom where the king says, "You're free to go."

Now, some of these freedom-restricting actions might conceivably be justifiable if a truly dangerous pandemic virus were sweeping through the population killing millions, causing huge disruptions in the national infrastructure and threatening the nation with a partial or total shutdown of essential services. But that is not happening here. H1N1 is a mild virus that rates astonishingly low on the severity scale. If H1N1 were a hurricane, it would be little more than a "tropical depression." It is not a category five hurricane, nor a phase six pandemic. Virtually everyone who is exposed to H1N1 generates their own antibodies and cures themselves naturally. According to hospital reports, those who have died from the H1N1 virus are almost exclusively people who were already suffering from preexisting conditions that compromised their health such as asthma or extreme obesity.

By any measure, H1N1 as currently configured appears to present no extraordinary threat to the health of the population. So once again, we must ask: Why declare a national emergency and initiate a FEMA response to something that's not really an emergency?

Why I'm concerned
For the first time in this whole pandemic situation, I'm concerned. Not due to the virus itself, because that's a mild virus that presents no real threat to the population at large. I'm concerned about what we don't know might be going on behind the scenes here.

These preparations for large-scale medical triage tents and the emergency activation of FEMA have me worried that the American people aren't being told the whole story. Perhaps a terrorist organization is planning on releasing a wildly dangerous mutation of H1N1 in some major U.S. city. Or perhaps some vaccine maker is, in fact, that terrorist organization. (The best way to sell more vaccines would be to release a mutated form of H1N1 into the population and scare up some more sales…)

Or maybe, as some creative thinkers have suggested, the vaccine itself IS a bioweapon, and the U.S. government is preparation for large-scale fatalities it expects to see soon.

Or maybe these are just fleeting, dark visions from crazy people, and the U.S. government is a benevolent organization with all our best interests in mind, and they're jumping through these bureaucratic hoops to make sure there are plenty of hospital beds to go 'round just in case more people get really sick.

But even that explanation doesn't hold water. A "national emergency declaration" isn't necessary to waive hospital tent rules. Obama could have easily accomplished the same thing with an Executive Order, without having to invoke the National Emergencies Act or put FEMA in charge at all.

He chose the emergency declaration for a specific reason. I guess we'll all have to wait and see what that real reason turns out to be.

Forced Vaccination Protocol

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Obama’s H1N1 Emergency Declaration: Is Martial Law Unfolding?

by Kurt Nimmo

Obama has declared a 2009 H1N1 swine flu a national emergency. It is not clear if this declaration falls under the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601–1651). The act is not mentioned in media reports.

The National Emergencies Act was passed in 1976. It has been extended six times. In 2007, the declaration was strengthened with the issuance of National Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD-51) which gave the president the authority to do whatever he deems necessary in a vaguely defined “catastrophic emergency” including everything from canceling elections to suspending the Constitution.

NSPD-51 (National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive) is unconstitutional. It was created on May 4, 2007, as a “presidential directive” (bypassing Congress) and signed by George W. Bush. It claims the power to execute procedures for continuity of the federal government in the event of a “catastrophic emergency.” Such an emergency is construed as “any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions.”

In other words, it is a martial law directive. On May 10, 2007, The Washington Post characterized NSPD-51 is a “shadow government” directive.

The John Warner National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2007 states that the military may be used during a “national emergency.” Sec 1076 is extremely explicit, notes Michel Chossudovsky, and “virtually creates a Pinochet style environment for the mass arrest of political dissidents without trial, the storming of public rallies, etc.”

NDAA specifically mentions “epidemic” as an excuse to declare martial law.

Prior to Warner and NSPD-51, legislation passed by the Clinton administration allowed the military to intervene in judicial and civilian law enforcement activities. In 1996, legislation was passed which allowed the military to intervene in the case of a national emergency. In 1999, Clinton’s Defense Authorization Act (DAA) extended those powers (under the 1996 legislation) by creating an “exception” to the Posse Comitatus Act, which permits the military to be involved in civilian affairs “regardless of whether there is an emergency,” according to Chossudovsky.

In 2005, a month after Hurricane Rita, a so-called bird flu “crisis” was hyped by the government and the corporate media. “I am concerned about avian flu. I’m concerned about what an avian flu outbreak could mean for the United States and the world… I have thought through the scenarios of what an avian flu outbreak could mean,” Bush declared at the time. “One option is the use of a military that’s able to plan and move. So that’s why I put it on the table. I think it’s an important debate for Congress to have” (emphasis added).

Bush’s directive, signed two years later, did not bother to involve Congress in the “debate.”

Obama’s declaration of a national emergency sets the stage for forced vaccination and internment of people who refuse to be vaccinated.

In January, the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (HR 645) was introduced in Congress. It calls for the establishment of six national emergency centers in major regions in the US to be located on existing military installations to be used to quarantine people in the case of a public health emergency or forced vaccination program. HR 645 remains in committee.

The H1N1 “crisis” is a manufactured crisis. As noted earlier today, a CBS investigative report reveals that H1N1 flu cases are not as prevalent as we are told by the government, the CDC, WHO, and the corporate media. The so-called epidemic is bogus.

Millions of people are refusing to take the H1N1 vaccine. In the weeks ahead — if Obama’s emergency declaration falls under the above directives — we may witness a move toward martial law, forced vaccination, and internment of those who refuse.

At best, Obama’s declaration is a flimsy attempt to scare people into taking the toxic soft kill vaccination. Let’s hope this is the case.


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Gary Null Speaks Out Against Vaccines

Gary Null Speaking Out at the NYS Assembly Hearing (10-13-2009)

Forced Vaccination Protocol

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A Huge Number of Illnesses are Caused by Inflammation

by: Alex Howard

(NaturalNews) There is a surprising link between Heart Attacks, Cancer, Alzheimer's and other diseases. These other diseases include all forms of Autoimmune disorders including Arthritis and MS, Parkinson's, Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Obesity, Allergies including Asthma and Food Intolerances, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and many other pain disorders. And there is much evidence to suggest that the link is inflammation. The modern diet and lifestyle is likely to cause inflammation in the body, and this can lead to a variety of illnesses.

Inflammation is now the hottest area of medical research, as drug companies rush to find remedies for this modern day epidemic. Unfortunately, these drugs are generally dangerous and don't get to the root of the problem.

Inflammation is the age-old immunological defense mechanism that causes the area of tissue of an injury to become red, hot and swollen. Most of the time, inflammation is a lifesaver that enables our bodies to fend off various disease-causing bacteria, viruses and parasites. The inflammatory response should subside after it has fought off any invaders to an injury site and has allowed the healing to begin. However in certain circumstances, the inflammatory response fails to shut down and becomes chronic.

This is often due to poor dietary and lifestyle factors which promote chronic inflammation. Immune cells use "free radicals" to kill off pathogens and other foreign invaders. Free radicals (also known as reactive oxygen species) are unstable particles which puncture and damage cells around them. This is great for killing bacteria, but it can also damage healthy cells if allowed to become out of control. In a body with chronic inflammation, there is therefore increased free radical or "oxidative" stress in the body. Free radicals damage blood vessels, joints, cell membranes, nerves and just about any other part of the body – this is why chronic inflammation is so bad for us. Free radical stress is also essentially how we age.

The body has an army of natural defense against free radicals; these are known as anti-oxidants. In states of chronic inflammation, the body can become depleted of anti-oxidants, and hence free radical stress does a lot of damage. This in turn causes more inflammation and more free radicals! It is essential to break this cycle of damage by lowering factors which promote inflammation, and by boosting our anti-oxidant status through dietary and lifestyle changes.

One last point – do we want to "boost" our immune system if it is already "over-active" due to inflammation? The answer is yes and no! There is only one PART of the immune system which gets over-active and begins to create problems with inflammation. Another part of the immune system works along a different line of attack; it does not create inflammation, but does a very important job fighting off bacteria, parasites, cancers cells and viruses. Many people today have signs of inflammation, yet also come down with yeast infections, viruses, dental infections and so on. In a sense their immune system needs modulation, reduction of the pro-inflammatory side, and a boost to the other side which fights off the baddies without inflammation.

Risk factors which promote inflammation:

-A poor diet can create micro-nutrient deficiencies. Type "B" malnutrition is rampant in the Western countries. This is a diet high in calories but deficient in nutrients, resulting in obesity and poor health. Micro-nutrient deficiencies make us more susceptible to low grade infections such as helicobacter pylori (the cause of stomach ulcers), gum disease, recurrent urinary tract infections, and Chlamydia. All low grade chronic infections can set up a chronic inflammation in the body.

-Poor gut health. A significant part of the immune system is found in the gut. The immune system in the gut is one of the most important first lines of defense against the outside world; after all, it is the area where matter from the outside is brought inside the body. The gut contains many billions of bacteria; most of them are good and help promote good immunity as well as good digestion, and they help with the absorption of nutrients. However, if there is an over-growth of "bad bacteria", these produce toxins and trigger the immune system. This is known as gut dysbiosis and can trigger a systemic low grade inflammation throughout the body's immune system. A symptom of poor gut health are food intolerances. A diet low in fiber and high in saturated fat and sugar promotes gut dysbiosis. Constipation is very bad for your health!

-Stress causes inflammation through worsening gut health, makes the body more susceptible to chronic low grade infections and lowers the immunity to bacteria, viruses, parasites and so on. All of this can trigger inflammation. Stress can also reduce cortisol hormone levels if adrenals are exhausted, which is a natural anti-inflammatory hormone.

-Obesity. Fat cells behave like immune cells, spewing out messages to increase the inflammatory immune response. Therefore a sedentary lifestyle and a diet high in fat and sugar promote inflammation.

– Environmental pollution such as pesticides, heavy metals and other toxic chemicals from things like exhaust fumes and electrical appliances.

-Excessive sunlight since sun burn is free radical stress.

-Excessive exercise since the process of energy production produces free radicals as a by-product. Some exercise is good for you but overdoing it at the gym every day is very bad for you.

-Trans and hydrogenated fats made from over-heating vegetable oils. These are also found in processed and refined foods and deep fried foods.

-A diet deficient in anti-oxidants; (anti-oxidants can be found in most fruit and vegetables).

Enzymes Plus

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Florida is the “Colombia” of Prescription Medications

by: David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Florida has become the nation's capital for illegal acquisition of prescription medication, according to local and federal law enforcement officials.

"Broward County has become the Colombia for pharmaceutically diverted drugs," said Hollywood police Capt. Allen Siegel, who directs a narcotics task force. "We're supplying everywhere."

Florida's state laws have led to a thriving industry of clinics offering narcotic painkillers and other prescription drugs to anyone who walks in off the street, even from out of state. Some clinics advertise on bus benches, billboards or in weekly newspapers, while others offer incentives like coupons or even gasoline vouchers. Their patients come from all across the country, officials say.

"This medicine is about profit-making," said Mark Trouville, special agent in charge of the Miami office for the federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). "I hate to call them doctors. These people are just out to make money."

The DEA has opened up two units devoted entirely to South Florida pain clinics.

Florida's lax regulations not only allow walk-in prescriptions, they also allow doctors to distribute pills directly to patients, do not provide for tracking of prescriptions, and do not take away prescribing rights from doctors who have been convicted of crimes.

In the last six months of 2008, Broward County pain clinics alone distributed more than 6.5 million oxycodone pills, or nearly four for every county resident. The county is home to 33 of the top oxycodone prescribers in the country, and the top 50 are all in Florida. The state is the biggest distributor of the drug in the United States, beating out California (which has twice the population) by 40 percent.

Officials believe that the Florida clinics have contributed significantly to the state's recent surge in deaths from prescription-drug overdoses. The number of these deaths increased by 107 percent between 2005 and 2007, and has continued to rise since then.

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Still Alive & Well – Confirmed Sodium Bicarbonate Cancer Cure

by Mark Sircus Ac., OMD 

Well I am just delighted to share with you that I just got off the phone with Vernon Johnston, the gentleman that reached out to me when I was finishing my Sodium Bicarbonate book. He was the fellow who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer with metastasis to the bones. This was over 15 months ago and I wrote up his story and shared his treatment diary in my Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment bicarbonate book. He was going to do a cesium chloride treatment but because his order got lost in the mail ended up doing sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) orally, managed to get his urinary pH up to 8.5 for five days and then within two weeks was back at his oncologists office for a test, which showed his bones being cleared of his cancer.

"Cancer tried to kill me. After a struggle or two, or three, or four, or more I said, "No!" Or at least I was hoping for a "No."  I turned to Cesium, but ended up with Baking Soda. My goal was to change my pH quickly. I knew little or next to nothing what pH, Alkaline or Acidic meant. Happily I found out," said        Vernon Johnston.

     Talking to him on the phone was really nice for he seems just so full of life and is obviously alive and in very fine health and has not seen a doctor in a year. Now that is really good news. Dr. Tullio Simoncini would have said this is impossible for he believes that even his expensive treatment with IVs would not do the job but he was wrong and that is why I call for universal oral use in all cancers coupled with intensive transdermal use as well.

     Vernon was written up in the Valley News this week and his new site can be seen at If you are anywhere near Anza California this next weekend you can go to a free workshop (I suggest giving a donation) he will be giving on what he has been able to achieve independent of the medical establishment with sodium bicarbonate and breathing (also very important for increasing O2 levels) and some other health practices that have given him a completely new lease on life. (I owe my readership an essay on breathing for healing. I will say though that after talking to him and reading his page on breathing I was inspired this morning to do my own conscious breathing and I am ashamed for saying so little about this in my work.)

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is the time honored method to
'speed up' the return of the body’s bicarbonate levels to normal.
 Sodium bicarbonate happens to be one of our most useful
medicines in existence treating as it does basic human physiology.
                                                    Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment

     I make it very clear in my Sodium Bicarbonate book that I do not believe in single solutions or cures for cancer being a full protocol practitioner. My overall treatment philosophy for cancer is to trap the cancer in a deadly crossfire and beat the crap out of it with safe concentrated nutritional medicinals and solid health practices including plenty of sun exposure, exercise, touch via massage, and breathing techniques that you can see on Vernon’s site. But, as Vernon’s case demonstrates, the sodium bicarbonate is the lead Panzer Division that has the power to kick ass pretty much all by itself.

Sodium bicarbonate is the least expensive, safest and perhaps
most effective cancer medicine there is. Sodium Bicarbonate
is a nothing to lose everything to gain treatment for cancer.
                                                   Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment

     Not sorry for the street language here because this is important information for humanity and in my Winning the War on Cancer book I use this analogy quite liberally. Even something as Yin as breathing can be used in quite a Yang way. Though I believe there are a hundred cures for cancer, many of them very good, and though I like to combine the strongest of them together into a comprehensive protocol, sodium bicarbonate is a no brainer that even the poorest person can afford and the richest man should use. Same can be said of iodine and magnesium chloride and it is heartening to hear more and more people using this combination.

     The bad news is that people are dropping like flies all over the world from escalating cancer because of increased toxins in the air, water and food (mercury pollution for instance is still increasing and now they want to vaccinate the world with mercury containing swine flu and influenza vaccines) there is more uranium in the air because of the use of depleted uranium weapons by the American Military. Of course the quality of water most people are drinking and the stress levels from the death throes of the vicious corporate capitalist system is not helping anyone’s immune system.

     Vernon reminded me that originally Dr. Simoncini did not endorse any use of oral bicarbonate but it seems they have had a change of heart and at least are recommending it for certain cancers. I really do not understand what is going on with Dr. Simoncini and his followers. I tried to sign onto a yahoo group dedicated to his protocol and they rejected my application. My assistant Claudia French RN said after carefully reading their information that she felt they were closed minded and were not interested in the alkaline effect of sodium bicarbonate, which of course is absolutely bizarre since it is one of its main effects. Dr. Simoncini seems stuck on his Candida theory and the anti fungal properties of backing soda and just really does not want to look too deeply into bicarbonates medical profile, which includes rushing more Oxygen to cancer cells through radical pH shifts and increased CO2 levels.

     I am not against the use of IVs and recently talked to a doctor in Africa who uses them to great effect against cancer and AIDS. I will not share her name openly at this point but I have known her for quite some time and am deeply impressed with her medical finesse. She says:

     “If Simoncini is correct that cancer is fungus the MMS, which becomes chlorine dioxide in the body given intravenously will kill off the fungus in the body. The MMS is quite foul and distresses many peoples’ stomachs so the reason it is given intravenously is that you can get a higher dose in without the same side effects. Also I found my patients had side effects from the bicarbonate IVs using Simoncini’s protocol so I give it orally. So we get the same effect just administering the agents differently. I found this worked best for the patients I was treating. It so easy to give and does not give any discomfort.

     My protocol for treating people is to give them magnesium and B6 with sodium chlorite intravenously and iodine and sodium bicarbonate orally. I premix magnesium sulfate or magnesium chloride and pyridoxine in a 200ml bag of saline, as follows: 40 ml magnesium 50% and pyridoxine 100mg/ml 40ml into the saline. I draw up 10ml 0f this mixture and that is given slowly intravenously via a 23 butterfly needle. This is followed by a 20ml syringe filled as follows.1-2 ml 28% sodium chlorite and 5% glucose to fill the 20ml syringe. This mixture is sometimes activated with 2ml of citric acid 10% and the sodium chlorite solution is reduced to 1/2 ml instead of the 1-2ml.

     So I am giving 30 ml into a vein. They feel of course the hot rush from the magnesium but they actually enjoy it because it does all the good magnesium things. Depending on the patient I do this either weekly or sometimes up to three times a week. I have these patients take half to a full teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate morning and evening and giving iodine mixed right into the bicarbonate. If it is a cancer patient I give a product with three types of vitamin C (ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbic and magnesium ascorbic which is mixed with L-Lysine but a few hours after the administration of the IV.

     I have a doctor friend in Moscow who uses the MMS transdermally driving it in with DMSO and he also reports good results but I have never been very comfortable with the mania around MMS and the way it is marketed and put out with religious fever. I have heard of many bad stories but I have to concede to some good ones as well and my doctor friends seem to have avoided the down side by cutting out the use of it orally in favor of intravenous and transdermal application.

     So Vernon is alive and well. Now of course he is not the only cancer survivor and many have made it through various natural means and some few even despite chemo and radiation therapy, which most alternative practitioners believe made cancer more not less dangerous. After all orthodox oncologists use treatments that cause cancer to cure it so we cannot expect life enhancing results. Surgical intervention, toxic chemo and radiation all are known to facilitate or cause cancer.

     What is remarkable about Vernon’s case is that his result, and the same goes for Dr. Simoncini’s patients, shows a clear cause and effect relationship between cancer, its elimination and sodium bicarbonate, that simple household item that doubles behind hospital doors as an emergency room medicine. Yes some precautions need to be taken but most people can learn to use it themselves safely like Vernon did. In my book much is explained for professional and patient alike but one does not need to fully understand bicarbonate no physiology to brush ones teeth with bicarbonate (which I highly recommend for everyone) or take it from the minute, or even way before one suspects one has cancer.

The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our body.
Chronic over acidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked
will interrupt all cellular activities and functions. In other words,
over acidity interferes with life itself. It is at the root of cancer.

     Everyone should buy some pH strips and become familiar with this invisible side of our lives. It is sad that our schools do not teach us the rudiments of health and even medicine because it is not that difficult to fathom or practice. I intend to commit more time and energy to bring the bicarbonate story to the world for it seems like the message is not getting out enough and many still don’t get how simple it is. When I read the Cancer Tutor site’s information I felt sad because it so misinforms with such little information an extremely valuable and amazingly inexpensive basic treatment for cancer.



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Prevent Breast Cancer with Vitamin D and a Vegan Diet

by: Allison Biggar

(NaturalNews) In 1940, the risk of a woman getting breast cancer was one in 20. Today that number is one in eight. Risk factors for breast cancer include genetics, family history, and diet. Western diets have changed dramatically since 1950- and not for the better. As our food is filled with more preservatives, toxins, and unnatural fillers and as fast food restaurants appear on every corner, cancer rates consequently have skyrocketed.

The best cure is prevention. The National Cancer Institute estimates that as much as 80% of cancer cases are preventable. Maintaining a healthy diet is the number one thing you can do to prevent yourself from getting breast cancer. A diet low in sugar, dairy, and meat and high in leafy greens, fruits and vitamin D can prevent disease and promote well-being.

Vitamin D is an immune system booster that aids the body in attacking breast cancer cells by preventing them from dividing and multiplying. "Vitamin D is a key component in helping the body respond to many different kinds of assaults and stimuli," says Robert Heaney, Ph.D., professor of medicine at Creighton University. "In the absence of it, you're asking the body to defend itself with one hand tied behind its back."

You can get vitamin D from mushrooms, dark leafy green vegetables, fish oil, soymilk and rice milk. In the summer, spend some time in the sun. Sunlight exposure stimulates vitamin D production in the skin. According to Dr. Oz, host of The Dr. Oz Show, fair-skinned people need about 10-15 minutes of sunshine a day while darker skinned individuals can benefit from up to an hour of sun exposure. In the winter months Dr. Oz recommends taking vitamin D supplements.

In addition to getting enough vitamin D, maintaining a healthy diet is key to breast cancer prevention. Breast cancer survivor Elaine Sloan attributes her vegan diet to keeping her cancer-free for 17 years since her diagnosis.

"Before my mastectomy, I ate lots of eggs, cheese, and other dairy products," says Sloan. "I knew I had to make some changes if I wanted to live a long, healthy life. My son suggested I consider a vegan diet. After reading that high-fat diets may well contribute to breast cancer, I knew that going vegan would be a step in saving my life in the future."

Studies have shown that a diet high in animal products and dairy- which is full of hormones and saturated fat- can cause breast cancer, while vegan diets can help prevent and even reverse it. A vegan diet is a plant-based diet where all animal products such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and dairy are avoided.

There are several ways that a vegan diet reduces the risk of breast cancer. When our body is overloaded with toxins, it is unable to fight off disease. However, the body naturally wants to heal itself and we can help it do that by eating the proper nutrition. According to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, "People consuming a low-fat vegetarian diet tend to have higher levels of natural killer cells, which appear to make the immune system more effective in destroying tumors."

A diet high in animal fat, especially the carcinogens found in cooked red meat, and the fat-soluble hormones found in milk from cows can be toxic to your system. According to Arthur Upton, former Director of The National Cancer Institute, "Both breast cancer and colon cancer have been generally associated with the level of consumption of animal fat."

A diet high in fruits and vegetables is beneficial because of the phytochemicals found in produce, which aid the immune system in destroying tumors. Plant-based dieters tend to get the recommended amount of servings of produce while those following a typical Western diet do not.

Western countries have much higher rates of breast cancer than Asian countries such as Japan where the diet is much lower in animal fat. When Japanese women are raised on Western diets, their breast cancer risk dramatically increases.

"A Harvard Medical School study of more than 90,000 women revealed that the women who ate the most meat were nearly twice as likely to develop breast cancer as those who did not eat much meat," says Sloan. "Personally, I don't need another study to tell me that meat, eggs, and dairy products are unhealthy and vegan foods are wholesome and beneficial. I can feel the difference for myself."

Following a vegan diet has many health benefits. "Since I switched to a vegan diet, my energy level has increased, my cholesterol level has decreased, and I feel healthier overall," says Sloan. "But the best health benefit is the peace of mind I get from knowing that I'm much less likely to have a breast cancer relapse."

The Best Years In Life

Breast Cancer Deception Month: Hiding the Truth Beneath a Sea of Pink, Part I

by: Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month again and from shore to shore the country is awash in a sea of pink – from pink ribbons and donation boxes to pink products, charity promotions, celebrities by the score and even pink cleats on NFL players. Tragically, most people are unaware of the dark history of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) and of the players past and present who have misused it to direct people and funds away from finding a true cure while covering up their own roles in causing and profiting from cancer.

The Founding of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Most people are unaware that the BCAM idea was conceived and paid for by the British chemical company Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), a company that both profited from the ever-growing cancer epidemic and contributed to its causes. The American subsidiary of Imperial Chemical Industries, ICI/Astra-Zeneca, manufactures tamoxifen, the world`s top-selling cancer drug used for breast cancer. ICI itself is in the business of manufacturing and selling synthetic chemicals and is one of the world's largest producers and users of chlorine.

Although BCAM was co-founded along with two non-profit organizations and although some big name companies were quick to associate with BCAM, for the first several years, BCAM`s bills were paid by ICI's Zeneca Pharmaceuticals.

As the controlling sponsor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), Zeneca was able to approve – or veto – any promotional or informational materials, posters, advertisements, etc. that BCAM uses. The focus is strictly limited to information regarding early detection and treatment, avoiding the topic of prevention and the role toxins may play. A further look at the major players in breast cancer awareness may give plenty of insight as to why a growing number of critics are asking why such is the case.

Take Zeneca for example; it later merged into Astra-Zeneca and in 2008, ICI/Astra-Zeneca changed its name to AzkoNobel and reported annual sales of over 22 Billion Dollars. ICI has long been among the world's largest manufacturers of pesticides, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. Its Perry, Ohio, chemical plant was once identified as the third-largest source of potential cancer-causing pollution in the United States, releasing 53,000 pounds of recognized carcinogens into the air in 1996.

After Zeneca acquired the Salick chain of cancer treatment centers in 1997 and then merged with the Swedish pharmaceutical company Astra to form AstraZeneca, creating the world`s third-largest drug concern, Dr. Samuel Epstein, a professor of occupational and environmental medicine at the University of Illinois School of Public Health stated, "This is a conflict of interest unparalleled in the history of American medicine."

"You`ve got a company that`s a spinoff of one of the world`s biggest manufacturers of carcinogenic chemicals, they`ve got control of breast cancer treatment, they`ve got control of the chemoprevention [studies], and now they have control of cancer treatment in eleven centers – which are clearly going to be prescribing the drugs they manufacture."

The breakdown of $14 Billion in profits for ICI in 1997 was 49 percent from pesticides and other industrial chemicals, another 49 percent from pharmaceutical sales, and the remaining 2 percent from health care services including 11 cancer treatment centers. Zeneca's herbicide acetochlor is classified by the EPA as a "probable human carcinogen", and AstraZeneca sold it until a corporate reorganization in 2000, accounted for around $300 million in sales in 1997. Their product tamoxifen citrate (Nolvadex) accounted for $500 million in 1997 sales. Cancer prevention would clearly conflict with Zeneca's business plan.

Quickly jumping onboard the tamoxifen bandwagon was the National Cancer Institute, which announced in April 1998 that breast cancer could be "prevented" by treating women continuously with a powerful drug called tamoxifen. The New York Times editorialized on April 8th that treating women with tamoxifen is a "breast cancer breakthrough." However, The Times acknowledged that treating 1,000 women with tamoxifen for five years would prevent 17 breast cancers but would cause an additional 12 cases of endometrial cancer and 20 cases of serious blood clots in the same 1,000 women.

As recent studies have shown, the risks implied in those less-than breakthrough figures were vastly understated. Last month, Natural News reported a study just published in Cancer Research which concluded that long-term use of tamoxifen increases the risk of getting aggressive cancer in the other breast by 440 percent.


Other large corporations which contribute to breast cancer awareness also have a vested interest in breast cancer. General Electric sells upwards of $100 million annually in mammography machines. General Electric has also been a major polluter of carcinogenic PCBs in the Hudson River. An estimated million pounds of PCBs lie buried at the bottom of a 40-mile stretch of the Hudson, where GE dumped PCB oil until the mid-1970s, contaminating the entire 200-mile length of the river below Hudson Falls

DuPont, another huge chemical company and major polluter, supplies much of the film used in mammography machines. Both DuPont and GE aggressively promote mammography screening of women in their 40s, despite the risk of its contributing to breast cancer in that age group. And while biotech giant Monsanto sponsors Breast Cancer Awareness Month's high profile event, the Race for the Cure, it continues to profit from the production of many known carcinogens.

Another large player is Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS), with their Tour of Hope and promotions such as 10 cent donations for drug store sales of selected BMS products. BMS is also the manufacturer of Taxol (under the trade name of Paclitaxel), considered to be "the gold standard" of chemo drugs. As Natural News reported earlier this month, the so-called gold standard has more than lost its luster, as was presented at 27th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium:

"German investigators from Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena, have shown that taxol (the "gold standard of chemo") causes a massive release of cells into circulation.

"Such a release of cancer cells would result in extensive metastasis months or even years later, long after the chemo would be suspected as the cause of the spread of the cancer. This little known horror of conventional cancer treatment needs to be spread far and wide, but it is not even listed in the side effects of taxol."


The list of corporate donors and players in Breast Cancer Awareness goes on and on, including other chemical and pharmaceutical companies, cosmetic companies, fast food restaurants, donut and cookie makers, and many more. They all share the common traits of promoting "awareness" which does not include the role their own products play, and promoting early screening through mammograms. Likewise, other charities and foundations, and their sponsors, have joined the pink bandwagon. Once again, they have common links of promoting early detection, primarily through mammograms, and of remaining mostly silent about toxins and other environmental factors.

In part two of this series we will take a look at the some of the other foundations and charities that have become involved in Breast Cancer Awareness, including The American Cancer Society – "the world`s wealthiest non-profit organization".

Featured Articles

The Real Reason Why Drug Companies are Pushing More Vaccines

by: Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) There's a new vaccine for nicotine addiction, and another one for drug addiction. There's an AIDS vaccines (which doesn't work) and a vaccine for cervical cancer that's been approved for use on boys (boys don't have a cervix). Through the pharmaceutical industry, the big push for vaccines is on!

But why, exactly? Is there suddenly a new rash of epidemic disease requiring vaccine treatments? No, not really. What's new is the way Big Pharma is latching on to these diseases as new opportunities to sell more drugs.

There's a huge shift underway from drugs designed for sick people to a whole new class of drugs manufactured for healthy people. The new paradigm is that people need drugs before they get sick, as a sort of "protection" against sickness. Drugs, in essence, are being positioned as nutrients — things the human body needs in order to be healthy. And from the moment you're born, you're considered deficient in these drugs. That's why babies are injected with vaccines within minutes after being born. There's a strong belief in the medical industry that babies are born deficient in vaccines and that such deficiencies must be "corrected" as soon as possible.

This simple but powerful shift in the marketing strategy of Big Pharma has expanded the potential customer based from a subset of the population (people who are sick) to the entire world population. Now, everybody needs a vaccine for something say the drug companies. All that's necessary for the financial success of these scheme is to convince sick people that they need more drugs (or vaccines), and that's easily accomplished through disease mongering campaigns (like the current fear push over H1N1 swine flu).

Bypassing the need for scientific evidence

There's another important shift taking place alongside the big vaccine push: A shift away from "evidence-based medicine" to a new medical paradigm of "dogmatic belief."

Medicines that treat sick people, you see, have to be proven to work. There have to be clinical trials, and some percentage of those sick people (only 5% or so, typically) have to show some sort of improved response after taking the medicine. This is the so-called "gold standard" of modern medicine. But with vaccines, no proof of efficacy is required. No placebo-controlled studies need to be conducted at all. Vaccines can be openly marketed and prescribed without any evidence that they actually work.

This is the new "free pass" for Big Pharma — a class of medicine that requires no proof! They merely need to be injected into a few hundred people who are observed for as little as two weeks to see if anybody died or collapses into a coma. That's all the testing that's required (and sometimes even less). No long-term safety tests are required or pursued, and, importantly, there is no requirement that the vaccine proves it actually works to reduce flu infections (or HPV infections, etc.).

In essence, by pushing for a vaccine approach to virtually everything, including nicotine addictions, the pharmaceutical industry has transformed itself from a small industry that only served sick people with scientifically-proven medicines to a huge global industry that sells vaccines to everyone and needs no proof that they even work. By any assessment, it's a brilliant strategy for increasing pharmaceutical profits.

At the same time, it's a hazardous approach to public health. Even while vaccines provide little or no benefit to the people who get them, they do present very real risks of serious harm. Teen girls have died horrible deaths following HPV vaccine injections (…), and routine vaccines for children continue to inject them with levels of mercury so high that even the EPA considers vaccine liquids to be toxic waste (…).

Meanwhile, billions of dollars are being spent on seasonal flu vaccines and H1N1 vaccines without a shred of evidence that they actually work. The profitable sale of these vaccines to world governments was so easy and so lucrative that it's gotten the attention of drug companies. We're onto something! Vaccines are Big Pharma's new gold. They rake in the big dollars, they need no proof that they work, and as an added bonus, drug companies have been granted full legal immunity against all side effects by the U.S. governments!

From the point of view of the drug makers, there's no risk involved in vaccines. There's no risk of scientific failure since no studies are being done to even question the efficacy of the vaccines. And there's no risk of being sued over side effects since these companies enjoy blanket immunity. It's all pure profit with no downside. This is the real reason why drug companies are looking for more vaccines to push.

A vaccine for boredom?

Ten years ago, the idea of mandating a cervical cancer vaccine to teenage girls would have seemed ludicrous. But today, it's the law in many states. It's easy to push, too, since they can always say it's being done for "public benefit." (Although, in reality, the primary beneficiary is Big Pharma.)

Now, the drug companies are pushing theories that diseases like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are caused by a virus or that prostate cancer is caused by a virus. These are attempts to establish a justification for future vaccines against such conditions. If drug companies can convince the medical authorities that a virus is responsible for heart disease, or cancer, or diabetes, then they can promote vaccines for those things, too.

Before long, every human being will be targeted with a hundred or more vaccines for diseases they don't even have!

It's only a matter of time before Big Pharma decides to start pushing vaccines for psychiatric disorders. Feeling bored? There will be a vaccine for boredom. Having trouble concentrating? Watch for a vaccine to be announced for ADHD. Afraid of public speaking? You'll probably see a vaccine promoted for "social anxiety disorder" sooner or later.

Although this sounds utterly ridiculous right now, don't discount the ability of the pharmaceutical industry to reshape the entire dialog about mental disorders and vaccines. They've already proven their ability to turn normal human experiences into psychiatric disorders requiring pharmaceutical intervention, and most conventional health professionals have bought into it. Pushing vaccines for psychiatric disorders is the next great untapped market for drug companies. All that's required is to first convince the public that viruses or chemicals are involved in brain disorders.

Believe or it not, this line has already been crossed with the recently announced nicotine vaccine. Nicotine isn't a virus, obviously. So how can drug companies claim a vaccine works to stop the nicotine habit?

It's easy: Instead of targeting a virus, the nicotine vaccine targets a molecule (the nicotine molecule). So now, drug makers can claim their vaccines can grant immunity to virtually any chemical or substance. And since psychiatric disorders are already blamed on "chemical imbalances in the brain," the groundwork has already been laid for the pushing of vaccines for such "chemical imbalances."

In fact, to take this one step further, keep in mind that according to the psychiatric disease "bible" (the DSM-IV), the very act of defying conventional wisdom is, all by itself, a psychiatric disorder. It's called "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" or ODD. (I'm not making this up.) You can be diagnosed with ODD simply by arguing with your psychiatrist over the validity of whether the disorder itself actually exists. If you frequently disagree with authorities (like the FDA), you might also be labeled ODD.

If the current health regime is allowed to continue in America, I can easily imagine a day when anyone who disagrees with vaccinations is immediately "diagnosed" with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and injected with a psychiatric vaccine designed to "cure" the "disorder." Effectively, it will be a chemical lobotomy.

To fully understand where this can lead, I urge you to visit CCHR's museum called Psychiatry An Industry of Death (…) where you'll tour the horrific history of so-called "psychiatric medicine." It's free. Just tell 'em you're a reader of NaturalNews and Mike Adams sent you. Reserve about 2 hours for the tour, and don't eat much beforehand because you just might lose your lunch. When you see what psychiatrists have done to human beings in the name of medicine, you'll be absolutely outraged. The street address of the museum is 6616 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90028. Call 1-800-869-2247 to make a reservation for yourself or a group.

Vaccines are the new holocaust. And just as drug companies were once involved in the Nazi-era experiments conducted on human beings, those same companies are now engaged in poisoning humans for profit.

Watch for Big Pharma to place even more emphasis on vaccines in the next decade. For them, it's easy money. But for public health, it's a disaster.