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Flood Your Body with Oxygen

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) The most overlooked solution to all manner of illness and disease is perhaps the simplest. All pathogens, viruses, and parasites are anaerobic. They thrive in the absence of oxygen, but cannot survive with an abundance of oxygen. Even cancer cells cannot exist in oxygen. They depend on fermenting glucose to survive and multiply.

Oxy-Gen Caps

Oxy-Gen Liquid

The most common and effective therapy for oxygenating is ozone therapy, which was practiced in the USA from the late 19th Century through the 1940s. But since the 1940s the FDA has come down hard on ozone therapy in the USA, while much of Europe, Russia, Cuba, and Mexico use ozone therapy now and continue to prove its efficacy without side effects.

Ozone Therapy

So if oxygenating is so great, then why aren't emphysema patients able to walk out of their wheelchairs? The O2 oxygen supplied by those canisters helps people breathe, but doesn't create the process of internally manufacturing detoxifying enzymes. The O3 ozone has an unstable atom that breaks away as O1, which penetrates tissue and serum cells more rapidly than O2, initiates unique metabolic processes. Both healing and detoxification occur rapidly as a result.

Ozone therapy is currently used successfully in Germany, Spain, Russia, the Caribbean, Mexico, Cuba and other nations. The results are astounding, and there are no adverse effects. Ozone is normally administered as a liquid by IV or injection and simultaneously as a gas though a tube placed in the anus. Because of potential Herxheimer reactions ("healing crisis" from toxins released) that can discourage one from continuing, full percentage dosages are not administered until the fourth session.

Then the next four sessions are for healing at full strength. A clinical evaluation is made after each series of four sessions, each of which takes no more than a half hour. The results are often dramatic. Most chronic diseases and cancers are cured completely in less time than most other alternative treatments take.

Ozone therapy is often used simply to improve health by intense detoxification, even for those who are not suffering from a particular disease. Of course, doctors were not taught this in medical schools. Those health practitioners who are interested have to receive special training at specialized facilities.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is often effective by placing the patient in a highly pressurized chamber of pure oxygen. This more expensive method requires specially trained personnel as well as special bulky equipment.

Oxygenating at Home

Non IV use ozone generators for home use are available for ozonating water and purifying air, even for absorbing ozone anally or vaginally. But the manufacturers of these devices are often harassed or shut down by the FDA.

Food grade H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide can be mixed with water and consumed as a method of oxygenating serum and tissue cells. Food grade means it's pure and without stabilizers, making it safe for consumption if properly diluted. The over the counter is H2O2 3.5% non-food grade. The 35% food grade H2O2 has to be properly diluted.

But handling 35% hydrogen peroxide is dangerous since it is so caustic if not properly diluted. It can burn. So now there are lower percentage and safer food grade hydrogen peroxides available, as low as 12%.

Since "Mr. Oxygen" McCabe's book Flood Your Body With Oxygen as well as his videos, audios, and live lecture tours, several "designer supplements" that create oxygen in the body have emerged for health conscious consumers. They are usually mixed in water and consumed without the hassle of ordering food grade H2O2 and diluting it properly for consumption.

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Feds Gestapo Raids Amish Dairy Over Raw Milk Sales

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The U.S. government gestapo is at it again in its crusade against raw milk. Recently, the jackboots swarmed a Pennsylvania Amish man's private dairy farm for the second time, falsely accusing him of violating the ridiculous prohibition on selling raw milk across state lines.

The group began to interrogate Allgyer, and served him a warrant claiming they had "credible evidence" that he was involved in interstate commerce involving raw milk. According to Allgyer's personal account, upon being questioned as to why the agents were at the farm so early when the warrant clearly stated that it was valid only at "reasonable times during ordinary business hours", one of them retorted that "ordinary business hours for agriculture start at 5 a.m."

After scouring farm equipment and taking a bunch of pictures, the agents eventually left. But the next morning, Allgyer received an overnight, urgent letter from officials about "regulatory action" that would be taken if he failed to take "corrective action".

Some people might not know this, but according to the precedent set by the Wickard v. Filburn case, practically everything can now be considered to affect "interstate commerce" and thus fall under federal jurisdiction. In the little-known case, then President Franklin Roosevelt coerced the Supreme Court into supporting certain New Deal proposals that revolutionized the definition of "interstate commerce".

Wickard v. Filburn had to do with a farmer who was growing too much wheat during a time when there were wheat quotas. To make a long story short, the courts established that even growing your own wheat and feeding it to your cattle falls under the banner of "interstate commerce" because there is the potential to affect interstate commerce.

It is under this faulty premise that federal and state agents are challenging Farmer Allgyer and others who may be selling raw milk products directly to consumers. Though Allgyer is running a private farm, federal agents are operating on illegitimate precedent by accusing him of being involved in interstate commerce.

Featured Articles

Music Benefits the Brain, Research Reveals

by: S. L. Baker

(NaturalNews) Northwestern University scientists have pulled together a review of research into what music — specifically, learning to play music — does to humans. The result shows music training does far more than allow us to entertain ourselves and others by playing an instrument or singing. Instead, it actually changes our brains.

The paper, just published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, is a compilation of research findings from scientists all over the world who used all kinds of research methods. The bottom line to all these studies: musical training has a profound impact on other skills including speech and language, memory and attention, and even the ability to convey emotions vocally.

So what is it that musical training does? According to the Northwestern scientists, the findings strongly indicate it adds new neural connections — and that primes the brain for other forms of human communication.

In fact, actively working with musical sounds enhances neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to adapt and change. "A musician's brain selectively enhances information-bearing elements in sound. In a beautiful interrelationship between sensory and cognitive processes, the nervous system makes associations between complex sounds and what they mean," Nina Kraus, lead author of the Nature paper and director of Northwestern's Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, explained in a statement to the media. "The efficient sound-to-meaning connections are important not only for music but for other aspects of communication."

For example, researchers have found that musicians are better than non-musicians in learning to incorporate sound patterns for a new language into words. Their brains also appear to be primed to comprehend speech in a noisy background.

What's more, children who have had music lessons tend to have a larger vocabulary and better reading ability than youngsters who haven't had any musical training. And children with learning disabilities, who often have a hard time focusing when there's a lot of background noise, may be especially helped by music lessons. "Music training seems to strengthen the same neural processes that often are deficient in individuals with developmental dyslexia or who have difficulty hearing speech in noise," Dr. Kraus stated.

The Northwestern researchers concluded their findings make a case for including music in school curriculums. "The effect of music training suggests that, akin to physical exercise and its impact on body fitness, music is a resource that tones the brain for auditory fitness and thus requires society to re-examine the role of music in shaping individual development," they wrote.

In addition to musical training, listening to music has also been shown to have some remarkable beneficial effects on the body. For example, as NaturalNews has previously reported, Tel Aviv University scientists found that premature infants exposed to thirty minutes of Mozart's music daily grew far more rapidly than premature babies not exposed to classical music and researchers at the University of Florence in Italy documented that listening to classical, Celtic or Indian (raga) music once a day for four weeks significantly reduced the blood pressure in people suffering from hypertensio.

Featured Articles

Pharmaceutical Drug Contamination Threatens Life On Earth

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) The President's Cancer Panel (PCP) recently released its yearly report to the President outlining the status of cancer in America. This year's report focuses primarily on environmental factors that contribute to cancer risk. According to the report, pharmaceutical drugs are a serious environmental pollutant, particularly in the way they continue to contaminate waterways across the country (and the world).

Many reports have recently appeared about pharmaceutical contamination of water supplies, rivers, lakes and other waterways, but spokespersons from the drug and chemical industries have denied that this pollution poses any risk whatsoever to the environment. But this report, issued directly from PCP, provides a stunning indictment of the dangers associated with pharmaceutical pollution.

The executive summary of the PCP report includes the following statements:

"[P]harmaceuticals have become a considerable source of environmental contamination. Drugs of all types enter the water supply when they are excreted or improperly disposed of; the health impact of long-term exposure to varying mixtures of these compounds is unknown."

It's important to note that PCP is required by law to assess the National Cancer Program and offer a truthful evaluation of the various things it finds to be responsible for causing cancer. The panel is a division of the National Cancer Institute itself, so its findings hold fairly considerable weight in the scientific world (or they should, if the reaction wasn't so politicized).

The report itself is quite extensive, evaluating everything from the environmental and health impacts of drug and pesticide pollution to cell phone radiation and nuclear testing residue. But the section on pharmaceutical drugs is especially interesting when considering the fact that numerous reports have shown that drugs and drug residue that ends up in water supplies typically isn't filtered out by municipal treatment plants.

No laws exist to protect the public from pharmaceuticals
Many chemicals are highly regulated because they are known to negatively affect human and environmental health. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is tasked with regulating exposure to these chemicals, but pharmaceuticals are not included in its regulatory scheme. Despite years of prodding by environmental scientists, the EPA has given very little attention to the dangers posed by widespread pharmaceutical contamination.

According to a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) study conducted back in 2002, antidepressants, blood pressure and diabetes medications, anticonvulsants, oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy drugs, chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics, heart medications and even codeine are all showing up in the water supplies of American cities. This study was the first national-scale evaluation of pharmaceutical drug contamination in streams, and roughly 80 percent of the streams tested were found to be contaminated as well.

In 2008, an AP investigation found that at least 46 million Americans are drinking water contaminated with trace amounts of pharmaceuticals. Even though every city tested has its water treated and "purified" prior to being delivered to the public, trace amounts of pharmaceutical drugs are making their way through to the tap. (Since not all major metropolitan areas were tested, the number of people affected is likely far higher than what was reported by AP.)

In spite of all this, water quality reports don't disclose the levels of pharmaceuticals found in tap water. Since the EPA and FDA have failed to establish any proper guidelines for drug contamination in water, most people have no idea that their water contains a dangerous cocktail of prescription medications.

Hospitals, consumers and drug companies are all responsible
None of this is surprising if you consider that unused and expired drugs cannot be legally returned to the pharmacies where they were purchased. Many people just flush them down the toilet because the drug labels actually encourage patients to dispose of them this way (and they probably don't know what else to do with them).

People who take prescription and over-the-counter drugs will excrete them as well, contributing to the drug overload being found at wastewater treatment plants. (Drugs are not necessarily "broken down" by your digestive system.)

It is also regular protocol for hospitals to flush millions of pounds of unused medications every year, a practice that contributes significantly to water contamination.

And let's not forget the drug companies that dump large amounts of their own pharmaceuticals into water supplies. The same AP investigation found that more than 270 million pounds of pharmaceutical compound residue is dumped every year into waterways nationwide, many of which serve as drinking water for millions of people.

The U.S. isn't the only place where Big Pharma is dumping its waste, either. In 2009, researchers found that India's rivers are full of dangerous pharmaceuticals, too.

One Indian river where 90 different pharmaceutical companies dump their waste tested positive for over 21 active drug ingredients. In one river alone, there was enough ciprofloxacin (a strong antibiotic) being dumped every day by drug companies to treat 90,000 people! (And scientists detected this in water that was supposedly purified by the drug companies before being released into the environment).

The drug contamination levels found in India's rivers were 150 times the detected levels found in the U.S. These findings prove that drug companies couldn't care less how much drug residue they dump in water as long as they can get away with it. They don't even believe that pharmaceutical contamination is a threat to the environment.

"Based on what we now know, I would say we find there's little or no risk from pharmaceuticals in the environment to human health," explained microbiologist Thomas White, a consultant for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, in a Dallas Morning News article about the AP investigation. This is similar to BP's CEO saying, after the Deepwater Horizon explosion, that the amount of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico was "tiny" compared to how big the ocean is.

Studies show drug residue cocktails actually do cause harm
Though the chemical and drug industries deny any danger from exposure to drug residue in the water, science (and common sense) says otherwise.

A 2006 study conducted by researchers from the University of Insubria in Italy simulated drug-tainted water by creating a low-level mixture of various drug residues and testing it on embryonic cells. They discovered that, even at low doses, the drug residues actually stopped cells from reproducing.

Even though current water contamination levels are measured in parts per million or parts per billion, there is no way to know just how much exposure people are actually experiencing. People drink contaminated water, shower in contaminated water and cook with contaminated water, so it's illogical to suggest that there's no harm being caused by widespread exposure, even at "low" doses, especially when the exposure is a combination of dozens of different drugs that have never been tested in combination.

People are not the only beings that are affected by pharmaceutical contamination, either. The world's aquatic ecosystems (and the plants and animals that belong to them) are all being negatively impacted.

Drugs are being found in fish
According to an MSNBC report back in 2009, all kinds of drugs are being found in the bodies of fish near major U.S. cities. Researchers found drugs for high cholesterol, allergies, high blood pressure, bipolar disorder and depression in the livers and tissue of fish.

Researchers are in agreement that aquatic species of all types are being harmed by continuous exposure to water contaminated with pharmaceuticals. Even though wastewater is treated in the U.S. before entering waterways, most treatment facilities do not have the proper filtering technology to remove dangerous drug residues from wastewater before it gets dumped.

Many fish are experiencing reproductive problems as a result of exposure, as is explained in the following report:

Beyond having their sperm damaged, some fish are actually changing sexes. Males are becoming females and females are becoming males as a result of drug exposure in the water. Other water creatures are experiencing things like organ failure and the inability to grow. It makes a reasonable person ask "How long until these effects start to hit humans?"

Or have they already?

"We have no reason to think that this is a unique situation. We find pretty much anywhere we look, these compounds are ubiquitous," explained Erik Orsak, an environmental contaminants specialist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in response to the findings.

And it's not just near American cities where fish are turning up with all kinds of drugs in their bodies. As of 2008, more than 100 different pharmaceutical compounds have been detected around the world, affecting fish and wildlife everywhere. These are chemicals that simply do not belong in our environment. And yet they are there, dumped into our waters by the pharmaceutical industry and its hospitals, pharmacies and consumers.

Why we need more research on the toxicity of pharmaceutical contaminants
Many animal studies have been or are being conducted on pharmaceutical exposure, and they are indicating that these drugs are causing widespread harm. But very few official human trials have been conducted, prompting many to push for increased efforts.

If drug residue is building up in animals and wildlife, then of course it's building up in humans as well, posing the risk of significant harm. Reproductive failure, thyroid dysfunction, cancer, osteoporosis — all of these diseases and more may be caused, at least in part, by prolonged exposure to low levels of all sorts of drugs in the water supply.

Many states pushing for drug waste legislation
Because the truth about drug contamination in water is no longer a secret, many states have begun enacting legislation to regulate drug disposal. Last August, Illinois passed the Safe Pharmaceuticals Disposal Act, which restricts hospitals from flushing drugs down the drain.

California has a similar law in place, and New York is working on one as well, according to a recent report:

The same report indicates that there have been five bills introduced to regulate drugs at the federal level.

While this addresses the hospital waste problem, there's still the human and drug company waste problems. No matter how you look at it, pharmaceutical drugs are going to continue making their way into the water supplies because they will pass through the bodies of consumers first!

Drug companies must be held responsible for their wastewater
Since it's already been revealed that drug companies are failing to properly treat their wastewater before dumping it into rivers (even though they claim to be treating it), U.S. regulatory agencies need to step up and correct the problem. Regular monitoring of wastewater contaminant levels is the only way to halt the chemical contamination of waterways.

And if U.S. companies are polluting water supplies in other countries (such as India), they should be held accountable for their actions. There's no excuse for U.S. companies to pollute anywhere in the world just because they're operating outside domestic borders.

Wastewater treatment plants should be retrofitted
State and local legislators would do well to put forth their own legislation to upgrade wastewater treatment facilities so they can properly filter out pharmaceuticals (and dispose of them safely). Since there's no way to stop human elimination of pharmaceuticals (apart from slowly educating the masses to stop swallowing dangerous pharmaceuticals), municipalities need to do their part to prevent these dangerous toxins from getting into water supplies in the first place.

Together, these measures would help to drastically reduce the amount of pharmaceutical waste entering our environment.

It's the environment, stupid!
The careless disposal of toxic pharmaceuticals is proving to be highly destructive, despite reassurances by some that it's not that big of a deal. The health of the planet and all of its amazing biodiversity is now threatened by the steady poisoning of toxic chemical pharmaceuticals.

And it's not just pharmaceuticals, either. Chemical byproducts and waste from many different industries are polluting our environment at unprecedented rates. Mercury (from dental fillings), fluoride (dripped into the public water supply on purpose, if you can believe that!), and all sorts of other chemicals and heavy metals are showing up in food, water and the global environment.

Haven't we poisoned our planet enough already?

Plants, animals and even humans can only take so much of this. That's why we need to keep fighting against the corporations that are causing this harm and force them to stop destroying the world in which we hope to raise our children.

After all, if we keep poisoning the planet at this rate, there won't be much left to offer future generations except a toxic stew of patent-protected chemicals that all the corporations pretend pose no problem at all.

Featured Articles

Reverse the Aging Process Naturally, Part I

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) The anti-aging industry has seen incredible growth over the last 10 years. According to several reports the industry is projected to exceed 115 billion in 2010. The newest science behind anti-aging is focusing its attention on the speed of chromosome shortening and the effect of critical hormones. It is now recognized that certain lifestyle behaviors do influence the key hormones and genetic components that allow us to age with grace and beauty.

There are 75 trillion cells within the human body. The function and aging process of each of these cells dictates the function and aging process of our body. Each cell contains a nucleus with 2 chromosomal (arms) that contain your DNA. Each chromosomal arm is made up of about 100 million protein bases. At the very top of each end of the chromosome is the telomere.

The average telomere is about 15,000 bases long at conception. As we develop in the womb, the process of cellular division begins. As the cells divide the telomeres begin to shorten. During the 9 month gestation period we lose 5,000 bases. So by the time we are born we are already down to 10,000 bases. According to the most cutting edge new theory on aging your telomere length will dictate your aging process and eventual death. Once your telomeres reduce down to about 5,000 bases your DNA can no longer support life.

Based on normal cellular division, the human lifespan should be approximately 120 years. If the cell divides at an abnormally high level, however, the telomere shortening process accelerates and we essentially age faster. Several factors play a significant role in cell division and telomere shortening. This process is about 30% related to the genetic foundation we have inherited and 70% is based upon our lifestyle habits.

Lifestyle factors that increase free radicals accelerate the aging process. Free radicals caused by oxidative stress cleave bases off of the telomeres. This chemical reaction speeds up the telomere shortening process. Our modern culture is inundated with lifestyle toxins that create massive amounts of oxidative stress throughout our system. We are also highly deficient in using resources and strategies that enhance our anti-oxidant defenses that fend off the free radicals.

Insulin and growth hormone are two key hormones that are associated with the aging process. Elevated insulin levels increase cellular division and telomere shortening. Researchers have estimated that over 80% of the US population has some level of insulin resistance. When the cells are resistant to insulin our pancreas has to secrete more insulin in order to lower blood sugar. This creates chronically elevated insulin and accelerated cellular division and telomere shortening.

Growth hormone (HGH) enhances the cellular repair processes that allow us to age with grace. HGH regulates metabolism to burn fat, build muscle, and slow-down the negative effects of stress. Another important characteristic of HGH is that it enhances collagen production and repair. Healthy collagen creates softer skin, reduces wrinkles, and enhances one's complexion. Additionally, this strengthens and supports our joints as they age. Most people see their HGH levels decline with age; however, certain lifestyle modification helps to maximize HGH secretion throughout life.

Featured Articles

Olive Oil is a Breast Cancer Fighter and More

by: Derrell Jones

(NaturalNews) The therapeutic effects of olive oil are both wondrous and unquestioned. Used since the most ancient of times olives and olive oil are an important aspect of the Mediterranean diet or any diet for that matter. Hippocrates declared that our food should be our medicine and one of the best places to start is with olive oil.

In 2009 1 in 8 women were affected by breast cancer. Many women, and some men as well, have a predisposition for this terrible disease. But there is no need to despair because there are natural and holistic methods for combating breast cancer and one of those ways is healthy eating habits that includes using olive oil. Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat packed full of antioxidants. The components that make up olive oil have been shown to slow the growth of tumors in breast tissue. It seems the oil inhibits certain proteins that cancer cells need in order to grow. Olive oil also protects our DNA from damage caused by harmful cancer cells.

Dr. Eduard Escrich, as part of a research team with Universitat Autonoma in Barcelona, has conducted preliminary testing on rats which have successfully shown that rats fed an olive oil diet had slower tumor growth. Dr. Escrich cautiously advises about the potential benefits of olive oil based on the study and goes on to say that what we eat is an important aspect of cancer promotion or prevention. The researchers are planning to conduct human trials but have concluded to this point that daily ingestion of 10 teaspoons of olive oil is recommended for optimal benefit.

Olive oil has already been linked to good heart health, reduced allergies, and lower risk of Type II Diabetes, depression and an overall lower risk of cancer. In addition, a healthy diet enriched with olive oil is known for its ability to assist in weight loss which is especially important in women who are battling breast cancer or wish to stave it off. Obesity is a risk factor for cancer and increased body mass is linked to cancer recurrence and a host of other chronic ailments. A person on a Mediterranean styled diet which would most definitely include the use of olive oil can experience a decrease in triglyceride levels and higher HDL cholesterol levels providing for greater fortification against breast cancer recurrence. With all of these benefits adding some cold pressed extra virgin olive oil to your eating plan is a prudent and delicious choice.

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The Discomfort and Pain of Menstrual Cramps Avoided Naturally

by: Todd Mumford

(NaturalNews) Menstrual cramps or period pains can be very debilitating and can often cause considerable pain and discomfort for several hours and even longer. Your period pains are caused by the uterus contracting. The medical term is dysmenorrhea. In addition to severe stomach pain, you may experience extreme tiredness, back ache, vomiting, diarrhea and even pain down the inside of the thighs. All too often when you speak to doctors about period pains, they will try to put you on hormonal birth control or prescription pain killers as the solution. This is not what you want to hear if you are trying to cut down on the use of drugs for every condition and ailment and go the more natural route.

Magnesium Oil

Membrane Complex
Vitamin B Complex

The good news is that there is much you can do to ease this pain and discomfort and in a natural way.

This begins with some planning before your periods are due to start by:

– Avoiding salty foods and alcohol as these can increase bloating by retaining water, making the cramping pain worse.
– Drinking lots of water as this helps in avoiding bloating. Add lemon juice, a natural diuretic to decrease bloating.
– Eating a healthy diet including lots of greens to avoid a sluggish feeling while cutting down on the amount of food you normally eat.
– Avoiding dairy and caffeine as many find these increase period pains.
– Taking supplements including cell salts, extra calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium. Vitamin B complex helps to reduce muscle spasms.
– Taking herbal treatments such as evening primrose oil to reduce or even prevent cramps.
– Taking an anti spasmodic herbal treatment such as herbal teas from the start of your period a few times a day. Alternatives are ginger or lemon balm teas.
– Avoiding stress is most important of all. Let those around you know that you are not feeling yourself so that you can relax peacefully.

Once the period starts and if, in spite of all your preparations, you still feel any pain or discomfort, then here are some helpful ideas and some natural treatments too:

– Use essential oils such as lavender in an oil burner or your bath or rub them into the abdomen. This will help you to relax and in turn help ease the cramps.
– An old fashioned hot water bottle is very comforting for stomach cramps or the more modern heating pad can be used. Soaking in a warm bath a couple of times during the day can be very soothing too.
– Warm a small amount of olive oil or clary sage, cool and rub on stomach. Lie down for 15 to 20 minutes.
– A home remedy is to take a cotton wool pad that covers most of the abdomen, soak with Arrack and place on the painful spot for half an hour.
– Another home remedy using Arrack is to swallow a tablespoon of cumin with a glass of Arrack.
– Eat a banana with a tub of yoghurt daily. Bananas contain plenty of B6 which regulates blood glucose levels, affecting your mood in a good way.
– Acupuncture and Aromatherapy are two other treatments you might find very helpful. Acupuncture is said to ease all gynaecological problems, helping to unblock energy channels in the reproductive system, while aromatherapy is naturally relaxing and soothing.
– Gentle exercise such as walking, swimming or yoga can also be helpful.

The important thing is to find a few different natural remedies that suit you and help you to overcome the pain and discomfort at this particular time of the month.

Ask Utopia Silver

Colloidal Silver Shelf Life

Hi Utopia,
How long generally do you think your silver is good for? I want to purchase 9 bottles but I'm wondering if we don't use it all for a year or so will those bottles still be good?

Michelle in California

Hi Michelle,
Colloidal Silver generally keeps better in larger volumes, so we don’t recommend the 8 oz. for long term storage as it is more susceptible to cold, which can cause the particle agglomeration and fallout. Volumes such as 1 gallon and 5 gallons if unopened and kept in an environment that isn’t too cold, will last indefinitely. We have 5 gallons in storage than were below sellable PPM for 7+ years with no visible changes.

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

Yeast Infection

I’m 19 years old and just experiencing my first yeast infection. I have read the symptoms and causes of yeast infections. Although, it is my first one, I would much rather just clear this up on my own instead of going to a doctor. Is there anything specific you would recommend that I use?

Thank you for your time


Hi Kristen,
Colloidal Silver is generally very effective with candida and yeast infections. It can be used both topically and taken orally for maximum effectiveness. Read the following article to get an idea of how to use colloidal silver. If you are having reoccurring yeast infections, processed sugars should be eliminated from your diet as much as possible. It may also be helpful to take digestive Enzymes on an empty stomach morning and night. Selenium is also a very potent immune system booster.

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

Cat Herpes

Hi Ben,
I was wondering how much colloidal silver to give me cat to rid him of ring worm.  He also has a herpes virus in his eye.  Would colloidal silver get rid of that too?  Please let me know how much silver is safe to give a cat.

Jonanne in Pennsylvania

Hi Joanne,
A teaspoon every 3-4 hours may work- as well as topically. Usually my cats will not take it voluntarily, so I simply mix it with their food.

For the Herpes, a couple of drops in the eye 2-4 times a day should clear it up.

Ben in Utopia